Monday, August 12, 2013

Glucosamine and Arthritis - The Facts

As of 2009, there were at least 24 different types of glucosamine products on the market. Manufacturer claims include its use in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, leg pain from disc disease and TMJ disorders.

According to a 2009 National Standard patient monograph reviewed by the world renowned Mayo Clinic, there is solid scientific evidence to support its use for but one of these conditions, and only if you use a particular type.

What Is It?

Glucosamine is found in healthy cartilage, the soft tissue covering the ends of bones inside our joints that helps reduce friction as the joint bones move against one another, helping with fluid joint movement. One of its forms-glucosamine sulfate-is part of the makeup of our cartilage matrix and synovial (joint) fluid.

It is believed that in particular, the sulfate form strengthens cartilage and aids in the creation of helpful cartilage and synovial fluid components. It is very often offered as a combination with chondroitin, another component of cartilage.

Where It Works Best

The strongest clinical evidence in both animal and human studies supports its use in the treatment of mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee. There is good evidence for its use for osteoarthritis of other joints, but further research is warranted. Its benefits when used beyond the knee include pain relief and some anti-inflammatory action.

At this time there is simply not enough research to reliably support its use beyond these two areas.

Safety Concerns

Since it may derive from shellfish shells, those with shellfish or iodine allergies should be cautious. There has also been some evidence of asthma worsening with its use.

Insulin Reaction.
If it is injected, some evidence of insulin resistance has been noted, while there is mixed evidence of this effect if it is taken orally.

There may be an increased risk of bleeding, at least in theory. Beware if you have a bleeding disorder or already take medication that increases bleeding risk.

Kidney Function.
One patient taking it with chondroitin developed kidney swelling and dysfunction.

Pregnant/Breastfeeding Women & Children Under 18.
Without reliable scientific evidence as to its safety here, glucosamine is not recommended. Sometimes it is marketed with MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). Since some research connects MSM with autism, so avoid this with children.

Side Effects.
These include upset stomach, headache, insomnia and drowsiness. There are rare reports of abdominal pain and gastrointestinal effects such as diarrhea or constipation.

As with any supplement regimen, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider before beginning.

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