Thursday, November 14, 2013

CMC Arthritis - How I Restored Mobility in My Hands

Carpo-Metacarpal (CMC) Arthritis is a form of osteoarthritis that affects the thumbs in particular. The pain can be debilitating and something as simple as holding a pen can be just about impossible. I had to suspend almost all the activities of daily living. But, I had to do something. So I did. It took roughly four months.

I did not resort to taking any NSAIDs, nor any Acetaminophen, nor having cortisone injections, and I definitely did not have any surgery. The big picture for me was that my body was seriously out of balance. I had depleted stores of certain nutrients and an excess of others.

But before I could restore that balance, I had to eliminate processed foods from my diet. The reason for that has to do with two ingredients that are common in all processed foods.

HFCS and Partially Hydrogenated Oils

In all the literature on combating arthritis the advice is to eliminate sugar and to limit fat consumption. Well, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), and Partially Hydrogenated Oils are sugar and fat on steroids.

Our bodies have not adapted to these additives; and therefore cannot process them. So, these additives get slapped into storage, which happens to be our fat cells, and thus accumulate. This extra weight is an added stress on our joints.

When other carbohydrates are ingested, the pancreas produces insulin which then signals the brain that we have consumed enough. Not so with HFCS which goes straight to the liver where it is turned into fat. And since our hunger is never satisfied, we just keep on eating.

Likewise, our bodies are not adapted to deal with partially hydrogenated oil and it too, gets stored as fat. Since the melt-point for this oil is 113 degrees Fahrenheit, which far exceeds human temperatures, it just accumulates in the body as more fat.

I think by eliminating HFCS and partially hydrogenated oils from my diet, it made my body more receptive to beneficial foods.

Common Deficiencies in Those With Osteoarthritis

Sulfur: Those who suffer from osteoarthritis have low levels of sulfur in their bodies. Sulfur is essential for the building, repair and maintenance of cartilage, bone and connective tissues. It also aids in the absorption of calcium. Supplementing with Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM is standard procedure for those who suffer from arthritis. I also eat onions, garlic, eggs and asparagus regularly as they contain high levels of sulfur.

Synovial Fluid: Supplementing with Hyaluronic Acid helps to restore synovial fluid, which provides lubrication and shock absorption for the joints. This supplement works quickly. I noticed improvement within two weeks.

Vitamin E: This is a powerful antioxidant which is needed to protect your joints.

Vitamin B-Complex: This is an absolute must to lessen swelling and inflammation.

Vitamin K: This vitamin is necessary for the deposition of minerals in the bone matrix.

I found a really comprehensive multi-vitamin and multi-mineral complex supplement that worked for me. I focused on quality, not on cost.

Precautions for Those With Osteoarthritis

Arthritis sufferers, in general, have too much acid in their blood, which causes cartilage in the joints to dissolve. So, I eliminated citrus fruits from my diet.

Arthritis sufferers have an excess of copper and iron in their blood. Consuming rice, wheat and rye, which contain histidine, an amino acid, removes excess metals from the body.

While the literature encourages increasing fresh fruits and vegetables in our diets, they do advise against vegetables in the nightshade family. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers contain a substance called solanine. For some people, solanine interferes with enzyme activity in the muscles and can trigger pain.

Prior to my new diet, I was overweight by 45 pounds, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and was severely depressed. As such, I was a candidate for diabetes, heart attack and stroke. But it was the fear of being crippled by my arthritis that galvanized me into some sort of action.

I did restore the mobility in my hands, and along the way, I lost 45 pounds. I do not have the strength I once possessed, it is true; but I am oh so grateful for what I have restored.

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