Saturday, November 23, 2013

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriasis is an unfortunately common skin condition. It causes skin redness, silver-white patches called scales, and irritation. It is most commonly seen on the elbows, knees, and trunk of the body, but can it can literally be anywhere, including the scalp and even genitals. In severe cases, such as when it covers the entire body, hospitalization may be required but treatment is usually at home for example using creams and moisturizers. It can come and go in some people. For example I had it on my arm an elbow concurrently with pneumonia, however it's now gone hopefully to never return!

Roughly 10% of psoriasis sufferers suffer from joint pain or aching, which is known as psoriatic arthritis. It can go into remission, remain mild, or in some cases result in major disability. If it progresses, it can be treated with NSAIDs, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, or with some of the medications used for rheumatoid arthritis which similarly involves inflammation of the joints.

There are also some new drugs available that show a lot of promise. They are called biologics, and they block proteins which the medical profession believes is involved in the inflammation. Two of these are Remicade (generic name infliximab) and Enbral (generic name etanercept). Remicade is applied in a series of infusions and Enbral is injected, often self-injected at home. These new medicines unfortunately are expensive and can run upwards or ten thousand dollars a year. As always, it's questionable whether your insurance will cover and medical procedure or treatment.

Should you suspect psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, of course contact your doctor. Unless medically trained, do not self diagnose.

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