Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Easy Exercise for Arthritis

Osteoarthritis affects 21 million Americans and is caused when cartilage is damaged by injury, overuse, obesity, or muscle weakness. We are all at risk; over half the population age 65 and older has some form of diagnosed arthritis. Whether you want to manage symptoms or are working on prevention, you can take steps to nourish your joints and help them last longer.

Smooth movement is the best thing for your joints. Let me explain why. Arthritis occurs when cartilage, the protective covering on the ends of bones, is damaged. Its major function is to absorb and release synovial fluid, which cushions the impact so bones don't bear the brunt of movement. Cartilage does not receive direct blood flow, so it depends on movement to circulate fluids. As a matter of fact, cartilage will atrophy and degenerate unless used regularly.

Typical exercise does not address the needs of joints and many times makes things worse. Excessive loading of the joints (for example, pounding on a treadmill) damages cartilage and that can lead to osteoarthritis. Also, most exercise focuses on arms and legs and does not include the spine or hands.

There are many joints in the body to nourish, over 100 in the spine and more than 20 in each hand. Look around you at the gym. Do you see smooth movement in the spine and hands? I suspect that most people are creating stiffness instead.

The Arthritis Foundation has created several exercise programs designed specifically to increase mobility without undue strain. The Aquatics Program includes gentle exercises in warm water that are designed to increase flexibility and strength. Tai Chi from the Arthritis Foundation(R) includes 12 movements, six basic and six advanced, which improve agility and relaxation. For more information, visit

Another option is therapeutic yoga, which gently brings movement to the body in a low-pressure, high-awareness environment. You can search for a therapeutic yoga instructor near you at The International Association of Yoga Therapists, Most people think of ultra-flexible, touch your toes to the back of your head moves as yoga. However, yoga has expanded to encompass a broad range of abilities. Therapeutic yoga can be done in a class setting with extra attention from the instructor or in private sessions where the teacher creates a program specifically for your body.

Undulation can be used as a specific exercise, especially for those whose activity is limited by pain, or incorporated into every day activities, which is good for everyone. Undulations are small and mild and focus on one simple movement at a time. Believe it or not, you can lubricate your spine simply by swaying back in forth as you sit as long as you move within your pain-free range. Octopus is an undulation that soothes the joints in the hands. You can learn more about Undulations at

A bit of proactive exercise now will make it easier for you to move in the future. Remember: smooth movement is better than jarring movement for your joints. Take care to include your spine and hands in your workouts. A new form of exercise may be just what you need to reduce your chances of developing arthritis.

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