Saturday, January 19, 2013

Arthritis - A Deadly Disease

Arthritis is the disease basically associated with the old people but the children may be affected by this disease. People of the age group 65 are mostly affected by arthritis in North America and they together constitute 70% of the total population. Women are at the major risk of getting affected by arthritis as compared to the men and this disease is more prevalent in the women of all ethnic races and cultures. According to an estimate about 46 million of people USA are suffering from this disease and the number increases every year. About one million people are admitted to the hospital just because of the problems they face because of arthritis.


All the persons suffering from arthritis complain the problem of extreme pain. The pain may be different according to the location and the individual. Rheumatoid arthritis is very worse in the morning and is characterized by stiffness. In the earlier stages the symptoms cannot be easily recognized. In the old individuals and the children pain may not be the major diagnostic feature as the old people move little and the children refuse to move the limb when it is paining. Important features of arthritis include speed and time of onset, pattern of joint movement, symmetry of symptoms, early morning stiffness, locking with inactivity, tenderness and other systemic factors. Physical examination and the radiography may be helpful in the diagnosis of the disease. Arthritis has been known from prehistoric times. Extra articular features of arthritis or joint disease include cutaneous nodules, oedema, ocular inflammation, diarrhea, bursitis, lymphadenopathy and urethritis. Blood tests indicate the presence of rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF) and extractable nuclear antigen.


In USA arthritis is the major cause of disability among the individuals and 20 million people are dependent upon the doctors and the physicians for their survival. It has been found that the 50% of an individual's salary who is suffering from arthritis is lost in the treatment of arthritis. The ability of a person to remain active is lost completely. Some also suffer from obesity, high cholesterol and risk of heart disease. Depression may also be found in such individuals.


Apart from the type of arthritis the common symptoms are pain, joint stiffness and swelling and a persisting pain around the joints. Other symptoms include inability to walk and move hands, malaise and feeling of tiredness, fever, weight loss, poor sleep, muscle ache, tenderness and difficulty in moving the joints.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is a disorder where the body starts destroying its own tissues for some unknown reasons. The attack is not only restricted to the joints but also to other parts of the body. The major damage is caused to the lining of the joints and the cartilage resulting in the erosion of two opposing bones. The joints of the fingers, knee, wrists and elbows are affected in the rheumatoid arthritis. The disease is having symmetry and causes severe deformity in few years. It basically affects the people of age group 20 or more. This disorder in children causes pain, fever, skin rashes and limitations on the day to day activities. Actual cause rheumatoid arthritis is not known till present but the scientists are very actively engaged in finding out the treatments as possible for this disorder. The drugs that are administered against rheumatoid arthritis include intravenous injections of either corticosteroids or monoclonal antibodies. Remicade is a drug which is presently being used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and can be effective for short term only. Surgery can be done to replace the affected joint but there is no complete cure of the disorder. Other dangerous symptoms can also develop in later stages which include heart problems, gait abnormality and skin nodules.


It affects the larger joints of the body like that of the back, hip or the knees. This is generally the result of the wear and tear of the joints. It begins in the cartilage and results in the erosion of two opposing bones. It starts with a minor pain which is experiences while walking and the pain becomes continuous during the night. The pain causes hindrance in the daily activity of the individual. It is basically a disorder very common among the old people especially the women of the age group 65. Osteoarthritis cannot be cured but can be prevented from becoming worse. Weight loss is the most common feature of this disease. Physical therapy of the joints may be helpful in getting some relief. Joint replacement may be of little help.

Severe Arthritis

Arthritis is a dangerous disease and in more intense cases it can result in severe deformities. The majority of the individuals suffering from the rheumatoid arthritis have deformed fingers. The deformity may also be seen in the wrist joint so it cannot be moved properly. Other problems include appearance of carpal tunnel syndrome due to nerve entrapment. In later cases the sensation of the fingers also gets lost. Infectious arthritis is another form of severe arthritis. It is characterized by appearance of sudden chills, fever and joint pain. This condition may be caused by bacteria. This disease can be easily diagnosed and prevented from becoming intense. Psoriasis is another form of arthritis. In this case first the patient develops skin problems followed by arthritis. Symptoms include joint pain, stiffness and swelling. There is no cure for this disease and this occurs on a small scale. Lupus is a collagen vascular disorder that can be frequently found associated with arthritis. The symptoms of lupus include skin rash, extreme photosensitivity, hair loss, kidney problems, lung fibrosis and constant joint pain. Another problem that has been found associated with arthritis is gout which arises due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints leading to inflammation. The joints lose their activity and often swell.


Rheumatoid and the osteoarthritis are not curable but one can prevent himself from being affected by physical therapy, losing weight and eating healthy. The individuals who feel pain in the joints must immediately consult the physicians so that the treatment can be started as soon as possible in order to prevent the disorder from becoming intense.


Once arthritis is diagnosed treatments are available for a number of symptoms that are frequently experienced. Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are not curable. The treatments used against them can help in relieving pain for a short period but complete relief is not possible. Treatments include physical therapy, changing the lifestyle, orthopedic bracing, medications and dietary supplements. Arthroplasty also called joint replacement surgery can also be performed. Physical exercise has given better results in treatment of arthritis.


Physicians generally start the treatment with the use of drugs. The first choice of drugs is the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ibuprofen and tramadol are the general pain killers which are basically used. The drugs although effective are also associated with a number of side-effects like the abdominal pain, bleeding, liver and kidney damage and ulcers. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be used for prolonged periods without the prescription of the physician. Corticosteroids are presently being used for the treatment of arthritis. They help in reducing the inflammation and also prevent the joint damage. Corticosteroids are associated with a number of side effects like ulcers, hypertension, cataracts, diabetes, skin bruising, and weight gain. Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) is generally used for the treatment for the rheumatoid arthritis as they are helpful in preventing the joint damage. The commonly used DMARDs are methotrexate, hydrochloroquineand minocycline. They are also having many side effects in the form of liver and kidney damage, bone marrow suppression and possibility of other infections.

Immunosuppressants like cyclosporine and cyclophosphamide can be taken for getting relief from inflammation. These drugs make an individual more prone to other infections. Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors have been used for getting relief from inflammation and joint pain. They are also having some side effects as a person becomes susceptible to the risk of heart disease and other infections.
Occupational therapy and the physical therapy can help the people suffering from arthritis. Physical therapy can teach an affected individual how to relax the limb without damaging the joints. It can also provide splint and braces for the joints. Physical therapy also teaches how to drive the car, take bath and perform household work. Occupational therapy teaches how to reduce on the joints and perform the daily activities. Physical therapy also makes use of ice, heating pads and ultrasound guided massage therapy. Both these therapies help an individual to remain free from some of the difficulties of arthritis.

It can be concluded that arthritis is a very painful disease affecting the joints and there no complete cure for it only one can practice the use of physical and occupational therapy. Drugs can be helpful but are at risk and make an individual more prone to other infections.

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally

Arthritis is pain in the fingers, knees, elbows, hips jaw-any place in
the body where there is a joint between bones. It can be very painful. This
because joints are surrounded by many nerves and the nerves are needed to make
the complicated joints work properly. There are many forms of arthritis like
Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid; to name just two, but we are not going into that
now. What we are looking at here is natural remedies.

A lot of arthritis sufferers very often turn to natural herbal remedies
and botanical methods to gain release from their symptoms. But do these
natural alternatives do what they promise? Can you find relief from herbal
supplements? There are many herbs and such like that has shown some promise in
helping treat the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis and we will just look at a
few of them:.

Thunder god vine

A supplement that is derived from a perennial vine that is
native to Asia, also in areas of China, Korea, and Japan. The root is peeled
away to make this herbal supplement and is by tradition, been used to treat
autoimmune illnesses and inflammatory conditions. It has been find by research
that thunder god vine does indeed contain anti-inflammatory activity, and some
immune-boosting activity has also been discovered. One clinical trial carried
out at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that roughly
80 per cent of those patients who were given a high dose of the plant
supplement found that their Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms got better
considerably. However, researchers have found that this and other studies are
too small to prove the true efficacy of this plant-derived supplement.


To take away the pain of gout, eat 6-8 cherries per day. They can be
tinned, frozen or fresh. This is a Japanese treatment, which they have used
for centuries. They also boil the cherries down into a syrup which makes a
strong sweet drink. The cherry is a very good source of magnesium (which is a
natural painkiller) and potassium. The potassium acts as a diuretic, reducing
inflammation by ridding tissue of fluid.

Dandelion leaves

One of the best remedies for treating arthritic conditions probably
grows right in your backyard: fresh young dandelion leaves. Because of the
high vitamin A and C content, when eaten raw in salads, these greens help the
body to repair damaged tissues and help the liver clear toxins out of the
blood. European herbalists have used these anti-pain dandelion recipes for
many years. Older leaves should be steam or sauté - like spinach, this is
because they are too tough to eat raw. You can also improve the taste by
cooking with garlic or add olive oil for a tasty dish. Dandelion can also be
made into a tea: Steep, just 1 teaspoon of dried leaves or 3 teaspoons of
fresh leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Or make a coffee-like, but
bitter-tasting, beverage by boiling, and then straining, 4 ounces of fresh
root in 2 pints of water. Taken daily, this is a good guard against winter

Desert devil Devil's-claw

An ominous-sounding cure - comes from the Kalahari Desert of South
Africa. For at least 250 years, the Hottentots, Bantus, and Bushmen (all
native tribes of this region) have treated arthritis pain with this large
claw-like fruit that can trap and injure livestock. The tribesmen's favourite
method is to draw an extract from the root and brew it into a tea.
Alternatively, devil's-claw can be dried, powdered, and taken in tablet form.
Recent French and German studies found that the pain-relief of devil's-claw is
similar to that of cortisone. The root acts mainly as an anti-inflammatory, an
effect of harpagoside, its active ingredient. Preparations using the whole
plant work even better because it contains additional compounds, such as
flavonoids, that enhance the anti-inflammatory effect. Devil's-claw is
available in many forms through most mailorder herb companies and health food


The British, known for their fondness for sweets, swear by crude
blackstrap molasses dissolved in water. When taken every morning, they say
this preparation eases and even eliminates pain in the joints. This is some
feat in England! (Cold, damp climates usually aggravate a case of arthritis.)
The molasses is an excellent source of minerals, including iron, potassium,
and magnesium. It is also a concentrated sweet. So it is important to rinse
your mouth out or brush your teeth after using this treatment. Otherwise, you
may be trading one pain (arthritis) for another - a toothache!

Cooper bracelets

This does vindicate old wives. Until recently, Western doctors dismissed
as folklore the idea of wearing copper bracelets as a way of treating
arthritis. Indeed, there are many doctors who are still sceptical. Researchers
in Australia, however, have found that copper, when coupled with aspirin, is
more effective than aspirin alone in treating the pain of arthritis. Since
many substances are absorbed through the skin, there may be some truth in this
old wives' tale. Cooper bracelets are available all over the net.


Ginger is very effective in the treatment of arthritis and a host of
other ailments. Recent medical research in Holland has indicated that this,
too, is much more than just myth. Eating ginger does, according to the Dutch
doctors, help alleviate arthritis pain. Use the ginger with anything...soups,
sauces, or salads.

Bee Stings

An arthritis therapy that may sound more like a punishment was used
2,000 years ago by Hippocrates - bee stings. Once considered to be the leading
cure for rheumatism, arthritis, and gout, bee stings were used for centuries
by ancient Europeans.Based on this traditional therapy, scientists in
Switzerland, France, Germany, and Great Britain devised a treatment that
employed a series of injections of the venom- using either a hypodermic needle
or a live bee! The bee venom, like many noxious substances, stimulates the
immune system to release inflammatory substances. This is known as the counter
irritation theory.

Saint Hildegard's Ointment

Hildegard was a mystic from 12th century Germany whose wisdom still
holds true to day. She said " Detoxify, purify, and regenerate the whole
organism." Hildegard's recipe for an arthritis ointment was to take 4 parts
vermouth, 2 parts deer fat, and 2 parts deer marrow, and mix it into a salve.
This ointment was massaged on the painful joints while the sufferer sat in
front of an elmwood fire. The warmth of the fire and the stimulation of blood
flow from the massage were really the important parts of the treatment. So if
you cannot get your hands on any deer fat. goose fat is a much better option
and is available all over the net. To get rid of the rheumatic toxins that
caused pain, Hildegard prescribed eating fragrant, raw quince. The fruit can
be cooked in water or wine, baked in a cake or pie, or made into jellies and
candy ( this is popular today during holiday seasons). Hildegard's advice to
gout sufferers was to slowly chew (before breakfast) 1 to 3 teaspoons of
celery seed powder mixed with spices such as rue, cloves, and saxifrage. For a
better taste, the celery powder can be sprinkled on bread with quince jelly.
Celery is a diuretic, and the loss of excess fluid can reduce the inflammation
associated with the arthritis. Rue contains ruin, which can strengthen blood
vessels (preventing them from leaking fluid into tissue and thus preventing
inflammation).Warning: Don't use rue during pregnancy. It can bring on

Aloe Vera

Aloe, by its self does not cure or heal anything; it is the
beneficial effects of over 200 different nutritional constituents and the way
they react to help reduce inflammation and pain which promote healing. Aloe
Vera gives a great boost to the immune system and energy levels. So, In other
words.....Aloe Vera provides the body with the right agents to take care of
itself and to restore and repair body functions and the body's own healing

Many people think that because they are taking an herbal supplement or
botanical-based drug therapy, there will be no side effects. The truth is that
herbal supplements can be quite powerful and can have strong side effects.
Many if not most of all conventional drug therapies are derived from plants
and herbs.

The bad news is that there is not enough sufficient research to
conclusively prove the efficacy of many of these herbal supplements and
botanical-based drugs. Before you try any herbal supplement, it is
important that you discuss its use with your doctor.

EMS - A Cure for Osteoarthritis?

EMS stands for Electro Muscle Stimulation. In simple terms an electronic machine is used to stimulate the muscles. In more complicated terms it is a low voltage waveform, applied through conductive pads, placed at strategic points on the body, to stimulate muscle motor nerves.

Normally when we exercise the brain sends signals via the spinal cord to nerve sensors which cause our muscles to expand and contract. As we continue to exercise lactic acid builds up in and around the muscle and we start to tire.

An EMS machine works by applying a controlled signal to stimulate the same nerve sensors, causing the muscle to expand and contract. The increased blood flow to the muscles helps deliver the essential nutrients for recovery, speeding up the rehabilitation process. The work relaxation cycle of an EMS machine also facilitates the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, allowing them to relax quicker.

The medical profession use EMS machines to treat a variety of conditions in rehabilitation units with encouraging results. Most treatments are specifically for conditions which require muscle stimulation. They are most commonly used on people whose muscles have weakened after long periods of bed rest.

Osteoarthritis of the knee, a condition more often found in older people, is usually caused by general wear and tear on the knee joint from normal day to day activities. Sometimes it can be the result of some old injury sporting or otherwise. Knee problems are often exacerbated by lack of proper support to the knee joint by the surrounding muscles. The end result is deterioration of the knee cartilage resulting in more pain.

Strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee is key to easing the pain of Osteoarthritis sufferers. Health care providers usually start off by having patients work on strengthen their quadriceps (the large group of muscles which run along the front of the leg from the knee to the hip). EMS is introduced as an additional therapy, along with a number of other non load bearing exercises, particularly for osteoarthritis patients, to improve muscle strength. EMS offers great benefits for the elderly, who tend to be the most common sufferers osteoarthritis, as well as other patients with limited mobility.

Another benefit of using an EMS machine is the TENs effect some programs have. (TENs stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation where transcutaneous means through the skin.) Low rate programs usually between 2Hz to 5Hz with a pulse width close to 200uS encourages the release of endorphins which in turn gives pain relief that can last several hours.

EMS machines come in a variety of shapes, sizes and prices, depending on whether they are used for medical or body toning. Most machines used for medical purposes are small compact and portable and will have 4 electrodes, while body toning machines use multiple electrodes and may not be portable.

EMS is a treatment option for a wide range of injuries or conditions caused by or related to muscle weakness, as well as joint, tendon, and nerve injuries. It has also found a place in many other walks of life from beauty treatment to bodybuilding, often with some too good to be true claims. While no EMS machine will give you an instant six pack by sitting around supping beer, it does have a many uses in athletics, rehab and bodybuilding.

EMS machines should only be used on the advice of a doctor or other health professionals. They may not be suitable for certain conditions. Always follow the manufactures instructions supplied with the machine. EMS machines should never be used by people who have a pacemaker or have heart problems. Pregnant women should avoid using EMS machines as the affects on the unborn baby are not known. Never place EMS electrodes on your head or neck

Learning About Rheumatoid Arthritis - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Many people have a hard time defining exactly what rheumatoid arthritis is. It is a common form of arthritis that affects the joints. It normally occurs in small joints such has hands and feet. This article will give a brief description of it and its symptoms, causes and treatments.

This type is one of the most common types of arthritis. It usually occurs on both sides of the body. This is the number one way it is diagnosed. The symmetry of this form is very unique. Besides the joints it is also associated with effects of the skin, eyes, nerves, blood and heart. All types of this crippling disorder occur when joints become inflamed. There are various reasons the joints become inflamed and the inflammation usually leads to intense pain.

The most common symptom is joint swelling or inflammation. Things like stiffness and fatigue are also associated with this type. These symptoms can be continuous or infrequent. Sometimes the pain occurs over months of even years. A remission state can be entered; however it is likely to come back. As previously stated this form of arthritis usually occurs in the smaller joints of the body. The inflammation or swelling is usually visible and can be seen by the naked eye.

The causes of it have yet to be determined. There are many theories, but none are proven to be more accurate than the other. Some believe that this type is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental and hormonal factors. Another theory is that internal factors cause the immune system to attack the joints. The most common hypothesis is that viruses and bacteria destroy joints. Because none of these theories have been proven accurate all are taken into consideration when deciding upon a treatment.

The normal treatment for this type of debilitating disease is medication. Multiple forms of medication can be used such as pain killers or anti-inflammatory drugs. Other treatments include rest, therapy, and on occasion, surgery. The type of therapy is directly related to where the pain is concentrated and what causes the pain.

This type can affect anyone. The most common misconception of pain is that only people of older age can become subject to it. This is untrue and it is important to remember that anyone can get arthritis. It is a common disorder and is often untreated. The reason this particular type is frequently untreated is because it is normally unreported. Many people do not notice their joint pain as arthritis. Like mentioned before, it can take many years to become extremely painful.

This particular debilitation can commonly be mistaken for many things. Until the pain is heightened most people do not even take it into consideration. It has many distinct symptoms and can easily be diagnosed. Even though the causes of it are not exact, there are many theories. These theories are all taken into consideration when making the diagnosis and deciding upon a treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disorder and should be taken seriously.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Persistent Painful Life

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease which causes tremendous pain to the person affected by it. Any person in the age group 25 to 55 may develop this condition. Starting as a little pain in one or two joints it may soon develop into an extremely painful affair, almost all the joints of the body and associated muscles, causing the pain. It is a slow destructive swelling of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the finger joints and joints of the feet initially. Soon it develops and covers the entire body, to affect all joints, like the wrists, knees, shoulders, ankles, elbows etc. It is a very painful experience to be affected with this illness. Sometimes, the pain is a little eased but there are repeated and progressive attacks which make the person suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis suffer a lot. It has been found that the percentage of women suffering from this type of arthritis is nearly double than that of men. It also affects people of any age group.

This problem has many symptoms, all of them painful. Swollen joints have stiffness and pain. The pain and swelling increase in the mornings usually. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes the skin over the affected joints to get a shiny appearance. Movement of the person becomes very restricted because of general stiffness in the joints and muscles. Though not very common, in a very few cases mobility loss may also occur. It causes a general feeling of illness in the affected person, who may also suffer from loss of appetite. Because of the destructive effect, over a period of time, especially the joints of the hands, they may become deformed and completely lose their function. Rheumatoid arthritis is a persistent disease, sometimes causing anaemia and also affecting the eyes, lungs etc.

As with many diseases, the exact cause of this problem is not known. Known treatment is to take painkillers to get relief from the pain. It is always advisable to contact the doctor as soon as symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis appear. The doctor gets the affected joints x-rayed so that he can know the extent of damage and severity of the attack. The doctor also usually prescribes anti inflammatory drugs which give good relief from the pain. Very extreme cases, when he suspects that there will be further damage to the joints he may put into splints. It is not unknown that operation is also done in some cases. Arranging for physiotherapy, and help related to easing of strain due to work also may be arranged by the doctor.

Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be prevented. Apart from the pain it causes, and the possible deformities at the joints, Rheumatoid arthritis has psychological effects on the affected person also. Any deformity on any part of the body is cause for anyone to be going into a state of depression. Another troublesome feature of Rheumatoid arthritis is alternating its attacks and remissions.

Operation of the affected parts and their replacement has been developed and it will give a person much relief and mobility.

What Is the Future of Stem Cell Treatment for Arthritis?

One of the most promising areas for arthritis treatment is the use of autologous adult mesenchymal stem cells. These are progenitor cells (cells that can differentiate into other cells) that are present within the patient.

Most descriptions of the use of mesenchymal stem cells have come from evaluations of patients with osteoarthritis. While most of these reports have been largely anecdotal, one recent presentation from our center revealed our experience with 22 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee (American College of Rheumatology meeting, November, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia).

The findings were quite encouraging. Among other joints we have evaluated include the shoulder as well as the hip. Further investigation is planned for joints such as the base of the thumb, ankle, and the base of the big toe.

What is extremely exciting is a recent report from RNL BIO, a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the use of donor adult stem cell therapeutics.

They described a patient report utilizing stem cell therapy on an orthopedic spine surgeon who suffered from autoimmune arthritis.

According to the press release, "Dr. Stanley Jones, the surgeon and patient, reports that he had a sudden onset of acute pain in his wrist in September 2009; shortly thereafter the patient experienced pain in his knees as well. Dr. Jones saw a rheumatologist who diagnosed him with autoimmune arthritis. He was placed on cortisone, a steroid hormone, to suppress immune response and alleviate pain. Unfortunately Dr. Jones suffered complications from the cortisone... His condition deteriorated and his ability to perform routine activities of daily living or his profession was impacted.

... After a workup, he received stem cell infusions in Kyoto, Japan in May 2010. Post infusion, he began to notice improvement and by the end of 5 months, he had a complete recovery and was able to resume sports as well as operating."

While the exact diagnosis regarding this patient's arthritis is unknown, the clinical presentation suggests the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

The major difference between the use of autologous mesenchymal progenitorcells in treating osteoarthritis and treating other forms of arthritis is fairly significant.

In treating osteoarthritis, we use a combination of growth factors and a tissue scaffold in order to hold the stem cells in place so that they can grow new cartilage.

The situation described above with using donor autologous mesenchymal stem cells makes use of their ability as immunomodulators.

These cells have been used in autoimmune disease such as lupus.

According to the NIH, "the objective of hematopoietic stem cell therapy for lupus is to destroy the mature, long-lived, and auto-reactive immune cells and to generate a new, properly functioning immune system"....

"The patient's own stem cells have been used in a procedure known as autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. First, patients receive injections of a growth factor, which coaxes large numbers of hematopoietic progenitor cells to be released from the bone marrow into the blood stream. These cells are harvested from the blood, purified away from mature immune cells, and stored. After sufficient quantities of these cells are obtained, the patient undergoes a regimen of cytotoxic (cell-killing) drug and/or radiation therapy, which eliminates the mature immune cells. Then, the hematopoietic stem cells are returned to the patient via a blood transfusion into the circulation where they migrate to the bone marrow and begin to differentiate to become mature immune cells. The body's immune system is then restored."

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Essentially, this is the theory behind using autologous mesenchymal stem cells for treating other autoimmune types of arthritis such as rheumatoid disease.

Those differences aside, what is similar is that mesenchymal progenitor cells are being asked to create new tissue and correct abnormalities brought about by disease processes.

The bottom line is this: autologous mesenchymal stem cells are the future in dealing with arthritis.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Arthritis Treatment: 7 Facts You Should Know About Gout

Once known as a disease of kings and wealthy men, gout has made a comeback in the pantheon of diseases affecting Western culture.

The incidence of gout is on the rise. Many reasons for this have been posited by experts. These include the epidemic of obesity endemic to the United States. In addition, food additives such as high fructose containing corn syrup used in many processed foods and soft drinks is also a culprit.

This article will describe 7 facts for understanding why gout develops.

The primary villain responsible for gout is uric acid (UA). This is a byproduct of the metabolism of purines, substances found in different foods. While animals have the ability to break down UA using an enzyme called uricase, human beings do not. The end result is an accumulation of UA with subsequent deposits of UA in joints and other body tissues. Gouty arthritis, which is how gout usually presents, is a painful, debilitating condition.

1. Gout affects about 3 per cent of the population, almost 8 million Americans. While men are affected more often than women, there is a spike in the incidence of the disease in postmenopausal women.

2. While the common myth is that the problem is overproduction of UA, most gout occurs because the kidneys don't get rid of UA fast enough.

3. Overproduction is seen in some diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma, particularly during treatment when cancer cells are destroyed. This leads to a marked increase in blood UA levels.

4. One type of arthritis that is characterized by an elevated blood UA level is psoriatic arthritis. The underlying reason is the high cell turnover seen in this condition. This can also be a "fooler" because it can be mistaken for gout.

5. Four causes of excess UA production are excess consumption of foods high in purines, obesity, and alcohol consumption. A variety of drugs can also cause excessive UA accumulation as a result of overproduction.

6. Inability to get rid of UA can be seen with kidney diseases of various types.

7. Predisposing factors to UA deposits include joint damage due to osteoarthritis, a drop in joint temperature (which is why attacks affect the feet at night), and dehydration.

The end result of UA accumulation is deposits of UA (monosodium urate) crystals in body tissues. This occurs when the serum UA remains above 6 mg/dl. In future articles I will describe attacks, how they present, and the treatments.

Arthritis Joint Pain Treatment and Herbal Remedies That Work

For patients with arthritis, coping with joint pain seems to be the most important thing. Unless immediate measures of reducing pain in the joints are taken the condition can worsen someone's quality of life to the point when he or she becomes incapable of doing even the simple movements. An early diagnosis is almost vital and, even though physicians prescribe medicine that reduces arthritis joint pain many people find help in essential oils and herbal supplements.

Some herbs contain impressive amounts of anti-inflammatory agents and analgesic substances. Massage is also recommended in joint pain and if it's also done with certain essential oils it becomes even more efficient. With proper care, one can leave it arthritis for many years, having a normal life and capable of hugging his or hers children, of carrying on with the job and of performing household activities.

The following are efficient and proven remedies for arthritis joint pain -

1. Fenugreek seeds - They are recommended in acute crises of arthritis. One tablespoon of fenugreek seeds accompanied by gentle massage of the affected joint does wonders for the sufferers.

2. Rumatone Gold oil - It is recommended for massaging the joints gently.

3. Olive oil and kerosene oil - Make a mixture from two parts of olive oil and one part of kerosene oil and use it for massaging the aching joints.

4. Turmeric powder - Mix it with warm water and drink it. Do this three twice a day, every day and you'll notice improvements in your joints condition on the long run.

5. Wild cucumber bark - This is known as a powerful remedy in rheumatism and arthritis. Take a teaspoon three times a day, but keep in mind that this also has a laxative effect, so adjust the dose if necessary.

6. Willow - This herb contains salicin, a substance that pharmaceutical companies use for making aspirin, so its effect is similar with that of the pill. The best part in using willow instead of aspirin is that you won't run the risk of developing gastrointestinal problems, a common side effect of aspirin

7. Black cohosh - It is good for arthritis joint pain because of the anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic substances it contains.

8. American ginseng - It is recommended for a wide variety of medical conditions and it increases the body's natural ability of fighting diseases and pains. It has a positive impact on your overall health condition and it also provides relief from arthritis joint pain. However, be cautious not to use Asian ginseng instead because this can aggravate your condition.

Know Your Enemy - Diagnosing & Managing Osteoarthritis Pain

Perhaps you have a stiff back when you wake up. Sore knuckles when you write a paragraph or two or try to open a jar. A "trick" knee that acts up when you take the stairs. Could it be the effects of getting older or something more serious?

If you're experiencing joint tenderness, stiffness or pain, a limited range of motion in your limbs, swelling or cracking noises with movement (such as in the knees or ankles) you may suffer from the most common form of degenerative arthritis - osteoarthritis. Pain, of course, is the primary symptom of osteoarthritis, but because the disease presents differently in different people, you may have osteoarthritis and not even know it.

Unlike other forms of arthritis - such as rheumatoid arthritis - osteoarthritis is a localized disease. In other words, pain is localized in the specific joints affected by the disease. Injury and abnormal use of joints - particularly weight-bearing joints such as the hips, knees and ankles - leads to a breakdown, or degeneration, of the precious cartilage in the joints. As this natural cushion disappears, inflammation increases causing pain.

X-rays and other imaging devices can show evidence of osteoarthritis in some patients, but not all. Knowing your body - and recognizing pain - is key to preventing further damage and pain. Because osteoarthritis is degenerative, use of the arthritic joint only increases pain and, in mild to moderate cases, the only improvement will be experienced with rest. As the disease worsens, patients may find little relief with rest and resort to medical intervention - from invasive surgery to prescription medications.

A visit to your doctor is the first step in diagnosing osteoarthritis although, again, x-rays do not always show evidence of the disease. If you've started feeling pains in your joints, the time to act is now! By putting off what needs to be done, you place yourself at risk for further deterioration and related injuries as your body tries to compensate for painful arthritic joints.

Rather than resorting to prescription medications that put the patient at severe risk and serve only to mask the pain, many people are turning to what some call the most effective non-invasive treatments available to osteoarthritis sufferers... supplementation with glucosamine and chondroitin.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are two naturally occurring molecules that act as the building blocks for cartilage in the joints of humans and animals. Damaged joints have less of these two vital molecules available and this puts the already-damaged joint at a severe disadvantage. When they are made available to the damaged joint, however, the body gets to work rebuilding damaged cartilage and reversing the effects of osteoarthritis.

Natural Supplements For Arthritis Body Pain

Arthritis is believed to be the oldest discovered body pain ailment of mankind. Scientists have even found this disease in the joints of some dinosaurs and even mummies!

The term arthritis means "joint inflammation." While there are several-hundred forms of arthritis, the most common are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Regardless of type, common arthritic symptoms include pain in the joints, redness and swelling of the joints and loss of joint function. The pain of osteoarthritis gradually worsens with use over the course of the day, whereas the pain of rheumatoid arthritis tends to be worse on waking and improves as the day progresses.

Despite advances in medical science, the best arthritis relievers are the natural ones. Safe care, no side effects. While store shelves are stocked with the popular arthritis supplements, here are three powerful supplements you may not have heard of but have been shown to relieve arthritis body pain and inflammation.


The development of Hydraflexin began by accident years ago when a brilliant and well-respected researcher at the University of Chile, Dr. Juan Hanke, was a hired by a pharmaceutical company seeking a cure for the common cold.

During his research, he came across a rare herb called Andrographis Paniculata-a plant with a long history of use in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Hanke discovered that at higher dosages, Paractin (the patented, standardized extract from Andrographis) actually helped reduce inflammation and pain-not just colds. That is because your immune system is not just about preventing colds or the flu, it also helps control inflammation signals sent throughout your body.

Research shows that the Paractin in Hydraflexin works directly on the immune system and enables it to block certain inflammatory chemical signals-the very signals that cause arthritis pain. The evidence is overwhelming. For instance:

  • According to The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Paractin (the same amount in Hydraflexin) reduces the abundance of chemical cytokines that cause inflammation which leads to pain.

  • Paractin stops (or dramatically reduces) two other significant sources of inflammation sent by your immune system----COX-2 and Nuclear Factor kappa B.

  • Paractin stimulates "PPAR-Gamma," a little-known protein in your cells that works to slow down and smother inflammation. But researchers were also shocked when they saw that increased PPAR-Gamma also reduced C-Reactive protein-a dangerous marker of inflammation and heart trouble-by up to 40%!

Chinese Patent Herbal Medicines

Traditional Chinese medicine has a log history of herbal remedies. The 400 most popular of these formulas have been prepackaged into "patent herbal medicines." Two of them are especially good for arthritis.

Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Pian can be taken for a wide variety of joint and bone syndromes, such as: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism and general joint and tendon pain. Another formula, Juan Bi Tang, is effective for arthralgia caused by cold and/or dampness. Symptoms can include pain in the neck, back, shoulders and arms, difficulty in movements, numbness in the hands and feet. It is especially good for treating the symptoms of osteoarthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia and sciatica.

While these formulas are effective and safe, they require a licensed herbalist or acupuncturist to properly diagnose the condition and determine the quantity one should take over what period of time.

What Is the Best Diet for Arthritis Sufferers?

Arthritis is a very common disease among people of all ages across the globe. There are more medicines for relieving the pain of arthritis but few really treat the problem. This leads to a greater dependency of patients with this disease on medicines and less on self help.

Arthritis can come in many forms and it is important to know which one is afflicting you. The common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Some people also suffer from gout which comes from a build up of uric acid in the body and results in painful joints. All arthritis will attack the joins and cause painful inflammation.

One of the ways that certain forms of arthritis can be controlled is by diet. Much has been written about eating a healthy diet and improving your overall health. For example:

1. Obesity can add to your arthritis problems. If you are overweight there is more stress and strain on your joints, especially your knees, ankles and hips. It is wise to eat a healthy diet that will help you maintain your correct weight and decrease stress on these joints.

2. Some foods contribute to inflammatory conditions. Some foods should not be eaten by arthritis sufferers. Saturated and transfat should be eliminated as much as possible, especially transfat. Fried foods are not very good for arthritis patients as they tend to be full of calories and will make you put on weight, which can put stress on your joints. Refined foods like those made with white flour and white rice can increase the inflammatory chemicals in your body. Sugar will also have the same effect.

3. Other foods can reduce inflammation.

Green tea has been praised of late for its beneficent properties regarding health. It contains among other things a substance called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGEC) This is an antitoxin that acts as an anti inflammatory substance by reducing inflammatory chemicals within the body. Research has also discovered that this tea might decrease cartilage break down and improve the preservation of the joints.

Omega 3 fats: this substance can decrease inflammation in the joints by suppressing the enzymes that erode cartilage. It can be found in Salmon, oily fish like sardines, trout and mackerel or in walnuts and flax seeds.

Olive oil is a healthy addition to your diet. Oleocanthal can be found in Olive oil, which acts like aspirin and is anti inflammatory. Extra virgin oil is best as it is less processed than the other types of olive oil and also has some antitoxins to fight inflammation.

Beta cryptoxanthin can be found in a number of fruits and vegetables. This will reduce inflammation. Winter squash, persimmons, corn, pumpkin, tangerines, oranges, papaya, red peppers, and apricots are high in this ingredient.

Vitamin C is known for its uses in helping the body make collagen, which is useful for maintaining cartilage. Many fruits and vegetables have this vitamin. It is not good to have high doses of vitamin C supplements if you have osteoarthritis.

Ginger and turmeric are good spices for people suffering with arthritis to use. Anthocyanins are good antioxidants that will reduce free radicals and can be fond in berries, eggplant, red and black grapes and plums.

The best diet to help your arthritis is a healthy, well balanced one that keeps these tips in mind.

Acute Arthritis - How To Prevent Permanent Joint Damage

Acute arthritis is also known as Bacterial Arthritis and as the name would indicate, it is a form of arthritis that is caused by a bacterial infection. All parts of the body are susceptible to this form of arthritis, however, hips, knees, and hands are the most common sites to suffer an acute arthritis attack. This article shares the symptoms, cause, and how this condition is diagnosed. It will also share what treatment is needed to avoid permanent damage to your joints.

Acute Arthritis

Symptoms - Symptoms of this condition may include the onset of a fever with chills. A person afflicted with this form of arthritis may also notice red, swollen, and painful joints that make movement difficult.

Cause - Acute arthritis is caused by an invasion of bacteria (i.e. streptococci or staphylococci) into the joint. The bacteria may spread from an infection elsewhere in the body or on the skin near the joint. In some cases, direct trauma to the joint may allow bacteria to enter and cause damage.

Diagnosis - Observation of the aforementioned symptoms will be noticed and should be evaluated by a physician. The evaluation may include a physical examination, blood tests or analysis of fluids withdrawn from the joint. In some cases x-rays of the joint will be taken to further evaluate the situation.

Treatment - If diagnosed and treated early, this condition is curable with antibiotics. If treatment is delayed, this may result in permanent damage to the joint. The joint may have to be immobilized during treatment to promote healing, and physical therapy may be necessary after healing to restore full mobility to the joint.

Acute arthritis can develop quickly, often within hours or days and can be seen in children or adults. The condition can cause moderate to severe pain in the joint that is effected. Prompt medical attention is needed to prevent permanent damage to the joint.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

4 Common Causes of Elbow Joint Pain

Are you suffering from elbow joint pain? If so, then it's important to know everything you can about it, in order to treat it. Here are some of the most common conditions and diseases that cause these pains.

1. Arthritis.  It's important to understand that several types of arthritis exist. However, usually indicators of inflammation in joints of elbows are the source. This can result in several symptoms, including swelling, pain, tenderness, and lowered range of motion. The decreased range of motion results from inflamed joints that limit it.

2. Infected joints of elbows. This source of elbow joint pain is fairly uncommon. It involves bacteria infecting the joints of elbows. Typically patients with diabetes or poor immune systems; or those taking cortisone medicines suffer from this disorder. Common symptoms include redness, swelling, pain, and heat. People with this type of arthritis often experience chills, fevers, and perspiring. This type of arthritis needs antibiotics and frequently requires drainage via surgery.  

3. Tumors. It's uncommon for people to suffer tumors in the joints of their elbows. Tumors can be painless or painful (in the joints of the elbows). X-Ray testing and nuclear bone scanning are helpful for detecting tumors.

4. Ulnar nerve entrapment. The ulnar nerve is the "funny bone" that's located between the end of elbows and the inside bone of elbows. A "pinching" sensation, known as entrapment, can cause the pain. When this occurs, you can feel a tickly sensation in the pinky and the finger beside it. It's also possible to feel pain throughout the entire forearm. When this happens, the agility of your hand can become impaired. Sometimes raising the hand can cause lack of sensation in the area.

If you need an all-natural way to treat elbow joint pain, you could try Joint Advance. It uses ingredients from Mother Nature to provide your joints with the nutrients they require. 

Understanding Gout and Pseudogout

Gout is a type of arthritis that is typically classified as one of the most painful kinds of arthritis. There are a number of symptoms of gout, many of which are your average arthritis symptoms, like joint inflammation, joint swelling, and joint discomfort.

However, gout is usually only found in a single joint and is so discomforting that individuals often are woken up at night. The joint will often become red and it is common for an individual will goto bed without any symptoms of gout, only to awake swollen and red. In most cases, only one joint will be affected, with the big toe being the most common joint to be affected by gout.

Gout is caused when levels of uric acid begin to rise in the body, which results in uric acid crystals forming around the joints. As the crystals begin to build up, the joint becomes inflamed. Uric acid is created as the body breaks down purines, which are found in many meats, including liver and kidney. Purines occur in many other types of foods as well and are found in low amounts in many vegetables, including spinach and mushrooms. Most meats, especially seafood also contain purines.

Often, gout is caused when a persons diet consists of too many foods high in purines, although it can also be the result of the kidneys inability to adequately break down uric acid. Other risk factors of gout include lead poising, joint injuries, surgery, and excessive alcohol intake.

Another disease that shares many similarities with gout is pseudogout. Pseudogout is caused in a similar many to gout, except that instead of uric acid crystals, calcium pyrophosphate crystals begin forming in the joint. This can be caused by age or a number of other factors, including hypercalcemia. Most often pseudogout will affect the knee, although it is also commonly found in ankles, wrists, and the shoulders.

Both gout and pseudogout have a number of symptoms that are very similar, so it is typically necessary to take a sample of the infected joints fluid and check for high levels of uric acid crystals or calcium pyrophosphate crystals.

Treatment of gout often relies upon losing weight if the individual is overweight, as well as diet modification to avoid foods that are high in purines. Both pseudogout and gout are also treated with Colchicine and anti-inflammation drugs. Colchicine is a medication that is used all over the world and has been used to treat gout for some time, although it is not approved by the FDA.

Anyone can get gout, but men are more at risk than women. It is more common with age, and in females it is more likely to occur after menopause. In men gout is more common among those who are over the age of forty.

Gout can be very serious and extremely painful, so it is important to avoid a diet that is too heavily based on purines.

Types of Arthritis - Know the Type You Are Suffering From

There are several types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, also referred to as degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of this disease and it is characterized by progressive degradation of the joints. In some instances degradation can include articular cartilage as well as the subchondral bone that is next to the joint.

Osteoarthritis normally affects the spine, hands and the feet. It can also affect the large bearing joints such as the hips and the knees. Symptoms of this condition include pain or a burning sensation in the affected muscles and tendons. Other symptoms are inflammation, stiffness and a creaking noise when you move or touch the affected joint. You may also experience contractions in the tendons and muscle spasm.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and systematic disorder that also affects the joints leading to an inflammatory synovistis. It can also affect tissues and other body organs. This condition can lead to the destruction of the articular cartilage as well as ankylosis of the joints. Symptoms include inflammation, swelling and stiffness of the affected joint especially in the mornings. The joints will feel warm and you may also experience pain.

Gout is another type and is characterized by elevated levels of uric acid in the bloodstream. When you suffer from this condition, uric acid is deposited on the articular cartilage of the joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. Gout is marked by sudden, excruciating and burning painful attacks within and about the joints. Psoriatic arthritis is a type of inflammatory condition that causes joint inflammation. It can also lead to tendinitis and sausage-like swelling of the digits or dactylitis.

A Proven Arthritis Diet Will Help Reverse Arthritis

Following a specific arthritis diet and eliminating some foods from your daily meals, a patient can effectively reverse arthritis in the body. An arthritis diet, which is basically a diet that includes specific foods that undo the symptoms of arthritis as well as lacking foods that have been associated with the disease, can be used to elevate the pain that is caused by the disease and in some rare cases, the arthritis diet has cured patients from arthritis. However, these have been mainly speculations with no solid scientific backing.

What is an Arthritis Diet?

So what exactly does an arthritis diet constitute? Rheumatologists who are associated with the Arthritis Foundation have stated that people who are overweight provoke osteoarthritis due to the presence of fats in their bodies. The experts have linked fish oils as the primary causes of this arthritis but on the other hand, the Arthritis Foundation goes ahead to state that there is no direct link to diet plans and arthritis. Over the years that the foundation has existed, they have yet to find any definite causes of the disease and as such one cannot help but question this fact. Is there anything to this diet?

After years of research into the disease, doctors and scientists have slowly given in to the convention that various foods can be contributing to the cause of the disease. Clinical proof from other branches of medicine has greatly contributed to this realization. Now if there is an alternative treatment to this disease, then it is only natural that this avenue is pursued. The rising costs of the drugs used to treat the disease and also the fact that the only organization that is in charge of researching into the disease is stating blatantly that there is no cure for the disease, also fuels this urge to try out alternative cures for arthritis.

An Arthritis Diet and a Well-Balanced Diet

To this end, medical science has shown and proven that healthy joints are dependent on gastrointestinal health as well as a healthy well-being. This is probably why a healthy person who exercises regularly and assumes a balanced diet is not likely to suffer from arthritis. Therefore this draws the conclusion that there is indeed such a thing as an arthritis diet. The specific diet is not yet conclusive according to the major studies that have been conducted over the years.

The first study conducted by Dr. Anthony Conte in 1970 and his Pittsburg nutritionist partner sort to prove that the disease is associated with allergies. It was their conclusion that the disease could be well avoided by staying away from certain foods that were likely to cause allergies in the body. There was another study by Dr. Robert Stroud who concluded that patients who were suffering from arthritis responded well to the omission of certain types of food in their diet. In his findings, the doctor noted that during a period of fasting, it was possible to elevate all symptoms of arthritis. During this period, all symptoms would clear up and disappear. According to him, this was concrete proof that arthritis is food related, but the unfortunate implication here comes when you realize that you cannot fast forever.

However, this also led to scientists expanding on these two theories and after several experiments spanning more than 7 years, doctors have now come up with an arthritis diet that they believe will get rid of the disease once and for all. According to this study, there are foods that you eat which can influence your digestive system, leading to growth of bacteria in the system that will ultimately affect arthritis. Eating healthy foods will undoubtedly keep the symptoms of the disease away, confirming what many folk healers have been saying for ages; keep healthy and arthritis will not be a problem. The perfect arthritis diet is one that is well-balanced.

Osteoarthritis in Dogs

Over time joint cartilage simply starts to degenerate, leading to loss of joint mobility and many times pain. Osteoarthritis in dogs is characterized by thinning of cartilage, buildup of fluid within the joint, and the formation of bony outgrowths around the joint. Joint degeneration can be brought about by a number of reasons factors, including: trauma, the body's own immune system, infection, or birth related disorders. Joint degeneration leads to inflammation, and abnormal joint function.

Signs of osteoarthritis in dogs include joint swelling, lameness, wasting away of muscle, and thickening and scarring of he joint membrane. Over time a large amount of joint damage can be done leading to the dreaded bone on bone grating sound. If X-rays are required they should reveal an increase in fluid within the joint, soft tissue swelling around the joint, soft tissue swelling around the joint, the formation of bony outgrowths, hardening and thickening of bone beneath the cartilage, and sometimes a narrowed joint space.

Treatment can include medication, surgery, or natural supplementation. Prescription drugs commonly prescribed are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and inflammation. While these drugs are initially helpful they can sometimes cause gastrointestinal problems such as lack of appetite, vomiting, and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Corticosteroids are another option for curbing inflammation, but they too may produce unwanted side effects if taken over a long period of time. You should consult your veterinarian to gain a better understanding of the risk involved with prescription dog osteoporosis medications.

On occasion surgery may be the only alternative, especially if the osteoporosis is in its advanced stages or if joint trauma is involved. Surgical options include joint fusion, joint replacement, cutting of the joint, and even amputation. The prognosis will depend on the severity of the joint disease and the location of the damaged joint.

Natural supplementation has been shown to be helpful in regenerating cartilage and bone without the unintended consequences. There are currently some excellent natural health options available which can be taken as stand alone remedies or in addition to conventional dog osteoarthritis medications. These alternative treatment options for dog osteoarthritis are definitely worth investigating further.

Other potentially helpful treatments for dog osteoarthritis are weight reduction, carefully monitored exercise regimes (only on soft surfaces), and use of joint heat therapy. Joint fluid modifiers may prove helpful in limiting further cartilage loss.