Saturday, June 22, 2013

Natural Remedies For Arthritis - What Really Works?

Arthritis sufferers are constantly searching for ways to relieve the pain, stiffness and soreness they live with as a result of the degeneration of joint tissue. There are a lot of natural remedies that have been proven to help with the problems associated with the disease.

First, let's look at antioxidants. Antioxidants work to slow or even prevent the degeneration. Here is a list of antioxidants and the dosage recommended. These particular antioxidants are recommended by Mark Stengler, N.D, author of "The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies"

o Lipoic acid - 100 milligrams

o Vitamin C - 1,000 to 3,000 milligrams

o Vitamin E - 400 to 800 IU

o Selenium - 200 micrograms

o Grape seed extract (or Phycnogenol) - 50 to 150 milligrams

The anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C are effective for different types of arthritis. It works best when used as part of a formula for arthritis nutrition or with antioxidants.

Vitamin E's anti-inflammatory properties are particularly effective for rheumatoid arthritis.

Have you ever heard of Apis? It comes from the honeybee, the bee, plus the stinger! Believe it or not, apis is used to by those arthritis sufferers who have burning and stinging pain. Just like the stinger causes burning, stinging, swelling and itching, apis also relieves those symptoms. So if you have swollen joints that burn or sting and a cold compress makes you feel better, than apis will most likely help.

These are just a few of the natural remedies for arthritis pain and suffering. There are many more to look into. This article is for informational purposes only and not meant to replace a physicians advice.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Treatment

Whilst many people take medication for rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment is often a very effective solution. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common forms of this disease, and is where the lining of the joints becomes inflamed. The condition can become very painful, and lead to the sufferer being unable to perform certain functions. It can also become severely debilitating as the condition worsens.

There are a number of medications that are available on prescription to ease the symptoms of this type of arthritis, and these are taken to bring down inflammation so that the joints are more flexible. However, there are also natural treatments that can be used for the treatment of this problem, and these can be effective because they also offer anti-inflammatory benefits, but often without the side effects of prescription medication.

Some natural and herbal treatments for rheumatoid arthritis

There are a number of natural and herbal remedies that can help to ease the symptoms and pain that is associated with this problem, and without causing the variety of side effects that traditional medication can cause. This is why many people think that in order to treat rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment is the best option.

Some of the herbs that are used in natural remedies for the treatment of this form of arthritis include:

Celery seeds: These can help to clear uric acid from around the joints of sufferers

Chinese Skullcap: Rich in antioxidants, Chinese Skullcap is said to offer valuable anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory benefits, similar to those offered by some prescription drugs. However, this comes without the toxic side effects that prescribed medication can cause.

Dandelion: This is a valuable natural remedy that can help sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis in a number of ways. This includes dispelling uric acid, strengthening connective tissue, and reducing the level and frequency of pain.

Devil's Claw: This root is used to reduce inflammation and it does this through effectively dispelling uric acid in sufferers.

Ginger: Ginger is something that many people use regularly in their diets due to its health benefits. Studies have shown that ginger can effectively help to reduce both pain and swelling, and can be taken in different forms including as a drink (such as ginger tea) or even as a compress.

Turmeric: It is claimed that the yellow pigment in turmeric offers valuable anti-inflammatory benefits, and is also said to benefit the function of the liver.

How stretching can assist sufferers of this arthritis

It is not just herbs and plants that can help to ease the symptoms of this form of arthritis. Stretching is something that sufferers can do to help themselves. Whilst joints that are acutely inflamed should be rested, it is possible to help maintain increased mobility in non-inflamed joints through stretching.

Food Items That Should Be Included In Rheumatoid Arthritis And Diet

Several medical speculations are extremely concerned to find out the exact roots of rheumatoid arthritis; although, it's very apparent that this is an unrelieved arthritis of the joints that are swelled and originates huge amount of pain along with rigidity experienced by the sufferer. Moreover, there is still no specific treatment for this illness.

A complex rheumatoid arthritis, which is untreated for a long period of time, can distort a patient with constant immobility and can affect certain various parts of the body also. This is an illness that can attack anyone and due to its low curing alternatives it is better to follow the fact "Prevention is better than cure". It is not necessary to deem rheumatoid arthritis and diet as an effectual way of treatment.

The Perfect Diet Chart:

A well-balanced and rigorous diet chart that is rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and lots of other nourishing food stuffs needs to be consumed to prevent the inception of this disease.

While considering the relation between rheumatoid arthritis and diet, it is necessary to accept that the diet needs to be a mixture of every kind of nutritious foods that is consumed in various well-distinguished fractions such as bulky, average, and small. No physical activity is required to ensure the presence of any bodily application that will balance the disease & diet.

A usual rheumatoid arthritis and diet needs to contain certain fractions of fruits, vegetables, bread, legumes, oils with limited quantity of saturated fats, and cereals.

Another most effectual chart needs to include lots of fish oil in a vegetarian format as much as possible, which is bound to produce a superior diet.

Furthermore, superior kinds of rheumatoid arthritis and diet needs to be followed with good intake of controlled sugar. Similarly, red meat with chopped additional fats also needs to be consumed. Great amount of care is advised for the diet, which includes red meat consumption for preventing more worsening in the swelling of joints. Hence, it is advised to intake this diet in minor amounts for a secure health.

Mineral Diet:

Minerals such as calcium, and Vitamins B and C, needs to be thoroughly ensured in a rheumatoid arthritis and diet chart. It is also advised to firmly maintain the body weight that is likely to increase, due to the menace of this transforming into a feeble type of disease, as a result of which the bone density may be dropped.

There is also likeliness of a fever upshot owing to various indications of this disease, which makes the body incapable to handle the soreness and immobility.

Diet Information for Arthritis Patients

A proper diet is extremely important for the patients suffering from arthritis. The patient must take care of his health and watch his weight because arthritis becomes even worse for an overweight person. That is because the extra weight is already is already bad for the joints and arthritis puts even more pressure on them. Therefore first of all reduce or eliminate all the fattening foods from your diet. Oily fried food, sweetened drinks, ice-cream, etc. all should be banned from the diet of an arthritis patient.

In order to control the arthritis, the patient must take a balanced and healthy diet. Take a high fiber diet as it gives you the maximum energy. The patient must also eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as he can. He should also try to eat only organic food i.e. the foods in which no artificial chemicals are used as such chemicals may be very harmful for the patient. The patient must also add a good serving of whole grains in his diet as they have the right type fat, protein and fiber which are essential for our body.

The patient must limit his intake of oily and fried food as they are rich in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils which are not good for the body. Apart from being responsible for increasing our weight, such foods also increase the level of acids in the body that increases inflammation in the joints. The patient should rather boil or steam his food and also add salmon and halibut fish to his diet.

If you are suffering from arthritis then you will have to stop or at least limit your daily intake of coffee, tobacco and alcohol as these things are very harmful for our body and weaken it even further. Also, try to avoid red meat, egg and dairy products as much as you cam. Sugar should also be cut down to the minimum level.

Try to keep your body hydrated and drink at least 2 liter of water everyday to flush the toxins out of your body. Add foods like avocados, soybeans, spirulina to your diet. But foods which are high in oxalic acid like Rhubarb, Cranberries, Plums, Spinach should be avoided.

Symptoms and Types of Connective Tissue Disease

Four rather unusual and rare diseases are now being grouped together by medical investigators as a result of information derived from recent research. Their names, which are little known to the public, are polyarteritis nodosa, diffuse lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and dermatomyositis.

They resemble each other in that all of them represent disturbances of connective tissue in the body, in contrast to glandular tissue or surface secreting tissue. The connective tissue of the body includes what is elastic and the material between the cells. Sometimes tumors consist almost wholly of connective or fibrous tissue. The walls of blood vessels contain much tissue of this type.

Now the big fact about these conditions is that all of them are benefited at least temporarily by use of ACTH or Cortisone. All of them resemble also the reactions that occur in tissues in response to hypersensitivity or allergy.

Polyarteritis Nodosa

Polyarteritis nodosa is a disease in which the blood vessels are chiefly affected. Because this disease is primarily serious damage of blood vessels, it may be reflected in any part of the body. The condition affects men four times as often as women and, mostly, those between twenty and forty years old. Arthritis and many of the reactions associated with hypersensitivity are seen by the doctor in these patients.

Lupus Erythematosus
Disseminated lupus erythematosus is chronic, usually severe disorder occurring mostly in females fifteen to forty years old. A characteristic is a butterfly-shaped inflammation over the nose. Other symptoms involve the joints and the heart. Fever a anemia and a progressive course make the disease fatal.

Scleroderma is a disease that affects the connective tissue of the body and particularly that in the skin where there is hardening. Chiefly women between thirty and fifty years old are affected. The swelling in the skin may be followed by calcification. This disease comes on slowly a insidiously, but as it progresses changes occur in the skin of the face, neck, and arms. The skin looks waxy and tight and loses its color a hair. When the face is involved there may be difficulty in moving the jaw. Fortunately this is not a common disease; certainly it is not serious as polyarteritis nodosa or diffuse lupus erythematosusw, which similar. In the older forms of treatment emphasis was placed on the use of thyroid and vitamins. Great care was given to prevent secondary infections. More recently attention is being focused on the use of ACTH and Cortisone.


Fourth in this group of collagen disorders is one called dermatomyositis. This is a common and often fatal disorder involving the skin and the muscles. The exact cause is still unknown. It affects people of all races and colors, both men and women, and in general those between the ages of ten and fifty years.

Characteristic of this condition is the involvement of the muscles. As they deteriorate the organs concerned show effects, as in the eyes, throat, diaphragm, or muscles between the ribs. The symptoms then are difficulties of vision, swallowing, breathing, speech, etc. Naturally such people lose weight and get weak. Unfortunately this condition progressive and few who have it live long. Until recently little was known about treatment, and vitamins, hormones and physical therapy were tried. Salicylates were thought to be beneficial. Now we know that the salicylates can to a small extent stimulate the condition.

Rheumatism is a word used to describe a number of diseases, acute or chronic, which are accompanied by pain and stiffness of the muscles, the joints and other tissues involved in movement. Arthritis is the term used to describe inflammation of the joints only.

The joint includes the ends of bones, cartilages between the ends, a capsule holding it all together, ligaments which attach the muscles to the bones, membranes and the joint fluid. Nerves accompany the blood vessels into the joints; while the bones and cartilage do not feel pain, inflammation and swelling with the pouring of extra fluid into the joint can produce exquisite pain.

People with arthritis can be quite eloquent about their joints. The pain may be described as excruciating, throbbing, burning, aching, squeezing, or just hurting. The patients also complain of crackling, stiffness, and loss of motion.

The American Rheumatism Association has classified arthritis into seven types:

  1. - due to infection

  2. - due to rheumatic fever

  3. - rheumatoid

  4. - degenerative

  5. - due to injuries

  6. - due to gout

  7. - arising from the nervous system

Rheumatoid arthritis is not just a disease of the joints, but a general condition affecting the whole body. While the exact cause or causes may not be known, the discovery of the effects of ACTH and Cortisone have led to new concepts of the nature of the disease. Now rheumatoid arthritis along with a number of other conditions is called a "collagen" disease. In all of these the connective tissue of the body is chiefly concerned. The tendency is to consider rheumatoid arthritis a reaction of the body to sensitivity to certain substances, perhaps coming from bacteria, with the sensitivity affecting the connective tissue chiefly. The suggestion has also been made that rheumatism is not a specific reaction to some single substance but a general reaction of the body resulting from several different stimulations.

Women are affected by rheumatoid arthritis three times as often as men. Rheumatoid arthritis varies from being an acute disease with fever and sudden disability of many joints to a condition that develops gradually in which the patient may at first notice only stiffness or pain in one joint. Some may have deformity of a joint without ever having felt any pain. Sometimes the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis are fatigue, loss of appetite and loss of weight. Patients complain of numbness and loss of feeling in hands and arms, feet or legs. Sometimes the lymph glands near the joint become swollen. Because of failure to move and use the muscles around the swollen joint, the tissue breaks down and the area looks thin and wasted.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that comes and goes. Doctors have noticed particularly that it disappears during pregnancy and during jaundice. The sooner good treatment can be applied to rheumatoid arthritis the better are the results secured in stopping the progress and the damage done by the disease. While the disease is active, rest and freedom from motion are helpful. If there is fever and severe pain certainly confinement to bed is desirable. Then as these troubles subside motion is permitted, but never to the point of fatigue. During the severe stages the patients are anxious and disturbed, often by solicitous people, and the doctor must protect the patient against emotional upsets.

No special diet cures arthritis. Nevertheless the patient with rheumatoid arthritis needs to be sustained with sufficient proteins, vitamins and minerals and enough carbohydrates and fats to provide needed energy and to avoid damage to tissues. Good animal proteins, calcium and iron must be adequate in the diet.

For many years a mainstay in treating arthritis has been the application of heat. Heat may be applied by hot bricks wrapped in towels, hot water bottles, electric heat pads, infra-red heat lamps, heat cradles containing incandescent bulbs, and other methods. If many joints are involved relief frequently comes from a hot tub bath once or twice a day, but prolonged hot baths are weakening.

People do not die of rheumatoid arthritis but complications may occur which are especially serious for the arthritic patient. Troubles with the lungs including pneumonia, damage to the heart and secondary infections are a threat.

Rheumatoid arthritis may be especially serious for children because of deformities that persist throughout life. A severe form of rheumatoid arthritis in childhood is known as "Still's disease." Another form of rheumatoid arthritis is associated with psoriasis, and there are arthritic manifestations that affect women in the menopause.

Rheumatoid arthritis affecting the spine is a crippling condition responsible for much disability. This condition usually occurs in men rather than in women. Pains in the back, soreness on bending over, painful buttocks, and shooting pains in the sciatic nerve area are accompaniments.

With spasms of the spinal muscles comes a tendency to avoid movement and in some instances the stiff-poker spine develops. Hot, wet packs help to relieve the spasm of the muscles. Use of salicylates for relief, heat, mild massage and liniments are reported beneficial in securing relief for those with degenerative arthritis.

Arthritis Relief Is Not An Oxymoron

Nobody likes being sick. Nobody likes the feeling of getting a cold and having to endure the runny nose, head aches and all its other symptoms. Whenever a person suffers from the common cold, sore throat, a cough, fever, diarrhea, muscle aches or ever a migraine he tends to get exhausted easily. This exhaustion affects his daily life, his job and his family. Much like these sicknesses affect our daily lives, arthritis affects us and our families as well. This is why it is important for us to know what kinds of treatments provide good and lasting arthritis relief.

One hundred types. One thing in common. Pain.

There are over a hundred types of arthritis that exist. Each type exhibits symptoms that differ in location, severity, variety and regularity. Nevertheless, all these types of arthritis exhibit soreness, aches, swelling and stiffness in the affected joint. Some other types also exhibit, flu-like symptoms, fever and formations of small lumps or nodules, exhaustion and rashers. And all of these symptoms bring one thing; all these symptoms inflict pain in the affected area.

When you are diagnosed with arthritis, it is expected from your doctor that he should inform you of all the possible treatment options for your specific type of arthritis. It must be made clear to you that there are many kinds of treatments for the many kinds of arthritis. when choosing which treatment you will undergo, some factors are taken into consideration. The objectives for your treatment should be attained. The treatment should also cover sustaining joint function, slow down the disease's progression, maintain the range of motion of your affected joint, lessen joint damage and reduce all known arthritis symptoms.

The different medications for all your needs.

Most arthritis treatments for arthritis relief are in the form of medications. Some of these include analgesics (pain medications), NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, DMARDs and COX-2 Inhibitors. Before taking any of these medications always consult your physician. They shall help you decide on which medications suit you the best and they will inform you about how long these medications take effect, their side effects and other vital information.

Some doctors recommend giving their patients shots directly to their affected joints. These steroid shots are usually given to extremely painful joints. The recommended number of shots a patient is allowed to take is three every year. Some doctors, use the process called, viscosupplementation that injects a gel like substance into the affected joint.

But not all patients take traditional treatments, some of them opt for alternative treatments to achieve arthritis relief. Although these are not proven to be safe and efficient, some patients still opt for alternative medicine. Some good examples of these treatments are yoga, acupuncture and stress management.

Another option for patients is complimentary medicine. Though some people confuse complimentary medicine with alternative this varies from the latter because, the former is used along with traditional medicine. Good examples of complimentary medicine are nutritious diets, stress management and regular exercise.

The last option for arthritis patients is surgery. This is because surgery on arthritis patients is for extreme cases or cases that have tried other treatment methods and achieved below average results. Surgery is ideal for extreme joint damage and the using the affected joint would prove to be unbearable.

Arthritis patients often complain about extreme pain that is why it is important for them to manage their arthritis. With their discipline and their family's help, then can lead a fairly normal and active life.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Best Exercise For Arthritis in the Knees - Nurse's Guide

If you're suffering with pain from osteoarthritis (not rheumatoid arthritis) or as most call it - arthritis, in the knees you may not know that exercise will help and especially the right exercise. Arthritis experts, arthritis doctors, rheumatologists, physical therapists and other health professionals have been recommending exercise for arthritis for years to help relieve pain.

However it was little known until recently that research proves that the right exercise can help and be more effective than any of the most potent arthritis drugs or medications. The long accepted approach to relieve arthritis pain has been more of a temporary fix and not a solution at all for getting to the source of the joint problem.

Losing weight and the right diet are as important or if not more so than this one exercise I'm about to reveal to you. In any event you don't want to make your arthritis worse or cause any joint damage. You should check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program, even if it's just one exercise. Every knee arthritis situation is different.

One of the most important things to remember is that the research has shown that if you have arthritis in the knees you likely have weakness in the thigh and hip muscles. These muscles won't help you properly by absorbing stress and other forces when you go about your day, considering all you do with your knees. So your knees will not be protected because your surrounding muscles are weak.

So you want to strengthen your thigh and hip muscles to help protect your knees and knee joints.

Okay so what is the best exercise if you're only going to do just one exercise for your knees? It's a modified squat. This is simply a modified version of the squat. Not a full squat which is about 90 degrees. It's a good exercise because it is the same movement you would use if you were getting out of a chair. It also strengthens the thighs and hips.

You have to be careful not to go over about 45-50 degrees (visualize a quarter of a circle and 45 degrees would be half of that) when you bend down when you do it. If you do it can make your symptoms worse. As you bend down, arms in front hanging down, feet spread apart, make sure your hips are behind the heels of your feet so there is less stress on your knees, keep your hips back but make sure your knees are not in front of your toes. Have a chair or counter close by in case you need to hang on or prevent a fall.

Keep your body upright so your hips and thigh muscles work harder. Only let your back arch a little bit. This exercise can be done throughout the day and work up to more with your doctor's okay. This exercise can help anyone who needs to build up their hip and thigh muscles including those with rheumatoid arthritis.

One should never really do a full squat even if they don't have (osteoarthritis) arthritis in the knees. So give this modified best exercise for arthritis in the knees a try and see how it helps. I suffered with arthritis in my knees for years until I changed my diet to raw foods many years ago and cured myself of arthritis and finally got the knee pain relief I needed. I wish I had known about this easy exercise then it would have helped with my recovery faster. Hopefully it will help you.

What Holistic Treatment Can Do For Arthritis

With more than fifty million Americans live with one of the more than one hundred forms of arthritis asking yourself what holistic treatment can do for arthritis is a valid question. More than twenty million people suffer from such intense arthritis symptoms that they find themselves under the care of a physican. With a name that literally means an inflammation of the joints, the onset of arthritis typically stems from four causes including genetics, injury, infection, or just normal wear and tear. There's even a form of arthritis associated with presence of sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

Although arthritis is not just one single disease, many forms of the disorder work in cooperation with pain, inflammation, swelling, redness, limited motion, and catastrophic damage to the joints. Some of the most common forms of arthritis are:

  • Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of the disease in the United States.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Often plague on women over the age of forty, rheumatoid arthritis has the potential to cause a fiery sensation in the joints as well as other organs like the eyes, lungs, heart, and skin.
  • Gout Arthritis: Frequently occurring in men forty years old and older, gout arthritis is caused by elevated blood levels of uric acid that forms crystals in the joints.
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, and systemic infectious arthritis are other forms of the disease.

    What Holistic Treatment Can Do For Arthritis?

    Alternative treatments like massage therapy and ancient Chinese acupuncture have a lot of influence on alleviating the symptoms of arthritis. Over the years a number of complementary remedies have presented themselves in hopes of providing an answer for what holistic treatment can do for arthritis. Just take a look at what holistic treatment can do for arthritis pain relief:

    Accupressure: Daily accupressure treatments can improve blood circulation in arthritis sufferers.

    Acupuncture: Each pain inflicted area of the body has a connected acupuncture pressure point. Daily acupuncture treatments can be helpful for acute arthritis. Chronic sufferers may require treatments just a few times a month.

    Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy treatments can relieve pain by helping the body learn to heal itself. Aromatherapy includes oils like rosemary, lavender, ginger, juniper, chamomile, and eucalyptus. Therapy oils can be applied in numerous ways including mixing with bath water, wearing as a perfume, inhaling the vapors, or mixing the oils for a full body massage.

    Bodywork: Bodywork is another holistic treatment for arthritis that is used to restore more natural posture. A rigorous course of body massage and movement reeducation, bodywork has displayed evidence of recapturing some of the physical limitations brought on by arthritis. Bodywork also features lots of compassionate massaging, which is complimented for providing a big boost to the self-confidence of arthritis patients.

    Juice Therapy: It's no wonder Mom was always telling you finish all of your orange juice. For people with many forms of arthritis, lots of fruits juices that are rich in beta-carotene have demonstrated positive results of what holistic treatment can do for arthritis pain relief. Black cherry juice, in particular, is a solid choice for alleviating arthritis pain. Juices that promote positive results for arthritis are:

  • Carrot Juice

  • Potato Juice

  • Lemon Juice (just before bed)

  • Radish

  • Beet Juice
  • As you can see there are various forms of holistic treatments for arthritis that can provide those that suffer from arthritis symptoms and pain some much welcomed relief.

    What Are the Causes of Psoriatic Arthritis?

    Psoriatic arthritis actually consists of two separate condition: psoriasis and arthritis. Psoriasis is very common and involves the development of raised, red skin patches and scales on the skin. With psoriasis, the skin's appearance changes while arthritis is related to the inflammation of joints.

    Autoimmune Disease

    Psoriatic arthritis is thought of as an autoimmune disease, meaning that aspects of your immune system, such as cells and antibodies, begin attacking their own tissues. The chances of a person having psoriatic arthritis and not have suffered at one time or another from psoriasis isn't great. The likelihood of developing arthritis increases when the symptoms of the skin are severe.

    Men and women are both equally affected by this condition. Though, men have a tendency to suffer from spondylitic forms affecting their spines, while women are victims of rheumatoid forms that affect the joints. While people of all ages can develop it, those in the range of 35-55 are at the greatest risk.

    The causes have yet to be determined, though factors related to the immune system and genetics are thought of as triggers for the onset of the disease. Ultimately, psoriatic arthritis is characterized as an inflammatory process causing a great deal of pain and swelling.

    As a matter of fact, one of the key symptoms of is experiencing swelling and pain in their fingers and toes. This is what can result in what's referred to as 'sausage' fingers or toes.

    Range of motion is also inhibited in the areas affected from psoriatic arthritis. In the morning, stiffness and fatigue are common symptoms. The ligaments and tendons will have swelling and pain, while fingernails and toenails will being coming up from the skin, or small holes may occur which are referred to as pits.

    Find a Psoriasis Treatment Today!

    Presently there's no substitute for seeing a medical doctor or skin doctor regarding help in receiving a prognosis and acquiring treatment assistance for the purpose of psoriasis. Nevertheless, because there are variety of reliable remedies out there, a lot of individuals can certainly attempt to treat their psoriasis by themselves. How is this possible? Through informing themselves about the assortment of readily available psoriasis treatments and then caring for themselves by means of a careful trial and error process. Despite the fact that there is actually still not any easy cure designed for all psoriasis, many people can obtain help or possibly complete clarifying of their skin by checking out available treatment alternatives.

    In this part - explaining the healing of psoriasis - we will lightly evaluate a few of the much more popular and effective therapies, some of which often entail employing prescribed or OTC drugs, in addition to others that are much more purely natural. However, before explaining these kinds of therapies we will quickly assess just what exactly causes skin psoriasis.

    What Causes Skin Psoriasis?

    Psoriasis is generally known to be a dysfunction of our immune system, and is without a doubt recognized as an auto-immune problem. In psoriasis one's very own immune system, and in particular, an individual's T-helper cells, wrongly attacks one's own personal skin cells. Nearly all psoriasis remedies center on handling this specific immune system response, frequently through controlling the immune system, by removing the cause or even a connection of the immune response, or perhaps by addressing the particular signs or symptoms on the epidermis. Okay, now we will go onto a quick overview of a number of of the more standard psoriasis treatment.

    Treating Psoriasis


    Biologics are a brand new class of medicines intended for dealing with more critical instances of psoriasis, and normally include Amevive, Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, and more recently Stelara, along with a few others some others. Amevive helps by simply hindering the T-cell immune response, and Enbrel, Humira, and Remicade give good results by simply obstructing an additional major factor in the immune reaction, which is actually referred to as TNF-alpha. Stelara, the most recent to become authorized, functions simply by preventing the activation of a number of of the interleukin chains throughout the immune response. The biologics have offered optimism to numerous people with moderate to extreme psoriasis which weren't previously helped by different remedies. Having said that, biologics also have a greater hazard of occasionally critical uncomfortable side effects, such as microbe infections. Other drawbacks are: need to get applied by way of injection or infusion, do not work for everyone, usually are exceptionally high priced, and the signs or symptoms of skin psoriasis in most cases come back as soon as therapy stops.

    Coal Tar

    A well used and everyday form of therapy put to use to help manage slight instances of skin psoriasis, coal tar is used in hair shampoos and creams. Although coal tar may well reduce irritation and redness for quite a few people, it is only somewhat helpful, is certainly messy, can easily bother the skin and in substantial concentrations can end up being poisonous and also possibly carcinogenic.

    Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is actually getting more attention recently as a therapy for psoriasis victims, both as a dietary supplement and also as a skin salve. Coconut oil consists of elevated quantities of lauric acid, which often is known to help destroy candida in our digestive tract, therefore healing one of the potential underlying origins of skin psoriasis. Coconut oil has additionally shown to cut down inflammation, equally while used as a vitamin supplement or even whenever hand-applied to the skin.


    Cyclosporin is an immunosuppressant and is actually effective at lowering psoriatic conditions since it reduces and depresses the immune system. For the same exact reason, however, cyclosporin possesses a higher threat of unwanted effects and is solely prescribed by doctors for much more critical conditions of skin psoriasis.

    Diet Plan Modification

    Adjusting your eating habits can certainly be the best form of managing psoriasis. Why? There is rising proof that by-products coming from food may perhaps be the triggers for the immune reaction which usually leads to psoriasis. Several researchers have proposed that "leaky gut syndrome" (also termed intestinal tract hyper-permeability) may well be to blame for the "leaks" of food-dependent agents out of the intestinal tract directly into your bloodstream. Consequently, diet plan modification may possibly aid simply by way of treating a person's digestive tract, possibly by fighting an overgrowth of candida, which is definitely one probable cause of leaky gut syndrome. For people who are interested in curbing their psoriasis, but do not want to spend a lot of money and want to avoid unwanted side effects this is the best option. Some well-known food triggers are: dairy products, very acidic foods, fermented food, alcohol, sugars, nuts, wheat, gluten, nightshades, and a number of others. Then again, it is without a doubt important to note that each person may have many different food triggers - one really needs to experiment. In addition, as well as doing away with certain items, plenty of people have benefited from including things to their diet, like: coconut oil, fish oil, folic acid, zinc, antioxidants, Vitamin D and probiotics.

    Dithralin (Anthralin)

    Dithralin is a synthetic form of an extract out of the bark of the South American araroba tree. It is often helpful, and succeeds by blocking cell proliferation. It normally takes a long time to begin working and also can stain and upset your pores and skin.

    Dovonex and other sorts of Vitamin D analogues

    Dovonex, the brand name for calcipotriene, is without a doubt the most renowned and trusted kind of the Vitamin D analogues which often are used to care for psoriasis. Others are Vectical and tacalcitol. Dovonex is a synthetic variety of Vitamin D3, and operates by inhibiting skin cell growth and proliferation. A number of individuals report decent benefits with Dovonex, and the side effects are generally low - still - it requires several weeks to take effect and some folks do not respond at all. Fairly recently, the Vitamin D analogues have additionally been manufactured with hydrocortisone.


    Similar to cyclosporin, methotrexate is a systemic medication having far more potentially serious unintended effects, but which can also offer relief for more serious cases of psoriasis as well as extreme instances of psoriatic arthritis. Methotrexate functions by inhibiting cell growing, and was at first intended for use as a chemotherapeutic for cancer. The the majority of considerable complications associated with taking methotrexate is liver damage, and its use is must be supervised by medical professionals.


    You will find several varieties of skin lotions to take care of psoriasis. Some happen to be beneficial simply because they can calm the skin and reduce itching, plus they could also help get rid off the top stratum of scales, allowing some other agents to more readily access and start treating the underlying skin cells. Oatmeal soaks, salicyclic acid, epsom salt bathing, saltwater baths, and a wide range of oils are just a couple of countless moisturizing treatment options. Some skin lotions, such as coconut oil and ocean or brine, could perhaps work by lessening inflammation in addition to basically lifting scales and soothing pores and skin.

    Omega 3's (Fish Oil)

    Dietary supplements, like fish oil, made up of Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to decrease inflammation and several reports point to improvements.

    Phototherapy, Natural light

    There are actually several kinds of phototherapy used to control psoriasis, which work by decreasing skin cell growth. While typically powerful, phototherapy symptoms become worse before they get better, and the possibility for overexposure adds a carcinogenic danger, hence the great importance of medical oversight when deciding upon phototherapy.


    Topical retinoids like Tazorac are available in ointments and gels, and are a artificial form of Vitamin A. Tazorac is the brand name pertaining to Tazoratene, and is also employed to care for acne breakouts. Skin irritation is definitely one side effect, and it commonly will take 2-12 weeks to observe results.

    Topical Corticosteroids

    The most well-known form of therapy. Topical steroids such as hydrocortisone are utilized in a range of varieties and applied to the skin. They work by reducing the inflammation reaction. Topical steroids will usually supply short-lived reduction and lessen inflammation, scaling and itching, but, they usually do not target the root origin of the symptoms, and because of side effects are generally advisable for temporary use only.

    If you suspect you might have psoriasis, reviewing psoriasis pictures may help you confirm your suspicions.

    Osteoarthritis and Obesity - Excess Weight Increases Your Risk For Developing Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder and while it is still unclear how being overweight influences this condition, studies show that excess weight is an established risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knee, causing a 3-4 fold increased risk of primary joint replacement. It is estimated that about 56% of obese people suffer from major knee pain, in comparison to 15% of people who are not overweight. Studies also show that overweight people additionally stand a higher chance of developing hip and hand osteoarthritis.

    Does Excess Weight Accelerate the Breakdown of Cartilage?

    It is certainly understood that excess weight increases the load placed on the joints, thus increasing the stress and possibly hastening the breakdown of cartilage. It was found that severely obese men were 15 times as likely to have torn cartilage, with severely obese women being 25 times as likely. Each step taken on level ground places 1 to 2 times the body weight on each knee, with the burden going up to 2 or 3 times as much when going up and down stairs and 4 or 5 times as much when squatting.

    Will Weight Loss Reduce the Risk of Osteoarthritis?

    Studies clearly show that enough weight loss reduces the rate of knee arthritis in both men and women, in addition to alleviating symptoms such as pain and stiffness. Each pound lost reduces knee pressure in every step taken and one study found that the risk of developing osteoarthritis decreased by 50% with each eleven pound weight loss among younger obese women. Research also showed that knee osteoarthritis would decrease by a fifth in older men who went from obese to just overweight, and by a third in older women. While total joint replacement is an effective treatment for severe knee and hip osteoarthritis, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, protecting the joint from further damage and building strength in the muscles that support the joint can often improve joint function.

    Losing Weight Can Support Your Joints and Reduce Pain

    Losing weight can be a challenge for many people, but it may seem even more daunting when coping with painful arthritis symptoms. However, losing excess pounds can have a big impact on how you feel by alleviating pressure placed on joints during physical activity, plus possibly helping to reduce circulating cytokines, which promote inflammation. Avoiding particular motions or ignoring the pain will not make it go away and is likely to cause a rapid progress of symptoms. Limited movement will weaken the muscles, compounding the joint problem, plus affect your posture thus creating further difficulties. Developing a program that is suited to your level of fitness and health is extremely important and can be done with the support of a physician, physical therapist or exercise physiologist. The right program can be a lasting way to reduce and control joint pain and may even help delay or avoid the need for surgery.

    Eating a Healthy Diet to Lose Weight and Reduce Inflammation

    Research shows a special link between food and the symptoms of arthritis, with certain foods helping to control the destruction of joints and others helping to relieve pain. An anti-osteoarthritis diet contains foods filled with antioxidants and bioflavonoid as well as foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids. Following a healthy diet by concentrating on lower-fat, nutrient-rich foods and plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help to reduce inflammation and maintain a balanced weight thus reducing strain on the joints.

    Finding Quality Cat Arthritis Treatment

    If you have ever had a pet with arthritis, you will understand how difficult it is to see your friend in pain. Years ago, any pain relief for this condition was short term and often came with both a heavy price tag and many side effects. Now, however, cat arthritis treatment options include the use of both western medicine and/or traditional therapy and combine it with some natural and holistic remedies as well.

    Generally speaking, an arthritic cat will be an elderly animal that has joint deterioration evident. There are not a lot of younger felines that are diagnosed; however, that certainly does not mean that they do not exist. Normally, you can diagnose an animal based on a few small observations and if needed, back up your opinion with some x-rays of the joints in question.

    An arthritic cat will display obvious signs of pain when they are walking. They may have a different gait than they used to. Perhaps they are stiff when they stand after sitting or lying down. Many times these animals resist the opportunity to jump and will be reluctant to do so. They may even have a personality change and become aggressive or nervous and sometimes depressed. This is all due to the pain that the animal is in and it is important to know that it is treatable and there can be some relief found for these pets.

    The advice that a veterinarian will give you is that you need to address your cat's diet. Ensure that your cat is not overweight, and this will mean that you will have to exercise it even if it is reluctant to do so itself. Take it outside and allow it to come in by itself, if it is particularly reluctant. Then, simply pick the cat up and take it out again. Hopefully, the added exercise will help your cat to lose some of the weight which is only adding stress on the joints. Increasing the omega-3 fatty acid content in your pet's meals is recommended. This can be found in good quality cat food, and can also be as a supplement in the form of green-lipped mussels. These can be purchased dry and ground up and added to your pet's meal.

    Making sure that you seek out as many options for your cat arthritis treatment is imperative if you are going to keep your pet comfortable. Just as humans find the pain sometimes unbearable, so do animals. There are some very good veterinary-based medications that can be combined with some more natural holistic remedies that can have a positive effect on your cat's health.

    The most important thing is that you do seek advice on the matter, as your cat will be experiencing some degree of pain. Because it is a disease that is progressive, as your cat ages the pain will also grow worse. Knowing there are effective cat arthritis treatment options available that are very successful in managing pain and treating the conditions, you should speak to your veterinarian as soon as you notice any signs.

    Thursday, June 20, 2013

    How Well Do Adult Stem Cells Work For Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

    Current treatments for osteoarthritis of the knee (OAK) are inadequate. They provide symptom relief only and do not restore articular cartilage.

    This is an excerpt from a presentation at the American College of Rheumatology meeting on an ultrasound-guided procedure using autologous mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors, and fat matrix (GMSCL).

    The working hypothesis was: autologous stem cells from bone marrow can be stimulated to grow cartilage if provided with...

    • A proper scaffold
    • Autologous growth stimulating factors
    • Limited weight-bearing

    Our patient profile consisted of the following...

    • 22 patients
    • 36-64 years of age
    • 16 men; 6 women
    • BMI: 21-36.1
    • Kellgren-Lawrence class:
    o 6 grade 2
    o 10 grade 3
    o 6 grade 4

    In preparation, patients were given the following instructions...

    • No NSAIDS (oral and topical) for one month prior and one month post
    • No fish oil for one month prior and one month post
    • May continue prophylactic baby aspirin
    • No intraarticular injections of any kind 1 month prior or during 1 year follow up.

    Our procedure can be considered analogous to "Preparing a Garden"

    • Sixty cc's marrow harvested posterior iliac crest (5 cc's stem cell concentrate~ 6 million stem cells)- "seeds"
    • Sixty cc's peripheral blood for creation of platelet -rich plasma (5 cc's)- "fertilizer"
    • Fifteen cc's fat from abdomen or flank- "soil"

    Ultrasound guided fenestration was performed in all patients.

    • Purpose: stimulate acute inflammatory response
    • Joint capsule sites
    - joint line
    - adductor tubercle
    - medial patellar facet

    Regional treatment of fenestrated areas and joint was followed by direct ultrasound-guided instillation of...

    • Stem cells
    • Platelet-rich plasma
    • Subcutaneous fat
    • Calcium chloride/thrombin

    Post-procedure, patients were given the following instructions...

    • Non-weight-bearing for two weeks
    • Limited weight-bearing with brace that unloads affected compartment for four to six weeks

    A summary of our results is as follows...

    Data Available

    • 11 Patients at 6 months
    • 10 Patients at 12 months

    Treatment failures

    • Four patients
    • Defined as patients with no clinical improvement after three months

    Two other "failures"

    • One person died of an unrelated illness
    • One person lived too far away to come back

    Five patients haven't hit the six month mark


    ? 6 Months= -19.9


    SEM= 5.67

    ? 12 Months= -7.9

    SD= 9.97

    SEM= 3.15

    Patient VAS Pain

    ? 6 Months=-33.7

    SD= 16.71

    SEM= 5.57

    ? 12 Months= -25.2

    SD= 25.94

    SEM= 8.20

    Patient Global Assessment

    ? 6 Months= -33.0

    SD= 24.13

    SEM= 8.05

    ? 12 Months= -33.1

    SD= 19.04

    SEM= 6.35

    Patient 50 Foot Walk Pain

    ? 6 Months= -26.3

    SD= 15.54

    SEM= 4.91

    ? 12 Months= -16.7

    SD= 12.05

    SEM= 4.01

    Physician Global Assessment

    ? 6 Months= -51.2

    SD= 21.60

    SEM= 6.83

    ? 12 Months= -53.0

    SD= 24.15

    SEM= 8.54

    Placebo effect? Probably not...

    Example of Celebrex vs placebo in OA trials

    Mean composite WOMAC score (pain, stiffness, physical function) = -5.7 (-7.5 to -3.9)

    [Bensen WG, Fiechtner JJ, McMillen JI, Zhao WW, Yu SS, Woods EM, et al. Treatment of osteoarthritis with celecoxib, a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor: a randomized controlled trial.Mayo Clin Proc 1999;74: 1095-1105; Zhao SZ, McMillen JI, Markenson JA, Dedhiya SD, Zhao WW, Osterhaus JT, et al.Evaluation of the functional status aspects of health-related quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis treated with celecoxib. Pharmacotherapy 1999;19: 1269-1278].

    Ultrasound measurement of patello-femoral cartilage thickness at 7 standardized points

    • Knee flexed to 90 degrees
    • Identical sites matched for accuracy
    • Five measurements each point for reproducibility
    • High and low dropped and the three middle averaged

    Ultrasound measurement of patello-femoral cartilage thickness at 7 standardized points

    • Mean improvement from baseline to 6 months (11 pts) - 0.4 mm
    • Mean improvement from baseline to 12 months (10 pts) - 0.8 mm


    While it is an uncontrolled study, GMSCL demonstrates some promise as a treatment for OAK. Further study is recommended

    Two Benefits Associated With Natural Arthritis Treatment

    People that want to make use of natural arthritis treatment often find that it works better than conventional methods. At the very least, when you can avoid complicated surgeries, and live without pain, you'll be well on your way to living a normal lifestyle. You will also find that natural remedies offer some other advantages.

    Natural Arthritis Treatment is Cost Effective

    With herbal remedies, you will find that they are far cheaper than going for surgery. For example, if you take Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) supplements, they may actually rebuild the cartilage in your joints. Rather than spend thousands of dollars on costly and painful surgeries, you may be able to regain full mobility for well under $500.00.

    Individuals that choose to make use of Pilates, yoga, or other exercises can save even more money. Typically, purchasing tapes, books, DVDs, or hiring a professional trainer will cost less than $300.00. As an added bonus, you will also have an opportunity to improve other aspects of your health. In fact, if you are obese, diabetic, or hypertensive, an exercise program can extend your life and help reduce the consequences of these chronic conditions.

    Arthritis Treatment With Less Damage to Your Body

    Many people that do not read the warnings associated with taking pain killers truly don't realize how dangerous these drugs really are. Unfortunately, kidney and liver damage that occur because of these drugs can easily rob you of your life in a matter of months. While you may not be thinking clearly because of the pain, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to start thinking about natural arthritis treatment.

    Over the years, many people have learned that conventional pain relief methods shorten lifespans and lead to other problems. By contrast, natural pain relief methods serve to enhance quality of life and perhaps extend it by a few years. Therefore, if you want to save money and protect your health, it may be time to start thinking about the benefits of exercise and diet to help with the management of arthritis pain.

    Which Arthritis Treatment is For You?

    Have you been suffering long and hard due to arthritis? Have you been recently diagnosed with this disorder? If the best arthritis cure is what you are looking for then you might want to consider and review the more common treatments and decide for yourself.

    Arthritis comes in many forms. All forms, however, have one thing in common and it is that arthritis targets the joints of the person and causes much pain and discomfort if left untreated. It would be noteworthy to have a brief background of arthritis forms as this would enlighten one on the possible arthritis cure best taken by the patient.

    Osteoarthritis is reported to be the most common form. This happens when there is a lack of synovial fluids that lubricate the joints. The cartilages are worn out and this causes inflammation. Consequently, degeneration of the condition of the joints happens when inflammation occurs.

    Another form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. In abnormal conditions, the body produces certain antibodies that attack the fluids on the joints. Again, this would lead to the unwanted inflammation that would cause deterioration of the joints and the cartilages. Septic arthritis, on the other hand, is a form of arthritis that is caused by bacterial infection. For this type, the usual part attacked is the hip or knee. The bacteria target the joints and causes swelling. This results to high fever and pain for the patient.

    Gouty arthritis is the less common among the kinds of arthritis. A person with this condition has high uric acid and this produces salt crystal formation that builds up in the joints of the ankles, feet, hands, wrists. Ankylosing spondylitis is a similar inflammatory disorder but this one is chronic in nature.

    Even children may have this disease in the form of Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis and Still's disease. These disorders still attack the joints of the patient and cause pain and suffering.

    As you can see, the common denominator among these cases of arthritis is that the joints are targeted. It is therefore very important to address this problem. The sad thing is, there really is no arthritis cure. There are however ways to significantly reduce pain and difficulty for the patient.

    Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs may be given to the patient to reduce swelling and pain. This can be over the counter drugs like ibuprofen or advil. For stronger drugs, a prescription may be needed.

    Steroids are also used to alleviate symptoms of this disorder. Studies show that with proper use of steroids, progression of joint damage may be slowed down.

    Every kind of arthritis form also has a corresponding treatment. For rheumatoid arthritis, for example, immunosuppresants are given. Since with this case, the body's antibodies are hyperactive, suppressing them may help prevent further progression of the disease.

    The important thing to remember is to find out first what type of arthritis you have. It would be easy to pick a medication that would solve your inflammatory problems. However, it would be better if you target the source of your pain. An arthritis cure that directly addresses the origin of the disorder is definitely the best treatment you should take.

    Osteoarthritis in Horses

    Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a progressive loss of joint cartilage. It represents the last stage of many arthritic conditions in horses. Examples of other arthritic conditions where osteoarthritis is the last phase are traumatic arthritis (which involves the synovial membrane and joint capsule), fractures of the joint, damage to the cartilage caused by trauma, osteochondritis dissecans, cysts beneath the cartilage, and infective arthritis. Lameness is one of the heartbreaking consequences of osteoarthritis in horses.  

    There may be varying degrees of excess fluid in the joint, an abnormal thickening and scarring of the membranes, as well as limited/restricted motion in the affected joints. When viewing the involved joints through an x-ray or bone scan a decreased joint space is seen as well as bony outgrowth, inflammation of the muscles or tendons, and a hardening and thickening of the tissue below the cartilage.When osteoarthritis in horses is less severe, a viewing device (endoscope) is used to determine the severity of joint damage.  

    The prognosis for osteoarthritis in horses is not particularly rosy with treatment often being limited to reducing joint pain and stiffness. Drug therapy is often used for pain relief. The most widely used pain relief drugs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ketoprofen, firocoxib, and phenylbutazone. A physical therapist specializing in horses may be helpful in specific cases to improve joint mobility. When osteoarthritis has advanced to a certain point surgery may be performed on the affected joints. Some horses return to athletic soundness after surgical fusion of the pastern or tarsal joints. For very valuable animals, the fetlocks may be surgically fused, making he horse comfortable and capable of breeding.  

    In summary, the joints of horses are amazingly durable but over time they simply wear out. While there are a few good options for treating osteoarthritis in horses some horse owners are opting for natural alternatives containing vitamins and minerals. These supplemental treatments work with your horse's body to help rebuild joint cartilage and restore joint health naturally and may be a treatment option worth considering.

    Osteoarthritis Treatment With Homeopathy

    In simplest terms, osteoarthritis is nothing but failure of joint pattern. It is certainly a degenerative joint disease, characterized by degeneration of articular cartilage and proliferation of new bone, cartilage, and connective tissue at the same time. Often secondary inflammatory changes are observed in the synovium.
    Sadly the incidence of osteoarthritis seems to be on rise according to global surveys. The age onset of OA is reducing drastically over the period of last few years. Now the incidence is stated to start at the age of 30 years and by the age of 65, more than 80% people have degenerative changes in their joints. Older women are peculiarly affected more and certain geological variations are found too.
    Causative and Risk Factors of Osteoarthirits-
    (1) The primary etiology of OA is termed as idiopathic where no known cause can be determined.
    (2) Secondary OA results due to some or the other systemic or local factors as below-
    - intra-articular fracture
    - trauma of any type
    - occupational (elbows in pneumatic drill operators)
    - Rheumatoid arthritis
    - Gout
    - Tabes dorsalis
    - Diabetes mellitus
    - Peripheral nerve lesions
    - Metabolic diseases like Wilson's disease
    - Hip dysplasia
    - Paget's disease etc
    (3) Sedentary habits, improper diet habits, sports injuries, absolute lack of exercise or overt exercise regimes, etc can be called as some of the modifiable risk factors of OA
    Signs and Symptoms of OA-

    1. In most cases, joints of spine, hands, knees, and hips are involved

    2. At least initially, only one or a few joints are affected

    3. Knee and hand involvement is peculiar

    4. Characteristically the first few joints to be involved are distal and proximal interphalangeal joints, carpo-metacarpal joints of thumb, etc.

    5. Gradual onset of symptoms

    6. Intermittent pain and aching in joints typically is aggravated by movement of that joint and is better by resting it

    7. With the advancement of the disease process, limited movement of joints is noticed. Initially this restriction of movement is attributed to pain and spasm of muscles but later capsular fibrosis, osteophyte formation, and remodeling of bone set in.

    8. After minor sprains or twists, there are usually effusions into the joints when crepitus may be felt or even heard.

    9. Associated muscular wasting is noted, because of which there is loss of muscle control over the joint, resulting in recurrent injury.

    10. Due to hyperaemia of subchondral bone, there is usually nocturnal aching in bones

    11. Deformities like Heberden's or Bouchard's node formation, and finally osteoarthritis deformans may set in.
    How Homeopathy Can Help in the Patients of Osteoarthritis?
    Homeopathy is not a magic. It is a full-proof science and art of applying the nature's principle while treating any disease with the natural drug substances aptly potentized to extract their curative properties. Therefore homeopathic principle is the most important one to be considered while treating any disease condition or the patient (more aptly).
    The most important thing to remember while treating a case of OA homeopathically is that "Pay ample attention to characteristic symptoms of the disease and not to the common ones!"
    It happens many times that a homeopath puts a common symptom of the disease as his priority while choosing the drug and as can be well judged, it leads to failure. Also paying good attention to the mental picture of the patient prior to catching the disease, during the disease process, and while on regime is one of the topmost priority while treating OA. You will observe that the "mind" is the organ that gives you good hint for appropriate remedial diagnosis in osteoarthritis patient.
    Here we are listing top 10 remedies that may be of use during acute treatment phase of chronic osteoarthritis. Remember again that there is no alternative to constitutional therapy to be formulated individually for every patient, to help him find relief on all planes, while reducing his OA successfully.
    Homeopathic Remedies for OA-
    (1)Calcarea fluor-
    - Indurated feeling of joints with stiffness
    - Stony hardness of joints
    - Nodal swelling in fingers that are hard on palpation
    - Chronic synovitis and bursitis affecting hip and knee joint
    - Sluggish temperament
    - Coldness about wrists and ankles
    - May be associated with varicose veins
    - Pain usually begins on left side
    - Worse in cold wet weather and while beginning to move
    - Acute attack of pain in joint usually sets after a sprain
    - Stiff, rheumatic diathesis
    - Rheumatism usually beginning in upper extremities
    - Diagonal pains
    - Soreness and stiffness in joints of neck extending to shoulders
    - Old-maid's OA of knee
    - Red spot on the affected joint
    - Associated with restlessness of hands and feet and profuse sweats on hands
    - Bursitis with cold moist limbs
    - Incessant talking
    - Worse by change in temperature, movement, night
    - Better in open air
    - Bruised sore aching in all bones
    - Nodal osteoarthritis
    - Paralytic rigidity of joints
    - Weak paretic feeling in the mornings in hip, small of back, lower limbs etc
    - Deep felt pains in long bones
    - Osteoporotic changes in bones in elderly women with frequent bone fractures attributed to brittleness of bones
    - Affections of wrists and ankles
    - Feeling of heat on skin face etc
    - Sometimes burning neuralgic pains about the joints
    - Worse by over-exertion, sprains, cold wind
    - Better by motion, lying on back and warmth
    - Right-sided complaints
    - Slowly advancing osteoarthritis
    - Stitching pains in joints
    - Irritable constitutions
    - Inflammatory joint diseases affecting knee, shoulder, hips, etc
    - Associated with absolute constipation, no desire
    - Dry heat aggravates all complaints including joint pathology
    - Congestive synovitis
    - Worse by motion, stooping, exertion, morning
    - Better by rest, cool open air, bandaging, damp days, lying on painful part
    - Acute inflammation of joints
    - Marked redness and heat over the affected joint
    - Congestive constrictive pain in joints
    - Excessive restlessness with incessant talking
    - Joint pains with spasms of muscles
    - OA starting at young age
    - Worse by heat, checked sweats, pressure, touch, movement
    - Better by light covering, rest in bed
    (6)Rhus tox-
    - Paretic weakness in and around joints
    - Recurrent sensation of dislocation of joints
    - Sore, bruised or stiff pains about joints
    - Swelling in joints with burning pains
    - Principally left side is affected or the pain goes from left to right
    - OA set after recurrent sprain of a joint or after overexertion
    - Paralytic pains in elbows and knees
    - Legs feel as if made of wood
    - Wakes up with pain in limbs
    - Edematous swelling of limbs
    - Worse by wet, cold, beginning motion, rest, sprains, etc
    - Better by continued motion, wrapping the joint, rubbing, and fomentation
    - Fibrous tissues are affected
    - Small joints of hands are principally affected, also those of forearm and lower limbs
    - Extreme sensitivity to windy stormy and wet weather
    - Rapidly changing pains, zigzag variety
    - Descending pains
    - Confused stupid feeling prevails
    - Affections of wrists
    - Worse before storms, rough windy weather, night, rest
    - Better by heat, in sun, motion, wrapping up
    - Venous constitutions
    - Swollen joints with dull aching
    - Associated with numbness of extremities
    - Acute periostitis
    - Pains down the limbs alternate sides, with heaviness of legs
    - Sticking pains in tibia with heaviness and cold sweat on legs
    - Associated with foul foot sweat
    - Chilly patient, yet averse to heat in any form
    - Associated with digestive disturbances
    - Worse by warmth, rest, beginning motion, evening, lying down, in bed
    - Better by moving about slowly, cold, open air, after a good cry
    (9)Ledum pal-
    - Affection of small joints
    - Tendons, ankles affected
    - Left-sided affection of joints
    - Ascending type of arthritis
    - Purple, swollen (puffy) joints
    - Shifting tearing pains
    - Cold and edematous joints
    - Gout
    - OA resulting from recurrent sprains, especially of ankle joint
    - Pain associated with coldness of joints
    - Profuse night sweats
    - Worse by injury, motion, night
    - Better by cool air, cold bathing
    (10)Actea spicata-
    - Affection of small joints, especially wrist and finger joints
    - Tingling pains with numbness and weakness
    - Paralytic weakness in all joints
    - OA set in old age, in people with debilitated states
    - Swollen joints that cannot be moved
    - Deformed joints
    - Extremely sensitive joints to cold in any form
    - Worse by cold, slight exertion, night, and touch
    Auxiliary Line of Treatment-
    In any case of osteoarthritis, one must suggest certain exercise regimen for early recovery. Rather, any regime without it is of no use in the long run. Also it is stressed that unless the pain is lessened, one should not exert the affected joint beyond certain limits. Therefore, seeking professional advice before you embark on any exercise regime is must!

    Famous People With Arthritis

    What do comedienne Lucille Ball, French painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Hollywood actress Kathleen Turner and heart transplant specialist Dr. Christiaan Barnard have in common? They all suffered from arthritis, a disabling and crippling disease that affects over 40 million people in the United States alone. Experts say another 20 million people live with the symptoms of arthritis but haven't been diagnosed and have no idea they have the disease.

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that yearly arthritis is responsible for over 9,000 deaths, 750,000 hospitalizations, and it limits the activities of over eight million people. The disease costs the nation over $80 billion in medical care and lost wages.

    One of the most common forms of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system attacks joint cells, causing chronic inflammation and swelling of the joints. This is the most debilitating form of the disease that can make even the simplest activities - like opening a jar or walking - extremely difficult.

    Comedy queen Lucille Ball of "I Love Lucy" fame had rheumatoid arthritis when she was 17 but that didn't stop her from pursuing her dreams. Her first attack came while she was working as a model for Hattie Carnegie's famous dress shop. She felt excruciating pain in her legs and the doctor who saw her said she would probably end up in a wheelchair as a result of the disease. Lucy was later referred to an orthopedic clinic near Columbia University where she was given experimental "horse serum" shots for several weeks that drained her money but didn't stop the pain. Frightened and discouraged, she returned to her parent's home in Jamestown, New York.

    "Gradually the pain subsided and finally one day with the support of her father and doctor, Lucy stood up, feeling wobbly and unsteady. Her left leg was now somewhat shorter than her right leg and it pulled sideways. To correct this, she began wearing a 20 - pound weight in one of her black orthopedic shoes. Though Lucy had residual pain she was able to take a part offered her with the Jamestown Players and she later returned to New York City in search of her dreams," said Carol and Richard Eustice - the people behind's Arthritis Guide who both have rheumatoid arthritis as well.

    The famous French painter Renoir whose works adorn many museums also battled rheumatoid arthritis that bothered him during the last three decades of his life. He suffered his first attack in 1898 and his joints became severely deformed later.

    "In 1904, Renoir weighed only 105 pounds and was barely able to sit. By 1910 he could not even walk using crutches and he became a prisoner in his own wheelchair. His hands were completely deformed, like the claws of a bird. A gauze bandage was used to prevent his fingernails from growing into the flesh. Renoir was unable to pick up a paintbrush at this point and it had to be wedged between his fingers," the Eustices wrote. Still, he continued to paint everyday and produced some of his greatest masterpieces.

    Hollywood star Kathleen Turner was so bothered by the pain of rheumatoid arthritis that she had suicidal thoughts and Dr. Christiaan Barnard, who performed the first human heart transplant in 1967, was forced into retirement in 1983 by the disease that had plagued him since youth.

    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

    Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease. It is not caused by old age, years of hard work, or injury. In fact, the true cause remains unknown. In this disease, a person's immune system attacks the synovial membranes that cover the joints, causing pain, swelling, heat, and eventual deterioration of the joints.

    This disease can onset at any age. When it occurs in children, it is called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. This form is rarer than adult onset rheumatoid arthritis. When the disease occurs in adults, it occurs more often in women than in men. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that progresses over a person's lifetime. Currently there is no cure. Although the cause is unknown, the disease is known to have a strong hereditary component. Prior infections are also suspected to play a roll in the development of this disease.

    Symptoms of this disease include pain, swelling, and stiffness in multiple joints. Usually the smaller joints of the body are affected, including the finger and wrist joints, the foot and ankle joints, and the joints in the cervical spine (the neck). Larger joints can also be affected, especially as the disease progresses. Joints on both sides of the body are usually affected, and multiple joints are affected, not just one or two.

    When joint swelling occurs, the joints become enlarged and warm to the touch. They may appear red in color. Stiffness is present in the affected joints, especially in the morning. A person may feel stiffness in the joints for an hour or more after getting out of bed in the morning. This makes movement difficult until the stiffness wears off. Other common symptoms a person may experience include fatigue, dry eyes, and skin lesions.

    As rheumatoid arthritis progresses, joint deformities may occur. The knuckles of the fingers may deteriorate, causing the tendons of the finger muscles to pull the fingers toward the little finger side of the hands. This deformity is called ulnar drift. Another deformity that can occur is Boutonniere deformity, in which the small joints of the finger deform in a way to appear that the finger is permanently pushing down on a flat surface. The middle joint is flexed and the far joint is extended. A third deformity that can occur is swan neck deformity, where the joints deform in a way that causes the finger to take the shape of a swan's neck. The middle joint is extended and the far joint is flexed.

    This disease is diagnosed through physical examination and blood tests. A positive indicator for rheumatoid arthritis is the presence of the rheumatoid factor in the blood. However, the absence of this factor does not mean that a person does not have rheumatoid arthritis. Other substances in the blood and physical symptoms are also used to diagnose this disease. It can take several months and several rounds of tests before the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is determined, as the early symptoms are similar to several other conditions.

    Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis includes medications, regular exercise and weight loss, rest, adaptations to protect deteriorating joints, and other interventions such as physical and occupational therapies. Numerous diets and supplements exist to treat this condition as well.

    When treating rheumatoid arthritis, a person should work with a rheumatologist, a doctor who specializes in the treatment of arthritis. If a rheumatologist is not available in a person's area or insurance plan, a person should seek a doctor who has experience in arthritis treatment. A person should always discuss new medications and nutritional supplements with this doctor before trying them, as medication reactions are quite common and treatment setbacks might occur if medications and supplements interact. One example involves nutritional supplements that are designed to remove excess fluid from a person's system. These supplements work well in reducing swelling, but may also remove medications that are designed to build up in a person's system over time. The therapeutic effects of the medication may be reduced or eliminated entirely by the supplement. Therefore, while supplements may be effective and valuable in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, a person should always check with his or her doctor before trying a new one.

    The progressive joint changes that occur in rheumatoid arthritis may force a person to make lifestyle changes to compensate for activities they can no longer do the same way. Energy conservation, joint protection, and work simplification techniques can help a person adapt activities so that he or she can still do what needs to be done in a day. Please refer to additional articles in this series for descriptions of these techniques.

    Studies on the Efficacy of Glucosamine For Arthritis

    A lot of people, especially those aged 45 and up, are or will be afflicted with arthritis, a condition involving degenerating joints. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease. In this condition, the cartilage found within the joints has broken down and worn away, leaving bones with little or no cushion whatsoever to rub against each other. This results in pain (sometimes very severe and debilitating) every time the person moves. Over the years, a lot of treatments and remedies have been used for arthritis. However, the most effective substance found to alleviate the pain and stop cartilage degeneration is glucosamine.

    The action of glucosamine on affected joints is found to be different compared to other types of medications prescribed for arthritis, such as COX-2 inhibitors and several types of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs commonly referred to as NSAIDS. There are numerous studies on the effects of glucosamine on arthritis sufferers as well the extent of its efficacy in treating this condition. The latest study done in the United States in 2006, reported some interesting findings. Bolstering glucosamine claims were the statistics showing glucosamine when taken in conjunction with chondroitin provided a higher percentage of pain relief (compared to Celebrex) to those suffering moderate to severe arthritis pain.

    Even though both medications are effective in reducing arthritic pain, glucosamine has little or no side effects. Patients do not experience nausea and upset stomach, conditions which are commonly reported as adverse reactions to NSAIDS (Celebrex). With better tolerance, more and more people stick to their medication regimen using glucosamine. Furthermore, people who use glucosamine for arthritis found that its effects last longer compared to other medications, reducing dosing requirements. A high quality liquid glucosamine requires only a single dose a day.

    Apart from its anti-inflammatory actions, several studies have also demonstrated its efficacy on different kinds of arthritis experienced in different parts of the body. Those who experience pain on their knees report longer period of pain relief as well as increased mobility. Glucosamine is also found to be safe for osteoarthritis of the spine and on other joints of the body, such as in fingers and hips. There are also reports on the delayed progression of the disease, since glucosamine is considered a building block for cartilage growth. This is particular pronounced on those suffering from knee osteoarthritis and have been taking this substance for more than a year.

    In addition, glucosamine has been found to have protective properties in preventing further degeneration of cartilage and joints. Several studies have also been done to demonstrate this unique property and its benefits for those who have just been diagnosed with one type of arthritis. This means that patients will not expect their condition to worsen to the point of being debilitating, hampering their movements and reducing their overall quality of life.

    Five Common Herbal Remedies for Arthritis

    Treating the different types of arthritis can be very taxing. Aside from the differing views on which ones are effective, medication that control the signs and symptoms of the disease can be very costly. Not everyone can have access to such medications due to their inability to afford them. However, there are certain herbal remedies for arthritis that are proven to be effective and recommended by most health practitioners. The following are just five of the most common herbal remedies used to treat the different forms of arthritis.

    Ginger. In one study, Indian analysts presented three to seven grams of ginger a day to eighteen individuals having osteoarthritis and twenty eight with rheumatoid arthritis. Over seventy five percent of those who joined the study described at the very least some relief from pain as well as swelling. Also after over 2 years of taking these high servings of ginger, none of them reported reaction. Lots of people drink ginger tea for osteoarthritis. A ginger compress is additionally advantageous for joint diseases.

    Oregano. Oregano is a powerful antioxidant. The antioxidant in oregano and other medical mints is due to the substantial amount of rosmarinic acid, a compound that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant as well as antiviral properties. The antioxidants in oregano could aid in protecting you against the cell damages caused by free radicals. Free radical reactions are certainly involved in inflammation, degenerative joint diseases and the aging process. And evidence is building up that antioxidants may aid ease osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis and may be one of the herbal remedies for arthritis.

    Pineapple. Bromelain, a chemical in pineapple, assists defend against swelling. Athletic coaches have recommending pineapple to athletes to avoid and handle games traumas. It is thought to have favorable effect on arthritis also. Bromelain can aid the body in getting rid of immune antigen complex that is implicated in some arthritic conditions. It also assists in the absorption of fibrin, yet another compound that is linked to other forms of arthritis

    Rosemary. Consuming rosemary herbal tea is already one of the well known herbal remedies for arthritis. The plant's leaves have four anti-inflammatory substances- earnosol, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, and ursolic acid. Carnosol behaves in the same anti-inflammatory paths as steroids as well as aspirin. Oleanolic acid has actually been marketed as an antioxidant in China. Rosmarinic acid acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Ursolic acid, which makes up four percent of the plant by weight, has actually shown to have anti-arthritic effects in animal trials.

    Sesame Seeds. One of the herbal remedies for arthritis that come Chinese medicine is consuming sesame seeds. One-half ounce of the seeds has about four grams of important fatty acids, 175 milligrams of calcium, 64 milligrams of magnesium, and, 0.73 milligrams of copper. Raised copper ingestion might be necessary throughout joint disease attacks considering the body's needs go up throughout inflammation.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis - Natural Remedies That Can Change Your Life

    It's easy enough to realize that having rheumatoid arthritis can be life changing. The disease causes inflammation in your joints, causing pain and discomfort, and may also cause the joints to become disfigured. This results in a loss of flexibility and mobility in the joint, making you unable to move easily.

    While this is one of the more well known symptoms of the disease, it is more than just a disease that attacks the joints of your body. Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disorder - your own immune system is causing the damage to your body. RA may result in anemia, and can also affect your skin, lungs, kidneys and heart. Treatment can sometimes be difficult; some medicines that are effective in slowing the damage sometimes have negative side effects. Because of this, for some of those with the disease, natural remedies become more appealing that conventional drugs and medications.

    Changing your lifestyle is one of the available rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies. This involves balancing moderate exercise to relieve stiffness with periods of rest. This will help maintain functionality and mobility of affected joints, as well as generally improving your health. However, if even moderate exercise causes you pain, you should stop exercising and consult with your doctor to find an exercise regimen that you can benefit from.

    Changing your diet is another form of rheumatoid arthritis natural remedy. A variety of fasting programs and diets are available, with the goal of making your body healthier in order to combat the disease. Many of these diets have also begun to recommend consuming omega-3 fatty acids like that found in fish oil and fatty deep sea fish. Fish oil is also available in a number of supplements that a person with RA can take.

    Aside from changing lifestyle and diet, you can also try herbal remedies. Herbs such as boswellia, devil's claw and horsetail are said to provide relief from the pain. Many times these herbs are available as teas, but may also be found in various food supplements used to treat RA.

    There are many other options to treat rheumatoid arthritis with natural remedies. These can range from massage therapy, to meditative techniques, acupuncture and so on. Each have their advantages, though some do offer more immediate relief, and others offer more lasting relief. Many of them can be very effective, though they are best used in conjunction with conventional methods, or other alternative natural remedies. In this manner, you can combine treatments in order to receive better results.

    Arthritis: Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid Arthritis is the second major type of arthritis - exceeded in number of cases only by osteoarthritis. The type of arthritis known as rheumatoid is a very serious ailment caused by joint inflammation. This inflammation involves multiple nearby joints in a symmetrical pattern -- i.e., both sides of the body are affected.


    It is not known what triggers the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Regardless of the exact trigger, the result is an immune system that is geared up to promote inflammation in the joints and occasionally other tissues of the body.


    The pain associated with the disease is at times so severe that it almost completely disables sufferers. It is significant of rheumatoid arthritis that affected joints frequently become red, swollen, painful, and tender. RA is known to affect women more often than men.


    Rheumatoid arthritis advances in three stages:

    1) Stage 1: This stage starts with painful swelling and stiffness of the joints.

    2) Stage 2: In this stage, the pain aggravates and the bones and cartilage are severely affected thereby restricting the movement of the person altogether.

    3) Stage 3: This is the chronic stage, which can be resistant to treatment


    If you are a sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis, it is important that you seek treatment as early as you can, well BEFORE Stage 3 involvement. It is in your best interest to immediately consult a doctor, as soon as you have pain in the joints.


    That's right -- don't wait for any other symptom to appear. Current treatment protocol dictates early treatment. Early treatment allows the rheumatoid arthritis sufferer to get help BEFORE joint deformity starts to limit physical activity and mobility. It also permits management of pain and improved physical function in a way that promotes greatest quality of life.


    By seeking early treatment, you can reduce the severity of the disease's attack. It is advised to avoid treatment delay and to stringently follow treatment advice. Since there are a wide variety of treatment approaches, it is advocated that the RA sufferer be willing to be open-minded and flexible in selecting the modalities that can create highest individual success. Natural approaches that have proven effective for rheumatoid arthritis include: (a) stress-management techniques; (b) mindfulness meditation; (c) the remedies advocated by Edgar Cayce; and (d) consistent, regular exercise.

    I urge you to seek early assistance and effective treatment for this debilitating disease. I invite you to seek help right now, today!

    Pain in Joints Disappears With CFA Supplements

    If you suffer from arthritic pain in joints, you know that the symptoms can be debilitating. Did you know that there are more than 100 types of arthritis? Arthritis, regardless of type, is accompanied by some common symptoms in the fingers, arms, legs and wrists.

    * Swelling. Swelling is not just unsightly; it's downright painful. Often, this pain occurs on both sides of the body in common joint areas. Certain types of arthritis--like rheumatoid--are particularly painful upon awakening in the morning.

    * Pain accompanied by fever. If you have painful symptoms--like the ones mentioned above-that are accompanied by fever, you may have infectious arthritis. This type of arthritis is caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. Other symptoms include body chills, weakness and headaches. The individual suffering from these symptoms may feel as if he or she has the flu.

    * Weight loss accompanied by a rash. Children who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis commonly lose weight due to poor appetite, develop a blotchy rash, and are anemic.

    Because arthritis is a painful reality of daily life for those who suffer from it, finding pain relief is paramount to living an active life.

    The good news is that many people find non-prescription relief by using Cetylated Fatty Acid (CFA) supplements. CFA supplements act quickly to lessen the symptoms of arthritic pain. When used daily, pain in joints lessens or disappears.

    CFA supplements start by lubricating the joints, thereby lessening the pain. Because arthritis wears away at the cartilage, bones literally grind together, causing pain with any weight-bearing activity. Cetylated Fatty Acids act as a lubricant to cushion the joints. By adding a cushion of relief, the individual can pursue normal activities with decreased pain or no pain at all.

    Some arthritis sufferers lose mobility due to joint destruction and the pain it causes. CFA supplements decrease inflammation while cushioning the joints. By providing this type of relief, individuals who use CFA supplements show marked improvement when standing from a sitting position or walking up a flight of stairs. Studies have shown that people who use these supplements over the long term experience more relief the longer they use the product.

    CFA supplements are available over the counter, so a prescription is not required. They are available in two formulas: topical cream and oral supplements. Studies have shown that topical cream and oral supplements work equally as well. The cream should be applied two to four times daily, and supplements should be taken as directed on the bottle.

    What makes CFA supplements so appealing is that relief is fast--within 30 minutes or less. The longer an individual uses the supplements, the more diminished the symptoms become. Studies have shown that individuals who take these supplements over a period of 60 days demonstrated remarkable improvement in mobility.

    Cetylated Fatty Acids make pain in joints disappear and also provide relief for pain and inflammation due to over-exertion and sports injuries. The next time you experience pain, you might want to check into CFA supplements. They produce no side effects, and you won't have to wait to see your physician to get relief.

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    Dealing With Arthritis - Causes and Treatment

    A lot of people find it surprising to know that arthritis isn't just one disease but is actually a hub of more than a hundred related conditions, which all involve the stiffness and/or pain in the joints. Although arthritis has a higher chance of occurring at old age, there is general perception that it affects only the aged, however, more than 60% of people suffering from arthritis fall under the age of 65.

    The two common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The main cause for Osteoarthritis is by usual wear and tear of joints, which tends to damage not just the joints but also the tissue surrounding it. Arthritis mostly affects the aged and the elderly, along with people who have weight issues and those who use the same joints often, repeatedly.

    One of the most common forms of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which affects an astounding two million people across the United States, out of which 70% are female. What exactly causes the disease is still not very clear, although it is widely believed that various factors such as female hormones, inherited genes and the body's response to stressful situations trigger rheumatoid arthritis.

    Any of the above factors can become a cause for the body's immune system to go weak and perform poorly. They may also cause the white blood cells to attack the surrounding membranes of the joints, also called the synovium. When the immune system goes through such a breakdown, it leads to the swelling and inflammation of the joints. Anyone suffering from arthritis can testify that this condition can be highly painful, causing permanent damage to the joints, and in some cases even death.

    A number of various treatments are available out there to help you with your arthritic pain. These include an improvised diet, increased resting time, a lot more exercise, application of heat and cold, and also surgery in some rare, extreme cases. Even though there are a wide range of medicines available, most of them help you only relieve the pain, instead of actually curing the arthritis from the root. There are some medications, which can work to slow down the spreading of the disease further and in process, prevent other parts of your body from being damaged or affected in any way.

    An odd yet effective cure for arthritis is said to be deer velvet antler. Almost 2,000 years ago, the Chinese were the first ones to discover an antler's healing properties, not only for arthritis but also for other common body ailments. Antler velvet is nothing but the growing phase of male deer's antlers. If used in the right manner, the nutrients present in the antlers can supposedly help in arthritis pain relief. Antler velvet is an FDA approved method of treatment and is very safe to use, without any side effects. Arthritis is no doubt one of the worst diseases to hit old age. However, with the right treatment and effective planning, it shouldn't stop you from getting the most out of life.

    What You Need to Know About Gout

    Gout has been around for centuries. It was a common condition among the wealthier class, who because little other food was available lived mostly on meat.

    Gout is a painful swelling of the joints, and a common form of arthritis. It is generally more common in men, and sometimes occurring in those with a genetic susceptibility. The feeling of thousands of needles that settle in the soft tissues around joints cause inflammation. Most severe pain usually occurs at night with the joints swelling, and skin warm, red, purplish and shiny. These crystals that feel like needles are uric acid combined with sodium. Uric acid, forms as a byproduct of the breakdown of protein digestion. When there is a high uric acid level there can be substantial pain, and swelling in the joints of the feet, ankles, knees, fingers, wrists and elbows.

    Provided pantothenic acid is present, uric acid is converted into urea and ammonia, both of which are quickly excreted in the urine. If the body is deficient in pantothenic acid, uric acid is produced in excessive amounts and cannot be eliminated. The buildup is the cause of inflammation and pain.

    Most cases of gout are controllable by keeping uric acid levels as low as possible. Low purine diets are the usual recommendation with a lot of fluids to prevent kidney stones. However, there is an anti-stress vitamin formula combined with dietary recommendations that has been effective.

    I suggest getting a checkup including a test for metabolic syndrome, as well as checking vitamin levels. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by having at least three of the following symptoms: high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, large waist circumference (greater than 35" for women and greater than 40" in men) or fasting blood sugar greater than 110 mg/dl.

    My next recommendation is to examine your stress level. A symptom of any illness is the body's reaction to stress. Adrenal hormones help the body to fight infections by setting up inflammation. The rest of the body is protected from the site containing bacteria and toxic substances. To obtain all nutrients that are necessary for production of adrenal hormones Is vital to dealing with stress. An inadequate diet alone can impose sufficient stress to cause gout. Emotional upsets can bring on attacks of gout. Suppressed anger is more prevalent in men than in women, thus. An assessment of stress and suppressed anger should also be addressed. This is more common in men and often afflicts the extremities more than other parts of the body.

    I will address the stress vitamin therapy next. In addition to dietary recommendations combination of vitamins that need to be present in the body include vitamin B2, B5-pantothenic acid, and vitamin C. These vitamins being water soluble are excreted in the urine. These can be taken every three hour with low fat milk. Check vitamin E levels. Persons deficient in this vitamin may form excessive amounts of uric acid. This is a fat soluble vitamin, not excreted in the urine and can be toxic in overdose.

    Avoid aspirin (salcylates) can raise uric acid.

    Divide 翻 your body weight, then divide this by 8 oz to determine amount to consume juices, milk and water daily. This encourages urination, excreting uric acid and preventing kidney stones.

    Limit alcohol intake especially beer. Alcohol interferes with the body's ability to clear uric acid, beer being the greatest offender as reported in a Harvard study 2004. Wine is the least offensive but I still recommend limiting consumption.

    Two or three reduced fat dairy products including cheese and yogurt daily should be added to your diet.

    Maintain a healthy weight. Extra body tissue means extra uric acid production.

    I recommend a high intake of fruits, vegetables and juices, particularly orange juice to help keep the uric-acid crystals in solution so they can be excreted. Dietary recommendations include the avoidance of the following purine rich foods. Anchovies, herring, smoked meats, mackerel, scallops, caviar, sardines, sweetbreads, liver, kidney, red meat, poultry, wild game, lentils, dried beans, peas, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach and mushrooms.