Saturday, August 3, 2013

Medical Treatment For Arthritis

Medications aimed and alleviating arthritis symptoms and treating arthritis' debilitating effects and deterioration processes are being continuously developed.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It may involve damage to the joints in the knees, hip and wrists. Although usually diagnosed in the elderly, people as young as 25 can develop osteoarthritis in any joint.

There is no cure for this disease and medical treatments may provide relief of symptoms and improvement in quality of life. This disease takes its toll on physical functioning leading to disability and handicap while more and more the patient is dependent on others to walk and climb stairs.

For effectively reducing pain and inflammation in the affected joints the conventional medical treatment is with Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs known as NSAIDs. These drugs are not steroids however patients should be warned that long term treatment with these medications has been found to cause serious side effects as internal bleeding, hypertension (high blood pressure), congestive heart failure (heart attack) and damage to the kidneys.

Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are chronic joint diseases. Medications for treating these more severe types of arthritis are aimed at stopping, preventing, and even reversing bone and cartilage changes occurring as the disease worsens.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an example of a destructive arthritis. This progressive disease causes swelling of the joints. A continuing process of inflammatory attacks on the bones membrane causes bone erosion often leading to irreversible joint damage. This inflammatory condition can lead to considerable disability and severe degrees of joint pain. The severity of this structural bone damage can be predicted according to the severity of the inflammation, the number of swollen joints, or the duration of morning stiffness. Bone and cartilage damage is rapid and dynamic after disease onset. In most patients this structural bone damage occurs within the first year of the disease. Therefore the key to effective treatment begins with early diagnosis.

To treat this process, by effectively controlling the inflammation and reversing the structural damage to the bones, a specific medicine was developed. These are known as conventional Disease-Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs or DMARDs.

Ankylosing spondylitis another chronic joint disease involves inflammation in the sacroiliac joints and the spine. As the disease progresses the patient suffers from ongoing back pain stiffness. Medical treatments for Ankylosing spondylitis are physiotherapy and medication as Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).

Psoriatic arthritis patients in addition to the inflammatory arthritis process also suffer from psoriasis on their skin. In most cases they first suffered from psoriasis which later worsened to psoriatic arthritis however in some patients the psoriasis symptoms occurred after the development of the arthritis disease. In addition to joint inflammation and psoriasis on their skin these patients often also have changes in their nails as pitting or ridging. This disease also leads to severe damage to the joints and handicap overtime.

The latest medications developed for treating these three chronic joint diseases Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis are called Tumor Necrosis Factor α blockers (TNF α blockers). These are biologically specific therapies which have essentially revolutionized the treatment of inflammatory arthritis diseases by effectively controlling disease symptoms and progression.

Depending on the case the patient can be treated with TNF α blockers alone or in what as known as combination therapy together with Disease-Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs). Although TNF α blockers are very effective in treating the disease especially if the treatment begins in the early stages of the disease, this treatment often causes side effects as the development of serious infections requiring hospitalization.

Ten Non-Surgical Alternatives to Total Knee Replacement Surgery to Treat Osteoarthritis in the Knee

Knee osteoarthritis is often a painful and disabling condition. Many people consider total knee replacement surgery as a way to treat osteoarthritis of the knee but it is important to know that there are a number of non-surgical options to consider.

If you are struggling with knee osteoarthritis, before undergoing surgery like total knee replacement, learn more about the top 10 ways to treat osteoarthritis of the knee WITHOUT undergoing knee replacement surgery. You should always talk to your doctor or orthopaedic surgeon for further information and medical advice. Here are 10 non surgical options you might consider trying to treat knee osteoarthritis before undergoing total knee replacement surgery:

  1. Exercises specific for knee arthritis and these include: water aerobics, floor exercises, yoga and weights

  2. Supplements: glucosamine with chrondrotin 1500 mg per day. Make sure you are not allergic to shellfish. Check the label some glucosamine has shellfish in the supplement. Fish oil is an omega 3 and it is good for joint health. It should be taken at least 1000 mg per day.

  3. Oral NSAIDs: over the counter vs. prescription. Check with your doctor to see if you are a candidate. Another option is the use of aspirin or Tylenol (acetaminophen) both of these medications are over the counter.

  4. Hyaluronic acid (HA) injection: the normal knee has hyaluronic acid (HA) with a thick and viscous consistency. As the knee becomes arthritic the composition of the HA changes. The injection replaces a fluid similar to the healthy fluid found in a normal knee. There are many brands on the market. They can be given as a single dose injection or a series of injections ranging from 3 to 5 based on the brand. Examples of the different brands are: hyalgan, orthovisc, synvisc, supartz, and euflexa.

  5. Cortisone injection: cortisone is like a strong Motrin/Eleve, in the sense that it is able to slow down or reduce the inflammatory process that is produced by the knee osteoarthritis. The injection can be given every three months. If given more than every three months if does not work as well. Cortisone does not destroy the knee joint, the bones in the knee or the knee ligaments/ tendons. There are a lot of myths about cortisone. The bottom line is that cortisone will not damage an arthritic knee joint. Cortisone given in the knee joint does not cause the person to gain weight. Cortisone can temporarily raise a person's blood sugar if they are a diabetic.

  6. Unloader knee braces: a special brace that is used for patients that have knee pain with activity. The concept behind the unloader knee brace is that it forces the person to put more weight on the non arthritic side of the knee. Most people with arthritis have one side that is less affected by the arthritis and cartilage loss. Some of the different brands of the unloader custom braces are: Berg and Donjoy. They can be ordered through your doctor. The arthritic leg must be measured so the brace fits properly and then the braces built to fit each individual knee. Most insurance plans will cover the brace.

  7. PRP also known as platelet rich plasma: there are enzymes in PRP that may help reduce the progression of knee osteoarthritis and decrease the symptoms. PRP is produced by withdrawing blood from the person and separating out the highly concentrated plasma and injecting it into the arthritic knee joint

  8. Weight loss: the less weight on the arthritic knee typically will help to reduce the pain from the arthritis and may slow down the progression. Morbidity obese patients have a higher incidence of knee arthritis at a younger age.

  9. Capsaicin: this is a topical cream made out of red peppers that can help reduce the pain of knee arthritis. It can be purchased over the counter at most grocery or drug stores (for example, Walgreens, Kroger, Costco or Walmart)

  10. Simple slip on knee brace: an over the counter knee brace that slips over the knee made of neoprene with Velcro straps. The brace can help give a sense of more support to the knee and it provides warmth to the knee with can help ease arthritic pain.

If you are suffering from knee osteoarthritis, before you decide on major surgery like total knee replacement surgery, it is beneficial for you to learn about your non surgical alternatives. There are a number of things you can try first including unloader knee braces or platelet rich plasma (PRP) before undergoing total knee replacement. For more information about your options to treat knee osteoarthritis, contact a board certified and experienced orthopaedic surgeon like Orthopaedic Specialists in Louisville, Kentucky.

Rheumatoid Arthritis : the time bomb

The beginning is very much hard to spot as we migh just wake up in the morning and feel that the fingers on our hand do not function as they should. A little of bit of movement and everything is fine. However, this morning exercise keeps prolonging as we get to a point where the exercise lasts for the whole day and the joints begin to ache. The walk is not a pleasure anymore and we are not able to hold a cup of coffee without shaking it out.

So this is how it ends. Rheumatoid arthritis is practically unhealable and the condition is very fast the younger the age. Arthritis is usually associated with older people, however, rheumatoid arthritis endangers especially middle aged individuals and it is not usual to see younger aged pacients.

The cause of this disease is yet not specifically know. Arthritis, the infectous inflammation of joints, is a matter of reaction of the organism to internal infection. To illustrate it a bit more, the immunity system goes nuts and attacts its own organism. In case of reumatic arthtritis, the subject of the attack are the joints, especially smaller ones. The disease is healable only if uncovered early.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease which is very slow in its progress, undistinguished. Maybe the fact that the start of the disease is so slow and hard to spot compared to other malfunctions, makes it so dangerous. By the time you notice, it is usually already well estabilished and practically unhealable.

Reumatoid arthtritis is the worst case of arthritis there is as the consequences are the hardest to take. It can cause very serious damages to joints and other organs and can lead to invalidity.

There is ten types of arthritis of which the mentioned is the most severe. It attacks woman three times more than man and healing requires attention of many specialists such as rheumatologists, rehabilitation expers, balneologists as well as internists and clinical psychologists.

If you are looking for further health information, there are several resources to use, among those The MedsiteRX Health Directory [] is one of those. For further information please visit the website.

How to Get the Best Treatment For Fingernail Psoriasis

Nearly fifty percent of psoriasis patients experience psoriatic symptoms at their fingernails. In few cases, people may suffer from only fingernail psoriasis and it may not appear in any other parts of the body. This condition in particular is known as fingernail psoriasis.

Don't Allow Aggravation

Like any other psoriatic symptoms, this type of psoriasis is also painful and embarrassing for an individual. It may range from mild to severe, typically showing psoriatic symptoms over nail plates, tissues, beds and nearby skin area. If nail bed gets damaged, one may have to lose nail too.

The symptoms of fingernail psoriasis may resemble the symptoms of chronic fungal infection. If you are suffering from this problem, it is important that you must avoid getting any injury in the affected area. Otherwise, it may aggravate the condition ever more. This condition is referred to as Koebner's phenomenon.

Choose Herbal and Natural Option

When you are looking for the best treatment for fingernail psoriasis, you must look for herbal option or at least something natural that does not have any potential side effects. If you go for chemical treatments, you may risk of having side effects which can even turn out to be fatal in the long run.

So, like any other skin problem, when you are seeking the best treatment option for your fingernail psoriasis, you must choose herbal products. Yes, you can go for any oral medications, but be sure to choose natural ones like homeopathy.

Also, you must make it sure that you must use topical cream over the affected area. Since shedding the dead cells and deep moisturizing are the two most important part of psoriasis treatment, you must apply cream that fulfill both of the needs. Be sure that the cream includes herbal ingredients approved by FDA.

Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis That You Should Know

Physical, occupational, nutritional therapies are the non-pharmacological ways to combat the disease. Analgesia or pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs like azathioprine, gold salts, leflunomide, minocycline etc are being prescribed these days to control the progression of the disease. The disorder can also be tackled the natural way and through home based remedies.

The patient should carry out the treatment by balancing the commercial medicines along with natural remedies. This is to be done in order to escape to some extent the harmful side effects of toxins in the commercial medicines. Here are some natural ways to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

1. Light stretching exercise to mobilize affected joints is essential. Mobilization will reduce stiffness at the joint. If the joints attacked by rheumatoid arthritis are left idle and inactive, the problem of stiffness will only worsen. Heavy impact exercises like jumping, running, skiing etc are to be avoided.

2. Food items rich in Omega3 fatty acids, Gamma-linolenic acid should be consumed by rheumatoid arthritis patients. Cold water fishes like salmon, sardines, anchovies etc are rich in omega3 acids. Even fish oil capsules available in market can serve the purpose. Sea food diet thus is highly recommended as a cure for rheumatoid. Borage oil, black currant seed oil, primrose oil are rich sources of gamma-linolenic acids. Raw vegetable juices like that of celery, carrot, and beet can prove beneficial in reducing pain and inflammation.

3. Magnesium and copper supplements can prove beneficial.

4. Cupping therapy, a remarkable form of alternative treatment in Chinese medicine, proves to be an effective natural way of treating rheumatoid arthritis. The therapy reduces pain, inflammation, boosts up blood circulation and helps in getting rid of inflammation causing toxins.

5. Orthotic devices like braces, splints can be worn for acquiring easy mobility. They help in giving support to ailing joints.

6. Turmeric, dry ginger, boswellia, guggul are beneficial herbs that can treat the problem of pain and inflammation due to rheumatoid.

7. Green tea extracts may also bring some relief.

8. Ointments like Ben Gay and capsaicin creams may be rubbed on the ailing joints to get pain relief.

9. Smoking and consumption of caffeine are to be strictly avoided.

Rumatone Gold Capsules and Massage Oil are unique proprietary blend of natural ingredients to ease pain and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. These supplements taken in a regular and disciplined way greatly help in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pain. As these supplements are made of plant-based herbal ingredients, they are safer and natural way to treat the problem.

Symptoms - Causes - and Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Experiencing relentless pain in the joints even after several days of exercise and other activities may be a sign of a disease known as osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis which commonly affects weight-bearing joints such as the knees and the hips although it has been known to affect other joints in the body such as in the fingers, back, ankles, shoulders, and toes. The condition is generally caused by the deterioration of cartilage in bones which is supposed to act as a pressure cushion.

Causes and Symptoms of Cartilage Breakdown

When cartilages in the joints break down, potential friction between nearby bones increases' resulting to painful bone spurs. Normally, the 'thinning' and breaking of cartilage structures comes with ageing. However, traumatic, strenuous, and repetitive activities and injuries heighten the risk of developing the disease, In addition, since the weight-bearing joints of the body are the ones vulnerable, problems with weight management such as obesity can result to osteoarthritis or may aggravate an existing condition (OA has sometimes been tied up with the presence of certain genes that induce or stimulate an overproduction of collagen which damages the cartilages.) Moreover, dehydration has also been known to contribute to the presence of the condition in both men and women because joints also need lubrication and without enough water being absorbed in the body, healthy cartilages can dry up and become brittle. Having other joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis also aggravates the condition including malformed joints.

Osteoarthritis is characterized by stiffness which also explains why exercise is a key treatment to the condition. Living a sedentary and couch potato lifestyle also leads to the condition. Pain in the usual weight-bearing joints as well in other less common ones throughout the body coupled with swelling and a crunching bone feeling is also a symptom of osteoarthritis.

Diagnosis and Treatment of OA

Because OA is usually a slow-progressing disease, diagnosis comes in slowly as well. However, treatment can be preventive. Exercising regularly helps keep the joints flexible. An adequate amount of rest allows the joints to recover after a day filled with activities.

A healthy and nutritious diet also aids in the formation of healthy joints. . Adding glucosamine supplements such as Synflex Liquid Glucosamine to your usual diet stimulates a faster cartilage regrowth and rehabilitation. If you are already suffering from osteoarthritis, Synflex Liquid Glucosamine may also act as a pain reliever. The product is rich with glucosamine and other ingredients that help build and keep your joints healthy such as chondroitin sulfate, which works synergistically with glucosamine to repair damaged cartilage. Syn-flex has 12 beneficial ingredients that ease and prevent further pain and swelling such as yucca and boswellain which have anti-inflammatory effects, and other vitamins and minerals that help in the healing process.

Try Synflex Liquid Glucosamine for healthier joints:

Friday, August 2, 2013

Natural Pain Relief Tips for Arthritis

I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain naturally by drastically changing my diet. I stopped eating the standard American diet (SAD.)

Arthritis sufferers today are continually seeking relief from their arthritis pain.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease of the joint cartilage and bone, often thought to result from "wear and tear" on a joint, although there are other causes of arthritis such as congenital defects, trauma and metabolic disorders. Unlike some other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is not systemic - it does not spread through the entire body. The pain in arthritis can be moderate to severe.

Damaged joints cause pain and sufferers are constantly looking for ways to relieve the pain. Cartilage contains chondrocytes, water, proteoglycans and collagen; chondrocytes are the basic cartilage cells and are necessary for balance and function. The ability to make repairs to cartilage becomes limited as cartilage cells age.

One possible cause of arthritis is the inflammatory response due to the over-reaction of the immune system to an injury or other assault in the body, like an infection. Although osteoarthritis generally accompanies aging, osteoarthritic cartilage is chemically different from normal aged cartilage. As chondrocytes (the cells that make up cartilage) age, they lose their ability to make repairs and produce more cartilage; this process may play an important role in the development and progression of osteoarthritis.

Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, that no one supplement can relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc. One natural approach is to consume foods that are known to help relieve arthritis pain or prevent arthritis. One natural treatment method involves avoiding all inflammatory foods.

If you're not already doing so, make a big effort to watch your diet. Try avoiding the eight most allergic foods, wheat being the most allergenic; they are wheat, corn, eggs, milk, peanuts, fish, shellfish and some nuts, not all. Natural treatment for arthritis is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive to the body.

Some foods and beverages to avoid that are inflammatory are: caffeine, salt, sugar, meat, dairy products, additives, soft drinks, white flour, white rice, alcoholic beverages, fast food, processed vegetable oils, refined, packaged and processed food. Gluten may be a culprit in arthritic diseases including fibromyalgia; avoid wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, kamut and oats (although not a gluten grain it gets contaminated at the wheat mills).

The first step in managing your arthritis is to change your diet; I think all experts would agree on this. With natural treatments there will be fewer, if any, side effects or adverse reactions.

Whatever you do, keep moving; don't sit when you can stand, don't stand when you can walk. Exercise is good for joints affected by osteoarthritis. Keep a bedside basket of arthritic aids for arthritic hands (Thera-putty, hand grips, Taiji chime balls, etc.) to be used at bedtime or while watching television. A good exercise routine is the key to beating arthritis and arthritis pain.

Use Taiji health balls, with the chimes, to strengthen the finger joints: hold two balls, move in a clockwise circle with your fingers to rotate them, then try counterclockwise and do throughout the day. To be on the safe side always seek your doctor's advice before starting or changing your exercise program. Fight arthritis through proper exercise!

If you're going to go the conventional treatment route and take medications, ask your pharmacist for drug inserts so you can read up on the drugs and understand any side effects or adverse reactions, before taking them. At the very least, understand what the side effects and adverse reactions are for any drug you take. If you're planning to take any of the non-prescription NSAIDS for arthritis, make sure you understand what bad effects they can have on the stomach, liver and/or kidneys and discuss this with your doctor.

Changing your diet to predominately fruits, raw veggies, nuts, and seeds like I did, can turn your arthritis pain around almost overnight. More and more doctors are investigating the benefits of alternative therapies and most don't object to patients trying them. One should not only search for relief of arthritis pain but work on preventing it.

Top 7 Ways To Treat Arthritis

Arthritis is a term used to describe more than 100 different conditions that affect and cause pain to your joints. However, along with medication and exercise therapy, here are some other helpful ways you can try when treating arthritis:

1. Physical therapy

This form of therapy restores or keeps the range of motion in your joints and strengthens the surrounding muscles. A physical therapist can help you learn how to use supportive devices, such as crutches, canes, and braces, and also teach you to do everyday tasks with as little pain as possible.

2. Heat and cold therapy

Apply heat to your joints to increase blood flow and loosen the joints. Apply cold to your joints to relieve pain.

3. Hydrotherapy

Not only is soaking in a whirlpool or hot tub pleasurable, but it may also help to loosen tight joints and reduce some of the pressure on your aching joints by providing heat and buoyancy.

4. Diet therapy

Certain foods are linked to arthritis symptoms. Milk and cheese were found to cause symptoms. Other research shows foods in the nightshade family (chilli and bell peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes) trigger arthritis flare-ups.

Other studies show that foods containing omega-6 fatty acids (vegetable oils such as safflower, soy, sesame, and sunflower) can produce inflammatory chemicals in the body. On the other hand, foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, sardines, and mackerel) may have an anti-inflammatory effect.

5. Antioxidants

Not having enough antioxidants (molecules that help fight against free radicals - destructive molecules made in the body by a chemical process called oxidation), such as vitamins E and A, and beta-carotene, could be a precursor to rheumatoid arthritis. People with rheumatoid arthritis had lower levels of several types of antioxidants, including the beta-carotene and vitamins A and D. Additional studies have found that vitamin E may help ease swelling, pain, and morning stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

6. Dietary supplements

Supplements such as chondroitin and glucosamine, two compounds found in healthy joints, have shown promise in relieving pain and improving mobility. They are taken separately or in combination - either in a pill or as a powder that can be mixed with a liquid. Because these are sold as dietary supplements in your local health food store, they are not monitored or tested for safety and efficacy by the FDA.

7. Herbal therapy

Some herbs that may help to relieve arthritis pain include arnica, feverfew, meadowsweet, and stinging nettles. However, because not all herbal therapies are effective or safe for everyone, you should speak with your doctor.

Arthritis Cure For Four Types of Juvenile Rheumatoid

Children age 16 or younger can develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. This is the most common form of arthritis in children and affects girls more than boys. Arthritis means inflammation of a joint that can cause pain, swelling and stiffness to the affected area. Damage to the immune system causes inflammation that can damage one or more joints. A child with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis cure can help control pain, reduce swelling and maintain movement of the affect joint or joints.

Even though there is no cause for rheumatoid arthritis, it is an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorder means that the body's immune system attacks it own tissues. Since this condition is chronic, a young child will have this disease a very long time.

Oligoarthritis is the first type of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and generally affects the knees, ankles and wrist joints causing pain, swelling and stiffness. It can also affect the eye causing inflammation. Children with this type of arthritis are affected more in girls than boys. However, children can outgrow it by adulthood but then it may spread to other joints in other children.

The second type, polyarthicular arthritis, can begin at any age but affects young girls more than boys. Polyarthricular arthritis can occur in five or more joints that include swelling, pain, and sometimes nodules may appear in the hands, hips, knees, feet, ankles and neck.

Systemic arthritis, called Still's diseases, is the third type of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and affects about 20 percent of children who have arthritis. This arthritic disease begins with repeated high fevers accompanied with a pink rash that comes and goes. It causes inflammation of the internal organs and joints as well.

Pauciarticular disease is the fourth type of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and affects fewer joints. These joints include shoulders, elbows, hips and knees. This type of arthritis affects children 8 years and younger and about 50 percent will develop it. If children have this pauciarthicular disease after 8 years old, they will more than likely develop adult arthritis.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis cure is much the same for young children who have arthritis of any kind. Arthritis treatment include exercise, diet, medication, physical and occupational therapy. The goal of an arthritic child is to relieve pain and inflammation by using heat and cold applications, improve mobility, which means the ability to move, and encourage emotional development and social interaction at school and at home.

Reflexology Benefits for Arthritis Sufferers

Reflexology is an old practice which involves using fingers and thumbs to exert pressure on specific points on the feet. It is said that particular points on the feet correspond to different points on the body. Reflexology practitioners try to relieve pain using these points on the feet. The practice has many benefits including the reduction of stress which cause inflammation, improving blood circulation, balances adrenal glands and releases endorphins which is the body's natural painkiller.

There have not been many detailed studies of the benefits reflexology has for arthritis patients in the US. But China has conducted several studies, albeit on a small scale, that shows how the treatment can relieve arthritis symptoms. The studies prove that reflexology is a great way to relieve pain cause by arthritis; the treatment itself has not been proven to cure arthritis. Arthritis patients can gain maximum benefits by coupling this treatment with other arthritis treatments such as exercise, heat therapy or pain relief medications.

Coping with stress

Reflexology can relax your whole body and give you a sense of calm. Stress is something that everyone has to face but how we manage the stress is what makes all the difference. Stress can lead to a number of health issues, like pain and body ache, if not handled well. Reflexology can help you cope with stress better, a higher level of stress hormones leads to negative reaction in different parts of the body. When the stress is reduced then the pain associated with arthritis can also be relieved.

Better sleep

It is very important to rest and sleep after a tiring day. If you don't get good quality sleep then you will not be able to cope with any kind of pain and you become easily irritable. Reflexology sessions give you a sense of peace and help you sleep much better. You will have a lot of energy after such a sleep and it also promotes regeneration of cells and other healing processes in the body.

Improved circulation

Arthritis patients can benefit greatly with healthy blood circulation in the body. The blood keeps every cell in the body nourished and functioning. The overall health of a person can improve with improved blood circulation. Arthritis results in a lot of strain and stress in the body so if the circulation improves then you can get some relief from arthritis symptoms as well.

Energize and detox

Reflexology is said to open up all the energy pathways in the body making you more energetic and helping you handle pain better. The energy must flow freely through out the body otherwise we feel listless and weak. It is also necessary to detoxify the body and this is done by the lymphatic system. Sedentary lifestyle can make the lymphatic system sluggish and clogged; this in turn causes a number of other health problems and organs handling waste elimination are required to work harder. Reflexology allows the lymph to work more efficiently and to eliminate waste from the body improving the overall health.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Effects and Treatment

Types of Arthritis

Arthritis involves the inflammation of bone joints. The inflammation is accompanied by pain. There are several types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is due to the wear and tear of cartilage. Another type arthritis known as rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an overactive immune system. These two are the most important types of arthritis. The causes of the disease are wide and varied. Over three million people are affected by it. It is diagnosed by physical and blood tests. It may take months to properly diagnose the disease. Rheumatoid arthritis has several natural remedies which help to keep it in check.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The causes of rheumatoid arthritis are not known. What is known is that it is an auto-immune disease which attacks the synovial membranes that cover the joints. It causes swelling and pain. It finally destroys the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is not due to old age or hard work. The disease progresses with age and there is no cure for the disease at present. Heredity may be a factor in the onset of the problem.

Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis

With the progress of the disease knee joints, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, feet and ankles will be affected. It causes swelling, pain and stiffness of the joints. The joints may turn red in color. In the initial stages a person may feel the stiffness early in morning for a few hours after getting up from the bed. The stiffness may wear off after an hour or two. As the disease progresses stiffness will last much longer. The other symptoms of the disease include fatigue, skin lesions and dry eyes.

Deformities due to Rheumatoid Arthritis

As the disease progresses deformities are likely to occur. Fingers may lose their function because of the ruptured tendons. This is called the ulnar drift. Another deformity called the Boutonniere deformity, deforms the joints of the finger. The Swan neck deformity makes the finger to look like a swan's neck. All these deformities cannot be medically treated and require surgery.

The disease can cause swelling of the heart lining and shortness of breath. Early diagnosis of the disease and aggressive treatment are essential to control the disease.


The disease is treated by medication, exercises and weight loss. Certain adaptations to protect the joints are also used. Certain diets and supplements for the treatment of disease are also recommended. Changes in lifestyle are also essential to protect the joints.

Arthritis Pain Medication - 2 Effective Ways to Treat Arthritis Fast

I'm going to discuss some of the more common arthritis pain medication options available in the market today. Everybody who wants to discover all about arthritis drugs should really read everything written in this article. Arthritis causes pain that can go mild or become very intense. To treat arthritis pain, most patients take pain killers and similar types of medications.

But with the many types of arthritis medicines available at pharmacies today, it gets harder to find out what is best for you. The question is always what type of arthritis medication would treat your pain the fastest.

Arthritis Pain Medication - Common Drugs To Treat Chronic Arthritis

For mild arthritis pain, pain killers dispersed over-the-counter are usually good enough. But if ever you're suffering from intense pain, there's no other way to go about it but to go for prescription medicines. Arthritis, no matter what type, is usually cured by only three sets of medicines. The only difference is the frequency of dosage. Let your doctor guide you as to how much and how long you should take any of these medicines:


DMARDs mean Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs. Popular bands belonging to this group are Avara, Ebrel, Humira, and Minocin. This type of arthritis pain medication is prescribed to patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

DMARDs prevent the occurrence of further damages sustained by the bones and the joints. These drugs are the most potent ones used for arthritis. They work to improve the patient's condition and not just address the symptoms of the disease.


NSAIDs are very popular arthritis medicines. It means Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. Most of the drugs under this group can be bought without prescription. Generic names include Naproxen and Ibuprofen.

Brands under this group are Celebrex, Voixx, and Bextra. NSAIDs can also be bought over the internet, especially for the types that don't require prescription at all. Patients suffering from mild arthritis are best treated with these drugs. Usually, patients are advised to take the medicine only when the pain strikes.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Different Types of Arthritis in Children

Arthritis diseases are developed especially among the children. But, it may occur to anyone at any age. Rheumatology College in America estimates that one out of 1000 children are vulnerable to juvenile arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis that are found in children. It is still not discovered what actually causes such different types of arthritis in children, hence at present prevention is also unfeasible.

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis:

One of the most common amid the various different types of arthritis is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). It is the dreadful disease that occurs mostly in children and it is popularly referred as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The indications of such diseases are stiffness and joint pain, similar to adult arthritis. But, this indication commences to assemble in those children who are below the age of 16. The treatment differs with each child and the indications also differ in stiffness.

Systemic inception Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis:

The other different types of arthritis comprises of systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. These different types of arthritis disease are developed mostly in children. It primarily starts with fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit and above, which comes up and goes down. Often most, this type of fever is associated with a strange itchiness, which frequently arises and vanishes. Normally, systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis does not occur with fevers or rash, but occurs years later. However, there are cases, where the arthritis pain experienced was at the time of fever. Systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis not only inflames the child's joints, however it can possibly inflame the internal organs too. Often, the child feels weakness along with high WBC count. At such time, treatment method contains analgesics, other medicines, along with observation of the children's diet and usual physical activities.

Pauciarticular JRA:

This is the one of the common and different types of arthritis mainly observed in children. It is estimated that less than ½ of the arthritic children's are vulnerable to the Pauciarticular JRA. It occurs in girls more as compared to boys. Pauciarticular JRA normally attacks to at least 5 joints of a child's entire body. The side-effects of these different types of arthritis can be a permanent loss of vision or persistent eye troubles. It is an old fact that the children's of the age 7 or below who are diagnosed with these different types of arthritis are expected to recuperate effectively.

Polyarticular JRA:

These different types of arthritis are similar to the above mentioned one, excluding the effects. In case of Polyarticular JRA, it affects five joints of child's body. More often, this attacks the kids at any age. It can be treated with usual physical activities, drugs and standard check ups.

A Key to Solving Auto-Immune Diseases Like Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Thomsonian Naturopathic Doctor's View of a Common Sense Way Out of the Autoimmune Disease Mess

I am a Thomsonian Naturopathic doctor and follower of Dr Samuel Thomson (the founder 1822). He believed as I have learned from his teachings and my experience that all diseases are actually simple to explain. That the more you complicate disease and medical techniques the more that people are removed from the healing process. One of the results is what you see today in these auto-immune disease epidemic nightmares.

When I was looking at autoimmune diseases in 2004 there were at that time 65 and everyone was shocked at the high number. Sadly these diseases have nearly tripled in that short period of time and today I believe the number is close to 150. But this is not the true number as anyone of those autoimmune diseases can have any number of sub-diseases with their own symptoms. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) for example, has about 100 sub-diseases.

Autoimmune diseases like RA are a disease where your immune system does not recognize you and attacks you as though you were something foreign. Here is a comparison that shows just how crazy this really is. Imagine, that in your city one day for no apparent reason the police department starts shooting at the employees of the water department, crazy huh?

Modern medicine's answer seems like a good idea, suppress or control the immune system. But wait a minute that is like answering your city's problem by taking away the policemen's guns. This is unrealistic; because like your immune system the police have a vital service to perform. Shouldn't the realistic solution be to find out why your immune system is attacking you in the first place, why the confusion?

Let me see if I can make something clear for everyone so it is easier to understand. When each cell is created by your body it gets an identifying signature a code that says it is part of you and do not attack me. You might say it is like the license plate on your car. Well, when your immune system senses this code it automatically knows that this is you and do not attack. Modern medical science calls this code a major histocompatibility complex (MHC).

As long as you have been alive your immune system has checked each of the trillions of cells in your body two times a day. The question is why, after checking the identification of your cells successfully all your life, does your immune system suddenly attack as in RA? What has happened to these cells of your body such as those in your joints that it once protected and now attacks?

Naturopaths like myself, believe that RA and all other autoimmune diseases are a symptom of a modern lifestyle and genetic weaknesses. Making the pain or symptoms go away without addressing the underlying root of the immune confusion will give your body cause and effect to bring you another autoimmune disease. And so it is, someone with an auto-immune disease tends to get another auto-immune disease and possibly more. It is like the child's game where you knock the peg down with a hammer and another one pops up.

What is needed to prevent the immune system from making these errors? Simply eliminate from the body those things that are causing the immunity confusion. These are things that never have and never will be naturally accepted or beneficial to the human body or mind.

Objective Autoimmune Disease Causes

There are combinations of toxins in everyone's bodies today that have never been there in all of human history. Our bodies were never designed to carry them nor do we have any use for them. Some of them are objectively toxic in nature like the heavy metals aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury and thallium. Then you have the industrial chemicals that include hydrazine, herbicides, preservatives, dyes, plastics, bisphenol A and rubber products that are released in the environment and they number somewhere close to 85,000 thanks to the EPA and the FDA.

Note (In 2005, researchers from the Environmental Working Group found something very frightening: a cocktail of 287 pollutants - PFOA's, pesticides, dioxins, flame retardants -- in the fetal-cord blood of newborn infants from around the country).

Medical Drugs That Can Cause Autoimmune Diseases

It has been known for some time that medical drugs can trigger an autoimmune disease. Now it has been found that many medical drugs are the direct cause of various autoimmune diseases.

The Prescription Drugs

Alferon N, Allopurinol, Atenolol, Atorvastatin, captopril, Carbamazepine, chlorpromazine, Chlorthalidone, cimetidine, Ethosuximide, gold salts, griseofulvin, Hydralazine, Hydrochlorothiazide, Infergen, Inerferon Alfa, Interferons, Interleukins, Intron A, Isoniazid, Levodopa, Lithium, Lovastatin, Mesantoin, Methimazole, Methyldopa, Methylsergide, Metoprolol, Minocycline, Minoxidil, Nitrofurantoin, Ophthalmic timolol, Oral contraceptives, P-aminobenzoic, PegIntron, Penicillamine, Penicillin, Perphenazine, Phenylbutazone, Phenytoin, Pravostatin, Primidone, Procainamide, Propylthiouracil, Quinidine, Simvastatin, sulfasalazine, sulfonamides, streptomycin, Sulfonamide antimicrobials, Tetracyclines, Tiotropium Bromide inhaler, Trimethadione, Tumor Necrosis factor, Valproic acid.

Why would a medical drug that you take for your health cause you to become sick? Basically medicine is not made to help you to become healthier. Medical drugs are developed to suppress your symptoms. You would never take a pharmaceutical drug to feel healthier as you would a vitamin or herbal supplement.

Mercury in Medicine

Of course everyone knows the dangers of mercury, but modern medicine insists on putting mercury in just about everything they give us and the FDA allows them to, why? Because mercury is cheap and it works to suppress your symptoms even though over the long haul it poisons us all. How dangerous is mercury? It is the second most dangerous element on the planet next to plutonium.

Yet mercury is even found in over the counter medical drugs (OCMD) such as topical antiseptics, stimulant laxatives, diaper rash ointments (yes for babies), eye drops, nose sprays, Preparation H, Calomel body powders and talc, Mercurochrome, Merthiolate, Laxatives containing Calomel, Psoriasis ointments, Calamine lotions, Contact lens solutions and Vaginal gels - especially those that are contraceptives. And of course mercury is highly suspect as a cause in all these new autoimmune diseases and the alteration of our children's behavior such as ADD, ADHD and Autism. Easy to see why we have health problems, isn't it?

Why is the FDA afraid to do what is right and pull mercury out of all of these products? Because the use of mercury is so cheap and the pressure is high in the drug industry to leave it that way.

"Lawsuit to Force FDA to Comply With Law and Ban Mercury" (News of the Day 11/13/2006)

The lawsuit, originally filed in August 2006, asks the court to force the FDA to comply with existing law and regulations and provide proof of the safety and efficacy of mercury in drugs. The suit was filed because the FDA failed to answer issues raised.

Mercury is found in at least 45 different prescribed or over-the-counter drugs, including eye ointments, nasal sprays, and vaccines, most importantly, flu vaccines administered to children and pregnant women.

In a 1999 internal email, obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request, an FDA official wrote that the agency's failure to evaluate the cumulative amount of mercury in medicine "...will raise questions about FDA being 'asleep at the switch' for decades by allowing a potentially hazardous compound to remain...and not forcing manufacturers to exclude it from new products...."

In a second email, the same official wrote: "...the greatest point of vulnerability on this issue is that the systematic the FDA could have been done years ago and on an ongoing basis."

Citizen Filed Petition, Aug 4, 2004, by CoMeD representatives

FDA Sued Over Mercury in Medicines, News of the Day, 11/13/2006

Subjective Autoimmune Disease Causes

Would you be surprised to learn that something subjective like losing a loved one or getting a divorce can trigger an autoimmune disease just liked mercury can. To eliminate these and others you need to address the whole person which takes work and willingness on the part of the patient.

Your Genetic Weaknesses and Autoimmune Diseases

The genetic connection to autoimmune diseases are well established but very few people are aware of the Naturopathic Medical view of genetics and disease. A chain is the perfect object to use as an example of genetic weaknesses. There is a very old saying that goes like this, "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link". So, there is no chain that does not have a weak link and that link can be found by exerting enough stress on the chain to break that link.

Now imagine each organ in your body alphabetically beginning with your adrenals down to your veins is a link in a chain. This chain of organs has a weak genetic link somewhere you just need to apply enough stress (through diet, toxicity and lifestyle) on the organ chain to find the weak link. Knowing you have a weak link how would you protect yourself from getting a disease in that organ? The answer is as simple as the cure for all disease. Simply do not put stress on your genetic chain with your lifestyle.

Those people whose genetic chain is already broken need to reverse what they have been doing all their life. This will take the stress off of the weak organ and give it a chance to recover. By doing the opposite I mean cleansing, detoxing, no refined foods, lots of produce, live juices and lifestyle adjustments.

One of the miracles of the human body is the replacement of each and every cell and organ over an 8 year period. To take advantage of this process you give your body everything it needs to do this to the optimum level. In other words treating your body just as I said above with the best cleansing, detoxing and the most nutritious foods, herbs, supplements and lifestyle adjustments to get the most from this building process.

Specifically What Can You Do?

Naturopaths believe disease and ill health attack you from five different areas of your life. One, what you bring into your body via food, water, air. Two, what is not eliminated; the toxins that build up encouraging the disease to start. Three, a lack of movement and exercise cause poor blood flow encouraging toxic buildup, low oxygen and poor nutrition to cells. Four, the stressful people and situations in the work place and at home. Five, a poor spiritual foundation, no belief in higher power. To reverse auto-immune diseases like RA and bring good health, the above five areas are addressed at the same time with rigorous cleansing, detoxing and lifestyle changes

Few people today realize how intensively healing and powerful Naturopathic medical treatments really are. They think of using a few herbs for this and that disease, drinking an herb tea, do a few yoga stretches etc. Which is as weak as it sounds and is also very far from the truth.

The truth is that Naturopathic Medical therapies are intense, invasive and rigorous. Juice fasting, colon, liver and kidney cleansing and detoxing, cold sheet treatments, hydro therapy, caster oil packs and blood cleansing using substantial doses of herbs, etc. All of these treatments plus making permanent changes in your lifestyle and more are part of Naturopathic Medicine's treatments to undo RA and all auto-immune diseases. Anyone who gives these techniques their complete attention and focus will see RA and any disease including cancer disappear into their past.

I know, I used the above techniques on myself against a life threatening disease twenty years ago and they wiped my health slate clean as when I was a boy. I am 65 now; healthy and strong as a horse with zero diseases and zero medications.

How Can You Treat Arthritis in Dogs?

Arthritis is a disease where the patient suffers from joint damage and severe pain. Osteoarthritis, which deteriorates the ligament tissues, is the most common form of arthritis and is found in humans as well as pets. Arthritis in dogs is the most widespread illness diagnosed and a recent survey shows that one in every five adult dogs is infected with Arthritis in the US.

Arthritis causes much pain to the bearer on a daily basis through joint redness, tissue damage, tendon wear and tear, stiff muscles and fatigue. However nowadays all forms of arthritis, mainly Osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia, are treatable through various methods and you should check in with your vet immediately once you spot the symptoms of arthritis in your furry friend.

Arthritis in dogs is caused in nearly all occasions by degenerative joint alterations. Other infections such as Lyme disease may also be the source arthritis. Younger dog lads can also be affected with arthritis in some cases, but mostly arthritis attacks older dogs. It should be noted that dogs and other pets can't speak of their illnesses and if they aren't treated with proper care, they just become habitual of the pain and deal with it till their end.

Concerned dog-owners would immediately notice a change if their dog was in any sort of pain as he would no longer welcome you home, play along with you, walk you in the park and jump in the car, all of this not as vigorously as he previously did. Probable symptoms of arthritis in your dog can be his being weary and tired always, having more sleep, limping and having trouble standing, reluctance to mount the stairs or jump or play, having inflamed joints, gaining too much weight and being less vigilant. Contacting your vet should be your top priority if you spot the stated changes in your dog's behavior; remember that the earlier the vet is spoken to, the sooner he/she diagnoses your dog and provides a working treatment for him.

After its diagnosis, arthritis in dogs can be easily treated with various different methods. Nutritional supplements are used as a general method to cure arthritis. The treatment would take from weeks to months, but the mode is recommended as these neutroceuticals including Glucosamine and Chondroitin work very effectively on many dogs. Anti-inflammatory medicines and pain-relievers are also commonly used in pet hospitals and they are known for the quick relief that they can provide to the pain caused. The drugs reduce the redness and inflammation in the joints and repair any possible tissue damage. Previcox, Deramaxx and Tramadol are the most common anti-provocative drugs used on dogs to deal with pain diseases. Prednisone and other Corticosteroids may also be used for effective assistance with the pain, but they have many side effects and thus dog-owners often avoid them due to the risk. Arthritis in dogs is also healed through Adequan injections; the glycosaminoglycans they contain recover the damage of the body tendons steadily.

Tips On Dog Arthritis Prevention

Arthritis is so common in people it should not come as a surprise that it is very widespread with dogs and cats and the numbers keep rising every year.

It may surprise you to know that your dog does not have to suffer with this and other related diseases such as: hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, Joint Inflammation and other painful diseases.

Put your pet on a balanced healthy diet, which does not include commercial dog foods and treats. If you feed your dog this type of diet you can almost rest assured your dog will be heading for arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. The reason for the widespread of these diseases which have increased tenfold in the last twenty years is directly related to the deterioration of dog food diets.

Nutritional Therapy:

The best diet for maintaining your dog or cat's health is a raw food diet.

If you cannot do a completely raw diet there are enzymes added to your pet's food that can supply the absorption of essential nutrients and fatty acids from cooked foods.

If you do follow enzyme therapy you can reduce the food intake by over 15 percent and feed your dog less to avoid your dog becoming overweight.

Veterinarians that have tested enzyme supplements have found improvements in coat, higher puppy survival rates, and fewer problems with hip dysplasia and arthritis. Once your dog develops arthritis there are tips to help it maintain a good quality of life especially in older dogs.

A Comfortable Bed:

If your dog is not sleeping in your comfortable bed you have to get one for your furry companion. Or if your dog is sleeping in your bed and you do not want that, you have to get it a comfortable bed. I have seen some pretty fancy beds on the internet that would befit a king, or queen with four posters and step stools which is truly over the top. The motto: " Nothing is too good for my dog" really is adaptable in this case. It could be grandma's old blanket or a soft throw blanket whatever makes a nice comfortable bed for the Prince or Princess of your household.

Nutraceuticals for Dog Arthritis:

Veterinarians who care about nutrition will recommend using supplements for treating and preventing arthritis, as much as they prescribe drugs. These supplements are used by humans and have been studied to provide relief from painful joints, and inflammation while repairing joint cartilage.


One of the essential ingredients in Arthritis supplements is Glucosamine which builds and is a major component of joint cartilage in humans and animals.

It is especially useful in osteoarthritis and used in veterinary medicine for horses, dogs, and cats with arthritis and as a preventive supplement. You will find you can purchase the Glucosamine with Chondroitin in the same bottle which you can use as directed for your particular pet's needs.


Chondroitin sulfate attaches to proteins and is a major goal of the study of Glycobiology. Chondroitin is a major structural part of cartilage and provides resistance to pressure on joints as the joint is used for daily activities. Again it is made with Glucosamine in the same bottle and you can take it as directed for your particular pet's needs.


Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM is assessed as an anti-inflammatory medicinal supplement and for relieving pain associated with joints and arthritis. If your dog is showing the signs of arthritis by limping, struggling to walk or having difficulty after a short walk you should consider relieving its pain by using MSM regularly.

Omega -3 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids or DHA and EPA are found in fish oils which are important in reducing joint swelling. Another side benefit of Omega -3's is it supports heart health of your dog or cat. As your pet ages you may want to consider especially if it is overweight the strain on the heart. It is also found to help with alertness and mental vitality in older pets, and memory.

Doses for Dogs:

A Dog of 60 -70 Pounds:

2,000 milligrams of Glucosamine daily, divide in 2 doses morning and night.

1,500 to 2,000 milligrams of MSM per day, divided in 2 does morning and at night.

1,500 to 2,000 milligrams of Omega 3 fatty acids per day, 2 doses morning and night.

Larger Dogs: double the doses.

Smaller Dogs: take 翻 of the dose for a 60-70 pound Dog.

Smaller Smaller Dogs: take 翹 of the dose for a 60-70 pound Dog.

Animals are like people and as we age, we all need reinforcement to the bone and joint structures of our bodies. These simple measures can repair the damage of arthritis and the most important benefit is it prevents future damage to our pets. Prevention is 99 percent of the cure and far easier than dealing with the disease.

How Different Types of Arthritis Can Effect Our Bodies

Rheumatoid arthritis.

This is both inflammatory and degenerative. It can affect any and all of the joints from toes to jaw.

The early symptoms are generally brief pains in the small joints along with fatigue and morning stiffness. Then after a few weeks it may proceed to a full blown attack. Pain will then persist and become quite piercing. At the same time swelling of the tissue around the painful joints occur, including ligaments and tendons.

This inflammation gradually affects the synovial membrane and the cartilage, then begins the destruction of the joint. The additional degeneration of tissues surrounding a joint can waste the muscles away. This speeds up the destruction of the joint, resulting in ankylosis ( joint growing together), with this disease the joint then deforms.

This condition can be in one or two small joints and remain there unchanged for a long time. Then suddenly will progress and go to several more joints all at once. The pain will vary from day to day.

This can't be cured, but you can take anti-inflammatory pills, pain relief pills to help, and plenty of rest to keep pressure off the joints.


This form of arthritis is non- inflammatory. Its also called degenerative joint disease. The hips, knees, spine and joints of the hands are most affected. Often the most rapid disease progress is in the weight bearing regions of the body.

When you are affected by this the cartilage protecting the ends of the bones in a joint degenerates, causing the bone edges to rub together. Damage is then caused to the bones, then they attempt to repair themselves by over producing bone tissue. The bony projections called entophytes, which result add to the overall degeneration of the joint. This then causes further damage to the surrounding tissue.

You will have stiffness and pain, especially after prolonged or strenuous activity and will become more noticeable at night. Your movement will be limited, you can have muscle wastage and your joints will be creaky ( crepitis).

Diet For Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Foods Help to Relieve Joint Pain?

Researchers have determined that your diet for rheumatoid arthritis is directly linked to the severity of the disease. A poor diet can greatly aggravate pain and other symptoms, so it is important to have a clear understanding of proper nutrition, especially as it relates to RA.

First of all, it is incredibly important that you integrate plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet, while greatly reducing or eliminating red meat and dairy. Dark green leafy vegetables are always the best, and you can gain lots of antioxidants from eating fruit. However, your diet for rheumatoid arthritis should avoid overly acidic fruit like oranges and lemons.

Many people have greatly benefited from becoming vegetarian or vegan. You may or may not want to go down this route, but if you're desperate, there's no harm in trying for a while to see if your symptoms alleviate.

Eat plenty of cold water fish like salmon and cod, as these contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which act as anti-inflammatory agents in the body. If fish isn't your thing or you're worried about mercury, you can also get Omega-3 fatty acids from almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, and avocados.

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. You should be drinking at least 8 cups of water per day. In addition, soups, broth, herbal teas, and unsweetened fruit juices are also fantastic. Just make sure that the tea is decaf and there isn't much salt in the soups and broth.

A diet for rheumatoid arthritis should be rich in vitamins and minerals, and while taking supplements will definitely help, it simply doesn't compare to getting the nutrients straight from the source. So don't think that you can counter your bad eating habits by taking supplements, because it simply doesn't work that way.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to Beat Arthritis

Arthritis is a severely debilitating disease. It means "joint inflammation", and more than one hundred rheumatic diseases are clubbed under the title of "arthritis". It can affect any body part, even though most commonly afflicting joints. Pain, stiffness and swelling of joints are the main symptoms, but arthritis can also impact muscles and bones. While generally associated with aging people, this disease can and does affect people of all ages, including youth and children. Treatment is absolutely necessary, because if allowed to aggrevate, the disease causes damage to joints and organs, which cannot be cured. Its incidence is more among women and chances of occurring increase with age.

The common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis occurs in the joints, with the pressure and wear and tear, usually due to increasing age or obsetiy. Since more weight means more pressure on joints during day to day functioning, osteoarthritis patients get some relief with shedding of excess weight. Osteoarthritis causes swelling and tenderness of mainly joints of knees, hips, hands and the spine, but may gradually impact the surrounding areas also. Repeated activities involving the same joints also increases the likelihood of osteoarthritis impacting those particular areas.

Rheumatoid arthritis also has similar symptoms as those of osteoarthritis, but the cause is different. For various unknown reasons, the body itself attacks some of the cells lining the joints. It is an autoimmune disease and most often lasts for a long time. The cause for rheumatoid arthritis is probably genetic, because it is the body's own immune system that causes it. It is generally symmetrical in nature, that is, the same joints on both sides of the body get affected.

Juvenile arthritis, though not as common as the other two types, affects children. It has different symptoms and needs to be present for over a month and a half in order to be diagnosed accurately.

All forms of arthritis cause the patient to have decreased ability to use the affected joints. Daily activities are hampered. But often, more important is the psychological impact it has on individuals. We quite take for granted the use of all body parts that we are endowed with from birth. The wear and tear caused by pressure, repeated usage or excessive weight is not taken into account until arthritis sets in. When it does, it is very difficult for the affected person to come to terms with the fact that what could so far be done effortlessly would now be difficult to do, probably even impossible.

An early diagnosis can set in early medication and effective treatment. There are different categories of medications like painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. Modern medicine also advocates alternative therapies like homeopathy, reiki and yoga. The best way to fight arthritis is to decide which one suits you the best and stick to a treatment routine. Some topical application preparations are also available to relieve arthritic joint pains. One may consider using any of these, after prior consultation with a doctor.

The ultimate and last resort for combatting arthritis is joint surgery. Doctors may recommend this for a long-suffering patient.

For more information about preventing arthritic joint pain, please visit

Hand Exercises to Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful disease that attacks the joints and usually begins in the hands. Typically, the joints of the hands and the feet are usually the first to succumb to rheumatoid arthritis. Hand and finger exercises can help reduce pain and maintain a good range of motion for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Even if you are not diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, hand and finger exercises can help you maintain joint health and flexibility.

Increase wrist joint flexibility and reduce arthritis pain by stretching out your hand. Hold your hands out in front of your body with the palms down. Try to point your fingers and thumb upward toward the ceiling while keeping your palm parallel to the floor. Stretch and hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Hold your hands out with your palms pointed toward the floor. Bend each finger toward the floor from the first joint closest to the hand. Try to move only one finger on each hand. Try to keep the middle and end joints of each finger straight and try not to bend your wrist. Repeat this movement up to two times each day.

With your hands in the same position, palms pointing down toward the floor, bend each finger from the first joint toward your palm. Sometimes it is easier to perform this exercise using first one hand and then the other. Keep your wrist straight and try to keep the middle and end joints of each finger straight. Turn your hands over so that your palms are facing the ceiling and repeat the exercise. Repeat twice each day.

Make an "O" shape with each finger and your thumb. Begin with your index finger and touch it to your thumb to make the "O" shape. Continue with each finger and then repeat the exercise with the other hand. This exercise can be repeated up to 10 times each day.

Hold your hands out straight in front of you with your palms pointed down toward the floor. Spread your fingers out slowly until they are spread as far apart as you can spread them. Then, make a fist without relaxing your hand. Hold your fist closed for up to 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice each day.

Flex your fingers daily to lessen the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and increase flexibility and hand mobility. Your strength will also increase as the joints become more flexible and hand muscles develop.

Hand Arthritis - The 3 Different Types Of The Disease

Arthritis of the hand is one of the more common forms of arthritis. Because the hand contains many joints, the risk of having hand arthritis is higher than in other parts of the body. It is composed of two bones on each forearm, and nineteen bones on the hand excluding another additional eight smaller bones.

The most common kinds of hand arthritis are: post-traumatic (arthritis which occurs as a result of someone having an accident), rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

Post-Traumatic Hand Arthritis

Post-traumatic is usually associated with pain as the hand went through possible pressure that caused inflammation. This usually goes away after a while as the swelling subsides, although in some cases where the trauma was severe therapy or even hand surgery may be required.


Osteoarthritis of the hand is another type which becomes more likely to happen as old age nears. People 40 years old and above are the most common victims of hand osteoarthritis. Some studies suggest low levels of Vitamin K as a probable cause of osteoarthritis.

This is a degenerative condition, and years after diagnosis it may often deform the hand making movement more difficult, making simple chores using the hand more complicated.

The joint called carpal-metacarpal, found in the thumb is frequently the part people with osteoarthritic hands complain of. The small bones between each finger with cartilages covering the bone become irregular.


Another kind of hand arthritis is the more complex rheumatoid arthritis. Here the synovial tissues of the hand affect the bone that is enclosed by a cartilage. The inflammation in the tissue hampers what is normally a fluid movement of the joint.

Those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis of the hand usually also endure arthritis in different parts of the body. Like osteoarthritis it is also more common to people with old age as this comes from exertion of joints accumulated through the years.

The knuckles and the wrist are the common victims of this pain. Tendon fissure may also be amassed after a while of living with its symptoms. This may also deform the hand if inflammation spreads through the ligaments around the tissue.

Rheumatoid arthritis differs among patients. Others suffer from this only for short periods of time and then lose all symptoms altogether while others go through with its consequent pain endlessly with the pain flaring at times. Some subsequently develop into permanent damage that disables them forever.

Symptoms Of Hand Arthitis

Nagging pain in the hand is the first symptom of hand arthritis. Swelling is also an accompaniment together with difficult movement. Mundane tasks such as grabbing or pinching becomes difficult. A squeaking sound may also be noticed and the misshapen hand becomes apparent.

A thorough evaluation by an orthopedic doctor that will assess the severity of the hand should be established. The physician usually subjects the patient to an x-ray and blood test if soreness is evident.

Possible Cures For Hand Arthritis

There is no single cure for hand arthritis that ultimately could eliminate the disease and prevent it from re-occurring. The most frequent solution is pain relievers prescribed by doctors to ease the suffering of the patient. There are those that require anti-inflammatory medications often already present in those pain killers. Steroids taken orally can also be another form while others require injections of corticortisone of the area affected by arthritis.

There are also specialists called rheumatologists who can closely monitor your medication and therapy to give you instructions on the proper management of your arthritis. This could be great as he can cater directly to what drugs or exercise your arthritis pain is most comfortable with.

Another way to deal with arthritis is through surgery. This is recommended for those who suffer from advanced stages of arthritis. There are different kinds of surgery for different types of arthritic problems.

Hand surgeons fix tendon fissures through grafting or through transferring tendons to the damaged area. Joint lining extraction, synthesis, replacements may be performed. In extreme cases bone removal may be needed. This just goes to show that hand arthritis is a serious condition, so if you suspect that you may have it, you should take action as soon as possible.

An Introduction To Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is the second major type of arthritis - exceeded in number of cases only by osteoarthritis. It is a very serious ailment caused by inflammation of the joints. The pain associated with the disease is at times so severe that it almost completely disables sufferers. It affects women more often than men.

Rheumatoid arthritis advances in three stages starting with painful swelling and stiffness of the joints. In the second stage the pain aggravates and the bones and cartilage are severely affected thereby restricting the movement of the person altogether. By this time the diseases becomes chronic and just defies all treatment.

It is in your best interest to immediately consult a doctor as soon as you have pain in the joints. This means that don't wait for any other symptom appear. Also, you should never try treating the disease by taking over the counter medicines. Chances are that you may aggravate the ailment.

It is important that you ask your doctor to diagnose whether you are actually afflicted with Rheumatoid arthritis and if so, start taking the treatment that he prescribes. If you go by your doctor's advice you can save yourself a lot of damage by reducing the severity of the attack of the disease. Any delay in diagnosing and treating the disease may aggravate to an extent that you may have to undergo surgery. This will not only entail great pain, but also require huge costs of treatment.

Besides seeking a doctor's advice early, you may take general precautions like protecting your affected areas from stress of exertion. You should also try to reduce your weight if you are obese. Also contact your physiotherapist. Seek his or her advice about certain kind of exercises that may be specific to your kind of rheumatoid arthritis and take these exercises regularly as per the expert's advice.

A Diet For Arthritis - 40 Foods That Fight Arthritis

Believe it or not, there is a diet for arthritis. There are everyday foods that can fight arthritis and help you to reduce your pain, swelling, and inflammation. There is scientific evidence that a variety of healthy solutions are available to those who want to improve their condition in the most natural of ways.

Obviously medications are available and even surgery is another option for some. However, these treatments only provide limited benefit yet the risks and dangers they pose are great. But what if you could reduce the pain you are in from arthritis by eating a proven diet that works for battling arthritis? Would you try it?

According to the National Institutes of Health, arthritis is a well-known and growing problem. The condition affects about 20 percent of Americans. The disease causes of the inflammation of the joints. As the inflamed joints worsen, the pain becomes almost unbearable. But there are ways to improve the amount of inflammation and to reduce the swelling and pain.

Eat Omega 3 Fatty Acids

The first step you need to take is to start eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This is a natural solution to reducing inflammation. It works by reducing the production of cytokines in the body that can lead to the erosion of the cartilage in joints, leading to inflammation and pain. You can get omega 3 fatty acids from various sources, including supplements.

Wild and fresh salmon
Rainbow trout
Mackerel, except for king mackerel

Eat Healthy Oils

Next, stop using low quality oils for your frying and cooking. Rather, switch to oils high in omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. The antioxidants found in these oils can greatly improve your overall health, and help you to reduce the inflammation you feel in your joints.

Get Your Nutrients

Next, focus on your nutrient levels. There are some sources of antioxidants needed to fight off inflammation and pain. By eating more foods that contain the nutrients it needs, you reduce the amount of pain you have. Here are some foods that should be on your menu.

Vitamin C Rich Foods:

Sweet peppers
Kidney beans
Brussels sprouts
White potatoes with skin on

Beta Carotene:

Sweet potatoes
Red peppers
Turnip greens
Butternut squash

Selenium rich foods:

Brewers yeast
Brazil nuts
Tuna (light tuna)
Lean beef


Cherry tomatoes
Onions of all type
Cocoa powder
Apples with skin on
Black currants

As you can see, there are many fantastic foods, most readily available to you. They contain the nutrients you need to improve your health and to fight arthritis. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to learn how to unlock the power of your diet to get better quickly.

Dog Medicine for Arthritic Pups

Arthritis can be devastating for people. But numerous dogs also suffer from this debilitating condition as well. They may feel pain or soreness in their joints, and they might not move around as ably as they did when they were younger. Here's the good news: there are some medications on the market which can treat canine arthritis and improve your pup's quality of life.

Some pet owners might be hesitant to give drugs to their furry friends. If your pup's arthritic symptoms are minor, then forgoing medication might be an option. But your dog might need arthritis medicine if you notice any of these signs:

Limping or lameness
Decreased joint movement
Decreased exercise or activity levels
Reluctance to run, jump, climb stairs or stand
Difficulty running, jumping, climbing stairs or standing
Here is a list of medicines which can help arthritic dogs.

Adequan Canine

Unlike many arthritis medications, this is an injectable medicine which is designed to be directly administered in the muscles where your dog is experiencing discomfort. Generally, a dose is given every three to five days to help control the pain and discomfort associated with non-infectious degenerative arthritis or traumatic arthritis that is present in your dog's synovial joints. The generic name for this drug is polysulfated glycosaminoglycan.

Adequan canine is classified as a Disease-Modifying Osteoarthritis Drug (DMOAD). It works by inhibiting cartilage destruction and diminishing any inflammation that is affecting your dog's joints. The medicine is packaged in multiple dose vials, which are usually sold in pairs.


This drug, also known as deracoxib, is an easy-to-administer chewable tablet which can be given to your pup one or more times per day, depending on your veterinarian's instructions. Unlike Adequan Canine, Deramaxx is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which is designed to reduce inflammation and pain in dogs who suffer from osteoarthritis.

Many dogs respond dramatically to this treatment. Also, the Deramaxx tablets are flavored, so your pup is more likely to gobble it out of your hand or from its bowl. The medicine is available in strengths of 25mg, 75mg and 100mg in 7, 30 or 90-count bottles.

Novox and Rimadyl

These medicines are packaged either in a chewable tablet form or a caplet for easier swallowing. Either one can be given to your dog once per day or more frequently if necessary. The goals of both medications are to improve mobility and lessen the pain and inflammation found in dogs that have osteoarthritis.

Like Dermaxx, Novox and Rimadyl are both NSAIDs which have the potential to produce significant improvement in your dog's quality of life. The generic name for both medications is called carpofen. Novox comes in 30, 60, or 180-count bottles in doses of 25mg, 75mg and 100mg.


The active ingredient is this medicine is called tepoxalin, which is also an NSAID class drug. Zubrin is formulated as a tablet that rapidly disintegrates once it is placed inside your dog's mouth. It is essential that this medication be given to your dog along with food or right after mealtime.

The medicine has the ability to combat the inflammation, pain and soreness that osteoarthritis inflicts on dogs. If administered regularly, it may possibly control all of the discomfort experienced by your pup due to the disease. A 50mg dosage of Zubrin is available in a 100-count bottle, while the 100mg and 200mg strengths can be purchased in 30, 60, 90 or 180-tablet containers.

Whichever medication you select for your arthritic pup, you should be aware of possible side effects which sometimes occur when these medications are taken. These side effects include:

Dark stools
Appetite loss
Changes in drinking patterns
Changes in urination patterns
Abnormal bleeding
Pain at the site of injection (for Adequan Canine)

In addition, many of these medications should not be given to dogs with certain conditions. Some of these conditions are:

Pre-existing kidney or liver problems
A predisposition to dehydration
Allergic reactions to NSAIDs or aspirin (such as itchy skin, hives, skin redness, or swelling in the face)
Blood in the vomit or stool

It is recommended that pups take their medications at the same time or times each day. Sometimes, pet owners' schedules become erratic, which causes them to miss the time for administering their dog's medicine. If this occurs, it is okay to give the dog the drug as soon as possible after the scheduled dose. But if the time arrives for the next scheduled dose, the pet owner should skip the missed dose altogether. It is not wise to give a dog two doses of medication at one time.

As with all medicines, canine arthritis drugs should be kept out of the reach of children. The medications should be stored at room temperature in a dry, cool place away from heat sources or direct sunlight. They should not be kept in a bathroom, next to the kitchen sink, or in any other locations which may be damp or humid; otherwise, the medicines could possibly break down and lose their potency.

No one wants to see a pup suffer. So if your dog is being slowed by arthritis, talk to your veterinarian soon about finding a medication that will put the pep back in his step!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How Chiropractic Can Help Those Suffering From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Traditional Treatment

The treatment options are typically very strong medications that help keep the inflammation down and help to save the joints. Another treatment that is helping many sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis is chiropractic care. While most people that know little about the care that chiropractors provide, the one consistent thought is that a chiropractor manipulates the spine, which is true, but the field of chiropractic continues to evolve and make advances that can be helpful to those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as RA.

Chiropractic Treatment

The treatment plan a chiropractor can set up for an individual with rheumatoid arthritis consists of helping improve and restore the range of movements in the joints. In addition, flexibility and increasing muscle tone can greatly help those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, a chiropractor can introduce nutrition as well as supplementation that help to control the inflammation in the joints. When the inflammation is under control, the pain is better managed.An Individual Treatment Plan

When a person with RA visits a chiropractor, x-rays and an initial assessment will be conducted in order to determine the stage of the rheumatoid arthritis he or she is at and then develop an individual course of treatment.

While rheumatoid arthritis is incurable and often leads to permanent joint damage, the role of the chiropractor is to introduce the patient to a more natural treatment plan with the goal of assisting the patient to become as pain-free as possible while increasing the range of motion in the joints.

As the patient and chiropractor work together to find exercises that help relieve the stiffness in the joints, along with an anti-inflammatory diet, and supplements, the patient is able to find relief of the pain and symptoms that traditional medical does not provide.

Final Thoughts

If you or someone you love suffers from RA, you should consider a doctor of chiropractic because this course of treatment can be keep your mobile and offers a drug-free way to gain pain-relief.

How to Stop Arthritis Pain Naturally

Arthritis means inflammation of the joints and it is accompanied by swelling and pain. It is a degenerative disease that can cause disability to millions of people because in severe cases sufferers find it hard to move around and perform basic tasks like walking and using their hands. Of course it is best to consult your doctor to know the best treatment for you to relieve the pain and swelling. Medications and therapy are the common treatments and in severe cases, surgery maybe recommended by your doctor. Although doctors and therapists may recommend treatments for you to cope with arthritis, you also play an important role in improving the quality of your life despite the presence of arthritis. While you are under treatments, there are also natural remedies and home care that you can do to stop arthritis pain naturally.

Use of splints and arthritis devices. Living with arthritis can be very difficult and there are limitations with your movements and the things that you can do. With the use of proper arthritis devices, the joints will be protected, the pain will be reduced and your everyday life will be easier. The use of splints on the aching and swollen joints can offer relief and can help the joints to relax. Ask your doctor and therapist about the proper splint and arthritis device suitable for your condition.

Practice stretching. It is important to practice stretching to relieve stiffness, relieve fatigue and to stop arthritis pain naturally. Resting the affected joint too long or holding one position for too long can make the joint more stiff and painful. Work with your therapist with the proper exercise and stretching program suitable for your condition.

Sleep. Although the pain will make it hard for you to sleep, a complete 8-10 hours night sleep is important for your recovery and can be very helpful to stop arthritis pain naturally. Relaxation techniques and meditation can be very helpful if you want a complete rest and night sleep. If the pain is so severe that it prevents you from having a goodnight sleep, talk to your doctor.

Acupuncture. There are people who found relief in natural remedies like acupuncture. This is a method done by professional and licensed acupuncture therapist to help sufferers stop arthritis pain naturally. The method involves the use of needles on specific points to relieve arthritis pain.

Heat and cold treatments. The application of heat and cold can be very helpful to stop arthritis pain naturally. Swelling can be reduced with the application of cold packs on the affected area while hot packs or a warm towel applied on the affected area will increase blood flow and will ease the stiffness and pain. Ask your doctor what is the best treatment for you.

It is important for you to know how to manage your arthritis to improve the quality of your life. If not treated, arthritis can make your life miserable. If the conventional treatments failed, alternative treatments are another option. Find out more on how to stop arthritis pain naturally visit Cure Painful Arthritis.

Everything You Should Know About Dog Arthritis

Dog arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can result in pain and a reduced quality of life for your dog. It causes stiffness in the joints, which can make everyday activities, such as playing, running, climbing and even walking, unbearable for a dog. Although arthritis cannot be cured, it can be treated through diet, moderate exercise and medications.

Types of arthritis

Here are the main types of arthritis found in dogs.

  • Osteoarthritis - This is the most common form of arthritis in dogs. It results in the loss of cartilage between the bones. Cartilage acts as a buffer to protect bones. When the cartilage wears away, swelling and pain develop. Obesity and wear and tear are the most common causes.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis - This form of arthritis is caused by a problem with the dog's immune system. The body attacks healthy cells and tissue, resulting in a slow erosion of the bones' cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis is most common in smaller dogs.

  • Infective arthritis - This is caused by a type of infection in the joints. It can be caused by an injury to the joint or affect the dog through the bloodstream. It can cause lameness and if left untreated, can be life-threatening or result in amputation of the joint.

  • Acute traumatic arthritis - This is caused by trauma to the joint. The trauma can be repetitive motion or a one-time incident, such as a car accident. It often starts out with symptoms such as pain and swelling. It is important to have the dog treated promptly to prevent long-term damage to the affected joint.

  • Drug-induced arthritis - Some antibiotics, including penicillin, cause arthritis as a side effect. However, this is rare and once the antibiotics are discontinued, the dog returns to normal health.

  • Idiopathic arthritis - This is a type of arthritis with no known cause. A vet will often make this diagnosis after all diagnosis options have been exhausted.

Treating arthritis

There are several medications often used to improve mobility and reduce pain caused by arthritis. Aspirin is the most commonly-used drug, but it does carry the risk of side effects. Carprofen and Etodolac considered to be very safe and are more powerful than aspirin.

Glyco-flex and Cosequin include glucosamine and chondroitin as their main ingredients. These dietary supplements help build new cartilage in the dog's joints. Adequan is effective if used in the early stages of dog arthritis. It works to prevent inflammation and destruction of cartilage.

Surgery can be performed in some cases. Some dog owners have also used acupuncture with favorable results, but there is little scientific evidence supporting it as a viable form of arthritis treatment.

Work with your vet to create a diet and exercise plan for your dog. Your dog will still need daily exercise, but it cannot be too strenuous, or it can cause further damage to your dog's joints. A healthy, balanced diet will keep your dog fit and help him shed some pounds if he is overweight. Being overweight causes extra pressure on the joints and can exacerbate the pain and inflammation. By following your vet's recommendations, your dog can still live a long and fulfilling life despite having arthritis.

Playing Guitar With Arthritis

As we get older our bodies have a tendency to become less cooperative, and things we could do effortlessly in our twenties and thirties become more of a physical challenge.

For some, this translates to a higher level of soreness and joint pain following a round of strenuous activity. For others, the weakening of knees, backs and hips make us less mobile than in our younger days.

For many others, the advancement of years is marked by the onset of Arthritis.

Arthritis is defined by the inflammation of one or more joints resulting in swelling, stiffness and pain, causing limitations of movement.

The irony of aging is that the various infirmaries that besiege our bodies in the advancing years often do nothing to diminish our desires to accomplish new goals and tackle new challenges.

We still dream. We still have mountains to climb. We still have unfulfilled passions.

So the question is - should the onslaught of arthritis prevent us from finally realizing our dreams of learning how to play guitar? Should we allow our un-cooperative body to rob us of the joys of making music?

The answer is - absolutely not!

If you are suffering from arthritis but still have a desire to learn how to play guitar, what can you do?

First off, if your arthritis is minor, or in the early stages, playing guitar may actually help.

Many of my students tell me that the physical act of playing guitar, and exercising the joints of the hands, fingers and wrists, have made improvements to their condition.

They say that, although there was the typical discomfort and soreness in the early stages (that all new guitarists experience), over time and with daily practice, the pain and swelling of their arthritis was reduced.

But what if your arthritis is more advanced and debilitating, making the normal formation of guitar chords nearly impossible?

Here are a couple of solutions to consider:

1. Tune your guitar to an open chord and play it using the Dolly Parton "one finger" method.

If you have ever watched a close up of Dolly Parton playing guitar, the first thing you will notice is the length of her fingernails. They're daggers!

This makes playing guitar by traditional means out of the question. There is no way to press the finger tips down on the frets of the guitar with three inch nails.

How does she still manage to play guitar?

Simple. She tunes the guitar to an open chord, often an "E" chord, and plays guitar by laying just one finger across the fret board.

In an open "E" tuning, you can strum the guitar without touching the frets, and you are playing an E chord.

An open E tuning looks like this:

E B E G# B E

To accomplish this tuning from a standard tuning, all you have to do is raise the 5th string (A) up to a "B" note. The 4th string (D) is raised to an E note, and the 3rd string (G) is raised to a G # (sharp). The other three strings remain the same.

Then all you have to do to play the guitar is to place one finger directly across all the strings at any fret to play full chords.

The chord you are playing is determined by the fret position. If you lay one finger across the 3rd fret, you are playing a G chord. Slide that up to the 5th fret and you are playing an A chord, etc.

2. Another solution is to play guitar using a slide.

A slide is an object made of metal or glass that fits over a finger. You play the guitar with a slide by lightly pressing down on the strings at the desired location.

You can use the slide in conjunction with an open tuning (as discussed above) and, when you do, almost anything you play on the guitar will "sound right".

If your arthritis is advanced but you still want to play guitar, try one or both of these methods and see if they make things easier.

You don't have to let the aging process keep you from experiencing the pleasures of making music and playing guitar. Sometimes we just have to work around a few roadblocks to get there!

Disclaimer - Due to the insanely litigious society we live in, I do have to clearly state that I am NOT a doctor (just a humble guitar player), and I am NOT offering medical advice. If you are concerned about how playing guitar may affect your physical condition, please be sure to consult your physician!

How Effective Are Herbs For Arthritis?

The use of herbs for arthritis healing and pain is becoming accepted and popular all over the world. Used since ancient times by Chinese homeopaths, herbs offer many pain relieving and circulatory benefits. Most of these herbs, when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, can alleviate your need for narcotic pain relievers.

What is Arthritis?

Do you wonder what arthritis is? If so, you are not alone. Many people suffer intense pain but do not know that they have arthritis. There are many types of arthritis, two of the main types being Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a painful inflammation or changes in joint tissue. If your condition has been diagnosed as osteoarthritis, herbs can help with circulatory problems and digestion.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the second major form of the disease. This type of arthritis is caused by an autoimmune problem. Inflammation will be very painful and could be deforming. Herbs are also effective for addressing this severe form of arthritis. The herbs used will include those for circulation and digestion as well as herbs for boosting the immune system and herbs that ease inflammation.

Herbs for Digestion

Healthy digestion is a very important factor for people who suffer from arthritis. Many times a person with arthritis is unable to digest calcium and minerals from the foods they eat. In these cases, herbalists use enzymes to help with digestion. These enzymes can be digested before your meal and will help your body absorb the calcium and minerals it needs. An herbal concoction of bitters works well to help with digestion. Several different herbs are combined with bitters, which is an alcohol derivative.

Magnesium is an extremely important mineral for arthritis. This mineral is one that cannot be absorbed by many people with the disease. However, there are herbs for arthritis that can help your body absorb magnesium. Nettles, fennel, sage and marjoram, along with parsley and alfalfa, can be utilized by arthritis suffers. These herbs will help relieve muscle cramps caused by a lack of magnesium in your system.

Silica can be taken to improve calcium absorption and it will help improve bone density. Horse tail is a great source of silica and is used in many arthritis preparations.

Topical Herbs for Arthritis

There are also several good topical herbs for arthritis pain relief. The best is also the strangest and is usually performed by an herbalist. The technique, called moxabustion, involves the use of the mugwort root. Herbalists grind this herb into a powder and roll it in paper much like a cigarette. One end of the rolled herb is lit. After the lit end turns red the ground mugwort root will be passed back and forth very close to the affected area. The area will redden and the herbalist will move to another spot.

As mentioned, this technique is most often performed by an experienced professional. Although Moxa sticks can be found in many Chinese stores you should never attempt this treatment by yourself.

Herbs for arthritis can be extremely helpful in treatment and stabilization of the disease. Discussing your options with your doctor will help you find the best way to reduce the pain and gain control of your joints.