Saturday, December 14, 2013

Back Pain That Moves Around - How to Treat Traveling Arthritis

Often when you're experiencing pain in the lower center part of the back, in one hour or so it could well move up to the middle of the spine, and then on to the shoulder blades.

This is referred to as "traveling arthritis", and if you've been diagnosed with arthritis of the back and are accustomed to this pattern of pain, then it may also become predictable - in which case you can pre-empt the back pain and educate yourself on ways to treat it.

Traveling arthritis in the back may also begin in the upper legs, then into your backside, and up into the lower, middle and upper back; and not to be confused with "migrating arthritis", where you may experience chronic toothache and then find the same throbbing sensation has moved to your toe.

So, if you haven't as yet had a full diagnosis then you should obviously seek professional help.

It could be any number of ailments from tendonitis to a kidney or viral infection, in which case you are fortunate as the pain will subside at some point.

However, treating back pain whether it's for the short or long-term, is at the beginning often dealt with through the same anti-inflammatory supplements - NSAID's.

These are useful in the first few weeks but should be scaled back if you're in for the long haul as arthritis is incurable right now, and simply throwing pill after pill down your throat in the hope that you are someway treating the disease is foolish.

The back pain will continue to flare up and spread and your quality of life will slowly dissolve.

Treating Traveling Arthritis in the Back

1. FDA Registered Homeopathic Supplements

These contain 3 important active compounds, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

Glucosamine is produced naturally in the body but FDA pharmaceutical supplements use animal sources.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are argued to do two things, relieve the pain and potentially restore joint cartilage by preventing the Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes from breaking down this gooey lubricant, which protects the joints and adds fluidity and mobility to our limbs movements.

With regards to relieving pain and reducing inflammation of the swelling in the back, there seems no dispute among the medical fraternity in the West that these two ingredients deliver on this front.

Re-building the cartilage however - the jury is still out. Only short-term studies on their effectiveness at relieving pain have been carried out on these supplements.

There is only one long-term study which is currently being carried out by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as to whether these supplements help rebuild cartilage.

Findings are due 2013.

MSM is the third ingredient that is well known now to successfully treat osteoarthritis, chronic joint pain, inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis

2. Hot Oil Bath and Oil Massage

For back pain in general, hot oil paths and massage should provide some respite from this discomfort.

Add a combination of 10 eucalyptus drops and 10 drops of peppermint, and soak for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

When it comes to an oil massage, be sure to tell the masseuse of your condition. Some very gentle massaging will help alleviate the stress and tension in the spine.

3. Exercise

Always consult you chiropractor before undergoing any form of quite strenuous exercise when it comes to an injured spine.

For relieving back pain with exercise both yoga, swimming and some light weight training work wonders at restoring posture and relieving joint inflammation.

How To Recognize The Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be painful and debilitating. If you are experiencing any symptoms similar to the one listed below, it is essential to see a doctor right away for an accurate diagnosis. This is critical because rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that can progress quite rapidly and lead to joint deformity and even organ damage in some individuals.

What are the early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis? In most cases it can start with a feeling of stiffness, especially in the morning which can wear off as the day goes on. The stiff feeling usually starts in the small joints of the hands and feet and can include the wrist and shoulders as well.

Both sides of the body are usually affected symmetrically, which means both left and right hand and feet. The moment this type of stiffness is noticed is the time to get a diagnosis. It may be nothing to worry about, but if it turns out to be rheumatoid arthritis, an early diagnosis is one of the best things that can happen. If your doctor seems dismissive, go and find another, or ask to be referred to a rheumatologist. It's very important to start rheumatoid arthritis treatment as soon as possible.

After the initial feelings of stiffness, the joints may become painful and inflamed. You may feel very tired for no apparent reason or have a slight fever and flu like symptoms, you may even lose your appetite. At this stage a lot of people will shrug this off as the flu and the aches and pains that normally accompany the flu. This is what makes this disease so destructive, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be similar to the symptoms of other diseases.

Over time the pain and inflammation will worsen. The affected joints may feel "hot" and the surrounding skin may appear red. Eventually the symptoms will spread to other parts of the body such as the hips, knees and possible the jaw. There may be weakness in the muscles and joints and swelling in the lymph glands. You may even notice the appearance of small bumps under the skin near the affected joints. These are known as rheumatoid nodules.

Eventually, if the disease remain untreated, deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joints will occur and the joints will become deformed and this will further limit movement. There are various surgical procedures that can be performed these days which can give sufferers a better quality lifestyle.

Unfortunately the joints are not the only body parts that can be affected. Rheumatoid arthritis can also spread to connective tissue and blood vessels all through the body and cause inflammation in certain organs, such as the heart and lungs, increasing your risk of respiratory and infectious diseases. This is another reason why accurate diagnosis is so important.

To make diagnosis more frustrating is the fact that the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be confused with those of osteoarthritis, which is a more mechanical form of arthritis. However osteoarthritis does not typically affect both sides of the body symmetrically and there is no accompanying inflammation or fever. However in mild cases it is sometimes hard to tell the difference when joint pain is the only symptom.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can also come and go. Frustratingly they can disappear when you are at the doctor's surgery, only to reappear when you arrive home! More often there will be flare ups which can last for indefinite periods of time, followed by a period of remission. Sometimes the disease will disappear, never to return and in some cases it will be present all the time.

The main thing is to always monitor your body for unusual or new symptoms. If you notice any stiffness combined with flu-like signs or persistent tiredness, have them checked without delay as they could very well be symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and the progress of this disease is very rapid.

What Are The Types Of Arthritis?

Arthritis owes its origin to the Greek words - "arthron" and "itis". It is a compound word for several other arthritic conditions. There are presently lots of these conditions or factors relating to causes of arthritis.

There are different types of arthritis with its own peculiar symptoms and treatment. Presently there are over lots of types of arthritis. Let me just highlight the common ones for you.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: This type of arthritis is not restricted to any particular age. It can happen to you at any age. The causes are yet to be discovered. Among the different types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is the most devastating as it can cause severe deformities of the joints coupled with general weakness of the entire body. Rheumatoid arthritic patients usually suffer from problems such as hammer toes, claw toes and several others that can truncate the normal lifestyle of an individual.

Osteoarthritis: This is the most common of the types of arthritis. It has been discovered to be the cause of severe strain and the wearing away of the cartilage in the joints of the foot. Consequently, movement of the patient is hampered and very painful. The pain could worsen when walking or standing.

Gout: This type of arthritis is associated with foot complications. It affects the big toe most of the time. The big toe is mostly affected because of the stress and pressure it experiences while walking or when doing other weight bearing activities. This is why there is so much pain in the big toe. Gout arthritis is mostly common among the men than the women.

Juvenile arthritis: Unfortunately, children are not left out of this deadly disease known as arthritis. Juvenile arthritis affects mostly children before the age of sixteen, which is why it is called Juvenile arthritis. This disease could occur as early as six weeks of age. It is very common among the girls than the boys.

Arthritis and the Prevention of Arthritis

Your bones are exposed in a lot of joints. Knee joints. Hip joints. The joints in your fingers and the joints in your toes.

Wherever bones join, there is also cartilage, a rubbery, shielding layer that ensures your joints bend smoothly and painlessly. Even cartilage cannot fix this tremendous responsibility alone. A delicate covering called the synovium provides fluid to grease the moving parts of the joint. Once the cartilage wears away the synovium becomes inflamed, the end result is normally a case of osteoarthritis or else rheumatoid arthritis.

During osteoarthritis, the cartilage can remain eroded so much that bone rubs on bone creating a friction effect. As a result arthritis develops slowly but surely over a lifetime being a simple end result of the wear and tear placed on your joints over the years. Hardly any individual gets away from a certain degree of osteoarthritis, though the severity varies a significant deal.

Such as a matter of fact, if you are above the age of fifty, you are most likely to experience at least one location affected by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis affects men and women the same and is by far the main normal type of arthritis, with almost 16 million people in the world.

In the field of rheumatoid arthritis, destruction to the synovium is the source of trouble. Physicians and researchers aren't definitely certain what causes it, but the majority think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system in fact attacks particular tissues in the body, together with those that join the joints and the synovium.

Rheumatoid arthritis begins with inflamed, red, stiff, and tender joints, but it might progress until scar tissue forms inside the joint or, in extreme cases, until the bones in fact fuse as one. Almost 75% of the two million individuals with rheumatoid arthritis residing in the United States are women. The disease can strike as young as the teenage years.

Exercising And Prevention To Help Control The Disease Before It Develops.

Investing a small amount of time in increasing a helpful weight-bearing low-impact exercise and stretching activity can add up to splendid results when it comes to starving off arthritis grief. Strong muscles help guard the joints from wear and tear, and the movement keeps joints flexible.

That's why the quest for fitness is at hand, even if you are fifty years and above. However, Americans over fifty are still exactly where they always were sitting back and watching others run or jog by. The majority of them contend that exercising is merely for individuals who have been in good shape all their life, or else a few say doing exercises is for young people and engaging in exercising will do them more damage than good.

Presently there are still several that insist on excusing them selves in working out routines since they don't just have time or they have not as much energy than they use to in the past. These are all lame excuses. Therefore, it is time to start to get rid of those pains and aches. Start an exercising routine now. But, before starting the routine make sure to consult your doctor.

Consequently, preventing or delaying arthritis isn't an exact science, but physicians have uncovered a few ways to decrease your risk. Here is how:

1. Don't weight around start exercising now it will payoff in the long run.

The single largest significant measure someone can take to prevent osteoarthritis of the knee is to lose body weight if they are heavy. Added weight puts additional stress on your knees. If you are 10 pounds overweight, for example, you put sixty pounds per square inch of additional pressure on your knees every time you take a step. That additional pressure can gradually but surely eat away at the cartilage in your knees, leading to arthritis.

A study has unmistakably supported the theory that weight loss weighs in on the boundary of prevention. Taking part in the study, obese women who lost 11 pounds or more over a ten year time decreased their chances of developing osteoarthritis of the knee by 50%.

2. Stretch those muscles by slowly exercising the joints.

Several kinds of stretching is fine as long as you don't bounce, or over do it, which can lead to a muscle sprain or pull. This is according to a few of the professors of clinical medicine in New York City.

Try to sustain a slow, steady stretch for 15 to 20 seconds, after that relax and repeat. It is best to loosen up all the muscles in the body by stretching before any exercise, especially running or walking. But, it is an additionally good idea to stretch each day. Ask your doctor to teach you stretches and exercises that focus on possible arthritis trouble spots, such as the knees, lower back. Hips, and legs and remember the weight loss prevention measures.

3. Stretching, Walking, or a slow jog for about 30 minutes is always the best exercises for arthritis prevention.

Take a good long walk at least three times a week for 30 minutes or take part in a step-aerobics or low-impact exercising routine for maximum results. There is no proof that running is bad for the joints just make sure you buy a good quality running shoe, but remember, it may irritate an injury if you already have one. Definitely remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program of any kind including a stretching or low-impact exercise.

The bottom line is that of all the healthful practices you could do, exercise is the largely important one to keep all sorts of diseases down. This is because people are designed to be very active everyday. Therefore, it is really important for people to keep fit in order to stay healthy and keep those joints free from wear and tear.

Just keep in mind that an un-exercised body, even if it is free from the symptoms of illness and problems like arthritis, is not at its complete potential. Therefore, start exercising right now to fight off, lesson or prevent arthritis!

Important Factors In The Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

There is no pain greater than having to limp around due to unexplainable throbbing sensations in your joints. Sometimes it is even accompanied by fever and chills that can last for hours. When feeling down and sick to the core, the idea of reaching out for a readily available treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is certainly at the forefront of your mind. Unfortunately, this particular autoimmune disorder has no known cure yet, only some basic remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms and slow down the progression of possible damage to the joints.

Before delving into remedies, it is important to understand one of the most dreaded diseases on American soil. Rheumatoid arthritis, or normally called RA, usually manifests as painful swelling and stiffness in the ball joints of both arms and feet, and at certain times, the eyes and lungs. This painful sensation usually disallows free movement.

What makes RA easier to diagnose is its symptoms manifestation, which usually starts in the morning and is quite unlike other arthritic conditions. Stiffness, soreness and potentially crippling sensations can last for at least two hours to almost a full day. Loss of energy and appetite accompanied by slight fever are also prevalent. In the worst cases, it can also create a dry mouth and eyes and at other times, nodules can be easily felt when touching the skin underneath one's elbows and hands.

These days, however, rheumatologists have a wide range of ways to alleviate symptoms via effective treatments intended to lessen the amount of inflammation, stiffness and pain. Patients who have undergone such therapeutic protocols usually enjoy significant remission effects which can make them functional again. But adequate attention must be given as the efficiency of treatments can still vary from patient to patient.

The most common and immediate form of prescription given by expert rheumatologists are DMARDs (or "disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs") and NSAIDs (or "non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs") which sometimes are accompanied with a low dosage of corticosteroid. These drugs are not meant to cure but rather to control the painful symptoms like swelling, stiffness and fever.

When patients want longer lasting remedies, homeopathic constitutional treatments must be done to guarantee longer lasting efficiency. This means curing both past and present RA symptoms using holistic remedies. Such treatments usually involve rhus toxicodendron, kalmia latiflora, kali carbonicum or bichromicum, and other holistics that provide naturalistic essences.

Whether treatment consists of synthetic, homeopathic or perhaps both, the use of occupational and physical therapies is also vital in addressing such a crippling disease. Affecting a larger majority of women than men, relaxation techniques and meditation are also great ways to alleviate the triggers. Regular consultation must also be sort to guarantee proper monitoring of the diseases progression.

Indeed, there can be nothing more upsetting than finding out you have RA. Fortunately, medical science has continually been conducting research to find appropriate treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. For you to enjoy the utmost effectiveness of any treatment, early detection through immediate consultation at the first sign of arthritic pain will most definitely yield positive results.

Being Overweight Increases Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is well know that being overweight or obese increases your risk of several health conditions, from heart disease and diabetes to chronic back pain. A new study demonstrates that a BMI over 25 puts you at an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflammation that destroys the lining of joints and, eventually, causing bone erosion. It is believed to be an autoimmune disease in which the body misidentifies a threat and creates unnecessary, harmful inflammation around joints. It can affect joints in the hands, feet, wrists, knees, ankles, spine, elbows, hips and shoulders. Joints tend to be swollen and stiff, particularly in the morning. Joints may feel warm due to inflammation. You may experience a fever as well, since this is a form of whole-body inflammation that occurs when the body detects a threat.

This condition affects far more women than men. As rheumatoid arthritis progresses, joints may be deformed by erosion and may move out of alignment. Inflammation targets synovial lining in the joint, which thickens and causes ligaments supporting the joint to become overstretched and weak. Cartilage and bone around the joint deteriorates. The loss of structural integrity can lead to misalignment and increased pain upon movement.

Two long-term studies, one spanning from 1976-2008 and the other from 1989-2009, tracked over 100,000 adult women each to determine whether being overweight or obese factored into lifetime risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Risk was determined by "hazard ratio;" participants with a healthy weight were considered to have a hazard ratio of 1.00, and this served as a reference to base the risks of those with excess weight on. The longer study found that overweight individuals had a hazard ratio of 1.19 (19% higher), and obese people had a ratio of 1.18 (18% higher). The shorter study found overweight participants to have a ratio of 1.78 (78% higher) and obese participants to have a ratio of 1.73 (73% higher). A summary of the studies can be viewed at

Though the numbers differed, both studies lent supporting evidence to the theory that excess weight increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Learning the risk factors for this condition is important, considering there is no cure for it. Treatment surrounds management of pain and stiffness as well as attempts to slow the disease's progression.

Losing weight healthily can be done in a number of ways. Healthy eating and physical activity generally combine to help you lose fat and gain lean muscle. Talk with a dietician or your doctor about different weight loss programs, or begin a program like Weight Watchers on your own. Weight Watchers has both free and low-fee program options.

Add rheumatoid arthritis to the extensive list of health conditions associated with excess weight. Help yourself avoid chronic pain conditions by maintaining a healthy weight.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Knee Arthritis - 5 Best Alternative Treatments to Dangerous NSAID's

Knee arthritis can occur at quite a young age, especially in those that have taken care of their bodies and are still in great shape whatever age.

So it comes as a shock when you go to visit your doctor and he tells you that you have osteoarthritis and it's going to be an ongoing part of your life, and then prescribes you NSAID's, which is essentially like burying your head in the sand.

Doctors say arthritis has no cure and that NSAID's are the best form of pain relief - in the West that is - but what you are doing when you take one of these anti-inflammatory cocktails is letting the disease run away and spread throughout your knee and body, while all the time you are just swallowing another pill every time arthritis flares up somewhere.

Some medical practitioners in the West however are finally accepting that this pattern of thinking really has to change, especially now there are new supplements and treatments which haven't just yet provided a cure, but are getting very close and are much more successful at helping to get this disease to go into some state of remission.

So when it comes to seeing your doctor and you ask what alternatives there are to taking something like Celebrex which is now banned in the U.S for the dangerous side effects patients experienced after long-term use - your doctor should hopefully state the following.

5 Best Alternative Treatments to NSAID's

1. Try Glucosamine:

Glucosamine is now found in a few popular FDA registered homeopathic supplements for joint pain and these can be taken with any medication - even NSAID's if you're trying to wean your way off them.

These will reduce the inflammation, restrict pain signals sent from the joint to receptors in the brain and they also contain elements like magnesium which can help rebuild bone density by some 12%.

2. Physio work:

This will help improve your mobility, increase flexibility and strengthen the muscles around the knee..

Physio work can include your own exercise routines such as swimming plenty of laps, as swimming as many people know will help strengthen muscles throughout the body and also reduce the pain naturally the fitter you are.

3. Get plenty of sun:

Doctors will obviously not stress that the sun can help with coping with arthritis in the knee, but many people with this condition swear by that fact that being out and active in the sun certainly has a positive impact on how you deal with this disease in your body.

4. Fish oil and vitamins:

Omega 3, 6, and 9 proteins are also widely known now in the west to help lubricate the cartilage and if you've ever gone on a long walk, 15km plus and you feel your legs seizing up a bit, you know when you take one of those supplements that after a few minutes you start to feel a very subtle warm feeling around the joints, and mobility in the legs becoming less strenuous.

Perfectly natural and also great for longevity, more so when consumed in its natural form like salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Vitamin C and D are also recommended, especially vitamin D in 800mg capsules - both are great at lubricating the joints.

5. Stay positive and keep focused:

If it's knee arthritis that's getting you down, say to hell with it and go abroad if you can afford it, somewhere hot ideally.

If not, do some work in your community, help people out, voluntary work helps you to keep your mind off it, especially if it's abroad where you meet new people and grow as an individual.

Communicate with people on forums or in the community who have the same problem, although make sure they are positive spirits and are not constantly wallowing away.

Live a life worth living!

Easing the Pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Are you familiar with rheumatoid arthritis? Well this form of arthritis causes the lining of our joints to become inflamed. When this form of arthritis progresses, it damages our tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone in our joints. It can also damage other areas of our bodies such as our lungs and blood vessels. Which can lead to many rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. This form of arthritis is actually 2 to 3 times more common in women then it is in men and it can roughly begin between the ages of 40 to 60, however that is not always the case. This disease has been known to run in families and at this point we are unsure to what exactly causes it, what we do know however is that our bodies own natural defense system attacks the joints.

I mentioned earlier about rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, well truth is there are many different symptoms that you may acquire. These symptoms can become: Joint swelling, joint pain, joints that become tender to the touch, your hands may also become red and puffy, you may notice firm bumps of tissue that appear under the skin of your arms. These are actually called rheumatoid nodules. Other symptoms may also be fatigue, morning stiffness that can last even up to a half an hour as well as weight loss and fever.

In the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis it will begin to affect your smaller joints. By smaller I mean your wrists, hands, ankles and feet. Now I mentioned before that this form of arthritis also begins to progress. As this disease begins to progress it will then begin to affect other joints such as your shoulders, knees, elbows, hips, jaw and even your neck. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can vary in their severity and also come and go. At this point doctor's are unsure of the actual reason for acquiring this disease but it is believed that it does run in families.

If you suffer from any form of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms you will want to consult your doctor. He or she can then discuss with you the best options that are available. There are different types of treatments that you can use, however there is no known cure for this disease. There are however different types of medication's that can help you with the pain and discomfort from rheumatoid arthritis or even help with the swelling of your joints.

A Real Drug Free Cure For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is considered one of the most debilitating of diseases, and is clearly the most common type of musculoskeletal disorders.

Our population has become riddled with this terrible affliction, with millions of new cases reported annually. The overall cost to society is estimated to be in the region of $100 billion.

While Osteoarthritis is not thought to be gender related, it is apparent that the disease is far more common in women, than in men.

Although age is an obvious factor in many cases of osteoarthritis, it's also very clear that there are other areas of concern, such as sports injuries, or perhaps a previous auto accident, Any previous injury, broken bone etc. can become a contributing factor in later life to one's osteoarthritis condition.

Obesity is a worrying problem in our modern world and has a significant effect on those suffering with OA. Osteoarthritis is most commonly found in the hands, knees, hips and back, and can be especially problematic in the load bearing joints.

Osteoarthritis tends to be less prevalent in the shoulder joint, but not unheard of. OA pain in the shoulder region, or glenohumeral, will when in most cases be attributed to a previous injury.

Discovering the actual cause of one's OA can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, some factors are known however and should be considered, such as what strain certain types of occupation may be having on the condition.

Being overweight is a modern day epidemic, one which can have serious consequences for all of us especially arthritics suffering with osteoarthritis. Losing those excess pounds will lessen the strain on the load bearing joints, which in turn can only help one's OA.

Osteoarthritis is unfortunately an on going condition (chronic)

Osteoarthritis isn't typically thought of as an inflammatory disease, but researchers have found that people with osteoarthritis have higher levels of inflammatory cells in their joints, tests concluded this as fact after measuring levels in OA patients against people without the disease.

OA as we know is a very common and unfortunately an on going condition, which does tend to kick in as our body's get older, however more recently reported cases of OA indicate the conditions apparent rise amongst a younger population, which is set to become a significant health issue in the near future. So, while it is still true to say that OA is more prevalent with age, it is not true to describe osteoarthritis as an inevitable part of growing older.

The Demise of the Joint

The breaking up of the cartilage can cause Inflammation of the surrounding joint capsule, though often mild, compared to that which occurs in rheumatoid arthritis.

The swelling is brought on by tiny pieces of the damaged bone finding its way in to the synovial space (the protective area between the joint). Many severe cases of swelling attributed to OA may even restrict joint mobility.

The Dread of Night for those with Osteoarthritis.

The pain, the swelling, and the stiffness is normally at it's worst last thing at night, Resulting in lack of sleep and re-charge for the body's natural defence. Constant restless and sleepless nights will eventually take their toll on anyone, especially those suffering with such an aggressive disease.

Joint Replacement.

In many cases of OA especially in older patients, the outcome of OA is more often than not surgery, such as joint replacement, this is not always the case for younger sufferers however. A younger person with OA will normally only require surgery in a very advanced or aggressive case.

Hip and knee surgery is the most common type of joint replacement carried out today (load bearing joints), most operations are successful, however in the long term the replaced joint will only have around an 85% chance of still being intact, after around 15 years, so joint replacement must always be the last resort.

Osteoarthritis Relief Through Exercise

Low impact exercising is not thought to be damaging to those suffering with OA, In most cases simple exercising is encouraged as a way of re-gaining some mobility in an effected joint, an ongoing exercise program can also help to strengthen the area around the joint, which aids support. Exercising on a regular basis is known to be beneficial for numerous reasons, apart from OA.

Before anyone suffering with OA begins any type exercise program it would be wise to speak to their doctor, your doctor knows your condition well, so should be able to point you in the right and safe direction as far as exercising goes.

Not All Arthritis Supplements are Regulated by the FDA

Don't be tempted in to taking supplements that promise the earth, yes they just might work for you, however unless they are governed by the FDA (Food and Drug administration) who knows what your taking, you may end up with a container full of capsules containing nothing more than, ground rock and chalk. Only use FDA approved products.

Treat Arthritis The Natural Way

In many cases arthritis drugs carry so many side effects, and occasionally make the condition worse, not better. Many old and indeed new alternative treatments exist which have been shown to relieve arthritis, I believe they work by tackling the underlying elements of the condition (even in OA)

Flush the Toxins from Your Body - And Start Recovering!

Drink as much filtered water on a daily basis as you can, you should aim to consume around 2 litres a day where possible. Drinking excessive amounts of water helps remove the harmful toxins trapped in the body, and can ultimately help relieve symptoms of arthritis.

Avoid using water straight from the tap as it will probably contain heavy metal deposits, which are also damaging to the bones.

People suffering with osteoarthritis may like to experiment with their diet, foods which are known to be good for OA and indeed most types of arthritis are,

fresh fruit due to the fantastic natural antioxidant properties they contain (not the citrus variety),

Oily fish is especially good for those suffering with arthritis due to it's high content of fatty acids and vitamin E.

Treating your own OA, or any arthritic condition, naturally and without drugs may seem a bit of a daunting task, but from experience I can tell you that it can be done with only a little effort on your part.

Alternative treatments or just simple little life changes can and do make a difference, natural methods may at first seem slower, this is because they attend to the underlying cause, instead of drug therapies which offer only symptomatic relief. You really can relieve your own condition if your willing to try. There are many free sites on the web dedicated to natural treatments, why not take a look.

by Mark John

When Treating Arthritis, There are Definite Foods to Avoid, and Specific Arthritis Foods to Eat

Foods to Avoid

You need to make sure that the calcium to phosphorus ratio in any of the foods you eat is as low as possible - this is because excess phosphorus will increase the loss of calcium from the body and worsen the condition. The more phosphorous-containing foods you eat, the more you need to supplement with a good source of calcium.

Reduce your intake of:

o red meat, red-fleshed fish

o most grains, especially wheat.


o soft drinks - high in phosphoric acid

o organ meat (liver, kidney), processed meat - especially high in phosphorus

o caffeine - increases the rate of loss of minerals and nutrients

o fried foods and vegetable oil - a high intake of fried foods and omega 6 from vegetable oil can make the inflammation worse

o sugar - results in poor absorption of nutrients

o antacids - neutralize stomach acid and result in poor absorption of calcium (heartburn and indigestion are caused by poor eating habits and NOT ENOUGH stomach acid!)

Important Note: Eliminate the bad fats such as margarine, cooking with too much vegetable oil and fried foods from your diet. A high intake of vegetable oil (a source of Omega 6) needs to be avoided as this will aggravate any inflammation.

Arthritis Foods

The best arthritis foods are diets high in calcium and magnesium and other trace minerals - this will ensure healthy bone and bone matrix structure. Specific nutrients are also required to build bone and bone structure.
Calcium: Non fat milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, snow peas, soybeans, tofu, sardines, salmon, walnuts and almonds, sunflower seeds, kale and other green leafy vegetables, broccoli, alfalfa seeds - to name a few. Milk isn't a great source of calcium because it has a low magnesium content and you need magnesium to get the calcium into your bones.

Magnesium: Many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, bananas and apricots - all these make great arthritis foods.
Vitamin D: is required to get the calcium into the bones. The best source is the sun - about 10 minutes per day is fine. Other sources include dairy products and fatty fish.

Trace minerals: Boron and Manganese are important to help the body absorb Calcium; the best sources of Boron are green leafy vegetables, apples, almonds pears and legumes. For Manganese, look for ginger and oats as your arthritis foods.

Collagen & Support Tissues: Collagen is part of our bone matrix, the cartilage in our joints and in the fluid that protects and lubricates our joints. It's also part of our skin, hair and the connective tissues of the body.

Arthritis foods containing the following nutrients will provide nutrition for bone support: zinc, copper, selenium and beta-carotene (Vitamin A). Green leafy vegetables and pumpkin seeds are good sources of zinc; selenium may be found in brazil nuts from Brazil (because of the high selenium content in the soil); while Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, red and green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. Eggs and meat are good sources of amino acids which form part of the collagen structure.
Essential Fatty Acids - are excellent arthritis foods and are required for the body's natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory responses. They are also part of the protective joint fluid. Best sources are from fish (particularly oily fish such as salmon and mackerel), animal fat and some oils such as flaxseed (for omega 3)and borage oil (for omega 6).

Regarding essential fatty acids, ideally you should consume Omega 6 EFA & Omega 3 EFA at a ratio of 2:1. Most people find it very difficult to get this right (the average ratio in the U.S. and UK is around 10:1) so we suggest you use an EFA Supplement from a quality source.

Final Note on Arthritis Foods

While it is possible to meet some of your dietary requirements from the food you eat, if you are serious about preventing or reversing arthritis, you need to consume these arthritis foods in combination with nutrient supplements.

Also consider that the majority of the food we eat is grown in minerally-depleted soils - so an almond may not contain all the calcium and magnesium it's supposed to have, sad but true!

If you have a busy lifestyle, eat junk food and/or can't get enough fresh food in your daily life, then you should consider supplementing with all 90 essential nutrients including plant derived colloidal minerals and supplements containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

Calcium and magnesium are normally very difficult to absorb from our arthritis foods diet and from supplements, however, calcium liquid supplements containing Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D and Glucosamine are a good way to supplement your diet.

Supplements that specifically assist with maintenance and repair of the joint such as Glucosamine, are also beneficial. If you suffer pain and inflammation, then CM Cream has been scientifically and medically proven to relieve pain and improve mobility.

The use of a digestive enzyme supplement - will improve the absorption of the good arthritis foods you eat and will maximize the benefit you receive from taking supplements. As we all reach the age of 40, our stomach acid concentration begins to fall and this can lead to complications of existing chronic disease conditions, such arthritis.


1. Avoid foods high in phosphorus - particularly SOFT DRINKS, processed foods, processed meat and organ meat. No fried foods, cooking oil or margarine - use butter small amounts of extra virgin olive oil.

2. Eliminate caffeine and sugar from your diet and stop taking antacids.

3. Consume food with a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables and eggs. Reduce your intake of red meat and fish.

4. Consider the use of supplements to support and reverse your arthritis, and digestive enzymes to maximise the absorption of the food and of the supplements.

Tips for Treating Osteo Arthritis

Osteo Arthritis effects are seen not only in the joints but in other organ systems as well including the eye, skin, heart, lungs, and peripheral nerves. Since it can also affect the organs in acute stages, the patients can become anemic (low in red blood cells), develop dry mouth and eyes, and have inflamed spleen and lining in the lungs. Although there may be numerous causes for it, the symptoms are the same.

There is however a ray of hope for people suffering from this epidemic. Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic destructive joint disorder that comes and goes as it pleases.

Many people today suffer from joint pain and in fact other subtle signs may be caused by this. The onset of it usually start slowly. If you've heard about it, you would most likely have associated it with older patients, and with a lot of body pain. It is a disease that attacks the joints in the body, causing inflammation and pain.

It is also an autoimmune disease, which means that the body's immune system is not working as it should and lets the disease attack the healthy joints and the tissues around it, allowing for the initiation of joint damage and inflammation. It then moves on to affect other bodily organs such as the skin, heart, and lungs. This chronic, inflammatory disorder allows the body system to attacks joints, which is both painful and destructive and may create loss of mobility.

It can be known to occur due to a disorder of the immune system and usually continues throughout life with periods of remission (characterized by total absence of disease symptoms) and exacerbation (with increasing severity of disease).

Sometime it can be occurring when the body`s own natural fighting system mistakenly attacks the synovium and then produces an immunogenic response to some constituent of its own tissue, in this case, the joints.

Osteo arthritis is a systemic disease, meaning it affects not just the joints but many other parts of the body as well.

Arthritis Treatment - Six Arthritis Diets That Work

Arthritis treatment using diet is one of the most popular and successful types of arthritis treatment.

Here I describe 6 types of arthritis diets that are effective as arthritis treatment strategies.

1. The underlying causes of arthritis for many people is food sensitivities. If you are one of these people, finding out your exact food sensitivities and eliminating these problem foods from your diet can work miracles. The ALCAT blood test is one way to discover if you have any food sensitivities and if so, exactly what they are. Selectively eliminating any suspected problem foods from your diet for a week and then systematically reintroducing them, with at least 24 hours between each reintroduction, is another.

2. Specific foods have anti-inflammatory properties. Including the spices tumeric, ginger, and cumin in your diet, for instance, calm inflammation without the negative side effects of many prescription arthritis drugs.

3. Poor digestion is another underlying cause of arthritis. Healing the digestive tract can often heal arthritis. The types of bacteria that flourish in a health digestive system are called probiotics. Taking probiotic pills or eating foods rich in probiotics (such as miso, homemade sauerkraut, live culture yogurt and kefir, and kim chi) are one way to bring the digestive tract into a state of greater health. This is especially true if you have ever taken antibiotics, even years ago.

4. Cabbage and cabbage juice contain a type of protein called mucins that coat the stomach and allow it to heal. Gelatin also has stomach healing properties, for the same reason.

5. A good broth made wine or vinegar in the broth to extract the gelatin and other joint building components of cartilage (such as chondroitin and glucosamine) from soup bones, is one cheap and very healing arthritis treatment. Sliced pork trotters, beef feet, rib bones, chicken carcasses and feet, and whole fish are all good starting materials for making arthritis treatment broths. Simmer the bones slowly for 4-24 hours to extract the maximum amount of arthritis healing nutrients. These broths are much cheaper and tastier than buying the same thing in pill form.

6. Arthritis is a disease of acidity. The body become acidic when we eat too much protein and carbohydrate, especially refined carbohydrates like sugar and white flour. Eating 80% of the diet as vegetables is a healthy way to bring the body back into the correct pH range. Once it comes back into the correct range, arthritis will often disappear.

If you are highly acidic, it may take several months or even a year or longer on an alkalizing diet (one high in vegetables, low in protein and carbohydrates) to reestablish a stable, healthy pH balance.

Substitute alfalfa and other teas which are alkalizing, for coffee and soft drinks which contribute to acidity.

It takes a while to neutralize all the excess acidity stored in the body. This is why some people have arthritis treatment success by going on a largely vegetarian diet for a year or more and resuming a vegetarian diet for a while whenever they feel like the arthritis might be starting to come back.

You can test your pH by swallowing several times first thing in the morning before you have eaten anything or had anything to drink. Then spit onto a piece of litmus paper. Ideally the pH of your saliva should be around 7 to 7.2. You can purchase litmus paper for testing the pH of saliva and/or urine in most health food stores.


Even if you are going the conventional arthritis treatment route, incorporating these arthritis treatment diet strategies can make a big difference in how well you feel.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Skin Diseases and Homeopathic Application!

Skin is known as mirror of mind and that is the reasons why many people attribute skin maladies to imbalance on mental and/or psychological plane. There is lot of awareness about treatment of skin maladies these days. Many people believe that for permanent cure of skin problems, homeopathy can offer wide hope without suppressing the skin diseases. There are certain principles while treating skin diseases in homeopathy. Let's see-

(1) Skin diseases are ought to be due to internal disturbances and therefore should be treated from inside out.
(2) As per homeopathic principles, the external applications should not be prescribed to these patients as far as possible, as this will mask the presenting symptoms and never will therefore lead to permanent cure.
(3) The causative factors of skin disease are of utmost importance. They might be related to mental and/or psychological imbalances pertaining to some grief, loss or mental agony.
(4) Only constitutional remedy that is chosen with the help of evaluating the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the patient will be able to impart lasting relief for the patient.

Let's see here top 4 skin conditions find permanent cure in homeopathy-

  • Eczema: Characteristic signs and symptoms of the eczema must be considered and also the aggravating and ameliorating factors. Many times a causative factor is found in suppressed skin eruptions in childhood. So, history taking is obviously the crucial tool.

  • Acne vulgaris: This is by far the commonest skin conditions we come across in day to day practice. Almost all patients come to us after trying one or two local applications containing various harmful chemicals those further dry their skin. Well, it is true that excess of oil production by the sebaceous glands is to be blamed for acne but one cannot ignore the inherent traits and miasmatic blocks those lead to recurrent acne breakouts. Long lasting improvement can be elicited by homeopathic acne treatment and also acne scar treatment when totality of symptoms is taken into account.

  • Psoriasis: This can be called as one of the major domains of homeopathy and we daily encounter lots of patients with significant improvement with their psoriatic patches. Our stressful lives and instant lifestyles have added to increasing incidence of psoriasis, though the exact cause is not known. But there are patients who may trace it back to some instance in life like "death of husband" since when it started or "I had a severe bout of asthma when I was given high doses of steroids after which these patches started developing" etc. Also aggravating factors like winter aggravation or aggravation after eating sour food may be observed, depending upon which a homeopath formulates his prescription for complete cure. Even for psoriatic arthritis and nail changes, homeopathic remedies work marvelously to harmonize the deranged vital force.

  • Sunburns: whether it is severe sun burn or moderate type of darkening of skin due to sun exposure, homeopathic remedies will help you restore your skin complexion. No wonder homeopathy is one of the valuable tools in today's cosmetic industry as well. Various remedies like Thuja, Causticm, cantharis, etc help a great deal in maintaining healthy glow to your skin. After the initial treatment with internal medicines, some extraordinarily beneficial ointments like Witch Hazel cream can be used for further adding to the glow.

There are many other conditions like allergic dermatitis, urticarial rash, nappy rashes, lichen planus, and vitiligo those find permanent cure in homeopathy. We will see some of them in next few articles.

Gout Arthritis Symptoms - Oh My Aching Big Toe!

Gout is one of the worst forms of arthritis and is a progressive condition with no cure. This does not mean no hope though, there are many different treatment plans that can be developed to help gout patients live a long, happy life.

How do you know if you have gout or if you are merely experiencing some achy joints? Gouty arthritis symptoms are fairly severe and come on extremely fast. They include extreme pain, decreased mobility in the joint, redness, swelling and warmth in the affected area. Gout often is first noticed or begins in the big toe, then when left untreated can spread to other small joints like ankles, knees, fingers, wrists and elbows.

Gout is caused by excessive levels of uric acid which crystallizes in the body and settles into the connective tissue in smaller joints. While, uric acid is produced in the body, most excessive levels come from a diet high in purines. Purines are found in foods high in protein and should be avoided by those who suffer from gouty arthritis symptoms. Some of the foods highest in purines are red meats, some forms of seafood, yeast, bacon and some poultry. Medication can also be used to control the level of uric acid produced in the body, therefore lessening the symptoms and episodes.

When considering your gouty arthritis symptoms, it's important to work with your doctor and a trained gout diet nutritionist to put together the best, more cohesive treatment plan and be able to live with minimal gout episodes and symptoms. When left untreated gout can spread to other small joints and can cause permanent damage to joints and the kidneys. Always talk with your doctor even the first time you think you are having a gout episode or are experiencing severe pain in your big toe or other small joints. Keep track of when the episode came on, the symptoms involved with that particular episode and how long the episode lasted. This is all important information to share with your doctor so he/she can accurate diagnose your gouty arthritis symptoms and help bring you relief.

Useful Ways to Treat Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis is a form of Arthritis that affects those who are generally suffering from the skin condition, Psoriasis. Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis include pitting of both the toenails and fingernails, silver or gray spots on the knees, elbows, scalp, and the base of the spine, pain, swelling, and inflammation of the joints, and fingers and toes that have become so swollen, that they resemble sausages. At least ten percent of those who suffer from the skin condition, Psoriasis, will also develop Arthritis. For the majority of cases, the skin condition appears before the inflammation of the joints, and for some people, the Arthritis will appear before the Psoriasis.

Psoriatic Arthritis typically affects both men and women equally. Though it can occur at any age, it is most prevalent between the ages of 30-50. There is no known cause for Psoriatic Arthritis, however, there seems to be a tendency for heredity to play a part. Arthritis means joint inflammation and as with any other Arthritis, joint inflammation is severe and painful. The disease is very similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis and is definable due to the Psoriasis skin condition. The condition can also lead to inflammation around internal organs such as the heart and lungs. The eyes may be affected and should be treated immediately, as to prevent possible blindness.

Another symptom characteristic to Psoriatic Arthritis is the pitting of the fingernails and toenails. Acne is also prevalent with the condition and may be apparent on the face, feet, and even the palms of the hands.

As with other forms of Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis is often treated with Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs and other typical treatments that relieve the pain of Arthritis. Some of the most popular forms of Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs are Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen or Aleve, and Celecoxib commonly known as Celebrex.

Many seniors prefer taking Ibuprofen as opposed to the other Nonsteroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs due to the fact that Aspirin and some of the other NSAID's cause gastrointestinal upset. Many Psoriatic sufferers have reported that Motrin and other Ibuprofen based medicines cause very few stomach side effects.

Dealing with Psoriatic Arthritis is complicated because the patient often has to treat two conditions at once: Psoriasis and the consequent Arthritis. Psoriasis can be a devastating disease that causes skin irritation and scaly patches known as plaques. If you have been suffering with Psoriasis and begin to develop joint pain, then you should consult with your doctor immediately. It is important to receive an early diagnosis of Arthritis so that you may begin treatment and take steps to prevent further damage, or permanent bone loss.

It is important to remember that there is no cure for Psoriasis or its Arthritis. It is a result of an immune dysfunction and though there is no cure or prevention, treatment is centered upon managing the symptoms and treating them as they occur. Pain is the prevalent factor involved with Arthritis and reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation of the joints is key to maintaining flexibility and preserving range of motion.

By treating Psoriatic-Arthritis soon as you notice symptoms, you will have the best chance at a healthy life that isn't hindered due to Arthritis.

Will Fish Oil Remove Arthritis Pain?

Are you looking for an effective natural arthritis treatment? Omega3 fish oil might be just right for you. The prime causes of most kinds of arthritis are nutritional. So let's look at the possibilities of what fish oil can do for arthritis suffering and pain.

Arthritis Origins and Causes

Chronic dietary deficits in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids inhibit the body's ability to repair damage caused by joint stress, injury, repetitive motions or simple age. Being overweight contributes to the problem, as it puts undue stress on the weight-bearing joints. Lack of exercise is another problem.

You can see how a person's lifestyle could contribute to the development of achy joints and addressing those lifestyle issues is a good first step. The conventional treatments are pain relieving drugs, which do not address the actual cause of the problem and all of them are bad for the liver. Certain pharmaceuticals such as VIOXX, Bextra, Celebrex and other COX-2 inhibitors negatively affect the heart, as well.

Fish Oil-What it May Do For You

Because of this, many people are looking for a safe arthritis treatment that is also effective. My number one recommendation is fish oil. But, there are lots of different brands on the market. Not just any fish oil will be effective. The product that you choose should be rich in omega 3 fatty acids, particularly in one called DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). Research has shown that DHA has more anti-inflammatory activity than the other essential fatty acids.

Omega 3 fish oil is only an effective arthritis treatment if it has a high level of anti-inflammatory activity. Manufacturers can have the degree of anti-inflammatory activity measured. In some cases, it is nearly equivalent to aspirin and has the same heart healthy effects of aspirin, but without the stomach upset or the danger to the liver.

Dosage Recommendations

If pain is mild, then a supplement that provides 1000mg of omega3s per day should be effective. If you have sore knuckles, general stiffness or redness and inflammation, then you may need a little more help. One of the better all natural supplements combines 500mg of green lipped mussel extract with 1100mg of omega3s. If needed, a person can take as much as twice that amount. Green lipped mussel extract has natural anti-inflammatory activity.

For severe pain, there is a natural arthritis treatment that contains a variety of natural anti-inflammatories including green lipped mussel, ginger, turmeric, piperine and chaste-berry, as well as other nutrients that address the root causes of pain and stiffness. They support the body's ability to repair damage to the joints and improve the function of the immune system.

Additional Supplementation Help

To help prevent cellular degeneration and combat the aging process, you might want to consider a good multi-nutritional supplement. Some of the better ones contain a number of natural anti-inflammatories, as well as antioxidants and your basic vitamins and minerals.

Exercise Suggestions

Losing weight and special exercises designed to reduce stiffness and improve flexibility will also help. But, there is no doubt that omega 3 fish oil is highly beneficial to your overall health. At the very least, it should be considered as a complementary addition to any other arthritis treatment. And now, see my website listed below for more information how to get arthritis pain relief with omega3 fish oil.

Common Types of Pet Arthritis

Even if you haven't exercised arthritis personally, you know it's painful, right? Well, your beloved pets can experience arthritis as well. And you might be surprised at how many types of arthritis they can suffer from. Here are some of the different types:

1. Inflammatory Arthritis
Typically as this type of Arthritis advances in a canine or feline, Osteoarthritis-type conditions happen more often. Besides contagious agents causing this type of Arthritis, experts are uncertain about the other causes.

2. Infectious Arthritis
This type of arthritis results in painful joints and the creature becoming crippled. Usually a joint's infection or trauma causes this type of Arthritis. Antibiotics are the best treatment for this illness.

3. Osteoarthritis
This type of pet arthritis advances slowly. It occurs as the cartilage of your canine or feline buddy begins to break down or becomes damaged. Results are inflammation, lower flexibility, and less mobility.

4. Osteochondrosis
When your beloved dog or cat acquires this type of pet arthritis, the state of the cartilage declines, creating a condition that is similar to Osteoarthritis. The result is that tissue in the joint becomes inflamed and painful. Experts believe that both genes and nutrition could influence an animal acquiring this type of Arthritis.

5. Rheumatoid Arthritis
The immune system of your animal attacks the joints, which can impact multiple joints simultaneously. This results in less mobility and inflammation.

6. Traumatic Arthritis
This type of pet arthritis involves any arthritis that results from trauma impacting the joints. Traumatic Arthritis is typically acute and oftentimes leads to Osteoarthritis.

If your dog or cat is suffering from any of these types of arthritis, then relieve his or her pain with Pet Bounce. This all-natural product will help to ease the symptoms that your pet is suffering from. Help to put the bounce back in your animal's life!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Osteoarthritis - An Overview

Osteoarthritis is caused by the degeneration of the cartilage between the joints of the body. Cartilage is a hard, slippery tissue between the joints that allows the bones to glide over each other without actually touching. Osteoarthritis usually affects older people, but anyone can have this disease, especially if there has been excessive trauma or use of the joint. This disease can affect any joint in the body but the most commonly affected are the knees, hips, fingers and back.

You may be wondering what causes osteoarthritis and what you can do to prevent it. While the exact cause isn't clear, many researchers agree that a main factor in developing osteoarthritis is aging and joint use. Approximately 70 percent of the population aged 75 and over are affected by osteoarthritis. Other risk factors include being overweight, muscle weakness and a family history of osteoarthritis. Some scientists think there may be a mechanical cause for osteoarthritis. The cartilage between your bones releases certain chemicals that cause it to breakdown and then rebuild on a regular basis. When these chemicals become unbalanced, the cartilage breaks down faster than it can rebuild itself. Scientists are still unclear as to why these chemicals become unbalanced in the first place.

A good way to prevent osteoarthritis from affecting your knees and/or hips is to maintain a healthy weight. Another good preventive measure is exercise. You don't have to become a marathon runner, just get a moderate amount of exercise daily. Too much exercise can actually increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis. Exercise will also increase the strength of your muscles which will help keep your joints properly aligned, thereby decreasing the risk of osteoarthritis. Vitamin D has been linked to osteoarthritis; a deficiency of this key vitamin has been shown to speed the development of this disease.

The most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are joint stiffness after a period of rest, such as sitting or sleeping and joint pain upon movement. The joint pain may be constant during movement or only happen when you move a certain way. Since osteoarthritis worsens slowly, the pain may start as just an ache in the joints when you are in your 30s or 40s. Many people consider this a sign of getting older and don't talk to their doctor about it. These people don't bring it to their doctor's attention until they have more severe symptoms, such as swollen, tender joints and a crunching sound or grinding feeling when using the affected joint. An extreme symptom of osteoarthritis is deformed joints. This happens when the body tries to repair the cartilage and instead deposits calcium on the ends of the bone, causing the arthritis to worsen.

There is no single test to determine if you have osteoarthritis. Your doctor will talk to you about your joint pain and stiffness. He or she may also do a general check-up to see about your overall health and to see if you have any symptoms of other diseases that could be causing the joint pain. Your doctor will also examine the specific joints that are bothering you. If your doctor rules out any other disease that could cause joint pain, you may also receive an X-ray of the affected joint. This is to examine the cartilage and see if there is any wear or damage. If you have osteoarthritis, your doctor may schedule you for multiple x-rays over a length of time to see how the disease progresses. Another test that your doctor may use to diagnose osteoarthritis is joint aspiration. In joint aspiration, your doctor inserts a needle in the space between your joint and withdraws a small amount of fluid. This fluid is then examined under a microscope for white blood cells. If the count is below 500 cells per square millimeter (mm²), osteoarthritis is diagnosed.

There is no cure for osteoarthritis currently. Treatment goals for people suffering from osteoarthritis are to improve joint movement while decreasing joint pain and stiffness. This is usually achieved by combining two or more treatment strategies. If you only suffer from mild pain, an over-the-counter pain medication, such as acetaminophen or aspirin, may be best for your pain, while exercising will help with the stiffness. Sometimes acetaminophen is not strong enough and a prescription pain medication is required. Once you start the prescription, you will have to see your doctor regularly because you will be on this pain medication for an extended length of time and your doctor will be able to determine if you have any side effects and can switch prescriptions, if needed. Another at-home treatment option for stiffness is to use ice, heat on the joint, the heat will ease the stiffness before exercising, and the ice will help reduce any swelling that may occur.

Some sufferers gain relief by having medication injected directly into the joint. Losing weight can also be considered a treatment for osteoarthritis because the excess weight puts extra strain on your joints, which can cause the cartilage to wear out more quickly. As a last resort, surgery can be considered to replace knee or hip joints. This is only done when the joint has been severely damaged and does not respond well to other treatment options. There are three surgery options available, you and your doctor will decide which one is best for you. The first surgery is osteotomy, where bone growths are removed to help realign the joint. This is usually done on the knee. The second option is arthrodesis, where the doctors fuse the joint together. The final option is a total joint replacement. This procedure can be done in almost any hospital. This type of surgery often brings improved function and pain relief.

Knee Arthritis - What Can Be Done?

Arthritis in knee joints is a common problem for people over 60 years of age. It occurs as a result of the cartilage at the end of the bones wearing out over the years. Just like a car engine which has parts that wear out because of use, the body also has parts that wear out. For knee joints, the cartilage is located on the ends of the femur and the tibia which makes up the joint. If someone played sport during their younger years and developed a knee injury, the chance of developing problems in later years is significantly increased.

So what can be done about knee arthritis? Well, the best form of treatment or management is exercise. When pain develops around the knee, the muscles often waste away because of the pain and because the person doesn't use the knee as much. The important muscles to work on developing are the quadriceps muscle and the hamstrings.

The quadriceps or quads muscle is found at the front of the knee or thigh and is responsible for straightening the knee. It is an important muscle when walking and going up and down stairs. The hamstrings are found at the back of the thigh. The hamstring muscle are actually made up of 3 muscles. This muscle group is responsible for bending the knee and extending the hip. Just like the quads muscle, the hamstrings are also important when walking and climbing stairs.

Walking is a good and simple form of exercise for people who suffer from knee pain. However, one must remember that this form of exercise is load bearing and if the knee arthritis is painful, this may increase the pain. Instead of walking, a person with knee arthritis may like to try walking in the water at their local swimming pool. With water up to their waist, half their body weight is gone. This means there is less pressure put through the knee which means less pain. If walking and exercise in water feels good to do, it is important to make it part of a normal routine and go to the pool 2-3 times a week.

Unfortunately, arthritis in knee joints is common. However, a few simple strategies like the ones mentioned above are able to help people who suffer with the pain of knee arthritis. It will give them control of the pain and help in the long term in managing the symptoms of knee arthritis.

What Is The Best Non-Prescription Arthritis Treatment Or Remedy?

Arthritis is a disorder, in which, the person suffers from inflammation at the point where the two bones meet and sometimes, it becomes very difficult to live with such pain which can affects the joints of the hands and legs. The person finds it difficult to move the hands or the legs and his/her overall work efficiency is reduced. Arthritis is a disease found in more than 100 different types and the number of types has been increasing. One of the common types of arthritis happens due to wear and tear found at the joint. The problem is also common in people who have overactive immune system, in which the immune system of the body damages its own tissues causing wear and tear, and pain around the joint.

The popular method of medicines only provides painkillers and anti inflammatory tablets but there is no solution to cure the medical condition completely. Non-prescription arthritis treatment includes non-steroidal drugs and topical analgesics which includes creams and ointments and certain chemical based medicines but this non-prescription arthritis treatment are used to reduce inflammation and some of the chemical based drugs makes you dependent on it. The popular system of medicine does not provide a reliable and complete solution for arthritis and hence people have to search for options in alternative system of medicines to get a cure to relieve pain. Natural non-prescription arthritis treatment provides better solution to resolve the pain of arthritis and you do not get dependent on the remedy to prevent pain caused by arthritis.

The herbal system of medicine offers a non-prescription arthritis treatment which helps to reduce inflammation, infections around the joints, it reduces wear and tear of the bones and it also helps in reducing the symptoms of ageing. One of the best non-prescription arthritis treatment herbal medicine which has been widely used by people suffering from arthritis to get a solution to arthritis and to manage the medical condition properly is Rumatone Gold capsule and oil, which offers unique blend of herbs which are rare only found in specific geographical regions and mountains. These plant based remedies offer easy and safe solution to the pain and inflammation of the joints as it does not have any side effects like popular medicines and it is easy to the system of human body.

Rumatone Gold capsule and oil, is the best non-prescription arthritis treatment which contains the herbs are acquired from plant and it contains complex components which are prepared by plants which possess the properties to reduce pain and inflammation. These plant-based substances help to improve blood flow to the various parts of the body and also to the joints which improves the flow of nutrition to the joints to improve its condition. The oil in the non-prescription arthritis treatment Rumatone Gold capsule can be messaged on the joints to improve blood flow and to provide the effect of herbs directly through the skin to the joints to improve the flexibility of the joints and to promote better health.

Does Omega-3 Benefit Arthritis Aches?

More and more people are taking omega-3 supplements for their arthritis. Studies are now showing that omega-3 and arthritis alleviation go hand in hand.

But why? How exactly does omega-3 improve the symptoms of arthritis? Well, it depends what kind of arthritis you have. Omega-3's are not going to help with all types.

However, it will help with some of the common types of arthritis. This is because in many cases of arthritis, inflammation is the culprit. Inflammed joints create pain and stiffness, which is the end result of arthritis.

This pain and stiffness and lack of range of motion robs people of their enjoyment in life. Who can live joyfully when they are in constant pain?

Omega-3's, especially high quality fish oil supplements loaded in omega-3's, are natural anti-inflammatories. Simply put, they help counter the inflammation of joints that creates much of the pain associated with arthritis.

Now, omega-3's can't work miracles. If you have a very severe case of arthritis, you will probably experience some relief using a high quality omega-3 fish oil supplement, but it's not going to get rid of all your pain.

However, if you suffer from a modest case of arthritis, you will probably experience a much greater sense of relief since your inflammation isn't that acute yet.

In addition to omega-3 supplements, you should try to eliminate foods from your diet that help create inflammation. Some of the most common culprits include: processed foods, fried foods, fast foods, grains, such as white rice, white bread, and pasta. This of course includes foods like donuts, bagels, and many other things many Westerners consider staples.

It's not going to be easy changing your diet, but if your arthritis pains are bothering you enough, you will make the change.

With a change in diet to more healthy choices: a lot more leafy greens, eggs, grass fed meats, nuts and seeds, etc., and a quality fish oil supplement, you will most likely experience the omega-3 and arthritis pain alleviation that improves your quality of life markedly.

Arthritis Treatment: What Are the Different Types of Stem Cells and What Is Their Function?

One of the most exciting areas in medicine now involves the potential use of stem cells to treat degenerative disease such as arthritis.

This article will discuss the various types of stem cells and what they are used for.

The stem cell (SC) that occurs in the earliest phase of life is called the embryonic SC. This type of SC is omnipotent or pluripotent, depending on how you want to look at it. Basically, at this stage, the SC can become any type of tissue. While attractive, embryonic SCs have proven to be an elusive research tool.

Ethical concerns have limited their use and there is also the risk of malignancy since these cells have unlimited differentiating potential.

As the organism matures, other types of SCs develop. These SCs do not have the ability to differentiate like embryonic SCs. These have what are called multipotent powers. They can be coaxed into becoming specific types of tissue or organ systems but cannot become any type of tissue. In other words, their potential is restricted to certain categories. They pretty much are limited to make cell types of the tissue that they come from.

An example might be an adult liver-derived SC. This could make more liver tissue but could not make a blood cell. A nerve derived SC could become a brain cell but probably not kidney tissue.

Current clinical applications of adult SCs are typically tissue specific. Examples would be blood-derived SCs for the treatment of blood disorders or following chemotherapy, skin SCs to help with skin grafting, and eye-derived SCs to treat diseases of the cornea.

Adult SCs are primarily responsible for tissue repair. They replace dead or dying cells and are attracted to areas of injury.

The bone marrow is a large repository of adult SCs. These cells are often referred to as "mesenchymal SCs." What is exciting about this reservoir of SCs is that are capable of becoming connective tissue. This property is valuable in the treatment of disorders such as tendon and ligament damage as well as with arthritis.

Another type of SC is the fetal SC. Since a fetus has matured well beyond the embryonic stage, the SCs from a fetus behave like an "adult" SC in that they are tissue specific.

SCs are found in abundance in the umbilical cord at birth. These umbilical cord blood SCs are often used to treat diseases of the blood and also are used to help patients regenerate blood cells destroyed by chemotherapy.

Japanese researchers reported a fantastic breakthrough in 2006. They were able to take adult mouse skin cells and by using four viruses to transport material from one nucleus to another, created a cell that worked like an embryonic SC. In other words, they took an adult cell and made it into a cell that behaved for all true purposes like an embryonic SC. This type of cell is called an induced pluripotential SC. Over the years, it's become evident that induced pluripotential SCs don't behave exactly like embryonic SCs.

However, they have proven useful for research purposes. Using these SCs, scientists will be able to study diseases and test new drugs more efficiently. They are not yet ready to be used in a human clinical setting.

Glucosamine Chondroitin For Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Joint Pain

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of Arthritis, and most frequently diagnosed form of Arthritis in the USA. Glucosamine and Chondroitin can actually heal the effects and alleviate the symptoms of Osteoarthritis, if used correctly and consistently. In this article we show you how to find, order, and use Glucosamine and Chondroitin!

Get a definite diagnosis of Arthritis or Osteoarthritis. Is your joint pain really Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is most common in the knees, and it's easily diagnosed by a medical doctor. Getting a diagnosis of Osteoarthritis from your doctor also eliminates the possibility of other, more serious problems. You can treat your Osteoarthritis with Glucosamine Chondroitin forever, but if it's actually something else, you'll be getting nowhere!

Buy Glucosamine Chondroitin. This seems simple enough, but there's more too it than what meets the eye! As with all natural supplements, there are varying levels of dosage strength and quality with Glucosamine Chondroitin supplements. It's important to choose a supplement with certain features that indicate that you are receiving a quality Glucosamine product.

Standard dosage is generally 1500mg, so try to find a supplement with at least 1500mg PER DOSE, but more is ok, too.

Glucosamine Form
Ideally contain both HCL and Sulfate. Additionally, it has been proven countless times that liquid forms of Glucosamine are absorbed and utilized quicker and more efficiently than solids. However, liquid forms of Glucosamine are inconvenient and not very portable at all, so we recommend using caplets or liqui-gel capsules.

Price and Quantity
Obviously price is an important factor in choosing your Glucosamine supplement. It's important to get a fair price, and ensure that each order provides at least enough for one full month's use. We generally recommend that you spend no more than $35 per bottle. Purchasing online is much more cost efficient than purchasing locally. Major chain store prices are currently over $40-$45 per bottle of Glucosamine Chondroitin.

Be Consistent! One of the most important factors in your usage of Glucosamine Chondroitin for Osteoarthritis relief is consistency. If you're not consistent, your body won't be able to build up enough store of the Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM to begin repairing joint damage and rebuilding cartilage around joints.

Remember that the reason for current joint pain and discomfort associated with arthritis or osteoarthritis is the erosion and loss of cartilage around joints. Glucosamine and Chondroitin, along with MSM, help to lubricate these joints and rebuild the cartilage around them, allowing you to move freely and without any pain or discomfort!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How High Heels Are Related to Arthritis

Although there seems to be very little connection between high heels and arthritis yet deep study has revealed that the two are actually interrelated. Chiropodists and podiatrists have been studying the maladies which are related to the continuous use of high heels over a long duration. Apart from the common side effects such as bunions, ingrown nails and corns another malady has now been included in the list. This is the condition of arthritis of the knee and foot joints.

The actual structure of the footwear which has high heels is by itself very problematic due to the odd angle which is formed from the heel and the toe. This results in a lot of pressure on certain key areas such as the ankle, the foot and the knee joints. After bearing the brunt of the extra pressure these parts may get inflamed and the cartilage joints may become weak. This makes the person prone to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most frequently occurring kind of arthritis. Women are more vulnerable to this as compared to men.

Another major cause is the unusual hike in the rate of obesity in most of the countries of the world. Obesity is the main culprit and leads to inflammation and other ailments related to the joints. If an obese person gets injured by wearing high heels then his case becomes even more complicated as he has to tackle weight issues as well. Obese people are at a high risk of suffering from arthritis.

Many people have the misconception that arthritis is an inevitable part of the process of growing old. So they never imagine that the kind of life we lead often brings arthritis to our doorstep. Statistics reveal that more than 25% of the women wear high heels. When this is coupled with the growing obesity rates then the chances of arthritis increases manifold. This makes one realize that the process of growing old does not make it mandatory for a person to suffer from arthritis. This brings forth the fact that by taking certain precautionary measures this disease can be avoided. By being free from arthritis you ensure that you do not have to experience the excruciating pain and joint stiffness which is synonymous with this disease.

As there is a relation between high heels and arthritis therefore it is justified to keep comfort over style and switch over to footwear which is comfortable and supports your foot. To lower the amount of stress on the foot and the joins you should ideally switch over to footwear with lower heels and proper support. By selecting good and comfortable footwear you lower the risk of damaging your joints and reduce the wear and tear impact.

'A stitch in time saves nine.' This holds true for foot injury as well. Finding the root cause of any foot pain or injury will help to minimize the damage which may lead to arthritis if not checked on time. Any inflammation or injury which is caused from wearing high heels should be attended to in a timely manner. If you feel uncomfortable and suffer from pain then you should not hesitate to take medical help. This will help to diagnose arthritis at the onset itself.

Although in the days gone by the people often failed to see the relation between high heels and arthritis but research has led to the masses understanding the connection between the two. In order to make a style statement women often tend to ignore the need to keep their feet cushioned and comfortable. By making some healthy changes you can ensure that you have better foot health and can enjoy wearing heels without having to worry about contacting arthritis.

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What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis? Discover Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disorder that affects more than 2 million people in the United States alone. The age at which this disorder attacks highly varies, but the majority of people who are diagnosed are between 40 and 60 years old.

If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you are well aware of how chronic it's and you probably have many questions. Let's examine what causes this form of arthritis, its early symptoms and diagnosis.

Autoimmune Disorder

In rheumatoid arthritis, the synovium (the thin membrane lining of the joints) is attacked by the body's immune system, which causes pain, inflammation, redness, swelling, and heat. It eventually destroys the joints if it is not stopped. A person who has this disease does not have a normal immune system response.

With a healthy immune system, the body is protected from foreign substances by antibodies produced by white blood cells. However, when this rheumatoid arthritis is present, the body's immune system tries to destroy healthy tissue because it identifies it as an invader.

Antibodies known as rheumatoid factor are supposed to regulate normal antibodies, but when there is a high level of rheumatoid factor, the person's immune system may not function correctly.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes

Although what causes rheumatoid arthritis has not been pinpointed by researchers, there are several factors to consider.

Gender and genetics are two possible causes. Women get this disease two to three times more than men. Many researchers agree that genes can be a factor, but having the genetic marker associated with rheumatoid arthritis doesn't always mean a person will get it, or that it will be passed down from parents to children.

Some doctors and researchers believe that infection can be another factor, but there is no proof of such a theory. Smoking can also play a role and might increase your risk of developing this disorder.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Early Symptoms

Symptoms you may experience include pain, tenderness and swelling in the joints, redness and puffiness in the hands, firm tissue bumps on the arms under the skin, fatigue, stiffness in the mornings lasting for hours, weight loss, and fever. Joints in wrists, hands, feet, and ankles tend to be affected before shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, jaw, and neck.

Symptoms may come and go, but it is time to see a doctor when swelling and pain persists in multiple joints on both sides of your body. While this disease primarily affects the joints and surrounding tissue, it can affect the lungs. Call your doctor right away if you have unexplained difficulty breathing.

The eyes can also be affected by this disease. If you have this disorder and begin to have eye pain, changes in vision or other problems with your eyes, consult an ophthalmologist. Getting treatment early can help prevent complications that might threaten your vision.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis

The diagnosing process involves charting one's medical history, examination of the affected joints to assess the extent of damage in terms of inflammation, functionality, and deformity.

Doctors frequently request a test to measure rheumatoid factor when attempting a diagnosis. This diagnosis can be tricky because a person can have a negative rheumatoid factor test but still have rheumatoid arthritis. Another person may test positive on the rheumatoid factor but not have it.

Doctors may also request x-rays and/or blood tests for further testing. Further recommendation to a rheumatologist (a physician that specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other related rheumatoid diseases) may be made to make a more conclusive diagnosis.

Why Does A Dog Get Arthritis?

It comes as a surprise to many people to discover that dogs are not immune to the arthritis problems which so many humans are familiar with. However, when you think about it, dogs have almost the same muscular and tissue structure in their joint areas as humans do, so arthritis can rear its ugly head for them as well.

Just like humans, Dogs can suffer and develop limping problems and pain when arthritis strikes. But what exactly is it that causes the arthritis to hit them? You may not be surprised to discover that one of the main causes for arthritis in dogs is a weight problem.

Again like humans, excess weight can cause stress on their joints and if it continues, can lead to arthritis. If you keep your dog at a healthy weight, you can decrease their chances for developing arthritis later on in their life.

Injuries and accidents to their limbs are another cause of arthritis in dogs. When an injury occurs to their limbs, some underlying damage can happen to the muscles and tissues around their joints, causing undue stress.

It's also possible that some joint misplacement could happen with an injury or accident - also causing stress and rubbing of bone on tissues, making arthritis inevitable in dogs.

Poor nutrition can be another cause to their arthritic problems. Dogs need a well-balanced diet with the proper amounts of nutrients to keep their bones, muscles and tissues strong and healthy.

Prolonged poor nutrition can cause their bones and muscles to get weak and they can start to degenerate, causing inflammation in their joints. Too much physical activity without a balance of rest is another cause of arthritis.

Most dogs are very active animals and will have bursts of activities that are healthy for them. However, they still need proper rest for their muscles, just like humans do. Overworking of their muscles can cause strain on the joints and if they don't receive proper rest, can eventually lead to arthritis.

Sometimes arthritis can be caused by diseases or tumors that simply cannot be helped. There are some diseases that come upon them without warning and wreak havoc with a dog's body, causing many ailments - including arthritis. Do be aware that proper veterinary care to help alleviate some of the symptoms may lessen the pain brought on by arthritis.

Sometimes old age itself causes arthritis. Your dog has led an active, robust life and now that he's older, ailments common with old age will set in. Old age has slowed him down and he's not as active as he once was. Dogs tend to rest, but too much rest can cause their muscles to stiffen a little. Try to keep them a little active to lessen the effects that arthritis can have on them.

Arthritis might be inevitable for them, but if you keep them comfortable and give them the proper treatments prescribed by the veterinarian, they can live out their last years in happiness.

Gin Soaked Raisins for Arthritis?

Raisins soaked in gin are thought to be a cure for arthritis. This popular folk remedy joins the ranks with bee stings, fruit pectin, magnets, and copper bracelets as arthritis home remedies. The gin soaked raisin arthritis remedy indeed may seem easy but the question is, is it effective? There are no proven scientific studies that confirm this cure works for patients with arthritis, but it is not unusual to have a lack of studies backing home remedies. Consequently, the only way to find out for sure is to try it.

Here is how to make gin soaked raisins;

  • White raisins or a golden variety need to be used. The standard black raisins simply won't do.

  • Place the raisins in glass container and pour gin to completely cover the raisins.

  • Allow the gin to evaporate by letting the container set for about two weeks.

  • The raisins are ready to use once they have soaked for two weeks.

  • Eat seven to ten raisins daily to help relieve arthritis.

  • If you do not like the taste of the gin soaked raisins, you can mix the raisins in cereals or snacks.

Different versions of this remedy have been thrown around for decades and there are differing opinions on how many raisins should be consumed daily to help relieve pain in arthritis. Despite numerous variations of this home remedy, many have claimed of its effectiveness. Some may find the gin soaked raisins to be quite funny and weird. How can this work?

While no one knows for sure exactly how gin soaked raisins seem to help arthritis sufferers. One theory states that it is the sulphur used in making white raisins that is responsible for the effectiveness of this arthritis cure. Sulphur dioxide is added to raisin to prevent them from darkening, as grapes often do when they are made into raisins due to enzymatic processes.

Another theory believes that is not actually white raisins, but rather juniper berries that must be soaked in gin. Juniper berries are commonly used as flavoring for gins, and are known to be rich in vitamin C and terpenes. Juniper has long been known for its anti-inflammatory features in herbal arthritis home remedies.

Meanwhile, others believe that the cure comes from the raisins itself. Grapes are known to have pain-relieving benefits which can be used as anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory natural remedies. The final theory is that the only benefit this treatment provides is a placebo effect, providing psychological effects that induce the release of endorphins which are natural pain mediators.

It is important to remember to consult with your doctor whenever adding a natural arthritis remedies to your pharmaceutical treatment regime. If considering this raisin remedy, talk about it with your doctor first so make sure there won't be any unwanted interactions with your current arthritis treatment. As a guideline, when home remedies are considered for arthritis, they should considered adjunct or in combination of current prescription drugs, rather than substitute.

Treating Arthritis With Chiropractic and Acupuncture Care

Arthritis can affect anyone--men or women, children to senior adults. Generally when we think of arthritis we think of the most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis, which occurs through general wear and tear on the joints as we age. Yet arthritis, which is the inflammation of a joint or joints, can occur at any age for many reasons such as from an autoimmune disease, an infection, or after an accident or injury. When arthritis occurs, the swelling and inflammation can cause joint stiffness, immobility, and great pain.

Arthritis consists of more than 100 different conditions of which can be helped by both chiropractic and acupuncture care. Arthritis conditions can range from tendinitis, bursitis, and osteoarthritis to the most crippling arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. Many arthritis sufferers are initially treated with medications but find that the drugs only mask the pain and symptoms and often produce unwanted side effects. Chiropractic and acupuncture are drug-free therapies. Spinal alignments by a chiropractor can help improve joint motion and reduce body pain. Balancing a person's Qi with acupuncture helps improve overall body function, providing a positive outlook for many patients suffering from arthritis.

What happens when arthritis occurs and where can it occur? There are more than 100 joints connecting the body's 206 bones. Between the bones is a joint cavity, which gives the bones room to move. The joint space between two bones is enclosed by a capsule that is flexible, yet strong enough to protect the joint against dislocation. The inner lining of this capsule, called the synovium, produces a thick fluid that lubricates and nourishes the joint. In many forms of arthritis, the synovium becomes inflamed and thickened, producing extra fluid which contains inflammatory cells. The inflamed synovium and fluid can damage the cartilage and underlying bone causing pain and dysfunction.

Chiropractic and acupuncture have been used for many years to provide pain relief from arthritis. As arthritis progresses, pain and loss of mobility tend to follow. Chiropractic and acupuncture are very effective against arthritis and can keep the condition from progressing and causing more joint damage. Chiropractic improves mobility and decreases pain. Acupuncture seeks to balance the Qi of the body and reduce pain and irritation. Arthritis treatments help to increase the range of motion in the affected joint or joints and return more natural movement. The more the joint is allowed to move, the more the healing of the joint is promoted.

If you suffer from arthritis or know someone who does, consider contacting your local chiropractor to find out what comprehensive plan of care they can provide to help manage the pain and symptoms. Most chiropractors will provide a free consultation to review your history and discuss treatment options. Be prepared to let them know what treatment options you have previously tried and how they have affected you. This will help them prepare an effective and individualized treatment plan for you to help you overcome your arthritis pain.

Arthritis Treatment For Dogs - Treatment For Your Dogs Arthritis

Arthritis in dogs is very common in dogs, with around 20% of the US population of our furry friends suffering from the affliction. It is not a nice condition for an owner to have too witness in their pet, due to the drastic effect it can have on your dogs mobility and overall mental and physical health.

Thankfully because arthritis is common in dogs arthritis treatment for dogs is also common and widespread and I will list some of the most effective treatments below.

Heat Treatments - Just like humans, when dogs who are suffering from arthritis are exposed to the cold this can aggravate the condition and cause more pain. But the reverse is applicable if you apply heat. This can be a very effective arthritis treatment for dogs, helping to sooth the pain and irritation. There are plenty of dog hot water bottles that you can invest in for this purpose.

Dog Massage - One of the side effects that your dog will experience if arthritis strikes them is a seizing up and stiffening of their joints. This can make is very painful for them to move and explains why many dogs become lazy and subdued when suffering from arthritis. So a good massage to loosen up your dogs joints can function as an excellent remedy for your dogs arthritis. A word of warning though, if you do have this done, get it done by a professional.

Joint Lubricants - This is by far one of the most effective ways to combat arthritis and act as a treatment for your dogs arthritis. There are supplements out there at the moment which include the compound CM8. This compound promotes joint lubricant production, and joint cartilage regeneration, which a lack and irritation of are two of the main reasons why arthritis occurs in the first place, so if you can solve these problems you have more or less won the battle.

So in conclusion if you use a combination of these methods above, you should notice a drastic effect in your dogs health, especially if you feed your dogs the necessary supplements to target and repair to joint problems associated with dog arthritis.