Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Treat Arthritis in Cats

Just like us, the majority of animals experience arthritis as they become older. Arthritis, which is the breaking down of cartilage that surrounds the bones of the joints, occurs frequently in domesticate cats and dogs.

For a cat, arthritis can begin at the age of just eight years. Because the disease is progressive in nature, it is likely to start in a mild form, which may not be immediately discernable to an owner. However, if left untreated, arthritis can become so severe that it demobilizes your cat. So, as an owner, it is helpful for you to know how best to help a cat with arthritis. One option is to introduce supplements to your cat's diet.

Omega 3
Omega 3 is a wonderful supplement for cats with arthritis, as it helps to lubricate the joints and, therefore, increase ease of mobility. Similarly, cod liver oil can be added to a cat's food. However, you should take care to not to give your cat too much cod liver oil - he, or she, should have no more then 翹 of a teaspoon per day.

Glucosamine is recognized as one of the very best supplements in treating arthritis. It is an amino derivative found in plants and animals. Regular glucosamine supplements can strengthen and protect the cartilage that still surrounds the joints. Administering glucosamine can be done in two ways: intravenously (by injection) and orally (in liquid or pill form).

Of course, an injection of glucosamine offers the most concentrated dose, so is perhaps the best method in severe cases of arthritis. In pill form the effects of the glucosamine are lessened, due to the method of production. Liquid, on the other hand, is the next best thing to an injection and can be added to a cat's food.

Typically, chondroitin is given in conjunction with glucosamine. Like glucosamine, chondroitin protects the remaining cartilage and promotes healing in the damaged areas. Chondroitin is often given with glucosamine, because it aids the latter's absorption into the cartilage. In addition, these supplements tend to come with added vitamins and minerals that will boost the general health of your cat.

How to Ease Arthritis with Diet and Exercise
Naturally, supplements are not the only option available to you. In fact, in many cases, you may be able to ease your cat's arthritic pain with a few lifestyle changes. For example, if your cat is overweight the pain of arthritis will be exacerbated by the obesity. In addition, gentle, but regular, exercise can help to increase mobility and improve the lubrication around the joints. Therefore, diet and exercise are among the most important factors when trying to treat arthritis in cats.

When it comes to a cat's diet, there are two potential problems: your cat may be overweight or underweight. Of course, if your cat is obese this can cause a multitude of other health concerns, so it is advisable to seek the advice of a vet, who will be able to offer tips on the method of reducing a cat's weight healthily. If, on the other hand, your cat is underweight, this could be the symptom of an underlying health condition. Therefore, again, it is important to seek the advice of a vet.

As mentioned above, exercise is a wonderful way to keep your cat's joints limber and, of course, help dramatically in weight loss. Try playing with your cat at least once a day, but ensure that your cat's movement is gentle. It is recommended that you do not encourage any movement that is painful for the cat and that you keep these play sessions reasonable short.

Obviously, these are just some of the many treatment methods available for feline arthritis. However, before beginning any diet or supplement regime, it is recommended that you consult your vet.

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