Saturday, May 25, 2013

Some Natural Arthritis Remedies To Consider

Although there is a large choice of prescription medications for the treatment of arthritis, many people are turning towards more natural arthritis treatment. Prescription medication can often cause adverse reactions and unwanted side effects that are not present in natural treatments. Although we do not advise stopping any treatment without consulting your doctor, here are some natural arthritis remedies you may want to consider.

Treating Arthritis with Holistic Medication

This involves finding and treating the root cause of the disease and treating the mind and body as a whole- hence 'holistic'. Holistic medicine works on the belief that imbalances in one area of the mind or body will impact upon other areas, resulting in ill health. Treatment usually involves the use of homeopathic remedies such as Chinese herbs, acupuncture and meditation to restore energy and balance to the system.

Treating Arthritis with Massage

Many have found relief from the symptoms of arthritis by using massage techniques on the affected areas. Essential oils can be used to great effect; the best oils for treating arthritis are Lavender, Thyme, Rosemary, Chamomile and Juniper. They should be diluted in olive oil (10 parts of oil to one part essential oil) and should be warmed gently before use. Apply directly to affected joints and massage them in very gently.

Treating Arthritis with Diet

Adding certain supplements to the diet can also help to naturally relieve arthritis symptoms. Garlic contains strong anti-inflammatory properties, so try adding it, either raw or cooked, to your meals. If you don't like the strong taste, garlic supplements can be purchased at health stores.

Cod liver oil has been proven to slow the deterioration of cartilage and connective tissues. Try taking a supplement or drinking one or two teaspoons a day.

Castor oil can also help reduce arthritic pain. Castor oil should be boiled over a stove burner and mixed into fresh orange juice.

Vitamin B6 can reduce pain and inflammation in the joints. Bananas are an excellent source of this vitamin; it can also be purchased as a health supplement.

Honey has also been proven to reduce symptoms of inflammation and stiffness in arthritis sufferers.

Treating Arthritis with Herbs

Black Cohosh has pain-relieving qualities similar to aspirin, and can help reduce joint inflammation. Ginger can also be used to treat pain and inflammation

Certain herbs such as Feverfew, angelica, Boswellia and Ginseng have anti-inflammatory properties. Angelica can reduce inflammation and is a natural pain reliever. It also relaxes the muscles, relieving muscle tension which may aggravate arthritis symptoms.

Bathe Those Symptoms Away

Epsom salts can help break down the uric acids in the body which can lead to arthritis, and are also a source of magnesium, which aids bone growth. An Epsom salts bath can be really effective- add three cups of Epsom salts to a hot bath, and soak in it. Have the water as hot as you can stand it, and keep topping it up as required.

Bathing in sea water can be beneficial as the natural iodine found in sea water can alleviate arthritic pain. Iodine can also help repair tissues and regenerate the skeletal frame.

Some people have found relief from their symptoms by using steam baths and saunas.

Other Natural Arthritis Treatments

Using heat pads on the affected joints can also work wonders, although you should be careful not to overheat them or restrict the joints too much.

Exercise is a great way to treat arthritis and help deal with the symptoms. Regular exercise will improve joint stability, reduce joint stiffness and help to reduce excess weight which may be putting more pressure on affected joints. Swimming and walking are ideal exercises as they are low impact but will raise the heart rate.

If you do decide on using natural arthritis remedies, you should always discuss this with your doctor first before stopping any prescribed medication.

Early Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease involving multiple systems in our body which is unknown in origin. It has a diverse systemic manifestation, but the distinguishing feature of Rheumatoid arthritis is chronic inflammatory synovitis, generally incorporating the peripheral joints in a general distribution.

The distinguishing feature of the disease is impending inflammation of the synovium leading to injury of the cartilage and subsequent erosion of the bone and the late changes in the joint integrity. The exact cause of RA is yet to be distinguished, but the following reasons have been implicated to the causative factors of Rheumatoid arthritis.

The significance of some genetic factors specifically the Histocompatibility antigens (HLA- DR 4, HLA- DR 1), the infective possibility (infection and the consequences caused by Epstein- Barr virus, CMV, Parvovirus, Rubella virus and Proteus mirabilis), the environmental causes (detrimental role of urbanization and changes in the climate) are being put forward. However, the hallmark of the rheumatoid disease remains the intense pain in the joints.

Onset of early signs and symptoms usually represents as 'undifferentiated arthritis'. These symptoms do not give adequate evidence to the conclusion of a specific diagnosis for a doctor.

So, there is a problem to treat the disease whether conservatively or aggressively. It is seen that about 40-50% of the patients suffering from 'undifferentiated arthritis' spontaneously become cured while only 30% of the cases subsequently develop Rheumatoid arthritis. The rest of the cases become patients of other types of rheumatic diseases. Early diagnosis and proper goal oriented treatment of RA can reduce damage of the joints, thus check disability.

Characteristically, it is manifested by chronic inflammation of multiple joints. More than two third of patients, it begins gradually with the first probable symptom become fatigue, generalized weakness, loss of appetite along with vague musculoskeletal pain until there is manifestations of synovitis become noticeable.

This prodomal phase can continue for weeks or months and resist the proper diagnosis. Specific sign and symptoms usually become visible gradually as multiple joints particularly those of the knees, feet, hands and wrists get affected in a symmetric fashion.

In the case of mere 10% patients, the onset is more acute, where a quick development of polyarthritis, often associated with systemic symptoms including fever (> 100Ú F), lymphadenopathy (more of the hands and neck) and splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen).

In about one third of the patients, the early symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis [] may be confined to one or a couple of joints. Though the pattern of involvement of the joint may remain asymmetric in some patients, the symmetric pattern remains more typical.

Pain and swelling may be poorly confined to the joint area initially. Pain in the affected joints which is aggravated by movement is the most common sign of established case of this. It matches to the pattern of involvement of joint, but does not constantly show a relationship with the severity of apparent inflammation.

Other early symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis are morning stiffness that lasts more than an hour, fatigue and noticeable loss of vigor, some symptoms of systemic infective diseases are seen.

African Potato Mashes Arthritis Pain

African potato, Star-grass, Star lily, Yellow stars, Yellow star-grass

Hypoxis hemerocallidea (previous name H. rooperii)


Hypoxis hemerocallidea is the best known variety of the genus. Plants will grow to about 100 to 500 mm tall. Leaves clearly 3-ranked, distinctly arching in the shape of a sickle and are hairy throughout.

The name Hypoxis is coined from the Greek words hypo meaning below and oxy referring towards the pointed lower ovary or fruit.

Being geophytic herbs, Hypoxis plants overcome winter conditions in the form of an underground rootstock called the corm. Corms are hard, fleshy, mucilaginous and white or yellow-orange within. Sliced corms, when exposed to the atmosphere, turn black with oxidation.

In spring, a brand new set of leaves grows from the apex from the corm. In most species, leaves are arranged one above another in three rows that radiate outwards. In some species, leaf bases are enclosed in a sheath, forming a false stem.

Leaves range from linear to broadly lance-shaped and die back over the wintertime months. Flowering stems appear with the leaves after the first rains in spring. They're unbranched, with 2-12 flowers per stalk. Flowers are symmetrical with 6 tepals, rarely 4 or 8, are bright yellow, giving the genus its common name "yellow stars".

The fruit is a capsule that splits across its diameter to expose the small black seeds.


Widespread in the summertime rainfall region of South Africa, from the coast to the interior, extending nothwards into Botswana but with less frequency. Used for centuries in African traditional medicine and recently recognized in the alternative medicine trade because of its immune-boosting properties.

A South East African plant from the Hypoxidaceae species, the plant tuber has been used by traditional healers for it's medicinal properties for centuries and has been affectionately dubbed the "African Potato".


The African Potato Tuber reportedly balances and regulates the immune system.

Arthritis is an auto-immune disease. The painful joints come from the malfunctioning of the defense mechanisms. The sterols and sterolins are the active ingredients inside a remedy originally developed from the African potato which boosts the defense mechanisms and helps fight Aids, cancer, TB, psoriasis and arthritis.

Currently the cause is treated with plant sterols and sterolins which regulate the defense mechanisms. The greatest advantage of treating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with sterols and sterolins is that these plant fats are natural, non-toxic and don't have any side effects.

Plant sterol and sterolins occur in all plants. In their natural state they're associated with plant fibres, making it difficult to allow them to be absorbed through the body during digestion. This is especially the situation with seniors, whose digestive systems dwindle efficient.

Research teams have proved that sterols and sterolins boost the functioning of T-cells which control and regulate the immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the malfunctioning from the sufferer's defense mechanisms. Instead of attacking only bacteria, viruses and parasites in your body, the synoval membranes, which facilitate the movements of joints, will also be attacked. Eventually the cartilage is destroyed and the bones eroded.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms is more common one of the aged whose natural defenses aren't that efficient. When it happens in younger people it is almost always a result of stress or trauma.

Osteoarthritis sufferers can also enjoy the utilization of sterols and sterolins, but it may take longer to see the results. Sterols and sterolins cannot remedy the damage already caused towards the joints and bones by arthritis. They can, however, prevent further damage and relieve this, but must be used for a long time.

No hypoxis should be taken whilst on anti-coagulants such as heparin and warfarin.


Hypoxis species are attractive for development as garden ornamentals. Species suited to garden beds are those with small corms and soft leaves like H. angustifolia and H. membranacea which spread quickly through multiplication from the rootstock to form a mass of plants.

Hardy species with large corms and strong leaves like H. hemerocallidea, H. colchicifolia, H. obtusa and H. acuminata are fairly easy to upkeep once established in a garden. Seeds of Hypoxis germinate better if sown right after maturity. Being a veldt plant subject to the vagaries of weather, the African potato is easy to develop and will see regular watering and feeding as a bonus to growth potential.

Some Tips for Living With Arthritis

If you have arthritis, it can be a disheartening experience living with the discomfort and pain that the condition can cause. However, countless people across the UK are living with the effects of arthritis on a daily basis and are able to lead full and active lifestyles, simply by finding new ways to keep their minds and bodies active and stimulated.

If you have just been diagnosed with the condition, there is no need to feel like you are on your own and that there is nothing you can do. On the contrary, there are whole groups dedicated to learning how to live comfortably with arthritis. Below are just a couple of things which you might like to try that could give you some ideas of how to enjoy yourself whilst improving your health.

Interestingly, the simple act of listening to music has been said to reduce arthritis pain. It may seem like a minor step to take, but research has found that classical music in particular can have tangible results, with the natural relaxing nature of the melodies helping to increase relaxation and lift depression, which are both causes of chronic pain related to arthritis.

Even changing what you eat and drink as a snack can help to improve your condition. Vitamin C has been shown to be an excellent way of reducing both the cause and the progress of osteoarthritis, with oranges and orange juice being the easiest and most effective way of attaining this source. An additional bonus of eating oranges is that they are also a good source of folic acid. This beneficial acid can ensure that the side effects of the arthritis drug methotrexate are kept to a minimum.

There are some tactics for dealing with arthritis which might really take you by surprise. One of these is changing your footwear; unfortunately, it can be the case that tight-fitting, fashionable shoes can be detrimental to your comfort, reduce circulation and generally be an unwelcome complication to the condition you are already living with.

Finally, when it comes to alternative therapies, you may be taken aback to learn that prayer has been revealed to be the most popular choice with arthritis sufferers. Although worship and faith shouldn't be used as like-for-like substitutes for medication, research has indicated that belief in a higher spiritual power can make people feel better, both emotionally and physically, and that is a useful part of any healing process.

Natural Joint Relief Formulas For Men and Women

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis do not choose their victims. Men and women alike stand a huge risk of dealing with one or the other at some point in their life. There are virtually over 100 different types of conditions that are related to joint pains. It is no wonder why over a million adults suffer from this type of discomfort alone.

What can you expect from a joint relief formula? They are made with ingredients capable of subduing a number of side effects associated with rheumatic conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia. Also known as rheumatism, rheumatic conditions can be uncomfortable and cause pains, swelling, inflammation, and stiffness in the muscles or joints. You can expect a formula made with high quality extracts to ease the pain and discomforts while calming the inflammation and increasing mobility.

Natural supplements can help those that suffer from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is where the joints are worn and painful because of general wear and tear of the joints. A natural supplement can help rebuild worn cartilage. By using ingredients like glucosamine sulfate, they can help replenish the protective tissues surrounding the joints. This will add cushion that allows the joints to move freely without pain and swelling. It can protect you from bone spurs and promote healthy bone growth.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a little different from osteoarthritis. True, they leave people with the same side effects, but the way that the condition acts is different. Unlike OA, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not just because of wear and tear. RA happens when the body has a hyperactive immune system that attacks its own healthy tissues. People that have RA will notice the same pains in the same spots of either side of their body. For example, if your left elbow is in pain you right one will be as well. Or, if one knuckle is in pain on one hand, the same knuckle will be in pain on the other hand. Chondroitin sulfate is another key ingredient used in natural supplements to help relieve pains and discomforts. The Arthritis Foundation stands behind the validity of this key ingredient.

Although women often experience rheumatic conditions at an earlier age than men, it is never too early or too late to have healthy joints. If you exercise, eat a healthy diet, and coordinate natural supplements into your daily diet, you can prevent further discomforts or avoid them all together.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Arthritis Symptoms You Should Know About

Many people have arthritis symptoms and don't realize it. It takes a while to get full blown arthritis. It's something that gradually builds up and before you know it, you have arthritis and are seeing your doctor for medication. Any medication you take does not address the cause of arthritis and will not improve your condition.

If you show any arthritis symptoms, then expect to have arthritis 4-10 year down the road. Typically when people have symptoms, they just ignore them and actual don't recognize them as arthritis symptoms.

Here is a list of arthritis symptoms that you need to look out for. Each person will show different symptom because of the nutritional make up will be different.

* Dry scalp with dandruff
* Dry skin which shows a whitish in different parts of the body
* Ear has no ear wax
* Fingernails that are brittle or splitting
* Premature color change to gray
* Skin wrinkles in the neck area
* Ringing in the ears
* Complexion color is pale
* Stretch mark which appear after losing weight
* Rectum itching
* Accumulation of dried flakes at the corners of the eyes
* Nose is constantly itching
* Feeling stiffness when getting up in the morning
* Hands and legs get cold and clammy
* Bleeding gums
* Teeth have etch lines
* Varicose veins in the legs
* Being sterile

From this list of arthritis symptoms, you can see that many symptoms relate to your body being dry. One of the causes of arthritis is the lack of essential oils. If you lack oil in your body, you will have dryness throughout your body. You will lack the oil that provides the lubrication to the body joints.

You can have one or many of these arthritis symptoms. If you do, you can start at any age using the oils good for preventing arthritis. You can start eliminating those foods that are detrimental to your joints and health. Some times it takes awhile to eliminate specific foods from you eating habits. So the sooner you start the better.

Without the proper oil reaching your joints, your joints will slowly degrade. The cartilage of your joints will be dry and this causes friction. This friction causes heat that will help in the slow degradation of your joints. Because the cartilage has no blood vessels, nutritional oils cannot be directly delivered its cells. Oils have to be absorbed into the cartilage by osmosis.

Look over this list of arthritis symptoms and decide if you have one or more. Remember, arthritis takes many years to appear after the symptom does.

Arthritis Treatment: A Primer on Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

Of the inflammatory forms of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common. It affects about 2 million Americans, about 60% of whom are women. It is no respecter of age since it can occur in children as well as in adults.

RA is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by chronic inflammation in the joints which causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. What is not generally appreciated is that it affects not only joints but internal organs as well.

RA can cause permanent joint damage leading to deformities and loss of joint movement. As a result, many people with RA experience limitations on their ability to perform daily activities which has a major impact on quality of life.

Data has indicated that early aggressive treatment of RA can limit joint damage. RA is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality. Mortality rates among people with RA are twice that of the general population and disease severity is an independent risk factor of mortality regardless of comorbid conditions.

People with RA are twice as likely to develop congestive heart failure is compared to those without RA.

RA is the most common cause of disability in the United States and the third leading cause of work limitations. Medical and indirect costs due to lost wages are estimated at $3 billion annually and fewer than 50% of working age adults with RA are still employed 10 years after onset of the disease.

The cause of RA is unknown, but multiple genetic and environmental factors (infectious agents, reproductive status, and smoking) are thought to be involved. What is also known is that the immune system plays an important role.

When it comes to treatment, the primary goals are to relieve pain, swelling, and fatigue; improve joint function; slow down or stop joint damage; and prevent disability and disease-related morbidity. RA is a complex disease. There are many cells, molecules, and processes involved in the genesis of RA.

CD4+ T cells mediate joint damage both directly and indirectly by driving non-T effector cells to release inflammatory cytokines. Also, B cells play a role in RA pathology by producing autoantibodies and triggering cytokine secretion by T cells as well as by acting as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to trigger T-cell activation. This entire machinery is driven by multiple cytokines.

In the past the traditional treatment pyramid for rheumatoid arthritis was to start with anti-inflammatory drugs, move onto mild disease-modifying drugs (DMARDS), step up to more aggressive disease-modifying drugs if they didn't work, and finally use powerful immunosuppressive drugs as a last resort. The treatment approach now is to stand the pyramid on its head and use more aggressive therapies in concert with methotrexate to effect remission as soon as possible.

A newer approach is to "treat to target." This means that a specific goal of remission is aimed for and adjustments in medications are made regularly in order to achieve it.

Anti-inflammatory drugs- either non-steroidal drugs or low dose corticosteroids are an adjunctive therapy but are not considered as important as remission-inducing drugs. These drugs are initiated at the start of treatment to give the patient some relief. Full therapeutic doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or prednisone in doses ranging from 5-10mgs/day are helpful for symptoms. Side effects related to an increase in cardiovascular events as well as gastrointestinal issues must be balanced against benefit.

Remission-inducing agents (DMARDS) are started at the same time or shortly thereafter. Besides methotrexate, other DMARD drugs include hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), azathioprine (Imuran), sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), cyclosporine (Sandimmune), and leflunomide (Arava).

By far, the most commonly used DMARD is methotrexate.

Treatment options including biologic response modifiers, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, and combinations of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs have been used as our knowledge of the different pathways involved in the RA process has deepened.

Therapeutic agents including TNF antagonists and IL-6 inhibitors were developed to block cytokine-mediated processes. Other anti-cytokine drugs are also being developed to target specific "bad guys."

Co-stimulatory pathway T-cell drugs were developed to inhibit T-cell mediated processes. Elucidation of the role of B cells in the inflammation cascade has provided the rationale for the institution of B-cell targeted therapies.

Biologic drugs have revolutionized the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and have permitted rheumatologists to achieve remission in many patients with RA.

Examples of biologics include the following: TNF inhibitors consist of Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, Cimzia, and Simponi. Anti-interleukin 6 drugs are represented by Actemra. The primary T-cell drug is Orencia and the B-cell drug is Rituxan. Many other drugs are in the pipeline.

In addition to the existing biologics, new oral kinase inhibitors (JAK and SYK) are exciting new drugs.

While complementary therapies such as dietary fish oil, flax seed, etc. may help, they are usually not effective by themselves. The role of diet also is not well understood.

Objective measurement of remission include reduction in joint swelling and pain scores, improvement in health assessment and activities of daily living, reduction in blood measures of inflammation, and cessation of disease activity by magnetic resonance imaging.

Newer measurement criteria that will ensure uniformity of definition of remission are also being created.

Do Knee Braces Help the Osteoarthritic Knee?

Anyone living with a chronic condition such as osteoarthritis of the knee should keep an eye on developments in the field. Knee braces are one treatment that has been progressing in recent years. In the past, knee supports, such as generic neoprene sleeves, were all that was available. These provided a small amount of assistance to the knee and kept it warm. Thankfully we have moved on from then.

There is a new category of product that can have significant benefits for osteoarthritis sufferers. Offloading braces can dramatically reduce pain and increase activity levels - but they are not suitable for everyone.

In order to benefit from these braces you need to have osteoarthritis in half of the knee only. Unicompartmental osteoarthritis occurs when the damage is restricted to one area, either the inside or outside of the knee. In this situation all of the body's weight is taken through the affected half of the knee causing an increased rate of wear and increased pain. These braces work by changing the angle at the knee, redistributing the body's weight so it is evenly shared between the inside and outside. This removes the focal point from the painful side.

By the unaffected side doing its share of the work, pain is reduced and mobility increases. It should be noted however, that the brace does not treat the affected side which remains worn. The only thing that will make that area 'unworn'is joint replacement surgery.

There are many braces on the market claiming to offload the knee but it should be noted that a study by The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery  found that only 2 braces physically offloaded the joint. These were the OAdjuster by Donjoy and the Thruster by Bledsoe.  If you think you may benefit from this type of bracing, speak to a Physical Therapist.

RA & Gout In the Hands

So far we have spoken about rheumatoid arthritis. However, to inform you, there is another form of rheumatoid arthritis in the hands which is also significantly painful to you. This type of arthritis is primarily caused due to breaking down of cartilages. This leads to loss of cartilage in the joints eventually.

What is cartilage? It is mainly a protein substance which serves like a cushion between the bones of the joints. As and when this cartilage deteriorates or weakens, the bone which is placed right next to this area becomes inflamed. This can be stimulated to produce a new bone in the form of a local bony protrusion. This bony protrusion is called a "spur."

One of the most common signs of Rheumatoid arthritis is a bony deformity shaped like a knob at the smallest end of a finger joint. This bony deformity which is found is nothing but a result of the bone spurs from the Rheumatoid arthritis in that particular joint. Another very common bony knoblike joint arthritis takes place at the middle joint of our fingers. This kind of arthritis in the hands causes deformity of the hands. A finger can also be damaged due to rupture of tendons. These kinds of rheumatoid arthritis might require medical surgery. This surgery causes pain, restriction of movement, dysfunction in the body. In these cases, anti-rheumatoid drugs can be very beneficial. You must undergo a check-up if you develop incessant pains in your hands. However, rheumatoid arthritis in the hands can also be cured even at the later stage of the disease.

The moat appropriate step to take when you have rheumatoid arthritis is undergoing a through diagnosis and undergoes a long-term treatment plan. While there are many steps which are conducted here, each and every plan and treatment must be customized as per the requirements of each patient.

You can find out the cause and the type of arthritis by consulting your family doctor and seek his help immediately as soon as you detect this kind of arthritis. If you find that a through diagnosis or even a treatment is unclear to you, do not be laid back and avoid the treatment. Get a clear picture as to what is to be done and how you should go ahead with it. For this, you must need a rheumatologist.

In most cases, you need not undergo hardcore treatment for rheumatoid arthritis of the hands. This kind of arthritis needs very little treatment. However, if the symptoms increase and tend to become intolerable, only then can you take in anti-inflammatory medications and pain treatment. Often, you can or cannot include food supplements like chondroitin or glocosamine. Additionally, sometimes cold or heat application as well as some of the topical pain creams can bear fruit.

Knee Arthritis Typically Takes Place When the Kneecap Gets Unbalanced

Knee arthritis is mainly considered by many to be the less grave condition of arthritis even though it is a more commonplace arthritis condition acknowledged as osteoarthritis. This is different from rheumatoid arthritis that is more dangerous and can also cripple a person.

One of the main reasons that people ends up suffering from such a disease is that normal wear and tear or perhaps even injury can end up causing the kneecap to move in directions that are not desirable. This might end up having it rub up against other sections of the structure of the knee, for instance causing a total sequence of inflammation that results in a softening of the surface of the joint followed by it's destruction leading to substances of a chemical nature entering into the joint.

Chemicals Lodged In The Knee Joint

At the point when chemicals get into the knee joint, quite a bit of harm happens and it also actuates a chain reaction within the joint. If an individuals kneecap is not capable of moving correctly within the knee then some section of it might then start to press against what is known as the femur with enough pressure. This will have an end result of the kneecap starting to become unbalanced and will eventually lead to problems of a much greater severity due to the fact that it is necessary for the kneecap to be properly balanced so that it has the ability to release nutrients from the joint fluids.

The result of the kneecap being off balance is knee arthritis and will also culminate in the joint cartilage softening in addition to swelling. Also, there might be tiny blistering and even what is known as small fissures should become noticeable and they have the capacity to become fibrils, which will typically over time break off from the knee tissue and end up getting lodged in the fluid that surrounds the knee. The effect of this is the release of bad types of enzymes that lead to grievous as well as unwanted conditions.

Nevertheless, knee arthritis doesn't need to end up in further health problems in any other joints in your body. Most of the knee arthritis cases are caused due to certain physical ailments that are integral to the knee itself, and which needs to be distinguished and fixed at the earliest time possible, which would aid in the recovery process of the condition and lead to regaining a healthy knee once again.

If you are hoping to rid yourself of knee arthritis, you have the option to take a few steps, for instance lowering your overall weight and also starting up and sticking to an exercise program to strengthen up your knee. Nevertheless, the latter choice should only be performed under the close supervision of your physician or perhaps a physical therapists.

You also have the option to use ice, as well as anti-inflammatory medications, and in time, even the use of steroids under a doctors care. Additionally, a helpful means of lessening the effects of knee arthritis is through the use of taking supplements such as glucosimine and chondroiton. You have to make to make sure you do your research and take the advice of your physician on the right types of supplements so that they contain the right type of preparations, the ingredients are pure, and that they have what is stated on their labels. This is particularly critical given the fact that the supplement industry hasn't as of yet been put under any regulations, and therefore the purchaser must beware of what they are actually are getting.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis That You Ought to Know

Better known in medical terms as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease it is another popular form of Arthritis that originates due to breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage within the bones. Over 20 million people around the world, generally occurs to men after the age of 45 and above and in the case of women 55 and above. Patients suffering from Osteoarthritis go through excruciating pain that inculcates the affected part and at times the pain tends to spread towards the surrounding region. Hands, feet, spine, and large weight-bearing joints are the ones that are commonly affected.

Medically speaking, with age the water content within the cartilage grows along with the decrease in the protein make up of the cartilage. Ultimately the cartilage tends to deteriorate by flaking and they form tiny crevasses. In extreme cases it has been found that, there is total loss in the entire cartilage that cushions the bone joints resulting in immense pain and swelling. Researchers and doctors alike have found Osteoarthritis to be hereditary and secondly one may find Osteoarthritis with people suffering from obesity, repeated trauma or surgery to the joint structures, gout, abnormal joints at birth (congenital abnormalities), diabetes, and other hormone disorders.

There are two ways of treating Osteoarthritis, one is the surgical and another is the non surgical way. A lot of surgical methods have been invented by doctors after years of research to perish Osteoarthritis through surgeries. Surgical treatments like Osteotomy, Joint replacements, Chondroplasty, Arthroscopy etc are done by a lot of patients now a day to treat Osteoarthritis. Osteotomy is a more conserved form of surgery. With Osteotomy the entire joint loading mechanism can be altered. Thus it eliminates the pain to a large extent and is very effective with patients having knee Osteoarthritis. Joint replacement surgery is for those in their advanced stage of Osteoarthritis. Chondroplasty is also quite popular but lack in efficacy in certain ways. Arthroscopy removes fragments of loose cartilages thus preventing pain.

Nonsurgical method of treating Osteoarthritis is the Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Technology, shortly known as RFQMR. This procedure uses a device that is totally computer controlled. It is known as Cytotron. This device focuses a RFQMR beam on the joint that is affected. These beams affect the dynamicity of the cells in those areas and cause them to generate and activate. This stimulates growth of cartilage. This treatment enhances mobility and flexibility. This treatment is practiced in clinic and has been successful in cases over 500. You can try out whichever way you are comfortable in provided it gives you expected result.

Treating Diabetic Dogs Who Suffer From Arthritis

Almost all dogs will suffer to some degree from arthritis later in their lives. This joint disease occurring in canines is the exact condition that many older humans suffer from. Diabetic dogs will usually have symptoms of osteoarthritis just as those without diabetes.

Although there are many prescription drugs available for treating arthritis dogs, many of those can cause significant side effects and other severe complications. Some animals have even died from the prescribed drugs. Also, these considerations are even more important when dealing with arthritis dogs with arthritis. Vets will always take special care when treating pets with osteoarthritis who also are diabetic.

Glucosamine is widely used to treat canine arthritis symptoms. However, in many of the products sugar is added and this is a concern for pet owners whose dogs suffer from hypoglycemia or other blood sugar related disease. In many cases the dogs are on very strict diets and even the very small amounts of sugars found in glucosamine products must be restricted.

For those who have a dog with diabetic disease and also suffering from arthritis, there are products available that offer glucosamine in forms which does not have sugar. These sugar-free versions of liquid glucosamine are becoming more widely available on the market today.

Be regardless of the availability, owners should always consult with their veterinarians before giving any animal supplements of any kind to those pets suffering from some form of sugar intolerance. Most vets will wish to look at the ingredients on the proposed supplement. As with any new drug or supplement it is important to watch the animal very carefully for the first few days or weeks when first supplying the dog with the supplement.

Dogs with diabetes can live long and happy lives if their condition is treated and are observed very closely. Arthritis will almost surely become an issue at some point in a dog's life. Before attempting to treat the problem with prescriptions, which only mask the problems, give liquid glucosamine a try. Just be aware that since natural supplement acts to fix the actual problem and not just ease the pain, it can take several weeks and even up to a month of treatment with the glucosamine before significant benefits will be observed.

In most cases, it won't be possible to find the liquid versions of all natural glucosamine supplements in local stores. The reason is that their expiration dates do not go out far enough to allow stores to buy in significant quantities as with their other products. Therefore, the best place to usually find the supplement is online.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chillies and Your Health - Arthritis

Chillies have been used for medicinal purposes for over 6,000 years by the Indians of the areas in and around Central America.

Following their discovery by Columbus in 1492 and the subsequent distribution around the world, they were soon used as a natural medicine by the cultures that adopted them. Why, because 500 hundred years ago the only medicines were those that could be sourced from the local environment, or traded from another environment. There was very little distinction between food and medicine. This is something we are now starting to understand more and as a result we are seeing a reversion to natural medicines and therapies.

Modern medicine and science is now starting to validate many of the anecdotal health properties assigned to chillies and discover a number of potential new uses as well.

These range from treatments for arthritis and circulatory disorders through to potential cures for heart disease and cancer.

In the next few pages we'll review historical and current knowledge on a number of issues and how chillies may be used as a cure or preventative.

While I am not a medical practitioner of any type, and do not pretend to have that level of knowledge, I hold a Bachelor Of Science degree with Honours (Flinders University, 1991) and have worked for two years as a St Johns Ambulance officer, trained to Emergency Care & Transport certification. As a result I can at least sort out the facts from the hype and present you with solid information for you to discuss with your medical advisor.

In this article I'll look at chillies and arthritis management.

The value of capsaicin (the heat compound in chillies) as a pain reliever is well known and acknowledged by modern medicine as well.

First, A Bit Of Science

Capsaicin produces much of it's beneficial effects on the human body primarily by interacting with neuropeptides; incomplete proteins in the body that perform a number of different functions.

There are three well studied neuropeptides that interact with capsaicin and these are calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), neurokinin A (NKA), and substance P.

These neuropeptides are produced when capsaicin sensitive nerves are stimulated by the presence of capsaicin. The neuropeptides transmit signals to the brain resulting in a physical reaction - pain is one of these results.

Now, with respect to arthritis sufferers, this is where things start to get interesting.

These capsaicin sensitive nerves can only produce neuropeptides at a certain rate. When the nerve is depleted, it is no longer able to send pain messages to the brain. This is why capsaicin is effective in controlling pain.

Now, don't start thinking that you can go out, rip your clothes off, and rub yourself all over with a habanero and all your troubles are over. Not that simple.

The depletion of neuropeptides from the nerve is only temporary, ranging from a few minutes to a few days depending on the amount of capsaicin the nerves have been exposed to.

Before I get onto using capsaicin to manage pain, we should just quickly discuss how it actually kills 'two birds with one stone' in regard to arthritis.

Studies by neurophysiologists in the USA have shown that one of the neuropeptides, substance P, also decreases the production of prostaglandin and collagenase, the effect of which is to reduce inflammation.

There have also been smaller, less well documented studies done that indicate substance P may also contribute to cartilage breakdown. At this point we will leave this as a side note and see if we can locate more information.

How To Use Capsaicin

Unfortunately, for those of us who love chilli, it's not simply a case of having a nice curry every night to treat pain. Though don't let that stop you.

Very little capsaicin gets into our systems by ingestion - it get processed by the liver and that's the last we see of it.

Most of the non-human medical studies are conducted by injecting extremely high doses of capsaicin directly in to the veins. Inherently risky and not something we will explore further.

Capsaicin does work well in topical creams, i.e. creams rubbed onto the area where the pain exists. The capsaicin does penetrate to the area of inflammation and pain and work as a pain management tool.

There are a number of commercially available creams containing capsaicin in varying amounts, many of them containing Glucosamine Sulfate as well. Bio-Organics Glucosamine Rapid and Cenovis Osteo-Relief are a couple of examples from the larger players in Australia.

The creams come in a range of strengths, usually from 0.25% to 0.75% capsaicin, and doctors suggest you begin with the lower concentrations and work you way up. This is primarily because many people also get a burning sensation on the skin in the area in which the cream is applied. As a result, many people stop using it, however, if you persevere the sensation will disappear after a few days. Once you are used to the low level cream, increase the strength to get a greater effect.

You may also wish to wear gloves when applying the cream to avoid the effects on your hands and accidentally rubbing it in your eye later on.

The pain relieving effect is not instantaneous, but builds up over time. Many people get results in two or three days, but some have taken up to five weeks. I'm old enough to remember watching American stuntman Evel Knievel trying to motorcycle jump the Grand Canyon; and pretty much anything else that was stationary. He now swears by capsaicin cream to ease his aches and pains (he presumably has at least a few), and actively promotes one particular brand in the USA.

As with everything else we discuss under this Chillies & Your Health section, please consult with your medical advisor before using any sort of new treatment.

Challenges in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is the one typically associated with aging. According to data compiled by the National Institutes of Health (NIAMS), OA affects more than 20 million Americans.

OA is a disease due to abnormal cartilage metabolism. Cartilage is the connective tissue that lines the ends of long bones. It is tough gristly material consisting of a matrix of proteoglycans and collagen. Within this framework, cells, called chondrocytes, manufacture the matrix.

OA can be a result of genetics (there is often a family history), injury to the joint, and aging.

Weight bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, and the base of the thumb are the most common areas affected.

Symptoms of OA include joint pain, swelling, limited range of motion of the joint, and stiffness.

Treatment of this disorder has been largely aimed at symptom reduction. Among the various treatments used have been analgesics (pain killers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which help reduce swelling and inflammation, injections of corticosteroid and viscosupplements (lubricants), physical therapy, and eventually joint surgery.

Different types of alternative therapies such as chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicines, and supplements have also been used.

These treatments, while helpful for symptoms, do nothing to restore cartilage. The end result is that patients end up needing joint replacement.

More recently, there have been attempts to heal cartilage defects. Procedures that have been employed include:

1. Autologous chondrocyte implantation. In this procedure, cartilage cells are removed from a non-weight bearing part of the joint, arthroscopically, grown in a lab, and then re-implanted into the cartilage defect.

2. Mosaicplasty. Multiple cartilage plugs are harvested from a non weight-bearing part of the joint and inserted into the cartilage defect.

3. Microfracture. The cartilage defect has multiple small holes drilled into it to allow blood and a few stem cells escape into the defect and ostensibly grow cartilage.

While these procedures have been used for small isolated cartilage defects- mostly in athletes- none of these procedures has been used extensively for osteoarthritis. In addition, long term data regarding efficacy has been mixed.

So the problem remains... What can be done to restore cartilage?

The most promising approach appears to be the use of autologous stem cell transplantation. In this procedure, bone marrow harvested from the posterior iliac crest of the patient is concentrated to isolate stem cells. Then using a combination of platelet-derived growth factors, subcutaneous fat, and a few other ingredients, the stem cells are reapplied in a regional manner to treat the osteoarthritic joint.

It must be mentioned that the pain of OA is not due directly to cartilage loss. Rather the pain is a result of several factors including irritation of the joint capsule due to bony spurs, called osteophytes, as well as inflammation of the synovium, the lining of the joint.

However, there are significant barriers when it comes to the used of stem cells. First, patients need to be at or near ideal weight. Second, they must be in good physical condition. And lastly there are biomechanical factors that must be considered. For instance, the knee is not just a hinge joint that bends back and forth. There is also a gliding component as well as a rotation component with normal knee range of motion.

The hip is a joint that is capable of significant range of motion. Most osteoarthritis develops in the superior portion of the joint and that also makes the treatment approach difficult since there is a tremendous amount of load strain that accompanies weight bearing.

The upshot is that with cartilage deterioration, there are altered biomechanics that need to be taken into account when treating an osteoarthritic joint, whether it's the knee or the hip.

Limited weight-bearing after the procedure is critical and an early program of directed physical therapy is also required.

Attempts to normalize the abnormal biomechanics are critical.

While the early data for stem cell transplantation looks promising, longer term data, and continued improvements in techniques should improve the long term outlook for patients.

Common Joint Pain Drugs

Many people suffer from painful symptoms that are caused by arthritis. There are many types of arthritis however; the most common types are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and the gout. The most common joint pain drugs that are used to ease the symptoms of arthritis such as swelling, pain, redness, severe inflammation, and stiffness can be purchased over the counter or prescribed by a physician.

Common joint pain drugs that are purchased over the counter as medication include anti inflammatory and non steroidal drugs such as:

• Acetaminophen usually referred to as Tylenol
• Motrin
• Relefen
• Aleve
• aspirin
• Naprosyn
• Anaprox

Common joint pain drugs that are available through a doctor's prescription include COX-2 inhibitors:

• Percocet
• Roxicodone
• Percocet
• Ultram
• Darvocet
• Darvon

Many people also look for common pain drugs for joints help alleviated the symptoms associated with joint injuries that are sports related as well as arthritis conditions. Some of these medications include Opioid, Percodan, OxyContin, and codeine. There are also common joint pain drugs that contain natural COX-2 inhibitors in addition to ingredients such as Chodroitin and Glucosamine and other herbs, minerals and vitamins to relieve joint pain.

Drugs Used to Treat Arthritis

1. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disorder that can cause intense pain and has no know cure. The treatment this condition includes social, emotional, and medical programs as well as some common joint pain drugs that are capable of improving the quality of life by increasing physical function.

There are combinations of corticosteroids, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Drugs for treating rheumatoid arthritis in this particular type of strategy are called Methotrexate. This drug has shown promise for relieving pain in joints when taken consistently for a few months.

2. Osteoarthritis

• Mobic is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug used to reduce the hormones that cause pain and inflammation in the body. This drug is used to treat arthritis in the body

• Celebrex is a drug that is used to reduce hormones that cause pain and inflammation in the body. It is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug referred to as Celecoxib is used to treat inflammation and pain that is caused by a variety of conditions such as menstrual pain, arthritis joint pain and more.

3. Psoriatic Arthritis

• Minocin-Used to fight bacteria in the body

• Enbrel-Used to treat the symptoms of psoriatic, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions and prevents joint damage.

• Azulfidine-Used to treat several degrees of ulcerative colitis. Also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis in adults as well as children who have received medications for arthritis but have had no success with the treatment of their symptoms

As there are many common joint pain drugs, it is recommended to talk to your physician to see which treatment is best of your pain.

Chondroitin Liquid - How it Helps Avoid the Different Types of Arthritis & Joint Pain

There are a number of types of arthritis that can cause joint pain and discomfort. There are also many ways to avoid arthritis from even occurring. Arthritis is a term that ultimately means your joints are not functioning properly, are not properly lubricated, or are misshapen. Hopefully you never have all 3 as this can mean danger for your joints. One of your joints feels like it has a little electric heater in it and someone left the setting on high. It's hot, it's red and it burns.

If you have pain in one of your joints and are not sure what it is from, ask yourself this questions, does your joint(s) feel like it has a little heater or hot spot in it, is it red or does it burn? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then obviously there's no heater in your joints but there is arthritis.

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which produces tiny growths called spurs on the bony part of the joint. Those spurs dig into surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments, causing irritation and inflammation. The reason for the formation of these spurs is because of an inadequate supply of chondroitin liquid within your joints. This high potency liquid is a precursor to normal functioning joints along with glucosamine. When there are inadequate stores of these precursors, one can expect dysfunction within their joints over time.

Another for is called Gout. This type of arthritis sends searing attacks of pinpoint inflammation which is usually found around the big toe. The inflammation comes from crystals of uric acid that lodge in the joint like slivers of glass. You get gout because your body can't metabolize a protein called purine, and the excess forms uric acid. In some cases gout is inherited; in others, it's a side effect of medication. If and when your body cannot produce this purine, it is because there are not adequate stores of the materials like chondroitin liquid and glucosamine that are again the precursors to normal joint function.

A third (and much less common) type of arthritis that causes inflamed joints is rheumatoid arthritis. This is actually what scientists call an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system treats the body like an infection and attacks it. In this case, the body part that is attacked is your joint(s).

Though there are many types of arthritis that can form in and around just about any joint in your body, you can combat its formation by adding chondroitin liquid to your diet. By doing this, you are basically giving your body what it needs for its joints to function normal without any pain. This is especially important to add to your diet in early adult hood.

Psoriatic Arthritis and Scalp Psoriasis - How to Treat and Cure

I am not a doctor or an alternative health practitioner, so I do not have extensive training or specialized training in the treatment of psoriasis. But I have suffered from both psoriatic arthritis and scalp psoriasis. In fact, I have been afflicted with scalp psoriasis on and off for 40 years. Thankfully, I have only had one bout of psoriatic arthritis during an extremely stressful time in my life. No doctors were able to diagnose my psoriatic arthritis because it is very similar to rheumatoid arthritis but not as well known or understood. Thanks to some ancient herbs and a tonic from Australia, I am now essentially symptom-free from both diseases. Here is what I took to have healthy skin and joints:

Salicylic acid and coal tar solution. Find a product that contains 10% salicylic acid and 10% coal tar solution in an olive oil base, which aids in scalp penetration. You may have tried products in the past that contain these ingredients, but most likely not in these high concentrations. Apply it to your scalp every night for two weeks. The one I used was David's Scalp Psoriasis Lotion which I purchased online from Or you may be able to have a dermatologist prescribe these solutions for a compounding pharmacy to make for you. I probably had one of the worst possible cases of scalp psoriasis, but since I used this product seven months ago, I have been 99% plaque free. It is recommended that you maintain your clear scalp with a shampoo like Neutrogena T-Gel twice a week and apply David's Scalp Psoriasis Lotion only to plaques, if needed. I still do get tiny plaques from time to time but two or three treatments with the lotion are enough to make them disappear.

Boswellia, cayenne pepper, devil's claw, and chlorophyll. Boswellia is an herb used in Ayurveda for arthritis and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Cayenne pepper is used to improve blood circulation. For thousands of years, devil's claw has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Chlorophyll is used to fight infections, heal wounds, and promote the health of the immune system. When treating any disease, you should keep in mind the broad variations among individuals; not all treatments work for all people. I read about this treatment combination for psoriatic arthritis in one of nutritionist Gary Null's books and it completely eradicated my arthritis and joint swelling within one week. I had suffered from psoriatic arthritis for about four months.

No one knows exactly what causes psoriasis, but we do know the predisposition for psoriasis is usually passed on genetically. It has been said that it is the body's way to release stress and/or negative emotions. If you want to release psoriasis from your body, find a way to relax. And take these herbs and medications. They don't have any known side effects, unlike the Western pharmaceuticals that are normally prescribed for psoriasis such as cortisone drugs.

Natural Cures For Rheumatoid Arthritis - Causes and Symptoms

In rheumatoid arthritis, there is an inflammation of joints or there may be an inflammation of tissue around the joint. It may affect the other organs of the body also. It is said to be the chronic inflammation of the joint. It is also said to be an autoimmune disease which means the illness caused when the tissue of the body is by mistake attacked by their own immune system. Sometimes it is said to be the rheumatoid disease because it is associated with the inflammation and it may affect multiple organs of the body. It is also referred as systematic illness. Rheumatoid arthritis lasts for many years as it is a chronic illness. It causes the joint destruction and functional disability also.

All over the world, the cause of the rheumatoid arthritis is a matter of research. It was expected that fungi, bacteria and virus may be its cause but none has be proven as its cause. It may be said that to a great extent it may be hereditary or some environmental factors also plays an important role in its cause like smoking, intake of tobacco etc.

The symptoms depend upon the degree of inflammation of the tissue. The symptoms of this arthritis may come and go according to the inflammation. When there is an inflammation of the tissue then the disease becomes active and when there the inflammation subsides then the disease becomes inactive. In many persons the symptoms disappear and then again come back and this condition is called flare. Common symptoms among the sufferer when the disease remain active are stiffness, muscle and joint ache, low grade fever, loss of energy, fatigue and lack of appetite.

No permanent solution has been established for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. There are some therapies which are very popular among the people. But these therapies are the supplement to the conventional care not the proper replacement of it. Some natural remedies are there which are very effective for it.

1. For thousands of years especially in Africa, people are using devil's claw as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, stomach and kidneys, improving the skin conditions and the gallbladder also.

2. An herb known as boswellia basically available in India is very effective in the treatment of curing inflammation of tissue.

3. Gamma - linolenic acid basically found in black current seed oil, evening primrose oil and borage oil proves to be very effective in its treatment.

4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are available in fats. So we must intake the food which contains Omega 3 Fatty Acid to overcome from this problem.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Arthritis Treatment: Why Do Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Discontinue Treatment?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis affecting approximately two million Americans.

It is a systemic, chronic, progressive, autoimmune disorder. While it preferentially attacks joints, it may affect other organ systems as well. These other areas include the lungs, heart, peripheral nervous system, skin, bone marrow, and eyes.

When RA is suspected, a patient needs to be referred to a rheumatologist (arthritis specialist) as soon as possible. The current goal of RA therapy is to treat and control disease before any joint damage has occurred. A rheumatologist can help by establishing an accurate and early diagnosis and initiating disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) to slow down disease and possibly put it into remission as soon as possible.

Numerous studies support the early use of DMARDS as well as biologic therapies to reduce and prevent joint damage as well as systemic complications.

The treatment target is either remission or what is termed "low disease activity."

Despite the evidence that aggressive therapy is effective, patients sometimes discontinue therapy.

Treatment is stopped often as a result of lack of effectiveness or because of side effects. These include infection, lung issues, and rarely lymphoma.

Studies have indicated that lack of efficacy is more often the reason for treatment discontinuation than is the development of side effects.

Another reason for treatment stoppage is inconvenience. Some therapies require intravenous infusions every four weeks and this can be tedious as well as difficult to fit into a patient's schedule. Other therapies require that a patient administer a subcutaneous injection to themselves. The frequency of dosing can range anywhere from once a week to once a month. Some biologics are painful when administered via this route.

Other patients may discontinue therapy once their symptoms subside or they go into remission, conveniently forgetting how bad their disease once was. It is important to remind the patient not only how bad their symptoms were when they first presented but also to let them know their symptoms could recur quickly. Another point is to remind them of the potential systemic complications of the disease.

One reason some patients stop treatment is because of the high cost of these medications. Biologic drugs are extremely expensive and if a patient's insurance plan requires a percent co-pay, the monthly price can be quite steep. Some patients may be eligible for assistance through the pharmaceutical company. Also, samples may be available from the physician.

Arthritis - The Definition and the Treatments Involved

Arthritis is a condition which affects large numbers of people in the United States and around the world. It is estimated that around 70 million people in the United States alone suffer from this problem while worldwide figures are estimated at around 400 million. This is a condition which affects the cartilage, tendons, muscles, ligaments and the bones. It is commonly believed that this condition only affects the elderly but data is also available to show that individuals under the age of 65 exceed nearly 50% of all sufferers of this problem. Women are more prone to this problem as they number nearly 60% of all individuals under the age of 65.

There are a number of reasons why people begin suffering from arthritis. While advancing age is considered as one of the prime reasons it has also been noticed that people who are obese or overweight and tend to put more pressure on their joints also face this problem. Treatments for this problem are varied and can differ from one individual to another. Some may require mild prescription drugs while others may even be asked to take injections in the joints or undergo surgery. People who are obese or overweight will be asked to lose weight even as they are prescribed medication to relieve them from the discomfort they face.

Perhaps the most common treatments that can be seen are coming from healthcare providers who are contributing in a major way to relieve people from the soreness and pain of the joints. The medication provided acts fast and provides temporary relief to people who suffer from arthritis. However, there are alternatives, which have been handed down from generations and are known to be equally effective when trying to manage such issues.

Age-old natural alternatives which have been used for generations are still effective and cannot be discounted in any way by people who suffer from the problem of arthritis. Unlike prescription medications, alternatives work differently and deliver results slower. However, individuals who intend to not just find relief from the pain and soreness but also look forward to improving the overall condition of their joints can certainly look at alternatives, which will prove better in the long run.

Choosing alternatives is again another problem which people will have to encounter. The large numbers of claims that are being made by manufacturers of alternative medication is likely to confuse individuals who suffer from such issues. A careful study of the market will reveal to people some products, which are today fast proving effective at arthritis and also helping in improving joint health. One product which stands out from all other that are being sold is the green lipped mussel supplement which has been accepted by people with an acknowledgement that relief from arthritis can be found with this wonder medication.

Want to Eliminate Arthritis Pain? These Top 7 Psoriatic Arthritis Treatments Do Just That

The sole purpose for psoriatic arthritis treatments is to control the inflammation of arthritis in your joints and to control the skin lesions of psoriasis found on various aspects of the body.

Most natural psoriatic arthritis treatments target either the arthritis or the psoriasis. We haven't found one product that can do both effectively. If you do find a product that controls both, it is a combination of ingredients either applied to the effected areas or internally consumed.

Here is what one psoriatic arthritis patient had to say about this disease:

"I'm in my 50's, but I feel like I am trapped in a 100 year old body with a 20 year old mind".

Even though this patient is on medication, they still feel an enormous amount of pain, discomfort and a loss of mobility. My question to them is what exactly are you doing to help yourself? And that usually is the root problem, not taking care of yourself.

There is hope and here is the Top 7 psoriatic arthritis treatments. Please make sure and discuss these options with your health care provider.

1. Nutritional supplements
2. Herbal treatments
3. Diet
4. Exercise
5. Acupuncture
6. Topical applications: creams and lotions
7. Heat/cold compression

Nutritional Supplements

For the arthritis pain and discomfort you can find several good brands of nutritional supplements that are working really well for these patients. Some ingredients to look for are: boron, magnesium, chondroitin, glucosamine, MSM, and bromelain. It is also a good idea to include Omega 3's and selenium. I have also heard tremendous testimonials on the use of aloe vera especially on the psoriasis.

Herbal Treatments

Knowing what to use is of supreme importance. Here are a few psoriatic arthritis treatment herbs. Black Cohosh, Bogbean, Celery Seeds, Chapparal, Feverfew, Nettle, Saffron, and Yucca. These herbs are powerful relaxants, good treatments of rheumatism, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. They include anti-inflammatory properties, anti-rheumatic, anti-diuretic or anti-spasmodic and very useful in cases of acne. Some of these herbs are particularly useful for skin conditions of warts and blotches, treatment for pain, and they have the ability to remove or reduce uric and lactic acid build up.

Many of the herbs listed above can be found at your local health food store.


The human body is an amazing machine and if you give it a chance it will heal itself from the inside out. We are what we eat, so be very careful. Probably the most effective diet you can place yourself on is the Elimination Diet. This diet is an easy diet to follow however it will require WORK on your part.

The elimination diet is basically recording the foods you eat and taking note of how you feel afterwards. Certain foods can make you feel more comfortable and other food groups will intensify the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.

Fruits and vegetables can help alleviate pain as can certain vitamin groups. I'm sure you read many times over how important fresh water fish can be to arthritic patients.


When you increase your heart rate, blood flows rapidly throughout the body. That means more and more blood can flow through the effected areas that ache the most. The blood has a cleansing effect which can wash away the "bad stuff".

By exercising you will also strengthen the muscle groups that support your joints and decrease your weight which will take some of the pressure off your joints. Do not think you have to join a gym to exercise: walking, daily yard activities and chores are wonderful exercises that increase blow flow. Ever wonder why winter time is the worst on your arthritis? Body temperate related to blow flow might be an answer.


Is becoming a big time contributor to helping people with arthritis. The human body communicates to itself constantly and the brain can receive messages from parts of the body called endorphins. Acupuncture has a way of telling the muscle to send a message to the brain to block the "pain" message which in turn helps reduce pain in your joints.

Topical Creams, Lotions

Psoriatic arthritis is a two pronged disease which means you also need to deal with psoriasis. Skin care is very important which means you need to keep your skin moist. Adding a humidifier in the home during the dryer months is beneficial as are topical creams and lotions that keep your skin moist.

Some topical creams and lotions include: cocoa butter, lanolin cream, mineral oil, petroleum jelly, aloe vera or baby oil. Carefully read the ingredients of anything you apply to your scalp and skin during normal daily cleansing activities. Soaps and anti deodorants to be specific.


Heat increases blood flow to your joints and ice has a numbing effect to reduce the pain. Many physical therapists rely exclusively on heat packs and ice massage before activities and ice afterwards. Don't be afraid to give this a try before you begin your day.

These top 7 psoriatic arthritis treatments provide hope to everyone who suffers from this disease. Keep your chin up, stay patient and allow your body to heal itself from the inside out.

Dog Arthritis Pain Relief - What You Can Do

What is Dog Arthritis?

Your dog's skeleton is lubricated by synovial fluid which allows flexibility for your dog to walk, run, and move. When your dog's joints are injured or damaged, this can cause joint inflammation which can prevent your dog from moving about normally and comfortably.

The two types of dog arthritis are degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease.

Degenerative Joint Disease for dogs is also known as osteoarthritis. This occurs when the dog's cartilage that protects the bone is damaged or destroyed. Dog osteoarthritis can happen normally in dogs as they age from normal use and function or due to excess stress and accidental injuries.

Inflammatory Joint Disease for dogs is caused by bacterial or fungal infections, ticks, or even hereditary. This form of dog arthritis is not as common.

Dog Arthritis Symptoms: How To Tell If Your Dog Has Arthritis
There are a few things you can look for which may be a signs your dog has some form of arthritis.
If your dog is Limping
If your dog has swelling joints
If your dog has trouble getting up
If your dog cries or yelps in pain from normal movements

Dog Arthritis Treatment: What To Do If Your Dog Has Arthritis
Depending on why and how painful and severe your dog's arthritis is which could lead to a few different options. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as Acetaminophen such as Tylenol can help relieve mild pain and inflammation but is not for long-term use. Higher doses of acetaminophen can cause liver damage or worse.

Dog arthritis pain relief products such as Flexpet have been getting great reviews to help with their dog's arthritis treatment and dog's arthritis pain relief.

Other prescription medications and arthritis treatment options are available from your local veterinary such as cortisone injections directly into the joint to relieve severe pain and inflammation. There are also a few other brand name dog and pet arthritis medications available for your dog by prescription only.

Severe arthritis can lead to necessary surgery to improve moment and reduce pain but should always be considered as a last resort option.

Causes of Arthritis Including Signs and Symptoms

The causes of arthritis will depend on the signs and symptoms as there are approximately one hundred types of different arthritic types known to man. For instance there is osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as infectious arthritis and juvenile arthritis of which are broken up into various other categories. These are the most common forms of arthritis which can present itself at any age. Primarily arthritis is more common in older people than in children. Here are some of the more common types and causes:

• Osteoporosis is common and the signs and symptoms develop much slower as opposed to the other types of arthritis, and will worsen as time goes on. One will experience joint pain while active or after an activity. If one applies pressure to the area they will experience tenderness as well as stiffness especially in the morning. The joint once inflamed will loss flexibility and some people will also experience a grating feeling. There may also be lumps as well as spurs surrounding the joint. Commonly affect joints are the knees, spine, hands and hips.

• Causes for arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis are inflammation of the joints. One will experience painful swollen as well as stiff and inflamed joints. This type of arthritis affects the arms, legs, fingers and wrists. One waking in the morning one will experience stiffness of these joints as well as tenderness. The fingers and hands may be swollen, red and puffy. There are also bumps under the skin, usually found on the arms. Weight loss is common as well as tiredness.

• Infectious arthritis on the other hand presents with swelling, inflammation and fever. Sharp pains are experienced in the joints affected. The causes for arthritis of this nature are due to illness and injury. The most commonly affected joints are the elbows, knees, shoulder, wrist and fingers.

Know How to Handle Arthritis and Improve the Quality of Your Life

Arthritis is a common problem of elderly people but it can also occur on young adults and even children. The joints and the tissues surrounding them degenerate as we grow older that is why arthritis is common to older people. Millions of people are suffering from arthritis and the disabilities that come with it and if you are one of those people, it is good to know that there is something you can do about it. You can improve your condition and cope with arthritis if you know how to handle arthritis. The following tips can be very helpful in coping with arthritis.

Get the right diagnosis. If you are suffering from pain, swelling and stiffness in and around your joints you might be suffering from arthritis but it is important to get the right diagnosis because there are different types of arthritis and treatments depend on the type of arthritis you have. You need to know the specific type of arthritis you have to be able to handle arthritis the correct way. Arthritis can result to joint and cartilage damage or disability so it is important to consult your doctor or get medical intervention as early as possible to avoid the condition from getting worse.

Know the facts about arthritis. As we grow older we may suffer from degenerative diseases like arthritis. People have to face the fact that as we grow older our body will degenerate and arthritis is a possibility. If you already have arthritis, you have to face it and know the facts to properly handle arthritis. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. Reading materials about arthritis can be very helpful and of course, your doctor can explain to you everything about arthritis, so do not hesitate to ask.

Take care of your joints. To handle arthritis you have to avoid putting more stress on your joints. If you need to use self-help devices specifically made for people with arthritis to protect your joints while doing tasks at home, in the office and outdoors, do not hesitate to use one. To properly handle arthritis, you need to take care and protect your joints to avoid further damage and disabilities.

Keep an active life. Keeping a sedentary life is not good for people with arthritis so one of the best ways to handle arthritis is to be physically active. Stay physically active to improve blood circulation, lessen arthritis pain and increase your range of motion. Your doctor or physical therapist can help you with the appropriate exercises and physical activities suitable for your condition to avoid injuries. Different exercises will be recommended by your health provider to increase your range of motion, improve endurance and strengthen your joints. Whatever exercise program you need, one of the best ways to handle arthritis is to keep an active life.

Use the power of music. People with arthritis may not only suffer from physical pain but also from depression, one good way to uplift your mood and somehow forget the pain is by listening to good music. Feeding your mind with beautiful thoughts while listening to your favorite music can reduce arthritis pain. To effectively handle arthritis, you have to learn how to divert your thoughts to something else to avoid feeling depressed and to cope with arthritis pain.

Lose weight. It is not good if you are on the heavy side and you have arthritis. Too much weight can add stress to your joints and can worsen your condition. It is easier to handle arthritis if you are not overweight. Losing weight is not only good for your arthritis but it is also good for your overall health. Avoid fattening foods and eat a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight.

Meet your calcium needs. Do not neglect your daily calcium needs because your bones need calcium to stay healthy. Adults younger that 50 yrs old need a daily calcium of 1,000 mg and those older than 50 need 1,200 mg. It is a must for adults to meet their daily calcium needs to avoid bone problems especially if you have arthritis. You can get your calcium from drinking milk or from consuming milk products like cheese and yogurt. You can also get your calcium from fruits and vegetables. Calcium supplements can be very helpful but ask your doctor first before taking calcium vitamins because your bones may not absorb too much calcium and this may increase your risk of developing kidney stones.

Wear comfortable shoes. If you want to properly handle arthritis, you have to wear comfortable shoes. You do not need those fashionable but uncomfortable shoes now. Of course you can still look good on comfortable shoes so you do not have to worry about your looks. Well fitted comfortable shoes are good for your feet and will protect your joints preventing your arthritis from getting worse. To handle arthritis effectively, you have to treat your feet nicely by wearing comfortable shoes.

It can be really hard to live with arthritis but there are ways to easily cope with arthritis and improve the quality of your life. If you have tried almost everything and still suffering from painful arthritis, natural treatments are another option for people who want to treat their arthritis naturally. To know how, visit Cure Painful Arthritis

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Total Knee Replacement: Advantages and Disadvantages

Do you suffer from severe knee pain, stiffness and immobilization in your knee that affect your ability to do things? Does the knee pain remains painful despite taking physiotherapy, steroid injections, doing exercise, and using walking supports? Well, it sounds you are a candidate for total knee replacement surgery.

There are several medical conditions that may lead to the need of knee replacement surgery, and arthritis is the most common among them. Genetics, developmental abnormalities, some form of injury and obesity are the other contributing factors.

Patients who have tried and failed the non-surgical means to get respite from knee pain such as weight loss, lifestyle modifications, anti-inflammatory medicines or cortisone injections, all to no avail, can greatly benefit from knee replacement surgery.


Also known as knee arthroplasty, this surgical procedure is performed to replace the severely diseased or damaged surfaces of the arthritis knee with an artificial metal or plastic part called 'implant' or 'prosthesis'. These man-made (artificial) prosthetic devices are shaped to allow continued motion of the knee.

There are two main types of surgeries for replacing the damaged knee - Unicondylar / Partial Knee Replacement (UKR/PKR) and Total Knee Replacement (TKR).

The latest statistics presented this year at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) show that more than 4.5 million people in the United States are living with a total knee replacement. By some estimates, approximately 130,000 replacement surgeries are carried out annually in the United States.

Surgical Overview

Also called total knee arthroplasty, total knee replacement is an ideal option for people with severe destruction of the joint of the knee, causing significant pain, stiffness and impaired function of the knee.

It is a major yet highly successful surgical procedure which involves replacement of all three compartments of the knee- the medial (inside of the knee), the lateral (outside of the knee) and the patellofemoral (the front of the knee).

In this surgery, bone surfaces of the knee and cartilage that have been damaged by arthritis are removed and replaced with artificial surfaces (implants) made of metallic and plastic materials that function similar to a healthy knee.


A successful total knee replacement offers tremendous benefits and can vastly enhance the quality of your life.

The problems of instability, disability and restricted mobility of the knee are completely alleviated through this surgery.

The surgery provides the patient with a considerable reduction or even elimination of pain. Following the surgery, the patients can largely restore range of motion of the knee.

The pain-free knee allows patients to retain a wide range of daily activities, including climbing stairs, shopping and getting in and out of chairs, thus enabling them to lead a normal life

The patient will experience improved muscle strength and improved alignment of deformed joints following the surgery.

Artificial knee may last for a long time. About 95% of knee replacements last 15 years or longer, thanks to the latest technologies.


Blood clots in the legs can develop, which can travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism) that can further cause shortness of breath, chest pain, and even shock.

Other risks of total knee replacement include urinary tract infection, nerve damage, and blood vessel injury.

Nausea and vomiting, swelling, chronic knee pain and stiffness, and bleeding into the joint of the knee are some complications one can experience following the surgery.

Furthermore, infection of the knee may occur in some cases, requiring hospital admission and re-operation.

One of the biggest disadvantages of total knee replacement is its cost. Getting total knee replacement may make you dig deep into your pockets. The cost of the surgery, however, varies depending on the surgeon's experience and skill, the type of implant, the extent of the surgery, the hospital, medications, special tests and your insurance coverage.

Cat Arthritis - Symptoms And Treatments

Cat arthritis is a progressive disease characterized by the inflammation of the joints. It tends to be a chronic condition and its symptoms recur, becoming more severe over time. Cat arthritis usually appears in older or geriatric cats but it can also develop in younger pets. It's not very common, but it can be a very uncomfortable, even debilitating disease among our feline friends.

There are several types of cat arthritis that your pet might develop. These include:


This is the degenerative form of cat arthritis, a chronic condition that results from joint fatigue or wear and tear of the cartilage that protects the surface of the joint. When this happens, bones grind against each other and later becomes damaged from the friction. This usually appears on the shoulders and elbows.

Traumatic Arthritis

This usually results from a sprain or joint injury. Trauma or damaged sustained from accidents, falls, even fights can injure the joint and promote the development of cat arthritis.

Progressive Polyarthritis

This type of cat arthritis affects several joints at once and symptoms tend to worsen as the disease progresses. This results from the erosion of the protective cartilage, exposing the bones.

Another factor that may lead to cat arthritis is a congenital joint problem, something that your cat was born with and will suffer from by virtue of his genes. Obesity may also contribute to the wear and tear of the joints due to excessive weight.

Symptoms of Cat Arthritis

Cats usually exhibit the signs and symptoms of cat arthritis when the disease has already progressed, which makes it difficult for us to detect the condition in its early stages. However, it's good to note any changes in your cat's behavior especially if he or she is advancing in age. Cats with arthritis also show limping or joint stiffness. They will be reluctant to move or play and will often resist touch especially if it involves the affected area. Since the condition is quite painful, cats often show signs of irritability.

Is Prevention of Cat Arthritis Possible?

It's difficult to prevent cat arthritis caused by age or at least to predict whether a cat's breed or size will contribute to the development of this disease. What is important is that the cat is treated when signs appear. Do not try unproven treatments or supplements without first consulting the veterinarian. Prompt diagnosis and proper care are best.

Treatment for Cat Arthritis

It is unclear whether cat arthritis may be prevented but it may be prudent to ensure that your cat is not overweight. Try to keep a balanced diet to ensure that your cat is well-nourished but that he does not gain too much weight. Proper exercise is also key to help cats maintain their weight so make sure your pet has enough opportunities to participate in physical activities.

An early diagnosis of cat arthritis will be an important factor in helping minimize symptoms and prevent further damage. Regular medication may also be prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation. Some of the most common include painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which are strictly available through prescription only. Supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin, which show promise in helping in the development and repair of cartilage, may also be used.

Certain medications, such as Adequan, may be injected into the affected area in order to bring about relief in severe cases. Some medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids which are used to reduce inflammation and minimize pain, are used sparingly. The limited use is due to their side effects, especially to cats with liver, kidney or heart disease.

Consult Your Veterinarian

Once your cat has been diagnosed with arthritis, never, under any circumstances, try to treat the condition on your own using common painkillers. Aspirin, for example, may be tolerated in small doses, but cats lack the natural enzyme with which to process aspirin in their bodies and may not be able to excrete the drug efficiently. Other painkillers, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may even be fatal to cats.

For severe cases of cat arthritis where joint malformation is already evident, surgery may sometimes be recommended. If the pain is untreatable, some owners may even choose to euthanize their pet in order to prevent further suffering.

Cat arthritis tends to be a life-long condition and it is often best to seek the help of a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment if only to help prolong your cat's life. Try to keep your cat as comfortable as possible and be aware of any symptoms or side effects that treatments may produce. No one else can come to your cat's rescue except for you, so it's best to be fully aware.

Choosing the Ideal Arthritis Knee Brace

When you are inflicted with debilitating arthritis, getting an arthritis knee brace can be valuable. It is a common misconception that only older people get arthritis. Today, people between the ages of 30 and 40 already experience arthritic pain, especially in the knees. Wearing the right type of knee braces will give the needed support to the knees, alleviating pain and discomfort.

What Causes Knee Arthritis?

Basically, there are various types of arthritis of the knees. Middle-aged people are more prone to osteoarthritis. Once the cartilage is rubbed off due to lack of moisture, the bones can rub against each other. This causes immense pain and discomfort. One of the worse things about this type is that the condition only gets worse.

On the other hand, people of all ages can experience rheumatoid arthritis, often brought about by inflammation of the knees. In normal cases, both the knees become affected.

Post-traumatic arthritis is caused due to injury. This arthritis may not set in immediately after an injury. Once it does however, the pain is often unbearable.

The Benefits of a Knee Brace

An arthritis knee brace is normally prescribed by doctors, in order to alleviate arthritis discomfort. This is because a knee brace is known to lighten knee and leg pressure. Once the pressure is diminished, the patient can align his or her leg correctly, lessening pain significantly. Although there is no particular cure for arthritis, wearing the right braces can help patients effectively manage their conditions.

Since patients may have different cases of knee arthritis, you need to pick the ideal set of braces for your needs. There may be days when your knees feel slight pain, while on some days the pain could be excruciating. During cold weather, arthritis symptoms also tend to worsen, especially for middle-aged and old-aged individuals.

Choosing the right arthritis knee brace

Although knee braces are widely available and can be bought readily, you still need to choose the ideal shape and size of the knee braces. This is important in order to ensure the right fit and the best level of comfort. Typically, these braces are available from small to large sizes. One of the advantages of buying these knee braces off the shelf is convenience. You need not wait for the braces to be delivered to you, as is often the case with personalized knee braces.

Custom-made knee braces on the other hand, are beneficial for a number of reasons. Since proper measurements will be made, you are assured of getting the best fit from the braces. You will also be able to make a few specifications regarding the braces. When you choose tailor-made braces, however, you need to be prepared to pay for a bit more. Most custom made braces are more expensive than readily available ones.

The Types of Knee Braces

There are several types of arthritis knee braces. Off loader knee braces are suitable for knee alignment. For patients suffering from sports injuries, a prophylactic brace is often used. Finally, OA or Osteoarthritis braces are recommended or people suffering from Osteoarthritis.

A knee brace can be useful in diminishing the symptoms of knee arthritis. It can also greatly help in knee alignment. Consulting with your doctor is recommended however, before choosing any specific type of arthritis knee brace.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Early Symptoms

The early symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis are not always the easiest ones to spot. Thousands of other conditions can cause joint pain and swelling, which is a common symptom of RA. Overdoing certain types of physical activity may cause these signs as well. However, when the pain seems to be intermittent and has no common cause, it might be a clue that he or she suffers from the condition.

A person can easily miss the early symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, but the condition is treatable, even if it cannot be cured. As with all auto-immune conditions, the body mistakes needed tissue for a pathogen. The linings between the joints wear away, eventually causing damage to the joints.

Because the body's own immune system causes this condition, a person may suspect something unusual is going on if he experiences joint pain, swelling, and a periodic fever. Depending on the severity, the fever and ongoing pain may or may not cause a patient to schedule an appointment with a doctor.

Noticing the early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis does not mean that a doctor will always diagnose the condition correctly. Firm nodules underneath the arm or legs may confirm that a patient has this condition, although the nodules themselves occur fairly late in the progress of the disease.

The exact cause of RA is unknown, although a person is more likely to get the disease if his mother or father suffered from it. Unlike osteoarthritis, the disease can strike at any age. Rheumatoid Arthritis is sometimes known as childhood Arthritis for this reason. Catching the early warning signs means a doctor can manage it before the damage to the joints becomes extensive. Extreme cases cause swelling in the arms or legs. Many people do not see a doctor before they experience this excessive swelling.

Glucosamine - Arthritis Miracle Cure?

The Benefits of Glucosamine
Arthritis is caused by the degeneration and deterioration of the cartilage layer surrounding the joints. This causes the bones to rub against each other, causing discomfort, pain and deformity of the bones. Glucosamine is naturally produced by the body, but the body's ability to produce it diminishes as we age. As Glucosamine is essential in promoting cartilage growth and repair, the cartilage in the weight bearing joints starts to break down. This can lead to arthritis developing.

Glucosamine works by stimulating the body's natural production of the proteins which rebuild and replenish the damaged cartilage. This means that the Glucosamine is treating the cause of arthritis rather than just the symptoms. As it is a natural product, any side effects from taking Glucosamine are much milder than those caused by other medications.

It is often marketed as Glucosamine Sulphate, and daily recommended doses vary with each manufacturer. As it can take some time to be absorbed into the system you may need to take it for 1- 3 months before you start seeing the benefits. Glucosamine is more effective when taken in liquid form, as it is absorbed faster by the body.

Taking Glucosamine supplements, when taken early enough, can also help to prevent joint conditions such as arthritis by enabling the body to repair cartilage on an ongoing basis and maintain joint strength and function.

Can Glucosamine Be Harmful?
Glucosamine is classed as a nutritional supplement rather than herbal medication. As stated above, there are less likely to be any side effects from taking it.

Although it is generally considered to be safe, there are a few points to be aware of; Glucosamine is generally not recommended for diabetics, as it is a carbohydrate and can cause fluctuations in insulin levels.

If you are taking blood thinning medication such as Warfarin, you should be wary of taking Glucosamine as there is some evidence of a risk of an increase in bleeding.

Individuals with shellfish allergies should be aware that most Glucosamine on the market is derived from shellfish, although some companies now offer corn derived Glucosamine. If you are allergic to shellfish then taking Glucosamine may cause a reaction.

It is also recommended that pregnant or breast feeding women do not take Glucosamine; there is no evidence to suggest that it would be harmful, but there is not yet sufficient evidence to guarantee 100% safety.

If you are considering taking Glucosamine or any other natural product, see your doctor and discuss this with him.

So- Is Glucosamine a Miracle Cure?
There have been many trials and studies on the effects and benefits of taking Glucosamine to relieve and even cure arthritis symptoms. Some of these tests have shown mixed results; for example Glucosamine has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of arthritis in the knee, but not so effective in treating arthritis in the hip. However, a lot of the studies were done on people experiencing relatively mild amounts of pain, so the room for improvement was not that great.

It should not be seen as a miracle cure, but over a period of time it can help in the regeneration of cartilage and improve joint function. Although it is not a pain killer, it has been shown to be effective in relieving pain in many individuals with arthritis. However, there are also individuals who have reported no benefits from taking Glucosamine.

Glucosamine can also help to prevent the cartilage damage caused by wear and tear which can lead to arthritis developing.

So, the jury is still very much out, but as it is a natural product with relatively few side effects, it would seem that it is worth trying it with your doctor's approval.

What Are the Options For Knee Osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis is a condition that affects millions of Americans and has several different causes. The primary cause of this condition is obesity. Many people who are obese or even overweight, will develop a problem in their knee joints that cannot take the extra weight.

Another cause of osteoarthritis in the knees can be related to a previous injury. Many athletes or former athletes suffer from this condition. The injury wears down the cartilage in the knee to the point where it is stiff and sore.

Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis

The symptoms of knee osteoarthritis will usually come on gradually. You will notice pain, the dominating symptom of arthritis, in the joint, accompanied by stiffness. This pain will usually get worse over a period of time, although not everyone who suffers from knee osteoarthritis will find the condition debilitating. Everyone appears to suffer from a different degree of pain from this condition. This could be because some people also have higher pain thresholds than others.

If you have the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, you need to see a doctor to have the diagnosis confirmed. The pain coupled by a stiffness in the joint are the primary symptoms for this disease. Osteoarthritis of the knee can also present with a freezing up of the joint intermittently.

Treatment Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

When a doctor diagnoses osteoarthritis, usually after taking a blood test as well as an x-ray of the joint, they will give you options based upon the cause of the condition as well as your age and the overall damage to the joint. If the reason for the knee osteoarthritis is due to obesity, your doctor will advise you to lose weight.

Many people who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee are overweight. They find that when they lose weight, their symptoms are dramatically reduced. If you are overweight and suffering from knee problems, losing weight is the best option. This can be done by a diet rich in fiber and vitamins as well as exercise.

Exercise can help those who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knee. Swimming is considered to be the best exercise for this condition. Walking is also good exercise, although many with this condition will find that walking becomes painful. Exercise with knee osteoarthritis can be somewhat of a Catch 22. People want to lose weight through exercise, but find it too painful - making the osteoarthritis even worse.

A knee brace is also one way that the pain and swelling from this condition can be alleviated. Your doctor may recommend a knee brace as well as a heating pad to help with the swelling.

There are anti-inflammatory medications that a doctor can prescribe for those who are suffering from very painful affects of osteoarthritis of the knee. NSAIDS are the category of anti-inflammatory drugs that are most often prescribed for this condition. Some doctors will prescribe muscle relaxants and others will prescribe pain pills. Medication, however, should be a last resort and not a first option when it comes to treating osteoarthritis of the knee.

In some cases, knee replacement surgery can be performed. This is often an option for younger people who have suffered a previous injury and who want to avoid disability from this condition.