Sunday, June 16, 2013

Gin Raisins and Arthritis - An Alternative Arthritis Cure

As a sufferer of arthritis you would most certainly try any possible cure or treatment within your reach to address the pain caused by the debilitating effects of this condition. The choices of treatment can vary from an alternative to a conventional medicine basis, and you should seek out the one that works best for you.

Alternative medication or cures have always offered something useful to sufferers of any ailment. However, a lot of people frown upon the alternative route, why one does not know - perhaps because the alternative healers and remedies are not patented along with conventional pharmaceutical medication; therefore there is no enormous research and development or marketing budget, to gain market share and successfully educate the man on the street.

One of these alternative cures available for arthritis include the gin and raisin cure; a process whereby white (or golden), seedless raisins are soaked in gin for a period of 7 days to 2 weeks, where all the gin is soaked up by the raisins, and the alcohol has apparently evaporated - according to some sources. A variety of soaking vessels are quoted in the soaking process, but it appears that the vessel must have a wide opening, like a pie dish or very wide necked jar of sorts; this obviously facilitates the evaporation procedure as quoted by these sources. Just a note on the container material, it should be glass otherwise you will get the metal taste being imparted into the raisins. General consensus indicates that one should eat nine of the gin soaked raisins per day, which in turn help ease the pain of the arthritis. This remedy has also been recommended for restless legs syndrome (RLS).

Unfortunately there have not been any major tests or experiments conducted on the gin and raisin cure for arthritis, this leaves one thinking as to why it is so widely claimed as being such an effective cure and choice for arthritis sufferers. We will always have individuals that will challenge the validity of this cure, and claim it to be an old folklore remedy or even a placebo; it is up to the individual to look at each possible remedy in an as much objective manner as possible.

In an objective view of the gin and raisin arthritis cure, we should look at each individual ingredient and assess what healing property or properties have been highlighted about these items previously.

To start with gin, the primary ingredient of infusion of gin is the juniper berry; there are also other herbs that are used in the infusion process. For this purpose we will be concentrating on the juniper berry. The juniper berry as an alternative source of medication or treatment is used as a diuretic (to increase the production of urine); this is therefore used in the treatment for PMS, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. It is also noted in alternative cure articles to be used for the treatment of arthritis. A warning is appropriate with respect to kidney damage (from prolonged usage), as well as refraining from utilizing juniper in the case of kidney infections or kidney problems, reference has also been made regarding allergy sufferers developing symptoms from exposure to juniper.

When looking at the properties of the grape, we are presented with a few angles on the healing properties or health properties of the grape as a whole. Starting with the skin and seeds, it has been widely claimed for a very long time that the skin and seeds have antioxidant powers. And in modern times a large number of spas offer a grape wrap, usually combined with honey. Grapes have been heralded by ancient cultures as having healing properties and powers, from the Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans to the modern day alternative healers. It is said that even the leaves of the grape vine were used to stem bleeding and reduce inflammation in medieval times. Red wine is a known antioxidant, and can assist in the prevention of cancer and heart disease, a fact that has received a lot of media coverage and attention.  

Having considered the primary ingredients of the gin and raisin cure we notice that both these products offer valuable healing properties. Based on our objective insight into these properties it makes logical sense that this cure can relieve the pain and stiffness of arthritis. We will always have the skeptics around, regardless of subject, what we can do is recommend that you try the cure for yourself, and if it works for you, you have gained from the exercise. For more information regarding this, and many other alternative arthritis cures, visit []

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