Saturday, April 13, 2013

Arthritis and Nutrition, Learn What Foods Are Great for Reducing Pain Associated With Arthritis

Is there a relationship between arthritis and nutrition. That is, does the foods we eat (or don't eat) affect whether the expression of arthritis in our bodies

Unfortunately, we are taught in our western civilization to take this potion, or put on that special lotion, and like jack and the magic beanstalk, we hope to go to bed, plant the magic seeds, or take a magic pill, and wake up, and puff, all our problems disappear over night.

Worse, the FDA has taken cox-2 inhibitor off the market that were medication for controlling the inflammation in the body, because of the increased risk for cardiovascular events like stroke and heart attacks

So, learning about the foods you eat and how they affect the expression of arthritis in the body can be really important if you happen to be an arthritis sufferer. More important, learning how the foods you eat can be making you suffer with pain and suffering. So let's start.

Arthritis, according to the Mayo Clinic is defined as "inflammation to one or more of your joints" It's a rather vague definition truth be told, cause it really doesn't explain the WHY?

That is, "ok, inflammation to the joints is going on, but more important is WHY IS THERE INFLAMMATION TO THE JOINTS"?

MedlinePlus expands the definition a bit more and defines arthritis as: "inflammation to one or more of the joints which results in pain, swelling, stiffness and limited movement"

Ok, well that's a bit better, still not really answering the question as to WHY. So before we talk about the nutrition aspect to Arthritis, lets learn about the "WHY", before we answer the how.

Arthritis according to MedlinePlus has over 100 different types, so we are going to try and keep a vague generalization as to why we get "Arthritis". However, typically speaking, repetitive trauma, wear and tear, overuse, and just plain old-fashioned aging are terms that try to explain Arthritis.

For the most part, all are a pretty good picture to the genesis of arthritis. But Again, have you ever stopped to think WHY this happens. Or better yet, is arthritis something that you just have to accept as a forgone conclusion?

My simply answer to you is.........drum roll please.......NO. Arthritis is not a forgone conclusion. In fact there are many things that we can do to combat not only the why, but the how as well. That is, we can address the WHY: breaking down of the joints, wear and tear, limited and restricted movements, stiffness, repetitive trauma, and calcification.

It is true that was we get older, just based on pure chronological time, we have more life experiences. With these life experiences such as (injuries like slips, falls, or sports injuries) work stressors (standing or sitting all day, using the arms above the head repeatedly) and poor postural habits can lead to the development of wear and tear.

It is important to address what we can do to reduce these repetitive stressors and their effects on our body, such as muscle stiffness, joint wear and tear, muscular weakness and diminished energy. But for this article, Lets keep to controlling the inflammation with our diet.

When we experience mechanical stress on our body over and over and over, what happens? Joints breakdown, cartilage erodes, bones tend to rub, less lubrication is in the joints, pain fibers gets stimulated, and what happens after that????


Looking back at both definitions I used for Arthritis, INFLAMMATION, was the common denominator with both. Osteoarthritis (OA), is the most common type of Arthritis. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease ( when present in the extremities) or degenerative disc disease (if in the spine).

But whether the arthritis is in the spine or in the extremities (or both), it classified as osteoarthritis when the cartilage in your joints "wear down" over time (mainly from overuse). This wearing down process will ultimately create the inflammation that in turn, causes a number of other biological changes including pain, stiffness, and limited movement (old age).

Thus inflammation results in painful swelling in the joint, stiffness and movement limitations (old age).
Eventually all of that leads to the joints in the body from functioning properly, which in turn, ultimately results in the breakdown in your joints.

So if we can control the inflammation, then we can control the swelling, stiffness, and movement limitations.
Controlling inflammation in the body, is much like a fireman who is putting out a ragging fire. IF the fire is burning like crazy, it's going to take more time, effort, and probably water pressure to put out the fire.

The easiest fires to control are the small tiny ones, or better yet....the one that didn't start yet. That's how to look at inflammation in the body. Ragging fires (Typically from acute trauma) are controlled with NSAID's.

However, nutrition is the way we ensure that inflammation doesn't start in the first place in the body. Consider proper nutrition like the fire alarm in the body, ensuring that no major catastrophes begin. So how do we do that?

Well, in a nut shell, the chemical mediators that are released by the cells through wear and tear or the breaking down process that I talked about earlier, are controlled by our diet. These chemical mediators are derived from either Omega-6's (n-6's) or Omega-3 (n-3's).

Humans are supposed to eat (ideally) a 1:1 ratio of n-6's to n-3's. However, on average, we currently eat about 10:1 to 30:1. Anything above 4:1 is considered to be pro-inflammatory.

Bad n-6:n-3 Ratios Screws Everything Up!

As mentioned earlier, we need not go through this dizzying vicious cycle. The foods we eat will either positively or negatively effect the healing or harm cycle.

If we eat the wrong foods, foods that have a high n-6's:n-3's ratio (greater than 4:1 is considered pro- inflammatory) the chronic inflammation cycle will be perpetuated. The foods that follow are the best foods to eat for Arthritis.

N6: N3
Fruits < 3:1
Broccoli 1:3
Kale 1:1.3
Lettuce 1:2
White Potato 3:1
Sweet Potato 4:1
Meats 3-5:1
Wild Game 3:1
Fresh Fish 1:1
Salmon 1:1
Chicken Breast
(1grm of fat),
Bacon and
Dairy 4:1
Flax, Hemp,
Chia Seeds 3:1

All the foods in featured above have a 4:1 or less ratio of n-6's:n-3's, and are considered anti-inflammatory. Eat these foods to reduce the inflammation, that results in pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited movement associated with Arthritis. In my next article, I will cover What 6 Foods To Avoid That Accelerate Arthritis And Speed Up Your Biological Clock And What Foods Slows it Down. Until then, study the foods above, increase them in your own diet, and watch you pain go away.

How to Stand and Sit All on Your Own If You Have Arthritis or Muscle Pain

Many people find that when they develop problems such as arthritis or back and muscle pain it becomes difficult to stand on their own. Elderly people, especially, can become seriously affected by arthritis. It can really make sitting down a problem because they may not be able to get back up without some help. In fact, just sitting can become a chore. Fortunately, there is now a solution to help with that problem, lift chairs.

Although lift chairs are specially designed chairs, they resemble the everyday recliners that can be seen in homes everywhere. They have the typical design with a backrest and footrest. The difference is that the backrest in these chairs is controlled by a motor inside the chair. In some cases the footrest is also controlled by a separate motor.

The motor inside the chair is electric and is controlled by a remote control that will normally be attached to the chair. The person can use the remote to make the chair rise up. This allows the individual to lie back against the chair, and then they can make the chair move back to a sitting position.

These chairs do come in a variety of shapes and sizes. This is to help accommodate different types of people. It is usually not very hard to find a style of chair with the right material to fit the desired room of the person's home where the chair will be placed.

The chair is very easy to use, and as already stated, is controlled by a device no different than a television controller - only simpler. This was styled in order to make it as simple as possible for elderly individuals to use. They should usually expect only a couple of buttons that are normally different colors and sizes to be distinctive.

There are four main types of lift chairs: two-position chairs, three-position chairs, infinity-position chairs, and zero-gravity chairs. Each of these has different positions that they are capable of obtaining. They each move to a standing and to a sitting or 45 degree position. After the two-position chairs, they have varying degrees that they can move even further.

For instance, the three-position chair can normally lie almost flat, but not completely. The infinity and zero-gravity chairs can each move to a 180 degree positions. These chairs also both have a second motor that will control the footrest. The zero-gravity chairs can actually move the footrest into a position above the headrest.

There are important reasons for purchasing a lift chair. Possibly one of the most important reasons is to allow the individual to sit and rise on their own. These chairs provide excellent comfort, and allow freedom that their pain may have been inhibiting.

Try Feldenkrais For Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term inflammatory disease that affects both tissues and organs, but mainly attacks joints. The disease produces inflammation in the lining of the joint (synovitis), and often leads to the destruction of cartilage and deformity in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can also produce inflammation in the lungs, heart, kidneys, and eyes, and can produce nodules, most commonly in the tissues just under the skin. Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, an auto-immune system explanation has the most credibility. A genetic component may also exist. RA is a painful and disabling condition, which causes considerable loss of function and mobility. It is diagnosed by its signs and symptoms, and also with blood tests (rheumatoid factor) and X-rays.

Rheumatoid arthritis pain always shows signs of inflammation, with affected joints being swollen, warm, painful and stiff, particularly on awakening in the morning or following inactivity. With time RA almost always affects multiple joints, most commonly the small joints of the hands, feet, and spine, but larger joints like the hip and knee can also be affected.

Once inflammation occurs, the pain can become chronic, and treatment will likely be necessary. Various treatments are available. Early and effective rheumatoid arthritis treatment can improve the prognosis and may help prevent the joint and bone destruction associated with RA. If physical therapy, orthotics, and diet changes have failed you and you have maxed out your meds, the Feldenkrais Method can be used to treat all problems for which surgery isn't necessary. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. Based on the neurological processes by which we learn movement skills, it is a novel approach to rheumatoid pain relief, using the power of the brain to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates environments within which chronic pain can heal. Many sufferers are better in a matter of weeks. Let Feldenkrais help you to have fun with life again.

The Paleo Diet: Arthritis, Inflammation, and Food Allergies, Help, or Hype?

Everywhere you look there is a "new" weight loss, health promoting, or performance enhancing diet. "The Paleo Diet," (Paleo: being before the agricultural revolution) created by Dr. Loren Cordain is gaining a lot of buzz. It is promoted as an anti-arthritis diet.

In this diet, Dr. Cordain outlines a "hunter-gatherer" diet plan, claiming to help people optimize health, minimize risk of chronic disease, reduce inflammation, and lose weight. It is based upon common, modern foods, which mimic the food groups of our (pre-agricultural) ancestors. The concept is, "If the cavemen didn't eat it, you shouldn't either."

This is due to the high correlation between inflammation of the gut and joints. Autoimmune problems are thought to result from lectins, a protein often found in grains. When consumed in large quantities, these lectins could lead to increased inflammation. Wheat contains both gluten and lectins, and intolerance to both gluten and dairy lectins have been connected to arthritis.

A diet too high in omega-6 fatty acids and too low in omega-3 fatty acids can also promote inflammation. Omega-3 fats are known to reduce inflammation, while overconsumption of Omega-6 fats has been linked to arthritis inflammation. Processed oils such as corn, soybean, and vegetable oils contain high levels of Omega-6's, unlike butter, olive oil, or coconut oil. Both fats are necessary, but in a proper ratio. Creating a smart balance can help improve health.

While interesting in theory, it is not a magic bullet. Eating and exercise patterns have changed dramatically since prehistoric time. Because our lifestyles are different from our Paleolithic ancestors, so are our nutritional needs.

(Pros) The Paleo Diet:

  1. Promotes eating natural foods, needed to maintain health. The body and brain work in harmony, and all-natural foods promote functioning, whereas highly processed foods can cause dysfunction.

  2. Uses protein as the mainstay of the diet, and decreases carbohydrates and processed foods. This ratio of protein to carbs, was seen more in our earlier ancestors.

  3. Lowers the chance of health problems due to food intolerance. For people with arthritis, food allergies or sensitivities, (especially to gluten, nuts, additives, dairy, artificial preservatives, or refined carbs) such restriction can create a noted health advantage.

  4. Encourages lower carbohydrate intake and lower glycemicfoods. Foods low on the glycemic scale are digested and absorbed more slowly, so they do not spike blood sugar.

  5. Creates a high fiber intake, which is essential for good health. Whole grains, fruits, and non-starchy vegetables are excellent options to increase fiber; they promote intestinal health and reduce inflammation.

  6. Does not demonize healthy fats. Encouraging and allowing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats with balancedOmega-3 and Omega-6 fats, offers a cardiovascular benefit.

  7. Promotes a net dietary alkaline load, tobalance dietary acid.This offers a range of health benefits such as stronger bones and muscle, lower blood pressure, and a decreased risk for kidney stones.

  8. Increases potassium intake and decreases sodium intake. Unprocessed, fresh foods contain 5 to 10 times more potassium than sodium, (a ratio to which Stone Age bodies were adapted).

(Cons) The Paleo Diet:

  1. Demonizes Dairy (a healthy food group). Unless you have a true sensitivity, there is no need to exclude dairy, which serves a distinct purpose in the diet. It provides essential nutrients the body needs to function properly.

  2. Excludes potatoes, legumes, and peanuts. While higher in glycemic value, potatoes are a natural starchy vegetable. All natural foods should have a place in healthy diets. Learning when, and how to place them in your diet, would provide more benefit than excluding them.

  3. Is restrictive. It provides a list of off-limits foods (many of which are natural and healthy). Not everyone is willing, or able to withstand this, making adherence a problem. Processed foods, sugars, and starches are not allowed. For some this would be a deal breaker.

  4. Does not emphasize the role of exercise and leading an active lifestyle. Diet is only one component of living a healthy lifestyle. Any plan that does not include the role of movement, in one's life, should be looked at with skepticism.

  5. Does not address or take into consideration, the mental component of eating. While a scientific approach is taken, the mental attachment to food can often override what we understand to be beneficial. By not offering support or accountability, this plan leaves room for a high drop out rate.

The bottom line is, if you are looking for a different approach to eating, have some food sensitivities or arthritis, need structure, and would be willing to restrict your food options, this plan could provide the health benefits claimed by the creators.

However, a half-hearted attempt could lead to more frustration and perhaps additional pounds. Keep in mind, healthy eating is not something you do TO yourself, but FOR yourself. Finding a method that works in your lifestyle, makes that possible. Here is a general checklist for evaluating any healthy living plan. Does it:

1. Increase healthy, natural, and unprocessed foods choices (not restricting any one food or group).

2. Decrease highly processed foods, sweets, and calorie dense food options.

3. Guide you to stay mentally engaged to what and why you eat, along with providing support and a means for accountability.

4. Encourage you to create, and stick to a plan to move more daily.

5. Allow you to make wise choices 80% of the time and allow 20% of the time for indulgences.

Isolated Supplements and Osteoarthritis

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, "[o]steoarthritis is the most common form of knee arthritis," with approximately 9 million Americans suffering from this condition (as of 2005). Moreover, osteoarthritis is a painful degenerative disease of the joint cartilage that causes disability for millions of people.

Consequently, the medical profession has long sought to find either a cure or a reliable method of reliving the pain of this condition, and they have found it-with isolated supplements. Or have they?

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

Glucosamine or chondroitin sulfate (alone or in combination) are two types of isolated supplements that have received much media attention for their purported ability to slow the progression of osteoarthritis as well as relieve the sometimes excruciating pain of this condition.

Since glucosamine is a component of cartilage, it would make sense that supplementation with glucosamine might improve the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. Indeed, previous studies have indicated that glucosamine supplementation may well reduce the inflammation and the pain of this condition-especially when combined with chondroitin sulfate.

Chondroitin sulfate is an essential building block for the structure of the joint that is purported to slow the progression of osteoarthritis and to have some (limited) beneficial effects on the pain of this condition. In combination, these two isolated supplements-glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate-are considered to be a miraculous mixture for the successful treatment of this condition.

The Science

Although their have been many conflicting studies about the efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in the treatment of osteoarthritis, the results of a 2008 study are particularly compelling.

This Glucosamine-chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) tested the effects of these two isolated supplements-alone and in combination-on patients who suffered from knee osteoarthritis. According to Medpage today, "[p]atients in GAIT were randomized to 1,500 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride, 1,200 mg of chondroitin sulfate, both glucosamine and chondroitin, 200 mg of celecoxib (Celebrex), or placebo for up to two years."

Are Isolated Supplements Enough?

The results of GAIT showed the isolated supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin did not significantly slow the progression of knee osteoarthritis (as indicated by x-rays taken throughout the study). Moreover, these two isolated supplements, when combined, were less effective than placebos at slowing the progression of osteoarthritis.

Dr. Allen D. Sawitzke and colleagues at the University of Utah, who conducted the study, theorized that chondroitin might hinder the proper absorption of glucosamine, which could explain why the combination of these supplements were ineffective. But, Sawitzke stressed, none of their tests indicated a statistically significant improvement in those with severe osteoarthritis for either one of these isolated supplements. There were some beneficial effects seen in those with moderate osteoarthritis, however, (The results of this study were published in the October 2008 issue of Arthritis and Rheumatism).

It should be noted, however, that GAIT only studied the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin on the progression of osteoarthritis-not on their possible effects on the pain of this condition.

What is the Solution?

Glucosamine and chondroitin are not the only two isolated supplements that have been promoted as "natural cures" for the inflammation, pain, and crippling progression of osteoarthritis. Indeed, supplementation with S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) or Niacinamide (a form of B3) have also been shown, in studies, to improve osteoarthritis symptoms.

But the best way to treat osteoarthritis, say experts, is to combine such isolated supplements with a number of medical and holistic treatment options.

Medical and Holistic Treatment Options of Osteoarthritis

There are several medical and holistic treatment options that have shown varying degrees of effectiveness in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Here is a list of just a few of them.

Drugs. There are many prescription and non-prescription drugs-such as acetaminophen, NSAIDS (nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), and analgesics-that have proven to bring some relief from the pain of osteoarthritis.

Exercise. Regular physical exercise has proven to ease the pain, and aid joint flexibility, in those with osteoarthritis. (Exercise lubricates the joints, making movement less painful).

Knee support. Methods of stabilizing the knee-such as knee wraps and knee braces-have proven to reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.

Weight Reduction. Obesity is not only a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis, but it can worsen the pain and joint stiffness of this condition. Losing weight, therefore, is a valid treatment option for this condition.

Tropical creams. There are a number of tropical creams on the market that have shown to reduce the pain of arthritic joints. These are generally used in combination with other treatment options-such as isolated supplements and exercise-to provide relief from osteoarthritis.

Acupuncture. This ancient therapy-which uses needles to open healing energy pathways within the body-has been proven alleviate many types of pain, including that of osteoarthritis.

Lifestyle modifications. The pain of osteoporosis can frequently be relieved by making a few simple lifestyle modifications. For instance, change exercise from from running (which puts stress on the joints) to walking. Avoid frequent climbing of stairs. Participate in water aerobics, or other aqua exercises, which cushions the joints while giving the body a good workout.

Surgery. There are many surgical options used to treat osteoarthritis. Some of these surgeries allow the doctor to clean out the debris around the knee joint. Other surgeries involve a complete or partial replacement of the kneecap. These surgeries are typically used when all other methods have failed.

Today, there are many treatment options for osteoarthritis that go beyond isolated supplements. Although each of these methods have shown varying rates of success, a combination of them could well relieve the pain (and even the progression) of this, one of the most common types of arthritis.

Can Dead Sea Salt Stop Joint Pain?

This is it! You've reached the red line beyond which you cannot bear the pain. After having spent weeks and months of wishful thinking, the reality has hit you right on the face. No matter what experts say, there's so much so that medicines can do, so what would you do now?

There's a long way yet to travel before you could give up on your quest. Have you ever heard wise men saying that the world is a perfect place? It may be so, because relief for joint pain has been found right in Dead Sea Salt.

Among the best uses of Dead Sea salt is relieving Psoriasis, Eczema and related skin diseases. It also relieves lower back pain, joint pain and muscle aches caused by various diseases. The latter is the reason why it is popular among Rheumatoid arthritis patients. The efficiency of Dead Sea salt is clinically proven to relieve pain in both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

We all know that the Dead Sea contains far more minerals than any place on earth. It is known to contain 32% more minerals than any other sea with Iodine and Bromides being freely available together with Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Calcium in dry form. These elements together are known to work the magic in relieving pain as they take over the job of regulating cell activity and daily functioning while stabilizing body's fluid levels.

Many user reviews prove that a hot water bath immersed in salt bring them closer to a world full of relief from joint pain. They report of being refreshed and relaxed in the mind and body so much so that they feel deeply relieved of joint pain. Dead Sea bathing salts are available in many colors and sizes in the market. However, you ought to be cautious of what you buy. Many rheumatoid arthritis sufferers prefer the white salt over other colors but you need to know how to identify authentic Dead Sea salt in order to benefit from its' usage.

There are washed or processed salts that come in to the market in the name of Dead Sea salt. These salts have had their minerals extracted for other purposes and would not provide you any benefit at the end. The best way to identify the difference between the authentic salt and processed salt is to examine the color. If the salt carries a 'bleached white' appearance, it has probably been refined. The authentic Dead Sea salt is off color white in nature. There would be a texture difference too in the refined salt, but it would be very hard to track the difference on its texture alone.

While many people seem to have benefitted from this salt for rheumatoid arthritis joint pain, some also report that the effects have worn off on the joint pains after regular use of the salt. So rather than using it daily, you could get in to a weekly plan of using dead sea salt in a hot water bath?

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Difference Between Arthritis and Rheumatism

'Rheumatism' is a traditional and non-specific term used in the East and West to refer to a variety of conditions affecting the bones, joints, skin, heart, kidneys, lungs. This term is rapidly falling out of favour in the West today because modern medical science has discovered that most of these conditions have different aetiologies (causes) requiring very different treatments.

You can say that it's a word mainly used in Chinese (& traditional) societies; it's also used by a minority of Westerners into homeopathic and alternative medicine. The only common characteristics among these conditions are: 1) they cause long-term chronic pain, and 2) they are very difficult to treat.

'Arthritis' is a broad term refers to inflammation of the joints, but doesn't say anything about the cause. Includes conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, infective arthritis, gouty arthritis, etc.

Generally, I'd divide arthritis into 2 big groups:

1) Osteoarthritis (OA)

This is primarily a 'wear and tear' condition affecting older people. Arises from overuse (e.g. marathon runners), previous injuries (football players), overweight, heredity. A lot of older Asian women get OA of the knees while the Americans and Europeans get it in the hips. The pain is more mechanical than inflammatory. So you get pain in the later part of the day after a lot of walking and climbing stairs.

Because it's mainly a mechanical problem, treatment with painkillers is only a temporary solution. Long-term lifestyle changes are more important - reduce weight, mobility and muscle-strengthening exercises, reduce all kinds of weight-bearing activities (walking, jumping, running, carrying heavy objects). In severe cases, surgery may be warranted.

2) Inflammatory ('Rheumatic') Arthritis

This group comprises the various types of arthritis which are mainly inflammatory , not mechanical, in nature. They usually result from an auto-immune condition, which causes the body's immune system to go haywire and attack the joints and other parts of the body. E.g. rheumatoid arthritis (RA), SLE (skin, kidneys, joints, brain), psoriasis (skin, joints), ankylosing spondylitis (back, heart), gout (joints, skin, kidneys), rheumatic heart disease/fever (joints, heart, skin). All these conditions require different forms of treatment.

I'll talk a bit about RA, the commonest condition in this group. Unlike OA, RA can occur at any age and is usually hereditary (we now have a test for the RA factor in the blood). Pain is usually in the early morning, worse when it's cold, and gets better with activity and use. That means an RA sufferer suffers from morning stiffness and pain, but gets better in the afternoon when it's warmer and when he has moved around a bit.

Treatment, unlike OA, is mainly through drugs - painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs like steroids, cytotoxic drugs like sulfasalazine and MTX. In Asia, treatment is mainly through accupuncture, medicated plasters and ointments. With the vast arsenals of drugs and non-drugs alternative treatments available today, RA can be controlled very well and the sufferer can actually lead a very active life. Many OA sufferers on the other hand may eventually require surgery since we don't have very effective drugs for OA.

Auto-Immune Disorders

Illnesses in which the defense mechanisms problems your own balanced cells, forming antibodies in an assault on incorrectly determined "foreign intruders."

Auto-immune conditions happen when your defense mechanisms loses its ability to recognize the differences between self and nonself cells. Our body then builds antibodies to harm its own cells and parts, which ends in a variety of different conditions. Some of these become chronic health issues and may lead to death.

Two of the earliest health issues determined as auto-immune conditions were systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and osteoarthritis. Today more than 40 conditions are classified as known or probable auto-immune conditions. It is estimated that auto-immune diseases affect between 5-7% of the population. Most begin during or soon after puberty, or when a person reaches his or her forties and fifties. They happen twice as frequently in women as in men.

Rheumatoid osteoarthritis happens in people of all ages, and is the most common auto-immune problem. Child osteoarthritis (JRA) impacts over 65,000 kids and teenagers in the United States, or about 1 in 1,000. In this problem, the defense mechanisms problems the synovium, a membrane surrounding the joint parts, resulting in discomfort, bloating, and firmness. Like other auto-immune conditions, osteoarthritis is usually episodic, flaring up regularly, subsiding, and then recurring.

There are three distinct types of JRA, differentiated by their severity and by how much of the human is influenced. Pauciarticular beginning JRA involves fewer than five joints; polyarticular beginning JRA impacts five or more joint parts on both sides of the body; and wide spread beginning JRA impacts a lot of joint parts and other parts as well, such as the lungs, liver, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. Child osteoarthritis is treated with a combination of medication and treatments. The medication of choice are NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), especially discomfort killers in huge amounts. Actual treatments includes a variety of exercises designed to keep the muscles near the influenced joint parts strong and flexible, avoid them from getting shorter, and avoid bone problems. JRA goes into lasting remission by late puberty or beginning adulthood in approximately 75% of kids suffering from the illness.

Another serious auto-immune problem that impacts kids is Your body, also known as juvenile beginning diabetic issues because indicators usually appear in beginning puberty. Form two diabetic issues, the most prevalent form of the illness, usually begins in middle age. Diabetes happens when the pancreatic does not generate enough of the hormonal agent shots, which the demands to process the glucose levels sugar, a crucial power source. The situation was first determined as an auto-immune problem in 1988, when researchers discovered that it is caused by antibodies that harm the insulin-producing cells in the pancreatic. Its beginning is now thought to be linked to a genetic temperament combined with a virus or another Stressor. In Your body, the destruction of shots is so severe that shots of the hormonal agent are necessary. The signs of juvenile beginning diabetic issues involve extreme desire, frequent urination, increased appetite together with sudden weight-loss, becoming easily irritated, exhaustion, and nausea. Moreover to daily shots treatments (which must be continued for life), treatment of diabetic issues needs monitoring of the level of sugar in the bloodstream, which must also be regulated by adequate exercise and certain dietary measures. Too much sugar can harm the eyes, liver, and other parts, and it also presents the risk of a diabetic coma. Too little can generate shots shock.

Rheumatic nausea, which primarily impacts kids between the ages of four and 18, is an auto-immune problem that happens following a strep illness, such as strep throat or scarlet nausea. The antibodies produced to fight the illness harm balanced cells in the center, joint parts, skin, and neurological program. Due to the widespread use of medication to combat strep infections, rheumatic nausea is rare in western world. Symptoms involve nausea, discomfort and bloating, muscles aches, a rash (possibly intermittent) on the trunk and limbs, nodules in the joint parts, scalp, or spine, and twitching legs or arms. If the neurological program is influenced, there can also be emotional movements, muscles weakness, and skill problems; however, these indicators are short-lived and temporary, and do not cause lasting harm. Rheumatic nausea usually takes between one and four several weeks to develop following a strep illness and lasts from two several weeks to three months. If the cells of the center are red-looking, a situation known as carditis, this can cause lasting harm to the center valves. Once rheumatic nausea is diagnosed, medication are administered if there is still an active strep illness. Moreover to anti-inflammatory medication such as discomfort killers, a child whose center is suffering from the illness may be given steroids to reduce inflammation and avoid lasting center harm.

Another auto-immune problem that can impact kids is epidermis psoriasis, often displaying in puberty or young maturity, although about 10% of situations happen in kids under the age of 10, and it can even appear in birth. Psoriasis is due to the extreme growth of certain epidermis tissue known as keratinocytes. Its main manifestation is the overall look of red, brought up areas of epidermis known as plaques, usually found on the head, hand, feet, hands, feet, back, and genitals, but can happen anywhere, and may cover up to 80% of the body. When epidermis psoriasis starts in birth, it most frequently seems to be in the nappy area. In many situations the plaques cause serious itchiness and pain, but they may also be easy. The claws of up to one half of kids with epidermis psoriasis are also influenced, becoming rough or displaying other changes. In addition to physical irritation, epidermis psoriasis can cause great psychological problems due to its effect on the person's overall look.

Arthritis and Class 4 Laser Therapy: The New Cutting Edge Treatment for Pain

A patient goes to their primary medical doctor or orthopedic doctor and says they have pain in their knee or shoulder or hip. The common diagnosis- arthritis. Sometimes without even an x-ray.

One patient says that is all her doctor blames the pain on, "arthritis". Well, without adequate x-rays, just blaming pain on arthritis is weak. It is a quick way to just give anti-inflammatory medications and pain medications to patients without DIRECTLY looking at the problem.

If your oil light in your car went on would you put a piece of tape over that light and ignore the problem? No. You would go to the mechanic and have him look at your car to figure out what was causing the issue.

Pain anywhere in the body is due to inflammation. Regardless of a tear in ligaments, muscles, or tendons, or arthritis, inflammation will result in pain. Cells become inflamed due to toxins and lack of sodium and potassium exchange because of the injury. So if you are a patient and have been to your doctor and have not received a CURE to your problem, please keep reading this report.

Lasers are classed from 1-4, and 4 being surgical lasers and deep tissue therapeutic lasers. The class 1 laser at the time worked ok, it produced results but the time it took for treatments and the effects were minimal compared to the Class 4 Lite Cure Laser.

Now most injuries, arthritis, etc can take up to 20 treatments, ranging from 7-15 on average. I always wondered how these professional athletes recovered so quickly from ankle sprains, knee sprains, and torn muscles and tendons. This is how.

A patient who was injured at work and had a serious contusion on her leg near her hip. She had the problem for close to 6 weeks, and the contusion was close to the size of about half of a football sticking out the side of her leg. Her "ortho" told her that it could take 6 months or longer for the swelling to subside and even longer for the pain to subside. She started treatment 3 times per week. After 6 weeks only, the contusion is 80% down. She went back to the ortho and his eyes opened wide, said, "what did you do?' She told him about the Class 4 laser and his eyes rolled in disbelief.

You see folks, the common doctors these days do not use tools to cure you, it is either drugs or surgery. He was threatened by this therapy because he knows that it works, and after seeing that contusion drop down that much, he feels threatened.

This is God's gift to mankind, and it can cure carpal tunnel syndrome, torn miniscus, knee pain, rotator cuff problems, sciatica, plantar fascitis, and much more.

How the Class 4 Laser Works

Cells that are damaged and poorly oxygenated as a result of inflammation, swelling or trauma have been shown to have a significantly higher response to laser therapy energy than normal healthy cells. At a cellular level there are photoreceptors that, when stimulated by deep penetrating photons, activate a biochemical cascade of events resulting in increased DNA/RNA synthesis, increased cAMP levels, protein and collagen synthesis and cellular proliferation.

The product of these reactions is rapid regeneration, normalization and healing of damaged cellular tissue. Photonic stimulation is the trigger for these metabolic changes.

Biological Effects of Class 4 Therapy Lasers are:

Analgesia through the release of endorphans and a decrease in the bradykinin levels
Immediate inflammation reduction
Accelerated tissue repair and cell growth
Reduction of fibrous tissue formation
Improved vascular activity
Increased metabolic rate within the tissues
Improved nerve function
Stimulation of trigger points and acupuncture points

If you have the following conditions, then the Lite Cure Class 4 Deep Tissue Laser may be ideal for you:

Musculoskeletal pain
Soft tissue injures
Migraine Headaches
Spinal conditions
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Bells palsy
Plantar fascitis
Sports injuries
Sprains and strains
Knee pain
Hamstring tears

This therapy is now one of the fastest ways athletes and regular pain patients are recovering from their injuries. Class 4 deep tissue laser therapy will help thousands of thousands of people and animals now and in the future.

How To Live With 4 Types Of Arthritis

Some of us are more misfortunate than others. A small percentage of them go through life and suffer no illnesses while many of us suffer from a variety of diseases. Some of these diseases can cause more severe problems with mobility than others.

This is a very painful disease and can be very disabling. There are many products that help us to overcome some of these problems. When you can not close your fingers tightly enough to hold something, there are playing card holders which hold the cards the same way as you used to hold them.

There is a box topper with built up handles that allows you to open sealed boxes or a solo grip which helps you open things.

The big lamp switch is a three spoked knob that gives you leverage to allow you to turn on the lamps.

There is a holder which uses leverage to distribute the weight that allows us to pick up heated plates easily or maybe a key turner which has a large handle with two finger holes to turn the key.

A lot of people with arthritis have a very limited movement which can cause many limitations. The handicapped toenail trimmer is designed for people with bad backs or limited motion and allows them to trim their toenails without problems.

An EZ reach pro enables a person to reach much higher and not have to use a chair. Then there is a two step stool with a railing to help you climb up. An ergonomic chair is available to allow you to sit when you work and has ample pneumatic height to keep you in a more comfortable position when you are doing your daily tasks.

There are walkers that can be equipped with trays and baskets to enable you to still carry things and use the walker at the same time. If a walker is not stable enough there is a rollator that has a seat that allows one to stop and sit down for a rest. It also has a basket to carry things when you go shopping. This rollator has brakes so it will not move when you are resting. You can get a cane sling seat but this has only a place to sit.

There are numerous scooters that can vary in price from 1 to 3 thousand dollars. These can be driven indoor outdoor and have a range of about 15 miles. This enables the person to get around quite easily.

These are but a few of the aids that arthritic people can have to help them live a more normal life.

Do You Suffer from Osteoarthritis? Here's How to Tell!

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA). This type of arthritis is commonly referred to as wear and tear arthritis or degenerative arthritis."

While this condition probably begins in the early teen years, it does not become symptomatic until a person reaches their 40's.

Osteoarthritis affects cartilage, the slippery elastic tissue that covers the ends of long bones. Cartilage functions to absorb shock from movement and also to provide a gliding surface for the joints. With OA, the cartilage begins to wear away and the underlying bones begin to rub against each other. This leads to pain. As OS progresses, it causes swelling and loss of motion. Bone spurs develop and the joint starts to deform. Microscopic particles of cartilage and bone flake off and cause irritation of the joint lining leading to more inflammation which leads to pain and more damage.

Symptoms of OA include pain or stiffness in a joint particularly after getting out of bed or after sitting for a prolonged period of time. Some people have "flares" of their symptoms with weather changes. Stiffness and pain in the joints with movement may occur as may "crunchiness".

Some people report no symptoms. One study done at the National Institutes of Health showed that one third of patients with osteoarthritis on x-ray had no symptoms.

While any joint may be affected, the most common areas of involvement are weight-bearing parts of the skeleton such as the neck, low back, hips, and knees. The great toe and the base of the thumb are also common locations. In older women the last row of finger joints and the next to last row of finger joints may be affected. Less common sites are the shoulders, elbows, ankles, and jaws.

Many factors including the way people use their joints. Occupational experiences also play a role. For instance, miners and dockworkers may develop knee OA while farmers have a higher incidence of OA of the hip. Ballet dancers can also develop OA in the feet, ankles, and hips. Athletes also fall into a high risk category with women soccer players being more likely to develop knee OA as a result of prior injury. Other athletic activities which cause joint trauma also can be a trigger for the development of OA.

Obesity is a major risk factor for OA of the hips and knees. The famous Framingham study showed that obese women had the most severe OA.

People with other types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout are at increased risk for developing OA also.

Probably the most significant risk factor is genetic. Patients with a strong family history of OA are at high risk themselves for developing OA. This is most likely a result of defects in cartilage metabolism which hastens wear and tear.

Natural Health Products - Arthritis Treatment That Reduces Pain and Inflammation

Technology has had a huge influence on natural health care products. In the past most people relied on home remedies to cure discomfort from things such as arthritis, colds, flu or sinus infections. Currently the technology has become so advanced that there are natural health products that really do work with the least amount of side effects. These products are available to you without leaving the comfort of your home. Some products out on the market today do more harm than good. Some products do not even actually cure your pain or illness but still put stress on your inner body which causes a person even more pain and illness. There are a wide variety of natural health care products that can help relieve pain and illness but you have to make sure you choose the right one for you.

Believe it or not, you can actually purchase some very effective natural health care products online and delivered right to your door. There are many online opportunities for you to purchase these good health care products of very high quality. They have a wide selection of products to choose from and the price is pretty much equal to everyone else. Most are strong enough to cure the pain that you will not have to have a prescription product. There are many new natural arthritis products about to hit the shelves in the very near future. People who suffer from arthritis pain now have an opportunity to relieve themselves of the pain of arthritis by purchasing a new natural arthritis healing products such as InflammaGo. InflammaGo reduces joint pain and stiffness due to arthritis, relieves inflammation in muscles and joints, and improves mobility and flexibility. They say that there are 23 million people who suffer from arthritis that were left without an arthritis pain relief product since Vioxx and Celebrex were taken off the shelves. Now there is an arthritis pain treatment that people can trust and is found in the online health industry.

These natural remedies can also help to support bones and cartilage and soothe inner membranes, helping to maintain "pain-free" joints. In fact, natural remedies have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to support the healthy functioning of joints and ligaments as well as tendons.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can Omega 3 Fish Oil Help My Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful, debilitating condition that affects many - young and old. Although there are seems to be no definite cure for arthritis, there seems to be a positive connection between omega 3 and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis which brings good news to sufferers.

Fish oil is said to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These two omega-3 fats are known to significantly reduce inflammation and stiffness that is common in arthritis and joint pains. Yes, it is the same DHA and EPA omega fats that are known to provide a wide array of benefits to the brain and the heart. But how does this exactly help rheumatoid arthritis? What is the link that binds omega 3 and pain caused by RA?

According to a published study performed at the prestigious Harvard Medical School and the University of London, it has been found that DHA in it can be converted into a chemical called Resolvin D2. Careful analysis of Resolvin D2 reveals that during the inflammatory process, this chemical can interact with the white blood cells and stick to the linings of the blood vessels. This prevents the rush of white blood cells which is purported to cause pain and discomfort during arthritis attacks.

On another note, rheumatoid arthritis is a condition characterized by the overproduction of pro-inflammatory chemicals that sustain and trigger pain. It can help because it prevents the production of the pro-inflammatory chemicals related to arachidonic acid and its painful effects. It is the same anti-inflammatory action that decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease without any unwanted side effects.

Now, all of these reveal studies that have been previously conducted. But will these findings on omega 3 and pain actually work for you? Of course! There are enough established reasons to believe that EPA and DHA in fish oil can indeed provide relief from pain caused by RA. Note though that you can't expect fish oil supplements to work as fast as pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications. What does this can do is work the problem from its very core. High doses of this, in the range of 3 to 5 grams a day for prolonged periods of at least 3 months, is necessary for real results to be seen.

NSAIDS vs. Fish Oil

Unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), the increased consumption of fish oil reduces the production of inflammatory substances altogether. NSAID medications merely affect a few enzymes, yet long term use can lead to undesirable side effects, including increased risk for developing heart problems. With continued supplementation with omega 3 fish oil, an arthritis sufferer will find himself needing less and less of other suppressive medications, until one day, he finally finds himself free of RA, thanks to omega 3 and pain relief it offers.

Arthritis Cure: Nature's Amazing Disease Reversal Process

Arthritis cure or arthritis reversal and recovery - call it what you will. Any adult stricken with arthritis will tell you they spend a great deal of time searching for anything that can offer even a glimmer of hope that one day they will, in fact, find an arthritis cure. This is an admirable mindset and many who are stricken with arthritis will have varying degrees of success in that pursuit. If you have arthritis and are determined to find a cure, I applaud your tenacity but there is something you must know if your efforts are to bear fruit.

The great majority of arthritis cases develop as a consequence of certain physiological, mental and emotional conditions. In order to cure arthritis, per se, nature will exact from you an effort that you may or may not be able to muster. She will require that you retrace every step along the path to sickness that you originally passed through while the disease was setting up shop and gaining strength. The effort of which I speak will take you back through every major painful and stressful episode you encountered since you first contracted arthritis. The distress you will experience will include memorable mental and emotional episodes that were tied to your arthritic condition. In the language of alternative health practitioners, this is known as nature's disease reversal process.

No degenerative illness, of which I'm aware, can be removed from the body until its roots are torn out. If you don't retrace the steps and pick up every bit of rubbish and waste material the disease has left in its wake, your body will not be properly positioned to heal itself of your rheumatic disease and grant you the arthritis cure you seek. Nature requires that you clean up the mess along the way on the path back to health - the disease reversal process.

How does this mysterious process work? It's based on a natural law that proclaims: 'all cure comes from within the deepest recesses of the body and proceeds outward toward the skin. It moves from the head down toward the feet and it will heal in the reverse order in which the symptoms originally appeared in the body.' What this implies is that degenerative disease states develop along predictable lines and travel the same predictable course, in reverse direction, back to the acute stage of initial irritation and inflammation. In essence, an inflammation continually treated with drugs, without focusing on the cause of the inflammation, will eventually advance to the sub-acute stage, then onward to a chronic condition and ultimately to a degenerative disorder such as arthritis.

To bring about an arthritis cure, or complete healing, you must travel backward along the path you took to get where you are today. It can be intense, upsetting, disturbing and possibly one of the most difficult things you will ever do. However, if you persevere through all of this you may find that elusive treasure you seek - an arthritis cure served to you on nature's golden platter.

Identifying Your Gout Symptoms and Signs

Do you ever feel any discomfort and pain in your joints, feet, ankles, knees, hands, even your wrists? If this uneasiness and aching continues to linger in the said areas, then you probably might want to go and see a doctor. You might have gout.

Gout may not be a very serious condition if you normally experience joint pains; but left untreated, gout can pose and rise to become a serious concern. Being familiar and having an extensive knowledge about gout symptoms may help you to fight and prevent those sudden, intense joint pains.

The symptoms of gout are fairly easy to spot. Since gout normally attacks the joints around the area of the feet, then experiencing joint aches there would be a very good sign that you might be on your way to having gout. Some other signs and symptoms of gout include the following.

  • Subsistence of uric acid crystals in the joint fluid.

  • Hyperuricemia or an increased quantity of uric acid in the blood.

  • Attacks of acute arthritis more than a single time.

  • Arthritis that increases and matures in a day or less, resulting in a warm, balmy, inflamed, and red joint.

  • Infiltrations of arthritis in only one joint, which usually is in the knee, ankle, or toe, more specifically, the ball of the big toe.

The above are the main things to look out for. Other gout signs and symptoms include.

  • Joint pains and aches which are isolated in only one or two joints.

  • Gentleness and tenderness around the affected area, or joint.

  • Movement and motion of the affected joint or limb becomes excruciatingly painful and unbearable.

Chronic and recurring gout may even lead up to kidney failure and ultimately kidney stones. If you have any of these symptoms or signs, especially if you experience signs of a gout attack, then you should rush to a nearby doctor immediately. These symptoms of gout attacks include the following.

  • Chills, or fever rising and falling.

  • A quick and hasty onset usually between 12-24 hours and often happening and taking place overnight during sleep.

  • The pain comes and goes quickly.

If any of you out there experience any of these symptoms and signs of a gout attack, quickly head to your nearest doctor and report that you are experiencing a gout attack.

Knowing about gout symptoms may not be essential information to carry around as stock knowledge, but you never know when gout is going to strike you or any of your family members, relatives, loved ones or friends. It is better to be safe than sorry. Gout symptoms like the ones above are only some of a number of symptoms which identify gout.

To find out more about the signs of gout, you may probably want to ask your resident doctor, and also ask for the ways to prevent further gout attacks from happening. Not only will it save you from a joint-pained life, but it will also save you a lot of money caused by the amount of medical procedures required to get rid of gout.

Natural Remedies For Arthritis: Nutrition

Being in the later stages of a life characterized by a passion for motion whether it be the thrill of downhill skiing, cycling, rollerblading or what have you, has led to mishaps, which make finding natural remedies for arthritis more than a passing interest.

I remember when I broke my clavicle in a mountain biking incident the doctor warned me that arthritis would likely rear its ugly head later on. Similarly when I broke my femur in a freak accident rollerblading.

After reading about a doctor, who had his arthritis patients consume a few grams of ginger daily, report on their marked improvement I decided to give it a whirl. I have been amazed at how well it works and not only that, but how many incredible health benefits ginger has.

Ginger is generally thought of as a spice, especially to flavor Asian dishes. Hence, you need to be intentional to insure regular consumption. Due to my initial lack of intentionality it took some time before I realized just how effective it is for arthritis pain.

I would be pain free for a few weeks when I was diligent in eating some every day then suffer when I wasn't. Being just a tad absent minded, which comes with the territory, as some of my older readers will realize, it took awhile to put 2 and 2 together.

As it turns out ginger contains a host of extremely potent natural anti-inflammatory agents. These substances are phytonutrients called gingerol. Phytonutrients are a part of a plant's immune system to protect them from everything from insects through diseases and excessive heat, to pollutants.

Phytonutrients are associated with prevention and treatment of some of the biggies including cancer as well as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension. Gingerol, the active agent in ginger, has been found to be effective in combating nausea especially morning sickness and motion sickness.

Gingerol also has been documented to relieve migraines and believed to be effective in protecting the stomach from ulcers as well as having parasite fighting abilities. Ginger has proved so effective that it led me to research other natural remedies for arthritis.

Not surprisingly capsaicin, a chemical relative of gingerol has been found, as a topical agent in capsaicin cream, to alleviate the pain of arthritis. According to a University of Oxford study almost 40% of arthritis patients reduced their pain by half using it for a month.

Another interesting correlation was found at the New England Centre for Headache. Patients experienced a decrease in intensity of migraine and cluster headaches after applying capsaicin cream to the insides of their nostrils.

Due to the millions of people affected by arthritis and the often subsequent limitations of physical activity arthritis medications are among the highest prescribed drugs in the world. Some of the common over the counter so called NSAID's used to relieve arthritis pain are Advil, Motrin and aspirin.

Ginger has been demonstrated to be more effective than any of these without their very detrimental side effects. But ginger is not the only natural way to fight arthritis with nutrients. Another spice, turmeric, which is an ingredient in curry has similar effects to ginger. Curcumin an active component in turmeric has been shown to ease inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil as well as extra virgin olive oil has natural anti-inflammatory attributes. Fish, especially oily fish like salmon and herring with their high concentration of omega-3 make good natural anti-inflammatory meals.

Meat, poultry, eggs and the fat from dairy products are all good healthy foods. But because of their high concentration of omega-6 containing pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid the more you eat the more fish you need to balance that.

It may be wise to incorporate flaxseed or supplements of flaxseed oil for the all important omega-3 fatty acid if you feel you are not eating sufficient fish. I have been incorporating all of these measure into my daily fare and have found that when I am diligent I am almost pain free from arthritis.

Psoriasis - Can it Provide Higher Intellectual and Physical Activity Levels?

Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic disorder that usually manifests in the genetically predisposed individuals in a form of scaly plaques on the skin.

The exact causes of psoriasis are unknown, but multiple studies show that some genes, which are transferred genetically from the parents, may predispose to the appearance of psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis in particular.

2-3% of the world population has psoriasis.

People with psoriasis often experience inferiority complexes due to their skin psoriasis manifestations. The insufficient public awareness as well as the psoriasis resemblance to some other contagious diseases, such as a ring warm, may cause a person with psoriasis to be stared at by the people without psoriasis.

Even though psoriasis brings a lot of discomfort to the psoriasis sufferers, psoriasis seems to also bring certain important benefits.

Recently I have carried out an extensive research to see if there were any beneficial deviations in the people with psoriasis when compared to the people without psoriasis.

I have discovered that the most notable deviation is the high level of uric acid in the blood serum of the people with psoriasis, which is around 30% higher than in the blood serum of the people without psoriasis.

Scientists suggest that the uric acid possesses natural stimulating properties for the Central Nervous System, similar to that of caffeine. Uric acid by its chemical composition is also similar to caffeine.

Caffeine is one of the artificial stimulants of the Central Nervous System. When I say artificial, I mean that caffeine does not naturally occur in our bodies. Caffeine found in plants, such as coffee, cocoa and tea, and it is consumed with foods or beverages. Caffeine is a stimulant for the Central Nervous System in humans and other animals.

The main difference between the caffeine and uric acid is that uric acid, unlike caffeine, is a substance produced naturally by our bodies themselves.

Scientists have long ago revealed that uric acid possesses a natural stimulating effect on the Central Nervous System, capable of improving the intellectual and the physical activity of a human.

Multiple studies have shown that that people with high levels of uric acid also have a higher level of intellectual activity and a faster perception-reaction response.

What benefit does the high level of uric acid possess for the people with psoriasis? May high uric acid levels provide the people with psoriasis with a 100% natural stimulant, similar to the one which hundreds of millions of people consume on a daily basis in the form of coffee and tea?

Of course, those are merely my own hypotheses, but my conclusions have some reliable grounds in the form of various studies.

People with psoriasis should learn, that they may possess certain benefits when compared to the other people, such as a higher level of intellectual and physical activity, possible protection from the degenerative Central Nervous System disorders, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and Schizophrenia, a possible protection from a stroke, and a possibly extended lifespan.

Arthritis Treatment: 7 Tips Concerning Stem Cells For Arthritis Treatment

A feature article appearing on ABC News (Newcomb "Stem Cell Treatments for Zoo Animals Hold Promise for Humans) underscored the interest that both scientists as well as lay people have in the new technology of using stem cells to repair and treat degenerative conditions.

"We just extract them, concentrate them, wash them and in the same setting readminster them. Inject them in your heart or your knees, wherever you need them," Dr. Eckhard Alt told ABC Station KTRK-TV in Houston after treating an arthritic pig at the Houston Zoo."

So... can this technology be applied to humans?

Here are seven tips about stem cells (SCs) for arthritis treatment you might want to know...

1. There are four types of SCs currently being studied. They are embryonic SCs, allogeneic (donor) SCs, induced pluripotential adult SCs, and finally autologous SCs. Of these four, only two, donor SCs and autologous SCs have been used in either animals or humans to treat arthritis.

2. The SC that appears to generate the most interest is the autologous SC. This is the SC that is present in the patient and can be found in bone marrow, periosteum of bone, fat, and peripheral blood. Autologous SCs are referred to as "repair SCs" because these are the SCs that help with the healing process.

3. Arthritis occurs as a result of cartilage degeneration. Various attempts at inducing cartilage healing with SCs have met with mixed results. The results appear to be highly dependent upon the following factors: age of the patient, body mass index (BMI), extent of cartilage loss, and the technical expertise of the center performing the procedure.

4. The processing and administering of SCs for an arthritis problem is more than just getting SCs out and injecting them. There appears to be a need for some type of acute injury to help stimulate the stem cells to multiply and divide.

5. Possible complications of SC treatment can vary. They include the following: infection, rejection, graft versus host reaction, malignancy, and transmission of genetic disease.

6. The need for a cartilage restorative procedure is very evident since the only treatments available currently for osteoarthritis are palliative, meaning pain control only. This is not satisfactory.

7. In the proper hands autologous SC treatment can be successful. Early data indicating an improvement in cartilage thickness in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee has been published.

(Wei N, Beard S, Delauter S, Bitner C, Gillis R, Rau L, Miller C, Clark T. Guided Mesenchymal Stem Cell Layering Technique for Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee. J Applied Res. 2011; 11: 44-48)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Doctor - Does Fish Oil Help Arthritis?

Fish oil has been touted as a remedy for a number of conditions.

Data from at least a few randomized double-controlled studies have demonstrated a beneficial effect of dietary fish oil in rheumatoid arthritis In fact, more than nine studies overall have shown statistically significant reductions in the number of tender joints. In many of these studies, patients were able to lower the amount of non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and corticosteroids. One study suggested that combining fish oil with olive oil may enhance the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil. (Kremer J, et al Dietary fish oil and olive oil supplementation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical and immunologic effects. Arthritis Rheum 1990; 33:810-820).

Fish oil works by reducing inflammation. Scant evidence indicates it may retard progression of rheumatoid arthritis... although the effect, if it exists, is relatively mild.

Fish oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce inflammation. Fish oil also lowers triglycerides and reduces blood pressure therefore protecting against cardiovascular disease as well. This is noteworthy because of the known increase in cardiovascular risk, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have.

It is difficult to get therapeutic amounts of fish oil by eating fish alone. Supplements are advised.

The type of fish oil is important. The oil should be derived from cold-water fish such salmon, cod, mackerel, halibut, tuna, and herring.

Fish oil comes in a variety of preparations. The most common is gel caps. Each gel cap should contain at least thirty per cent EPA/DHA, which are the active compounds. For rheumatoid arthritis about 2.6 grams of fish oil containing 1.6 grams of EPA should be taken twice a day.

A few words of caution. Patients on anticoagulant therapy with warfarin may notice their clotting times will bounce around. Pregnant woman may want to avoid eating cold water fish because of the danger of mercury toxicity. On a lighter note, burps often have a fishy taste and odor.

Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a common ailment people experience as they age. All Arthritis conditions affect the joints of the body in some form, with almost all those afflicted with the disease reporting pain. The most common form of Arthritis is Osteoarthritis, with a similar form being Rheumatoid Arthritis. Despite being subgroups of Arthritis, there are key differences between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is also known as Degenerative Arthritis, in that joints and connecting bone degrade, leading to a loss of cartilage for bone support. The hands, feet, and spine are the areas most commonly affected. Those who are obese, elderly, suffer from joint stress, or muscle weakness are at greater risk for the disease. Treatments for this disease include lifestyle changes such as exercise and weight loss which are commonly recommended.

The other common form of Arthritis is called Rheumatoid Arthritis. Unlike Osteoarthritis, RA is an inflammatory response that is chronic. Joints are similarly affected as in Osteoarthritis, however, the membrane that lines the joints are what become inflamed instead. Small joint areas such as the hands and feet are affected most commonly. Unlike Osteoarthritis, this form of Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. The body's immune system actually attacks normal tissue in the body. Treatments includes anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relieving drugs, and drugs that prevent future joint degradation.

Despite affecting similar areas of the body, Osteoarthritis and RA are two very different conditions. Osteoarthritis will affect those with demographic risk factors, while Rheumatoid Arthritis can attack anyone, as it is an autoimmune disorder.

The Types of Gout and How To Remedy Them

Gout relief is possible with lifestyle changes. A healthy diet and appropriate natural remedies to eliminate uric acid build-up from the body will help achieve this.

Gout is known to be the most excruciating type of arthritis there is. Symptoms such as soreness of joints, redness, and extreme pain are indicative of gout.

The intense pain and burning sensation experienced by gout sufferers is caused by inflammation in the affected areas. It is therefore important that steps are taken to initiate immediate relief from the symptoms.

Gout takes several forms. Each form is characterised by differing symptoms. Here are the common types of gout people should be aware of:

• Acute gout. This is often characterised by joint inflammation due to high levels of uric acid in the blood. Excruciating pain that causes throbbing may be experienced by the patient for some days. While the person's big toes are the most affected areas, gout infection may also spread to the surrounding areas.

• Chronic gout. This is probably one of the most perilous gout types. It is hazardous because it has the ability to permanently damage one's joints and kidneys. It may also affect areas such as one's ears, hands, knees, tendons, and other parts of the body. There is also the presence of pus on the person's skin.

• Recurrent gout. People who suffer from this kind of gout experience relief from the symptoms for a few months or years. While the joints may return to its original functioning, they may incur further, more serious damage when symptoms reoccur. Remember a recurrent bout can cause more dangerous symptoms than when they first took place.

• Hyperuricemia. This type of gout is characterised by high levels of uric acid in the body. Primary hyperuricemia is a type of gout that is inherited. Kidney dysfunction reduces the body's ability to remove the right amount of uric acid, thus causing a build-up in the blood. Another type of this gout is secondary hyperuricemia, which is caused by certain medications.

Immediate relief from gout can be achieved by medication, unfortunately with all drugs side effects are known. While medications are effective in treating gout, having a complete change of diet and lifestyle can make treatment easier and faster.

Taking in about 2-4 litres of water daily will help rid one's body of toxins. When toxins are flushed out of the system, there is an increased likelihood that gout can be reduced. Alcoholic drinks and foods with extremely high fat contents should be avoided. A lower consumption of meat, poultry, and fish can effectively relieve one of gout symptoms. Also, including cherries, strawberries, avocados, grapes, and blueberries in your diet is a good way of getting relief from gout pain. These are very helpful in reducing the body's uric acid levels.

Alternative treatments such as meditation and deep relaxation can help treat the severe pain experienced from gout. It is also important that one also has a daily intake of vitamin C to aid in the treatment of gout symptoms.

Gout relief is possible with a lifestyle change including some exercise, a healthier diet, and appropriate natural remedies treatment to eliminate the uric acid problems from the body. Follow this advice and you will remedy this condition, but you have to do it yourself. There aren't any magic pills to remove the problem so you can carry on abusing your body and get away with it. It is a time to be honest with yourself and put your health first. This is a test of your will power. You can be permanently free of gout if you decide to make the changes today!

Finding New Options for Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis is a serious and painful condition. This degenerative disease of the joints can result in considerable pain, the loss of cartilage as well as varying levels of tenderness. Often this condition can become so serious that joint replacement becomes a necessary step. Of all the chronic pain conditions, osteoarthritis is ranks among the most painful. Currently, there are many options for osteoarthritis treatment, and in this article we will explore some of those options in greater depth.

The first and most important step that you should take is to make sure that you are working closely with your doctor. Osteoarthritis is not a condition that you should attempt to treat without the help of your doctor and other medical professionals. It is important to remember that this is a joint issue and an arthritis issue, as the name clearly indicates, and that means that inflammation is key aspect to this chronic and potentially debilitating condition.

Inflammation of the joints is a primary concern for those with osteoarthritis. Like other forms of arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs like NSAIDS are often prescribed; however, there is some controversy about the long-term safety of using NSAIDs to treat inflammation. In particular, there is concern that such drugs used over long periods of time could impact the health of internal organs.

Since there is some concern regarding NSAIDs, other osteoarthritis treatment options are worth exploring. For example, there are natural alternatives that work well for treating inflammation. One of the first steps to take is to remove foods that can cause inflammation. A high-fat, high-sodium diet that is also high in chemicals and preservatives can add to weight gain and will put one at risk for diabetes.

If you are overweight or obese, you are placing a higher demand on your joints, and this could very well aggravate any arthritis condition. Thus, the second best step you can take in treating your osteoarthritis is to lose weight in a healthy fashion and keep the weight off permanently. Of course, this means adopting a healthy diet consisting primarily of fruits, vegetables and healthy protein choices.

The spice turmeric is one way to treat any inflammation issue, and it has also been shown to help fight a range of diseases and even shrink tumors. Likewise, foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild Alaskan salmon and sardines, are effective ways of treating inflammation as well.

Other options such as light exercise, approved by your doctor, and acupuncture also stand as options worth exploring as osteoarthritis treatment. Acupuncture was long viewed with skepticism by Western medicine, but medical studies have recently shown that acupuncture can be very effective at blocking pain.

Summary of Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis to Consider

1) NSAIDs (note: these drugs could come with long-term risks)

2) The spice turmeric

3) Omega-3 rich foods

4) Acupuncture

5) Light, doctor approved exercise

Arthritis Gloves Can Help Ease Your Pain

If you suffer from arthritis in your hands, fingers, or wrist then you know just how awful that pain can be. Arthritis gloves can help with that pain. You do not have to stop doing all the things that you love just because you have arthritis. Arthritis gloves will allow you to be able to do the things you love with out all the pain. These gloves work by providing your hands with compression and warmth.

The warmth comes from your skin and is directed back into the hands by the gloves. The heat will help by increasing the blood flow in the hand and fingers. The painful inflammation can be reduce by the compression the arthritis gloves provide. Inflammation is one of the main reasons that arthritis hurts so much. By getting rid of the inflammation you are getting rid of some of the pain.

When you are buying arthritis gloves be sure that you are getting a pair that fits you snugly. You will need gloves that are made to fit your size hands perfectly. You will also want to make sure they are comfortable to wear because you may end up wearing them a good bit of the time.

You also have to decide whether you want fingerless gloves or full gloves. Both types of gloves have their advantage and disadvantage. If you plan to wear your glove through the better part of the day then you may find that fingerless gloves is a little bit more practical. You will still get the benefits of the gloves while being able to use your fingers to pick things up.

The full gloves are better for night time wear. If you will be sleeping in the gloves then the full glove is the best bet. Before choosing a pair you may want to spend some time at the medical supply store trying on the many different styles and sizes until you find the right pair for you.

You will also want to make sure the gloves you buy are made from a breathable fabric. With the heat that is being put out by your skin it can get a little warm inside the gloves. This is a good thing because it helps with the pain. It is also a bad thing if you do not have a breathable fabric. Your gloves will stay sweaty and that is never comfortable.

Most insurance companies will pay for arthritis gloves. If you have an insurance that will not pay for your gloves you could try finding a medical supply store that allows you to charge items. It is important that you buy your gloves from a place that you will be able to try them on first.

You may be tempted to buy them online to save money but you will not know if they fit correctly until they arrive. You could end up spending more money because if they don't fit you will still have to buy a pair that does. If you find a pair you like but are not completely sure about you may want to keep looking. These gloves will need to be worn often so you should find a pair you know you are comfortable wearing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Advances In Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

The following paragraphs detail a drug-free approach to the management of psoriatic arthritis. Alternative medicine or natural cures have always been a particular interest of mine. I think that modern medicine handles medical emergencies of things like stitches and broken bones very well. Where it comes up short in is the management of chronic conditions and diseases and promoting health. The modern medical approach really is just symptom based with no real desire to discover or treat the root cause of the problem. I have never been a big fan of painkillers for headaches or antibiotics for sickness. I loved trying out new alternative cures for a sore throat or skin condition. But this love for natural remedies was really pushed to the edge when I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.

Of course it is one thing to help a common cold with some garlic and vitamin C, but can you really help an auto-immune disease such as psoriatic arthritis? In all theory you should be able to. It is famously quoted 'you are what you eat.' Certainly diet and nutrition are a sound starting point, there are some other key factors as well. This article will briefly cover the diet aspect for more information in that regards please see my other article on the psoriatic arthritis diet. This article will also go on to cover the mental and emotion aspect of the disease and which are the nutritional supplements that you should be taking to help your psoriatic arthritis.

In brief your psoriatic arthritis diet should have a focus on fruit and vegetables. Start adding these to your diet. Use good organic sources of chicken, beef, eggs and fish for your protein. Learn about fats and the truth about saturated fats and cholesterol. Do not use artificial products like margarine or vegetable oil, ever! Cook in stable fats like butter and lard. Use coconut products such as the oil. Eliminate wheat and diary from your diet as these foods promote inflammation and auto-immune responses in the body. This is a brief introduction, for more explanation see my article on the psoriatic arthritis diet.

They say that stress causes 90% of all diseases. That statement is probably right. The body is an amazing invention, capable of adapting and handling almost anything we place on it. Think about drug addicts, alcoholics and morbidly obese people. The body doesn't just cave in, it adapts and puts up with the toxins and everything.for a while. But eventually it will reach a breaking point. The same is true for stress, mental or emotional. It can handle it for a while, but long term stress will manifest somewhere in the body. It may result in headaches, poor digestion, a skin rash or an auto-immune disorder. Learn to manage your stress. Yoga and meditation are great, make them part of your daily schedule for the rest of your life. Your yoga may need to be modified because of your joints, that is initially what I had to do. Get some perspective on the situations that cause you stress and realize that being stressed probably does not accomplish anything or help the situation at all.

Lastly as part of your psoriatic arthritis cure I want to discuss nutritional supplements. The last few years has seen great advancements in anti-inflammatory supplements and this is great for psoriatic arthritis. With supplements I believe you pay for what you get and I highly recommend getting your supplements through a qualified practitioner who can supply you with practitioner only supplements which are a lot more potent and powerful in the quantity of active ingredients they can provide because they are being used under supervision. High doses of fish oil, this goes without saying, even the mainstream medical association are recommending fish oil as anti-inflammatory. I suggest a good probiotic to help restore normal gut flora. And find a good herbal anti-inflammatory mixture. Look for products like turmeric, cat's claw or devils claw. There are some really good ones available now full of all the best anti-inflammatory herbs.

The goal of this article is to present an alternative to the mainstream medical approach for the management of psoriatic arthritis. I do not feel this type of information is readily available and I hope this may open people's minds up to the possibility that drugs are not the only choice. After reading the above recommendations, some folks might think 'gee, that seems very different to how I am currently living'. My reply is that is should be very different. If you were following anything close to the above you probably would not have an autoimmune disease and you wouldn't be reading this article. Start with one step at a time and take each day as it comes. Try to do a little bit better than the day before.

Is Arthritis Hip Pain Grinding You Into Submission? Discover What's Behind it and End Your Pain Now

Do you know if you are experiencing arthritis hip pain? Many people don't understand the very symptoms of arthritis hip pain; consequently, they may blow the symptoms off as "just some nagging injury that will heal up" or "I must have twisted my hip a little, I'll be alright in a few days".

But if you really are experiencing arthritis hip pain, not the effects of an injury, you can't treat that pain in your hip the way you might have always treated it before. If you've got pain in your hip due to arthritis, it is probably a form of rheumatoid arthritis. And while men can and do certainly get rheumatoid arthritis in their hips and elsewhere in their bodies, it is a fact that about 75% of "rheumatism" sufferers are women--especially when it comes to the hips. Why this is so is essentially a mystery, but we know that it's a fact. Therefore, the first hint that the pain in your hips might be arthritis is your being female.

Rheumatoid arthritis, as doctors will tell you, is possibly a conglomeration of several diseases all at once, for while it is based in inflammation it also directly affects the immune system--and affects it for worse, not better. When you get this disease in your joints, such as your hip joints, you may experience limitations on your hips' range of mobility as well as tenderness and the obvious pain caused by inflammation. If you suspect that you are experiencing arthritis hip pain, you should go to your doctor immediately. X-rays can determine if there is wear and tear on the joints because of damage done in that area to tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and bone. Once this damage is done, arthritis hip pain can arise because of circumstances similar to what happens when the break pads on your car wear out and suddenly the metal bar is pressing directly against the inner part of your tires. Your pain is like that "squeal" sound or, if things get really bad, just like your breaking bar pressing metal-to-metal--wearing out your tires quickly and causing you to be unable to stop properly. This is why your range of motion is compromised--and, it's the source of the intense pain that you feel.

Rheumatoid arthritis is so sinister because it can come on without any warning. There are people suffering from arthritis who have gone to bed fine one night and woken up in the morning with sudden aches and pains, loss of mobility in the joints, low-level fevers (a possible arthritic symptom), and fatigue (another possible symptom). Arthritis in the hips can cause the hip joints to become destabilized and even deformed. This could clearly lead to loss of walking speed, diminished ability to balance which could be especially dangerous in certain places such as when taking a shower, and perhaps, eventually, the need to use a cane or be in a wheelchair.

If you have pain or tenderness in your hips and you suddenly cannot move your hips as you usually could, first consider if you've done something to injure yourself. But, if you cannot rationally figure out how you did this, then you must get to your doctor right away and check for it being arthritis hip pain. Remember, this condition can come on literally overnight, although of course it has built up to that point over time. There are steps you can take to diminish the pain and perhaps even keep it at bay. But arthritis hip pain is nothing to be taken lightly or ignored

Why You Need a Blood Test For Rheumatoid Arthritis

There is a wealth of information available out there about rheumatoid arthritis and you can start you search online or go through medical books. You can find all sorts of helpful information about how this ailment is treated and even find alternative treatments. You can even go as far as diagnosing yourself to check if you are showing the symptoms of RA. But it's always safe to check for accuracy and validity which is why getting a blood test for rheumatoid arthritis is necessary.

Getting Tested

There are different kinds of blood tests for RA and the results can give you information that can be very useful for diagnostic evaluation and especially recommendations on how it can be treated. What the blood test does is that it finds the disease in your system and affirms if you do in fact have rheumatoid arthritis. Through these blood tests you can get an accurate diagnosis because having these tests are crucial indicators to find out about a patient's condition.

Blood Test Types

The are four different types of blood tests performed for those who want to know the source of their symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Here are some helpful descriptions of each of them.

The first type of blood test is called Erythrocite Sedimentation Rate or ESR which determines how much inflammation you have in your body. This test is performed by letting the blood flow downwards and the rate at which it falls determines the inflammation. The faster blood flows down, the higher the inflammation. The healthier you are the slower your blood falls. Using this type of test pinpoints where in your body is the inflammation. This test is not only limited to determine rheumatoid arthritis but it helps in all types of diagnosis.

C-Reactive Protein is the second type of blood test to check for rheumatoid arthritis. This test is almost similar to ESR in that it can be a helpful diagnostic tool and detects irritation in your body.

The next test is called Rheumatoid Factor test which is effective 70%- 90% of the time for rheumatoid arthritis patients. The only big issue about this test is that it only detects rheumatoid arthritis on the severe level.

The last test is Plasma Velocity which is fast replacing the ESR method. The best feature of this test is that it uses fewer variables that can affect the result. This means it is more accurate because it gives a closer look on the blood plasma protein content.

The Importance of Blood Testing

A physician will perform more than one type of blood test to their patient in order to get a clearer diagnosis. These tests have been proven effective and necessary for rheumatoid arthritis patients. It has been a standard procedure being done in most hospitals and laboratories as a helpful aid for doctors to determine the source of a patient's symptoms.

Before going through a blood test or any kind of procedure is to get some information on how to prepare for it. It is the duty of every medical technician to give you specific instructions on preparing yourself for a blood test for rheumatoid arthritis and it is your job to follow them precisely for your own benefit.

Acupuncture For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a very common health issue, especially for those who are above middle age. It is the gradual breaking down of the joints. As you can imagine, osteoarthritis can be rather painful for the patient. Here is how osteoarthritis arises.

Between all our joints, there is a layer of membrane, known as cartilage. When we are young, the cartilage helps facilitate movement by acting as a lubricating membrane. The cartilage helps to prevent the bones from rubbing against each other when there is movement.

However, as the body grows older, the cartilage starts to degenerate. Cartilage that is eroded can no longer act as an effective layer of protection for the bones. As a result, whenever there is movement, there will be pain experienced. In many cases, swelling (caused by inflammation) follows the soreness.

There are several causes for osteoarthritis. The disease can be caused by heredity, old age, injury, or even overuse. That is why even those in their 20s or 30s have a chance of suffering from osteoarthritis.

Someone who is suffering from osteoarthritis should seek treatment as early as possible for 2 reasons. The first reason is to prevent further damage to the cartilage. The second reason is to ease the pain, soreness and swelling that accompany osteoarthritis.

As inflammation using occurs around the affected joints, there is a need to treat the inflammation. Many western physicians like to prescribe anti-inflammation drugs that are steroids based. However, there are side effects to such drugs. In fact, recent studies have shown that repeated use of such drugs can induce osteoarthritis, thus making the situation even worse. Therefore, in years, doctors from all around the world have been looking at non-steroid ways to treat osteoarthritis.

One way to treat osteoarthritis is through acupuncture, and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIMs). A controlled clinical trial has shown that 70% of the patients experienced pain relief right after the acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture is not a new discovery. It originated in the East, and many Western doctors are learning to adopt this ancient treatment method. It involves using thin needles to stimulate the pressure points in the body. The Chinese believe that the body has over 2000 pressure points. When the energy (Chi) in the body is balanced, the body will heal automatically. Thus, the main goal of applying acupuncture is to stimulate these pressure points so that the obstructions can be cleared and the energy can flow easily.

In the Western world, these pressure points are part of the central nervous system. When stimulated, special chemicals are such as neurotransmitters and hormones are released, helping the body to heal.

By using acupuncture to help treat osteoarthritis, there is less reliance of steroid based medication. The treatment helps to relief pain quickly for the patient, and allow the affected joints to heal gradually and naturally.

What to Eat When You Have Arthritis

Here at Bill and Sheila's Cookbook, we both suffer from osteoarthritis. I have severe problems with my knees. Sheila suffers badly from arthritis in the fingers, wrist and shoulder joints. Medication helps, but there are always unpleasant side effects. What we both needed was a diet, which would help reduce the inflammation in our joints and consequently, reduce the pain associated with it.

First however, we just need to recap what arthritis is. It comes in many forms. The commonest being osteoarthritis. A more severe condition is rheumatoid arthritis which actually destroys ligaments and joints. Gout is another form of arthritis which is common. There are dozens of related conditions which are classified as 'arthritis'.

Arthritis is simply a condition in which inflammation in and around the joints produces acute pain. In my particular case, the cartilage that covers and cushions my knee joints are worn out. This causes the bones to rub together and cause acute pain and swelling. When I stand up after sitting for some time working at the computer, a distinct series of cracks can be heard - and felt. I am sure many readers of this article will have experienced this problem. I love gardening, but now find myself limited to short periods of work followed by long periods of resting my joints.

We decided to write this article to pass on the information we obtained from our research. From the research notes, we listed all the foods, vitamins and minerals that helped to reduce the inflammation and helped the body to recover, or in some cases start to repair damaged joints and bones. We also listed all the foods that you should not eat, but that is the subject of a follow-up article.

Vitamins and Minerals that help to reduce inflammation

- Calcium and Vitamin D: calcium is needed to prevent bone loss and fractures linked to osteoporosis. Scientists recommend an intake of 1500mg of calcium every day for people between the ages of 55 and 70. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb the calcium. Studies have proved that you need 400iu's a day.

- Vitamin E: there are considerable benefits obtained from a combination of vitamin E and vitamin C. Studies suggest a slowdown in the effects of Alzheimer's.

- Vitamin C: people with damaged or painful joints have a particular need for extra vitamin C. It is needed for the production of collagen, found in bone, tendons and skin. The combination of vitamin C and vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant. Scientific studies have proven a link to reduced cardiovascular disease and certain cancers and is also thought to enhance the body's response to viral and bacterial infection. The body needs between 1500 and 2000mg of vitamin C daily.

There are many other nutrients that the body requires to help prevent or repair the damage caused by arthritis, but these cannot be covered in this short article. The list of foods that we should eat contain useful amounts of all these additional vitamins and minerals.

The foods that we need to eat. (100g portions)


- Cheese: is an excellent source of calcium. Parmesan contains 1.275 mg, emmental 1.080mg and cheddar 752mg. - Sardines in oil provide 400mg and anchovies 273mg. - Yogurt: provides 140-150mg depending on the type. - Milk: gives you 120mg but can be more if you use calcium enriched milk. - Sunflower seeds provide a useful 110mg of calcium

Vitamin D (100g portions)

- Eels: are rich in vitamin D at 4.400iu's - Tuna: provides a useful 1.000iu's - Mackerel: 640iu's - Anchovies: 472iu's - Sardines: 320iu's - Casual exposure to sunlight can provide 200iu's per day.

Other foods that you should eat that are rich in the nutrients you need to help reduce inflammation and pain in the joints are:

- Liver & kidney, which are rich in B vitamins, folic acid, selenium and copper. - Milk and dairy products contain calcium and zinc - Molasses contains useful amounts of magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. - Brewer's yeast is a great collection of nutrients in one box. It contains vitamins B1, B5, B12, folic acid, biotin, copper, magnesium and zinc. - All oily fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin A. - Vegetable oils, nuts and seeds contain vitamin E omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, magnesium and copper - Fresh fruit and vegetables contain vitamin C and manganese.

All of these vitamins and minerals are essential for normal function of the human body, but for arthritis sufferer, foods containing the following are essential for the treatment of inflammation and pain relief:

- Vitamin A for the control of inflammation. - B Vitamins for a healthy nervous system - Vitamin C for the production of collegen required for health joints, tendons and tissues. - Vitamin E to help with the oxidation of essential fatty acids, reducing the symptoms of inflammation. - Vitamin D for the formation of bone - Copper acts an an anti-inflammatory agent - Zinc for a health immune system - Magnesium for the normal formation of tissues in joints and bone - Folic acid is needed to aid in the absorption of other nutrients - Omega-3 fatty acids for the control of inflammation, swelling and joint pain.

Using the information above, we have put together a collection of interesting recipes that use the vitamins and minerals that help to relieve arthritis pain and inflammation of the joints. We have selected food items that the whole family can eat, without realising that they are actually eating a carefully constructed meal designed for the purpose of relieving and controlling arthritis. You can of course, construct your own recipes using the information outline in this article - but why re-invent the wheel? We have done the work for you and you are quite welcome to the results of our research. You can get the recipes from our website, Bill & Sheila's Cookbook, under the Arthritis heading.

Bill Robinson 2011