Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Canine Rheumatoid Arthritis - Valuable Tips For Protecting Your Dog

Canine rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects dogs of all ages, unlike osteoarthritis that usually affects older dogs. Since it is an autoimmune disease, this type of canine arthritis comprises the body's initial reaction to fight off canine distemper virus affecting other tissues as well, such as joints and cartilages.

Although it is just one way of the dog's body to fight off viruses, in some cases the tendency of the immune system is that even the healthy joints are affected. This process eventually causes inflammation which eventually leads to joint damage.

Preventing canine rheumatoid arthritis is not an exact science, but veterinarians have discovered a few methods to lower your pet's risk. Here's how:

Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin C

Just like humans, dogs also need the right nutrients to maintain the normal processes of their bodies. Vets say that providing dogs with Omega 3-enriched foods will help lower the risk of developing canine rheumatoid arthritis.

Experts suggest that if Omega 3 fatty acids has great impact in humans particularly in lowering their risks in developing rheumatoid arthritis, dogs can exhibit the same effect. Hence, it is best to include foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids in your dog's diet, such as fish. You can also use fish oils and add them into your dog's meals.

Also, try to find dog foods that are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C may not be able to cure canine rheumatoid arthritis but it can help prevent the rapid deterioration or destruction of the joints as caused by the body's autoimmune response against certain viruses.

Stop Weight Gain

Some dog owners are fond of seeing their dogs fat or overweight. As much as you would want them to stay adorable, obesity in dogs can trigger the progression of canine rheumatoid arthritis.

The idea is that even if this particular type of canine arthritis is commonly caused by the over-reaction of the immune system, destruction of the joints are still evident. Hence, excess weight can cause the pain and discomfort brought about by the disease.

Extra weight will always put added stress on your dog's joints. Such pressure can wear down the joints in your dog's knees leading to arthritis.

Regular walking and playing with your dog will provide him the best exercise he needs.

Use Dietary Supplements

Just like in humans, supplements can promote better health in dogs, especially when it comes to their bones' health. Try to enhance your dog's diet with Chondroitin Sulphate and Glucosamine Sulphate. These supplements help in inhibiting the weakening and destruction of joints and cartilages in a dog's skeletal system. These supplements increase the lubrication at the cartilages through liquid extraction to the joint.

Also, try to improve your dog's diet by adding up some nutrients to their usual food. Cut up some vegetables or blend in some fruits in your dog's meal for added supplements. Just keep in mind not to add up onions or mushrooms as these can be very deadly for dogs.

Treat the Pain

It is a well-known fact that canine rheumatoid arthritis can not totally be prevented. However, if the disease is already present, the main treatment you should administer is to control the pain or relieve your dog from such discomfort.

Pain relievers are the most common types of medications administered in dogs with rheumatoid arthritis. However, dog owners should be wary of using such medications because of the possible adverse effects on their pets. Just like in humans, medicines can also aggravate or trigger some effects, such as stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, or may even cause liver and kidney problems.

Cooperating with your veterinarian to come up with the appropriate medication or treatment for your dog can ease the pain that your pet is going through. Keep in mind as well that the extra little thing that you can do for your dog, such as providing him nice, comfy quarters can help the discomfort he is experiencing with canine rheumatoid arthritis.

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