Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief

Before we look at what relief measures are available for those with rheumatoid arthritis it is best that we understand what the condition is all about and how it is caused. Rheumatoid arthritis is an acute and progressive disorder where the synovial membrane that lines the joints suffers from a state of inflammation. This then spreads across the area and erodes the cartilage causing the much dreaded pain and stiffness that comes with the condition. Further complications of the condition include Anaemia, Pericarditis and joint infections. The pain and stiffness that ensues leave sufferers frantic for some or any kind of rheumatoid arthritis relief.

Given that there is no known cure to completely alleviate the condition, rheumatoid arthritis relief comes in two forms. One is to alleviate the symptoms and the other is to prevent the condition from worsening and causing further complications or pain. Treatment for the former however does not always mean that it takes care of the latter. It is because of this that Rheumatoid Arthritis is treated by one specific type of medication and supplemented by others as and when required. Because of the absence of definite rheumatoid arthritis cure, most sufferers look to other ways and means of comfort.

Non drug treatments geared towards rheumatoid arthritis relief are many and varied and will provide mixed levels of success at best. Let's now take a look at a few of these. A common practice in rheumatoid arthritis relief is the use of hot and cold treatments. A hot treatment is basically done by applying heat and is best for chronic pain whilst a cold treatment is usually best for acute pain. Examples for hot treatments include having a hot shower or bath in the morning, use of a moist heat pad over affected areas and applying heated oil on to the affected areas and massaging.

Regular and suitable exercise techniques will also help gain some relief. This is by way of increasing general fitness levels and by enhancing the quality of movements in the affected joints. Massages done right can also offer varying levels of comfort. Topical creams that contain salicylates or capsaicin, which caused reduced sensitivity to pain, can also be used over the affected areas. Another method of treatment is electrical stimulation. This is done by sending an electrical current that is painless to large nerve fibres. This will then generate heat and the resulting heat will provide release from pain. This type of treatment needs to be specified by a physician. A close tab on what you eat can also help towards relief although the effects of a diet on relieving pain are still to be proven. One way a diet can help is by assisting in weight loss as more weight means more pressure on the joints.

Finally, given the lack of a permanent cure, the ultimate freedom from the pain and discomfort might rest in one's attitude and approach to the condition. Thus a positive attitude and relaxation methods might also prove to help a sufferer get by in life despite the pain and complications brought about by this condition.

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