Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Arthritis Treatment: The 3 Stages of Gout and How to Treat Them

Gout is a disease due to an overabundance of uric acid (UA) in the body. Under normal circumstances, purines, which are natural constituents of many foods, are converted into UA, and then excreted.

With gout, UA is either produced in overabundance or the body has difficulty getting rid of it fast enough.

There are three stages of gout. The first is called asymptomatic hyperuricemia. What that means is that the body has too much UA on board. The UA level in the blood is high. But the patient has no symptoms. During this period, UA builds up in body tissues. The patient may or may not ever get gout symptoms. People who have this condition may have other medical problems such as elevated cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

If this condition lasts long enough, the patient will enter the phase of acute gout. This is when severe, painful attacks of gouty arthritis can develop. The attacks usually present in the ankles and feet. The pain is so severe the patient won't even be able to bear the weight of a bed sheet on top of the affected area. Once this acute attack goes away, the patient will remain symptom free until the next attack. The second attack and subsequent attacks may not occur for many months or even years.

The last stage of gout is advanced gout where acute flares occur with regularity. The time periods between acute attacks are no longer pain free. Accumulations of UA build up near the joints and under the skin. These are called tophi.

While these deposits may be evident because of their location, other deposits of UA in internal organs may not be so visible. But these invisible deposits are even more serious because they can lead to complications such as kidney failure.

The treatment of gout at each stage is not always straightforward. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is not always treated unless the blood UA level is exceedingly high.

Once an acute attack occurs, though, things change.

The goals of treatment are to relieve the symptoms of the acute attack but also to lower the UA burden in the body.

The acute attack is treated with either non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or colchicine. In patients with kidney problems, sometimes steroids given orally or directly into the inflamed joint may be used in order to avoid the potential side effects of the anti-inflammatory drugs or colchicine.

In general, UA lowering drugs are not started during an acute attack because they make the attack worse.

Once the acute attack is successfully treated, the patient will then start UA lowering treatment with medication. They will also receive low doses of colchicine or anti-inflammatory medicines to act as prophylaxis against acute attacks that can develop during the first six months of UA lowering treatment. The aim is to keep the blood UA below 6.0 mg/dl.

Arthritis Products Makes Life Easy For People With Arthritis

Millions of people who suffer from arthritis find daily living quite difficult since their mobility is impaired. Some people find it a hard time to do routine tasks such as writing, grasping, reaching for objects, typing, cutting with scissors or walking a short distance very frustrating due to the swelling or inflammation in the joints brought about by arthritis. Sadly, arthritis afflicts the elderly who are left alone to attend to themselves while doing household chores or pursuing interests such as gardening. Good thing there are available products that make the life of arthritis sufferers easier and more tolerable. Many types of arthritis products suit different purposes and needs.

Popular arthritis products are assistive devices. These devices are created in mind for people with disability such as individuals who are moderately to severely debilitated by arthritis. For example, people with arthritis have difficulty in grasping objects which is a risk when it comes to using the toilet. Products such as bath handrails, hand held mirror, bath transfer bench, raised toilet seat riser, shower seat and commode with safety rails and bathtub rails were created to make bathing safer for people with arthritis.

Arthritis products also include mobility aids that are extremely beneficial for people with arthritis. Mobility is an issue for most people with arthritis, products such as cane holder, gel hand pads, wheel chair hand grips and wheel chair backpacks add ease and convenience to those who use the wheelchair or crutches.

While normal people find getting out of bed an easy task, those with arthritis find this very challenging especially if they are on their own. Mobility aids such as bed handles, transfer handles, bed rails provide superb support for those who need to get out from bed as well as try to lay down in bed. Some arthritis products also include personal alarms so the elderly does not have to shout all the time whenever he needs some help or assistance.

Even silverware are now designed for those with arthritis. Adaptive silverware are also a type of arthritis products that helps the person eat conveniently using flatware suited for those who have hand arthritis. Even can openers and jar openers were crafted to suit the needs of people with arthritis.

Indeed, arthritis products makes life more easy, efficient and practical for people with arthritis.

Osteo Arthritis Is The Most Common Form Of Arthritis

Arthritis is an illness where millions of people are suffering from, there are many types of this disease and osteo arthritis is the most common form. Osteo Arthritis is found more common with older persons but it should be in no way be called as an old person disease. People who suffer from this type of arthritis often have tried many different pain relief drugs and treatments to reduce the long term effects of this degenerative disease. Some even had to have surgery to be relieved of severe pain.

What are the symptoms of Osteo Arthritis

This disease is not easy to diagnose the main symptoms are severe pain in the joints of knees, ankles and shoulders and also difficulty in moving these affected joints. Normally our joints are protected by cartilage with this disease the cartilage degrades slowly and because of this the bones from the joints will rub together causing severe pain. The joints are also lubricated by synovial fluids this makes the movement more free, when the body stops making these egg like fluids, it can quickening the degenerative process.

Usually when the diagnosis is finally made the process has already started to degenerate the joints. And once the process has begun there is no cure to reverse this process. There is no cure and there are no preventive measurements. There are many medications that where made to slow down the process but none of them can replace cartilage in the joints so the medications are definitely no cure.

Most of the different kinds of medication have severe side effects, this is a reason for many people who suffer from osteo arthritis to try alternative medicine and treatments to avoid this. Ginger root and gelatin are some of the most common alternative treatments it claims to help reduce pain and stiffness associated with this disease.

Until there is a real cure...

Osteo arthritis patients are waiting for more than two kinds of different medication and/or treatment:

- the first is acute pain relief without side effects like cause heartburn and gastrointestinal problems pain relief is most of the time the patients first concern

- second is a drug against the stiffness and the locking up from joints

- third is a treatment that can replace cartilage in the joints

- and also antiflammatory drugs without the severe side effects

When the cartilage is disappearing, the most simple functions like walking can be painful and doctors will often recommend the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. But as osteo arthritis patients you may also look for natural alternative pain relief treatments if this helps you to deal with the pain and stiffness associated with this disease.

In some cases of severe osteo arthritis surgery can help to reduce pain, sometimes replacing cartilage can be necessary and even joint replacement can be a solution if the joint is severely damaged. Joints who are fixed together with surgery is also become more common the last few years. Sometimes bone spurs not only cause debilitating pain but also speed up the process of damaging the cartilage in the joints.

Orthokine - Treatment of Arthritis and Spinal Disorders

Orthokine is an antilogous concept that is used for the treatment of arthritis and spinal disorders. Osteoarthritis, the loss of cartilage in the joint has many causes. The factors like being overweight, predisposition, heavy load by work, etc are the main causes for osteoarthritis. In western countries there is about ten percent of the populations suffering from osteoarthritis. A protein named interleukin-1 (IL-1) plays a crucial role in the development of osteoarthritis and destruction of cartilage. Osteoarthritis patients will have too much IL-1 present in their joints. IL-1 is a most prominent active agent which damages the cartilage and so the natural shock absorber in the joint loses its function.

The therapy of osteoarthritis is done using IL-1 blocker which is known as interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra). IL-1Ra is anti-inflammatory, reduces pain and also protects the cartilage. The orthokine procedure is done by taking blood from the patient using a special syringe called orthokine syringe. The orthokine syringe is approved in the EU and Australia. The blood taken from the patient is an antilogous injection solution and it is called as orthokine serum. The Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is naturally present in the blood. However, with the production of orthokine, it is produced and extracted in higher concentrations. So, to increase the concentration of IL-1Ra, blood samples are taken from the arm vein using special EOT syringe. The glass beads in the syringe induces the blood cells to synthesize increased amounts of protective proteins. The temperature of 37'c in the incubator is the optimum environment for protein synthesis.

During incubation, the white blood cells present in the bloods are stimulated immediately to produce IL-1Ra and other anti-inflammatory and regenerative proteins. They are increased in concentration and the "Antilogous Conditioned Serum"(ACS) is injected into the joint. A centrifuge separates the blood clot from the amber serum, containing the protective proteins in high concentration. The protective protein IL-1Ra displaces the damaged protein IL-1 and the inflammation process is blocked. Subsequent therapy includes about six injections that will be given once or twice weekly.

The orthokine procedure is used throughout the world by orthopaedic surgeons and rheumatologists. This procedure cannot be compared to treatments using the patient's own blood that is often used in alternative medicine. In Germany alone there are over 20,000 patients have been treated by this orthokine treatment. The advantages of this treatment is, pain in the joints will be reduced, improves the joint function and mobility and the continuing process of cartilage destruction will be blocked. This treatment is very efficient and safe.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Natural Remedies For Osteoarthritis: Resistant Band Training

As a practicing rehab doctor, I often I have patient's between 40-65 years of age in for an examination complaining of tenderness in their joints, crackling and grinding noises, they have inflammation and swelling, and show a limited motion.

If I take x-rays to evaluate the abc's of their skeleton, many patients are surprised to learn when I tell them that they have sign and symptoms of Osteoarthritis Pain. I have to admit, I do have an inside chuckle to see them have such doubt and dismay. Not that I am laughing AT my patients and their pain, but just their bewilderment of being told they have "OSTEOARTHRITIS". Truth be told, I am actually very concerned for them, and make it my mission to teach them what they can do about it.

Younger to middle-aged patients are commonly unaware to the fact that they do indeed have Osteoarthritis. That is, many times they are shocked to discovery that they have arthritis, and to be quite honest, it is not their fault (I'll explain that a little later).

(Back to my office) One of the most common replies I hear is: "really, you think that I may have arthritis?" Some even try to deny and doubt the diagnosis, saying that they've never been told by anyone else that they have osteoarthritis. Another common question I hear is "aren't I too young to have arthritis?"

Guess What?

You don't have to be old to have osteoarthritis. Although mostly seen in older individuals, it can affect anybody at any age. So before I can talk about remedies for Osteoarthritis, I think its important to discuss the ins and outs of osteoarthritis. Sometimes called degenerative joint disease (DJD) or osteoarthrosis, it's the most common form of arthritis. With osteoarthritis the cartilage in your joints break down over time. More specifically from the daily stressors that we place on our body.

It is true the older you are the more stressors likely you've put on your body, but many younger people have accelerated stressors based on their youth, and employment history.

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, but it most commonly affects joints in your: Hands, Knees, Hips, Lower Back, and Neck. These are the joints in the body that are used repetitively or the joints that function in "weight-bearing" day in day out. Research and documentation shows that Osteoarthritis gradually worsens over time. It is said that "no cure exists."

However, like anything, PREVENTION is the key, and unfortunately, in our western society, dominated by billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, we become conditioned to look for the next pill to take to "cure" our afflictions.

On a side note, what the heck is up with "Pre" this condition or "Pre" that condition??? My patients mention they are "pre-diabetic" meaning they are at the high range of NORMAL ranges but these are normal ranges people. Or "pre-hypertensive" or "pre-osteoporosis". If you ask me, these are legitimate B.S terms.

What I mean by that is, YES, you do have an increased risk for said condition. You may even be on the outside of the normal limits. But...in case you didn't know, we are allowed to adopt a healthier lifestyle changes before we get prescribed a life sentence of medication involvement.

For all you high normal sugar levels individuals, how about you change the foods you eat, eat more regularly, start exercising, and stop smoking. Same goes for you pre-hypertensives and pre-osteoporosis people. But I digress.

Sorry, but I care enough about your health to keep you off medications and ultimately have you live longer.

Back to Remedies for Osteoarthritis.

I see a powerful tug-of-war developing. On one side, you have the medical community telling you that there's "no cure", and on the other side, you have the sleek snake-oils salesman and pharmaceutical companies, having commercials of running through the fields and having any knowable "cure" for any disease or condition.

So what's the real solution. As a natural health care provider, and rehab guy, I going to say, somewhere in the middle. That is if anything is a cure, then I would say PREVENTION is. I am also a realist, we all have experience injuries, wear and tear, postural stressors that we do day in day out at work, and any congenital conditions that we inherit.

So what is the next best solution to a cure of not getting in the first place? Well, minimizing the effects of Arthritis. Reduce the wear and tear in the joints, increase the lubrication to the joints, minimize the pressure built up in the joints, increase the flexibility of the muscles, and stretching capacity of the ligaments and tendons. In short, have a lifestyle that focuses on all of the above.

Enter stage left.....Resistant Band Training. It's inexpensive and cheap, it doesn't take up a lot of room, you can do it in your own home, and it not only stretches your muscles and joints, but it firms and strengthens de-conditioned muscles that accompany osteoarthritis.

In part 2, I am going to go over the indications (meaning who should be doing it and why) and the contra-indications (who shouldn't be doing it and why).

Until the next time.

Arthritis Symptoms in Children

It is a common misconception that arthritis is only a disease of the elderly. The truth is children can also be affected by this health condition that causes chronic joint pain and inflammation. It could be helpful to know that over 285,000 American children suffer from arthritis.

Arthritis in children is commonly called "Juvenile Arthritis". People with this disease under the age of sixteen years are usually classified differently because it is more often different with adults. They experience different symptoms and generally have different diagnosis.Childhood arthritis has three main types, each affecting distinct joints of the body with individual signals of arthritis symptoms.

Polyarticular Disease

The Polyarticular type of juvenile arthritis presents infection of more than five joints of the body thus it is often called "disease of many joints." This is mostly similar to adult rheumatoid arthritis. Usually girls are more affected by this disease than boys. The joints are generally affected symmetrically or both sides, often the small ones in the hands.Symptoms of this disease are low grade fever, weight loss, anemia, and cases of growth problems. At times, children diagnosed with this type are prone to unceasing progressive destruction and damage of the joints.

Pauciarticular Disease

Unlike the first one above, Pauciarticular type of juvenile arthritis affects lesser number joints, thus it is commonly called "a disease of few joints." The most commonly affected body parts are the knees, elbows, wrists and ankles wherein the joints are stressed asymmetrically or one joint on one side. This is the most widespread type of juvenile arthritis with over 50% of children suffering with the disease. Girls are usually affected than boys.

Symptoms of this include low grade fever, poor appetite and anemia. Children with this type are also prone to an inflammatory eye condition, iridocyclitis. Good thing is they generally do well and can cope easily.

Systematic Disease

The systematic type of juvenile arthritis is the least common among the three and affects only 10% of children diagnosed with the disease. This type can affect internal organs and other parts of the body along with the joints.

Symptoms usually start with fevers that come and go, lasting for weeks or months. Skin rashes may also appear on the thighs and chest. Children can also show signs of anemia, fatigue, weight loss, enlargement of spleen and lymph nodes, heart burns and high count of white blood cell.

Juvenile arthritis, like the many other forms of the disease, should be met with proper diagnosis and adequate arthritis treatment. Above anyone else, children are supposed to be enjoying life to the fullest in active mobility.

For more information and tips about joint pain, arthritis symptoms, arthritis treatment, please visit http://www.ultimatejointmobility.com.

Diet For Arthritis - Natural Arthritis Remedies For Pain Relief

Is there a diet for arthritis? There are more than 100 forms of arthritis. Arthritis attacks the joints and can inhibit your mobility. The affected area is often painful, swollen and inflamed. Arthritis can rob you of sleep, decrease your ability to move and prevent you from doing some of the activities that you enjoyed before you were stricken with the disease. In short, arthritis is an insidious disease and if you have it, taking steps to remedying it should be a top priority.

One of the best ways to control arthritis is through your diet. Some foods are natural antioxidants, and contain vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your body needs to repair the damage that arthritis causes, and to stop the disease from spreading.

Here is a list of foods you should add to your diet to halt arthritis:


Salmon is an amazing food that is rich in good fat. Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which is ideal for fighting arthritis. Salmon also contains Vitamin C, Vitamin D and folate. Salmon not only reduces the pain of arthritis, but it also protects your cardiovascular system. What more could you ask for in a food?

Green Tea

Green tea is a wonder drink! It contains hundreds of antioxidants, as well as polyphenols, which are believed to be able to ease the pain of arthritis, much like an anti-inflammatory would. Green tea also prevents cancer and heart disease. If you've never tried green tea before, it's about time that you did, especially if you suffer from arthritis.

The Banana

Bananas may look like nothing special, but beneath their yellow skin is a treasure trove of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, potassium and folate. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C are two of the best Vitamins for fighting arthritis.


Mangosteen is a fruit that contains an antioxidant called xanthone. Most people haven't even heard of this fruit, but meanwhile, it is one of the best natural remedies for arthritis. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, but the problem is, it can't be bought just anywhere. However, you can order it, or find it in juice form.

A diet rich in the foods mentioned above will not only reduce arthritis pain and inflammation, but help you to lose weight as well. A healthy diet can go a long way in fighting arthritis. Since arthritis attacks the joints, the less weight or pressure those joints have to handle on a daily basis, the better your symptoms are going to be.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you really want to beat arthritis you need a plan. Research has shown that exercise, consuming superfoods and raising the body's pH level alone can begin working to reverse arthritis in as little as 7 days. You can stop the scourge of arthritis and live a normal pain-free life.