Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Osteoarthritis in Pets - A Very Common Problem For Pet Parents

As pet parents most of us have become quite familiar with the term osteoarthritis due to the almost unavoidable reality that after a certain age all pets will experience some degree of bone and joint pain. But how quickly this condition is recognized and treated can make a big difference in the long term wellness of your beloved pet. This is not a condition we should close our eyes hoping the problem will resolve itself overtime, for in most cases the longer the impacted arthritic pet joints are allowed to deteriorate the less chance we will have of effectively treating the problem.

Just what is pet osteoarthritis anyway?

The ends of our pets bones are covered by a layer of cartilage which keeps the connecting bones from rubbing against one another. When osteoarthritis is present the natural shock absorber layer of cartilage has begun to wear out. The more it deteriorates the worse the condition becomes.

As our pets age the water content in the cartilage increases, and the all important protein content decreases. In advanced cases the bones may lose their protective cartilage layer altogether causing the dreaded bone on bone result to become a reality. The longer the bones are allowed to rub together the greater the damage and the more intense the pain. Additionally, bone spurs may develop making an already serious problem even worse.

If only our pets could talk

People complain all the time about their arthritis/osteoarthritis but their pets tend to go merrily about their business until the condition reaches a point where much of the bone and joint damage will have become irreversible.

Our goal as responsible pet parents is to recognize the condition through picking up subtle signs earlier, rather than later, through careful observation. Let's look at eleven common signs to help us accomplish this.

They are:

Gradually becoming less alert

Difficulty standing or sitting

Seems to be becoming less lovable

Exhibiting more aggressive

Is sleeping more

Stiffness especially after a nap or during cold weather months

Less interest in play

Failure to meet you at the door as he/she always has

Looks at stairs ominously, as if to say "Ouch this is really going to hurt"

Weight gain

Is not amiable to harassment from pet playmates

Once I start to notice these signs what next?

The chances are pretty good that if you take your pet to veterinarian he/she will write you a prescription for one of a number of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), suggest you keep your pet warm, and ask you to make an appointment in 6 months.

As a pet parent of both an arthritic dog and cat I can tell you that while the warm part is good advice my personal opinion is that the NSAIDS part may not be the way to go; or at least not by alone.

These types of medications only mask the symptoms as the cartilage continues to wear away. Our goal should be to rebuild cartilage, or at the very least halt its destruction, which in turn will provide our arthritic pet with a long-term benefit rather than a short-term Band-Aid.

There are a few simple steps that will give you and your pet a fighting chance to accomplish this:

*Daily supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate

*If your pet is overweight losing a few pound is something worth considering

*Switching to foods specially formulated for osteoarthritis in pet or ones containing the aforementioned glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Pet foods containing omega 3 fatty acids may also prove helpful as well

*Moderate but consistent daily exercise, or even better yet water or pool therapy to reduce joint wear and tear and build muscle support around the damaged joint

What else? There are a number of very good all natural pet arthritis medications worth considering which contain not only glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate but a number of other helpful herbs, vitamins, and minerals as well. They are for the most part affordable and have been proven to produce results in a 4 to 6 weeks in many arthritic pets.

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