Saturday, November 30, 2013

Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthiritis

What do you mean by seronegative rheumatoid arthritis? It occurs when a patient is declared by the doctor to have this arthritis but in the blood tests, he never tested positive for rheumatoid factor. What is this rheumatoid factor? It is basically an immunoglobulin antibody found in the body comprising around eighty percent of the sufferers of this arthritis. The disease is commonly diagnosed with the use of rheumatoid factor as the tool. However, there are some patients who do not have such rheumatoid factor but still experience the symptoms of the arthritis.

Approximately one to two percent of perfectly healthy people can have this antibody. More cases of this rheumatoid factor involve those adults aging above 65. More of the sufferers of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis are the ones who had the juvenile form of such disease probably acquired during childhood. The longer the time the patient suffers from the disease, the more they become susceptible to rheumatoid factor. Hence, the antibody may not appear to other people. Through a series of medical tests, it has been found out that there is a significant difference between people who have the disease and those who have the antibody. Seronegative arthritis sufferers are less likely to have their joints eroded and damaged. On the other hand, those who test positive for the antibody are more likely to develop nodules under their skin.

Symptoms and progress associated with seronegative arthritis are the same in both groups. Testing positive or negative for the rheumatoid factor does not matter at all when it comes to going through symptoms like swelling, stiffness and damage of joints. Hence, all those symptoms are more intense in patients who test positive. Therefore, if you belong to the negative group, you should be grateful for the fact that you are still able to retain the functions of your joint. To diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, it is important to go through a series of laboratory tests. Based on Arthritis foundation, 70 to 80 percent of patient who have the antibody are likely to have rheumatoid arthritis. When the diagnosis declares that you are positive for the rheumatoid factor and you have rheumatoid arthritis, it means that you are a seropositive rheumatoid arthritis patient or sufferer. On the other hand, if you test negative for the antibody and you have rheumatoid arthritis, it means that you have seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis badly affects the body of the patient. It makes them always feel weak, fatigued and completely stiff body. The onset of the ailment is typically experienced during rest time or in the morning when the sufferer wakes up after a long sleep. Pain is felt in wrists, ankles and back. The attack can also be characterized by a slightly swollen tissue under the skin. If you suffer from this disease, you need to expect to live a poor quality life. The progress of the disease can hardly be monitored because the antibody is not present in the blood. The treatment of this disease is concentrated on easing the pain, lessening the inflammation and reducing damage to joints. A number of medications available for this ailment include non- steroidal inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), analgesic drugs, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and biologic response modifiers. If all these medications do not work effectively for the patient due to the severity of the condition, the last option for the treatment is a surgery.

Treatment Options for Thumb CMC Arthritis

Thumb CMC arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The "opposable thumb" that has allowed us to develop fine motor coordination is made possible by the CMC joint, located at the base of the thumb. Also known as the basal joint, it's the most important joint in your hand, allowing you to pinch, manipulate objects, and to grasp items of various sizes. When this joint is painful, tasks that seem so simple, such as writing, turning keys, or buttoning, can become burdensome.

The thumb CMC joint gets most of its stability from ligaments, rather than the bony structure of the joint. These ligaments can stretch after years of use, eventually leading to instability, causing the cartilage of these bones to wear. A form of osteoarthritis, it's a progressive condition caused by wear and tear that can progress to bone on bone pain in the later stages.

In daily life, this joint takes an enormous amount of strain since it's used whenever we hold anything in our hand. It often begins to show signs of wear when a person is in their late 40s to early 50s. Both women and men are affected by thumb CMC arthritis, but it's more common in women since they are more likely to have ligament laxity.

There are several options to treat the pain that occurs with thumb CMC arthritis:

1. Splinting: The purpose of wearing a splint is to provide support to the thumb CMC joint, taking some of the strain off of the joint. A good splint will position the thumb so you can easily touch the tip of your thumb to your index finger. Custom splints can be molded directly to your hand by a local hand or occupational therapist. Premade splints come in a variety of options. Generally, splints can be worn during activities that involve thumb use, and can also be worn at night to keep the thumb in a good resting position.

2. Therapy: A local hand or occupational therapist can teach you ways to decrease your pain, techniques to protect your joints, and exercises to prevent stiffness.

3. Cortisone Injections: Your orthopedic surgeon may recommend a cortisone injection to decrease your pain. It's a steroid that is injected directly into the joint to decrease inflammation. Pain relief can vary from person to person. Some report total relief of symptoms while others don't. Talk to your doctor to learn more.

4. Surgery: People decide to have a joint replacement surgery when pain has progressed to the point that it limits function in daily activities. With this procedure, a bone in your wrist (or at least a portion of it) is removed. A strip of muscle or tendon is taken from your forearm and placed in the open space. There are several different versions of this surgery so if you have questions, talk to your doctor.

Despite which option you choose, pay attention when you experience thumb pain. Try to limit or avoid activities that require pinching whenever possible. Many adaptive devices have been developed to decrease the pinch force used for activities. Using a pencil grip on your pen or a key adapter on your keys can make your life easier and less painful. Remember that the earlier you seek treatment, the more proactive you can be to prevent it from progressing!

How To Live a Happy, Healthy, Pain-Free Life With Rheumatoid Arthritis

I was never a really healthy kid. From the time I was 13 years old in 1983, I had been in and out of the hospital many times with various health problems. I knew more doctors and nurses by first name than I knew kids my own age!

Doctors diagnosed me as enemic, and put me on iron suppliments. They thought at one time that I had Rheumatic Fever. I didn't even know what that was at 13 years old.

I started having joint inflammation off and on when I was fourteen, and this continued until I was seventeen. I had been tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of fifteen, but the test came back negative.

Finally, when I was seventeen years old, I was tested again, and the test came back positive for RA. I was immediately started on NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

In 1987, doctors didn't know that they needed to be aggressive from the get-go with drug therapy in order to stop this terrible disease. As a result of that, I suffered tremendously. I would end up having 12 surgeries to replace or repair joints!

I took the NSAIDs until I was eighteen, and was finally started on gold injections. Finally, when I was twenty years old, I was started on Methotrexate and Prednisone.

It wasn't until I was twenty-nine years old that I was started on REALLY aggressive drugs as soon as they were made available. That year, 1999, I was started on Enbrel shots. Finally, in 2003, I was started on Remicade infusions.

I am making it all sound simple, but there is was more that has happened to me in the last 20 years since I was diagnosed. I have been through alcoholism, severe depression, psychiatry, counseling, tons of dangerous medications, physical therapy, and lots more.

Just in the last year or two alone, I have learned how to live a happy, healthy, pain-free life with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I can show you how to do the same.

Arthritis Relief And Sugar Confusion

Most people who experience the pain of arthritis are unaware of the connection between pain and sugar. This is rarely if ever mentioned by medical practitioners. But it is a simple question of bio chemistry.

David Gillespie in his book sweet poison refers to sugar as a poison to our system and is the number one block to weight loss.

It is important to understand which sugars are a problem. Basically all carbohydrates break down to sugar when metabolised. It doesn't matter whether it is candy or potato in the end it's all the same.

But it is the rate that this breakdown occurs that is of interest to the arthritis sufferer.

Sugar rich foods can be broken down into two groups. Healthy carbohydrates and junk carbs.

Junk carbs include cake, cookies, chocolate, candy, pastries, soft drink or sodas, cordial, you get the picture. There is not much room for misunderstanding what a junk carb is. If you are honest with yourself you will be clear about junk carbs.

This group of carbohydrates are to be avoided, the sugar is rapidly absorbed, this sugar is directly directed into a biochemical pathway which results in pro-inflammatory chemicals being produced, which result in pain.

The second group of carbohydrates is broadly defined as healthy. This includes staples such as bread rice, spaghetti, potato and noodles, grains, and dairy products. Plus fruit and vegetables.

The staples can further be divided into fast and slow absorbers. Potato, white rice and white bread all digest quickly and release their sugars into the blood stream at much the same rate as junk carbs. These foods should be eaten sparingly.

Spaghetti, oats, basmati rice are the best of the staples. But they should still be eaten in quantities less than found in the usual American and Australian diets.

Fruits are fine but should only be consumed as whole fruit, just two to three pieces per day. Fruit juices contain a huge amount of fruit sugar. They are a meal in themselves.

Vegetables are in fact the best of the carbohydrates. With the exception of potatoes. Green leafy vegetables and sweet potato are the best meal choices.

Dairy products can also be good and bad. On the one hand you have milk and plain natural yoghurt, on the other you have sweetened yoghurt and flavoured milks, the latter being bad arthritis choices.

Have a look in your pantry. How much processed, package foods do you have. To give yourself the best chance to relieve your pain, stick with the good carbs and dump the junk.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - The Basic Effects of Reiki Therapy

If you are tired of trying treatments for rheumatoid arthritis then here is an alternative solution for you. Reiki therapy is a different approach to rheumatoid arthritis that is being used by people wanting a change from ineffective conventional methods of treatment. It has no harmful side effects like conventional medicine and has the potential to make you feel better.

What is Reiki therapy?
It is the transfer of life energy from the therapist to the patient. It is transferred by light touching of the hands over the entire body or by raising the hands directly over the patient. This is just the basic concept. The principle of Reiki therapy is to treat a disease by unblocking spiritual and emotional blocks that may be causing a disease. This is done by unlocking energy and transferring it in the body. It works on a similar principle to acupuncture but no needles are used.

How can Reiki therapy help me?
• It helps you to relax and feel better both mentally and physically. It will put you in a state of peace and harmony. It will also energize your body.
• If you are in severe pain Reiki therapy can help to decrease it. This is because this treatment helps your body to relax and allows you to absorb energy to combat pain.
• When you are relaxed and have more positive energy your body will have more chances of healing itself.
• It will help your body get into balance and function better. When your body is stronger you will find it has more resistance to disease and can help to decrease the symptoms of arthritis naturally.
• It will relieve stress. Stress aggravates any disease that you have especially a painful chronic one like rheumatoid arthritis. When you relax and are stress free your body will have less pain and it can help decrease inflammation.

How can I get started? You can look up Reiki therapy on Google and you will find many websites advertising this therapy. Check out these places and find some that are in your locality. Make sure that they are experts in the field. Do your research before attending sessions.

Bear in mind that to be effective you will need several sessions until your body is working in harmony with itself. It can only be effective if you are ready to receive the energy from the therapist and come with a positive attitude. Reiki therapy can also be used with aromatherapy to enhance its effectiveness.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Doctor, I Have a Lump on a Finger Joint... Could It be Arthritis?

Finger joint lumps and bumps can be disfiguring and a cause of great concern for the patient. Here are some potential causes.

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, often affects the hands. When it does, it often causes local inflammation of the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP or last row) and proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP or next to last row). This inflammation causes the joints to swell and hurt. The lumps that form are called Heberden's nodes (DIP) and Bouchard's nodes (PIP). Involvement of the base of the thumb may also cause a lumpiness or squared-off appearance.

Gout also causes lumps in the fingers. Gout may cause inflammation of the interphalangeal joints of the fingers. When this occurs, it may be indistinguishable from a flare of osteoarthritis. Middle-aged (post-menopausal) or elderly women on diuretic therapy are particularly prone to developing this. Gout may also cause soft tissue lumps. The diagnosis is made by aspiration of fluid from the affected joint or soft tissue mass with examination of the aspirated material using polarizing microscopy.

Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint swelling involving the wrists, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints (knuckles) as well as the PIP joints. Inflammation may lead to lumpiness. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes rheumatoid nodules to develop in the finger joints. These nodules occur in patients with long-standing and severe disease.

Swelling of the tendon sheaths in the palm of the hand may occur with different types of arthritis. This occurs because the tendon sheaths are lined with synovial tissue which may become inflamed. When this happens, the tendon sheath may swell and become lumpy. Sometimes the fingers begin to trigger or catch.

Ganglion cysts can affect the wrist. These are usually painless swellings that have a soft squishy feel to them. The old treatment used to be smashing them with the family Bible. Fortunately, this method of getting religion is rarely used anymore. The ganglion may be aspirated and injected with steroid if painful. Sometimes surgery is required if very symptomatic.

Soft tissue swelling as a result of blisters and calluses are usually not difficult to diagnose.

Plant thorn synovitis is a relatively common problem that may occur in people who grow rose bushes. Here a thorn from a rose bush may break off in the joint and cause a localized inflammation of the finger joint. This condition often requires surgery for both diagnosis as well as treatment.

Infections of the finger joints are a cause of finger lumps and must be treated aggressively. Activities such as fist fights or animal bites may be precipitating factors.

Dupuytren's contracture is a condition presenting as a "lump" or nodule in the palm near the flexion crease, most often at the base of the ring or small finger. This lump or nodule may also occur at the base of the thumb.

A rare disease called histiocytosis may also cause lumps to appear in the distal row of finger joints. Diagnosis is made by biopsy. Treatment is usually symptomatic although in its severe forms histiocytosis may be treated with chemotherapeutic agents.

Painful lumps on the pads of the fingers may develop as a result of bacterial endocarditis. This disease is an infection of the heart valves. The bumps are termed "Osler nodes."

Osteoarthritis and Chiropractic

It is a common notion that osteoarthritis comes with aging but it is not like that. It has been observed that older people are not necessarily sufferers of osteoarthritis and it is not necessary that they will have to suffer the pain. Even someone young can develop this problem.

OA or osteoarthritis is more common in women than men and affects around 20 million Americans. It is also known as the degenerative joint disease. The slippery tissue that meets in a joint towards the end of the bones is known as the cartilage. In OA, the cartilage is affected. The main function of the cartilage is to help the bones to glide over one another. In case of OA, the cartilage does not work properly and breaks down. Due to this, the bones do not glide and just rub against each other which results in pain, swelling and loss of motion. Recent researches have shown that OA is not due to aging although the general observation of OA is in people above the age of 65 years. Various factors contributing in OA are lack of exercise, joint injuries, family history of OA and overweight.

In order to diagnose osteoarthritis, there are patient examination, x-rays and clinical history that need to be taken care of. Tests like drawing fluid from the joint are at times performed. Continuous pain in the joint, stiffness in the joint after sleeping,sitting or not moving for a long period of time, swelling in the joints or a crunching feeling when the bones rub against one another are some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

In order to treat or even prevent osteoarthritis, exercise is an important thing to do. It results in strengthening of muscles around the joints and provides proper functioning and moving of the joints. The key factors that affect the seriousness of the symptoms are the patient's mood and outlook. Exercise helps in improving that and the weight of the patient as well.

Chiropractors have a good knowledge about the symptoms and treatment of OA. They can determine the effect of degenerative changes in the spine, knees, hips and other joints that can get affected. They can help the patient reduce the pain and get the condition back to normal. With the various methods that are available, chiropractors can help the patient achieve long term relief. So, consult your chiropractor in case you think you are suffering from OA and can notice the symptoms.

Arthritis and Crohns Disease

Arthritis and Crohns disease has a close link. It will not be an exaggeration if arthritis is counted as the worst side effect of Crohn's disease, which is a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder.

Three varying forms of arthritis can be identified in the people suffering from Crohn's disease. Among these three types two affect the spine while the third type affects large joints like knees.

Arthritis can be defined as an accumulation of conditions that together affect the body joints. This disease is counted at the top among people as the cause of disability after the age of 65.years. It leads to swelling, harassing pain and reduced flexibility, which at times may convert into overall loss of flexibility. A person suffering from Crohn's disease has about 25 percent chances of acquiring this irksome disease i.e. arthritis.

Arthritis and Crohns disease together may be a cause of distress in the sufferer. Generally in most of the cases of Crohn's disease, it is most likely to appear once the other intestinal and gastronomical symptoms begin to appear. However, it is very rare that arthritis occurs prior to Crohns disease. Unlike Crohn's flare-ups, one is unable to contain it.

Among all the three types of arthritis, it is joint-oriented arthritis that can be considered least disturbing. There is a similarity between this type of arthritis and Crohns disease; it also flares up simultaneously like flare-ups in Crohns. Including this it does not always put the sufferer into permanent deformity, however with the passage of time, it damages the joints.

First type of arthritis that affects spinal leads to pain and rigidity in the lower spine and the joints in the lower back. It has been found in the studies that arthritis can take months or even years before its symptoms begin to appear in the younger age sufferer of Crohn's disease. In this type of arthritis, one can suffer from the permanent damage of the spinal column, if it is left without any treatment.

Third type of arthritis that is adjoined with the occurrence of Crohn's disease affects the spine. It is rarely found in the Crohn's sufferers. It may be counted as the worst form of arthritis as it not only leads to the pain ad probable deformity in the absence of any treatment but also is the cause of inflammation in the eyes, lungs and heart valves.

in the conclusion it can be said that the best way to cure any of these forms of arthritis is to treat the gastronomical symptoms that are closely linked with Crohn's disease. One must consult the physician to know to have the best method to treat the problem of both arthritis and Crohns disease.

Natural Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis is often confused with Rheumatoid arthritis, but the two disorders have different causes and progressions. Osteoarthritis may affect only a single joint and can be triggered by localized wear and tear resulting in painful inflammation. According to the NIAMS it is estimated that nearly 1 out of 8 Americans age 25 and older suffer from osteoarthritis, but osteoarthritis treatment is most common among adults over 65 years old.

Risk Factors of Osteoarthritis:

o Excessive weight or obesity
o Injury
o Certain careers
o Hormones
o Genetic factors
o Weak thigh muscles
o Congenital or developmental deformities
o Race
o Other diseases which change cartilage structure

Osteoarthritis Inflammation: Osteoarthritis inflammation is characterized by swelling, pain, localized heat, and redness. Inflammation is a process in which the body's white blood cells and chemicals help protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. In some cases inflammation is triggered by a non infectious event like osteoarthritis and aims at the body's tissue, causing significant damage.

Natural Osteoarthritis Treatment: The lead researcher of a recent study of Pycnogenol's natural beneficial effects for osteoarthritis treatment, Dr. Petra Hogger of the University of Wurzburg in Germany suggests that Pycnogenol supplementation inhibits the enzymes involved in the development of pain associated with inflammatory disorders such as osteoarthritis. Pycnogenol is an extract from the bark of the French maritime pine, consisting of phenolic acids, catechin, taxifolin and procyanidins.

Natural Osteoarthritis Treatment Studies Show: Pycnogenol treatment has shown to inhibit accumulation of inflammatory cells, and reduce the output of inflammatory substances caused by osteoarthritis (Bayeta and Lau, 2001). Natural osteoarthritis treatment with Pycnogenol has also shown to help normalize capillary permeability to prevent the leakage of fluid that causes edema (swelling), and helps by neutralizing free radicals that promote swelling and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis (Blazso et al., 1994, 1995).

Best Source for Pycnogenol: A natural supplement Isotonix OPC-3 (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be potent antioxidants. Isotonix OPC-3 contains the only isotonic form of Pycnogenol in the world.

What Are the Risks of Treatment With TNF Inhibitors for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disease that preferentially attacks the joints but also attacks many internal organs. It affects approximately two million Americans.

Recent therapeutic developments in the last 20 years have allowed rheumatologists to achieve remission in many if not most patients with this disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis patients are at increased risk of infection. This increased risk is partly due to the disease itself. And some of the increased risk is obviously due to the immunosuppressive medications, some patients may be receiving.

The most recent therapeutic agents used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are biologic therapies. And the most commonly used biologic therapies are what are called tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNF). Tumor necrosis factor plays an important role in the control of infection. In particular, TNF release from immune cells, called macrophages, is critical for proper defense against infecting agents such as bacteria. TNF also is important in regards to regulation of white blood cell movement within the blood stream and other areas.

On the flip side, drugs that block tumor necrosis factor can also have beneficial effects that must be weighed against their potential ill effects on infection defense. In short, they reduce the immune abnormalities that are part of rheumatoid arthritis, the disease.

A recent report (Anti-TNF Therapy is Associated with an Increased Risk of Serious Infections in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Especially in the First 6 Months of Treatment: Updated Results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register with Special Emphasis on Risks in the Elderly" Galloway JB, et al Rheumatology. 2010;51(1):124-131.) highlighted the difficulties associated with estimation of infection risk in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with TNF inhibitors.

According to the authors of the above paper, there have been several attempts in clinical trials to try and quantify the increased risk of infection in patients who are taking anti-TNF drugs. However, because of multiple reasons, including patient population size, study design, as well as the "artificial environment" associated with clinical trials, quantifying infection risk has been difficult. Also, since many patients with rheumatoid arthritis are taking steroids, which also increase infection risk, this has been another confounding factor.

Large observational studies looking at multiple clinical trials have shown that there appears to be an increased risk of certain infections in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with anti-TNF drugs. The organisms that seem to pop up with the most frequency are Listeria, Salmonella, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The number reported by the British Registry in the recent study is a 20 per cent overall increase. What is really startling though is the fact that the risk for serious infections was increased by 80 percent during the first six months of therapy.

Why such a high number early on? The authors offer a few possible explanations. The first is that patients who are really susceptible to infection may get infections early on and be taken off their TNF inhibitor medicines. That leaves a relatively healthy number of patients left to assess.

There may also be adjustments in the immune system that might, over time, compensate for the lack of TNF.

Finally, as patients become better controlled with their disease, they require less in the way of steroids, therefore reducing infection risk.

Finally... and this is an important, if not obvious point. There also appears to be an increased risk of infection with increasing age. This is not a surprise, given that older patients have other disease conditions and are on multiple medications.

While this article hasn't mentioned all the risks associated with TNF inhibitors, I have tried to at least present the latest information in regards to the most common one, which is infection.

Rumatory Arthritis - Tips for Pain Relief

For those dealing with rumatory arthritis, pain is a constant problem. The swelling and inflammation that comes with this disease causes stiffness and pain in the joints. Some of the main areas where pain can occur include in the hip joints, wrist joints, hand joints, knee joints, and the spine. To deal with this chronic pain, here are some helpful tips for pain relief that can provide the pain management needed.

Tip #1 - Healthy Diet - One excellent tip for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief is to eat a healthy diet. A diet that is well balanced can help to keep weight under control, easing the strain on joints. Limiting certain foods like saturated fats and read meats can help to reduce inflammation, since it limits arachidonic acid, which can make inflammation worse. Eating foods that contain omega 3s can also be helpful, since they are proven to help reduce inflammation in the joints.

Tip #2 - Cold and Heat Therapy
Many people find that cold and heat therapy can help to ease some of the pain that comes along with rheumatoid arthritis. When a joint is aching and inflamed, cold therapy can help to reduce some of the inflammation, easing the pain. Other people find that heat therapy is helpful for relaxing muscles and easing the pain felt in joints.

Tip #3 - Non-Impact Exercise
Exercise is an important part of reducing pain with this disease. Building muscles that are strong and fit provides better support for the body's joints. Exercise can also reduce pain symptoms and increase flexibility as well. Non-impact exercises are the best options for those with joint damage, such as water therapy and swimming. Speaking with your doctor before getting involved in a new exercise plan is a good idea.

Tip #4 - Massage
Even massage therapy can provide some pain relief for those with rheumatoid arthritis. Massage can help to warm up and relax muscles that are tense because of the constant pain. A good massage also can help the body to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers, alleviating pain.

Tip #5 - Medications
Today there are a variety of excellent medications that can help to treat rheumatoid arthritis and relieve some of the pain that comes with the disease. Inflammation can be reduced with medications like corticosteroids and NSAIDs, which leads to the reduction of pain. Other anti-rheumatic drugs are available today that actually treat the disease, leading to pain reduction as they begin to work. Some of the newer biological medications that are available include Enbrel, Orencia, and Humira. Several are taken by infusion, while others are given as injections.

Dealing with the pain that comes with rheumatoid arthritis can be frustrating. However, there are many great options available that can provide some pain relief. If you are dealing with this disease, consider some of these tips and talk with your doctor about the options that may work best for you.

Alkaline Arthritis - How to Avoid and Cure Arthritis by Alkalizing Your Body

Having arthritis is not very easy to handle, because it affects the way you move and thereby it affects your everyday work. The worse scenario is that you would not be able to work in the office or anywhere because of the aches and pains that you experience in your joints. Alkaline arthritis diet is a key to avoid and cure this illness.

Do you know that accumulation of too much acid forming foods in the body aggravates arthritis? It is because too much intake of red meat and alcohols lead to large production of uric acid which is a key to promoting gout that is an evidence of arthritis.

Therefore, to be able to prevent and cure it, the best way to do is to eat alkaline forming foods. These foods are the ones that we know that are good for our health. It includes fresh fruits and vegetables. Alkaline arthritis diet is really the best thing to follow.

Lemons are ones among the many alkaline fruits which are proven to be beneficial for arthritic people. It is due to the citric acid that they contain which dissolves uric acid, and this way, curing the unwanted illness.

Raw juices are also proven to be affective in curing arthritis. These juices are made from green leafy vegetables, which are known to be alkaline foods. Because they have alkaline effect on the body, these juices dissolve the accumulation of deposits around the joints and other tissues.

A fresh pineapple juice is also advisable to an arthritic patient because it contains bromelain which reduces swelling and inflammation in ostehoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, banana can be eaten in order to treat arthritis. It contains Vitamin B6 which helps treat the illness. Green gram soup and garlic are also other alternatives to be considered to cure it. These all fall under alkaline diet.

Alkaline water is also a great help to live a life free of aching joints. We should take half an ounce of water for every pound of body weight every day. This way, we will be able to easily and naturally diminish our cravings for junks, sweets and other acid forming foods.

Some of acid forming foods that are not good to arthritic person are red meat, dairy products, alcohol, coffee, frizzy drinks, highly processed food and junk foods. Some of the alkaline foods that can be taken in by our body to avoid and cure arthritis are mineral water, green tea, fruits, vegetables, raw oils and almonds.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Doctor - What Kind of Exercise Can I do if I Have Knee Arthritis?

Interestingly, running has not been shown convincingly to be a risk factor for knee arthritis. Some studies have suggested an association but an equal number of studies have not. One of the best studies to date has shown that if you keep your mileage under 30 miles a week, the risk of osteoarthritis of the knee is pretty low.

That being said, once arthritis does develop in the knees, then other types of exercise should be considered. Now the purpose of this article is to discuss only the aerobic component of an exercise program. Patients with arthritis need to include aerobic, strengthening, as well as stretching in a comprehensive program.

One option is an elliptical trainer. While these are most often found in fitness clubs, they are available for home purchase and use. An elliptical trainer provides a movement that is midway between a bike and a stairclimber. The feet stay on the pedals and the movement is a smooth elliptical (oval) motion so there is no impact. Some models have attachments for a back and forth arm movement so that there is a total body workout. The angle of pedals as well as the resistance to pedaling can be adjusted. This provides an excellent cardiovascular, low-impact workout. The elliptical trainer is my personal favorite.

Another option is swimming. Swimming provides the best cardiovascular workout and is completely non-impact. The primary concern with swimming is that patients with shoulder problems may have more pain and aggravation of their shoulder symptoms with certain strokes. In addition, patients with low back arthritis may also notice their symptoms worsening with certain maneuvers. If your problems are only knee related, swimming is a great choice.

A stationary bike is another good form of aerobic conditioning. It is a no-impact workout. People with knee problems should use a very low tension and start out slowly. Otherwise worsening of knee symptoms can occur. Quad strengthening and hamstring stretching should also be performed if a stationary bike is used.

Cross-country ski machines are not quite as popular as they once were. And that's too bad because this is a wonderful piece of equipment. This device provides a workout for both the upper as well as the lower body. The feet move in a back and forth gliding motion (make sure you get a good quality machine that moves smoothly rather than in a jerky fashion). No pounding or other impact accompanies this type of exercise. The attachments for the arms provide a brisk workout for the upper body also. Resistance can be changed for both the legs as wells as the arms.

One note of caution... people with low back problems should exercise caution since back symptoms can get worse.

Treadmills are also an alternative. For people with knee problems though, these may not be a good choice. There is impact. Very high end treadmills have a softer more forgiving deck. If you notice that the treadmill makes your knee pain worse, you're probably better off using something else.

Stairclimbers are probably not a great idea. The reason is that the motion of bending and straightening the knee with loading from the rest of the body often times will hurt. This is particularly true for people who have significant arthritis between the patella (kneecap) and the femur (upper leg bone).

With all exercise equipment, it is critical to get clearance from your physician before embarking on a vigorous program. Also it is a good idea to use a heart monitor to make sure your heart rate stays within the range appropriate fro your age group. Obviously, a lot depends on the condition you're in before you start.

Foods That Make Arthritis Worse

We have all heard that Omega-6 Fatty Acids like omega-3 and omega -9 fatty acids, are extremely important when trying to maintain good health. While some of these are important in helping to reduce inflammation, others can have the opposite effect often increasing inflammation and making arthritis worse.

Published medical reports explain it like this. A substance known as arachidonic acid (which is found in the omega-6 family) produces compounds called eicosanoids. This particular compound can increase such negative symptoms as inflammation, blood pressure, and allergic reactions. It is advised to stay away from foods that are high in this particular compound. Those foods include, mayonnaise, cottonseed, soybean and corn oils. These all fall into the classification of saturated and trans fats.

It is well noted that some fats reduce inflammations, but it is also well known that the bad fats (saturated and trans) can increase inflammation. These fats are often referred to as "bad" fats because of the fact that these substances are a major cause of weight gain and obesity. Which in turn puts an extra strain on joints over time. Wondering where else you may be able to find both trans and saturated fats? They can be found in most foods that are fried or pre packaged, as well as most fast food too. Foods that include milk products like butter and cheese, high fat cuts of meat like beef and pork, and substances like margarine also contain these bad fats that should be avoided as well.

Surprisingly enough, even a certain vegetable should be avoided as well when dealing with the worsening symptoms of arthritis. Nightshade vegetables have long been at the top of the list of foods suspected to worsen arthritis symptoms. One-in-three arthritis sufferers reacts negatively to nightshade vegetables. Particularly in these vegetables there is a compound that can disrupt enzymes in muscles. This enzyme is thought to be responsible for the negative effects that nightshade vegetables have on this debilitating disease.

Those vegetables that are classified as nightshade include eggplant, tomato, potato and even tobacco. Even though these vegetables are said to worsen symptoms of arthritis, they still do have valuable nutrients and should not be avoided completely unless there is an allergic reaction to the vegetable or other food product. Food Allergens should also be avoided. Food allergens are defined as proteins in certain foods that set off complex immune reactions when ingested.

The list of potential food allergens is endless, but some of the most common include eggs, wheat, milk and soy. If you are ingesting foods that you may be sensitive too can cause problems. Especially for arthritis patients, and those with rheumatoid arthritis. a leader in informing others about arthritis, describes this as due to the fact that the intestinal fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis often contains greater levels of antibodies than those without the disease.

These antibodies then begin to accumulate in joints. Due to this, inflammation and pain begin to increase. Maintaining a healthy weight is an important prevention method for arthritis patients, as excess weight causes unnecessary strain on joints. Practicing a diet high in fiber and remembering to consume healthy carbohydrates, fats and proteins can help prevent obesity. Couple this with daily exercise as the best prevention/solution method too. Remember as a arthritis patient to avoid high-impact exercise like running. Choose gentler workouts like swimming, yoga and weight-bearing exercise.
If you believe food allergies or sensitivities are suspected, contact your physician for a simple blood test that can pinpoint problems. Once you know what food allergies you are dealing with, a nutritionist can help. They will be able to give you a well-balanced diet that focuses on fighting inflammation and reducing pain.

Eliminating Certain Foods From the Diet Can Reverse Arthritis

It has been found over the years that eliminating certain foods from the diet and including others can help you eat away arthritis.

This is one of the good news messages out there of the quick growth of healing called alternative or natural healing medicine.

Looking To Alternative Methods

People today are taking a closer look at healing through alternatives methods to the tune of 20 billion dollars annually. The thought wave is the high cost of drugs and their side effects in the treatment, with the many different side effects, is not worth the cost or trouble when severe damage may be done. Natural healing medicine is a lot less expensive and there are no side effects in most cases when taken as directed.

The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation for many years has been warning the public that arthritis is an incurable disease and only by using what they recommend can symptoms be suppressed. They tell the public that the disease is always there ready to flare up at any time. To make you feel even worse if you have it the Arthritis Foundation tells us the the disease will be epidemic in the future unless proper funding actions are taken now to limit its impact.

Rheumatologists Say

According to rheumatologists associated with the foundation the cause of the disease remains unclear, while only theories and not fact continue to mount. Arthritis today has become a collective name for the hundred or so many different varieties of arthritis. According to the foundation there are no drugs out there today that can cure the disease. Perhaps they are making these dreadful predictions to keep the research money rolling in and their jobs secure.

The Arthritis Foundation admits that people who are over weight provokes osteoarthritis and includes fish oils, fasting and food allergy as possible treatments for arthritis. They flatly state, however, no diet or food has any important beneficial or causative effect on the disease of arthritis.

Much Information Emerges

Much new information began to emerge in the late 1970's from research institutions, medical centers and universities that has made the informational seeking public re-evaluate almost everything we previously knew about the destructive disease. This intensive research continues today and finally its ideas are sinking into the conventional wisdom of arthritic treatment.

Today there has been convincing clinical proof from various branches of medicine that various foods are a contributing cause of arthritic disease. More importantly there is now convincing evidence that healthy joints are dependent on gastrointestinal health and well being.

Double Blind Study

There was a double blind study done in late 1979 by Dr. Anthony Conte, a Pittsburg nutritionist, and his associate Dr. Marshall Mandell, a well know allergist, that provide evidence that arthritis can be in may cases, an allergy related disease that can be treated by simply avoiding certain common foods.

Another research study was done by a Dr. Robert Stroud, a prominent rheumatologist at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, stating that patients with arthritic disease respond very well when certain foods are completely eliminated from their diet. He also discovered that during a fast arthritic symptoms completely clear up and become non-existent. This should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that arthritis is food related. Unfortunately you cannot fast forever.

Expansion On The Food Allergy Theory

In recent years scientists have expanded on the food allergy theory using diet to treat rheumatoid arthritis. In an ongoing experiment Drs. L.G. Darlington and N.W.Ramsey from Epsom General Hospital in England took 100 patients and treated them to a special diet only treatment. After 7 1/2 years patients were still doing well with most signs of rheumatoid arthritis gone. The doctors also found the foods you eat can influence your digestive tract, the bacteria in your gut and inflammation, all of which ultimately affect arthritis.

New Information Found

What has been found in the last decade is that arthritis is not the incurable disease we once believed. Doctors aand scientists today are now saying that many forms of arthritis are aggravated by foods we eat. While food allergies do not cause arthritis, they may, along with poor eating habits and genetic susceptibility, encourage your body to attack its own joints.

Other studies have drawn a connection between leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis. Some arthritic individuals have sieve like gastrointestinal tracts that allow partially digested food to seep into their own bloodstream. This is how food allergies and possibly allergy to your own body, called autoimmunity, happens.


This confirms what folk healers have said for years, that certain health destroying foods are a primary reason for arthritis. By replacing them with certain health restorative foods, we can encourage remission of this disease together with elimination of stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

Types of Arthritis & Related Rheumatic Conditions


Osteoarthritis develops from the wearing away of joint cartilage. It is degenerative in nature and the substantial damage caused by excessive strain on the joints and its bordering tissues is characterized by:

  • pain

  • soreness

  • swelling

  • difficulty of movement

In its early stages, osteoarthritis is rarely symptomatic and mostly non-inflammatory. It develops slowly and is difficult to detect because it affects only a minimum number of joints. More often than not, osteoarthritis strikes the:

  • hands

  • hips

  • knees

  • spine

Advancing age increases the risk of acquiring osteoarthritis. Trauma to the joints, obesity and repetitive joint use comprise the other risk factors of the disease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the synovium, the cell lining within the joint, is mistakenly damaged by the bodys' own immune system. This type of arthritis is a chronic autoimmune syndrome which is potentially disabling. It is often marked by:

  • joint pain

  • joint incapacity

  • swelling

  • stiffness

Rheumatoid arthritis is difficult to pin down at its onset due to the minimal number of symptoms. The causes of this type of arthritis are still unknown, but physicians are pointing to heredity as one of its chief causes.

Juvenile Arthritis

Children can also be afflicted by a type of arthritis known as juvenile arthritis. It is the most common form of arthritis that besets children. The three major kinds of juvenile arthritis are:

  • pauciarticular (affecting only a minimum number of joints)

  • polyarticular (involving more than several joints)

  • systematic (impacting the whole body)

Indicators of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are different for each child, and a variety of tests are needed to determine the appropriate diagnosis. Children suffering from juvenile arthritis have to ascertain the presence of the disease for over a month before it can be correctly identified.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Five percent of people with psoriasis (a chronic skin disorder) are affected by psoriatic arthritis. Like rheumatoid arthritis, the joints, and in some cases the spine, are subjected to inflammation.


Although this disorder does not involve joint deformity, this soft tissue and muscular rheumatism leads to muscle, ligament and tendon pain, and is indicated by:

  • chronic tiredness

  • inferior sleep

  • muscle soreness

  • Fibromyalgia Screening Test

  • Fibromyalgia Fast Facts

  • Test Your Knowledge of Fibromyalgia

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia

  • Signs and Symptoms: Recognizing Fibromyalgia


Another painful type of arthritis is Gout. This form of the disease is characterized by unexpected bursts of intense pain, soreness, warmth and reddening of the affected areas, and joint swelling, particularly in the big toe. Gout is believed to be the result of excess uric acid crystals which are leached out of the blood and settle within the joint.

Pseudogout / CPPD

Calcium phosphate crystals which form in the joints can cause Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition Disease (CPPD), or Psuedogout. The symptoms of Psuedogout are very similar to Gout, and as a result, it is often misdiagnosed as gouty arthritis. Management and treatment of CPPD is different, as well.


Hardening and thickening of the surrounding skin characterizes Scleroderma, a disorder affecting the connective tissues of the body. Two types of this disease, both the localized and generalized forms, also impair other parts of the body like the:

  • blood vessels

  • joints

  • internal organs

Lupus / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Another autoimmune disease, Systemic lupus erythematosus causes anaemia, arthritis, chronic tiredness, fever, hair loss, kidney complications, mouth ulcers and skin eruptions. Nearly 90 percent of sufferers are women, particularly those of childbearing age. However, children and older adults can also contract the disease. Lupus affects the:

  • blood vessels

  • heart

  • joints

  • kidneys

  • nervous system

  • internal organs

  • surrounding skin

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome begins with tingling and numbness in the fingers caused by stress on the wrists median nerve. This condition can set in slowly or with unexpected abruptness. While it is dissimilar to other types of arthritis, it sometimes linked to other forms of the disease, like rheumatoid arthritis.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

This chronic inflammatory condition of the spine can cause fusion of the vertebrae, resulting in rigidity of the spinal column. The disease starts by settling into the tissue surrounding the joint, causing lingering stiffness and pain in the lower back.

Medical science has yet to discover the exact cause of this disease, which affects other joints in addition to the spine. It has been noted, however, that spondylitis sufferers all have HLA-B27, a genetic marker setting apart people who have the highest risk of acquiring the disorder. Men aged between 16 to 35 are the ones usually affected, although the disease can also strike women.

Bursitis / Tendonitis

These types of arthritis are recognized by their chiefly inflammatory symptoms. Bursitis is characterized by inflamed bursa sacs, fluid-filled sacs that help muscles and tendons move smoothly across the bones. Tendonitis, or tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons, connective elastic tissue found between the bones and muscles. The tendon sheath is also susceptible to inflammation, leading to a disorder known as tenosynovitis. In all cases, the inflammation results in stiff and painful movement.

  • Guide to Bursitis

  • Guide to Tendinitis

Infectious Arthritis

Bacteria, virus and fungi are the culprits involved in Infectious arthritis. To diagnose this type of arthritis, culturing a tissue sample from the infected joint determines the existence of these microorganisms. Infectious arthritis comes in several forms, namely:

  • Septic arthritis caused by a bacterial invasion.

  • Tuberculous arthritis common in tuberculosis sufferers.

  • Fungal arthritis stemming from fungal infection.

  • Gonococcal arthritis occurring with those infected with gonorrhoea.

  • Viral arthritis resulting from viral infections.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is often caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. This disorder usually targets:

  • eyes

  • heart

  • joints

  • nervous system

  • skin

Reactive Arthritis

Also known as Reiter's syndrome, Reactive arthritis causes inflammation of the joints, particularly in the areas of ligament and tendon connection. Sufferers of this type of arthritis experience other illnesses like:

  • cervicitis

  • conjuctivitis

  • cystitis

  • skin sores

  • prostatitis

  • urethritis

Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjorgren's Syndrome causes irregularity in the functions of the moisture-producing glands of the body, resulting in dryness in the salivary and lacrimal (tear-producing) glands. This disorder is also characterized by other physical indicators.


This degenerative bone disease leads to weak, brittle bones and loss of bone tissue, increasing the risk of breaks and fractures. It is a preventive non-symptomatic disorder creeps up slowly and becomes apparent in advanced age, particularly in women.

Other Forms of Rheumatic Diseases

  • Avascular Necrosis - also recognized by the medical term, osteonecrosis

  • Behcet's Disease - characterized by chronic inflammation.

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - CRPS, or reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

  • Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis - causes calcification in the spinal disks.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease - commonly accompanied by complications of arthritis and osteoporosis.

  • Mixed Connective Tissue Diseases - a combination of several rheumatic diseases.

  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica - caused by giant cell arteritis.

  • Raynaud's Phenomenon - primarily affects the blood vessels, causing them to constrict.

  • Vasculitides - a disease characterized by inflamed blood vessels.

Nail Psoriasis Treatment, Is There Hope?

Did you know, most psoriatic nail disease affects patients with other symptoms of psoriasis?

Nail psoriasis occurs in less than 5% of patients with none of the other symptoms that you usually find in psoriasis sufferers. We will discuss the cause, symptoms, as well as nail psoriasis treatment in this publication.

Nail psoriasis affects about 50-80% of people with active psoriasis. Nail psoriasis is a term used when there are changes in fingernails, toenails, or both caused by psoriasis disease. Approximately half of nail psoriasis sufferers have to discontinue their regular daily schedules because of the pain.

Finger or toe nail changes can occur in one or more nails and can have different levels of damage. You can have damage in the nail itself, the bed or matrix (where it starts). Damage can include; pitting or even losing the nail from the tip down. If you have the pustular type of psoriasis you can lose the nail completely.

These are some of the changes that may occur:

  • 'Ice Pick' (pitting or deformity of the nail): This is caused by growth deficiency in the nail bed caused by psoriasis.

  • 'Salmon Patch' (Yellow or yellowing-red discoloration of the nail): This is caused by psoriasis in the nail bed. It is also sometimes called "oil drop"' because it looks like a drop of oil that is soaking into the nail.

  • 'Onycholysis': Occurring after the oil drop. A white area appears when the nail actually separates from the nail bed.

  • Lastly, total loss of the nail. It crumbles and eventually just falls away because psoriasis has weakened the matrix.

Psoriasis of the finger and toenails can resemble other conditions such as chronic fungal infections or inflammation in the nail bed.

What Causes Nail Psoriasis:

Unfortunately 50-80% of psoriasis sufferers will get nail psoriasis. This is often associated with psoriatic arthritis when it is located in your fingers and toes. Even if you don't have the symptoms of arthritis you can still get nail psoriasis, and it can still be embarrassing, because your hands and feet look terrible. Trust me, I know.

As you might already know from reading my other publications, preventative maintenance is the only real way to take care of and prevent all of the terrible symptoms and debilitating aspects of psoriasis.

Remember this not a skin disease it is an autoimmune disease and you have to cure it from the inside out. Wouldn't we all like to have our whole body, psoriasis free, for life?

Is Your Arthritis Pain Caused by A Yeast Infection?

Arthritis is described by the Arthritis Foundation as a "chronic, systemic, inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology." Which means they have no clue what causes it.

The stats from arthritis are staggering, as it's a major disability in North America, targeting 1 in 4 adults. It cost 86.2 billion to treat in 1997, stats which have only grown since.

It is a crippling and painful disease that can cause fear induced paralysis, due to the fear of the pain that moving causes.

An article published by 19 doctors in The Townsend Letter for Doctors in January of '95 states that systemic yeast infections can mimic symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Food allergies caused by yeast have been linked to arthritis by Dr. D. Adamo and others. The foods that you're allergic to cause your body to produce IgE and IgG antibodies. When this happens for years, it gradually wears out the immune system and as a result the allergens in your food are no longer completely removed.

When these allergens do enter the system, they congregate around the joints and clump into the cells, damaging them. The immune system tries to fight them off, but due to being worn out from years of fighting, it is unable to cope. The ensuing inflammation causes further damage and leads to arthritis.

Yeast and other fungi can also deposit mycotoxins into your joints, further damaging them and worsening your arthritis.

To beat your arthritis, and get back the flexibility and mobility you had when you were younger, check with your health care provider and see if a systemic yeast infection is causing your arthritis symptoms.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Graves Disease And Rheumatoid Arthritis

Do you have Graves disease? If so, then you must be suffering from rheumatoid arthritis as well. Graves disease and rheumatoid arthritis are two diseases that are linked to each other. One common symptom of patients suffering from this disease is a fine tremor in their hands and fingers. Incidentally, this is also a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis.

Graves disease is an autoimmune disease. It is a health problem wherein a person's immune system attacks the thyroid glands. And consequently, it causes the same gland to produce too much thyroxin hormone. It is usually referred to as hyperthyroidism's most common form.

The similarity between the two is the fact that they are both autoimmune diseases. Like Graves disease, rheumatoid arthritis is a problem with the immune system, causing chronic inflammation on the joints. A person with rheumatoid arthritis has his joints being attacked by the antibodies, thinking that they are detrimental to the body processes.

But of course, either the thyroid glands or the ligaments of the joints they aren't harmful to one's health at all. But both of them moves the body's immune system to think and work otherwise. The antibodies, instead of attacking bacteria and viruses, end up destroying the glands and the parts that are needed by the body to function.

As such, Graves disease and rheumatoid arthritis [] should be treated and cured early on. Because if not, a number of other health complications can be expected. And everybody wants to keep a healthy body. Therefore, it is advisable that you consult with a doctor at once if and when you experience any symptom related to these diseases.

Alternative Treatments for Arthritis Relief

"Arthritis is the most common cause of disability in the United States, limiting the activities of nearly 21 million adults."

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a kind of joint disorder causing inflammation of one or more joints. It is of more than 100 different types including Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout and pseudo-gout, Septic arthritis among others.

Causes of Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition resulting from the breakdown of cartilage - a flexible connective tissue that protects joints and allows their smooth movement. Any harm to cartilage creates friction between bones causing stiffness, swelling and pain.

Some common causes of Arthritis include:

• An autoimmune disease
• Broken bone
• General "wear and tear" on joints
• Infection, usually by bacteria or virus

Arthritis Symptoms:

Arthritis is a typical disorder of joints, which can produce the following symptoms:

• Inability to use the hand or walk
• Malaise and a feeling of tiredness
• Weight loss
• Poor sleep
• Muscle aches and pains
• Tenderness
• Difficulty moving the joint
• Redness of the skin around a joint
• Stiffness, especially in the morning

Ayurvedic Approach to Arthritis

According to Ayurveda, accumulation of Ama - a toxic by-product of improper digestion and aggravation of Vata causes arthritis. The Ama circulates through the body and gets accumulated in the joints. The accumulation of Ama in joints in combined effect with the aggravation of vata causes Amavata - the ayurvedic reference for Arthritis.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Arthritis

There are so many treatments of arthritis but since it is prevalent in aged people, natural or Ayurvedic treatment is best suited for this disease of joints. Your Ayurvedic practitioner will recommend a combination good diet, herbal remedies, regular exercise along with healthy eating habits as arthritis remedies.

Herbal treatment of arthritis - Your health care provider may prescribe you herbal remedies like Commiphoae Mukul (guggula) and Boswellia (Indian Frankinesense) as capsules, thrice a day, for arthritis relief. These herbal medicines are effective in alleviating inflammation and strengthening bones hence improving flexibility. Remember; do not take these medicines without consulting your Ayurvedic therapist.

Arthritis Diet - Make sure you take only anti-vata diet. Stay away from hot and spicy food. Also avoid fat-rich foodstuffs including potato, eggplant cabbage, okra, potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and dairy products. Increase the intake of liquids like fruit and vegetable juices along with homemade soups. Eat a lot of fruits, green salads and green vegetables.

Ayurvedic massages for Arthritis - Ayurvedic massages using massage oils such as Almond oil and Sesame oil is an effective natural treatment for arthritis. Massage therapy reduces Vata and has a calming effect on joint pain. Make sure you are approaching reliable Ayurvedic centers for ayurvedic massage and treatment.

Physical Exercise and Yoga - Some light exercises and Yoga Asanas (yoga postures) may provide relief from joint pain. Consult an authentic yoga instructor for exercises for arthritis relief. Do not strain your joints so much as it can aggravate your arthritic condition.

Trust only Authentic Practitioners: Though alternative treatment options like ayurveda and yoga can relieve arthritis but trust only genuine practitioners and centers when it comes to natural treatment.

Using Chinese Herbs to Help With Rheumatoid Relief

Arthritis is a condition which many people suffer from and sometimes they do not even know that they have it. If you are experiencing pain and stiffness in any of your joints then it is essential that you see a doctor as soon as possible. There are a number of different types of arthritis and so it is important to know exactly which type you actually have.

Treating Arthritis There are a number of treatments used to relieve patients suffering from arthritis. However, one treatment that is not widely advertised is the arthritis herb. It can be used only to treat the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis.

So even though it is classed as an arthritis herb, it will not be of much use to any other type of arthritis. Surprisingly a stinging nettle is one of the best natural treatments for Rheumatoid arthritis. Now the best way to hold the nettle is to grasp it firmly and rub the nettle leaves across the area of pain.

You will experience a lot of extra pain at first as the nettle stings the skin. However, once you have finished you will notice that the only pain which you are feeling, is from the nettle stings and not the arthritis. As you use the nettles more frequently, you will become accustomed to the sting and it will not hurt as much anymore. Just remember that when you do use nettles, you have to resist the temptation to scratch the itch as it will just make things worse.

Another way in which you can use nettles to treat Rheumatoid arthritis, is to drink nettle tea. By drinking one cup of nettle tea each day, you can gain all kinds of health benefits. It helps to purify the blood as well as providing relief for Rheumatoid arthritis. If you do not like the taste of pure nettle tea then it is possible to add ingredients such as honey and crown sugar. Now with the tea you will not notice results overnight.

It will take a few weeks for them to really show through, but when they do you will notice the difference. Overall stinging nettles may be a surprising treatment for arthritis, but they do work. The University of Plymouth did a study in the year 2000 and that clearly showed that 63% of those questioned, found stinging nettles helpful in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis - What Are The Causes And Can You Prevent Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is generally equated with a disease of wear and tear and old age. Although it does usually accompany old age, researchers have found that the cartilage in a joint with osteoarthritis is chemically different than a joint without the disease.

Researchers have also found that there are a series of events that lead to the development of Osteoarthritis and that it isn't associated with age alone. These events involve the production, maintenance and breakdown of the cartilage in the joints. These joints are often of the larger weight bearing joints of the body such as the knees and hips, which provide the majority of the cushion when we are doing any weight bearing exercise such as walking, running etc.

Athletes who also perform repetitive motion exercise that is weight bearing on a joint, such as rowing, will find that Osteoarthritis also will develop in the elbow and shoulder areas.

Researchers believe that there is a genetic component to the development of the disease but they have not yet conclusively found that link. They have found that there is a higher correlation in the development of this arthritis between parent and child or siblings than between husband and wife.

In a study completed in 2000 a gene was identified which was thought to regulate the production of a chemical, pyrophosphate, which inhibits the formation of mineral deposits in the joints. They theorize that this chemical may protect the cartilage in the joints. About 60% of patients with Osteoarthritis were found to have mineral deposits in their joints.

People with this disease also have muscle weakness, especially in the quadriceps muscles. These are the four large muscles in the front of the thigh that enable the body to extend the knee. Researchers understand that the arthritis creates a painful situation and patients may not exercise, therefore decreasing their muscle strength. However, they also theorize that the weakness, especially in the quadriceps, pre-dates the development and actually causes the degeneration of the joint. The stronger the muscle mass the better able the body is to protect the joints.

Anatomical reasons also are considered to be involved in the development of this arthritis. Research has found that people who are 'bow-legged' or 'knock-kneed' are more likely to develop progressive osteoarthritis in the knees. Other research has found that some people are born with joints that don't meet smoothly and cartilage that isn't formed correctly.

Injuries also play a large part in the joint changes that lead to Osteoarthritis. People with knee injuries early in life were 16% more likely to develop arthritis in the affected knee than those without an injury. Other medical conditions have also been found to play a part in the cause of Osteoarthritis. Hemophiliacs have the potential to bleed into the joints causing damage to the cartilage. People with chronic gout and pseudogout have mineral deposits in the joints from the crystals that cause the gout. People with rheumatoid arthritis already have joint damaging inflammation that injures to the cartilage.

Although the causes of Osteoarthritis have not been completely defined people can use the knowledge that researchers now have to potentially delay the onset or stop the development of this painful disease.

Treat Arthritis With Aromatherapy

Inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints are some of the symptoms of a disease called arthritis. It affects normal joint movement, which restricts motion. The sufferer may also feel feverish or fatigued. Arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States. It limits physical activity and in extreme cases it can cause deformity.

There is no known cure for arthritis but a treatment called aromatherapy may help patients feel better. Aroma means scent and therapy means treatment. It is an alternative approach to mental and physical health problems. Aromatherapy uses pure essential oils to help heal imbalances in your body. Essential oils are fine liquids that are extracted from plants, trees, flowers and bushes. Each pure oil is made up of numerous separate compounds. These compounds need to be in the final oil for it to be of the maximum aroma-therapeutic value. Hydorsols and phytols are blended in with the essential oils for treating arthritis. Hydorsol is the condensed water that is left over after an essential oil is produced from water distillation. The flavor and aroma are saturated in the water from the distilled material. Phytols are a remedy prepared by soaking plant material in vegetable oil or water.

When you visit an aromatherapist for the first time, they will take an assessment of your lifestyle. Some questions might include your diet, stress level and medical history. They will than select the oils and make a personalized blend that is right for you. A massage will follow resulting in relaxation. Treatments will alter depending on your symptoms at the time.

There are several things you can do, if you would rather treat yourself at home. One way that has been successful in easing the pain of arthritis is the application of hot compresses. Put hot water into a bowl. Make sure it is not too hot. Add three to six drops of an essential oil to the water. Make sure you use an oil with pain relieving properties such as chamomile, lavender or cinnamon. Put a sterile cotton cloth into the water. Wring out some excess water and place the cloth onto the bothersome area. Let the cloth cool down to your body temperature. Repeat these steps several times. Use a warm towel or other material to wrap the region that you treated.

You can also rub the essential oils onto painful areas during the day. The oils are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. Always make sure the oils are diluted when applied to the skin. They need to be mixed with a carrier lotion or vegetable oil. Aromatic baths are another way to ease your pain. Add the essential oils to hot water for a relaxing combination. Pour the oils under running water and always make sure it is mixed well. Use 5-7 drops of essential oils to 1 ounce carrier oil. Lemon, Eucalyptus and Camphor are some other oils appropriate for treating arthritis symptoms. Aromatherapy has no negative side effects and can help you to feel more comfortable.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Understanding Arthritis in German Shepherds

There is no question about it; one of the most popular breeds of dogs is that of a German Shepherd. German Shepherds are known for their intelligence, their loyalty to their families as well as their protective nature. Many people would agree that German Shepherds are a top choice for family pets on many levels. With their high level of intelligence, German Shepherds have become a top pick for highly active jobs such as being police dogs.

As with many other large breeds, German Shepherds are prone to a variety of medical and health conditions as they age. Routine vet exams are vital at all stages of your dog's life and they do become increasing more important as your dog ages. Some of the most common health conditions that German Shepherds are prone to include cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, eye problems, heart disorders and varying forms of arthritis. Arthritis can become extremely painful, and in some cases debilitating for your dog. Knowing the signs and symptoms of this painful medical condition can help you to catch this early and get your dog the proper treatment that they need.

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis in German Shepherds

While German Shepherds may be prone to arthritis, maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with being active helps to decrease the chance of developing this painful condition. Obesity in German Shepherds seems to be one of the leading causes for the development of arthritis as well as many other medical conditions. Keep your dog active and make sure to walk your dog on a daily basis. Ensure that your pet has an area to run around in and help to keep the weight off. Just like people, dogs need regular exercise to stay in good health.

Aside from obesity, the following is a list of signs and symptoms that your German Shepherd may be developing arthritis:

- Increased difficulty getting up

- Dragging or weakness in the rear legs

- Back end of the dog begins to sway

- Decreased energy level

- Criss-Crossing of rear legs

- Attempting to walk on their knuckles instead of feet

- Whimpers when getting up after lying down for an extended period of time

- Overall lack of mobility

As the arthritis gets worse, so do the symptoms. German Shepherds who have been suffering with arthritis for a long period of time may also begin to lose control of their bowels and develop bed from lack of movement. No German Shepherd, or any dog for that matter, should have to suffer with this debilitating medical condition and there are treatments available.

Treatment for Arthritis in German Shepherds

While it can be heartbreaking to watch your dog suffer in pain there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Today, there are various forms of treatment that are available. The scope of treatment will vary from case to case but more often than not, the treatment will begin with pain management for your dog. Generally speaking inflammation of the joints, pain and discomfort can be managed with anti inflammatory medication. It is critical to have your vet do a through exam as soon as you suspect that your best friend may be suffering from arthritis.

There are various forms of medications that are on the market today, some by prescription only, but a safe, effective alternative is glucosamine supplements. Make sure to read the labels of the products and only choose brands that use the highest quality of ingredients. Spend a little time doing some research or speak with your vet about the top choices of medications for your dog.

One of the leaders in the glucosamine supplements industry is Synflex Liquid Glucosamine. This liquid glucosamine supplement has shown to alleviate pain in large breed dogs and has tons of customer product reviews to back up their claims. By reducing the inflammation and swelling in painful joints, Synflex will help restore your dog's quality of life. Only the highest quality ingredients are used in Synflex and you'll feel safe giving your pet this treatment daily.

The Best Marine Supplements For Arthritis Relief

Joint inflammation, often a painful symptom, is a health issue called arthritis. And many people suffer from this condition which can make daily living very uncomfortable.

The challenging part about arthritis is when the inflammation sets in which can lead to swelling, stiffness and pain. And there are some people out there who experience all three at the same time.

People are diving into marine-based supplements for alternate arthritis relief. They are learning that the ocean holds so many medicinal properties and this includes treating inflammation.

It's always recommended to find a marine-based supplement company backed with years of coupled with clinical studies.

Research has unveiled the best products from the ocean with superior anti-inflammatory effects and joint health improvements are:

  • Shark liver oil

  • Krill Oil

  • Wild Organic Fucoidan Seaweed

  • Astaxanthin

All work to vastly improve inflammatory conditions. For those unfamiliar with astaxanthin, it is an excellent antioxidant from microalgae. The best is Hawaiian grown.

Those who follow a daily marine-based supplement routine have seen less inflammation within three to four weeks.

As always, remember to consult with a healthcare professional about a new supplement regimen and right dosage amount.

Generally, people notice their first signs of arthritis after 45 years of age. This is when their bodies start to experience fatigue. Sometimes, arthritis can rear its head earlier than that.

It's important to understand that there are more than 100 types of arthritis diagnoses.

The most common types, though, are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.

Because there are so many types of arthritis, symptoms can include one or more of the following:

  • Pain

  • Fatigue

  • Fever

  • Rash

  • Swelling

  • Stiffness

  • Tenderness

Users of marine supplements have noticed a significant improvement with their arthritis symptoms making them feel more comfortable and energized.

Another interesting theory on arthritis pain has been linked to toxins. When someone has a difficult time eliminating them, these toxins can travel to the joints, and jump starts inflammation. Some doctors believe if patients treat the inflammation in their bowels, their overall arthritis discomfort will become better. And fish oils have a natural anti-inflammatory healing in the bowel area.

In many cases, arthritis can't be prevented. It's something that happens with age. But there are a handful of ways to lessen the risk, such as:

  • Diet and Nutrition - eating a healthy, balanced diet rich with vegetables, fruit, and lean protein is essential. Making bad food choices, such as junk food, will promote inflammation.

  • Exercise - regular exercise which is easy on the joints is preferable for bone health. Walking and pool swimming fall into this category.

  • Supplements - incorporating marine super-food supplements into a daily diet will nourish the body.

It really is time to take advantage of all the rich nutrients the ocean has to offer which can lead to less aches and pains.

Heal Arthritis Pain With Crystal Energy

Healing arthritis pain with crystals means that we are going to relieve the discomfort that arthritis causes in the joints and other parts of our body. Healing is not curing, the arthritis will always be there, but we are going to heal the joints and relieve the pain of arthritis.

Over time in our everyday lives we transfer energy into everything we do, therefore as others are also transferring their energies we will be absorbing them. Sometimes this energy will be negative-a fight or disagreement with friend or family member-this negativity builds up in our systems and causes back pain, headaches, high blood pressure; the list can go on and on. We need to release this energy or rather "unblock" it so that we can restore the good energy flow back through our body. When we have good energy flow we are without blocks and our body can start to heal itself as it was meant to.

In order to restore this good energy so that our bodies may begin to heal the arthritis pain, we must first remove the blocks which is referred to as cleansing. In order to cleanse the body we will use crystal energy to clear the chakras which are the energy points in our body that are responsible for the movement of good energy, but also responsible for holding in the bad energy. The crystals are from the earth, they vibrate with the natural healing energies of the planet. The crystals are from nature much like ourselves, and we will use these vibrations-or good energy-to attune our bodies with. Once our body is back in harmony with itself we can then begin the healing process of other, more specific areas.

Arthritis - Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal

Two of the most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

People suffering with osteoarthritis should avoid or cut down on highly refined and processed foods, sugar, salt and saturated animal fats. A healthier diet would be to include wholegrain cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables. By eating a more healthy diet sufferers can boost their immune system and provide them with extra energy they need to fight the disease.

Through scientific research, it has been shown that fish oils are beneficial to people suffering from arthritis. Oily fish such as salmon, mullet, sardines and trout provide the omega-3 fatty acids that can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation is the natural body's reaction to arthritis resulting in pain, swelling, redness and heat. For people who cannot eat fish, fish oil capsules or liquid taken in the prescribed dose can help in managing the disease.

Seafood provides omega-3 fats which help to regulate the body producing inflammatory chemicals known as eicosanoids. As well as seafood, canola oil, soy oil, flaxseed and walnut also provide omega-3 fats which help to suppress the inflammatory chemicals.

Some studies have found that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have benefited from a vegetarian diet. Celery and ginger contain an anti-inflammatory agent and celery and bananas are a good source of potassium. Green vegetables should be included in the diet as they are a good source of beta carotene, calcium, iron, folate and vitamins.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that is effective in breaking down protein. Researchers have been looking into the medicinal properties of bromelain since the mid 1950's. It has been used in treating the inflammatory symptoms of both Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis and it thought to aid in tissue repair.

Healthy eating habits essential for our total wellbeing, but when diseases such as arthritis are evident, what you eat can be extremely important for your immune system, blood circulation, weight control and of course nutrition. The following dietary guidelines may help with choosing foods that assist the body to repair itself.

o Maintain an ideal weight by eating a variety of foods. Include foods from the 4 basic food groups (fruits and vegetables, meats, dairy, breads and cereals) to ensure the intake of the more than forty essential nutrients to maintain good health.

o Include adequate amounts of starch and fiber. Starches such as potatoes, rice, bread, beans and pasta provide the body with energy. Fiber, the undigested portion of the plants we eat, adds bulk and helps with the elimination process.

In some cases of rheumatoid arthritis, it is thought that food intolerance and allergies may contribute to the disease. It can be extremely difficult discovering what, if any, food could be the culprit and an exclusion diet may be the best way to identify the allergy source. For anyone considering following this type of diet, they should first consult their medical professional or qualified dietician.

A number of foods that are believed to exacerbate arthritis or are associated with arthritis "flare ups" are -

o Caffeine

o Red Meat

o Dairy products

o Processed foods

o Sugar

o Salt

o Vegetables of the nightshade group (tomatoes, peppers, etc.)

o Preservatives and additives

o Chocolate

As with many allergy triggers the effects are not always consistent with everyone, what triggers a flare up or allergy on one person may have no affect on another.

o Avoid too much sugar. Sugar provides calories but little nutrition and too much will contribute to excess weight gain.

o Avoid too much sodium. Excess salt can contribute to water retention and also lead to high blood pressure.

o Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can deplete the body of vitamins and minerals besides being high in calories. It also potentially can interact with medications for arthritis and in some cases can be extremely harmful when mixed with prescribed and non prescribed medications.

The overall aim is to reduce the causes of arthritis pain and discomfort by ensuring the foods you eat are right for your condition and are not harming your body further.

5 Healthy Ways to Ward-Off Arthritis and Live Energetically

The approach of middle-age and any accompanying onset of arthritis (scientific name Osteoarthritis-OA), does not have to be a foreboding call for sedentary living! On the contrary, this is a time when people should be pushing for "a second lease on life", a time to get back to the energetic activities that they previously enjoyed.

The only way to live to the fullest, however, is to prevent ourselves from succumbing to the wear-and-tear of this disease.

Arthritis (OA) is the leading cause of disability in people older than age 65. It is characterized by degenerative changes in the hands, spine, knees, and hips and is a natural course of aging. Most of us will eventually develop mild to severe forms of the disease; however, it is not a life sentence.

In fact, individuals between the ages of 45 to 90 lead comfortable lives with OA, unrestricted from carrying out normal activities of daily living. Several healthy options exist for those who want to maintain their independence as they mature in age, but are unsure of where to get the right information. Consider these 5 steps for a more fulfilling you.

1. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help improve muscle strength and motion, and promote relief from stiff painful joints. A frequent problem with joint pains associated with OA is the feeling of imbalance and unsteadiness of gait (proprioception). This problem usually interferes with a person's hope of regaining full mobility. Thankfully, therapists are equipped with useful technology devices which help with these problems.

2. Bicycling, Walking and Swimming

Exercise programs consist of gentle, progressive stretching, muscle warm ups and low impact exercises. Emphasis should be placed on stretching (before and after exercise) as it generally helps release tight muscles and soothes resistant joints of OA.

Excellent choices of low impact activities include swimming, walking and bicycling.

3. Weight Loss Plan

Losing weight is often encouraged for persons 10 pounds over their ideal body weight and living with OA. A weight loss program outlined by a dietician, therapist, or doctor will get you on your way to feeling healthy and energetic. A general guideline to weight loss involves: increased fibre, reduced serving portions, mindful snacking, and copious amounts of water. Sugary snacks and juices should be kept at a minimum.

4. Wholesome Foods and Supplements

Eating wholesome foods low in sodium, and reducing animal proteins and caffeine is recommended to restore and repair the body's tissues. Taking regular supplements for bone health (calcium-1500 mg with vitamin D) are also prescribed to slow bone loss and possible bone fractures.

5. Meditation and Relaxation Techniques

A holistic treatment program that reduces anxiety and depression associated with OA is popularly embraced by many healthcare workers. Patients are taught the basic principles of relaxation and meditation techniques as an aid in coping with life challenges.

Overall, make it a regular habit to enjoy the outdoors, socialise, and participate in relaxing therapies. While arthritis, if left untreated can progress to disabling conditions, some people never show symptoms of OA. Yes, a person committed to a fuller healthier life will see the prognosis for OA is actually good.


Outstanding Natural Arthritis Treatment

A natural arthritis treatment is something that many people use in order to live with the condition of rheumatoid arthritis. If you are experiencing any type of pain, due to the chronic condition of arthritis, you may want to find out more about natural treatment options, instead of taking an array of prescription pills each day.

There is still no cure for arthritis and while this can be discouraging many strides have been made in treating arthritis. Natural arthritis treatment has been making great progress in relieving the symptoms associated with arthritis. If you do a simple internet search you will be amazed at the natural treatment options that are out there, and you may want to begin to learn more about natural ingredients and how they can help you.

One of the major advantages of natural arthritis treatment is the cost. Natural treatment can be much cheaper then a prescription. If you are on a budget, you may think that you cannot afford to treat your arthritis, but a natural treatment may be more cost effective and give you a more affordable treatment option.

With a natural arthritis treatment you do not have to visit your doctor and obtain a prescription to get the treatment you need. A natural treatment for arthritis can be purchased online and simply delivered to your door. You do not have to worry about finding your treatment when you run out; it will be there ready for you. This is a great hassle free way to find arthritis relief.

Yoga and Pilates are some of the best natural arthritis treatment plans out there. Yoga like program can provide you with great relief and many of the programs designed for people with arthritis are not very strenuous. This can help you to get the exercise you need without putting unnecessary stress on your joints. You want to be sure that you are doing a program that is on your skill level so that you do not injure yourself. You may want to start at the very beginning of a program and then work your way up from there. As your body is stronger you can increase your fitness and this can help you to feel stronger.

A natural arthritis treatment can help you find an affordable alternative. If you have not been able to afford your treatment in the past, you will need to look at an alternative method to treat your pain.

Arthritis - Types and Prevention

Arthritis is a disease that causes damage to the joints of the body. There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis but the most common is osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease.

Osteoarthritis results when the cartilage of one or more joints breaks down and is lost. This leaves the joint with no cushion or lubrication and the exposed surfaces of the bones simply to grind against each another. Osteoarthritis afflicts over 20 million Americans and countless more around the globe. There is no known cause for this disease, but since it occurs primarily in older people, I submit to you that it is caused by the wear and tear of living one's life. This type of osteoarthritis, for which there is no known cause, is referred to in the medical world as primary osteoarthritis.

Primary osteoarthritis occurs most often in the hands, feet, spine, hip joints and knee joints. It is an equal opportunity disease affecting all races proportionately.

When the cause of the osteoarthritis is known, it is called secondary osteoarthritis. Some common causes of secondary osteoarthritis include obesity, trauma, congenital abnormalities, surgery, gout, diabetes and other hormonal disorders.

Since the cause of osteoarthritis is, by definition, unknown, we will turn our attention to secondary osteoarthritis and see what we can learn about prevention.

Obviously, we cannot prevent congenital abnormalities, avoid needed surgery, or escape all traumas. That leaves us to focus on obesity, gout, and diabetes.

We'll begin with gout, which occurs when uric acid crystals are deposited in joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. The best preventive measures are avoiding obesity, reducing the intake of meat and seafood, limiting alcohol and fructose consumption, and getting plenty of vitamin C. Recent studies show a low calorie diet is helpful and so is coffee and dairy consumption.

Obesity, another leading culprit in secondary osteoarthritis, is preventable in most cases. Proper diet and regular exercise will keep those extra pounds at bay.

Diabetes, at least Type 2 diabetes, can be prevented to some extent. Some proven preventive measures include, maintaining an appropriate weight to height ratio, eating a low-fat, high fiber diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, and taking proper care of existing medical conditions. Those afflicted with Type 1 diabetes would do well to maintain a strict regimen that maintains blood sugar levels as near normal as practicable.

So here is the bottomline. If you are going to get arthritis, statistically speaking, it will be osteoarthritis. It will come upon you because you are getting older, which is a good thing compared to the alternative.

Other primary types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, a truly ugly condition that afflicts about 1% of the world's population. Septic arthritis is caused by an infection in the joint. The infection invades the cartilage and ultimately destroys all or part.

Arthritis costs the United States roughly $50 billion in lost wages and $50 billion in health care costs. Arthritis results in about 1 million hospitalizations annually and fully 45 million visits to outpatient health care centers and clinics.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis Remedy

Easy weight loss diets may be the rheumatoid arthritis remedy. Trying to circumvent arthritis involves many things, nutrition being one of them. A very painful and common disease, it is presently incurable. Although there may not be a cure we can take measures to alleviate the pain that accompanies arthritis and possibly prevent it through choosing the right diet to manage the weight.

To first understand arthritis, it affects people of all ages, genders and race. Risks increase after the age of 20 and it disturbs women more than it does men due primarily to hormonal changes. Genetics plays an important role in the development of arthritis. African Americans are more likely to have lupus, a form of arthritis. Caucasians are largely at risk of developing RA.

RA is a chronic form of arthritis. Symptoms early on include joint pain, and stiffness along with fatigue. As it worsens, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms resemble those of the flu, namely muscle aches, and loss of appetite. The causes of RA are uncertain, however, there may be a genetic factor. "Early and effective rheumatoid arthritis treatment can improve the prognosis and may help prevent joint and bone destruction associated with RA." (WebMD)

Weight loss is crucial when it comes to avoiding the agony of arthritis. Being overweight has a dramatic effect on the joints and increases arthritis pain. Joint pain is the biggest complaint when it comes to pain. Maintaining a good healthy weight level by exercising along with eating right is extremely important when it comes to reducing stress to the joints. The rheumatoid arthritis factor attacks the body's immune system which turns on body parts. The most affected is the joint lining and cartilage. As a result the two opposing bones eventually wear away.

While not tested extensively some espouse natural remedies. Some of those options include magnets, moist heat, and massage. It should be noted that these are not claimed to be cures. They are only methods to deal with rheumatoid arthritis. If you are at a greater risk for arthritis, you need to take the right steps of reducing your chances of being greatly affected by the disease. Even though arthritis can be difficult to cope with it is believed, by many, that we can manage the rheumatoid arthritis factor from happening. While we don't know what causes some forms of arthritis the ultimate rheumatoid arthritis remedy may be easy weight loss diets.

The Risks of Biologics for Psoriasis: New Psoriasis Treatments That Have Serious Consequences

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which the growth rate of skin cells is sped up by a faulty immune system. It is a chronic and there is no definitive cure for psoriasis. There are many treatments available to control symptoms, and the newest treatments available are biologic drugs.

Biologics for psoriasis work by blocking the actions of T-cells or inhibiting proteins that cause psoriasis symptoms to develop. Biologics are a promising treatment for psoriasis, however there are still various concerns surrounding their use. Because they are a recent development, no studies have been conducted to uncover the long-term effects of these powerful drugs.

Biologics for Psoriasis: TNF-alpha Blockers

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, abbreviated as TNF-alpha, is an immune system mediator. It plays a role in inflammation in the body; too much TNF-alpha leads to rapid skin cell growth or joint pain, which brings about the development of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Drugs that block TNF-alpha reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, and Simponi are TNF-alpha blockers that are prescribed as psoriasis treatments.

Biologics may increase the risk of contracting infections because they modify your immune system. Common side effects from using biologics for psoriasis include respiratory infections, flu-like symptoms, and slight allergic reactions. More serious side effects include multiple sclerosis, seizures, blood disorders, and cancer.

Biologics for Psoriasis: Interleukin 12/23 Blockers

Interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 are blocked in order to slow down the production of skin cells. These two proteins play a role in promoting a hyperactive immune system; inhibiting their function reduces inflammation and leads to an improvement in psoriasis. Stelara is a biologic that targets interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 to alleviate psoriasis symptoms.

Common side effects from using Stelara include respiratory infections, headaches, and fatigue. Other more serious risks include life-threatening infections, cancer, allergic reactions, and rare brain diseases that may be fatal.

Biologics for Psoriasis: Worth the Risk?

Biologics are a recent discovery in the field of medicine. There is still much that is unknown about their long-term side effects. A few biologics have already been taken off the market due to safety concerns while many others have never made it past test stages due to their risks. Raptiva (efalizumab) was pulled off the market in 2009 due to fatal side effects and central nervous system disorders.

Although biologics are considered promising new psoriasis treatments, they are not compatible with everyone. Due to the serious risks they pose, careful consideration must be taken before using them to battle psoriasis.