Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Heal Arthritis Pain With Crystal Energy

Healing arthritis pain with crystals means that we are going to relieve the discomfort that arthritis causes in the joints and other parts of our body. Healing is not curing, the arthritis will always be there, but we are going to heal the joints and relieve the pain of arthritis.

Over time in our everyday lives we transfer energy into everything we do, therefore as others are also transferring their energies we will be absorbing them. Sometimes this energy will be negative-a fight or disagreement with friend or family member-this negativity builds up in our systems and causes back pain, headaches, high blood pressure; the list can go on and on. We need to release this energy or rather "unblock" it so that we can restore the good energy flow back through our body. When we have good energy flow we are without blocks and our body can start to heal itself as it was meant to.

In order to restore this good energy so that our bodies may begin to heal the arthritis pain, we must first remove the blocks which is referred to as cleansing. In order to cleanse the body we will use crystal energy to clear the chakras which are the energy points in our body that are responsible for the movement of good energy, but also responsible for holding in the bad energy. The crystals are from the earth, they vibrate with the natural healing energies of the planet. The crystals are from nature much like ourselves, and we will use these vibrations-or good energy-to attune our bodies with. Once our body is back in harmony with itself we can then begin the healing process of other, more specific areas.

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