Saturday, May 4, 2013

Treatment of Sacroiliitis

Sacroiliitis is a disorder that is far more complex than back pain and it is important to seek medical attention early if you develop the symptoms. The condition is complicated with a variety of causes; it may be secondary to an injury or pregnancy but this is not a disorder to gamble with. Delay may lead to joint degeneration or the pain may be a symptom of a larger, inflammatory arthritic condition known as ankylosing spondylitis. This is one of the many forms of inflammatory arthritis, the most common of which is rheumatoid arthritis. Complications of ankylosing spondylitis can be quite serious and include:

  • Spine Deformities

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Lung Infections

  • Heart Problems. 

Symptoms OF Sacroiliitis

  • Pain and stiffness in lower back, thighs, buttocks

  • Pain becomes worse with walking, due to the motion of the hips.

  • Psoriasis, an inflammatory skin condition, may occur with a type of arthritis and sacroiliitis.

  • Pain radiating down leg, often mimicking sciatica

  • Limp

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Elevated temperature

  • Bloody diarrhea occurs with Reiter's Syndrome, which causes painful urination, joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and eye inflammation, and accompanies sacroiliitis.

  • Eye inflammation in one or both eyes, a symptom of Reiter's Syndrome and evident with sacroiliitis. 


  • History and Physical

  • When examined, pain localized around sacroiliac joints, can be detected.

  • Laboratory studies, including blood cultures

  • X-rays of sacroiliac joints

  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan of sacroiliac joints

  • Culture of fluid from affected sacroiliac joint 

It is important that the doctor be informed if there is a history of IV Drug use and whether any antibiotics have been taken recently. Recent antibiotic use can delay the proper diagnosis and identification of the infectious organism if a blood culture is done.


The underlying cause and symptoms are considered when implementing a treatment plan.

  • NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) such as naproxyn and ibuprophen reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Cortiosteroid Drugs, such as prednisone and medrol, reduce inflammation and slow down joint deterioration.

  • DMARDs (Disease Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs), such as Azulfidine and methotrexate, help limit joint damage.

  • Antibiotics, if an underlying infection is determined by a blood culture or culture of fluid from infected sacroiliac joints. Drug must be specific for that infectious organism.

  • Rest to relieve strain on sacroiliac joints.

  • Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor medications, such as Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, can block a cell protein that acts as an inflammatory agent. This helps reduce pain and stiffness. These medications are quite expensive and may not be prescribed unless other medications are not effective.

  • Physical therapy will be started after the painful, acute phase is under control. Range of motion exercises and stretching exercises to improve muscle strength and joint flexibility.

         Decrease or eliminate smoking because nicotine decreases the blood flow to the affected areas and makes it more difficult for the body to fight the disease. 

These medications can effectively relieve the painful symptoms of sacroiliitis but they have many side-effects. They may interact with medications you are already taking so it is important that you understand all their side-effects and how to use them appropriately. Some of these drugs increase the risk of bleeding, the risk of a cardio-vascular event or damage to your kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract. Complete patient education is vital to the management of sacroiliitis and the effective relief of its symptoms.

Hip Joint Pain?

The joint in the hip, scientifically known as the acetabulofemoral joint, is a ball-and-socket joint that attaches the leg to the torso of the body. It functions primarily to support the entire weight of the body in both static, like standing, and dynamic, such as walking or running postures. Pain over this joint structure is common in all ages but appears more often in people who are over 40 years of age as a result of aging. As a person ages, the joints, muscles and tendons become weaker and tend to lose elasticity and strength. This makes the person vulnerable to various injuries that can result to hip pain. Any disease or injury that causes inflammation to the spaces in between hip joints will result to the stretching of hip capsules, which leads to pain.

Hip fracture is the most common reason for hip pain. Fractures are usually due to falls, which is commonly due to aging. In aged individuals, osteoporosis and loss of balance are common which can result to accidents such as falls. Hip fractures are serious cases requiring prompt treatment and management. Usually fractures happen at the proximal or upper part of the femur. During these instances, it is necessary to identify the precise location of the fracture so that the clinician will be able to know the type of operation needed to repair the injury. Aside from falls, any trauma can potentiate hip fractures. A portion of the pelvis may be fractured in these cases.

The initial pain caused by hip fractures may be in, but is not limited to, the hip area. There are instances in which, although there is the presence of hip pain, experts are not able to detect problems in the hip area. Diagnostic exams and imaging studies such as x-rays do not reflect problems in the hip, but other health problems like hernia, sciatica, meralgia paresthetica. In this case, hip pain is known only as referred pain. Other traumatic injuries that can lead to hip joint pain include contusions or bruises, overuse injuries, and hip bursitis. Any health condition that can cause systematic inflammation like synovitis or inflammation of the lining of the hip joints, in the body can affect the condition of the hip joints.

Osteoarthritis is known as the most common cause of hip pain in people over the age of 50. Other types of arthritis, which are also known to cause hip pain, include rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Several other possible factors that can lead to hip pain include osteonecrosis, trochanteric bursitis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis and infection. Although hip pain may indicate serious complications, it is still necessary to perform certain home methods that will help alleviate pain. Examples of these methods are rest, warm or cold compress, stretching exercises, physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications.

Discover The Best Supplement for Joint Pain

Millions of people all over the world suffer from joint pain. Trying to find the best supplement for joint pain will take some research and trial and error. However, there are natural supplements that will work to ease your arthritis pain quite easily.

Arthritis pain develops when the sac found in the joint areas become filled with fluid. Arthritis pain is directly related to inflammation of the joints, so it is essential to find the right treatment to ease the pain.

Fish oil is a good supplement for joint pain. Fish oils high in DHA fatty acids help relieve the pain in your joints because of the process of conversion it goes through in the body. DHA is converted in the body to a very powerful anti-inflammatory chemical which is known as Resolving D2. Due to the fact that arthritis is strongly associated with inflammation, any supplement containing anti-inflammatory properties will provide great benefit to alleviate arthritis pain.

Multivitamins are great for helping alleviate the pain in your joints. Vitamins such as the following help reduce swelling and pain caused by inflammation.

Vitamins B3 and B6 help reduce tissue swelling. They work very well together to alleviate pain in the joints. They also help improve blood circulation.

Vitamin C act as an anti-inflammatory and helps relieve joint pain.

Vitamin E works to improve flexibility in the joint and protects joints from destructive free radicals.

Due to the many negative side effects of prescription medications many people are turning to natural supplements as a means of relieving pain and other types of illnesses. There are many different types of arthritis, the most common of which are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. These can be extremely painful, causing anyone suffering from arthritis to be unable to perform their normal daily functions.

Another supplement that is great for joint pain is cherry. Naturally juiced cherries contains lots of magnesium and potassium which act as pain reliever and diuretic to help lower inflammation by getting rid of fluid buildup in the tissues.

Molasses has been used for centuries to cure aches and pains. Dissolve molasses in water and drink a small glass each morning. Molasses is a great source of potassium, minerals, magnesium and iron which works extremely well in eliminating joint pain.

Dandelion leaves are also a well-known source for easing pain in the joint. It contains a high-level of Vitamins A and C. It also helps the body repair tissues which have become damaged. Dandelion leaves can be eaten in salads when picked fresh or can be saut矇ed or steamed. Dandelion leaves can also be used as a tea. Just add a few leaves in boiling water and let it brew.

Finding the best supplement for joint pain is not difficult if you know what to look for. Look for Vitamins such as Vitamins B5, C, K and E to reduce inflammation of the joint. Taking the daily recommended dosage of these Vitamin supplements will help not only with joint pain, but will keep you healthy and living a life free from pain. Along with the best supplement for joint pain it is also important to eat healthy meals and exercise. Keeping your body healthy and free from pain is something we can all strive for.

Top 6 Most Frequent Occurring Orthopaedic Conditions

Many conditions affect our musculoskeletal system and they require the professional treatment and care from orthopaedic doctors. There are some orthopaedic conditions which are much more common than the others.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury

The main function of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is to reduce movement of the femur on the tibia. If there are excess movement on the tibia, it can cause injuries to the surrounding muscles and ligaments. ACL injuries occur most commonly in high impact sports such as soccer, rugby and basketball where there is a sudden impact on the knee, causing the ACL to rupture or a sudden change of direction, when the foot is still firmly implanted on the ground and the knee attempts to change direction. A tear in the ACL can cause the knee to lose its stability and feel like it is unable to support the body's weight.


The function of the bursa is to act as a cushion and reduce friction between body tissues. Bursitis occurs when the bursa is inflamed. Bursa is located near the joints such as the knees and elbows. The main causes of bursitis are due to overuse, injuries or infection. Patients who are suffering from bursitis will experience stiffness of joints, pain and swelling.

Meniscus injuries

The meniscus is located on the tibia and its function is to absorb shocks that the knee is experiencing and cushion them. Injuries to the meniscus can occur when there is a sudden twisting motion of the knee or due to wear and tear. Meniscus injuries are often accompanied by other knee ligament injuries such as an ACL tear.


Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint and it can be due to many reasons such as ageing, injuries, overuse or infection. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage is slowly being destroyed and it is a chronic disease.


Fractures happen when there is a crack in the bone and can be grouped under open or closed fractures. Our bones are high in compressive strength but poor in tensile or shear strength. As such, when there is a twisting motion such as a fall or abrupt change in motion, our bones can easily crack.


Osteoporosis occurs when there is a loss in bone mass and the bone tissues will slowly be destroyed. Osteoporosis will cause the bones to be weak and prone to fracture. This is usually due to ageing or lack of calcium intake. Areas of high stresses are commonly affected such as the hips and spine.

Above are some of the common orthopaedic conditions that are suffered by many people. Orthopaedic conditions have a huge impact on our lives and thus we must do our best to protect our body from any harm.

Could Your Mystery Pain Be Rheumatoid Arthritis?

One of the hardest things I have to do as an orthopedic doctor is tell a patient that he or she has rheumatoid arthritis (RA). When people see me for pain, it is sometimes difficult for them to explain exactly what is happening to them. Some describe their symptoms as "mystery" pain because it's hard for them to pin point the exact location. One day they wake up with sore feet, another day their hands might hurt or they have pain in different joints in their body.

There are several possibilities that could cause this kind of pain from overexertion to various forms of arthritis. In order to make a true diagnosis a series tests are given to narrow down the findings. A blood test that reads negative for the rheumatoid factor is not always accurate. You may test positive on the blood work yet have no symptoms. It is estimated that around 10% of the population who actually have RA do not test positive.

The most common reaction from patients who hear they have RA is usually relief followed by fear and anger. They are relieved because now they can face their health issue, fear because they know not what to expect, and anger because it is happening to them. After the initial shock wears off, the question becomes, "How do I live with RA?"

Someone suffering with RA will most likely feel pain, fatigue, and joint stiffness. I recommend working with a team of health professionals, who may include a physical therapist, counselor, and rheumatologist, to develop a plan to help manage their symptoms. A typical plan includes education about the disease, exercise, diet changes, assistive devices, and other supports to help you stay active. Most people will have to make lifestyle changes to accommodate their condition but it does not mean you can't live a full and satisfying life.

Lifestyle Changes Help Ease Pain

Most people with RA find they have to slow down and get enough sleep or symptoms get worse. Here are a few things you can do to manage your stress, reduce your pain and lessen the exhaustion that accompanies RA.

Fatigue: Pace yourself throughout the day to allow for rest periods, and try not to get overtired.

•Depending upon your symptoms, you may need to rest your joints for longer periods of time or at intervals, 15 minutes or so several times a day.
•Give yourself permission to give up some mundane tasks and do the things that really must get done or you things you want to do.
•Be careful not to rest too much because it can lead to more stiffness and underused muscles. Keeping your range of motion going at a comfortable pace will help prevent stiffness.

Relieve Joint Pain: Be kind to your body and protect your joints by taking the time to follow these helpful suggestions:

•Take warm showers or baths after long periods of sitting or sleeping
•Soak hands in warm wax baths
•Sleep under a warm electric blanket
•Use special kitchen tools or door knobs to reduce strain on joints
•Use splints, canes, or walkers to reduce pain and improve mobility

Keep Moving: Although this may be difficult, activity will actually help maintain strength, flexibility, and overall health. Consider the following:

•Exercise by stretching, strengthening, and conditioning. Weight-bearing and strength training are recommended for people with RA.
•Physical therapy for specific joint problems as prescribed by your doctor
•Swimming is good for conditioning lower extremities such as knees, ankles, or feet
•Bicycling and walking are beneficial for joint problems that do not effect lower extremities
•Tai Chi is a form of movement therapy that involves gentle stretches combined with deep breathing. Studies have found tai chi to reduce pain from RA but be careful not to do any moves that cause pain.

Diet: A healthy, balanced diet that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables is best. Be sure to watch your weight as being overweight can worsen the symptoms of RA.

Study Links Smoking & Vitamin D to RA in Women

A study conducted at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, MN led by Dr. Sherine E. Gabriel
used data from records that tracked anyone who sought medical care for the past several decades. In rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, a person's immune system attacks the joints, leading to inflammation, pain, stiffness and in some cases erosion of the bone and joint deformity.

The researchers found that the actual percentage of women with RA increased in incidence of 2.5% between 1995 and 2007. The reason for the increase was deemed more environmental than genetic. Smoking is one of the few confirmed risk factors for the disease and women are slower in quitting than men. In addition, oral contraceptives contain far less estrogen than they used to so may offer less protection against RA which the hormone is known to do.

Another factor is vitamin D deficiency, which has been linked to RA, and is particularly low in women. Researchers feel that this study is likely to reflect that of the U.S. female population. The findings send two very strong messages to women; don't smoke and get checked for vitamin D deficiency!

Take Control of RA

Don't let RA take control of you and your life. Learn as much as you can about the disease and research the side effects of the medication prescribed. Each person is unique and how RA affects your body may be very different from someone else. Studies show that people who take an active role in the management of RA experience less pain and see their doctor less often.

There are some common alternative treatments that can be added to your diet in supplement form that have shown promise for reducing the symptoms of RA. Always check with your doctor before adding anything new as there may be side effects.

•Plant oils - Seeds of evening primrose, borage and black currant contain a type of fatty acid that seems to help with morning stiffness.

•Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) - Helps to reduce inflammation and has been shown to slightly reduce swelling.

•Calcium and vitamin D - Protects bones against Osteoporosis

I recommend joining a support group for those afflicted with RA or become involved with the Arthritis Foundation. There are resources available to you that will provide emotional support and help you cope with the stress of pain. Connect with others and keep your family informed as to how you are feeling. They may be reluctant to ask you about your pain.

Eat a balanced diet, exercise, get plenty of rest, don't smoke and most importantly take time for yourself. Allow yourself the space you need to reflect on your feelings, go for a walk, listen to music, or write in a journal. Rheumatoid arthritis does not have to ruin the quality of your life. Make the lifestyle changes today that will help make your tomorrow a better day!

Mark Bromson, M.D.

Provailen - Joint Pain Relief Supplement - A Review

Provailen is a popular joint pain reliever that promises permanent relief from Arthritis. Does it really work? There are various anti-inflammatory arthritis pain relievers that claim to help you get rid of joint pains but not all of them actually deliver on their promise.

Let's have a look at what exactly causes joint pain

Arthritis is a disease caused by inflammation of joints in our body. It is a kind of natural wear and tear of our joint bones but there are several other factors that aggravate the situation. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis but the most common type is Inflammatory arthritis which is caused when the lubricating liquid of joints also known as synovium gets inflamed due to aging, sedentary lifestyle, weak immune system and many other factors. Due to inflammation, thin synovium laye becomes thick and makes the joint swollen and painful.

Joint pain relief supplements usually give you instant relief from pain but the real cause of pain remains there. Provailen is a new clinically proven 3 in formula that works at the root of the pain and cures it permanently.

How Provailen works.

Provailen is made of 3 natural ingredients that boost your immune system, strengthen your joint muscles. It also improves the blood flow to small veins that aggravate the joint pains. As the product is made of 100% natural ingredients, there are no side effects and it claims to cure arthritis pain permanently because of its 3 pronged strategy.

Not many OTC anti-inflammatory drugs can claim to be 100% safe and natural. Normally anti-inflammatory drugs cause several side effects like headache, digestive problem, kidney damage, liver damage, poor sleep patterns etc. There are people who prefer to bear the pain of joints instead of risking their overall health by taking these drugs.

Arthritis is a disease that can hinder opportunities in life but with the right treatment or medication it can be prevented and even stopped. Natural supplements are some of the many regimens that can help increase the productivity of patients with arthritis.

Provailen arthritis pain reliever is obviously the first choice for those who want to get rid of their joint pain permanently. Currently it is manufactured by RDK global of USA in a FDA approved facility. Another most important point about Provailen is that you can take it with your existing medication also. It does not interfere with any medicine therefore it is 100% safe.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Strategies How To Avoid From Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis illness always begins in our old days. The illness takes few years to improve. Food that you consume every day, give more effect than the others factor. Osteoarthritis is caused by inflammation, the first action to avoid from osteoarthritis, doing nutritional therapy or diet anti- inflammatory. There are few tips how to avoid from food that contains inflammatory.

1. Avoid animal fat

Animal fat is dangerous for your health, especially create osteoarthritis. Animal products can be found in fatty meat from cow and pig, skin of bird, chicken, full milk, milk 2 % from cheddar, bacon, salami, bologna, pepperoni, cow sausage and others fatty product. Coconut oil and oil palm products also include animal fat category. Change the products that you consume with low fat milk, not fat meat and turkey.

2. Avoid carbohydrate

Powder foods are created from white flour, white rice and white bread, especially being made powder caused inflammation. They can improve cytokines. Avoid the food above in order your osteoarthritis not growing worst.

3. Avoid consume oil that create inflammation

Avoid consuming oil, as fat omega 6, especially corn oil, sun flower oil and others product is made from the oils.

4. Prohibited Vegetables

Try to avoid tomato, eggplant, paprika, white potatoes. Although there is no research proved that the food above creates osteoarthritis, but better avoid them.

Food that suggest consuming

1. Omega 3

Research proved that omega 3 is effective to decrease inflammation and cytokines. Omega 3 can decrease rheumatism. Few food that contain omega 3 are salmon, herring, mackerel; sardine, anchovy, rainbow trout, walnut, egg that fortification with omega 3 and see weed.

2. Extra virgin olive oil

The oil can protect from osteoarthritis, because contain polyphenols. You can find from zaitun oil and fish oil to prohibit from osteoarthritis, choose extra virgin olive oil, because contain highest anti oxidance.

3. Anti oxidance

Inflammation can create free radical that damages your cell in your body. As vitamin C, D, selenium, and beta carotene are good to consume in order to avoid from free radical. You can find from broccoli, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, lemon, grape fruit, paprika, strawberry, pine apple.

4. Vegetables and fruits

There are few fruits and vegetables good to consume in order to avoid from osteoarthritis. Based on the researchers from Manchester English in American Journal of clinical Nutrition that betacryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin can decrease risks from osteoarthritis. You can find betacryptoxanthin in vegetables and fruits that have orange colors. As Apricot, yellow apple, yellow bit, grape fruit, golden kiwi, lemon, mango, yellow paprika, peach, yellow per, yellow tomato, parrot.You can find zeaxanthin in vegetables that have green leafs, yellow vegetables and orange.

Arthritis Bracelets - Do They Work?

Many people who suffer from arthritis believe in using arthritis bracelets to relieve their pain. Based on age old wisdom these bracelets are thought to considerably ease the joint pain and inflammation suffered by arthritic patients. When traditional medicines and treatments have not been found to be effective, bracelets are often used as an alternative treatment. Many arthritis sufferers have found that they do work to lessen their pain considerably.

The Healing Metal

Arthritis bracelets are made of either metal or copper. The copper bracelets became popular as a treatment form in the 1970's. The copper in the bracelet is thought to be absorbed into the skin to aid in pain relief. Studies have shown that copper does actually make its way into the skin from these bracelets. This extra copper in a person's system is what lead to pain relief.

Copper is used by the body to carry calcium and aid in the building of bone mass. Some feel that copper also has analgesic potential. These two benefits are the reason for the popularity of using copper in making bracelets for arthritis sufferers.

Magnetic Healing

Magnets are also used in the manufacture of arthritis bracelets. Magnets produce magnetic fields that are felt to aid pain relief in several ways. The most studied use of magnets and pain relief focuses on the magnets ability to change the function of cells in the body. This change is felt to have anti-inflammatory potential.

Magnets may also have an effect on the ways cells grow and how long they live. The magnets are felt to rejuvenate the cells around the joints that have become inflamed. This ability to stimulate new cell growth is currently being studied in depth by many medical centers.

Magnets have also been shown to increase the flow of blood to the different parts of the body. When blood flow is increased oxygen and nutrients are better able to get to the places in the body they are needed. Blood naturally contains iron that is positively affected by the stimulation from the magnets.

Magnets send out very weak pulse signals. A magnetic bracelet sends these weak magnetic pulses throughout the body. The body, in turn, reads these pulses as pain relief signals. This is felt to work in a fashion similar to the use of ultrasound for pain relief. The magnetic pulses that result from wearing an arthritis bracelet appear to work best when the bracelet is worn near the afflicted site.

Magnets and Your Immune System

White blood cells help the body fight pain, infection, and inflammation and boost your immune system. Magnetic force may increase the production of these healing blood cells in a person's system. By wearing an arthritis bracelet a person can build up their defenses, their white blood cells against arthritic pain.

Studies are currently being conducted on the viability of arthritic bracelets. Evidence has been found to support both forms of bracelets, copper and magnetic. None of the studies have yet been wholly accepted by the FDA as of now but natural and homeopathic healers support the use of the arthritic bracelets for patients suffering from arthritis. Many doctors in the medical community also believe in the healing power of magnets and will discuss the use of these bracelets with their patients.

All About Treatment For Osteoarthritis Options

Osteoarthritis does not have a cure but there are a number of different ways to keep the pain to a minimum and enable joint movement. A treatment for osteoarthritis can be divided into four different categories. These categories are medication, therapy, surgery and lifestyle changes.

Before we can properly look at the treatment for osteoarthritis we should know a bit about the condition. This condition is a type of arthritis which will cause an eventual breakdown of cartilage located between the joints. The places commonly affected by this would be the spine, hands, feet, knees and hips.

When osteoarthritis has no known cause then it is called primary osteoarthritis. Primary osteoarthritis can be linked to age. As we age the water content in the cartilage becomes greater and this will cause the cartilage to degenerate. The pain and inflammation experienced with this is due to the friction present when the bones rub against each other. This happens because there is nothing between them when the cartilage is gone.

Knowing a bit about the condition will help us to understand the treatments a bit more. Medication can be used for a number of things. Acetaminophen is often given to people with this condition to help alleviate the pain. To reduce any inflammation people will often take Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID's. Tramadol can only be taken with a prescription and is an analgesic. The use of cortisone shots will also help with the pain and can only be administered by a doctor.

There are many different types of therapy that one can undergo to help not only with joint mobility but also pain. Physical therapy is something that is conducted on a person to person basis and will help the movement of your joints. Occupational therapy will help you to find different way to stop putting stress on your joint during the day. There are centers that will have classes for people who suffer from chronic pain. Going to these classes will help you to find ways to deal with the pain of osteoarthritis.

There are a number of procedures and surgeries that can be done to help people with this condition. A procedure called Viscosupplementation is when hyaluronic acid derivatives are injected into the knee to create a cushion. Joint replacement is also something that can be looked at. When this surgery is done the surgeon will remove the damaged surface of the joint and replace it with metal and plastic devices. The surgical realignment of bone can also help alleviate pain. Fusing bones will also help with pain and increase stability but will cause the joint to have no flexibility.

For people who do not want to undergo any surgical procedures there are lifestyle changes that can help. Rest can help inflamed joints. You can also try exercise when you feel up to it done with your doctor's approval. The stress on joints can be added to by weight so maybe losing a bit of weight will help.

A good treatment for osteoarthritis comes in a number of different forms. You should try and find the one that will work the best for you.

Help With Arthritis Pain - Basal Joint Arthritis

Basal joint arthritis is arthritis of the thumb. The basal joint is also known as thumb CMC (carpometacarpal) joint. This joint receives an enormous amount of stress especially with pinching motions. The amount of pressure taken in this joint when grasping, using a pinch between the thumb and index finger, is approximately 6 to 9 pounds of pressure for every 1 pound of pinch. It's no wonder that this joint wears out and has so many arthritic problems.

Arthritis in the basal joints can be one of many types of arthritis. The most common types of arthritis affecting this joint are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and traumatic arthritis. Traumatic arthritis generally happens due to injury of the joint. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.


Your Physician can do an array of tests to diagnose basal joints arthritis. These tests may include ex rays, bone scans, MRI, and a physical examination including manipulation of the joint.


Symptoms of basal joints arthritis can include:

o Pain at base the of the thumb with use

o Aching joints at the base of the thumb that continues to be bothersome even after discontinuing use

o Deformity in the joint at the base of the thumb

o Tenderness of the base of the thumb

o Swelling in the joint at the base of the thumb

o Decreased strength in the basal joint

o Decreased range of motion

o Difficulty in doing tasks such as turning keys, doorknobs, jar lids, buttoning buttons and zipping zippers

o Severe pain when gripping

o Severe pain when pinching the thumb and fingers together

o Decreased ability to grip

o An unstable feeling in the basal joint

o An out of joint appearance at the base of the thumb

o An enlarged, bony appearing joint at the base of the thumb

o Limited joint mobility


Exact cause of basal joints arthritis is unknown. Repetitive use and factors including injury, stress, muscle weakness, the aging process, heredity, and obesity may be contributing factors. Cartilage normally cushions the basal joint. When basal joint arthritis is involved cartilage cushioning degenerates and the bones rub together. This is what causes damage due to joint friction. Bone spurs of pure as the body attempts to repair the damage.

Increased risk factors include:

o Age (these joints arthritis generally happens after the age of 40).

o Gender (basal joints arthritis is more frequent in females).

o Past injuries to the basal joint including fractures, sprains, and jamming the thumb.

o Disease such as rheumatoid arthritis.

o Excessive use of the basal joints.

o The family history of basal joint arthritis.


Treatment for basal joint arthritis can include medication for pain and swelling, corticosteroid injections, splints, and in some cases surgery. The main focus of treatment is pain reduction.

Arthroscopic surgery may be required to reduce pain. Surgery can only be performed during early and middle stages of basal joints arthritis. Advanced stages of basal joints arthritis cannot be repaired with arthroscopic surgery. This is why it is important to discuss treatment options with your doctor during early stages of the condition. Other surgical treatments available are; joint fusion, Osteotomy (bone cutting), Trapeziectomy (removal of the trapezium bone) and joint replacement.

Pain reduction:

Limiting the use of the joint is one of the best ways to decrease pain. One way this can be done is by wearing splints that immobilize the basal joint and facilitate proper positioning.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including OTC medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, can be used to treat joint pain and swelling. Tylenol can also be used for pain relief. When these OTC medications are non-effective your Physician can prescribe stronger NSAIDs.

Often a combination of splinting and NSAIDs will greatly decrease pain.

Corticosteroid injections can be used for pain relief. Corticosteroids work by reducing inflammation in the joint. Care must be taken when using corticosteroids.

Range of motion exercises can also improve joint pain and mobility. These are done by manipulating the joint through all natural movements. This should be done carefully multiple times daily.

Applying heat or cold can also assist with pain. Many people find ice packs work great in alleviating pain and swelling in the basal joint. Other people have difficulty using ice as it increases other types of arthritic pain. Application of heat works better in these cases. Using a heat pack or a heating pad for 10 to 15 minutes of the time several times throughout the day can decrease stiffness and pain in the joint.

Decreasing use by modifying household chores and finding ways to use other joints when possible to allow this joint time to heal is also an effective way of decreasing pain. Any way that you can decrease use of the basal joint and still keep your independence will be helpful. Simple adjustments in the house such as finding larger handled flatware, adding a key chain or something large to grasp to zipper pulls so that you can manipulate your own zippers, specialized door handles, specialized faucets, and many other adjustments that can make throughout your home can decrease the aggravation you put on the basal joint.

What Is Arthritis? Learn More About The Crippling Disease

Considering the fact that arthritis has affected lots of men and women from all over the world in spite of age, with this it is important to understand what is arthritis and what are the symptoms and the causes of it.

So what is arthritis?

Arthritis is well known as inflammation of one or two joints. In most cases, it is associated with joint pain. Arthritis comes in many different types, you can find over hundred of recognized types of arthritis, additionally the number is growing. This disease can result in pain, stiffness in addition to swelling in the joints in any parts of your body. Some type of arthritis may affect other areas of the body such as bones, muscles and internal organs which might cause enervating, even life-threatening complications.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the 2 most common types of arthritis. Arthritis is a ailment that can affect anyone regardless of age and this includes children. Arthritis is frequent in older adults. It can cause pain and may hinder patients from taking pleasure on the things they once enjoyed.

When arthritis is left undiagnosed and without treatment, it may lead to permanent or irreversible injury to the joints, bones, organs, and skin.


Osteoarthritis is usually called a degenerative osteoarthritis which is caused by wear and tear. Joints could be actually damaged along with its surrounding tissues because of the pressure of gravity and so triggers: swelling, pain, tenderness and minimized function.

Osteoarthritis is non-inflammatory in the beginning and it has a subtle and gradual onset that usually involves one or only a few joints. The knees, hips, hands and spine are the joints which are predominantly impacted. Similar to other forms of arthritis, the chance of osteoarthritis accelerate with age. Being overweight, joint trauma and repetitive joint use are also risk factors of osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is definitely an autoimmune disease that is chronic and potentially disabling. It comes up when the body's disease fighting capability is misdirected and mistakenly attacks the cell lining within the joint called synovium. This type of arthritis can cause stiffness in the joint, joint pain, swelling and loss of joint function.

Although the cause remains hard to pin down, health experts believe that genetic factors play a huge role. Rheumatoid arthritis can start progressively with subtle symptoms making it tough to diagnose early.

Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile arthritis represents any form of arthritis of which occurs in youngsters. This is common in children and this comes in 3 significant types: polyarticular which impacts many joints, pauciarticular which pertains to only a few joints and systemic which has effects on the entire body. The warning signs may differ from one child to another. Given that no single test can conclusively establish a diagnosis, the Juvenile arthritis should be regularly present for six or more successive weeks ahead of a accurate diagnosis can be done.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis is comparable to rheumatoid arthritis. Medical studies report that around 5 percent of individuals with chronic skin disease for example psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis. In this type of arthritis, a patient are affected from joint inflammation and quite often inflammation of the spine.


Fibromyalgia syndrome is an unpleasant condition indicated by poor sleep, muscle pain and long-term fatigue. Fibromyalgia seems to indicate pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons, a kind of soft tissue or muscular rheumatism which doesn't cause deformities in the joints.


Gout is a type of arthritis which can be painful and could trigger sudden and serious attacks of pain, redness, warmth, joint inflammation particularly the big toe. Uric acid crystals that precipitate out of the blood and are generally deposited in the joint are accountable for creating pain and inflammation.

There are still other common types of arthritis and they're Pseudogout, Scleroderma, lupus and more. To keep yourself from suffering from arthritis all that's necessary is to learn more with regards to arthritis, arthritis symptoms, factors that cause arthritis and also natural arthritis medications.

Bromelain Helps With Arthritis Swelling

One of the main discomforts associated with arthritis is swelling. The swelling of course is a reaction to your bones rubbing against each other. When all your healthy cartilage is worn down and you are left with poor joints, you will experience pain and swelling. Not only will your joints be in pain but you range of motion will decrease and you could get bone spurs. This is why it is superbly important to take care of your joint health. With conditions like arthritis effecting over 50 million adults each year, it is never too early or too late to start paying your joint some attention. Adding substances like bromelain to your diet is one way you can help improve your circumstance.

What is bromelain? It is a mixture of enzymes. Also called a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain is often used as a natural pain remedy-specifically beneficial for those suffering from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the condition where your joints feel stiff, swollen, and heated as a result of long term wear and tear. The wear and tear of the joints is what runs down all the body's healthy cartilage. With nothing protecting the bones, they start to rub together and in turn people are left with osteoarthritis. Substances like bromelain can help target the side effects while also helping the body heal itself and restore order.

Specifically the proteolytic enzyme can help with the swelling associated with rheumatic diseases. A rheumatic disease is a condition that is typically caused by swelling, pain, and inflammation in the muscles or joints. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two examples of rheumatic diseases. Once the swelling subdues you should be able to have more free flowing movement in your joints. Of course, it is suggested to avoid doing repetitive movements with the same joints.

You can find bromelain naturally in things like pineapples and juices. It is a key ingredient to look for in a joint relief formula because it also helps with the breakdown of the body's proteins. Not only can it help with swelling but it can help with many other problems like asthma, numbness, and the common cold.

There are a number of ways that you can manage arthritis pains. Taking a daily supplement is a great way to add the substances you need to your body. Not only do supplements with high quality extracts relieve pain and discomfort but they help heal your body. Ingredients like bromelain work well to fight the swelling associated with joint pains.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pain Management - Dealing With Systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

As if growing pains were not enough, there is such a thing known as systemic-onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis which afflicts both girls and boys as they progress from childhood to preadolescence. As a juvenile disorder, it affects children younger than 16 years of age, although there are cases wherein it persists beyond the teens.

What is Systemic JRA?

Think of it as an autoimmune disorder wherein the immune system which normally responds beneficially to fight any infection automatically reacts to combat its own defenses. Even a minor infection which raises the white blood cell count could trigger the autoimmune system of to attack its own body tissues.
Poorly understood, systemic JRA is difficult to diagnose and treat without a series of tests to rule out all other diseases. It can be worrisome because some of its symptoms closely resemble those of leukemia, bone cancer, and other nervous syndromes.

How does it show?

Depending on its severity, the disease is characterized by multiple signs and symptoms such as joint pain, swelling, and stiffness for more than six weeks straight. The child experiences prolonged bouts of high fever and chills which peaks with unexplained measles-like rashes. The experience can be very disheartening and debilitating, which is why pain management should be given importance in systemic JRA.

It is not contagious, because it is neither bacterial nor viral but rather a disease of the immune system. It can be inherited as a third-generation disease, meaning it skips one generation and manifests itself in the next. There is no clear explanation why some children outgrow it completely while others have long symptom-free periods followed by a sudden show of flare-ups.

How do you manage it?

During JRA flare-ups, a child is prone to lose weight and muscle mass which results from lost appetite and limited body movement. On the other hand, prolonged medication and lack of activity would lead to excessive weight gain. Rather than leading a sedentary lifestyle, you could encourage your child to engage in non-strenuous play and sports activities which exercise the joints, bones, and muscles.

As part of pain management care, a child with systemic JRA is attended to by a pediatric rheumatologist. Aside from pain relievers, the usual medications would include NSAIDs and low-dose steroid treatment. The patient may also need specifically-prescribed exercise programs and rehab sessions under the supervision of a physical therapist to completely recover.

How do you deal with it?

When chronic joint pain is recurrent, it goes far beyond what we know of as musculoskeletal pain. The pain is simply indescribable. It could affect the entire body starting from the ankles to the knees, higher to the hips and the shoulders, and even up to the neck and jaws.

As parents of a child with systemic JRA, we only have to deal with it. However, it is our children afflicted with the disease who have to live with it. They will have to cope with its long-term side-effects such as growth delays, accelerated tooth decays and inner eye inflammations which lead to premature scarring and vision problems. With prolonged medication, complications of the heart and liver as well as stomach ulcers are bound to happen.

Aside from our love and patience, we can only lend our children additional support through pain management medications, clinics, and therapies. Keeping informed and updated on current developments in patient care for systemic JRA would help families deal and live with a disease which goes beyond the pains of growing up. Turn to our Fitness Books for more information on pain management and other health matters.

Knox Gelatin For Arthritis - Does it Work?

More and more people who are suffering from arthritis have found Knox gelatin to be effective in alleviating their symptoms. This is due to the fact that the structure of the Knox gelatin is nearly identical to that of collagen type 2, which comprises the connective tissues of the body, including that of the cartilage. The most common brand of Knox gelatin is the NutraJoint, which is available in most grocery stores in boxes of individually packaged packets. One dose of NutraJoint per day can substantially reduce - if not completely get rid of - the stiffness, pain, and aches that arthritis often entails.

However, there seems to be some concerns about the use of this substance in arthritis treatment. One argument holds that since this substance is derived from animals, it might not be appropriate for the consumption of vegetarians and/or certain religious organizations. In such cases, fruit pectin, which is a fruit extract, is offered as an alternative.

Gelatin is particularly effective when used in combination with calcitonin. In fact, a German research documented successful results from the use of this type of treatment. The mounting evidence of the effectiveness of knox gelatin in arthritic therapy simply cannot be ignored.

Taking all factors into consideration, the general consensus is that gelatin is a safe and effective product to use in arthritis treatment. The majority of users have confirmed a substantial reduction of arthritis pain after using this method.

Reports of side effects such as upset stomachs or animal allergies are few. Those who are allergic to certain animals from which the gelatin is derived may experience some slight allergic reactions and should therefore avoid taking it.

However, aside from these isolated cases, the general response has been that knox gelatin is completely safe and highly beneficial in treating arthritis.

Treatment of Canine Arthritis With Human Glucosamine For Dogs

Human Glucosamine for dogs has been effectively used to treat dogs suffering from arthritis or osteoarthritis. The results have been very encouraging and positive. These products have been found to be the safest and most effective way of treating aging dogs suffering from the crippling effects of arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Human medicines have to be of human food value while for pets the same have to be of animal food value, which is at a significantly lower level. Hence, the challenge might come in the way of getting the dogs to ingest the medicines. Human Glucosamine cannot be patented by pharmaceutical majors and hence they prefer to stay away from manufacturing medicines for pets. Glucosamine belongs to a class of nutraceuticals and the FDA does not exercise strict control over it. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance found in many food products in abundance and are categorized as vitamins.

The typical patients that are subjected to the treatment are middle aged and old dogs who exhibit symptoms of stiffness and limping. Some dogs find it difficult to negotiate stairs while some have problems while getting in and out of vehicles.

Glucosamine is mostly found in the cartilage of animals and humans, and a majority of it is unsuitable for use due to degradation. Animals synthesize the required Glucosamine from glucose. However with advanced age, the ability to synthesize glucose diminishes significantly and also due to increased injury to cartilages, the body is unable to keep with the requirement. Therefore one has to supply Glucosamine from outside for normal bodily functions.

One can safely use human Glucosamine for dogs to replenish the depleted amount. One should consult the veterinary doctor before using any medication. It is always advised to have the dog thoroughly checked and diagnosed for a specific condition before starting medication. Glucosamine does not hide or mask the pain, instead it helps, renew, repair and rebuild cartilage. There are no reported side effects even for cases where there has been prolonged usage of Glucosamine. Glucosamine provides dogs with a key component of cartilage called collegen. Collegen is composed of water, which in turn is supported by proteogylcans. Glucosamine synthesizes proteogylcans in two ways. The first way is by virtue of being a key component of the structure of proteogylcan. Secondly, Glucosamine induces the production of proteogylcan producing cells.

Glucosamine is readily available in Chitin, which is a key component in the structure of shell fish. Pure Glucosamine is obtained after removing calcium and proteins, following which the Glucosamine is stabilized with another substance to ensure potency. For dogs the most studied and widely used variant of Glucosamine is Glucosamine Hydrocloride.

There are some schools of thought that believe that human Glucosamine can be harmful for dogs. However, the general belief is that if your vet recommends it, there is no harm is helping your old and suffering pet.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - A Real Chance of Permanent Relief!

Arthritis is a term used to describe around 100 similar diseases, these many different conditions are closely linked because of there detrimental effect on one's joint and joint area. The many guises of arthritis come with there own underlying causes and contributing factors. Although arthritis is common with age, it is clear that the disease is far from being only age related, and is reported throughout all age and social groups.

Over 50% of people nearing retirement age are thought to be effected in some way by arthritis. Arthritis or musculoskeletal disease effects a very large proportion of adults, especially those living in industrialised nations. Studies indicate that almost three quarters of all people over the age of seventy will develop symptoms of arthritis at some point, although less common arthritis can be apparent in children (Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis).

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disorder disease. RA may not be a permanent issue with many arthritics reporting periods of remission, having said that, left untreated rheumatoid arthritis will remain underlying and inevitably re-appear when triggered.

Autoimmune disease is a term used to describe a problematic metabolic disorder, in which the body's own defence system receives the wrong signal and proceeds to attack that which it normally defends. RA attacks the synovium, which is the protective lining between the joint, rheumatoid arthritis pain and information is due mainly to the thickening of the synovium.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms.

Common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include painful stiff and swollen joints, untreated and progressed cases of RA may include the deformation of joints and cartilage damage.

Symmetrical Attack of Rheumatoid arthritis.

RA is not often restricted to just one joint, many arthritics will often find themselves symmetrically effected, such as in both hands, or perhaps in both knees, rheumatoid arthritis has the ability to travel throughout one's body and is not limited to attacking only joints.

A Real Cure For Your Rheumatoid arthritis!

Rheumatoid arthritis, as with all forms of arthritis is a condition caused by the manifestation of an underlying disease, even though this may not be apparent. The problem with today's quick fix drug therapies is that they only address the symptoms of arthritis. The prolonged use of both prescribed and over the counter medication can only lead to an overall progression of RA due to the toxins these drugs leave in the body.

An autoimmune diseases is difficult to treat with drugs, due to the many different factors involved, anyone trying to treat their own RA will only be successful if they can address the following underlying problems.

* Flush the body harmful toxins.

* Gastrointestinal problems such as bacterial and fungal infections must be addressed.

* Flush the kidneys.

* Naturally remove arthritis triggers (even the ones which are not apparent).

* Keep RA inflammation under control, without using drugs.

* Expel heavy metal from the body.

* Remove excess uric acid.

* Repair damage to tissue, cell and cartilage, naturally.

* Reduce the amount of excess free radicals in the body.

* Re-build and strengthen the Immune-system.

* Restore a healthy digestive system.

* Bring body weight in line with its BMI.

* Naturally keep the joints lubricated.

This may sound difficult, how on earth could any medication tackle all of these issues ?, well the truth is, modern drug therapies fall short at tackling any of these problems effectively. In my experience, natural alternatives and simple life changes have proven to be far more effective in the treatment of RA.

I'm aware of the dim view that today's medical professionals express regarding alternative treatments for many ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis, what should perhaps be remembered is the simple fact that modern medicine owes its very existence to ancient herbal & Natural practices. Try a natural approach to your RA it could be our best option.

Osteoarthritis - Learn How It Affects The Human Body

Osteoarthritis defines the failure of the synovial lined, movable joint. The basic factor in Osteoarthritis is the destruction of the articular cartilage that lines the facing side of the bone that forms a joint.

In Idiopathic or Primary Osteoarthritis, which is the most common form of the disease, no definite predisposing factor is established.

Secondary Osteoarthritis is completely distinguishable from the primary Osteoarthritis. There is some disease that leads to is formation.

Osteoarthritis is, by far, the most common arthritis disease of the human and more than 100,000 persons in the United States are so crippled by this disease that they are unable to go to toilet from the bed.

Age is the most prominent risk factor for the disease. Researchers have found that, among women below 45 years of age, only 2% were suffering from it.

Between the ranges of 45 to 64 years, the prevalence is 30% and over the age of 65 years, the rate is more than 68%.

Major bodily injury and repetitive use of the joint are the next common culprits. Meniscus damage and or Anterior Crutiate Ligament injury can lad to knee Osteoarthritis - the joint mostly involved.

Obesity is a substantial risk factor for both hand and knee Osteoarthritis. It as noted that mere reduction of 5 kilo weight lowers the odds ratio of potential chance to having Osteoarthritis by 50%.

Sometimes the role of heredity as a risk factor for developing the disease is mentioned. It is noticed that the mother and the sister of a woman with DIP (Distal Interphalangeal Joint) Osteoarthritis (Heberden's nodes) are two to three times risk of developing Osteoarthritis in the same joints.

It is stressed that Osteoarthritis is the destruction of the articular cartilage of a joint. But it is not the whole scenario.

In Osteoarthritis, the entire joint is affected- the synovium, subchondral bones, the menisci, ligaments and the surrounding neuromuscular tissues.

The main clinical finding in Osteoarthritis is acute pain in the affected joint. Nocturnal pain, hampering the sleep process is seen in the advanced hip Osteoarthritis and may be debilitate a patient.

Stiffness of the joint occurs as there is inactivity. Joint instability, because of stretching of the capsule of the joint occurs besides muscle spasm.

The diagnosis of the Osteoarthritis [] is usually dependent on clinical and radiological finding. In early stages, the radiography may be normal except there is some loss in the joint space. Gradually there is formation of osteophytes and subchondral sclerosis.

No laboratory tests are useful to diagnose a case of the disease except to determine the cause in the secondary Osteoarthritis.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis is intended towards relieving pain, preserving joint mobility and reducing disability.

The first option is weight reduction. As the joints become weak in Osteoarthritis, they can not bear the same weight as they were used to. Losing some weight lowers the load to a particular joint, thus improving the pain situation.

Patellar taping is a less expensive, useful way of reducing pain. Mere taping over the patella with some isometric exercises improves the power of the muscles around the knee joint.

This in turn helps to qualitative weight bearing capacity of the joint. Hot fomentation and cold compress are equally effective to reduce pain. Rational engagement in exercise can control it a lot.

Among the medication, the first line of therapy consists of using NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs).

The newer generation Selective COX-2 inhibitors are doing a good job in effective controlling of pain and reducing the incidence of Acid Peptic disorder.

Invasive methods of treatment include Intra-articular injection of Steroidal component and Hyaluronan.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tips for Dealing with Arthritis Symptoms

Most modern day suffers of arthritis (and tendonitis and gout) are fighting the symptoms of these inflammatory diseases with pharmaceutical grade drugs. Early symptoms generally occur between 25 and 50 years of age, but can show up in individuals under the age of 16. Understanding the symptoms
can help identify the problem early and deal with it right away.

Do you know which signs point to arthritis symptoms? If not, you should arm yourself with as much knowledge on this disease as possible. Besides general signs each form of this problem tends to present a peculiar result in the body.

However the causes are still not known fully. Arthritis is thought to be an autoimmune disease - literally where self attacks self. Foods which can be beneficial to sufferers include: Oily fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon, trout, herring, anchovies and sardines - these contain omega 3 fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory. This joint problem should not be taken lightly or ignored, so investigate the treatments and choose the best for yourself.

With the passage of time, new and more effective treatments against it are starting to come through. If you are experiencing pain in one or more joints and you do not get relief from over the counter medication, or through the application of heat or cold packs, it's possible you may have it. You may find that your pain disappears completely, or that the pain lessens once you've eliminated or reduced your use of the offending foods.

Massage is also helpful in managing it, but because the affected area may be very sensitive, a professional massage therapist familiar with it is best suited for this. There are many groups and organizations that offer exercise specifically developed for individuals suffering. Visit your physician when you first feel that you are maybe starting to deal with it.

Arthritis Causing Food - White Flour

White flour is used to make white bread, pasta, noodles, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, pies and many other foods. White flour is one of the foods in our diet which result in many chronic diseases including arthritis. We must make a concerted effort to avoid food made from white flour. White flour is made from whole grains. What starts out as a natural whole food, whole grains, become something that is poisonous to our body through processing. Many of us are familiar or have some idea about the white flour making process.

First of all, the bran which is the outer shell of the grain is removed. The outer shell contains most of the fibre content in the grain and is then either thrown away or sold at a health food shops as fibre supplement. This means that white flour has little or no fibres. Subsequently, the germ, a small part congregated at one end of the grain and which contains all the nutrients is removed because it sticks to the processing machine. The remaining part of the grain called endosperm is ground into a fine powder.

This powder, at this stage is brownish in colour is then bleached with chemicals just like you bleach your clothes. This residual chemical bleach remains in the flour and will enter your body as toxins. Flour mills use different chemical bleaches, all of which are pretty bad. Here are a few of them, chlorine, chloride, oxide of nitrogen, nitrosyl and benzoyl peroxide mixed with various chemicals of the salt family. All of these bleaches are extremely harmful to the body. Chloride oxide, when combined with proteins left in the flour, produces alloxan which is a poison and has been known to produce diabetes in laboratory animals. Chlorine oxide also destroys the vital wheat germ oil.

The flour is now white and containing no fibres and vitamins and minerals. To give it some desirable effect for commercial purposes since no one would by such a product, some artificial coal-tar derived vitamins and minerals are added and the flour is then labelled as "enriched". These artificial nutrients are of very low qualities and unnatural compared to those in the removed germ. Besides, in the process of making flour white, half of the valuable unsaturated fatty acids are lost in the milling process. As a result, the flour in the white bread and some other foods contains only poor quality proteins and fattening starch and lots of harmful chemicals.

White flour is therefore dangerous to eat and no wonder why many scientists belief that it is one of the main culprits of many serious diseases.

Foods made from white flour should be avoided in order to cure arthritis. Chemicals in white flour will become toxins in the body and encourage the body to produce more free radicals which attack the cartilage in the joint causing pain and inflammation. The toxins also cause blockages of blood vessels in and out of the joints and therefore lessen the amount of the nutrients going to the joint cartilage. A combination of chemicals and the lack of nutrients in white flour is therefore detrimental to our general health and contributory to the severity of arthritis. White bread should be replaced by others such as brown rise, potatoes in your diet.

Foods made from white flour include bread, pastas, noodles, pancakes, cakes, biscuits etc.

One thing to note is that whilst brown bread is better than white bread and is often recommended by your doctor, you should only eat it in moderation as they contain yeast which some scientists say is not good for your overall health and can even shorten your life expectancy. I have given up eating bread of any kind altogether and feel much more healthy. If you normally eat a lot of bread, on giving it up you will feel a remarkable improvement healthwise as well as arthritis-wise. Avoiding bread is one of the many things I did with my diet which resulted in a successful cure of my arthritis.

The best substitutions for bread are rice, especially brown rice and potatoes.

More Natural Herbal Remedies For Arthritis - Understanding How to Get Rid of Arthritis

Here are some more natural herbal remedies for Arthritis to help you understand how to get rid of Arthritis.

A few drops of rosemary oil added to a massage oil (sunflower will do) in the palm of the hand and rubbed onto the painful area may give temporary relief. Other essential oils to try are benzoin, camomile, cypress, sage, juniper, lemon or thyme. Wintergreen or arnica ointments may also help. Avoid rosemary if you have high blood pressure.

In spring and summer, gather daisies into bunches and bind the stems together with string. Hang them upside down in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. When they are quite dry, break off the heads into a dry clean container and discard the stems. To make a daisy tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one teaspoonful of dried daisy heads or three teaspoonfuls of fresh daisy heads and steep for ten minutes. Drink the daisy tea four times daily for relief from arthritis, rheumatism, summer coughs, to soothe diarrhoea and as a tonic for the liver.

Sulfur is found in all living organisms and has had some remarkable results with a number of diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Recently, it has come to light that we need more sulfur than calcium in our diet, and that a deficiency leads to stiff and painful joints. It is used to make collagen, the primary component of cartilage and connective tissue in bones, joints and skin. It is also in keratin, the tough substance in nails and hair. A lack of sulfur will lead to prematurely sagging and wrinkled skin. Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) is available in health food stores.

Garlic milk is known to benefit rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Pour 500 ml milk into a saucepan with a quarter teaspoon of salt. Cut a whole unpeeled bulb of garlic in half, horizontally. Add the entire bulb and peel to the pan and simmer for approximately 15 minutes. Allow to stand for one minute before straining through a sieve. Squeeze the softened garlic through into the milk and stir. Discard the garlic skins. Sip through the day, or take a cupful morning and evening. Do not store overnight.

Boswellin (Boswellia Serrata) is an Ayurvedic remedy for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and joint inflammation. Figures quoted by a study of 175 sufferers say that 14 per cent rated it as excellent. 53 per cent found it was good, while 30 per cent said it was fair. Improvement is felt in two to four weeks.

Alkalising tea 37,5 ml celery seed; 37,5 ml chopped nettle; 37,5 ml elderflowers; 37,5 ml yarrow; 37,5 ml dandelion root; 5 ml cayenne pepper. Using fresh herbs in a pot, add 3l of cold water, heat and boil for 5 minutes. Cool slowly, add pepper and refrigerate. Drink three cups of the heated (not boiled) tea per day for two weeks.

That's all this time on more natural herbal remedies for arthritis.

Osteoarthritis and Its Biochemic Treatment

Joint pain is a common complaint. It is often associated with aging process. However, it can also occur in children, young adults and middle-aged people. Arthritis is not a disease but a symptom, which indicates that "something", is wrong in a joint. Arthritis occurs at all ages but is more common in the elderly. It is least serious among the elderly while it can be serious, crippling and sometimes even life threatening in young women and children. Of the various types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common. Today we will discuss about osteoarthritis.

What is osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is destruction of the smooth cartilage covering the ends of the bones. This destruction is similar to the - wear and tear of moving machines. Over time the cartilage may wear away entirely, and the bones will rub together and in that stage may cause severe aching pain. It usually starts in the middle age without any specific cause. It may affect all joints but mainly the knee joint,elbow joint, hip joint. Of the joint pains, pain in the knee joint is the most common.

Osteoarthritis of knee joints
In early stages there is pain or catch in the knee while getting up from sitting position or changing position of the knee after a period of rest in one position. In later stages, pain is almost constant and becomes worse. On exertion at this stage rest; painkiller medicines; or oil massage relieves the pain. In advanced stage, walking is difficult and often needs a lot of effort. Going up and down the stairs is especially very difficult. The shape of the leg changes and the knee bows outwards. At this stage, the gait changes and there may be sideways lurch at every step.

What are the causes of osteoarthritis?
Common causes of osteoarthritis are: Wear-and-tear of cartilage due to prolonged use of the joint (This is the commonest cause of osteoarthritis); Defect in quality of the cartilage such as in a disease called pseudogout; Defect in alignment of the articulating surfaces; Loose structures inside the joint such as a loose cover of the meniscus; Old injury; and Previous infection. Excess Weight is one of the main causes of osteoarthritis. Excess weight puts extra stress on the weight-bearing joints, especially the knees and hips and quickens the wear-and-tear of the cartilage. If you already haveosteoarthritis, losing weight may reduce stress on your joints.

1. Aching pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints.
2. Stiffness aggravates after rest and ameliorates by moderate movement.
3. Extensive movement of the joint worsens the condition.
4. Most people with osteoarthritis in knee joint complain of pain and/or creaking sound in the knee.

Traditional treatment:
Osteoarthritis is not curable. Once it starts, it remains for rest of the life. Painkillers are given to relieve pain; however, it does not reduce inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a type of medication that help reduce pain and swelling at different doses. Cortisone may be injected into the joint to relieve severe inflammation. Cortisone is a steroid that reduces swelling as well.

Biochemic Treatment:
There is very good treatment option of osteoarthritis in Biochemic Therapy. Biochemic medicines are efficient enough to control the inflammation, swelling and pains and can control the disease in a natural way. Biochemic medicines are nothing but mineral salts found in our tissues. That is why there is no side effect of Biochemic medicines at all.

The Effects of Omega-3 on Your Skin

One of the visually beneficial aspects of omega-3 fish oil is vibrant, youthful looking skin. So what is the connection between omega-3's and healthy skin? One of the main reasons behind this correlation is how omega-3 affects blood vessels and the blood vessel supply in a positive way. You are only as old as your blood vessels. The more omega-3 you have in your diet, the more blood supply you have to the skin and the healthier your skin will look.

Omega-6, another form of omega's that we get from animal sources that is very prevalent in our diets, is pro inflammatory. These omega's are devastating because they cause inflammatory reactions and these reactions can take place both in the skin and other places in your body.

This inflammation manifests itself on the skin with blemishes and becomes aggravated from sun exposure. We continuously create conditions of inflammation that our bodies must fight to heal. We can modulate the inflammation with omega-3's. By keeping the blood vessels and the capillaries to the skin more open and with a better blood supply, we have better skin.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition that affects between two and three percent of people. An estimated 7.5 million Americans and about 150 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. Patients with psoriasis have redness, plaques and scales that affect the skin. Depending on the person, the area affected may be small or very large. The usual symptoms are itching and burning of the skin. Between 10 and 30 percent of patients also go on to develop psoriatic arthritis, another condition where inflammation plays a major role.

There are studies showing that fish oil can reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. In one study, 28 patients were divided into two groups. One received 10 capsules of fish oil, while the other took 10 capsules of olive oil. After just eight weeks, there was a "significant lessening of itching, erythema (redness), and scaling in the treatment group" and no change in the olive oil group. There was also a trend toward an overall decrease in body surface area affected.

Atopic dermatitis is another inflammatory skin condition. It is also called eczema. The word dermatitis means skin inflammation. Atopic has to do with allergy but without direct contact with the substance that causes the allergic reaction. For example, poison ivy can cause dermatitis or skin inflammation after a direct contact. Atopic dermatitis is caused by airborne substances that you inhale or by food that you eat, none of which have direct contact with the skin. People with atopic dermatitis are more likely to have other allergies, from hay fever to asthma. In an acute form of atopic dermatitis (flare or exacerbation), the skin becomes red and extremely itchy. Vigorous scratching usually creates swelling, cracking, and a "weeping" of clear fluid. As the activity declines, there may be crusting and scaling. In some people the skin may look almost normal between the flare -ups. It is more common in children, but affects about one to two percent of adults, some severely. Omega-3 acids would be expected to have a beneficial effect on eczema because of their anti-inflammatory activity and studies tend to confirm that.

In one such study, patients with eczema were taking either 10 grams of fish oil or olive oil for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, there was a considerable reduction in scaling, itching and overall severity of the disease. Acne, pimples, and other skin imperfections tend to clear up in people who take fish oil supplements. Even if you do not have any skin problems, taking fish oil will make your skin healthier, smoother, and better looking. Because the skin is a very metabolically active organ, with new cells forming every day, it is especially important to have the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 acids in order to create the correct balance between the inflammatory prostaglandins and the anti-inflammatory ones. Too much omega-6 and the inflammation will dominate, causing redness, dry skin, itching, and so on. Add omega-3's to your diet and your skin will thank you.

Causes And Symptoms Of Arthritis

Arthritis is often spoken of as a stand-alone disease, when in fact it is a generic term used to describe over a 100 different types of related conditions. The one thing that links them is that in all cases the musculoskeletal system, in particular the joints (knees, hips, hands etc), are affected. The common misconception is that arthritis only occurs in the elderly, when in fact it affects people of all ages. Out of 46 million Americans currently afflicted with arthritis 300 000 are children. Arthritis is also slightly more prevalent in women than men.

Arthritis occurs when cartilage is irreversibly compromised due to injury, infection, an autoimmune disease or just general wear and tear brought about by sport or old age. The joints rely on the cartilage for smooth movement and shock protection, without which the bones end up rubbing against each other. The most common symptoms of arthritis are pain, inflammation and stiffness in the affected joints but other parts of the body such as the muscles, bones, and some internal organs can also be affected, depending on the condition.

Three of the most widespread forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Other types of arthritis or arthritis related conditions include: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, viral arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and fibromyalgia syndrometo.

The cause depends on the type of arthritis or related condition that you are suffering from. Diagnosis is thus vital as it will determine the appropriate course of treatment that you will need to follow as well as possible adjustments to your lifestyle. If you suffer from the symptoms mentioned, and have done so for a period of time, it is advisable that you see your doctor. The old adage of rather safe than sorry' is good advice indeed because the earlier your condition is diagnosed the sooner you can start taking pro-active steps to helping your body.

You may find it helpful to have a list of questions and symptoms prepared before going to the doctor. This will allow you to participate more actively in the consultation. Doing so will also ensure that you don't forget to give or ask for information that you feel is pertinent.

Speak to your doctor about finding the treatment that will be most effective and beneficial for your condition. For many years the painful symptoms of arthritis were treated using medication, local steroid injections and even joint replacement in severe cases,but all with only some degree of success. The therapies hardly ever resulted in the pain going away completely, and the original joint damage remained unchanged as well.

New in-roads have been made with regard to the treatment of arthritis and there are some alternative therapies available, such as homeopathy, meditation and magnetic devices. Exploring these alternatives expands the patient's range of possible solutions to pain management and relief of symptoms. They can often work very well alongside your allopathic treatments in a supportive or complementary role. There are ongoing studies that look at the value of improving the patient's coping skills and stress management.

Other studies look at the effectiveness of supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin and the use of acupuncture in treating arthritis. Research is also being done on the effect of omega-3 fatty acids, which occur in some fish oils, as it's believed that they have anti-inflammatory properties. Being informed and knowing about all the options available to you are ways of taking back control of your health.

Some forms of arthritis can be prevented by avoiding infections, such as using tick repellent to prevent Lyme disease and practicing safe sex to prevent the sexually transmitted diseases that can cause Reiter's syndrome. Unfortunately there is no absolute way of preventing most other forms of arthritis. Affecting certain lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, avoiding repetitive joint use and reducing the risk of injury by warming up before you exercise will all go a long way to helping.

Twenty years ago doctors routinely advised against regular exercise in the belief that activity would further damage the afflicted joints. These days' doctors have realized that lack of exercise has a negative effect on patients, resulting in weak muscles, stiff joints and a loss of mobility. To this end exercise now plays a key role in managing the symptoms of arthritis.

Arthritis can be both painful and debilitating but there are many ways of treating the condition to effectively manage the pain and symptoms. Find a doctor whom you trust and connect with and be an active participant in the state of your health and well being. These are both key factors in determining the long term course that your condition will follow.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Exploring The Many Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Options

When the inflammation and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis calls for adequate treatment, there are many different options to consider. Since there is no known cure for this joint-affecting condition, patients must turn towards medication and other remedies in order to increase joint function and avoid further damage or deformity. Below you will find a brief description regarding an array of rheumatoid arthritis treatment options:

First-Line Drugs

There are two main classes of medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis: first-line and second-line drugs. First-line drugs are quick to respond to symptoms of the disease and include aspirin and cortisone because they are used to swiftly reduce inflammation and pain. Many patients wish to avoid the use of steroids during their treatment, meaning products like Naptosyn, Advil, Motrin, Medipren, and Lodine should be selected. It is also common to try an assortment of drugs before finding the one or ones that work the best. A doctor's goal is to pinpoint the first-line drug that creates the least amount of side effects.

Corticosteroid Medications

A stronger first-line drug given to rheumatoid arthritis patients includes oral or injected corticosteroids. Although the chances of enhanced joint mobility and function is often achieved, there are serious side effects that may also occur. High doses of these drugs for a long period of time increases the likelihood that issues may arise, such as muscle wasting, facial puffiness, and weight gain.

Second-Line Drugs

This approach towards rheumatoid arthritis treatment is slower to take action, including options, such as gold, methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil). These selections are used to combat progressive joint damage, and encourage remission of the disease. They do not act as an anti-inflammatory. When it comes to choosing one of the most aggressive out of the second-line drug options, methotrexate is often prescribed. Additional second-line drug selections include the oral approach (Azulfidine), and injections (Solganal and Myochrysine).

Immunosuppressive Drugs

Immunosuppressive drugs are rather powerful in treating rheumatoid arthritis, but are often saved as a last resort or when the disease has taken an aggressive turn for the worst. Some of the products offering this effective medication choice include Rheumatrex, Trexall, Imuran, Cytoxan, Leukeran, and Sandimmune.


When a patient suffers from an intense joint deformity, surgery might be the best choice to consider. Restoring joint mobility, as well as mending damaged joints are some of gains associated with this sort of procedure. An orthopedic surgeon may perform an arthroscopy or completely replace a joint, such as a knee or hip, which means damaged tissue is replaced with metal.

When an individual assesses the best course of action for their rheumatoid arthritis treatment, there are many factors to think about. Age, overall health, daily level of activity, affected joints, and disease progression are just some of the things that influence treatments choices. Overall, most patients respond the best to medical management when combining medications; specific joint exercises; rest; protective gear; as well as learning the ins and outs of the disease.

What You Should Know About Spasticity and Muscle Spasms

A. Problem Specifics

Spasticity is the state of increased tone of a muscle and an increase in the deep tendon reflexes. For example, with spasticity of the legs (spastic paraplegia), there is an increase in tone of the leg muscles so they feel tight and rigid and the "knee-jerk" reflex is exaggerated. It does not occur immediately following a spinal cord injury. When an injury occurs to the spinal cord, the body goes into spinal shock that may last several weeks. During this time, changes take place to the nerve cells that control muscle activity. This affliction is most common in patients with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and other auto-immune diseases such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Following a spinal cord injury, the nerve cells below the level of injury become disconnected from the brain at this level. This is due to scar tissue that forms in the structure of the damaged area of the spinal cord thus blocking messages from below this level of injury from reaching the brain.

B. Causes and Symptoms

Once spinal shock wears off, the natural reflex that is present in everyone re-appears. Spasticity is an exaggeration of the normal reflexes that occur when the body is stimulated. In an able-bodied person, a stimulus to the skin is sensed and a sensory signal is sent to the reflex arch where it travels to the brain via the spinal cord. The brain then assesses the stimulant and if the stimulant is thought not to be dangerous, a signal that is inhibitory is sent along the spinal cord canceling the reflex from moving the muscle. In a person with a spinal cord injury (or given someone with MS), this inhibitory signal is blocked by the structural damage in the spinal cord and thus, the natural reflex is allowed to continue resulting in a contraction of the muscle. This is how spasticity is born.

Muscle spasms and/or spasticity occur in a person with a spinal cord injury any time the body is stimulated below the level of injury. This is usually noticeable when a muscle is stretched or there is a painful stimulant at this level. Because of the injury to the spinal cord, these sensations can trigger the reflex resulting in the muscle to contract or spasm.

Almost anything can trigger spasticity. However, there are specific conditions that can make it more of a problem. An infection of the kidneys or bladder will often cause spasticity to increase a great deal. A skin breakdown will also increase spasms. In a person who does not perform regular range-of-motion exercises, the muscles and joints become less flexible and almost any minor stimulation can cause severe spasticity.

C. What To Do About Spasticity and/or Muscle Spasms

Some spasticity may always be present. The best way to manage or reduce excessive spasms is to perform a daily range-of-motion exercise program. Avoiding situations such as bladder infections, skin breakdowns or injuries to the feet and legs will also reduce spasticity. There are three primary medications used to treat spasticity - Baclofen, Valium, and Dantrium. All have some side effects and do not completely eliminate the problem.

Another treatment of severe spasticity is the implantation of a Baclofen pump. The pump delivers a pro-grammable amount of Baclofen directly to the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. The drug then inhibits the reflex signal in the reflex arch of the cord stopping stimulation of the muscle to spasm.

Because the drug is delivered directly to the spinal cord, a very small amount can be used in comparison to a large amount that may have to be taken orally. Once a Baclofen pump is implanted, oral anti-spasmodic drugs are usually stopped.

D. Cautions with Solutions

Surprisingly, there are some benefits to spasticity. It can serve as a warning mechanism to identify pain or problems in areas where there is no sensation. Many people know when a urinary tract infection is present by the increase in muscle spasms. Spasticity also helps to maintain muscle size and bone strength. It does not replace walking but it does help to preventing osteoporosis, to a minor degree. Spasticity helps maintain circulation in the legs and can be used to improve certain functional activities such as performing transfers or walking with braces. For these reasons, treatment is usually started only when spasticity interferes with sleep or limits an individual's functional capacity.

A surgical procedure called "radio-frequency rhizotomy" is sometimes indicated in the treatment of severe spasticity in which spinal nerves are cut in order to relieve pain or high blood pressure. Spasticity targets and destroys the damaged nerves that do not receive "Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid (GABA)", the core of the problem for people with MS, spastic cerebral-palsy and other related maladies. In this case where the nerves which, due to not receiving GABA and are, therefore, generating unusual electrical activity, are cut with the remaining nerves and nerve routes carrying the correct messages, as they were and fully intact.

This is best done in the younger years before bone and joint deformities take place before the pull of spas-ticity. However, it can, as well, still be performed safely and effectively on adults. This is a permanent pro-cedure that addresses the spasticity at its "neuromuscular" root; i.e., in the central nervous system that contains the misfiring nerves that cause the spasticity of those certain muscles in the first place. After this type of procedure, assuming no complications, the person's spasticity is usually completely eliminated, revealing the "real" strength (or lack, thereof) of the muscles underneath.

Because the muscles may have been depending on the spasticity to function, there is almost always extreme weakness after such a "rhizotomy-procedure". The result requires the patient to work very hard to strength-en the now-weak muscles with intensive physical therapy and to learn new habits of movement and daily tasks in a "new" a body without the spasticity. Rhizotomy's result is fundamentally, not like orthopedic surgical procedures where any release in spasticity is essentially rewarding but temporary.

There is a support group forum, designed for families, users and potential users of the Baclofen pump, to control spasticity. They are called the Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy Discussion Board Forum.

The Synchro-Med pump is an implantable, programmable, battery-powered device that stores and delivers medication according to instructions received from the programmer. The primary differences between the pump-models are the size of the reservoir and the presence of a side-catheter access port. They are reached at - The SynchroMed Pump.

The CODMAN 3000 Infusion Pump is a cost-effective therapy for those patients that fail conventional medical treatment. This elegantly simple device features an inexhaustible power supply and does not require frequent replacements associated with battery-powered pumps. Codman is part of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies reached at

What's a Sausage Finger?

Many types of arthritis can cause a sausage digit. The technical term for this is "dactylitis."

This is not the kind of sausage you would have with your eggs and pancakes.

Sausage digits are typically seen in conditions such as psoriatic arthritis (the arthritis that accompanies psoriasis), Reiter's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and occasionally ankylosing spondylitis. Of these, psoriatic arthritis is probably the most common culprit. Dactylitis means inflammation of an entire finger or whole toe.

It is caused by inflammation involving the synovium (lining of the joint) as well as the lining of the tendon sheath. Tendons are tough fibrous bands that connect muscles to bones. Most tendons glide through a lubricated sheath lined with synovium. When the synovium in the joint and the tendon sheath becomes inflamed, the entire finger or toe will swell.

The tendons that are most often affected are the tendons that allow a person to bend or flex their fingers or toes.

If a patient has dactylitis, their prognosis is poorer in that the joints are more likely to sustain damage. The presence of dactylitis indicates a greater chance for disease progression.

Early on, dactylitis may be extremely painful. However, over time, as destructive changes occur, the inflamed tissue is replaced with bony deformity and the dactylitis no longer causes severe pain. However, the swelling persists.

The presence of dactylitis should prompt a diagnostic workup. Diagnosis can be substantiated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Recently, diagnostic ultrasound has also been found to be helpful.

The treatment of dactylitis depends on the number of digits affected. If only a few fingers or toes are involved, ultrasound-guided steroid injection can be helpful for the acute situation.

However, the more important part of treatment is to initiate disease modifying therapy as soon as possible.
Generally, the dactylitis is often accompanied by enthesitis. This is inflammation at tendon insertions such as the Achilles tendon, patellar tendon (the tendon that connects the kneecap to the tibia-lower leg bone, and the iliac crest.

Every disease that causes dactylitis is a systemic disease. This is because the underlying pathology involves an abnormal immune response. So other organ systems can become affected. An example is the eye where uveitis- inflammation of the middle layer of the eye- can occur. Uveitis is a potentially serious complication that can lead to blindness.

Institution of drugs like methotrexate or sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) may be useful.

However, most patients will require the use of biologic therapies.

Arthritis Joint Pain

Today Arthritis has trapped half of the world, which literally means joint inflammation. Arthritis is not a single kind of disease - people from all over the world suffer from several kinds of Arthritis.

Different Arthritis

Worldwide, Arthritis is classified under 8 categories as:

1) Osteo Arthritis:Osteoarthritis is most frequently seen after the age of 45 and is also more common in women. Osteo arthritis mostly affects knees, hips, spine and feet.

2) Rheumatoid Arthritis:RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) typically affects the small joints, such as the hands, wrists, elbows and feet. Occasionally, RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) can cause inflammation in other body organs such as the heart and lungs.

3) Gout: Gout is a painful type of very painful, which can attacks both large and small joints, though it only attacks one joint at a time. This disease begins with pain in the big toe.

4) Fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that can cause severe pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons but not in the joints such as neck, hip, shoulders etc.

5) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus it is a connective tissue disease, which affects through out the body. Lupus generally affects skins and heart.

6) Carpal tunnel syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain in tingling and weakens our fingers and thumbs.

7) Juvenile arthritis: This is a common type of arthritis observes in children which affects our hands, feet, knees or ankles and other internal organs, causing rashes and fever.

8) Back pain: It is very common and a major cause of disability and people having days off work.

Causes and symptoms:

Arthritis may cause severe pain, stiffness and swelling at joints parts. Some of its common symptoms are,

1) Swelling in joints
2) Difficulty in moving joints
3) Joints appear red
4) Stiffness around joints

It generally affects toes, knees and wrists. If left untreated can cause non-curable damage to joints, bones, and skins. Though there are 8 kinds of Arthritis but Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout are the most observed. Approximately more than 350 million people suffer from this disease. The sufferers include men, women, children and adults out of which most are under 65.

Scientists believe that including lifestyle and heredity several other factors are major cause of Arthritis such as,

1) One suffers from Arthritis when his/her family member has same disease (i.e. this disease is transferred through genes)
2) Females are more vulnerable to this disease than men.
3) People having more weight or fat persons are more vulnerable to this kind of disease.
4) And sometimes in our day-to-day life heavy weight lifting leads to joint pain.

Control Arthritis

1) Don't opt for painkillers
2) Keeping your weight balanced is a key to control joint pain
3) Fight Arthritis by regular exercise

Cure Arthritis and joint pain (e.g. Synotrex)

The most popular treatment for Arthritis is Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs such as Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra. Unfortunately these have lots of side effects as they increase risk of stroke and heart attack. So people are seeking safer, natural alternatives such as glucosamine, chondroitin, turmeric, SAMe, MSM and fish oil to treat their painful symptoms.