Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dog Arthritis Treatment - Natural Remedies

Arthritis can be very painful and maybe you're wondering how hard for a dog to suffer this condition because he cannot talk and sometimes you don't know that it's really hurting him so bad already. Unfortunately, not all of us can afford surgery and regular MRI scans for our dogs. This shouldn't stop you though from administering dog arthritis treatment, there are some things you can do to reduce pain and inflammation.

You can give your dog regular and thorough massage to help heal arthritis gradually. Concentrate on muscles and joints to make him active again. Muscular flexibility will help ease joint stiffness. Make sure you do the massage in circular motions on the affected area. Buy a medicated herbal oil to make the massage more effective and soothing. Apply the oil twice a day and massage your dog for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Glucosamine is another dog arthritis treatment that's not expensive. It's natural so you don't have to worry about side effects. It is an amino sugar that is basically used to create cushioning fluids and tissues around joints. It works effectively in repairing damaged arthritic joints and in reducing pain because it builds synovial fluids. What's great about glucosamine is that it is easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

Natural anti-inflammatories also make good dog arthritis treatment. The most common anti-inflammatories include" MSM, Cetyl-M and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Are there some things you can do at home to help improve your dog's condition? Absolutely! You can use elevated steps or dog rams to make it easier for your pet to step. Along with this, you have to use elevated dog bowls for water and food. Keep your dog warm and it will help relieve the pain if you soak towels in warm water and apply as a heat pack at least 3 times a day. If you can afford a heated bed then that will be more comfortable for your pet.


  1. Thank you for a great article! I prefer the more natural approach and have seen much better results then when the vet had him on Rimadyl!(I researched after 2 weeks and realized it could actually KILL him) Nutrition and Supplements have taken my baby on a journey from not even wanting to go outside and completely stopping using the stairs to coming up with me at night again and even getting in the bed sometimes!! I use the omega 3 and 6 and also coconut oil and Turmeric. I also give him massages each night. Plus this great antioxidant treat you can find here. The best results came a week after starting these. And he loves them! Thinks it's a "special treat" just for him! every night we have doggy time where he lays in my lap and I massage the haunches and down his back. He is a very happy boy now!

  2. I am researching that does the use of liquid glucosamine for dogs, is safe or not. In this regard I have gone through several videos, articles but the information provided by you forced me to say that it’s best among all. Keep on sharing such content. Appreciable!!!
