Saturday, October 26, 2013

Can an Old Drug Reduce the Incidence of Heart Attack in Gout Patients?

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis due to the deposition of monosodium urate crystals. The underlying problem is a metabolic abnormality that leads to an imbalance between uric acid production and uric acid excretion. Uric acid is a byproduct of the metabolism of purines, a constituent of many foods. Ordinarily, uric acid is excreted via the kidneys. In gout, the excretion rate can't keep up with the production rate. Uric acid then deposits out in various tissues including joints and the kidneys.

It is common knowledge that gout is associated with other medical problems including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and elevated blood lipids. It is also a known cause of increased susceptibility to heart attacks.

It is also a well-supported theory that atherosclerosis ("hardening of the arteries") is an inflammatory process. Lipids within an atherosclerotic plaque attract whiter blood cells. These white blood cells secrete cytokines, protein messengers that recruit other white blood cells and other molecules. Destructive enzymes eventually lead to rupture of the plaque with the formation of a clot, blockage of a coronary artery, and a subsequent heart attack.

A blood test, the C reactive protein, is a marker of inflammation and is often elevated in patients with active atherosclerotic heart disease.

The treatment of an acute attack of gout usually revolves around the use of one of three different types of medications: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicine, and steroids.

A recent study showed that colchicine, a good anti-inflammatory agent, appeared to protect against heart attack. How this accomplishes the task is still unknown. Whether it is through an anti-inflammatory effect, stabilization of clot formation, or whatever, is still unknown.

What is known is that classic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should probably be used sparingly in gout because of the increased risk of cardiovascular events such as stroke and heart attack associated with these drugs.

And steroids are also problematic since they tend to drive up levels of blood sugar and blood lipids.

Colchicine can be used in relatively low doses to prevent gout attacks. And in fact, when used as prophylaxis along with a uric acid lowering therapy program, it appears to be well tolerated and reasonably safe.

What is clear is that with the burgeoning incidence of gout in the United States, better strategies at managing this condition will be needed. This will require both better uric acid-lowering therapies as well as more effective treatments for acute attacks. And any new therapy will have to be safe as well as being effective. Colchicine may be a "forgotten drug" but it appears to be ready to begin a new role.

Learning About Arthritis Foundation

American Arthritis Foundation is the leading and most viable non-profit health organization that handles arthritis. They also sponsor all sort of arthritis studies to treat arthritis in addition to make available educational information on arthritis to patients. Its vision is to assume the management of arthritis by making efforts to prevent, manage in addition to find a cure for arthritis.

Arthritis is the foremost cause of disability in America and the American Arthritis Foundation has five hundreds thousand volunteers in addition to one hundred and fifty outlets that provide all sorts of courses and services to enable people to manage and combat arthritis. Educational books and comprehensively booklets on the management and surviving with arthritis are provided as well.

American Arthritis Foundation has so far injected above three hundred millions to research and employ more than two thousands scientists, health care professional and physicians since 1948 to provide the leading edge arthritis research. An approximate seventy million Americans are afflicted with arthritis and the foundation makes sure that policies are geared towards as well as promoting efforts towards its vision.

With arthritis as the foremost course of disability in America, no effort is spared by the American Arthritis Foundation to prevent, manage and search for a cure for arthritis and its condition. Arthritis Today is the American Arthritis Foundation magazine to promote the management and prevention of arthritis. It is published once every two months and sends a clear message that arthritis is to be contained and overcome.

One of the program that the American Arthritis Foundation has founded is the Let's Talk RA program that they work in conjunction with the Bristol-Meyers Squibb to inform patients on how to manage their rheumatoid arthritis (RA). For starters, it is necessary to get a copy of Let's Talk RA Communication Kit that encompasses a Participant Survey, a Communication Guide, a Health Assessment Questionnaire in addition to relevant information that are provided by Bristol-Meyers Squibb and the American Arthritis Foundation.

It is essential for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers to get some assistant while undergoing treatment in addition to managing their disease. Through getting a copy of the Let's Talk RA Communication Kit, they have made a constructive decision in managing their condition as the American Arthritis Foundation calls for active involvement in their fight against the disease.

Osteoarthritis is a form of disability and most will have to forego active participation in their daily lives but they are instances of people getting on with life and one such example is John Elway who was once a Denver Bronco player but became spokesperson for Game Plan for OA, part of the American Arthritis Foundation program. John Elway has demonstrated that sticking to the guidelines provided can help one to manage arthritis in addition to assist them to lead normal lives.

The American Arthritis Foundation works closely with clinical experts, scientists from various research firms in addition to companies that are committed to arthritis and the associated conditions to make a compilation of new developments of arthritis on a annual basis. In addition to, the American Arthritis Foundation researchers that found new pathways that controls the damages to joints that are linked to inflammatory arthritis.

All the relevant information related to arthritis from 1985 to 2006 can be found in the American Arthritis Foundation. The figures for the corresponding period of arthritis patients has gone up from thirty five million to forty six million and arthritis is chronic and the one of the foremost cause of disability for people that are age fifteen years and above, just after heart disease.

Arthritis foundation is spreading to all corners world and in Singapore; the National Arthritis Foundation is a reputable charity that was formed in 1984. It is the biggest of its kind that spends all its time devoted to helping arthritis patients as well as educates them and the public on arthritis. In addition it does a lot of researches into arthritis and is also a coordinating as well as managing closely with pharmaceutical bodies plus specialists in arthritis to fulfill its aim.

The mission of the National Arthritis Foundation is to provide support for the patients and fight against arthritis in addition to do research to combat arthritis plus educating public and the patients on arthritis. With its one thousand members that cover the whole spectrum of society that include patients, caregivers in addition to those that are concerned with arthritis plus health professional. The National Arthritis Foundation has an elected general council and executive committee to oversee its operation. Arthritis is a worldwide disease that afflicted many older citizens and should be treated very seriously.

What Types of Osteoarthritis Treatment Are Available?

When it comes to Osteoarthritis treatment, there are a few options, most of which depend upon the joint affected as well as the cause of the disease. For example, if someone is suffering from Osteoarthritis in the knees, chances are it could be because they are overweight. If this is the case, losing weight can make a tremendous impact in relieving the symptoms associated with this disease.


Rest is often prescribed for osteoarthritis treatment. Most doctors will encourage patients who present with osteoarthritis symptoms to rest their joints to eliminate swelling and the pain that it produces. Some doctors will suggest acetaminophen, the ingredient in Tylenol, or aspirin for the pain. In some cases, medications in the NSAIDS group will be prescribed to treat the osteoarthritis. However, this is not always desirable as they can have many side effects including those that affect the digestive system. Some doctors will prescribe muscle relaxants or even pain medication for cases where there is severe pain. Most doctors prefer not to prescribe anti-inflammatory medications for osteoarthritis treatment if they do not have to because of the side effects.

Judicious Exercise

Exercise is also beneficial to patients who show symptoms of osteoarthritis, however extreme care must be taken not to cause further injury to the knee. High impact exercise is not desirable because it can cause more pain. Exercise does not actually make the condition worse and can in fact relieve some of the swelling in the joints. Swimming is considered to be the best exercise for osteoarthritis.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet that is filled with nutrients found in fruits and vegetables is also desirable for those who want to treat osteoarthritis. By eating a healthy diet and trying to get some exercise, a person with this condition can succeed in losing weight and may be able to help themselves eliminate some of the painful symptoms of this condition.

Paraffin Wax

Other treatment includes keeping the joint warm. Paraffin wax is often a very effective treatment for those who are suffering from this condition in their hands or feet. You can get a paraffin wax treatment in a salon that offers this type of service. It can make a big difference for anyone who suffers from osteoarthritis in the joints of the fingers or toes.

Those who suffer from this condition in the spine will often complain of lower back pain. Some treatments that may help with this are those that can alleviate pressure on the spine such as a firm mattress, a lumbar corset or even a neck collar - if the pain is in the upper back.

When you are seeking treatment for osteoarthritis, the more you strive towards natural treatment instead of medications or drugs, the better off you are. If your osteoarthritis is due to being overweight, you will be not only alleviating the pain from the condition by losing weight, but you will also be helping your overall health.

In some cases, such as the case where there is a knee injury that results in osteoarthritis, the knee cartilage can be replaced. This is a surgery that is usually performed on younger people who may have become disabled by the condition. In most cases, rest, over the counter medication and keeping the joints warm are the ideal treatments recommended by doctors for osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Management Of This Disease

Management of the rheumatoid arthritis is generally medical, but therapeutic approaches and measures as well as surgical interventions can minimize and slow the effects of the disease. The evaluation and treatments rendered in an ongoing manner. It is best for the disease to be managed from a multidisciplinary perspective approach, this means including the principal rheumatologist, orthopedic surgeon, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthotists and the social worker, for a more holistic approach.

The management during the acute stage is primarily a medical perspective, characterised by frequent visits and even in-staying in the hospitals for increased rests, pain management and education. In the sub-acute phase, there will be more visits and treatments by the physiotherapists and occupational therapists, depending on the level of systemic and local effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

During this stage, there is also a chance of the hand occupational therapist attending to the patient with the disease for splinting and mobilization of the affected finger and hand joints, if the patient is able tolerate. The benefits of physiotherapy and occupational therapy is positive, and often increases the general mobility and pain management of the joints, equating to a better quality of life.

The drugs/pharmaceuticals that is often prescribed at this point in time include anti-inflammatories, painkillers, and hydrocortisone injections into the joint(s). There need to be careful management and monitoring of the effects of the abovementioned drugs when ministering to the patients, as some may have unpleasant side effects, but with safe administration, they are very effective.

Treating Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflammatory form of arthritis affecting approximately two million Americans. It is a systemic, autoimmune disease for which there is no known cure.

Several pieces of data have shown that joint damage in RA can occur as early as 4 months after the start of symptoms. And further evidence has demonstrated that early intervention with the disease using disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD) therapy improves signs and symptoms of the disease but also slows the rate of x-ray progression, a primary determinant of future disability. In addition, since it is a systemic disease, damage inflicted on the joints can also be accompanied by significant damage to other organ systems such as the lungs, eyes, bone marrow, skin, and nerves.

Guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology have suggested the prompt initiation of DMARD therapy within the first three months of diagnosis. Sometimes adding low dose prednisone - an oral corticosteroid- can help buy time by serving as a "bridge" until the DMARD begins to kick in. Combining methotrexate, the "workhorse" DMARD, with low dose prednisone can reduce disease activity, slow the rate of progression of disease, and prevent further physical disability.

One word of warning is that delay of treatment beyond three months from the time of diagnosis has grave consequences since there is a higher probability of joint damage and less likelihood of achieving remission in the future. Furthermore, joint damage, once it occurs, cannot be reversed. So, prevention is the key.

So a common sense paradigm has emerged for the management of early rheumatoid arthritis. This is a model which most rheumatologists increasingly are adhering to.

The first is early diagnosis. This, of course depends on early referral to a rheumatologist.

The second important point is to institute DMARD treatment, preferably with methotrexate, along with low dose prednisone immediately.

And the final approach is to use the "treat to target" model that has become in vogue recently. Treating to target implies the need for very tight control of the disease. This approach allows a patient to have a custom-tailored treatment program with the aim of establishing either low disease activity or complete remission. The achievement of the treatment target can be objectively made using various measurement tools, including joint counts, blood tests of inflammation, and various imaging techniques.

Such a treatment approach is not dissimilar to the treatment approaches for other serious chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes.

Arthritis Neck Pain Relief at Your Fingertips

Full aspects have been covered in this article. Looking forward to your feedback, hopefully it will be of great use to you.

Arthritis affects more than 35 million individuals in America alone, and that includes Arthritis neck pain. Arthritis it is presently ranked number one crippling disease in the whole of United States. If you are among the afflicted, your arthritis signs may be occasional or recurrent, and you may endure from swelling in one or more joints, chronic pain, or tenderness in any joint, early morning stiffness, or an helplessness to move a joint normally.

Whether your arthritis symptoms are mild or severe, they undoubtedly have a direct effect on your daily life. Maybe you have been counseled about "learning to live with arthritis." However, there is far more you can do to ease your pain, increase your range of motion, and both relax and reinforce your muscles. Acupressure massage using your fingertips to ease your aches and pains is a huge option.

Arthritis Neck Pain: Arthritis pain in any part of the body, especially the extremities hands, arms, feet, knees, legs, or hips incredibly often results in tightening of the neck muscles. The effect is pain and a decrease in the range of motion.

Whenever arthritis settles in the neck, the corresponding neck muscles have intricacy supporting the weight of the head, which is regularly fifteen to twenty pounds. Stress creates an added burden on the neck muscles, and? damaging situation is set up where inflamed joints and tension breed more strain and often neck pain.

There are many self-help techniques for relieving the chronic neck tension that often occurs from tensing against arthritic pain, It is found that a combination of Acu-Yoga (Using posture to press the acupressure points for self-treatment), hot compresses, deep breathing, and acupressure are predominantly effective. First, apply the hot compresses to your shoulders and neck until the skin becomes pink, indicating an increase in circulation. Ginger compresses are highly effective for relaxing the muscles in this area.

If the compresses are inconvenient or unavailable, do the Dry Wash Facial Message.

Step 1: Rub your hands together, creating a heat.

Step 2: Right away and systematically massage your face and neck with the palms of your hands.

Therefore, what is the benefit of Dry Wash Facial Massage: A daily dry wash cleans the pores, restoring tone and luster to the skin. This warming massage is helpful for acne and stiff necks.

After doing the Dry Wash Facial massage or applying the hot compresses, rotate your head very slowly five times in one direction and then other. Keep your eyes closed and breathe deeply as you do this exercise. This will help to elongate the neck and naturally reposition the vertebrae in the cervical region.

One of the mainly significant things you can do to assist your Arthritis neck pain is regular exercise, but must be done correctly to a have a good results over time. Sorry to say, numerous people with arthritis think exercise is destructive. Others become discouraged because progress is slow or their exercises are painful. Maintaining a proper balance between rest and exercise, and exercising properly, are keys to a successful arthritis exercise program. Easy-to-follow exercise program will definitely help sufferers of arthritis and related soft tissue rheumatic disorders, and also everyone who feels stiffness or tension in parts of their body.

Using the natural techniques of acupressure, massage and gentle yoga stretches, you will be able to relieve pain, aches and inflammation.

Thanks for reviewing this article, I hope you found the information useful and to of great use

A contented mind is a continual feast.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Lift Chairs and Arthritis

As almost anything begins to age, it is inevitable that some things will stop working like they used to. This is especially true of the human body. One common condition that is found in people over fifty years of age is arthritis. Arthritis is a, often painful, condition that involves reduced mobility and joint problems.

There are many different forms of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis, septic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis almost always results in some sort of pain or discomfort, and depending on the type, it can be exceedingly painful. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system begins to attack the joints, along with several other organs. This can be extremely uncomfortable and often results in a tremendously reduced maneuverability.

For many people the stiffness and pain associated with arthritis is combated by less frequent movements. In many cases a warm shower or bath in the morning can help to alleviate some of the pain. Ice packs and massage have also been shown to help with arthritis, and there are many different medicines on the market to combat the inflammation and swelling associated with arthritis. It has been found that mild electrical pulses that are directed at the joints help some people. In terms of long term relief, exercise and weight control can play a big part in increasing mobility. There are also several operations that can be performed, including a realignment of the joints by a surgeon.

Arthritis can cause pain and make moving around very difficult. A lift chair is something that can in many cases help to alleviate the pain of arthritis. Lift chairs are medical devices that have a base that rises to make it easier to stand and sit. The base rises at a very slow and steady rate that makes the transfer from standing to sitting as painless as possible. They also feature a remote controlled foot rest and back rest. This can, in addition to being more comfortable, help to reduce the amount of effort it takes to use the chair. These units are great for those with arthritis, who might otherwise not be able to stand without assistance. Many lift chairs also come with available heat and massage that can reduce pain and improve the ability to move.

In addition to devices like lift chairs that reduce pain and increase mobility, exercise has been shown to help with joint pain. Things like swimming, walking, and stretching are good forms of exercise for people with arthritis. This is because they are very low impact and in some cases reduce stiffness and joint pain. Exercise that increases your range of motion show great promise in both preventing and dealing with the pain of arthritis. Things like aerobics and muscle strengthening has also been shown to help. It is important to consult your doctor before beginning exercise and a good rule of thumb is that if the pain lasts for more than an hour after you are finished exercising, then you may be pushing yourself too hard.

Arthritis can be very painful and often results in swelling of the joints. The decreased mobility is often significant, so make sure you find a competent and caring doctor to help you find the best way to combat the arthritis. There are things that can be done to both fight arthritis and prevent it, so ensure that you have a good plan to deal with this common malady.

Medical Marijuana and Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that involves damage to the body joints. There are various kinds of arthritis and each one has a different cause. The most common kinds of arthritis include osteoarthritis which results from joint trauma, age or infection. In many studies, it is proven that medical marijuana is an effective cure for arthritis pain and also inflammation.

About 27 million Americans have osteoarthritis which can cause breakdown of the joint cartilage which results to inflammation and pain. An additional 1.3 million are living with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune that creates severe pain. Moreover, 300,000 children in the US have juvenile arthritis. Although many doctors will not recommend using medical cannabis for young children, older teens and adults could treat their arthritis with the hemp.

In a 2005 study, THC and cannabidiol were found to create notable improvements in quality of sleep, pain and reduces disease activity in those people with rheumatoid arthritis. Both compounds are among the cannabinoids that naturally occur in marijuana. During the year 2000, researches discovered that cannabidiol blocked the progression of arthritis effectively in animal trials. However, there is still the question of the legality of using medical marijuana but there already several states legalizing its use and regulating it through the use of a medical marijuana card.

Nevertheless, there are many people who claim that they actually feel relieved by smoking a regulated amount of marijuana. Some patients claim that it is a better alternative to the medications they often take such as pain relievers which could also have negative side effects, particularly in prolonged use. When you decide to use medical cannabis to relieve your arthritis symptoms, you should always consult your physician. Remember that your physician is the best person to decide whether marijuana is good to relieve the pain and inflammation due to your arthritis. In some states where marijuana is legal, they use medical marijuana card to monitor and regulate its use. The use of the card is restricted only to patients who have prescriptions and recommendations from their doctors to use medical marijuana to relieve the symptoms of their illnesses. Some states allow one to grow his or her own marijuana plant strictly for health reasons. Excessive growing and using of the plant is punishable and there is a danger of prosecution if discovered. There are still debates going on in many states whether medical marijuana should be legalized or not.

Top 3 Osteoarthritis Treatments

Osteoarthritis is an extremely common kind of arthritis that affects many people each and every year across the globe. Osteoarthritis is a condition that is largely a result of aging and being overweight. There is no definitive cure for the condition, yet there are many treatments for osteoarthritis that can be utilised to ease, comfort and allow for those suffering to live as normal as possible.

It is important if you are suffering from osteoarthritis or think you may have any kind of arthritis condition, to visit your local GP. Any questions or worries should be directed towards your GP as they are qualified to diagnose and help suggest the right treatment for you. This article only aims to outline 3 common osteoarthritis treatments, each individual is different, and therefore the success of treatments will vary from person to person.

The first form of osteoarthritis treatment is one that will be recommended by most GP's and is the easiest to commit to, exercise. Good regular exercise is the simplest but most important form of treatment for osteoarthritis. This exercise should aim to strengthen muscles surrounding your joints, and improve over all fitness. Most people think that by exercising they will only make their symptoms worse. However, by building up the muscles that surround each joint symptoms can be vastly improved and pain reduced. You should always consult your doctor or physiotherapist as to which forms of exercises you should participate in. They will help identify those forms of exercise that will help improve your condition. Generally swimming, cycling and running are good forms of osteoarthritis treatment, as they help encourage muscle growth, improve posture and help with weight loss.

Osteoarthritis is common among those who are overweight or suffer from obesity. If your doctor diagnosis this as the cause of your condition then they will recommend that you lose weight. Weight loss can have a dramatic effect on the symptoms experienced by osteoarthritis, by reducing the amount of pressure and strain placed on the joints. As mentioned previously a great way to lose weight and at the same time strengthen muscles that help support your joints, is through exercise. Speak to your doctor about creating an exercise plan that will best help you.

Finally there are lots of medicines that can be used as osteoarthritis treatment. These range from painkillers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and intra-articular injections. It is extremely important to discuss any of these options with a qualified GP. Many GP's will recommend using painkillers such as over the counter Paracetamol to help ease pain. If pain persists or increases then your GP may prescribe stronger painkillers. This could include anti-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). These can be prescribed as creams that are applied directly to the affected joints and help to ease pain and discomfort.

Finally for more severe cases of osteoarthritis, you may be put forward for an intra-articular injection. This is when medicine is injected straight into the parts of the body that are affected. This will help reduce swelling and pain, and can be an effective form of osteoarthritis treatment.

There are many forms of treatment for conditions such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. If you are suffering from any pain or discomfort then you should make an appointment with your local GP as soon as possible.

Arthritis Compression Gloves For Joint Pain

There are many people around the world that are suffering from the disease that we know as arthritis. There are many people looking for a cure for this disease, only to waste a lot of money, time and patience looking for something that does not exist. If you shift your focus from looking for a cure, to looking for ways to relieve the pain, then you will find you are much more successful and you will be able to significantly reduce the pain that you are feeling. There are many different solutions for you, and one of them is arthritis compression gloves. What Is Arthritis?

Before understanding how arthritis gloves can help you to reduce your pain, you should understand the disease that you are dealing with. There are two forms of arthritis that are very common. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the cartilage in between the bones. The cartilage is the shock absorber of the joint and without it there is a lot of friction when doing even simple tasks. The other form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. This is an autoimmune disease and it involves the swelling of joints. You see them become very large, red and painful. It is also a very debilitating disease.

How Can Arthritis Gloves Help?

Arthritis gloves are a popular choice of pain relief for people suffering from arthritis in their hands. You can lose a lot of dexterity when you have arthritis in your hands. Even very simple tasks become painful. Arthritis gloves are great because they exert compression on the hands, which will keep them warmer. There are also other types of gloves like infrared gloves, these ones give of infrared rays and heat up the hands. The compression and the heat means that the hands are warmer and there is less friction in the joint, which means that there is a lot less pain in the hands. They are a very effective treatment and you will be able to reduce your pain significantly. There are also rheumatoid arthritis gloves that will help reduce the pain. They work differently from normal style gloves because the disease is different, but they too will bring dexterity back into your fingers and quality back into your life.

Are There Any Side Effects?

There are absolutely no side effects from using arthritis gloves to help your pain. They are very effective, safe and a cheap option. You should add it to your pain management plan if you suffer from arthritis in the hands.

Natural Treatments for Arthritis Relief

Arthritis is a painful condition that can turn into a crippling disease. It is not a disease by itself, but a condition caused by joint degeneration or inflammation. There are two main types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease and is caused by injury or overuse of joints, including wear and tear. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition that is autoimmune, where antibodies attack the joints, causing deterioration.

Stiffness and cracking are only a few of the early symptoms arthritis sufferers experience. If left untreated, arthritis can become very painful. There are many conventional treatments for arthritis, but some people opt to also use natural ways to treat the pain and inflammation. Here are some ways to help combat arthritis pain. These are no substitute for treatments by your doctor. However with doctor approval, these natural remedies may contribute to your relief.

- Herbal Treatments
When used to treat arthritis, herbs are usually applied in powder form or poultice, or taken as tea. Herbs have a folk appeal about them because they have been used way before medical advances and drugs became the more popular remedy.

Herbs and plants like camphor leaves, lemon, radish and ginger have been used to relieve arthritic pain. These plants are either drank as decoctions or pounded as poultices and applied directly to the skin. Cayenne ointment is a topical treatment that can be rubbed into the affected area. It helps promote circulation and also acts to enhance the efficacy of other treatments.

Other herbal treatments include bilberries, cucumber extract, hawthorn berry and a combination of yucca, devil's claw and turmeric in capsule form.

- Glucosamine
Glucosamine is a naturally-occurring chemical in the body similar to glucose. It keeps the joint tissues healthy and gelatinous, maintaining the smoothness of the joints. Glucosamine is actually a component of the cartilage that lines the joints. It helps rebuild cartilage by encouraging growth and prevent deterioration.

- Apple cider vinegar
Some arthritis sufferers report some pain-relieving success by using apple cider vinegar, although pain relief is experienced after about two or more weeks. The recommended dosage is 2 tablespoons of vinegar with 8 ounces of water, taken thrice daily.

Apple cider vinegar may also be used as a soak for painful joints. Use 1 part apple cider vinegar to 5 parts hot water and soak until water drops to room temperature. This solution may also be used as a wrap, applied repeatedly every 10 minutes.

- Alternative treatments
Alternative methods of treating arthritis are sometimes considered controversial, but some people have achieved certain success with them. One of the most popular forms of alternative medicine is the Oriental medical system known as acupuncture, which is practiced in China, Vietnam, Japan and Korea.

Traditionally, the use of acupuncture was as a preventive measure but it is now widely used to treat or cure various conditions. Certain specific points in the body, when pricked by long needles, correspond to healing another part. A certain point in the earlobe, for example, can correspond to the treatment of the tonsils. Acupuncture has been found to be effective for some arthritis sufferers.

Another alternative treatment is bee venom injections, derived directly from live bees. Although not very popular, it has been considered very useful for short term and long term treatments of both kinds of arthritis.

- Diet makeover
If you're looking to cure arthritis, then you should be prepared to be in it for the long haul, which means that in order for your body to undergo repair, you must take measures to encourage its healing.

Keep a whole-foods diet, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Try to lose a few pounds, as extra weight can put too much pressure on the joints. If possible, keep away from vegetables that are considered nightshades, like potatoes, tomatoes and aubergine. Try to reduce your intake of red meat, milk and milk products.

- Take natural supplements
Vitamin C should be included in your diet and if you're not getting enough, you can take it in supplemental form. Other supplements that may be considered are beta-carotene, vitamins E, B6 and B-complex may also be taken, along with minerals such as zinc, copper and manganese.

- Exercise and massage
Moderate and regular exercise can have therapeutic effects on arthritis. Exercises help preserve a body's mobility and strengthen the muscles to help support the joints. To help ease pressure on joints, exercises may be performed while half of the body is in water. Swimming is also a good choice - the body is engaged in movement while the buoyancy of the water prevents too much stress on the joints.

Massage and heat applications are also quite helpful. Massages, when done right, can help promote circulation in the joints. Heat applications can also bring about relief. One way to induce relaxation would be soaking joints in tolerably hot water for a few minutes. This has shown to bring relief, albeit temporary.

People who prefer the natural way to treat their arthritic pain find that it responds to each treatment differently and some natural ways can actually cure them of their pain. While results vary from one individual to another, the popularity of natural methods is proof.

All information here is intended for general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before starting any new supplement, diet or fitness regimen.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Discover Alternative Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Because rheumatoid arthritis medications are known to have side effects -- some quite serious -- there is a growing interest in alternative therapies.

For rheumatoid arthritis in the early stages, an anti-inflammatory is usually the first choice. Typical anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.

Aspirin, as most people know, can cause stomach upset and eventually ulcers. Ibuprofen has caused liver damage, anemia, intestinal bleeding, diminished vision and meningitis. People who have aspirin sensitive asthma may also be sensitive to ibuprofen. It has not been proven safe for use by children and should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers. These side effects and possible dangers are some of the reasons that people look for alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis.

Naproxen is another of the fast acting or anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications. In clinical trials of patients taking naproxen, one to ten percent experienced one or more of the following adverse reactions: heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, lightheadedness, vertigo, itching, sweating, hearing problems, visual problems, cardiovascular edema, heart palpitations, vomiting, gastro-intestinal bleeding, ulcers, anemia and other side effects.

Natural anti-inflammatory botanicals, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies may be considered as alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis.

Zinc, an essential mineral, has been shown to be capable of inhibiting the inflammatory response, but most studies of zinc supplementation in rheumatoid arthritis patients have been inconclusive. Like many supplements and alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis, zinc seems to help some people and has no side effects, unless high doses are used.

Botanicals and herbal remedies which may be considered as supplemental or alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis include ginger root, bromelain, feverfew, turmeric and mangosteen.

Ginger, turmeric and mangosteen have all been used historically by native peoples to treat pain and reduce swelling. The effectiveness of ginger as an alternative to rheumatoid arthritis medications has been studied in clinical trials and indicates that it does show promise.

A small clinical study (18 patients) concluded that turmeric was nearly as effective as one of the anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications, but it is not clear whether this was a placebo effect, since there was no control group. Additionally there is some disagreement concerning whether it should be used in the powdered form or as a tea.

Mangosteen is a relatively new and exciting addition to the western world as an anti-inflammatory. It was used historically by the native peoples of Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia and the Philippines to treat a variety of bodily aches and pains.

The mangosteen is a fruit and its most readily available form is a drink that contains a puree of the fruit and its rind. It is important when purchasing mangosteen products to consider only the ones that include the rind, because anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory components and even Cox inhibitors are concentrated in it, as well as numerous vitamins and minerals.

While no human clinical studies have been completed to date concerning mangosteen's efficacy as an alternative or supplement to rheumatoid arthritis medications, numerous laboratory studies have shown that certain of the "xanthones" (powerful anti-oxidants) are anti-inflammatory and Cox-2 inhibitors.

Alternative Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to Dr J. Frederic Templeman, M.D. in response to the question "Will the Mangosteen help with pain?" he states: "...Presumptively the mangosteen inhibits the pain-related action of the Cox-2 enzyme in the CNS [Central Nervous System] and blocks pain impulse generation.

So yes, the mangosteen may significantly reduce any pain you might be experiencing." [End Quote]

Prescription Cox-2 inhibitors are being shunned by a great many people due to their numerous undesirable and serious side effects. Indeed, the Cox-2 inhibitor, Vioxx(TM), was taken off of the market worldwide for a time because of the health dangers associated with it and has embroiled Merck in a nightmare of legal woes.

Lab rats or cell lines have been used to conduct mangosteen research and there were no reported side effects. It is believed that because the mangosteen contains the anti-ulcer compounds ascorbic acid, beta carotene, fiber and pectin, it would not have any of the gastric side effects common in anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications.

Other compounds found in the fruit may promote heart health and are anti-hypertensive, so health problems associated with prescription Cox-2 inhibiting rheumatoid arthritis medications should not occur with mangosteen usage.

It is possible that mangosteen could one day be considered an effective supplemental or alternative treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Hopefully, at some point, clinical studies can confirm this, but research is expensive and usually funded by pharmaceutical companies, which is why there are so few studies of the effectiveness of herbal and botanical remedies, particularly in the United States.

Studies of alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis have shown that diet plays a possible role. Patients who have used a diet that excluded common food allergens such as grains, milk, nuts, beef and eggs reported being symptom free for as long as five years, as long as they stuck to the diet.

In addition to or as an alternative to anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis medications, some doctors prescribe corticosteroids like prednisone. But, while these may be effective for short-term relief of symptoms, long-term use of corticosteroids is known to cause many other health problems including diabetes.

In addition, they tend to lose their effectiveness, and can be habit forming. When a patient has been taking corticosteroid rheumatoid arthritis medications, they must be "weaned" off of them, meaning the medication must be gradually reduced before switching to alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis.

General Tips For Arthritis Sufferers to Get Rid of Arthritis

Understand how to get rid of Arthritis by following these tips for Arthritis sufferers. In cultures that use a typical Western diet (see Understanding How to Get Rid of Arthritis - Avoid Arthritis Triggers), arthritis is common and, in cultures that eat mainly fresh or dried fruits and vegetables with very little protein, arthritis is largely unknown.

Anything of a chemical nature is not of much value nutritionally. These chemicals are foreign to the body, confusing it so it may not even recognise these additives as something to be eliminated. They then remain behind and interfere with the chemical and electronic systems of the body affecting muscles, joints, tissue or block the lymphatic system. Large quantities taken in one meal can actually bruise any internal organ, muscle or nerve.

OSTEOARTHRITIS or DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS usually occurs in the knees, hips or spine. It is when a joint becomes worn out. A cycle develops as the damage causes inflammation which in turn causes more damage. (Inflammation normally protects until healing is complete; however, when healing takes too long the white blood cells and chemicals involved in inflammation become destructive).

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is destruction of tissues around the swollen joint area. The joints become calcified and fused, limiting movement. It is a more acute inflammation than osteoarthritis. Its cause is thought to be the immune system mistakenly attacking body cells.

Copper bangles bring relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis as the skin readily absorbs the small amounts of copper required to produce the antioxidant enzyme SOD.

Communities dependent on animal products have a higher rate of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and osteoporosis. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes rarely occur in people who consume no animal products at all. The incidence in all three increases proportionately in communities that eat meat and other high-fat foods.

In a study published by VERIS, vitamin E was found to have an analgesic effect on rheumatoid arthritis, although inflammation remained. Good sources of vitamin E are almonds, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, corn, hazelnuts, parsley, soya, sprouting seeds, spinach and sunflower seeds.

Zinaxin is a natural anti-inflammatory and the traditional Chinese remedy for RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.

Hot water therapy can help arthritis. Add two tumblers full of Epsom salts into a hot bath and lie in it for 20 minutes. Scrub the skin with a stiff natural bristle brush and empty the bath. Shower or rinse off thoroughly. Dry well and go straight to bed.

Gargle with whey to clean the throat. This strengthens the immune system as it frequently spends a lot of energy in the throat due to unhealthy eating. Helping the immune system is beneficial to fighting many ailments, including arthritis.

Tooth problems can lead to inflammation of the joints. In the '30s and '40s, teeth were often removed to cure arthritic pain and apparently some 40 per cent of cases benefited. Arthritis or joint pains can stem from an infection in the root of the tooth or gum. This releases bacteria into the bloodstream, causing joint complaints. So, if all other treatments have failed, consult your dentist.

From a metaphysical aspect, arthritis is a result of criticism. This criticism may be directed from another person, or it could be a continual self criticism in one's own mind. Undoubtedly, the criticism has a positive intention, but the outcome is negative. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has a direct way of addressing this and can be an interesting journey into self discovery while providing relief from the physical manifestation.

In some cases acupuncture has had the desired effect. Should you be open to this, discuss it with an acupuncturist before making an appointment.

Foot reflexology has had remarkable results in relieving the distress of arthritis and preventing further degeneration. A course of reflexology helps the body to heal itself. That, together with choosing the wiser lifestyle guidelines listed previously, would be an excellent option.

For the ladies... According to the gentle Ayurvedic approach to arthritis, women should rest as much as possible during the first few days of menstruation. The wise woman will have prepared for this time, exercising and doing her more energetic work before menstruation begins. This is a time of actively moving wastes, impurities and the menstrual blood downward and out of the body. The general idea is to go with the body's natural impulse to stay quiet and not be so active.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Understanding the Different Types of Arthritis Pain Relief

There are millions of people all over the world who suffer from arthritis. In fact, it is one of the common causes of disability in the US alone, hindering the activities of nearly 20 millions adults.

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of the body; it is the inflammation of joints due to immune system reaction, infections, or abnormal deposits of materials. The body's autoimmune system attacks the body instead of protecting it from harmful viruses and bacteria.

Inflammation is the body's defence mechanism to ward off harmful elements, in the case of arthritis the immune system produces an excessive amount of these cells and attacks the joints and the surrounding area making the particular joint of the body inflamed and swelling. Though there is no known cure or treatment that will correct these bodily reactions, there are working programs that aim to help patients with this disease to cope, and improve their quality of life.

Education and awareness program are also included in the program so that people will know what other people are going through. Along with these programs are self-management programs that aim to help patients to cope with the pain, reduce swelling, and give relief to patient who is suffering from arthritis.

There are dozens of arthritis pain relief methods that are out in the market today, you can choose from natural, chemical, ancient medicine or alternative medication. Just make sure that your doctor knows which medications or alternative medications you are taking, your doctor can help you in choosing which medication is appropriate from your condition.

Here is an overview of arthritis pain relief:

1. Creams, liniments, lotions and salves - this topical pain relief are often the first choice of people with mild arthritis. It provides instant relief and soothing and calming effect.

2. Acupuncture - this ancient technique of healing is another popular form of arthritis pain relief. It does not only relief pain but it also reduce inflammation, swelling and improve blood circulation. This holistic approach to pain management are now becoming popular because it gives instant relief and it is said to improve the general well being of the patient and lessen the recurrence of arthritis.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - these painkillers can be prescribed or bought over the counter. It is used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis such as swelling, pain, and stiffness. Painkillers are also known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID.

4. Corticosteroid or steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that help relieve pain and swelling. Although this is an effective treatment, this drug is rarely given due to its side effects. Often the doctor who administers this drug injects the affected area with steroids so that the dose that is administered is low.

5. Hyaluronan Injections - is a medication that reduces the pain, inflammation and swelling. The medicine is injected directly to the joints such as the knee, thus increasing the mobility of the joint.

6. Narcotic Pain Relievers - this medication only address the pain but not the inflammation and swelling of the joints. This medication is combined with other medication to achieve and enhance its effect. However, this type of medication can make the patient drug dependent with prolonged used.

For people with arthritis that regularly exercise and undergo some diet modification achieved some significant benefits in their overall health, like reduce pain, because exercise releases the natural pain reliever of the body, the endorphins, it also improves physical function by strengthening your muscles and increase flexibility.

Tests For Arthritis - Which Ones Are Right For You?

Identifying arthritis, or inflammation and swelling of the joints, can be a complex process. Doctors use several different tests to correctly identify the type of arthritis and prescribe an accurate treatment program. Doctors include a comprehensive physical examination and history of the patient and the patient's family as well as certain blood tests.

Doctors also use x-rays to accurately see the bones and joints. Although x-rays are reliable way of viewing the bone structure they are not accurate in identifying arthritis. Most people over the age of 65 have changes in their joints without having the accompanying joint pain, swelling and inflammation of arthritis. In fact, the cartilage and joint damage seen in an x-ray are often more severe than the patient's rating of pain and disability. The doctor will use x-rays with other findings and tests to identify the arthritic condition or modify a treatment program.

Doctors also use arthrography, a test in which dye is injected directly into the joint during a special x-ray procedure. The process is done in the radiology department, often by the radiologist. The test results are sent to the doctor and not given to the patient at the time of the procedure.

Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are tests that physicians use to assist in the identification of joint degeneration or the involvement of soft tissue or other organs. The CT scan takes pictures in slices of the body and are then fed back to a computer for interpretation. These x-ray pictures show bone but also show muscle and organ systems as well.

The MRI uses radio waves in a magnetic field. The radio waves react with the water in the body and send back images to a computer. An adult is approximately 60% content so the MRI can be fairly accurate over the entire body. This test is the best for viewing soft tissue and organ system changes.

Sometimes doctors also use arthrocentisis to evaluate the fluid that is normally found in the joints. Synovial fluid analysis is done in a laboratory. In an inflammatory response this fluid can increase in amount and get thicker causing swelling of the joint.

Isotope Bone Scans are test done in the radiology department of the hospital. A small dose of radioactive isotope is injected into the blood stream and taken up by the bones. A special camera is used to see the bones and most accurately evaluate the inflammation in the joints.

In gout the fluid also has urate crystals - this is a conclusive test for gout. The lab will evaluate the thickness of the fluid. Because there is an increase of the synovial fluid which causes pain and swelling with arthritis, the removal of this fluid for the test will also decrease pain and improve mobility for a short period of time.

If the disease has progressed the doctor may recommend an arthroscopy, or a small surgical procedure in which an incision is made over the joint. A small tube and camera are inserted into the joint so the doctor can view the damage and sometimes also repair or remove cartilage. This surgery is done in the hospital, usually under a local anesthetic to reduce the surgical risk to the patient.

Some arthritic conditions also cause soft tissue and organ damage. One organ that can be affected are the lungs. Doctors will order Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) to assess any damage that may have been done. This will help to identify arthritis and modify treatment programs.

Another organ that can be affected is the heart muscle. An Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) is used to assess any muscle damage, help to identify problems and change treatment programs

Although there are no conclusive tests for arthritis, used in combination, these tests give physicians an accurate clinical picture to make a diagnosis. Without a correct diagnosis any treatment plan would not help to stop the progression of the disease or lessen pain, swelling and disability. To Identify arthritis the doctor needs a comprehensive physical exam, family history, testing and the cooperation of the patient.

Reduce or Eliminate Arthritis Pain With Acupoint Therapy

Are you one of the many millions of people around the world that experience arthritis pain? If so, you are definitely not alone. Arthritis is a common cause of movement disabilities, particularly for senior citizens. Over 100 arthritis types exist and can be caused from obvious joint trauma to a variety of health problems such as gout, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, bursitis and more. A number of pharmaceuticals are geared toward arthritis pain relief and joint surgery is a treatment option as well. However, if you want to cover all bases in regards to pain relief you should add electronic acupuncture to your treatment options.

Acupuncture Basics

The ancient Chinese believed that the human body experienced pain and illness due to an imbalance of life energy, or qi. The practice of traditional acupuncture involves inserting stainless steel needles at key acupoints along the body to maintain proper energy flow along the channels that carry qi as well as unblock any obstructions. With the electronic form though, those stainless steel needles are bypassed in favour of a small device which delivers electromagnetic current through a handheld wand. By touching the wand to acupoints in the hand and palm, energy blockages within the body can be treated.

Electronic Acupuncture and Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is typically caused by inflammation in the joints as well as surrounding soft tissues. This inflammation is a response by your body's immune system to a host of factors such as infection, injury, heredity factors, general wear and tear from aging and even your lifestyle and environment. If you experience arthritis pain, you probably have taken traditional anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids or even participated in physical therapy.

You can self-treat at home with an electronic acupuncture device. Acupuncture can provide arthritis pain relief by boosting your endorphins, the chemicals that block pain. Delivering electromagnetic wave impulses into specific acupoints in the hand and palm stimulates the nerves and tissues which then send a message to your spinal cord and brain to release the endorphins. In addition to the release of pain-blocking endorphins, electronic acupuncture can also restore better blood flow to those arthritis-prone areas. Better blood flow boosts oxygen levels, a plus for stimulating healing and easing discomfort. By unblocking the energy channels, you gain a feeling of well-being.

The good news is electronic acupuncture devices are quite affordable and you can use them for more than arthritis pain relief. The electromagnetic wave therapy you receive through this form of acupuncture treats a host of other conditions and even has a detect mode which can pinpoint undiagnosed problems.

Can Gin Soaked Raisins Help Treat Arthritis?

When it comes to home remedies for arthritis, the most unusual but the most talked about natural treatment must be the gin soaked raisins. A lot of people swear to the healing properties of this remedy for arthritis. To prepare it, you need a bottle of gin and a handful of golden raisins. Put the raisins in a bowl. Pour enough gin to cover the raisins. Let the mixture stand, up until the gin had evaporated. This could take a week or so. Keep the moist raisins in a clean jar and cover it with a tight lid. Arthritis patients are required to eat nine raisins everyday for best effects. Holistic medicine experts say that these raisins are the perfect addition to your daily cereal.

This remedy does sound simple and strange. Does it really work? Well, there is only one way to find out. And that is to try it. As of yet, there is no scientific evidence that this remedy can work for you. But if you're a little desperate about your condition and have tried every single remedy for chronic arthritis found in the books but are still crippled with the problem, it is best that you go ahead and try this treatment therapy. After all, raisins are good for the body. It has lots of antioxidants that can help restore the cell's working ability.

The gin soaked raisin remedy for arthritis started when Paul Harvey spoke of it in his radio show. And since his show is very popular, the word spread rampantly and a lot of people started to try it. Basing on the groups of people who attested to the beneficial results of the combination, gin soaked raisin had slowly crept its way to folklore and natural remedy books, magazine, and feature articles. Right now, there are many gin soaked raisin recipes and preparation variations coupled with persuasive testimonials of the people who say that the remedy does work.

Well, it is best that the nutritional and beneficial values of raisin and gin combined are taken into consideration before fully attesting to their effectiveness. The impressive testimonials of the people who had tried the remedy are simply not enough to convince science.

It's a good thing that raisins does have good natural elements in it that proves to be helpful. Golden raisins and white raisins both contain sulphides or sulfur that can help relieve arthritis pain. The sulfur in raisins is obtained when fresh grapes start to slowly dry out. The drying process is assisted by the sulfur dioxide gas.

Raisins are rich in natural chemicals as well, which has both anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects. The pain relieving properties of raisins should be enough to treat the most common illnesses associated with pain and swelling.

Gin, on the other hand, is generally made up of juniper berries. Juniper is the main ingredient of gins that give it its flavor. It comes from evergreens and conifer plants found in North America and Europe. Juniper berries are rich in terpenes and Vitamin C. History indicates that these berries have been used since the Middle Ages. The folks of long ago use juniper berries as a medicine to treat swelling because of its effective anti-inflammatory properties.

However, the gin soaked raisin remedy for arthritis could be effective due to the placebo effect. Placebos are medicines that don't possess any medicinal value but are given to patients anyway to condition themselves of treatment. There are times that the mind has to be programmed to believe that a medicine is really effective for it to work. The same is true with the gin soaked raisin formula. Some people must be bent on the idea that the remedy really works that's why for them, it does. When the mind believes strongly on a medicine, the body's natural pain and disease mediators come into play. Their number gets heightened. Hence, the disease gets cured.

If you're really decided on the gin soaked raisin remedy for arthritis, there is no harm in trying it. But then again, you have to tell your doctor about it first. It pays to be guided by a medical expert when it comes to matters of the health. Your doctor should be able to warn you about any effects of this remedy on you, if any. And that's because doctors have your full medical record and they would know of your allergies and possible unnatural reactions to certain foods and food items.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to Fight Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are over two million people in the US with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Those who suffer with it experience pain and inflammation in their joints, accompanied by swelling, stiffness, fever and fatigue. If left untreated, it can progress to total dysfunction of the joints. Relief does appear to be close at hand, with a new generation of treatments being trialed today.

The disease affects most people from middle age, but some children and young adults can face earlier onset (Juvenile Arthritis). Unlike Ankylosing Spondylitis, it affects double or more women than men. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects both sides of the body, which is called having symmetrical symptoms. This means if a person has it in one knee, they will have it in the other as well. It commonly affects the wrists and finger joints, but can be in any part of the body.

Some symptoms that aren't in the joints are anemia, a decrease in the production of red blood cells, muscular neck pain and dry eyes and mouth and, in some rare cases, inflamed blood vessels and lining of the lungs or heart. Some people will have shorter flair ups of RA that last a month or two, while others can have longer periods with severe symptoms for years on end.

The longer Rheumatoid Arthritis is actively causing symptoms, it is also causing more irreparable damage and disability to its victims. Osteoporosis is more prominent in long-term sufferers, which often means their bones will fracture very easily. Muscles that are used to support the joints are either weakened or suffer from over-use, causing referred pain and disability. As Rheumatoid Arthritis starts causing its damage very early on, rapid diagnosis is becoming prominently important.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease that affects the immune system, causing the body to turn against itself and attack healthy joint tissue. No specific cause has been identified, but it is believed that genetics, environment, hormones and stress levels can all have an impact. It is diagnosed with a combination of a physical examination of the joints, reflexes, muscle stability and appearance of the skin, a blood test for white blood cell count and an x-ray that will show up any long-term joint damage.

Some patients may require surgery. This would not be a first option for most people and is usually joint replacement or tendon reconstruction surgery. Otherwise, treatment focuses on the right medication, regular rest, regular, appropriate exercise, healthy eating, increased awareness and psychological support. The aim is to take away the pain, eliminate swelling, discontinue or disable tissue destruction, maintain flexibility and minimize fatigue and stress factors.

In the past, the only treatments available for Rheumatoid Arthritis were aspirin, paracetamol and anti-inflammatory drugs that often contain steroids. Specialists would wait until the disease progressed to more advanced stages before prescribing anything more powerful. As it is now known that the damage is started much earlier on in its course, stronger treatments and combinations are recommended to try to halt the progression and, hopefully, avoid disability later in life.

One powerful form of treatment is the Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), which reduce pain and decrease inflammation. They can cause side effects such as an upset stomach, peptic ulcers, excessive bleeding and renal failure and a patient cannot drink any alcohol due to the extra strain they can place on the liver. Some examples are Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen and Naproxen. These are also used to treat Ankylosing Spondylitis, Juvenile Arthritis and Psoriasis.

Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are also a common treatment and are known to reduce pain in swollen joints and retard joint damage. They can take between a few weeks or a few months to work and there are also side effects to consider.

Taking DMARDs can heighten the infection risk, cause loss of hair and possibly cause damage to the liver or kidneys. Methotrexate is a well-known DMARD and is administered orally or injected. It has been found especially effective when combined with the new generation treatment, ENBREL.

There have been countless medicines produced over the years in hope of helping those with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Juvenile Arthritis and Psoriasis, but it is these new drugs that appear to possibly be on the track to providing relief.

Biologic response modifiers are the current Rheumatic Arthritis drugs that have been showing great promise for patients. Clinical trials that have been underway have produced data which suggests they reduce inflammation and slow the progression of the disease and the damage it causes.

ENBREL (aka etanercept) works by stopping the over production of the body's cytokines, which is the protein the immune system has been using to kill the healthy joint tissue. It is usually administered with a fortnightly injection.

The drug is a Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor. RA sufferers are known to have too much TNFa being produced (as do those with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Juvenile Arthritis and Psoriasis) and when ENBREL and TNFa blocker protein reduces the cytokine levels, patients feel remarkable improvements.

The main side effect of taking ENBREL is a weakening of the immune system, so infections could potentially be fatal. It is for this reason doctors have to apply very strict screening for trail admissions, as anyone with an already compromised immunity can not possibly take it.

ENBREL's more minor side effects could be a sore, burning in the throat and/or a rash where the needle entered and/or a blocked, runny nose. Otherwise it is proving itself to possibly be the new revolutionary treatment to stop the progression of the disease.

Over the past twenty years or so, a large amount of research has been done on Rheumatoid Arthritis. Through experts increased awareness of how the immune system works and the role of genetics and human biology, RA treatments are being viewed with new and excited eyes.

Scientists are finding that combinations of treatments are better than one alone, such as ENBREL and methotrexate, which can noticeably slow damage to joints. The aim for all involved in the search for the answer is to continue helping victims by relieving their pain, reducing inflammation and swelling, slow or stop damage to joints and restore their ability to function every day.

This can be achieved with ongoing monitoring of medication, lifestyle and side effect management. If the need for surgery can be avoided or delayed, this is definitely a step in the right direction.

Disclaimer: The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Chiropractic: A Natural Preventative for Arthritis

To understand arthritis it is important to understand the definition of the word. "Arth" from the latin word arthro means joint. "Itis" means inflammation. Therefore, Arthritis simply means inflammation of a joint. There are many diseases that are classified under the term arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis. The most common type that affects most people in their life time is osteoarthritis.

The term osteoarthritis carries many different names. Some of these include degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease (DJD), and spondylosis if it is in the spine. Osteoarthritis is basically a condition that is defined as wearing out of cartilage that lines joint surfaces.

When joint cartilage is damaged, the sensitive bone tissue that is usually protected by the cartilage, becomes stressed causing degenerative changes in the joint. The bone around the joint may jut out causing osteophytes, more commonly called bone spurs. Bone spurs can irritate other things around the joint complicating the problem. This may include nerve irritation which can be a cause of pain associated with osteoarthritis.

The most common areas of the body to be affected by osteoarthritis include the lower neck, low back, knees, hips and fingers. The symptoms of DJD include stiffness or pain in the joints involved. Symptoms may also include referred pain. An example of this would be pain, numbness or tingling into the legs. This could be caused from arthritic joints in the low back irritating sensitive nerves which extend from the low back into the legs.

The best management for osteoarthritis is prevention and taking care of the joints involved. One should make sure that when joints are injured, they are taken care of as soon as possible to avoid the development of arthritis in the joints affected. If not taken care of, the joints can become unstable causing the cartilage in the joints to wear out faster than normal.

Degenerative arthritis affects most people over the age of 50. People often say "it is just part of getting old." Unfortunately many people accept being in pain thinking they are just too old. It is interesting to note that osteoarthritis always develops in specific joints and not evenly through the entire body. For example, a person may have one arthritic knee and not two, or they may have arthritis in the lower neck and not the entire spine. If degenerative arthritis were just caused from getting old, it would affect all of the joints in the body equally. The majority of elderly have joints in their body without any arthritis at all. The reason only some joints are affected is because of stress or injury to those joints.

Chiropractic helps to restore motion and proper mechanics in joints that are injured or affected by arthritis. Chiropractic can prevent or slow the degenerative process in joints. Studies have even shown a reversal of degenerative arthritis through chiropractic care. Chiropractic gets to the cause of the problem rather than just treat the symptoms associated with arthritis.

Chiropractors work to prevent arthritis by performing specific hands on adjustments to correct joints that are not in their proper alignment. This helps to restore proper motion to the joints and prevents the joints from becoming unstable. Proper motion is essential to preventing arthritis. It not only helps the joints to glide properly, but also allows them to receive essential nutrients and hydration.

Type 2 Diabetes - Having Psoriasis Can Lead To Insulin Resistance

Psoriasis is a hereditary, non-contagious, inflammatory skin disease. People diagnosed with psoriasis have high levels of the inflammatory molecules IL-6 and TNF-alpha. Having high levels of these inflammatory molecules on a permanent basis is thought to cause:

  • clogged blood vessels,

  • insulin resistance,

  • high blood pressure, and

  • Type 2 diabetes.

Researchers at the Goztepe Training and Research Hospital in Instanbul, Turkey, looked at the number of people diagnosed with the metabolic syndrome in a population of people with psoriasis, compared to individuals without the skin condition.

This study, published in April 2011 in the Scientific World Journal, included:

  • 115 people diagnosed with psoriasis, and

  • 140 participants with healthy skin.

The group of people with psoriasis had more cases of the metabolic syndrome, and it was more common after the age of 40.

From this information, it was concluded since psoriasis patients are at high risk for Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and the metabolic syndrome, they should be treated as soon as diagnosed and watched closely for Type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, meaning the immune system mistakes skin cells for invaders and attacks them. The skin becomes inflamed and skin cells multiply far too fast. It was named for the Greek word for itchy, because of the dryness and irritation seen in the condition. It is manifested by red patches often covered with white scales.

Topical medications combine moisturizers with cortisone to reduce inflammation. Oatmeal baths are also used to sooth the skin and reduce itching, and sun exposure in moderation can reduce the speed of skin cell reproduction. People with psoriasis often find their skin gets better during the summer months and in warm, sunny climates.

Oral medications: Methotrexate and cyclosporine are two medications taken orally. Methotrexate, also used for some types of cancer, slows down the rapid cell reproduction. Cyclosporine, used also to prevent graft rejection, acts by slowing down the immune system.

Biological medications: These are the most effective treatment. They work by blocking some of the immune system's action, and must be taken only when no infection is present. They are injected just under the skin, and the frequency of injections depends upon the kind of medication injected, and the dose.

One advantage the biologicals have over topicals is they are also effective against psoriatic arthritis.

  • Enbrel is injected under the skin twice weekly for three months and then once a week. Patients quickly become adept at injecting it at home.

  • Humira is also injected under the skin, every other week.

  • Stelara is injected twice, four weeks apart, and then once every twelve weeks.

  • Remicade is given by IV injection in a doctor's office.

Individuals who have psoriasis or suspect they do should see a dermatologist. Even if the rash is considered only a minor nuisance, it should be treated to prevent any complications.

Arthritis and Colloidal Gold

Arthritis is characterized by joint's stiffness and swelling combined with joint inflammation. Various forms of arthritis include osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, temporomandibular joint arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and Ankylosing spondolysis. Almost all forms of arthritis are chronic in nature. Though sings and symptoms produced by some forms of arthritis are mild in nature, arthritis could lead to gradual damage of joints. One may experience uncommon conditions such as redness, warmth and swollen joints as effects of certain forms of arthritis.

Stiffness of joints, swelling of joints and persistent joint pain are main common symptoms of the arthritis. Some people may experience difficulty in joint movements, tenderness and pain and redness and warmth surrounding joints.

Different forms and varying symptoms makes it difficult to treat or cure the arthritis. Certain pain relieving medications and steroid injections are used commonly for treatment of arthritis. Arthritis treatment is aimed and reducing pain and inflammation of the joints. Usually physicians prescribe combination of NSAIDs and DMARDs. Generally, arthritis condition subsides with medication. However, certain severe cares may require surgeries such as joint replacements.

Though the traditional medications used for arthritis treatment have produced positive results, it may not be possible for every person to tolerate with such medications as these medications can produce certain adverse side effects. To overcome this possibility researches are going on for natural remedies and alternative therapies.

Weak body immune system, lack of nutritious diet (minerals, vitamins etc) is considered as the main factor which can contribute towards occurrence of health abnormalities. To avoid such health disorders we must ensure adequate quantity of vitamins and minerals in our daily diet. Liquid supplements such as colloidal gold have the properties to enhance the body immune system and regulating hormonal balances. Most importantly, colloidal gold being obtained from pure natural element (gold) does not produce any side effects. Though gold was known since ancient times, it was considered only as precious metal. The medicinal properties of the gold came to light only during last century. Researches have shown that colloidal gold has the property to kill bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that could develop diseases. Colloidal gold and other dietary supplements are not medications but surely can be used as complementary therapy for preventing or treating various diseases including arthritis.

From Plaque Psoriasis, Moving Towards Psoriatic Arthritis

Plaque Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious autoimmune skin disease, causing red, scaly patches due to rapid skin cell reproduction. It mainly harms elbow, knee or scalp, but can be spread to any other part. Up to 30% of patients also suffer from inflammation of joints which is called as Psoriatic Arthritis. Several types of psoriatic arthritis include Symmetric arthritis, Asymmetric arthritis, Distal interphalangeal predominant, Spondylitis, Arthritis mutilans.

Though psoriasis can be genetic but it goes worse due to stress, alcohol consumption and smoking. It can occur at any age but mostly it is found in an age group of 15-20 in the beginning. But psoriatic arthritis occurs between ages of 30-50. It is found that, more than 9 million people suffer from these diseases. The psoriasis treatment takes place in three stages basically. If found in mild stage, i.e.- small areas of the body like less than 10% of the total skin surface, then topical (skin applied) creams, lotions, and sprays may be very effective and safe to use.

Occasionally, a small local injection of steroids directly into tough or resistant isolated plaque psoriasis may be helpful. For moderate to severe disease that involves much larger areas of the body (like 20% or more of the total skin surface), topical products may not be effective or practical to apply. So exposing the skin to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is done. This treatment is generally called as phototherapy. The third stage includes medication through pills or injection which is known as systemic treatment. The three basic traditional systemic medications are methotrexate, cyclosporine and retinoids.

While in Psoriatic arthritis, a localized form of psoriatic arthritis is very mild and usually will affect the two joints. A person may suffer for long time with absolutely no symptoms of disease at all. It normally causes less deformity and leads to long-term disability.

But in "Generalized" disabling psoriatic arthritis, people have 3 or more numbers of affected joints having a higher probability of joint destruction and further disability. When it is not cured by anti-inflammatory medicines, then more virile medications are needed. Some times surgery followed by rehabilitation is badly required to get well soon.

In the UK The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (PAPAA) has funded research carried out to develop a symptom management programme called Electronic Targeted Intervention for Psoriasis) using a modified Cognitive Behavior Therapy model. This research is on psychological stress, distress and disability in patients with psoriasis. It is a condition for life time that is why called as chronic. Though there is no hundred percent guarantee regarding curability, but various treatments can help to control it. Severe psoriasis carries an increased risk of significant morbidity including skin cancers, lymphoma, liver disease, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression. A healthy lifestyle is basically important for people suffering from this disease. Regular exercises, healthy diet, stress reduction and a strong support network help the patients to develop mentally and physically a lot.

Stop Waiting To Die - What To Do When You're Diagnosed With An Incurable Disease

Almost six years ago I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease in which an overactive immune system attacks the interstitial lung tissue, leaving fibrotic scars. There is no known cause for most forms of this disease; the treatment is rarely effective; and the life expectancy is somewhere around three to five years. Unlike patients who undergo other organ transplants, patients who elect lung transplants only have an average life expectancy of three to five years after transplantation.

My initial reaction to my diagnosis was to basically ignore it. I do not have any fear of death. I had a great career as a corporate employee relations manager for a company in the top 100 of the Fortune 500 list. My income was high; my two sons are grown and well-employed.

My plan was to work until I dropped - literally. I joked about how they'd probably find me slumped over my computer one morning. Of course, at the time, it didn't occur to me that as my disease progressed, my ability to work would be affected. And shortly after the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, my joints began to ache. Referred to a rheumatologist, I was informed I also had developed another auto-immune disease, psoriatic arthritis.

Between taking medication to try and slow down the progression of the lung disease, and medication to stem the progression and pain of the arthritis, I was downing handfuls of pills a day. But nothing was getting better, or even staying the same. Every month my energy waned a little more as my lung capacity dropped and my joints swelled.

When reality finally sunk in, my pulmonologist signed the paperwork, putting me on permanent disability. There was no question about getting disability benefits. My illness was so critical, neither the Social Security Administration nor my long-term disability carrier questioned the fact that I am in fact disabled. Everyone else seemed to know I was disabled before I did.

What Do You Do With The Rest Of Your Life

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Those words jumped out at me from an engraved paperweight in a Christmas catalog.

Think about all the things you'd love to do but don't because you think you'd be a disaster at it. What did you want to be when you were a child - other than a fireman or a movie star. When you daydream, what are you doing in that altered state.

When I saw that paperweight the first thing that came to my mind was drawing and painting. For some reason, the idea of drawing portraits became an obsession. I kept thinking about it day after day. The holidays were coming up and I asked a friend for some sketch pads, drawing pencils, and an instruction book - something like "Drawing for the Totally Incompetent Artist" if there is such a title.

I started drawing that Christmas Day. In retrospect, my first attempts were pretty pathetic but they looked like people and that was a great rush for me. Three months later, I conceded that I could no longer do the job I was hired to do and decided to take disability voluntarily before the powers that be informed me I needed to find the front door. I was still drawing, almost every day.

Find People Who Share Your Interests

If you're seriously ill, the last thing you need is to sit alone, thinking about the fact that you're going to die. First of all, everyone is going to die. Second, you're still alive so do something about it. Nurture friendships with people who share your interests. A support group of people with the same or similar illnesses is okay but don't limit yourself to being with other sick people. If you have a passion for drawing as I did, find other people who want to draw.

When I stopped working I mentioned at my church group that I'd started drawing. Several women who were homemakers and had lots of free time during the workweek, told me they painted once a week. They invited me to join them. And we didn't just draw and paint; we talked, we lunched, we laughed and had a great time. And four years after leaving the workplace, I'm still drawing, painting (I've fallen in love with pastels), lunching and even laughing.

Keep Looking For New and Exciting Adventures Your Illness Can Tolerate

If you've always been active, one hobby or interest may not be enough to keep you turned on to life. Keep your mind open to new ideas, new people and new adventures.

When I started drawing and painting, life seemed to perk up, as did my spirits. But again, my type A personality needed more. Recently, during a painting group session, one of my friends mentioned that an artist friend had put up a website. The site had clothes, accessories and gifts that you could have printed with your own art or photography and sell online.

The minute I got home, I looked up Photography has been a serious part of my adult life and I've sold my work in California, Oregon and Washington. I could immediately visualize how my work would look on the clothes and gifts from CafePress. Within a week, I had opened up an online store.

Suddenly, the pain which now requires multiple doses of powerful narcotics each day is at least bearable. I'm too busy updating my inventory, taking new photos, and networking online to focus on my stiffening lungs or my achy joints. Yes, the pain is still there and yes, I still need pain medication; but now I have something productive to distract me and keep me engaged in the business of living.

Let Others Have Low Expectations; Keep Yours High

One thing I learned pretty quickly is that when you're critically ill, people have low expectations for what you can do. They really don't expect you to do much more than sit like a lump, staring out the window.

Well, that's fine. Let them have their expectations. How much fun to blow them out of the water by turning your life into a final spurt of creative energy. And when you're gone, they'll just see your smoke and say, "Wow, she went out with a blast!"

My Dermatologist Told Me to See An Arthritis Doctor... I Have Psoriasis and My Joints Hurt

Psoriatic arthritis is a distinct disease, different from rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis- another common type of arthritis- but sharing similar features to each. The disability and functional impairment in psoriatic arthritis can be as severe as that occurring from rheumatoid arthritis.

Typically, a patient will have had psoriasis for a number of years before the arthritis develops. A small proportion of patient will develop the arthritis concurrently with the skin disease and an even smaller percentage will develop the skin disease after the joint disease.

Psoriatic arthritis may affect most joints in an oligoarticular pattern, meaning a few scattered joints are affected and the joint inflammation does not have the symmetrical pattern seen in rheumatoid arthritis. Enthesitis, which is inflammation of the tendons that attach to bone, is common in psoriatic arthritis. "Sausage digits" - swelling of the fingers and toes so that they look like little sausages is frequent. Nail changes are also common. These include "pitting" and separation of the nail from the nailbed. Some patients will develop carpal tunnel syndrome because of inflammation in the wrist. Inflammation of the eyes is a serious complication, as is involvement of the aortic valve of the heart.

Joint deformity is frequent and affects 40% of patients with the disease. Psoriatic arthritis has a significant impact on quality of life. The skin disease is a tremendous burden and often leads to depression.

The inflammatory process that causes both the skin disease as well as the joint disease is driven by elevated levels of a substance called tumor necrosis factor, or TNF.

A patient with psoriasis who complains of joint pain, swelling, morning stiffness, and fatigue should raise a high level of suspicion for the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis.

Laboratory testing will show evidence of inflammation and imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can help confirm the diagnosis.

Treatments that improve the skin disease do not necessarily improve joint symptoms and vice versa.

Treatment goals include symptomatic relief and control of disease progression.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are helpful for relieving some symptoms. However the majority of patients with psoriatic arthritis will require a combination of methotrexate and anti-TNF biologic therapy. Anti-TNF therapies have provided a significant advance in the treatment of both the skin as well the joint disease in patients with psoriatic arthritis.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Osteoarthritis Diet - Discover 5 Easy Diet Steps Towards Natural Pain Relief From Osteoarthritis!

An effective and a healthy osteoarthritis diet can go a long way in overcoming arthritis pains and aches naturally. Find out the expert facts on what you should include in your diet for effective natural treatment of osteoarthritis.

Do you know that even being slightly overweight, for example an increase of 10 pounds in your weight - enhances the load on your joints dramatically. And the joints that are highly vulnerable are the hips, knees and ankles.

So, what would comprise a healthy osteoarthritis diet? Here are 5 important facts to help you decide the best diet for overcoming arthritis pains and aches naturally -

1) A lot of people go for a "low carb" diet to reduce weight. But there is a caveat attached to it. Taking a low-carb diet for long periods of time poses the risk of nutritional deficiency. This deficiency can affect the health of our bones, cartilage and joints.

Thus, it can be said that a "low-carb" diet cannot be classified as an appropriate osteoarthritis diet.

2) Although injury and heredity are some of the causes behind the occurrence of osteoarthritis, nutrition also plays a very important role in joint health. Our body requires a good amount of nutrients to rebuild its cartilage. A good osteoarthritis diet should be made up of essential nutrients that help to rebuild cartilage.

3) The diet pattern of American people has also changed drastically over the years. The proportion of Omega 6 and omega-3 fatty acids has changed pretty significantly.

While there are many good food sources of Omega 6, Omega 3 diets include mainly fish. The recommended omega-3 consumption per day is around 1000 mg. Most people are not consuming enough fish to achieve this omega-3 supplementation per day.

For osteoarthritis, the recommended omega-3 intake is around 3000 mg. It is nearly impossible to achieve this daily intake of Omega 3s without supplementation.

4) Health experts are of the view that an imbalance in the consumption of omega-3 versus Omega 6 is one of the leading causes of the occurrence of osteoarthritis. Omega 6 fatty acid compounds cause inflammation, while Omega 3 fatty acids help to inhibit inflammation naturally.

Inflammation is the prime cause of pain in osteoarthritis patients.

5) Besides omega-3 fatty acids, osteoarthritis patients also require calcium, magnesium and vitamins C and D as a part of a healthy osteoarthritis diet. Vitamin C helps in the formation of cartilage, while calcium, magnesium and vitamin D give healthy bones as well as prevent osteoporosis from occurring. It is a scientific fact that osteoporosis enhances the risk of the occurrence of osteoarthritis.

Nutritional supplements like chondroitin and glucosamine are also very helpful as a part of a healthy osteoarthritis diet. The extract of green lipped mussel found in New Zealand is also highly effective in improving joint flexibility, reducing pain and morning stiffness in osteoarthritis patients.

A good osteoarthritis diet should include fish consumption at least 3 to 5 times per week. It should also include a good amount of fruits, whole grains, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.

The Truth About Psoriasis And How You Can Prevent It Or Cure It

Psoriasis is a dry skin disorder that has affected approximately 3% of people globally. It occurs in human skin cells when they develop too quickly. Doctors believe that it is genetic and is caused by the immune system that produces a large number of cells in body. On normal bases, it takes between 21-22 days for the replacement of skin cells. However, those who face psoriasis, the replacement of cells take about 4-6 days. This is why it is said that the psoriasis patience have the rapid development of cells in them. Fault in immune system cause new skin cells to develop within days rather than weeks. Since the development increases too much, body does not have space for them. For this reason, skin cells pile on the surface of the skin and start becoming visible.

To know whether you have the faulty immune system that is producing excessive skin cells or not, you need to observe the symptoms in yourself. Psoriasis form lesions form. The lesion forms vary in appearance because of the different forms of psoriasis. Namely, there are 5 types of psoriasis; inverse, plague, guttate, pustular and erythematic. Majority people having psoriasis have plague psoriasis. Medical research has proved that 80% of people suffering from psoriasis have plague psoriasis in terms of type. Plague psoriasis form thick, scaly skin that can be in white, red and silver color. These can develop on any part of the body, but are more often found on knees, elbows, scalp and lower back. They can also affect nails by pulling them away from nail bed and also appears to have yellowish-orange color on the upper part of a nail. A medical issue that is not contagious, it has no age criteria. psoriasis can hit anyone of any age. It develops between the ages of 11 to 45. In easy words, you can say that psoriasis may hit after puberty.

You might think that what causes the development of psoriasis. As stated before, it is caused due to faulty immune system present. Psoriasis is not contagious; you cannot get it by having contact with someone who already has it or even using the same items of the people having psoriasis may not affect you.

Now when you have psoriasis, you must cure it because it has a very unpleasant effect and give a very unacceptable look on the body part that has been affected. However, the cure to this medical issue is possible. Before moving on to the cure, psoriasis must be diagnosed first. Since there are different types of psoriasis, every type has different way of getting cured and only for this reason; they must be diagnosed first so that the doctor can treat it the best possible way.After they have been cured, now comes the time of curing them. Curing can be done in different ways since the types are different.

The first method can be symbolized as topical treatment. This generally means to put something on top of the skin. Things like cream, ointment or even a spray are highlighted under the heading of topical treatment. Another treatment helps in the curing of this medical disorder and this is known as light therapy. This is the type of therapy where the subjected area is kept under different types of concentrated sunlight. In this therapy, you may get treatment from lights such as sunlight, UV phototherapy, excimer laser, pulsed dye laser and combination light therapy. The third method is by taking the treatment orally. By oral treatment, it is meant taking medicines in order to get rid of psoriasis. Even injections can be taken in order to treat the whole immune system.

Psoriasis is a type of medical issue that cannot be prevented. However, you can always follow useful tips to improve the symptoms and reduce chances of getting effected from psoriasis.

Cold weather makes symptoms worse and therefore, it is better to avoid cold and dry weather. However, hot and humid sunlight may cure the affected area's symptoms. Avoid skin touching and picking skin. Also, avoid skin injuries as much as you can. Avoiding stress is strong recommendation. Maintaining a proper emotional balance will always help you in staying away from this skin disorder. Even certain medicines can put you into psoriasis. Medicines like lithium, beta-blocker and many more have been proven as medicines that trigger the chances of psoriasis.

Eat Your Arthritis Pain Away - How Low Glycemic Meals Can Help

In ancient times, food was the original medicine. There are hieroglyphs in the tombs of Egypt showing doctors healing patients with herbs, spices, honey and other food. Back then, their food wasn't tainted with pesticides and chemicals like ours is today.

Food affects EVERYTHING in your body and therefore must impact your arthritis symptoms. Think about it. Was there a time when you were trying to get healthy or lose weight and you were following a strict eating plan? Lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, not a lot of fat? And didn't you feel really good during that time? Your energy probably soared, your GI tract worked well, and you probably noticed things like your skin and hair looked a little better. Low glycemic eating is the ultimate meal plan to naturally decrease inflammation and increase your overall health. Let's look at it as the ultimate arthritis diet.

Low Glycemic just means that these foods won't cause blood sugar levels to soar after you eat (which, if you also have type II diabetes will make your doctor very happy). The reason I recommend low glycemic eating as the ideal arthritis diet is because all food eventually gets turned into blood sugar. High blood sugar levels cause inflammation. Since arthritis is inflammation of the joints, we want to help your body naturally decrease inflammation so you get relief.

When you eat bread (or pasta, or rice, or a donut, or a potato) your blood sugar spikes quickly. Your body releases insulin. Insulin's job is to take that sugar OUT of your blood and get it INTO your cells.

Here's where it gets a little technical... have you ever seen a car rust because it's exposed to sea air or snow? That's called "oxidation." It's a natural process caused by oxygen reacting with a metal. When we eat, breathe, sleep, whatever - just by living - we constantly have "oxidation" going on inside us. It's almost like rusting on the inside. That blood sugar spike from that potato and the insulin release after speeds up that oxidation and creates "free radicals". (You've heard of those before, right?) Those free radicals cause chaos in your body; they damage cells, they harden arteries, and they cause inflammation (and arthritis symptoms are caused by inflammation).

But if you can slow down the blood sugar spike and the insulin release, you can slow down the oxidation (rusting on the inside) and the inflammation.

The glycemic index is a system that rates how fast a food causes blood sugar levels (and insulin secretion) to rise. The higher the number, the faster it causes blood sugar spikes. A glycemic index (GI) of 70 or more is considered high, 56-69 is considered medium, and 55 or below is low.
Some foods like carrots have a high GI rating because they have natural sugars. In cases like this, where the food is inherently healthy (natural, raw, unprocessed, etc.) the trick is to eat smaller portion sizes to keep them from affecting blood sugar. (In the case of carrots, have one big carrot or 10 baby carrots at a sitting - not 4 big carrots or 40 baby carrots!)

I recommend you eat only low glycemic foods for the first month of your arthritis diet. This is your life and if arthritis is keeping you from being active and doing the things you love, then one month's time is a small price to pay. At the end of that month, you'll have gotten rid of many of your cravings anyway, and you might find the arthritis diet is easy and you like it.

I have provided lists of low, medium, and high glycemic foods on my website, and there are lists available all over the internet. Pasta, 100% whole wheat bread and brown rice are included in the low glycemic list. THEY ARE ONLY LOW GLYCEMIC IN THE PORTIONS INDICATED. You don't have to worry about counting calories with this eating plan, but you DO need to watch your portions when it comes to the grains.

Here are some definitions for you:

Carbohydrates - anything that originally grew in the ground. All your grains, fruits, beans, and vegetables fall in this category. So do most nuts, but because of their fat content, nuts are considered fats (but HEALTHY fats!)

Proteins - mostly animal products. Beef, chicken, pork, turkey, duck, shellfish, fish, eggs, and dairy products (which also count as carbohydrates, but dairy products tend to have low glycemic ratings).

Fats - Butter, oils, nuts, avocados (also a carbohydrate but it counts as a fat). Fats break down to saturated (are solid at room temperature) and unsaturated (liquid at room temperature). The unsaturated fats are ideal in an arthritis diet. I use Extra Virgin Olive Oil almost exclusively in my cooking, and the natural fats found in certain fish are excellent for joint health. Try to eat fish two times a week as it's also an excellent protein source.

Here's how a day eating low glycemic might look:


2 eggs scrambled with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and eaten with salsa and 1/4 avocado
1 cup of strawberries or melon
5 baby carrots


Chicken salad on 1 slice whole grain bread with tomato and lettuce
Salad with balsamic and olive oil vinagrette
An apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter


1/2 cup cottage cheese with a peach or plum
1 piece of string cheese with an orange and a handful of almonds or cashews


Lean steak or chicken marinated and grilled
Roasted asparagus
Black beans sauteed in olive oil, garlic and cumin

You can mix and match any food with a glycemic index of 55 or less. The options are truly limitless.