Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How It Works: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

There are many diseases that fall into the arthritis category and they can have effects on the body that differ greatly, while also affecting those of all ages. Arthritis is thought of often as senior related diseases, as it is far more common for a senior to develop arthritis than it is for a child.

When considering the various different types of arthritis, the effects of the disease can vary greatly and, even though it is first and foremost a joint disorder, the effects of arthritis can spread to joints or result in skin related problems, so it is by no means strictly a rheumatological disorder.

One of the most common kinds of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which also represents a sort of mystery in many regards. This is because the exact causes of rheumatoid arthritis are not understood completely. It is classified as an autoimmune disorder, where the defense network of the body attacks healthy cells, in the case the area around a joint, which in turn damages the body. Scientists do not know exactly what causes this reaction though, although there are many theories, such as disease and infection, as well as observations about certain factors that are similar among those with this disease.

Unlike some other types of arthritis, the effects of rheumatoid arthritis can sometimes carry over to organs in the body, and result in very serious health complications.

Another kind of arthritis that is more common among those in their sixties is osteoarthritis, which is sometimes called wear and tear arthritis. This type of arthritis is much more likely to result in a deformation, as it causes cartilage to be lost in a joint and when this occurs, bones rub each other as the body moves. In this kind of rhematoligical disorder, inflammation can occur, but it is a by-product of the disease itself. Several risk factors for osteoarthritis have been identified, which include high risk sports, like football or soccer, as well as things like being overweight, which put added strain on the joints. Often, the effects of the disease result in increased bone growth around the joint, which results in even more damage to the joint.

While those of all ages can develop both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, senior citizens are by far more likely to develop these disorders. Promptly treating the disease is important, as it is not possible to cure arthritis, nor reverse the effects of the disease. So, a focus on preventing further complications is an essential part of all treatments. Staying active is also important, more so in the early stages, as it helps keep the joint healthy.

There are many diseases that can affect seniors, but few can have as significant an effect on daily life than a rheumatological disorder.

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