Thursday, June 6, 2013

How To Cure Psoriasis Fast Within Days

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes cells of the skin to grow at a fast rate, thus causing red, irritated blotches to appear on the skin. When this happens, the skin will scale, dry out and most likely be extremely itchy.

In this article, I will recommend some effective remedies and treatments on how to cure Psoriasis fast. These are all natural and safe, and have been proven to work on thousands of Psoriasis sufferers.

1) Spend Time Outside Each Day

It's a good idea to get outside each day, as the natural sunlight contains ultraviolet rays which can help reduce any inflammation and help the skin cells heal faster. It's recommended to get at least 5-10 minutes of exposure to sunlight each day. Even if the sun isn't bright, this will still benefit the skin. You also want to make sure you do not spend too much time in the sun, as this will have an opposite effect and can make your Psoriasis worse.

2) Use Coal Tar Each Day

An often overlooked remedy on how to cure Psoriasis is Coal Tar. Coal Tar is an effective aid in curing Psoriasis, and it comes in cream, oil or lotion form which makes it easy to apply to the skin. It's been proven that Coal Tar helps reduce inflammation, gets rid of itchiness, and stops scaling. There are also shampoo's that have Coal Tar in it that you can use on the scalp.

3) Try Light Therapy

There are special light therapies, one called Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA), which is another effective treatment on how to cure Psoriasis fast. During this light therapy, ultraviolet A is shot down on the infected area of the skin and has been proven to help dry up the scales and heal Psoriasis quickly.

4) Boost Your Immune System

Your body naturally wants to heal itself from any ailments or conditions that are foreign to your natural state of health. When you provide the body with the proper nutrients, hydration, rest and supplements, it can cure Psoriasis on its own.

Whenever someone asks me, "How to cure Psoriasis?", I always ask them what their diet is. Diet is the most overlooked factor, and it's probably the most important in getting rid of Psoriasis. If you're consuming foods that aren't nourishing your body and providing the cells with what they need, then you're making it very difficult to get better.

You want to be consuming as many vegetables as possible, and avoiding sugars, dairy and meats. Not only that, but I recommend taking some good supplements - such as vitamins and minerals. There are some good oils that contain essential fatty acids that your body also needs as well, such as coconut oil, flaxseed oil, or sunflower oil. These oils, when ingested, will do wonders for the skin.

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