Saturday, March 9, 2013

Controlling Arthritis, Inflammation And Pain

Most of us by now know that it is important to eat fish and to take our fish oils to keep our memory sound and our joints lubricated. However what do we do when despite our best efforts our body is beginning to seize up and we have pain in our joints and cramps and we have arthritis?

Inflammation is often directly responsible for joint pain and tissue damage in Arthritis. It is important to choose foods that decrease inflammation such as avoiding refined, processed and manufactured foods since these contain inflammatory fats, preservatives and carbohydrates.

It is possible to increase inflammation with Omega 6 fatty acids. They are found in soybean oil which is often used in biscuits and biscuit snacks. Another problem is corn syrup which is often used as sweetener. It is a carbohydrate that we digest quickly but disturbs the metabolism leading to the body making inflammation in some instances.

On the other hand extra-virgin olive oil has the antioxidant (polyphenol) which helps protect tissues from inflammation. Omega 3 (oily fish such as salmon, sardines and herring) will help reduce inflammation. We need to eat fish three times a week but as we all know fish oil supplements are essential for people with arthritis.

It is also important to distinguish good carbohydrates from bad by understanding the glycemic index and how they affect the blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar lowers inflammation so replace high-glycemic foods made with sugar and flour with lower type foods such as whole grains, sweet potatoes, beans and squash. If you must eat pasta then do so but not too often. It is better than bread and potatoes. You also need less animal protein, especially red meat and chicken as these contain an amino acid which may cause inflammation. Instead eat more vegetable protein such as beans and soy. It is also important to check if you have wheat and yeast sensitivities as these can add to your problems for all your cells in your body.

Fruit and vegetables are a must on your list. Choose three from each colour daily and add ginger and turmeric, both which have anti-inflammatory effects. Green tea also makes for a good anti-inflammatory drink.

From the list of supplements which will help Celery is essential for arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. It is detoxifying, helps the kidneys dispose of waste products and is good for the digestion. It is useful with bio-flavanoids for rheumatism and gout.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is another supplement which may regenerate cartilage and synovial fluid. It is important that you take it at the same time each day and 2 capsules a day. You will not see the effects until after about 3-6 weeks and do not take it if you are allergic to seafood. Sometimes is can upset your stomach a bit and give you loose bowel motions but this only happens in a few people. It is only a temporary measure and you need to tell your doctor if you are a diabetic or are on certain medications.

Another product in the glucosamine group is Glucosamine Sulphate which is a natural constituent of our bodies formed from glucose. It is important in making cartilage and synovial fluid that helps cushion the joints. As we age our ability to make this decreases and it has been found to stop the pain of Osteoarthritis in some cases. It may also be used as a preventative. It is good for knee Osteoarthritis and sometimes better than ibuprofen. It helps athletes and sports people reduce risk of training injuries. Arthritis sufferers should take 1500mg for acute pain followed by 500-1000mg for general maintenance. It does not act as quickly as medication and should be taken at least 6 weeks.

Since everyone is different if you do not have success with the above try Devils Claw which is yet another herbal remedy to reduce inflammation and pain. Take 1-2ml of the tincture three times a day.

If you have had success with homeopathic remedies then try some Bryonia which can help in rheumatism and arthritis, chest conditions and headaches. Get it from a homeopath. It often assists with swollen, intensely painful joints in rheumatism.

If you prefer something more in the line of teas, try some Cats Claw which is a woody vine grown in rainforests of Peru. Traditionally the Indians used it to treat Arthritis. It has immune stimulating, anti viral, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory effects and has some anti-tumour and anti-microbial properties. It also comes in capsules.

Remember also that your digestion is important as it is important to have a good digestion to actually absorb the supplements you are taking and your nutrition from your food. Otherwise you are loading up with pills and they are just going straight through you with hardly any beneficial effects. Ginger has warming properties, is good for the digestion, circulation, helps with the inflammation and lowers blood pressure. It also helps reduce the pain. Studies in Copenhagen have found it is as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but without their side effects. However it is slower to work and takes about three weeks to ease symptoms. 500mg daily is a good preventative or for long-term ailments.

To add to the above there are 12 Biochemic tissue salts which help to create a balance back to the body. Ferr Phos (phosphate of iron) is used in acute attacks with fever, inflammation of joints which are swollen and red or painful when aggravated by motion. Nat Phos (sodium phosphate) is useful when there are acid conditions and alternate it with Nat Sulph (Sodium sulphate) Nat Mur (Sodium chloride - which is ordinary salt) when there is creaking of the joints, Mag Phos (magnesium phosphate) alternated with Calc Phos (calcium phosphate) for pain relief in Osteo-arthritis. Sometimes it is good to combine Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica and this was a remedy called Zief developed way back in 1964 for pain. It is important to get the chewable, biochemic salts as these are usually more effective.

The above is a long list and I cannot emphasise enough that different things work well for different people however It is possible to control Arthritis with proper diet, alkalising your system and proper supplements. Consult your natural practitioner for a balanced health plan. It is important to not 'self-medicate' so to speak and a 10 minute chat with a practitioner at a health food store does not suffice. You need a proper, in-depth assessment by a Naturopath or Nutritionist who will make a plan to specifically suit your needs and take into account other illnesses and symptoms also.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - What It Is

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory, chronic disease that affects multiple joints. Some of the common characteristics includes periods of inflammation/exacerbation then remission. Usually the small joints are affected first, with a symmetrical joint involvement e.g. right and left fingers simultaneously etc.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Process

Synovial membrane thickens, becoming increasingly vascularised and filled with inflammatory cells. This build up of tissue is very aggressive, and can cause:
- erosion of cartilage and subchondral bone
- infiltrates tendon sheaths and disrupts its mechanisms, limiting gliding effect, and can lead to tendon rupture
- goes into the space of connective tissues
- nerve compressions of the sensory or motor nerve especially in tight compartments

This results in pain, joint instability, contractures, weakness of the muscles and even deformity or subluxation. There is usually a varying degrees and levels of damage, pain and functional levels. The perception and actual damage can determine the ultimate function and mobility of each individual. Patients with better pain tolerance and education and hope usually end up with better results and function.

Phases Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease

There are three phases of rheumatoid arthritis: acute, sub-acute and chronic. Their characteristics are:

Acute: lots of inflammation, swelling, pain in joints, elevated temperature
Sub-acute: lesser activity and easier to be controlled by medication, more stable but demonstrates that disease is progressing
Chronic: during this stage, the disease is no longer active, but at this point there will be residual biomechanical problems in the joint will cause pain, instability or stiffness

Psoriasis and Homeopathy Treatment: Why Homeopathy Is Not a Viable Treatment for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease which affects millions of people around the world. It is a disorder of the immune system, in which the body produces excessive skin cell growth. Symptoms include rough, scaly skin and chronic itching at the affected sites, and it has been linked with increased risk of stroke as well psoriatic arthritis. There are many treatments for psoriasis, both natural and medical, and one of the most common natural treatments is homeopathy. However, it has long been known that the claims of homeopathy are scientifically baseless, and it is extremely unlikely to result in any improvement. To understand why, it is important to understand how homeopathy is theorized to work.

Homeopathic solutions are made by repeatedly diluting a substance in either distilled water or alcohol. The number of dilutions is so large that the resulting concoction contains not even a single molecule of the original substance; proponents claim that the water or alcohol "remembers" the effect of the substance and confers it to the user. This idea has not been borne from by scientific studies, of which there have been many since homeopathy's inception; in fact, no study has proven that homeopathic remedies work any better than a placebo. In addition, homeopathic solutions and pills are often extremely expensive, especially considering the fact that many of them consist of nothing but distilled water. This high cost, coupled with a general lack of efficacy, results in a treatment which ultimately does more harm than good.

Homeopathy, however, is not the only natural treatment for psoriasis. There are many others, most of which are free or extremely low-cost, which are backed up by science. These range from ideas as simple as soaking or bathing (which serve to soften the hardened patches of skin), to eliminating psoriasis triggers from the sufferer's daily life. Triggers can be medications, stress, certain types of soap or foods, or even being overweight. Additionally, skin irritants such as sunburn and friction from coarse clothing can significantly worsen psoriasis by an effect known as the Koebner phenomenon-new lesions form at the site of irritation.

There are numerous more effective natural psoriasis remedies than homeopathy. Moisturizing the skin is one of the most effective treatments for psoriasis, in that it prevents dry skin from cracking and becoming infected. It is not necessary to use a specific moisturizing cream, as cheaper alternatives such as petroleum jelly serve the same purpose for a fraction of the cost. Creams should be applied immediately after soaking the affected areas. Other topical treatments which have proven to help many people include apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and aloe vera gel.

These are only a few of the natural treatments for psoriasis which are not only cheaper, but more effective than homeopathic remedies. Psoriasis may not have one cure that fits all, but there exists a myriad of possible remedies which can help a sufferer alleviate their symptoms or even eliminate them altogether.

For more information about effective and natural remedies for psoriasis, click here.

Provailen Reviews - How to Control Arthritis Pain Naturally

Arthritis can be caused by a number of attributing factors such as a virus, an auto-immune infection, a bacteria disease or simply how your body deals with a broken bone, but in essence all ailments may result in the inflammation and swelling of one or more of your joints, tendons, cartilage or ligaments.

The swelling is caused by the lack of fluid allowed to enter the joint, leaving them dry and brittle and difficult to maneuver efficiently, where after sometime they will no longer be able to function with loose elasticity and the smooth functioning they once could.

Are there actually any effective natural arthritis supplements?

There are a ton of "supposed" arthritis supplements on the market, most of which don't come with any teeth, which is why people turn to prescription medications, but these cannot be used long-term due the effects they have on your liver and kidney.

So up until now, aside from consuming a diet rich in Omega 3 Acids, there have been few effective natural arthritis supplements on the market that will deliver outstanding results.

So what will Provailen do for you?

The essential benefits:

  • Increase suppleness to your joints.

  • Relieve excruciating pain.

  • Reduce swelling and inflammation.

  • Relieve stiffness.

How is Provailen different from alternative supplements for arthritis?

Provailen contains no additives, it is 100% all natural with no fillers or dangerous toxins.

  • Absolutely safe for men and women of all ages.

  • Affordable and inexpensive.

  • 6 month money back guarantee.

  • Provailen will treat the cause, and the symptom.

Most non-prescription arthritis and prescription supplements only deliver symptomatic relief, they don't address the cause of the pain.

By simply pacifying the symptoms will not relieve you from arthritis in the long-term.

Provailen however contains the right ingredients that are absorbed straight through the synovial joint membranes deep into your tendons, joints, cartilage and ligaments, where it treats the root of the cause, providing sustained pain relief and results.

One Supplement that Treats All

Provailen is also one of the few natural arthritic supplements that treats osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, plus it provides additional pain relief for sufferers of gout.

Longevity Benefits

Extremely rich in anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins and anti-inflammatory ingredients, Provailen may also boost your immune system, raise your energy levels, enhance your mental clarity and also help you have a sounder nights sleep.

What are Provailen's ingredients and how do they work?

There are 3 main organic compounds in Provailen that treat the cause of arthritis, alleviating the stiffness and returning suppleness to the joints.

1. Tonkat Ali

A formidable longevity plant in the Far East, Tonkat Ali is often referred to as the tree that cures 100 diseases. This plant will strengthen both your bones and muscles which means more support to the joints.

Traditionally used in Asian medicines to treat fatigue, the loss of energy is one of the obvious symptoms of arthritis, and Tonkat Ali will help inject a burst of energy into the body, helping you maintain an overall boost in all-round strength

2. The Reishi Mushroom

For 5000 years the Chinese have been administering Reishi based medicines to treat the painful swelling of the joints as this miracle mushroom is an anti-inflammatory bacteria 8 times more potent than Ginseng.

You might also know Reishi as Ling Zhi or Ganoderma and while not empirically proven in the West, there is strong belief in the medical community that Reishi alone is excellent at fending off cancers.

3. Capsaicin

The final ingredient is Capsaicin and is a particularly active ingredient in chilli peppers.

Capsaicin is important for 2 reasons:

a: It's a pain blocker. Capsaicun interferes with the chemicals that transmit pain impulses from your joints to the brain.

b: It assists in the absorption and breakdown of ingredients, helping your body reap the full benefits of ingredients which would normally not be fully digested.

These 3 ingredients - Tongkat Ali, Reishi and Capsaicun, means that Provailen should not just treat the symptoms but also get to the root of the problem and work to eradicate the arthritis pain for good.

The DANGERS of Prescription Arthritis Supplements

You have to be very careful when it comes to choosing arthritis supplements as the risks are "very real".

NSAIDs - Nonsterodial Anti-Inflammatory Drugs - dangers include:

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Dizzyness

  • Ulcers

  • Headaches

  • Digestive Problems

  • Kidney and Liver Problems

  • Damage to Internal Organs

Is Provailen Safe? How is it Different?

The short answer according to the manufacturers is yes. Provailen uses 100% natural and organic products, where clinical trials have demonstrated that it can be taken in combination with additional arthritic over-the-counter or prescription supplements.

Side Effects of Provailen

As it detoxifies the body, depending on your current state of health, you may experience some light itching, a mild headache or perhaps some loose stools for the first few days.

This is just your body flushing away toxins and free radicals from your system.

What's the Correct Dosage?

Age Related Spinal Arthritis Is No Myth At All

In a lot of magazines written especially for elderly people you can find articles about spinal arthritis that, more often then not, seem to be related to age. Are those articles just made to sell products or is there some truth in that assumption? Well in fact there are a couple of different kind of spinal arthritis types and they have all different names for example osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and arthritis of the facet joints. And the magazines do have a point when they say that spinal arthritis is caused by age.

Spinal arthritis is no life threatening disease but it can be very painful, debilitating and cut into the mobility of many people. And lets be honest, mostly elderly people are struck with the symptoms of these types of arthritis. There are some exceptions because there are younger people who suffer from spinal arthritis although most develop just a mild form. With younger people, spinal arthritis usually begin very mildly and have a tendency to escalate in pain intensity after many years.

What are the symptoms of spinal arthritis?

Almost all kind of arthritis cause symptoms like: - pain

- swelling

- stiffness of the joints

- morning stiffness

- the spinal area can feel numb

- spinal deformity

- feeling of bone on bone rubbing

- reduced mobility

- reduced agility

Causes Of Spinal Arthritis

The most common cause of most types of spinal arthritis are the succumbing of the cartilages of the spine through wear and tear, normal aging an injuries to the bones.

If in the spine the cartilages wear down, this results in friction of the cartilages, pain, swelling, inflammation and loss of motion in that area. Most of the time when the symptoms are focused mainly in the neck and lower back the spinal arthritis is caused by osteoporosis an this kind of arthritis almost always develops when we age. What starts as a mild spinal pain, neck or lower back pain will increase if the fraction between the cartilages also increases this happens because of degeneration of the cartilages. The pain is almost always more severe in the morning and the evening.

A poor diet in combination with spinal arthritis symptoms can make this age related condition worse. Most people are more focused om the health of internal organs but overlook the effects of diet and their general cartilage and bone health. It is a well known fact that an increase of calcium by drinking low fat or skimmed milk or calcium supplements can reduce some symptoms of spinal arthritis.

So watching your diet is a thing we should do when we experience the first symptoms of spinal arthritis It probably will not stop the disease from developing and evolving but it can slow it down.

There also are some amazing arthritis medicine or alternative arthritis pain relief products about which we have published on our website My Rigid Body.

Just remember that all though spinal arthritis is a disease that is related to age it does not mean that you can not suffer from it when your young.

Alternative Treatment For Osteoarthritis - Discover 3 Essential Facts For Natural Pain Relief!

Osteoarthritis is a very painful condition. It drains out the joy of living. You might be surprised to know that you need not rely on painkiller for osteoarthritis, but that are far more effective alternative treatment for osteoarthritis. Discover 3 expert facts in this article.

1) Inflammation is the prime cause behind the occurrence of pain in osteoarthritis. Any effective alternative treatment for osteoarthritis should combat inflammation. In this way, we can reduce and prevent pain naturally.

Prescription based anti-inflammatory medicines suffer from a lot of side effects. OTC pain relievers also pose a significant risk for our future health.

2) Over the years, a good deal of research has been done on alternative treatment for osteoarthritis. Medical experts have concluded that a lot of anti-inflammatory compounds exist in nature, which are free of any side effects. They also provide many health benefits as well as reduce pain.

It has been found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in the form of purified fish oil and extract of green lipped mussel found in New Zealand are highly effective to reduce pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis patients.

The green lipped mussel is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It has been found very effective in reducing joint pain and stiffness, improving grip strength and pace of walking in osteoarthritis patients.

3) The prime reason for the occurrence of osteoarthritis is the deterioration in cartilage cushions of the joints. They get damaged by injury or excessive stress on joint tissues. An imbalanced diet is also a major contributor for this cartilage damage.

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the activity of the enzyme that is responsible for destroying the cartilage. They can serve as an effective alternative treatment for osteoarthritis as Omega 3s reduce inflammation naturally. So, they are capable of providing much-needed pain relief for osteoarthritis patients.

In this way, a good omega-3 supplementation such as purified fish oil can be called as one of the best natural painkiller and alternative treatment for osteoarthritis. It reduces inflammation, provides effective pain relief and prevents deterioration in the cartilage cushions naturally.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Vivo Analysis: Understanding the Cause Dog Arthritis

Arthritis is a common condition in which there is pain in their joints. There are a lot of medications for this condition. You just have to ask the vet for the right medications. In dogs, arthritis could be a result of an old injury or there is too much stress in their joints. There are a lot of different treatments of arthritis depending on how much damage it has caused to the person. When it comes to treatment of dog arthritis, there are medicines and normal treatments that your dog can take, such as:

Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are used for pain relief by lessening the inflammation in the joint areas. The pain disappears as quickly as you can expect.

Some examples are:

• Rimadyl
• Zubrin
• Deramaxx
• Etogesic

Then, there are neutroceuticals, which are nutritional supplements that have medicinal properties. But it may take weeks or months for the effect of the supplement to take months.

Some examples are:

• Glucosamine
• Omega 3 Fatty Acids
• Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM)

Another treatment is using adequan injections which can improve the health of the joints. It contains protective cartilage known as polysulfated glycosaminoglycans that can help in improving the joints as well as relieving the pain. Corticosteroids are also effective pain relievers, but carry a high risk of side effects that can be a hindrance to a normal routine of a person.

Physical therapy is one of the common treatments that are available immediately once the veterinarian recommends it. It is an effective way of dealing with pain in dogs and, as long as you are there throughout the sessions, your dog will be arthritis-free in no time. Some forms of physical therapy are swimming and acupunctures, as well as some exercise. This is the most important therapy of all. Most of the listed above won't work unless you and your dog will make an effort to do simple exercises with your dog.

But one treatment that shows promise to curing arthritis is adult stem cell therapy where it involves removing tissues in the dog that has arthritis. The stem cell is injected in these tissues for the joint to be cured, by clearing out the fluid that causes the arthritis. This is a bit expensive though and is still facing controversy because of moral issues (which actually involves dead fetuses and using them for science). You may want to stick first on physical therapy and exercise because you can do this anytime and anywhere, as well as bond with your dog.

Arthritis is a condition that can be cured so you don't have to worry about getting worse, unless you don't take care of your dog. Make sure to watch over him or her and never forget to visit the veterinarian.

Coping With Osteoarthritis

There are a lot of people in the United States that suffer from arthritis. Arthritis can be painful and greatly limit a persons' mobility. There are many types of arthritis, but it generally involves joint inflammation. One of the most common types of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is often called degenerative joint disease.

Under normal conditions there is a layer of cartilage that surrounds the bones in a joint. The cartilage acts as a sort of pad for the bones and allows them to move easily and freely. In people that suffer from osteoarthritis, the cartilage will begin to wear away and breakdown. Eventually the bones of the joint may directly rub against each other, which can be very painful.

Many are affected by degenerative joint disease, but it is very commonly found in those who are older. This is in large part do to the fact that they have been using their joints for a long time. Athletes, those who are overweight, and people who have had joint injury are also frequently affected by osteoarthritis. The exact cause, however, is unknown, but it is thought to be at least partially genetic and just using your joints alone will not cause osteoarthritis.

There is currently no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are many things that can be done to help control its advance and the pain associated with it. One of the most important things to do is to protect your joints whenever possible. This means using devices like canes or rollators. A rollator is a rolling walker that has two handlebars and doubles as a seat. It is also important to avoid lifting heavy objects and you should do some types of exercise. Some people also find that heat packs or ice packs can help to reduce stiffness and pain. There are also several different types of medicines available that reduce swelling and inflammation. Many over the counter drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can also reduce pain, but you should consult a doctor to find out the best one for you.

Protecting your joints and minimizing their use is one of the best ways to control and combat osteoarthritis. Things like electric can openers and electric knives should be used when possible. You should also consider buying tools and kitchen utensils that have larger handles and you can wrap things like pens in fabric or foam to make them easier to handle. Another device that can be used is a lift chair. Lift chairs are like recliners, but the base of the chair rises to make standing and sitting much easier. They are controlled by a remote control and some come with built in heat pads. A lift chair will greatly reduce the amount of wear that you put on your joints and can greatly reduce the pain of standing and sitting. There are many other devices that can be used.

For those that live with osteoarthritis, many everyday tasks, like standing and sitting, walking, and using tools and kitchen utensils, can become very difficult. It is very important to reduce the amount of strain that you put on your joints. Devices like automatic can openers and lift chairs can be used to affectively reduce the amount of strain that you put on your joints.

Natural Arthritis Joint Pain Relief Supplements And Products

Arthritis causes damage not only to the two opposing bones but also to the adjoining tissues, ligaments, tendons, bursae and muscles. Arthritis may be of countless types. Some of the types are:

1. Osteoarthritis - This type is a part of the natural aging of joints. With aging, cartilages lose power to repair itself after daily wear and tear and are lost in no time. This exposes the unguarded bones to friction and erosion as a result of it. This causes much pain and inflammation.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis - This type of arthritis is prevalent among comparatively younger people. It occurs when a misdirected immune system attacks and erodes healthy joint tissues.

3. Lupus - Lupus, like rheumatoid arthritis, is an autoimmune disorder.

4. Gout - It is the outcome of faulty metabolism. It occurs when uric acid crystals collect within a joint.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief Supplements and Products

Some of the renowned arthritis pain relief supplements may be discussed as follows:

Recovery with herbal massage oil is good for arthritis pain relief. It effectively reduces pain and inflammation, arrests joint tissue damage, fosters tissue repair, enhances circulation to tissues and promotes cell regeneration. The ingredients of herbal oil include EGCG, theaflavin, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol extracted from tea and grape, MSM, DMG, Vitamin C, Bromelain, Glucosamine and energy.

Glucosamine is an important anti-arthritis ingredient. It is a form of glucose that brings about cartilage tissue repair and rebuilding. Bromelain, a substance derived from pineapple, has natural analgesic properties. One may take 1 teaspoon of Recovery powder twice daily. 5 Recovery capsules are equivalent to one teaspoon of powder.

The above products are examples of natural arthritis pain relief supplements. There are several other similar instances. Almost all natural arthritis pain relief supplements contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanicals, and extracts and concentrates from the following substances.

GLA or Gamma - Linolenic acid is a form of omega-6 fatty acid. It is very helpful in treating pain, swelling and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. GLA comes from natural ingredients such as:

1. Black currant oil extracted from seeds of black currant (contains 15%-20% GLA).
2. Borage seed oil (contains 20%-26% GLA).
3. Evening primrose extracts (contains 7%-10% GLA).

Boswellic acid is obtained from the bark of Boswellia and Indian Frankincense.

Avocado Soyabean Unsaponifiables (ASU) is obtained from avocado and soybeans oil. ASU checks the release of certain inflammatory chemicals by the body.

Bromelain is anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving enzyme found in pineapple.

Cat's claw is an anti-inflammatory, immune cell stimulating dried root bark of a woody vine growing in Amazon forests.

Turmeric, a yellow colored powdered root of turmeric plant, contains curcumin that lessens joint pain, inflammation and stiffness.

Ginger root eliminates pain and joint stiffness.

Roots and stem of Stinging nettle alleviates inflammatory and painful conditions.

Devil's claw grows in South Africa. It reduces joint pain and inflammation.

Fish oil contained in cold water fishes like salmon, halibut, herring, cod, tuna etc., is a rich source of omega-3 fatty that helps to get rid of joint pain and swelling

Flaxseed or linseed oil is derived from seed of flax plant. It contains omega-6 fatty acid, omega-3 fatty acid and lignans that lubricate joint lowering stiffness and pain.

DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone, an androgen steroid hormone. Natural DHEA lessens joint ache.

MSM or methylsulfonylmethane is an organic sulfur compound coming from fruits, vegetables and grains. MSM control nerve signals that relay pain sensations and also helps in building connective tissue.

SAM-e is a naturally occurring chemical in body that checks joint pain, inflammation, stiffness, improves mobility and helps in cartilage regeneration.

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate trigger cartilage rebuilding and increases cartilage elasticity by drawing fluids in to cartilage tissue.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - The Healing Crisis Your Doctor Never Mentioned

Rheumatoid arthritis is a life-altering disorder that remains a mystery to our most brilliant medical minds. So much so that most traditionally trained rheumatologists delivering care to patients afflicted with the dreaded disorder tend to limit their scope of care to mitigation of pain and discomfort. This has been the status quo of how patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have been cared for during the past few decades. Medical science has seemingly not been in too great a hurry to find a disease reversing and health restoring protocol that could be dispensed to the general public.

In recent years we've seen the emergence of concerned groups, in defiance of the traditional medical field, demanding answers and pushing the envelope with regard to new and promising health restoring treatments and therapies for the many forms of arthritis. Many of these voices have in hand, factual, scientifically derived protocols that, in many instances, have been proven to be effective in alleviating the pain and discomfort of rheumatoid arthritis. There are some who go so far as to claim they have discovered 'cures' for all rheumatic ailments.

Unknown to the average guy on the street, there is something rarely discussed, even in medical circles, that is at the forefront of any sensible, practical and successful attempt to restore the health of anyone afflicted with rheumatic complaints. This is nature's cleansing process that Homeopathic physicians and other nature cure practitioners call the Healing Crisis.

A Healing Crisis usually takes place within the first three to eight weeks of a conscious and sustained, total body cleansing effort. The average duration is from three to five days. It is often initiated by a therapeutic fast or cleansing diet. This allows an immutable principle of nature to kick in which is often referred to as 'the law of cure.' This principle teaches that:

1. The natural cure of any disease state starts deep within the body and works out toward the skin.
2. The natural cure of any disease state starts with the head and moves downward toward the feet.
3. The natural cure of any disease state takes place in reverse order as the symptoms originally appeared in the body.

A disease state such as arthritis follows a certain path or stages of deterioration and degradation and a predictable path to recovery. When an arthritis sufferer engages in some type of systemic waste removal and adopts a biologically friendly fasting regimen or a cleansing diet, that person will often begin to go through a re-visitation of the same symptoms experienced at different stages while the ailment was developing.

It is at this exact point that nature, by way of a Healing Crisis, can walk a person back through the degenerative, chronic, sub-acute and acute stages of their rheumatic ailment until the original condition of acute irritation is reached. Reversal of the disease state at its foundation can often be achieved if the person continues to allow the great immutable principle of nature to operate unhindered throughout the body.

From there it is simply a matter of following a sensible dietary program and adopting certain lifestyle modifications to achieve the desired goal of partial or complete reversal of the rheumatic disorder. What many biologically oriented practitioners have known for years and what some of our contemporary health professionals are discovering is that without a Healing Crisis and the disease reversal process there can be no complete recovery from disease.

Arthritis Treatment Options

Think the only thing you can do to help your arthritis is to take pain medications? Think your arthritis is only going to get worse as you get older? With today's medical advances, there are a wide range of arthritis treatment options available to those suffering from the condition.

Depending on the form of arthritis you suffer, doctors can prescribe medicine that can ease your pain, as well as actually keeping the disease from progressing.

For mild arthritis pain, most people generally start by treating their symptoms themselves using over-the-counter medications. There are a wide variety of creams, liniments, patches and oral anti-inflammatory and analgesics to choose from. Arthritis creams generally contain some combination of menthol, capsaicin and salicylate.

When applied to the painful area, these creams or liniments can relieve the aches and pains. However, these creams are temporary and must be reapplied often. The medicine in some of these creams can also be purchased in a patch form that gives a concentrated, continuous release of medicine so you don't have to reapply as often.

Oral analgesics, such as acetaminophen, are medicines taken by mouth that can help to reduce the pain of arthritis. Doctors often also recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, as an arthritis treatment to help reduce the inflammation and fever associated with arthritis.

For more severe arthritis pain, you may need to see your doctor for a stronger form of arthritis treatment. For the aches and pains of osteoarthritis, which results from the normal aging process, your doctor can prescribe prescription strength NSAID, or even a narcotic pain medication if he feels your level of pain warrants it.

For some suffering from osteoarthritis, joint replacement surgery is an option your doctor may suggest. Most often joint replacement surgeries replace the joints in the knees and hips with plastic or metal joints.

Although this procedure is considered a major surgery and a successful recovery requires intense therapy, many are well pleased with the results of joint replacement when they find they can return to their normal activities with little or no arthritis pain.

For those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, which results from the body's immune system turning on the body and destroying the cartilage that cushions the joints, there are several prescription medications available.

For this condition, your doctor may prescribe an immunosuppressant medicine or a disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug, both of which can help slow the progression of the disease. These are also several new rheumatoid arthritis treatments which have been very successful in decreasing the symptoms of the condition.

These medicines, called biologics, generally come in an injectable form and are injected either once weekly or every other week. These medicines have been proven in clinical trials to help improve physical function as well as keeping joint damage from becoming worse in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

From mild to severe arthritis, there are arthritis treatment available for all. While some medicines simply relieve arthritis pain, some can actually help keep the condition from becoming worse.

If you suffer from the pain of arthritis, see your doctor to find an arthritis treatment that is right for you.

Supplements for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (such as fish oils, flaxseed oil and algal oil). Although you can increase your intake of Omega 3 from fish like salmon, tuna, halibut, and certain plants and nuts, if you suffer from this disease you may wish to significantly increase your intake through supplementation. Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids include the decrease of inflammation as well as relief from joint tenderness and stiffness. Permanent supplementation of Omega 3 Fatty Acids will work well against this particular disease but also the rest of your body, from your heart to your blood circulation (they are mild blood 'thinners'). Make sure you buy the type derived from anchovies and similar fish and, very importantly, that it's been purified or 'distilled' (namely, that the mercury has been removed). Interestingly enough, during a holiday we bought our fish oil capsules in Italy (at a pharmacy) and it was absolutely the best omega 3 fish oil we ever took (we actually felt the difference in our body almost overnight); when we came back home we started to read the labels seeking the same good quality omega 3 fish oil.

Gamma-Linolinic acid (GLA, Omega 6 Fatty Acid) is also very useful in that it acts as a precursor to prostaglandins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients which contain this substance are Evening Primrose oil (sold in capsules), borage oil and black currant. Make sure that you always take Omega 3 if you decide to take Omega 6: whilst you can take Omega 3 without Omega 6 (we often do), you should not take Omega 6 without Omega 3 (it will create a not-so-healthy imbalance in your body, simplistically put).

Antioxidants (from a wide range of sources, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-Carotenoids, Green Tea extract, Turmeric and Matcha powder). Useful against this disease for 2 reasons:

1 - Inflammation increases the damage that free-radicals inflict on the body (including the joints); since antioxidants help protect against free radicals, they contribute to the fight against the damage that Rheumatic diseases (because it causes inflammation).

2 - Rheumatic sufferers are often deficient in anti-oxidants, so increasing their intake is important. Vitamin E, one of the many antioxidants to be taken, has shown some pain relief properties.

Minerals like Zinc, Copper and Selenium are also beneficial against this disease in that they work in synergy with antioxidants; moreover, Rheumatism sufferers are also very often deficient in these important trace minerals.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) seems to be able to reduce morning stiffness and general rheumatic pain. Rheumatic patients often have lower levels of this vitamin than normal.

The oleic acid in olive oil is also beneficial against inflammation. If you use oil in your food, make sure it's extra virgin olive oil rather than other oil.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Natural Treatments For Arthritis: A Review Of Ginger

I am a bit of an old git (I grew up in the 1940s) and being such, I tend to take a long view of life. I remember a time before drugs and Grandma knew what to do when someone in the family got ill. My Grandma learnt it from her Grandma, and that is going back to the mid 1850s.

The use of healing and herbs are genuine myths that are anchored in mankind's reality because they are something that is profoundly true at the very deepest level of life and that is because they work tested by time, through the ages of time.

Ginger is one such healing plant that can still be found and used today.

Ginger is a perennial plant that grows in India, China, Mexico, and several other countries.
Ginger is not only a spice; it is a dietary supplement that has been used to treat the various forms of arthritis.

If you want a real treat, try a ginger bath. It is marvellous!

I like to take one before going to bed once or twice a week. I find that as well as taking away the aches and pains that it helps me sleep incredibly well.

The ginger bath will cleanse your body inside and out as well as relaxing you. You will also find that your will wake up in a mood to take on the world.

To make up this bath; take 1/8 of a cup of ginger (The cup is a measurement from the States, you can buy them in any supermarket) grate the ginger and put it in a little muslin bag, under the tap and then fill the bath with very hot water.

What you are doing is making a grant cup of tea and getting into it for a long hot soak. Stay in the bath and relax for as long as you can, at least 30 minutes

When you get out of the bath it is very important that you do not dry yourself off; just wrap yourself in a very large beach towel and go and lay down on the bed. After a while, usually in about 15 minutes you will find that you start to sweat, do not worry that is the cleansing going on.

Toxins are being forced out of your body, much like going into one of those old Irish stone sweat house that they used to have.

You might well find that you fall asleep, do not worry that is a good thing. Do try this at least for a month; you will hardly believe the results.

You can also make your self a cup of ginger tea and this is how you do that: take two gram of grated ginger and put in a cup of very hot water and let it brew for a while and then drink.

I see that the Arthritis Foundation says that we should drink three to four cups of this per day.

Taking a Ginger bath is the best way of reducing the swelling of arthritis. The reason is because of the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger.

Ginger is known from time back through the ages and is really an excellent remedy for joint pain and really works well in the ways described above.

Ginger is a very natural spice that will aid in getting rid of the pain, and there are no side effects apart from the fact that Ginger can interfere with any medications that you might be taking for blood clotting. This is for people on anticoagulant therapies such as Coumadin or Heparin, use Himalayan salt for the bath instead. Always see you doctor first, of course.

Another good way to use Ginger is in cooking. Use it anywhere that your can; soups, casseroles and soon, even a spot in your porridge.

I would encourage you to take control of your pain of arthritis by at least trying ginger. Now I know that we are all different and it might not suit you but at least try. If it does not suit you for one reason or another your can always try using Himalayan salt in your bath or drinking aloe Vera. Both these natural products are also known to help ease the pain of arthritis

Arthritis Treatment: Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDS) and Their Side Effects

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common inflammatory form of arthritis, affecting about two million Americans. It is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disease for which there is no cure. However, there are medications available that can control it and put it into remission.

The key is early diagnosis and aggressive treatment.

This article will discuss some of the commonly used disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS.) Another article will discuss biologics.

Methotrexate is the "workhorse" of DMARDS. It acts by blocking an enzyme called dihydrofolate reductase, in effect, preventing the proliferation of inflammatory cells. It can be given orally, subcutaneously, and intravenously. Potential side effects include fatigue the day after taking the medication, nausea, hair loss, mouth ulcers, damage to the liver, drop in blood counts, particularly the white blood count, and lung damage which can occur acutely or develop chronically. Methotrexate is also a teratogen, and can cause significant birth defects.

Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) is a drug that has been used to treat malaria but which has some modest effects in treating rheumatoid arthritis. It has an immunomodulatory effect which has not yet been clearly defined. Side effects include skin rash, particularly if the individual is out in the sun, muscle damage, gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea, and damage to the retina of the eyes.

Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) is a sulfa drug that has anti-inflammatory effect. Once it is metabolized it breaks down into a number of components, one of which is 5-aminosalicylic acid. It is used in Europe much more than in the U.S. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset, drops in blood count, lung inflammation, inflammation of blood vessels, lupus, and a potentially life-threatening condition called Stevens-Johnson syndrome. This causes severe ulceration of the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems.

Leflunomide (Arava) is an oral drug that blocks the synthesis of pyrimidines, which are an active player in RA. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset, rash, liver damage, blood count drops, immune suppression, and birth defects.

Tetracycline is an antibiotic that also has the effect of blocking enzymes that stimulate inflammation. Tetracyclines also have an inhibitory effect on T-cells. Side effects include a photosensitive skin rash, teeth discoloration, lupus, inflammation of blood vessels, and liver damage.

Azathioprine (Imuran) is a potent immunosuppressive drug that blocks the production of purines. It can cause profound drops in blood count, liver toxicity, fever, and can be extremely toxic when combined with other medications such ass allopurinol.

By now your hair is starting to curl. Remember the flip side which is that rheumatoid arthritis itself is a severe disease which can shorten lifespan by ten to fifteen years and cause significant crippling, disability, and internal organ damage.

Alkaline Water Stopped My Arthritis Dead in Its Tracks

Alkaline water is something I had never heard of until my friend was told he had cancer. We both got busy searching the net for things to do to slow it down or stop it. He was sure he didn't want undergo what his medical doctor had to offer of cutting (surgery), poisoning (chemotherapy), or burning (radiation).

There  is an article out, stating that most doctors surveyed would not submit to the above treatments if they personally had cancer. What does that tell you? There appears to be many better ways to deal with cancer but even if he knew, your doctor would lose his license by telling you, because the AMA and big drug companies couldn't sell their expensive and ineffective drugs. If you are further interested, find a movie called "Healing Cancer From the Inside Out",it is a absolute jaw dropper.

One of the first things we came across was Dr. Atkins, of the Atkins Diet, saying that, "Of all the major diseases, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer, acidosis is present." Acidosis is when the body can't stay slightly alkaline, the way it was created to be. When that light bulb came on for me,I bought a water ionizer

Acidosis, too much acid, is created many ways, but a diet high in sugar, refined flour (bread, pasta, cakes and cookies, and sodas), lots of meat, and milk, cheese, and other dairy will cause it. I used to eat only those acidic things and lots of them. When your body has more acid than it can get rid of, it does two things to keep you alive.

1.) If your system is too acid the body will store excess acid in your fat and that makes it hard to lose weight. It is like us sweeping dirt under our rug, the acid is still there.

2.) With too much acid is in the blood, your body goes into a panic. Your blood must be maintained very close to 7.35 pH. If it goes above or below 7.35 pH you lapse into a coma and die. So anytime something happens to upset that fine balancing act, the body will rob calcium from your bones to buffer or neutralize this excess acid. You can't keep that up all your life with out paying the price eventually.

Bottom line is that an acidic diet can bring on arthritis, gout and too many other bad things to mention here. A diet change to more alkaline foods, (rabbit foods) along with drinking alkaline water, caused my joint pain to just disappear in about 4 weeks. My 30 year skin rash disappeared after 8 weeks! Oh!, another acid reducing tip, take a brisk walk everyday. Your circulation will improve and the dog will like you even more.

Thanks for reading. I wish you good health!

Different Types Of Arthritis

The term 'Arthritis' is derived from the Greek words 'arthron' meaning 'joint' and 'itis' meaning inflammation. It refers to more than 100 different types of arthritis conditions. The common denominator for all these conditions is joint and musculoskeletal (bones and muscle) pain. Arthritis is not just a disease of the old though many older people do have arthritis. Here are some common types of arthritis:

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: This is the most common serious inflammatory form of arthritis. It may do most of its damage in the first year, therefore early diagnosis and aggressive therapy is critical. If left untreated it may shorten life expectancy by as much as 18 years.

JUVENILE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS: It is still unclear why children develop arthritis. It is different from adult in that children sometimes outgrow the illness and it tends to be difficult to diagnose because the regular tests are unreliable for children. It causes pain and inflammation in the joints of children.

PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: It is a potentially serious inflammatory form that is often found in association with psoriasis. It can cause serious problems because it may begin and progress insidiously. Early diagnosis and aggressive intervention are recommended.
OSTEOARTHRITIS: It is usually associated with aging. It affects weight bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, base of the thumbs and feet. Genetics and mechanical factors also play a big role. Research is being done on medications that will slow down the progression of this disease.

These are some of the various types of arthritis. It should be known that there is no known cure but there are many treatment options that target different aspects of arthritis condition. Remember to see your doctor to determine the appropriate treatment plan for you.

Osteoarthritis - The Truth of It

This is a chronic disease involving the joints, and one which is likely to affect most people if they live long enough. It is sometimes referred to as a degenerative joint disease, because as one grows older there is degeneration of the joint cartilage and some overgrowth of bone. People who are overweight are affected, particularly in the weight-bearing joints such as the knees and hips. Osteoarthritis also affects the vertebrae of the back and the joints of the fingers. Unlike other forms of arthritis which can result from infection and inflammation, this disease is primarily the result of aging, and wear and tear. It is, however, often associated with repeated joint injury.

Both men and women are affected. It occurs in women about the time of the menopause and seems to affect their hand joints much more often than the hand joints of men.

Symptoms. The condition develops slowly, with few obvious symptoms. Mainly there are joint aches and pains, and stiffness. These appear to be related to exercise of the particular joint involved. Medication generally gives relief. The stiffness is pronounced after the patient has been at rest, and tends to disappear when he is active. As the illness progresses, the osteoarthritic patient develops the characteristics such as knobby fingers, some grafting of the joints in motion, and the formation of bony spurs, which are small projections off the bones.

Complications. There are no serious complications. Sometimes there is pain, and because of this activities of the patient become limited. In severe cases joint changes may interfere with normal activity. The joints are deformed and the back is stiff. Usually this does not affect the patient's general health or curtail his normal life span.

Prevention. Patients who are overweight must take steps to lose weight in order to lessen the strain on the joints. Those who are overactive are advised to get extra rest. Mild exercise and physiotherapy tend to lessen the severity of the disease and keep the joints mobile. Poor habits of diet should be improved. Any known infection should be treated and eliminated even though there is no positive relationship between infection and osteoarthritis.

When the lower spine is involved, patients can use bed boards and corsets to make themselves more comfortable. There are no specific medicines for this disease, and simple remedies are usually suggested.

Strategies For Coping With Your Arthritis Diagnosis

When you first find out that you have arthritis you may, like most people, feel a bit dismayed and then relieved that at last there is a name to give your symptoms and that there is a confirmation that they are very real and not in your head and that there is a hoped for treatment. Then reality sets in and you realize that this will effect your life from now on. You experience anger and anxiety to depression and loneliness and then to make matters worse you start to feel guilty because you think you're a wimp for even having those thoughts.

Most mental health experts say that it is the rule instead of the exception to having such strong emotions when it comes to being diagnosed with a chronic condition. There are still some experts that talk about going through stages of grief when mourning the loss of health or stages of crisis as you are learning to live with your diagnosis, but the word "stage" is misleading. The word "stage" implies an orderly progression of emotions. From emotion A, to emotion B, to emotion C, but for many people it's more like C to A to B and back to A again, A, B, C are all jumbled up. No matter how these emotions effect you, they are normal for people who experience them in some form and there are ways to cope with them.

How to deal with your feelings

There are some factors that may influence your reaction but that doesn't change your diagnosis or who you are. Here is a list of those factors:

Pre-diagnosis personality.

You may be more resilient when facing stress more so than others. When you are facing adversity, at first you feel off-balance, but you soon bounce back. If you have, in the past, had to deal with a very stressful situation and you have regained you composure and optimism in a reasonable amount of time, you also have a better chance of bouncing back from a diagnosis of a life changing diagnosis.

Severity of the arthritis symptoms.

The sicker you become, the more energy you will spend trying to physically heal and the less you'll have for emotional growth. The more sever pain you experience the less concentration you will have, and significant disability is very hard to ignore. There are other forms or arthritis that can affect the whole body, like rheumatoid arthritis, there are complications that affect the heart, lungs, or other organs and adds another source of worry. Be patient with yourself if you any of these factors applies to you. It could take a little more time and effort for you to come to terms with your arthritis than someone with milder symptoms or less risk of serious complications.

Support from your family and friends.

Studies after studies has shown that people who had the support had a better psychological adjustment to arthritis. When you have a strong support system, and if you ask for and accept help when you need it, you will likely have an easier time then if you didn't. When you have a solid network already in place, you can reap the same benefits when

Denial at work

There will be a feeling of calm that most people will experience before the emotions strike them, this is deceptive. That's how denial works. "This can't be happening to me," or "Arthritis isn't going to affect my life.", these are the statements people tell themselves when they are in denial. If denial last to long or starts to interferes with treatment it can be potentially harmful. Although, for most people, denial is short lived and serves the purpose of a protective function, it's a way of bidding time until you can mentally absorb the shock of your diagnosis.

Some people will refuse to believe their diagnosis because arthritis doesn't show any outward signs and family members and friends will reinforce this belief. Then you have those who don't take their diagnosis seriously or even their vulnerability to illness. And still there are those people who claim to accept the diagnosis but deny having any negative feelings about it.

Denial can, and most times does, lead to either under-doing (refusing to take medications or practice good self-care habits) or overdoing (rushing around like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to show that arthritis isn't in control, you are). No matter which it is, reality sets in eventually, through pain, stiffness, and fatigue, and it will catch up to them. Then denial is no longer an option and the emotions of anger, anxiety, depression, and loneliness and guilt comes flooding in.

How to Cope with Denial

Listen to the ones you trust, such as your spouse, your best friend, or a doctor who thinks that you are not taking your diagnosis seriously enough, rethink your reaction.

You can always get a second opinion if you have any doubts about diagnosis. But if the second doctor agrees with the first, don't let denial get in the way of receiving the treatment you may need.


There is no guarantee that arthritis won't strike you down, even if you are diligent about taking care of yourself and doing all the right things. Arthritis does discriminate, it will strike good and bad people, young and old, even those that do everything their doctor tells them. For some people, their reaction to the diagnosis is anger, "Why me?" "What have I done to deserve this?" The answer you need to remember is that no one deserves to get arthritis, but this, most times, doesn't ease the anger they feel and can make it worse.

Not everyone who gets a diagnosis of arthritis get angry, but most do. They don't get angry at just the disease, they will include the doctor ("How could he have missed this?"), the medical community in general, or a loved one ("He isn't even trying to understand"). There is nothing wrong with being angry. It is really quite normal and sometimes quite justified response to a frustrating situation and the key is finding a healthy, productive ways to channel all that energy.

How to Cope with Anger

Transform that anger into motivation. Try to redirect those feelings of anger toward constructive goals. Exercising is one way to burn off angry energy while improving your health. Or you could use that energy to fuel your resolve to fight back against arthritis. Make sure you keep the ones you love out of the line of fire. If you have an issue with a loved one, wait until you have calmed down then talk to them.


After being diagnosed with arthritis your life as you know it ceases to exist and in its place is the idea of pain, illness, and eventually disability. Maybe you are afraid that you will never be able to work again, or take care of your family responsibilities, and the thought of having to be dependent on others can be devastating especially if you are independent. Arthritis is unpredictable, you never know what the next day, next week, next month, and the next year will be like and that scares the bejeeus out of some people and makes it difficult to handle.

Some of the concerns are realistic while others contain some truth but are blown out of proportion. Now, anxiety is a natural and understandable response to the situation, there is nothing wrong with feeling this way, as long as you don't let it become intense or persistent. When anxiety starts to get out of control, it can make pain and stress harder to manage.

How to Cope with Anxiety

Reassess your fears and worries. How realistic are they? If you can't answer this question then educate yourself about arthritis, talk to your doctor, or read everything you can get your hands on about arthritis. Get accurate information, it's the best antidote for unfounded concerns. Talk about your fears or write them down, by getting them out in the open will often make them seem less threatening.


Depression in some degree is also a common factor in people who have been recently diagnosed with arthritis. It is often described as being down in the dumps, having the blues, or just being sad or unhappy. You could loose interest in your friends, or in the activities you enjoy, and you could become withdrawn or isolated. You may loose your appetite, or even over eat, you can have trouble sleeping, you may even have trouble concentrating and making decisions, or be plagued by feelings on worthlessness.

If depression is purely a reaction to a stressful situation, it is usually mild and short-lived. But those who have more severe or persistent symptoms may have a psychosocial disorder that requires professional treatment. Mild depression can be a miserable experience and make it harder to find the motivation to follow a health-care regimen.

How to Cope with Depression

Exercise regularly without exceeding your limitations. Research has found that regular, moderate exercise works about as well as therapy or antidepressant medications for those people with mild depression. Talk back to those thoughts that are unrealistic and negative with positive talk.


Some people are quite comfortable talking about the emotions that come with an arthritis diagnosis, and then there are others that are not. Depression intensifies the reaction of pulling away, while anger will push away the most caring family members, and friends. Not everyone knows how to respond to someone with arthritis or for that fact someone with any long-term condition, and they may resort to awkward silence or outright rejection. After running into those who are more intense, you may decide that it is simpler to just stay to yourself.

Withdrawal only breeds loneliness at a time when you need the support of family and friends the most. There is nothing like having to face a stressful situation by yourself. The more social support you have the less depression and the more improved feelings of well-being a person with arthritis will have.

How to Cope with Loneliness

Don't bottle up your feelings, let them out. Find someone to talk to, whether it's a friend, relative, religious adviser, or mental health professional. You might think about joining a support group. An on-line support group may be a good substitute if you can't find one in your area.


While there is no logical reason for anyone to feel guilty about having arthritis, we are human and we aren't always logical. There are some people who blame themselves for getting sick, as if there was something they could have done to prevent it. Others feel guilty because it is their believe that somehow they are a burden to their family, while there yet others that are ashamed because they aren't use to having feelings and emotions effect them so strongly. And there is another group that I haven't seen mention in all the articles and magazines I've read. Those are the ones that have had someone they trusted and loved so deeply, tell them that they are the reason for the unhappiness and misery of the relationship they are in. They here statements like, "If you hadn't gotten sick we would be happy together." or "You and your sickness are the reasons I do what I do." "You aren't really sick, you're just trying to keep from going out and having fun." This kind of talk can drive a person deeper into depression, loneliness, and guilt. You start to hate who you have become even though it's really not your fault.

While misplaced guilt and self-blame, can intensify depression and a tendency to withdrawal and can be disastrous for your self-esteem, they serve no purpose. Once you recognize that your arthritis is not your fault, and your emotional reactions are normal, you will be well on your way to coming to terms with your arthritis.

How to Cope with Guilt

Show yourself the same compassion you would show others. Imagine that it is a loved one who has arthritis and not you. Hold a mental conversation in which you respond to your loved ones self-blame. Rebuilding your self-esteem by focusing on the positive and patting yourself on the back whenever you meet a new challenge head on and it is a success.


Eventually the emotional bumps in the road will smooth out and you will reach the phase called renewal. By then you would have accepted your diagnosis, and not resigned to passivity, instead, you would have made an active choice to lead a mental healthy, rich and satisfying life despite the pain and illness.

This doesn't mean your life will be perfect, you'll still struggle with frustration, worry and maybe despair every once in a while, especially when you have a flare and other stressful periods. With time you should start feeling more like yourself before the diagnosis, or maybe even better. The emotional crisis that was brought on by your diagnosis will ultimately make you a stronger and wiser person, more prepared to cope with what ever life throws your way.

When to seek help

There will be times when you need help coping with you feelings and seeking help from a therapist, counselor, or other metal health care professional doesn't mean you're being weak. Instead it's a sign that you are being pro-active about your well-being. If you are experiencing any of the following seek a profession:

Depression, anxiety, or other emotional reactions to your diagnosis that are very intense or long lasting. Emotional or behavioral symptoms that are interfering with your everyday life or personal relationships. Thoughts of suicide. (GET HELP IMMEDIATELY)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hemp Seed Oil Can Help Treating Arthritis

Many people would dismiss arthritis as a simple and natural process of aging when in fact it is not. It is a crippling disease; slow yet decapitating. Arthritis has many forms and accompanying painful symptoms. Somehow, in the advent of modern-day technology and medical breakthroughs, we look for an organic alternative way of battling arthritis knowing that it is safer and economical yet effective.

Arthritis simply means inflammation of the joints. We have a variety of joints in our body and this condition pertains to the swelling and pain that occurs in the affected area of someone inflicted with it.

What happens to the affected area is coined as "cartilage and bone gravel." Due to the overstretching of muscles which cause damage to the joints, what is left of the bones as well as the cartilage, would forcefully rub against each other which causes throbbing pain as well as worsening the damage of the affected joints. This continues to happen over and over again; it becomes a painful cycle and it gets worse over time.

Although it seems to be a dead end, there are lots of alternative natural treatment options available and there is one that will suit your criteria perfectly.

In this context, we would like to recommend hemp seed oil capsule, which is said to be "nature's most perfectly balanced oil" and "the most nutritionally complete food source there is in the world". Its liquid formulation can be taken with a spoon and really tastes good. This is recommended for long-term use. It has advantage over its other counterparts because it has a perfectly balanced fatty acid profile.

Moreover, this also contains essential fatty acids (EFA's) and gamma linoleic acid (GLA), both of which are very vital to achieve overall optimum health.

GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid) studies have also proven that hemp oil lowers the risk of heart attack and strengthens the immune defenses. The essential fatty acids helps lower blood cholesterol, promote good blood flow, and helps improve overall organ function.

Cannabis sativa is referred as the most important of all crops as it has provided us with useful edible seeds, oil, and medicine. Imbalances in specific fatty acids seem to be correlated to common diseases such as arthritis, eczema, acne, and a lot more. This further promotes the use of hemp oil as it is rich in essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. It is also rich in protein.

It can also be used in cooking delectable and healthy dishes. It has a distinct nutty taste to it which makes it ideal to incorporate in your side dishes with veggies, which make this a must-have for vegetarians. It could also be taken as part of a sumptuous dips and salad dressings. Better yet, it can be taken in its natural form as a dietary supplement.

Warm Mouse, Heated Keyboard - Infrared Heat USB Hand Warmer Therapy For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a debilitating, chronic disease affecting millions of people throughout the world.  It is considered a crippling, inflammatory disease affecting joints and surrounding tissue most commonly associated with the hands and feet, producing joint pain, swelling and stiffness.  There is no known cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and there's a long list of treatment options involving medications and surgery. 

Alternative treatments show some promise using different oils and exercises.  But the greatest relief has been documented by Rheumatoid Arthritis patients using infrared heat.   Far infrared ray (FIR) is a natural deep healing source of warmth penetrating deep through the skin's layers to the muscle tissue -- even as deeply as the bones -- improving circulation and reducing inflamed tissues and joints.  This radiant heat is the deep warmth one feels from sunlight without the harmful UV rays of the sun.  It's been used as a healer for hundreds, if not thousands of years by Eastern Cultures.  And, now Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers can benefit from its healthy effects by using  a variety of products and devices.

Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis treatments using  far infrared ray (FIR) have been made using infrared heat saunas, lamps, massagers, heating pads, space heaters and computer devices. The results for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients using FIR are positive.  For example, the debilitating disease can cripple a person making it difficult to walk.  After infrared sauna treatments some Rheumatoid Arthritis patients report more free movement and joint flexibility.  Same holds true for using the computer.  Arthritis patients report a reduction of hand pain and the ability to work longer hours using the computer when infrared heated computer devices are used. 

Infrared heat computer products are cost-effective and energy-efficient.  They are made using a low 5v carbon fiber heating element for the USB port on the computer.  The low 5v heating element is safe for the computer and its users and produces a steady flow of deep healing warmth.  Compared to the high cost of some infrared heaters, infrared heat computer products are available for less than $20 each.  This therapeutic relief is available for people who suffer from debilitating diseases in the comfort of their home or office.

The most common infrared heated computer devices include a warm computer mouse, warm mouse pad, warm keyboard pad and mouse hand warmer blanket. The USB hand warmers can be used separately or in combination with one another.  Each of the products when used alone assist computer users with cold hand pain.  Greater results are achieved when the infrared heat computer items are used in combination with one another.

If you or someone you know suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis when using the computer, infrared heat can help relax the mouse hand and keep computer hands warm. Infrared heat is known to improve blood circulation to the affected areas by helping to reduce inflamed tissue surrounding stiff joints.  About 20-30 minutes of infrared heat therapy daily shows positive results.  Plug in when computing, and use the computer to work for you, not harm you.

For more information about the positive results of using infrared heat USB hand warmers, visit the Learning Center at

Will Tiny Pillows Provide Relief From Spinal Arthritis Pain?

A revolutionary treatment currently being used in England may help spinal arthritis sufferers. The technique involves the surgical implant of a small cushion into the spine, relieving pressure and pain.

One of the many causes of back pain is spinal arthritis. Spinal arthritis is caused when the protective cartilage that cushions the joints in the spine degenerates, creating pressure on the vertebral joints. Sometimes, this pressure impacts the nerves extending through the spinal column, causing numbness, weakness, and pain.

Spinal arthritis most commonly affects people over 55 years of age. The condition can be made worse by repetitive stress on the vertebral joints and by obesity. Over eight million British residents suffer from various stages of spinal arthritis. While many can continue normal life activities, others are severely impacted by the pain.

Since spinal arthritis is largely incurable, treatment has historically been limited to painkillers (including NSAIDs), corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, and behavioral changes to limit back stress.

In England, a new treatment is being tried. Surgeons implant a small, gel filled cushion to relieve symptoms.

Recently, the British NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) approved the "DIAM" implant (short for "Device for Intervertebral Assisted Motion"). The United States FDA has not yet approved the device. The DIAM device is a small, H-shaped cushion filed with silicone gel, surrounded by a polyester mesh with polyester ties. The DIAM implant acts as a pillow - cushioning and stabilizing the patient's vertebral joint. The DIAM implant is placed between the patient's spinous processes. These are the bony parts of the vertebrae that protrude from your back (you can feel them by running your finger down your spine).

The DIAM implant was developed by Medtronic, a United States medical product manufacturer. A study of patients show that the implant both cushions the area and restores mobility in the joint, relieving arthritis pain. Medtronic studied 68 recipients of the implant, who ranged in ages between 23 and 75 years old. Patients' movement improved by an average of 64%, and their pain decreased by an average of 71%. All of the studied patients showed improvement. The age of the patient did not seem to have an effect on the results.

Surgery is usually accomplished on an outpatient basis in a procedure taking approximately 45 minutes. The surgery is conducted with the implant recipient lying on his or her stomach. The doctor makes a small incision in the affected area. He then uses a retractor to gain access to the spine. The area is cleaned by the surgeon removing any required material, including any bony overgrowths caused by the arthritis. The implant is inserted onto the spine between two of the bony protrusions from the spine known as spinous processes. The device is then stabilized by tying it adjacent vertebrae. The incision is closed with a few stitches.

Implant recipients can usually go home as soon as they recover from the anesthesia and are able to walk. While sometimes, physical therapy is used to improve the patient's core strength and stability, most of the time no rehabilitation is required.

Arthritis Gloves

There are many companies, which manufacture arthritis gloves. Generally, the cost of a pair of gloves ranges from $10 to $50, and even more. These gloves are effective in reducing the pain. The gloves are effective against both osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis. The gloves must work for increased blood circulation in the micro level; quicker blood flow; supplying sufficient oxygen and nutrients; rejuvenating blood veins, capillaries, and nerves; reducing pain and rigidness in the finger joints; warming up the fingers faster and long lasting; maintaining stronger nails and softer skin; increasing the stretchability of the collagen tissue; reducing bacteria and infections; improving dexterity and flexibility; and increasing the power of hand.

Jobar International Therapy Gloves are specially made for men, which help in a big way to get rid of the pain related to arthritis. A pair of gloves cost around $10. Dome Industries Handeze Therapeutic Gloves help in relieving the pain of: arthritis of hand, carpal tunnel syndrome, fatigue on hand, poor blood circulation, repetitive stress injuries, and tendonitis. They cost around $13. Isotoner therapeutic gloves are very helpful to ease painful swelling of hand and sore joints because of arthritis. The approximate cost of these gloves is $17. Light compression arthritis gloves render therapeutic warmth to decrease the severity of pain and swelling. They cost around $28. Thermoskin Arthritis Gloves are designed to ease the pain on fingers and hands typically of arthritis. The cost of these gloves is around $30. The Swede-O-Inc Thermoskin Arthritic Gloves are anatomically shaped and have been specially designed to alleviate arthritis pain in fingers and hands. These gloves cost around $33. If the severity of arthritis is very high, the Heat Therapy Gloves are very effective in reducing the pain by raising the skin temperature around two to three degrees, which maximizes the blood circulation. These gloves cost around $40. Far Infrared Arthritis Gloves are highly effective in reducing the bedeviling symptoms of arthritis. These gloves are very much useful in mending the pain, stiffness and swelling of the hands and finger joints.

Prolotex(TM) Therapeutic Open Finger Tip Arthritis Gloves are gentle, comfortable, and the people can wear these gloves round the clock. If anyone's work does not allow gloves then the individual can wear the gloves during night to mend arthritic hands and fingers. The material used to prepare these gloves is impregnated with some special bio-ceramics, which give out and reflect the curing ability of infrared rays deep into the soft tissues of the hands. These gloves can increase the blood circulation at the cellular level, which is the vital action to get rid of the pain and inflammation of arthritis. These gloves help to bring nutrient-rich, oxygenated, fresh blood to the affected areas. These gloves are available in three different sizes. Normally, these gloves cost around $50; however, some stores are offering these gloves for about $40.

3 Easy Natural Cures For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Do you suffer from rhuematoid arthritis? You may feel you're facing a grim diagnosis, but don't despair! There are many natural cures for rheumatoid arthritis that don't rely on dangerous treatments or prescription medication with harmful side effects. Millions of people suffer from this disease but many of them have been successful at treating the pain with simple, safe, all-natural methods.


Believe it or not, your diet is one of the biggest contributing factors to the advancement of RA. In particular, saturated fats are known to cause inflammation so you should try to avoid most animal products, especially bacon, steak, cream, and butter. Many feel that simply switching over to a vegetarian or vegan diet is one of the best natural cures for rheumatoid arthritis. It is also very important to consume lots of probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies have even shown alcohol to be effective at preventing and treating RA. But always remember to talk to your doctor before drinking anything, especially if you are taking medications.


Glucosamine is a naturally-occurring substance found in the fluid around the joints. It is used to make and repair cartilage. Glucosamine has been shown to be a highly effective treatment for osteoarthritis and shows promise as a fantastic natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective pain reliever. It is especially effective when used in conjunction with Chondroitin, which keeps cartilage strong and resilient. You can buy these supplements in most drug and grocery stores.


Ginger is well-known to provide relief for upset stomachs. Few people realize that it is also a natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis! It lowers the hormones that contribute to inflammation in the body, and studies have revealed it to be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory prescription drugs. Experts recommend taking ginger supplements or drinking ginger-infused tea on a regular basis.

Natural Arthritis Treatments - Your Way to Prevent and Even Reverse Arthritis and Osteoporosis

Diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis affect more and more people and natural arthritis treatments and health supplements are delivering the results people want. One look at the recent heart and cancer scares involving some commonly used arthritis drugs should also be enough for anyone concerned about their health to take a good look at natural alternatives.

Joint Pain, Arthritis and Osteoporosis

Before discussing natural arthritis treatments and health supplements, it's important to understand how our bodies develop these problems in the first place.

Bone is constantly being broken down and built up every day. This process is regulated by hormones and involves the laying down of calcium and over 20 other minerals onto a bone matrix made up of collagen, the mineral copper, and vitamin C; vitamin D is also heavily involved in this process.
As we get older the levels of these hormones begin to drop and if we don't have enough calcium, other minerals, vitamins and protein in our diet, then we start to break down more bone than we build.

As the calcium starts coming out of our bones it makes its way into the lubricating tissues between our joints and we eventually develop arthritis. This lubricant is made out of collagen and essential fatty acids (EFA) and the condition gets even worse when not enough collagen is being made or there aren't enough essential fatty acids in the diet to keep making joint lubricant. And arthritis is a warning signal that you have a raging osteoporosis!

The conventional alternatives are usually extremely painful joint replacement surgery which, if you're lucky, will last you for only 5-10 years; and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs which can lead to kidney problems and worsen the condition - you have the pain for a reason!
Other treatments like prednisone reduce pain and inflammation but interfere with the building of bone matrix. Talk to your doctor about alternatives. The other side-effects may include thinning skin and diabetes!

Arthritis Treatments - The Natural Approach

Natural osteoporosis and arthritis treatments work to prevent and reverse these conditions because you replace the minerals and vitamins which are lost and also rebuild the joint with proteins and essential fatty acids. Mineral health supplements such as plant derived colloidal minerals contain calcium, magnesium, manganese, boron, silica and many others in a form that is over 98% absorbable.

Additional calcium, magnesium, vitamins, collagen and other nutrients can be obtained from some of the better liquid calcium supplements available.

Omega 3 essential fatty acid supplements in fish oil form are also effective natural arthritis treatments because they reduce inflammation and help to rebuild the lubricating fluid.

Joint support and collagen supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin also help build bone matrix and lubricating fluid and are excellent arthritis and osteoporosis treatments.

Another recent and exciting discovery is CM or Cetyl Myristoleate. It is a natural complex derived from a combination of a fatty acid and an alcohol molecule and forms naturally inside the joint tissue and has been clinically proven to reduce pain, inflammation, and improve mobility.

Digestive Enzymes will help to improve absorption of these nutrients - particularly after we reach 40 and the amount of stomach acid we produce starts to decrease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most crippling form of arthritis and is thought to be an autoimmune disease by conventional medicine.

It's actually caused by a virus, bacteria or heavy metal and the clue here is that when it 'flares' most people get sick all over - not just at the site. In other words, the body is reacting to this 'bug' in the normal way by trying to kill it - hence the fever and sickness.

In addition to the arthritis treatments mentioned, a great deal of success has been had by treatment with a broad spectrum antibiotic such as minocycline. Talk to your health care practitioner about this and don't be afraid to get a second opinion.

This has relatively few side affects compared to modern antibiotics - however you should ensure that you look after your 'good' stomach flora so you can digest and absorb food. A quality pro-biotic supplement will help.

Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise have an important role to play in natural arthritis and osteoporosis treatments. Here are some guidelines:

o Full-range of motion weight-bearing exercises such as walking, light weights, yoga etc can be very helpful

o Avoid foods containing sugar, caffeine and especially stay away from carbonated drinks - these will increase your loss of minerals, reduce your absorption and make your condition worse

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Arthritis - Homeopathic Remedies

Nearly forty million Americans are affected with rheumatoid or osteoarthritis which are two of the most common arthritis types. Arthritis is characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness, deformity and lack of mobility.

Let us throw some light on the two most common types of arthritis rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. We will look in detail as to the reasons and the preventive measures to be taken by patients who are affected.

繚 Osteoarthritis is damage of the articular cartilage, which is caused due to rubbing of joints against one another. It mostly occurs in the knee, arm, shoulder and spine.

Any previous injury, stress or natural defect in the protein of the cartilage causes osteoarthritis.

繚 Rheumatoid involves the entire body and the symptoms patients experience are swelling, fever, anemia, weight loss, fatigue, severe pain and stiffness.

The bones fuse together resulting in loss of mobility and stiffness. The causes for this could be malnutrition, rich fat diet, stress or allergies.

Rheumatoid arthritis is supposed to be caused by metabolic disturbance or autoimmune disorder but the exact reason is still been researched and debated.

The usual and widely practiced treatment of arthritis involves nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID such as aspirin has short term benefits. They also cause side effects such as abdominal pain, allergic reactions, dizziness, headache, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, stomach ulcers, fluid retention, liver and kidney damage.

People are scared to use the conventional medicines and millions of them are turning towards natural and alternative forms of medicine for arthritis treatment.

There are many natural homeopathic remedies that are used to control the pain and swelling. A few of these very popular ones are listed below:

繚 Arnicais useful for the treatment of rheumatism. The joints become swollen, hard and mobility is affected. Arnica reduces the swelling and pain.

繚 Bryonia is prescribed when the arthritis condition becomes quite acute and the patient is advised rest and massage to relieve the inflammation.

繚 Rhus Toxis advised when there is a lot of pain and movement becomes limited.

繚 Rutais used to treat osteoarthritis and it reduces the soreness of the joints.

繚 Causticumis prescribed for chronic rheumatoid arthritis which at times even leads to deformity.

繚 Nux VomicaIn certain cases build -up of toxins in the system causes arthritis and it is treated with this natural arthritis homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy has emerged as a savior for millions afflicted with this slowly spreading and painful disease. Many people who have been affected with this disease have found considerable relief from homepathy treatment.

Have You Ever Wondered What Water on the Knee Really Means? - Knee Supports Can Help You

The term "water on the knee" is a generic term that describes the accumulation of excess fluid (edema) in or around the knee joint. As a result of a trauma, overuse, or other underlying conditions or disease, water on the knee may exist.

Often times, when a person has water on the knee, the underlying condition is arthritis. The term arthritis means "joint inflammation". People also refer to arthritis as being "joint pain" as well. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) which effects over 27 million people a year (mostly women), while rheumatoid arthritis (RA) effects over two million adults. Most of them being women over the age of 45. Although these two types of arthritis effect millions of people, and are the two most common types of arthritis, there are over 100 different types of arthritis.

When an individual has water on the knee, pain relief can occur when the fluid is removed from the joint. Pain relief can be subsided when this fluid returns.

You also may have "water on the knee" due a traumatic injury. Fluid or blood can accumulate in the knee joint as a result of a meniscus tear or ligament injury. Moreover, when an individual suffers an ACL tear, they may have also torn small blood vessels which can cause fluid to accumulate in and around their knee joint. knee. Prepatellar bursitis can also cause water on the knee.

To avoid having water on the knees, individuals should consider seeing their physician on a regular basis, and avoiding activities that result in physical contact with their knees. Pain medications, such as Acetaminophen, can help to reduce swelling (see your physician before taking medications). Weight management can also take the stress off of your joints, which could result in water on the knees. Ice and elevation of your legs can also help to reduce the fluid build up. - Water on the knee is not cured by a knee brace, but the underlying conditions can be supported by a knee support, proving to be a useful adjunct in your care.

Arthritis and Apple Cider Vinegar - An Ancient Couple

The use of Apple Cider Vinegar to improve a wide range of health concerns is certainly not new.

You know, Oxymel has been a mainstay of home remedies and simple healing for centuries.

Oxymel is simply the mixture of equal parts of Apple Cider Vinegar with raw honey. It is used twice a day, diluting one tablespoon in one glass of water and taken first thing in the morning and last thing before sleep.

There are slight variations in the recipe, as some people add crushed seeds of fennel and other species, as well as crushed garlic. In the same way, some people heat the mixture to make the syrup while others just mix all together and let it rest for a day before using it.

As I know, Oxymel has been used in my family for many generations, and was always related to arthritis like pains and other joint pain conditions.

But there are many reports that claim Apple Cider Vinegar to be helpful in other conditions as acne, dandruff, dyspepsia, for detoxing after a period of self neglect, dissolve painful calcium deposits in the body, hay fever, neutralize harmful bacteria that may be found in foods, digestive upsets, a powerful detoxifying and purifying agent, candida, high cholesterol, colds, constipation, muscle cramps, colitis, diabetes, diarrhea, depression, dizziness, weight loss... and the list may go for EVER and EVER.

If this all is true I don't really know, but all I can say is that arthritis and Apple Cider Vinegar is a win-win combination. Use the Apple Cider Vinegar to lessen the arthritic pain and receive the extra benefits as a bonus!

Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. All these symptoms can be lessen or suppressed with the intake of Oxymel twice a day. At least that is what I believe.

But as I mentioned believe, I must make a consideration here. Maybe believe is an important part of the healing capability of any remedy. I have seen many members of my family to take the Oxymel with the plain believe that this mere action will help their painful condition, and it certainly did. Some time ago, I recommended this home remedy to a friend who was extremely skeptical; and although he toke the Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day for more than three weeks, he noticed no improvement at all with his arthritic pain.

This is not a cure for arthritis, and Apple Cider Vinegar must not be discontinued or you will feel your arthritis symptoms again. You must take it daily in order to see ongoing relief, and always consult your doctor for a medical treatment of the disease.

Besides drinking Oxymel, soaking arthritic joints in hot Apple Cider Vinegar (1 part of Apple Cider Vinegar to 6 parts of hot water) can bring you extra relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar is safe, as far as you don't have yeast allergy, in which case you can't, by ANY mean, use this home remedy. Besides this, some people have concerns of the side effects of the vinegar on dentin sensitivity and erosion of the enamel, so they advise to add baking soda in order to make the preparation slightly alkaline. I do not add it because although I am very confident with the Apple Cider Vinegar, I have many doubts of the side effects of the baking soda itself. What I do is have a gently mouthwash right after taking the oxymel. But you may avoid these problems taking the supplement tablets available in the market.

My family has a history of long living members, and as in many other families, there are many age related diseases like arthritis, and Apple Cider Vinegar was always used to lessen the pain.

Always follow the medical advice, but if your doctor is only treating the symptoms of a disease, you have the right to ask for a natural alternative to hazardous pain-killers!

Yoga Precautions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Yoga teachers know that pre-existing physical conditions are important when teaching students. Yet, there are a few students who may manage to slip by an orientation. Maybe they arrive late, or the staff is helping other new students, but each student should be made aware of precautions for his or her health. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the many ailments that Yoga teachers and students should talk about before practice.

A long-term disease leading to inflammation of the joints and tissues, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can also affect other organs. Up to 1% of the world's population is estimated to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, with women experiencing it three times more often than men. Chronic and debilitating, those with RA may eventually require surgery to maintain movement in fingers, hands and other areas.

Can Yoga help those with RA maintain an active lifestyle? Some studies indicates yes: a study in the United Arab Emirates showed that patients who completed 12 sessions of Raj yoga, with exercise and breathing techniques, showed significant improvements in disease activity scores and health assessments. In 1994, the British Journal of Rheumatology published a study showing arthritis symptoms improving for patients who practiced Yoga and the Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America published two studies detailing joint stiffness and pain relief for Yoga practitioners in 2002.

Yet, even though Yoga may offer significant relief for RA, its practice should be approached with caution. The disease does not follow a steady, progressive course; instead, sufferers experience flare-ups followed by remission. Yoga practice suitable for someone in remission may be different from someone experiencing an active flare-up. RA affects joints symmetrically, in wrists, elbows, hands, shoulders, knees, feet and ankles most frequently. As the disease progresses, joints become more unstable and the patient's range of motion is restricted.

It is important not to confuse asanas recommended for those with osteoarthritis and those with RA. Multiple joints are not affected in osteoarthritis, nor does it entail ongoing joint damage from inflammatory processes. Holding poses for increased lengths of time to strengthen static muscles is recommended for osteoarthritis but should be avoided for RA. According to a structural Yoga therapy research paper published in 2006, people with moderate to severe RA should avoid "high intensity exercise; prolonged weight-bearing exercise; prolonged immobility in seated or lying positions and stretching past the comfortable endpoint of range of motion," among other lifestyle triggers.

Asanas involving pressure on the neck should be avoided, while poses like Dandasana or the Butterfly may be beneficial. Pranayama and smooth motions are well suited to Yoga practitioners with RA. Carefully evaluate whether symptoms are in remission or actively inflamed before practice.

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