Monday, November 25, 2013

Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms and a Possible Solution

One of the numerous different types of arthritis, psoriatic arthritis is affecting patients who also suffer from psoriasis a certain form of skin inflammation. Some symptoms are chronic and marked by joint inflammation, as well as scaly and inflamed spots in the skin. These type of arthritis symptoms occur at any age particularly prevalent at ages between 30 and 50 years old. It affects both men and women equally and usually develops after long-term psoriasis. This disease usually appears after a decade from the onset of psoriasis.

The Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms You Need to Monitor

The joints often attacked by arthritis include the knees, ankles, and toes. It should be noted however that the inflammation is not widespread. Only a few number of joints are affected at the same time. The affected joints become inflamed and are painful to move. Inflamed digits at the hands and feet have a sausage-like appearance.

Inflammation of the skin is commonly seen in the navel area, scalp, knees, and elbows. Psoriatic arthritis symptoms may also spread to other areas beyond the skin. It can cause inflammation of the muscles in the heart, lungs and kidneys. Pitted nails in the fingers and toes are quite typical in patients experiencing these arthritis symptoms. The nails might display marked deformities, ridges and changes in color.

Acne is likewise a regular issue for a lot of patients with symptoms of this disease. Joint stiffness can also be present with this infliction. This is usually very intense upon waking up. Psoriatic arthritis patients generally realize that their joints are extremely stiff and difficult to move upon waking up early in the morning.

Less common symptoms of the disease include inflammation in many joints like that of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the spine with associated pain and inflammation of the rib cage with intense chest pain. This disease can also produce tendonitis or tendons inflammation.

Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms - The Natural Solution

A team of rheumatologists from Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands demonstrated clear improvement of inflammation at a cellular level by elevating glutathione levels within the affected area. One of the results of Glutathione ( also called GSH) is regulating the immune system.

Since arthritis is due to chronic inflammation, scientist have proven that when one regulates the immune system through glutathione supplement, the inflammation and other related symptoms could be prevented.

Called the master antioxidant, some of the benefits of glutathione not only alleviates symptoms by improving the immune system which in turn reduces inflammation, but also provides other benefits like lowering blood cholesterol and a number of other life-threatening illnesses.

Antioxidants like vitamins and glutathione may also aid the body in healing and recovery. Glutathione has an anti-inflammatory effect which is helpful in easing joint inflammation that's caused in psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

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