Sunday, August 18, 2013

Do You Know the Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Did you know there are common symptoms for rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?

A friend of mine was complaining of how her morning stiffness had gotten worse over the last couple of months. I began to ask her if she was having any other problems. She started giving details of other ailments she was experiencing.

I asked her "Do you think you could possibly have rheumatoid arthritis?" Looking at me like I was from outer space!

She immediately responded with a look of shock.

We had a lively conversation as we began to try and figure out the common symptoms. I explained to my friend that I had recently researched rheumatoid arthritis and had learned quite a few facts, particularly some of the common symptoms of RA.

I explained that I had learned that rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints, tissues around the joints and organs in the body. An autoimmune disease is an illness which occurs when the body tissues are mistakenly attacked by its own immune system. RA can cause joint destruction and functional disability. It is an extremely painful disease. It can strike children, teens and adults.

There are several common symptoms.

The most common symptom is pain and stiffness of the joints. Normally first thing in the morning or after you have been resting is when the stiffness is more severe. Another common symptom is inflammation. This causes swelling in and around the joints.

Other common symptoms are called extra-articular symptoms, or simply symptoms outside of the joints. These symptoms can include small nodules that develop over the elbow and forearms, anemia and tiredness, generally feeling poorly, weight loss, fever and muscle aches and pains. In a not so common symptom of RA, inflammation can develop in other parts of the body such as the heart, blood vessels, lungs or eyes. After talking with my friend about the common symptoms she looked a little concerned.

"What is the matter?" I asked.

She told me that she has had several of the symptoms that I mentioned. The afternoon wasn't over yet before she did the right thing and made an appointment with her medical doctor to discuss the possibility of her having rheumatoid arthritis.

If you think you may have rheumatoid arthritis it is important to see you doctor as soon as possible. Common symptoms are easy to detect and it is the early and aggressive treatment of rheumatoid arthritis can help you live a full and active lifestyle.

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