Saturday, September 21, 2013

Arthritis - Symptoms and Treatment

What is arthritis?

The word arthritis originated from the Greek word arthro which means "joint" and itis which means "inflammation". Arthritis thus literally means inflammation of the joint. A joint is an area of our body where two or more bones meet. Joints connect the various bones within our skeleton. The ends of our joints are covered with cartilage, a soft and pliable material which acts as a cushion between the bones of the joints. When the cartilage breaks or wear and tear because of age, disease, injury and excessive activity, one may suffer arthritis.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

Arthritis symptoms vary from person to person but generally, they include: joint pain, deformity, swelling, redness and warmth, limited function of the joint, muscle and joint stiffness, loss of appetite, fatigue or exhaustion, fever, unexplained weight loss and crepitus (also known as creaky joints, popping joints, snapping joints).

Persons afflicted with arthritis would experience pain usually in the joints of the hands, knees, hips and spine. They would have difficulty in writing, holding an object, getting up from a chair, walking, bending, or kneeling because of joint pain. The areas around their affected joints would become red, hot and swollen. Sometimes, their fingers and toes would look like sausages. Their joints also become stiff for hours. When they stand or get out of bed, a crackling noise would be heard. The creaking may occur with or without pain. Person with arthritis would experience weakness, fatigue and exhaustion because of their limited physical mobility. They would also lose appetite. When their condition worsens, they would contract fever.

What is the treatment for arthritis?

Arthritis treatment would depend largely upon the type of arthritis a person has. It is thus necessary to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment.

Treatment for arthritis includes hot pack and cold pack application, lifestyle change, medication, physical and occupational therapy, dietary supplements, splinting, injections and surgical operations.

Cold pack is applied to an inflamed joint while hot compress is to used address joint pain and stiffness. Lifestyle change which includes weight loss and exercise is suggested to reduce stress on the joints and to improve joint function. Physical therapy is recommended as it has been shown to delay surgical operation in advance cases. Exercise helps improve muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. Occupational therapy teaches ways and techniques on how to minimize stress on the joint from everyday activities.

Medications used to treat arthritis include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Ibuprofen, Aleva) and pain relievers (Celebrex, Tramadol). Medications usually start with drugs that have few side effects and shift to stronger ones as the disease advances. Dietary supplements like Glucosamine and Chondroitin are also used to treat arthritis. Such supplements ease pain of arthritis. Injection of hyaluronates (gel-like substance) into the knee joint to supplement the viscous properties of synovial fluid is prescribed in knee arthritis. Joint surgery is resorted to when the damage is severe and when all the other treatments failed.

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