Have you noticed any changes in your dog recently? Maybe she has difficulty getting up, or moving around. It could be that she has early signs of canine arthritis.
Arthritis in dogs is similar to that in humans. There is a degeneration of the joints that can result in pain and stiffness. In a healthy dog, the bones in the joint are covered in cartilage, which protects them and provides some shock absorbing capacity. As she gets older it is common for this layer of cartilage to become worn away, in severe case exposing the bone. This can lead to inflammation and resulting discomfort for your dog.
There are a number of causes of arthritis. For the most common form, osteoarthritis, age is a major factor. Older dogs are much more likely to be affected. Certain breeds are also more prone to getting arthritis. If your dog has had a previous joint injury it may also mean that she is more likely to get arthritis at a later time.
The joints most commonly affected are the hips, knees and elbows. However any joint could become affected.
To have a diagnosis of canine arthritis, you should always have your pet taken to the vets for confirmation. But here are some of the warning signs. She has trouble getting up from a lying down position and is reluctant to go up or down stairs. Instead of rushing ahead of you on walks like she used to do, she now lags behind you. You may even notice that she is limping or looks uncomfortable when walking.
There are a number of treatment options available to you. The first resort that a vet will often use is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This is a medicine that will act to reduce the inflammation and it also has a pain killing effect. In dogs with serious canine arthritis the possibility of surgery may have to be considered.
There are also a number of alternative treatments that pet owners have tried, although there is no scientific evidence that they work. These include magnet therapy, where strong magnets are placed close to the site of pain (possibly in a dog's blanket).
It is important to remember that there is no cure as such for canine arthritis. The treatment that is administered aims at relieving and reducing the symptoms of pain and inflammation. This should make life for your dog more enjoyable.
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