Friday, December 13, 2013

A Real Drug Free Cure For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is considered one of the most debilitating of diseases, and is clearly the most common type of musculoskeletal disorders.

Our population has become riddled with this terrible affliction, with millions of new cases reported annually. The overall cost to society is estimated to be in the region of $100 billion.

While Osteoarthritis is not thought to be gender related, it is apparent that the disease is far more common in women, than in men.

Although age is an obvious factor in many cases of osteoarthritis, it's also very clear that there are other areas of concern, such as sports injuries, or perhaps a previous auto accident, Any previous injury, broken bone etc. can become a contributing factor in later life to one's osteoarthritis condition.

Obesity is a worrying problem in our modern world and has a significant effect on those suffering with OA. Osteoarthritis is most commonly found in the hands, knees, hips and back, and can be especially problematic in the load bearing joints.

Osteoarthritis tends to be less prevalent in the shoulder joint, but not unheard of. OA pain in the shoulder region, or glenohumeral, will when in most cases be attributed to a previous injury.

Discovering the actual cause of one's OA can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, some factors are known however and should be considered, such as what strain certain types of occupation may be having on the condition.

Being overweight is a modern day epidemic, one which can have serious consequences for all of us especially arthritics suffering with osteoarthritis. Losing those excess pounds will lessen the strain on the load bearing joints, which in turn can only help one's OA.

Osteoarthritis is unfortunately an on going condition (chronic)

Osteoarthritis isn't typically thought of as an inflammatory disease, but researchers have found that people with osteoarthritis have higher levels of inflammatory cells in their joints, tests concluded this as fact after measuring levels in OA patients against people without the disease.

OA as we know is a very common and unfortunately an on going condition, which does tend to kick in as our body's get older, however more recently reported cases of OA indicate the conditions apparent rise amongst a younger population, which is set to become a significant health issue in the near future. So, while it is still true to say that OA is more prevalent with age, it is not true to describe osteoarthritis as an inevitable part of growing older.

The Demise of the Joint

The breaking up of the cartilage can cause Inflammation of the surrounding joint capsule, though often mild, compared to that which occurs in rheumatoid arthritis.

The swelling is brought on by tiny pieces of the damaged bone finding its way in to the synovial space (the protective area between the joint). Many severe cases of swelling attributed to OA may even restrict joint mobility.

The Dread of Night for those with Osteoarthritis.

The pain, the swelling, and the stiffness is normally at it's worst last thing at night, Resulting in lack of sleep and re-charge for the body's natural defence. Constant restless and sleepless nights will eventually take their toll on anyone, especially those suffering with such an aggressive disease.

Joint Replacement.

In many cases of OA especially in older patients, the outcome of OA is more often than not surgery, such as joint replacement, this is not always the case for younger sufferers however. A younger person with OA will normally only require surgery in a very advanced or aggressive case.

Hip and knee surgery is the most common type of joint replacement carried out today (load bearing joints), most operations are successful, however in the long term the replaced joint will only have around an 85% chance of still being intact, after around 15 years, so joint replacement must always be the last resort.

Osteoarthritis Relief Through Exercise

Low impact exercising is not thought to be damaging to those suffering with OA, In most cases simple exercising is encouraged as a way of re-gaining some mobility in an effected joint, an ongoing exercise program can also help to strengthen the area around the joint, which aids support. Exercising on a regular basis is known to be beneficial for numerous reasons, apart from OA.

Before anyone suffering with OA begins any type exercise program it would be wise to speak to their doctor, your doctor knows your condition well, so should be able to point you in the right and safe direction as far as exercising goes.

Not All Arthritis Supplements are Regulated by the FDA

Don't be tempted in to taking supplements that promise the earth, yes they just might work for you, however unless they are governed by the FDA (Food and Drug administration) who knows what your taking, you may end up with a container full of capsules containing nothing more than, ground rock and chalk. Only use FDA approved products.

Treat Arthritis The Natural Way

In many cases arthritis drugs carry so many side effects, and occasionally make the condition worse, not better. Many old and indeed new alternative treatments exist which have been shown to relieve arthritis, I believe they work by tackling the underlying elements of the condition (even in OA)

Flush the Toxins from Your Body - And Start Recovering!

Drink as much filtered water on a daily basis as you can, you should aim to consume around 2 litres a day where possible. Drinking excessive amounts of water helps remove the harmful toxins trapped in the body, and can ultimately help relieve symptoms of arthritis.

Avoid using water straight from the tap as it will probably contain heavy metal deposits, which are also damaging to the bones.

People suffering with osteoarthritis may like to experiment with their diet, foods which are known to be good for OA and indeed most types of arthritis are,

fresh fruit due to the fantastic natural antioxidant properties they contain (not the citrus variety),

Oily fish is especially good for those suffering with arthritis due to it's high content of fatty acids and vitamin E.

Treating your own OA, or any arthritic condition, naturally and without drugs may seem a bit of a daunting task, but from experience I can tell you that it can be done with only a little effort on your part.

Alternative treatments or just simple little life changes can and do make a difference, natural methods may at first seem slower, this is because they attend to the underlying cause, instead of drug therapies which offer only symptomatic relief. You really can relieve your own condition if your willing to try. There are many free sites on the web dedicated to natural treatments, why not take a look.

by Mark John

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