Saturday, February 2, 2013

Arthritis Pain Management and Diet For Arthritis

With regards to arthritis and diet, the toxic glycoalkaloid solanine is present in most if not all members of the nightshade family. Other glycoalkaloids singled out include hyoscine, anabasine, isopelletierine, alpha-chaconine (found in potato), alpha-solanine, and alpha-tomatine (found in tomatoes). These metabolites become physiologically active in your body. These glycoalkaloids of the nightshade family, if eliminated can help drastically in your arthritis pain management, as they inhibit normal collagen repair in the joints or promote inflammatory degeneration of the joint. Removing the following nightshades from your diet results in pain free joints:

繚 Tomato

繚 Eggplant

繚 Tomatillo

繚 White potato

繚 Cucumber

繚 Peppers (all forms)

繚 Nicotine

繚 Cape gooseberry

繚 Garden huckleberry

繚 Thornapple

繚 Belladonna

繚 Bittersweet

繚 Henbane

Other guidelines to follow in your diet for arthritis are as follows:

1. Foods you should consume

all sea foods

all vegetables (except nightshade), particularly avocado

vegetable oils (particularly flax seed oil)

egg whites


nuts and seeds (particularly flax)

rice of all kinds (brown, white, wild)

parsley, onions, garlic, bay leaf

2. Foods you should avoid

Meat in any form, including broth

Fruit of any kind

Dairy products, egg yolks, milk cheese, yogurt

Vinegar or other acids

Dry roasted nuts (contain MSG)

Alcoholic beverages

Soft drinks

All additives, preservatives, chemicals, MSG, dyes

About this time, I'm sure you are asking, "what the heck can I eat in a diet for arthritis as you just eliminated everything?" The body becomes acidic and the cartilage in the joints begins to dissolve because of the acid in the blood. As the joints lose their lubrication, they begin to rub together and become inflamed. The body can heal itself if it has the correct natural nutrients.

If you are looking not only for a diet for arthritis and arthritis pain management, but an actual solution to treating the cause as well as the symptoms, the following have shown excellent results:

  • Bromelain - this sulfur-containing, protein-digesting enzyme contained in pineapple. Bromelain is a mixture of proteases and nonproteolytic enzymes which have anti-inflammatory mechanisms. The probable cause of its pharmacological effects is bromelain's ability to activate plasmin and to reduce kinin levels which increase inflammation, swelling, and pain. Bromelain stimulates plasmin production, which breaks down fibrin. Fibrin impedes tissue drainage, blocks blood vessels, and produces swelling.

  • Devil's claw - several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Devil's claw in the relief of arthritic conditions. Research on the plant's glycosides showed it to be especially helpful in reducing inflammations.

  • Boswellia - researchers have concluded that boswellic acids, as non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory agents, are beneficial due to suppression of proliferating tissue found in inflamed areas and also preventing the breakdown of connective tissue. Boswellia acts by a mechanism similar to non-steroidal groups of anti-arthritic drugs with the added advantages of its being free from side effects and gastric irritation and ulcerogenic activity.

  • Yucca - the steroidal saponins in yucca have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties which are particularly useful in arthritis pain management. Saponins also act as a lubricant in the joints and act in a similar manner to cortisone, as an anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Turmeric - is a perennial herb of the ginger family. Turmeric contains 4-5% of a volatile oil that is composed of turmerone, atlantone, and zingiberone, and 0.3-5.4% curcumin. It is believed that the anti-inflammatory effects of the turmeric volatile oil fraction are due to the anti-histamine activity in early inflammation by way of activating the adrenohypophyseal axis.

  • Ginger - restrains the production of inflammatory chemicals called cytokines.

  • White Willow Bark - contains anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, anti-pyretic and astringent properties. White Willow Bark is the original source of aspirin or its contents of salicin. Its actions as a pain-relieving (analgesic) substance through its depressant action on the central nervous system. The action of salicylates, for arthritis pain management are due mainly to their ability to produce endorphin like prostaglandins that result in anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

  • Essential fatty acids (EFAs) - fish oil supplementation has been shown to improve the signs and symptoms of arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effect of the omega-3 fatty acids is believed to be mediated in part by their inhibitory effect on production of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor, both principal mediators of inflammation.

Arthritis can be a severe and crippling disease. Due to the limitations, risks and side effects of conventional therapy, many patients and practitioners are seeking alternative ways to treat the disease and arthritis pain management. While not everyone responds to these therapies, many patients do improve, and some have experienced complete and long-lasting remission. What's more, these alternative, natural treatments have a low incidence of adverse effects unlike conventional medicine.

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