Thursday, January 24, 2013

Are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis Different?

Arthritis Pain is not all the same. Understanding some key differences in the types of arthritis and arthritis symptoms can better prepare you to treat and manage your arthritis pain. The two biggest categories of Arthritis are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. They may share some of the global symptoms of arthritis, but have key differences that if left untreated can lead to further degeneration of the joint and increased arthritis pain.

What is Arthritis?

When someone mentions the word arthritis, usually the first thing to come to mind is pain, particularly pain in joints. That would include; shoulders, elbows, knees, hip, ankles, joints of the fingers and even the neck. Joints include; muscle, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bursa and a synovial membrane. A better definition of arthritis would be, pain and problems with any of one or more of the related parts in or near a joint for it to function properly.

So if Arthritis is pain; problems and dysfunction with the joint or parts of a joint, then isn't all arthritis pain the same? Quite simply, no.

Rheumatism itself would include all kinds of pain and stiffness in the muscles and joints. Arthritis can strike any part of the joint; including the cartilage, synovial membrane, muscles, bursa, tendons or ligaments. One particular symptom that makes arthritis pain more serious is inflammation. Although inflammation can show up in several types of arthritis, in Rheumatoid Arthritis inflammation is the key symptom.

In Rheumatoid Arthritis, the key issue is inflammation of the synovial membrane

What that means is that inflammation is actually present in the membrane of the joint. This leaves joints swollen, puffy and achy. People with Rheumatoid Arthritis feel almost like they have flu-like symptoms including stiffness, fatigue and aching joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis needs to be diagnosed by a doctor and treated with medications to control inflammation. If left untreated, over time the inflammation could prematurely breakdown the cartilage and bone in the joint and cause further pain. In managing Rheumatoid Arthritis pain the focus is to control inflammation first; find a good balance between resting the joint, exercises to increase joint health and common sense management of pain. It is a very delicate balance, but is possible with patience and persistence.

In Osteoarthritis the primary issue is a breakdown of the joint cartilage

Osteoarthritis is very common, especially as we age and is much less severe than Rheumatoid Arthritis. That's not to say that Osteoarthritis pain is not serious, but the good news is that those who have Osteoarthritis have many options and strategies to manage their arthritis pain and improve the strength and function of their joints. So while the cartilage in a joint can wear out or be damaged through activity; specific exercises and stretches can help strengthen the muscle and tendons around a joint affected by Ostoearthritis and improve overall joint health. Very rarely will exercise be damaging to someone with Osteoarthritis, but an inactive lifestyle could be very damaging long-term, can contribute to joint stiffness and further arthritis pain. What that means is to keep moving and stay active even when Osteoarthritis affects you.

The biggest difference between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis is that Rheumaotid Arthritis is a Rheumatic condition that needs a proper diagnosis from a medical professional and likely needs medication to control inflammation. Left untreated, Inflammation can cause irreversible damage and result in long-term arthritis pain. Pain management in arthritis needs to be handled with a common sense approach. A clear understanding of what levels of pain you are experiencing, what types of activities cause flare ups and inflammation and knowing the limits of what you can and can't do. Know the activities that cause you pain, but also know what areas you can strengthen to improve your quality of living with Arthritis.

Consult with your medical professional to understand the type of Arthritis you may have and check the many resources available through The Arthritis Society or the Joints in Motion Program

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