Sunday, July 14, 2013

Arthritis, Pain and Berries - How Does It Work?

Pain and danger often come together; are we aware of the consequences?

Our first thought is of some sort of painkiller to get relief when pain becomes unbearable. Arthritis, as every sufferer knows is a stubborn painful disease; it is important to attack it on every level it exists on. We must link and combine many natural herbs, fruits, vegetables, vitamins and foods to intervene on this disease from all directions.

The danger with painkillers and arthritis drugs is they can have deadly side effects when you're hurting it's natural of wanting some relief. If you use conventional pain-reliever to ease the pain it could cost dearly and can bring many other health issues. You may feel better, but beneath the surface drugs and painkillers are causing serious health problems. Here is just a short list of what harm arthritis drugs and painkillers can do: Stomach irritation and bleeding, decreased kidney function, elevate blood pressure which can lead to heart problems, stroke and kidney disease etc., and there are many more. The longer you stay on these drugs and painkillers the more likely you are to suffer serious side effects and damage.

Clinical studies have proven it!

Our food must become our medicine; thousands of scientific studies have proven this. Scientists are now fully accepting the strong evidence of nature's astonishing healing powers. They've identified many natural compounds in food which act like tranquilizers, such as cancer fighters, blood thinners, cholesterol reducer, insulin regulators, and many other powerful anti-inflammatory pain-relievers for arthritis. Such natural healers have been forgotten and unknowingly pushed aside over the last few centuries. Just popping a pill for any type of sickness or pain has become the norm. We became reliant and addicted to drug medicine.

Clinical studies have proven that most herbs, berries and vegetables contain natural pain-relievers and joint healing substances. They are nature's richest sources of anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants called flavonoids with exceptional high anti-inflammatory properties.

Berries - the greatest pain-reliever!

Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and cherries are far more active than aspirin and other painkillers for joint pain - and without side effects! Berries protect your joints because of the high vitamin content. These berries provide cell protection against free radical molecules that damage DNA cell membranes and joint tissue. Scientists conducted a study to test the effects of berries and cherry extract on people with arthritis. They found that these participants experienced significant relief from it. In less than three months on most participants the pain had disappeared. One of them stopped taking the extract and the pain returned within weeks.

Having pain-free joints is as easy as eating a cup of mixed berries and cherries daily to receive high levels of joint-protective antioxidants. Include all these berries in your daily diet with your fruits and vegetables because they have incredible healing powers.

Choose them carefully!

Anyone who is taking supplements and Glucosamine make sure they are the right ones. Do not use N-acetyl Glucosamine (NAG); it is generally worthless, check the labels.

Using a quality product is crucial. A supplement (in liquid form) that also has fruits, berries, Glucosamine and omega-3 all in one is the best option. Lab experiments and clinical trials have proven that certain herbs and nutrients eased the pain and inflammation of arthritis and even more so remarkable helped to rebuild joints.

Remember: Goals and targets are great, but action steps are a must to have success to free your self from pain and discomfort. Whatever you may suffer from, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid, you can add many pain-free years to your life and put a smile back in to your face.

For more follow - up information, for better food choices, the best supplement for pain, and changes you can make, just follow the link, info is free.

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