Thursday, April 11, 2013

Arthritis Cure: Nature's Amazing Disease Reversal Process

Arthritis cure or arthritis reversal and recovery - call it what you will. Any adult stricken with arthritis will tell you they spend a great deal of time searching for anything that can offer even a glimmer of hope that one day they will, in fact, find an arthritis cure. This is an admirable mindset and many who are stricken with arthritis will have varying degrees of success in that pursuit. If you have arthritis and are determined to find a cure, I applaud your tenacity but there is something you must know if your efforts are to bear fruit.

The great majority of arthritis cases develop as a consequence of certain physiological, mental and emotional conditions. In order to cure arthritis, per se, nature will exact from you an effort that you may or may not be able to muster. She will require that you retrace every step along the path to sickness that you originally passed through while the disease was setting up shop and gaining strength. The effort of which I speak will take you back through every major painful and stressful episode you encountered since you first contracted arthritis. The distress you will experience will include memorable mental and emotional episodes that were tied to your arthritic condition. In the language of alternative health practitioners, this is known as nature's disease reversal process.

No degenerative illness, of which I'm aware, can be removed from the body until its roots are torn out. If you don't retrace the steps and pick up every bit of rubbish and waste material the disease has left in its wake, your body will not be properly positioned to heal itself of your rheumatic disease and grant you the arthritis cure you seek. Nature requires that you clean up the mess along the way on the path back to health - the disease reversal process.

How does this mysterious process work? It's based on a natural law that proclaims: 'all cure comes from within the deepest recesses of the body and proceeds outward toward the skin. It moves from the head down toward the feet and it will heal in the reverse order in which the symptoms originally appeared in the body.' What this implies is that degenerative disease states develop along predictable lines and travel the same predictable course, in reverse direction, back to the acute stage of initial irritation and inflammation. In essence, an inflammation continually treated with drugs, without focusing on the cause of the inflammation, will eventually advance to the sub-acute stage, then onward to a chronic condition and ultimately to a degenerative disorder such as arthritis.

To bring about an arthritis cure, or complete healing, you must travel backward along the path you took to get where you are today. It can be intense, upsetting, disturbing and possibly one of the most difficult things you will ever do. However, if you persevere through all of this you may find that elusive treasure you seek - an arthritis cure served to you on nature's golden platter.

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