Thursday, August 1, 2013

How Different Types of Arthritis Can Effect Our Bodies

Rheumatoid arthritis.

This is both inflammatory and degenerative. It can affect any and all of the joints from toes to jaw.

The early symptoms are generally brief pains in the small joints along with fatigue and morning stiffness. Then after a few weeks it may proceed to a full blown attack. Pain will then persist and become quite piercing. At the same time swelling of the tissue around the painful joints occur, including ligaments and tendons.

This inflammation gradually affects the synovial membrane and the cartilage, then begins the destruction of the joint. The additional degeneration of tissues surrounding a joint can waste the muscles away. This speeds up the destruction of the joint, resulting in ankylosis ( joint growing together), with this disease the joint then deforms.

This condition can be in one or two small joints and remain there unchanged for a long time. Then suddenly will progress and go to several more joints all at once. The pain will vary from day to day.

This can't be cured, but you can take anti-inflammatory pills, pain relief pills to help, and plenty of rest to keep pressure off the joints.


This form of arthritis is non- inflammatory. Its also called degenerative joint disease. The hips, knees, spine and joints of the hands are most affected. Often the most rapid disease progress is in the weight bearing regions of the body.

When you are affected by this the cartilage protecting the ends of the bones in a joint degenerates, causing the bone edges to rub together. Damage is then caused to the bones, then they attempt to repair themselves by over producing bone tissue. The bony projections called entophytes, which result add to the overall degeneration of the joint. This then causes further damage to the surrounding tissue.

You will have stiffness and pain, especially after prolonged or strenuous activity and will become more noticeable at night. Your movement will be limited, you can have muscle wastage and your joints will be creaky ( crepitis).

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