Sunday, September 29, 2013

Space-Age Treatment for Tendonitis and Arthritis

Space-Age Technology

We spend inordinate amounts of our hard-earned money on osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, magnetic therapy, and a massive range of whimsical old wives' remedies which have us mostly living in hope rather than in reality. Treatment for tendonitis, arthritis, and a whole host of other musculoskeletal disorders, needs to be applied using the very latest technologically advanced equipment. In fact, equipment that has been the developed in tandem with the most incredibly advanced space-age research. This 'new' science is known as biomimetics and is used to simulate, and stimulate, the body's natural healing and regeneration processes.

This technology, developed to combat the musculoskeletal disorders experienced by astronauts, often subjected to working for long periods in conditions of weightlessness, has been proven to be most effective in treating the many and varied problems related to bone-ligament-muscle-tendon connectivity.

When normal movement is restricted by arthritis, rheumatism, or other similar conditions affecting the bones and joints, the enjoyment of normal life is severely reduced. Over the years, many methods have been employed in the search for a successful treatment for tendonitis and these other ailments, including medication, pills, potions, diets, bracelets and bangles, manipulation and massage. Most of these have produced little or no long term benefit.

Natural Pain Relief

When the human body needs to repair itself naturally, it responds most favourably to exercise as a part of the process. Unfortunately, disability, or perhaps age, can sometimes prevent exercise of almost any kind and therefore restrict the natural healing process from functioning as it should. Then our painful symptoms simply continue. However, a method of kidding the body into thinking it's being exercised is now being used to stimulate natural relief from pain, and often complete recovery?

Emerging from the deep scientific research carried out in support of the space program, biomimetics, a more complex and powerful further development from what was originally known as pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), has been subjected to rigorous testing and use. The conclusions are extremely positive and encouraging for sufferers of arthritis or rheumatism, and the for the treatment of tendonitis in its many forms.

Startling Results

Harnessing this technology, equipment such as the e-cell is producing startling results in patients experiencing pain and discomfort from a range of musculoskeletal disorders. Fully utilising the advantages gained as a result of the research carried out by scientists working to ensure the health and safety of astronauts, e-cell employs the power and principles of biomimetics to help damaged ligaments, muscles, tendons and joints to repair themselves by stimulating the body's own natural resources. e-cell is succeeding where other therapies have failed and it's application of space-age biomimetic technology is leading the way in the field of musculoskeletal disorder treatment.

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