Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have a deadly relationship with intestinal flora - often referred to as friendly bacteria. This is the region of the large bowel located near the splenic flexure. Among other activities, the intestinal flora is primarily charged with the responsibility of maintaining the proper pH level for the colon, for the production of certain nutrients and for helping to keep excess acids to a minimum in the body. As essential as the healthy functioning of the intestinal flora may be to good health, rarely do we hear or read about the importance of a healthy intestinal flora in keeping the development and proliferation of rheumatic disease states, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, to a minimum.
During the early part of the twentieth century a brilliant English surgeon, by the name of Sir Arbuthnot Lane, proved, conclusively, the relationship between a healthy colon and adequate supplies of sodium and potassium being available to the friendly bacteria. He further determined that acidophilus is absolutely critical for the healthy functioning of the intestinal flora. Having operated on more than 2,000 cadavers and hundreds of living patients, Dr. Lane was able to see these relationships clearly. He noted that where mineral salts such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and silicon were deficient, and where acidophilus was not being adequately supplied by diet, the intestinal flora was underactive and often contributed to low-grade infections. This condition invariably led to a highly acidic state where sodium reserves in the body were depleted from the stomach, lymph and joints. This often set the stage for the development of the symptom complex arthritis, in one form or another.
Although the established medical culture of his day frowned upon his findings, Lane's work was studied and championed by John Kellogg, Are Waerland and, in later years, by Drs. John Tilden and Bernard Jensen. Kellogg, Tilden and Jensen were able to prove the relevance of Lane's claims during many years of sanitarium work with patients stricken with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. What I later learned while studying with Jensen in Escondido, California, was that Lane, Kellogg, Tilden and Jensen were right in their assertions. When organic sodium and potassium salts and acidophilus are lacking in the diet, and when body is overloaded with toxic waste material, a severe chemical imbalance will take place in the intestinal flora. Acid wastes cannot be properly neutralized in the colon and, subsequently, throughout the body.
The cells of the body require a copious supply of sodium phosphate to help remove cellular metabolic waste - particularly carbon dioxide. Without this simple sodium compound cellular waste can accumulate to the point where the cells are starved of nutrients, toxic, dysfunctional and inclined to pathological conditions. As this continues unabated, the body will deteriorate and degrade to where it can develop such degenerative health issues as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Understanding the great importance of the proper balance of sodium to potassium throughout the body and the necessity of acidophilus in the diet can aid the body in overcoming and often reversing afflictions such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. If you are given to drinking coffee - even decaffeinated - eating chocolate, drinking soda pops, excessive protein consumption, drinking pasteurized milk, eating refined sugar products or denatured wheat products, you will be depleting vitamin and mineral reserves and have a difficult time replenishing and maintaining a healthy intestinal flora.
When you combine proper food intake with a healthy intestinal flora environment you can successfully treat and often reverse osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout, acid reflux and rheumatism. These are all primarily symptom complexes of the same basic disease - systemic toxemia, which is usually brought on by a tired, undernourished and enervated body unable to keep up with the demands of one's lifestyle and faulty dietary habits.
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