Thursday, March 7, 2013

Natural Treatments For Arthritis: A Review Of Ginger

I am a bit of an old git (I grew up in the 1940s) and being such, I tend to take a long view of life. I remember a time before drugs and Grandma knew what to do when someone in the family got ill. My Grandma learnt it from her Grandma, and that is going back to the mid 1850s.

The use of healing and herbs are genuine myths that are anchored in mankind's reality because they are something that is profoundly true at the very deepest level of life and that is because they work tested by time, through the ages of time.

Ginger is one such healing plant that can still be found and used today.

Ginger is a perennial plant that grows in India, China, Mexico, and several other countries.
Ginger is not only a spice; it is a dietary supplement that has been used to treat the various forms of arthritis.

If you want a real treat, try a ginger bath. It is marvellous!

I like to take one before going to bed once or twice a week. I find that as well as taking away the aches and pains that it helps me sleep incredibly well.

The ginger bath will cleanse your body inside and out as well as relaxing you. You will also find that your will wake up in a mood to take on the world.

To make up this bath; take 1/8 of a cup of ginger (The cup is a measurement from the States, you can buy them in any supermarket) grate the ginger and put it in a little muslin bag, under the tap and then fill the bath with very hot water.

What you are doing is making a grant cup of tea and getting into it for a long hot soak. Stay in the bath and relax for as long as you can, at least 30 minutes

When you get out of the bath it is very important that you do not dry yourself off; just wrap yourself in a very large beach towel and go and lay down on the bed. After a while, usually in about 15 minutes you will find that you start to sweat, do not worry that is the cleansing going on.

Toxins are being forced out of your body, much like going into one of those old Irish stone sweat house that they used to have.

You might well find that you fall asleep, do not worry that is a good thing. Do try this at least for a month; you will hardly believe the results.

You can also make your self a cup of ginger tea and this is how you do that: take two gram of grated ginger and put in a cup of very hot water and let it brew for a while and then drink.

I see that the Arthritis Foundation says that we should drink three to four cups of this per day.

Taking a Ginger bath is the best way of reducing the swelling of arthritis. The reason is because of the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger.

Ginger is known from time back through the ages and is really an excellent remedy for joint pain and really works well in the ways described above.

Ginger is a very natural spice that will aid in getting rid of the pain, and there are no side effects apart from the fact that Ginger can interfere with any medications that you might be taking for blood clotting. This is for people on anticoagulant therapies such as Coumadin or Heparin, use Himalayan salt for the bath instead. Always see you doctor first, of course.

Another good way to use Ginger is in cooking. Use it anywhere that your can; soups, casseroles and soon, even a spot in your porridge.

I would encourage you to take control of your pain of arthritis by at least trying ginger. Now I know that we are all different and it might not suit you but at least try. If it does not suit you for one reason or another your can always try using Himalayan salt in your bath or drinking aloe Vera. Both these natural products are also known to help ease the pain of arthritis

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