Monday, April 8, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Children

Many people and lots of doctors fail to agree with the fact that arthritis is not just a problem with adults but it exists among children as well. For most children who are infected and as well their families it is necessary that the families be educated about this as it is quite essential. Maximum children suffer for months together and sometimes even years before the diagnosis is actually even thought of and if a proper treatment has begun or not. This problem does not just end there.

Most children suffering from arthritis often experience a difficulty as the teachers and the peers are unable to understand the fact that children can also get arthritis. They have no clue as to what to expect from that child suffering from arthritis as they don't know the nature of the illness. Therefore when a child is diagnosed fully and is determined that he or she is suffering from arthritis the family must told to put the child in the wheelchair as there is nothing that can be done which is absolutely wrong.

Rheumatoid Arthritis more popularly known as RA is a long standing disease that could damage the joints of the body and eventually lead to destruction of the joints. This kind of damage is actually caused due to inflammation a normal response to the body's immune system. Joint inflammation is another term for arthritis.

This inflammation in the joints causes a lot of pain, stiffness and also swelling with other symptoms as well. The inflammation also affects the other organs and systems of the body as well. If this inflammation is not taken care of immediately then the chances are there that the affected joints may just get destroyed along with other tissues as well.

One child in every 1000 gets affected by arthritis in almost every given year. Luckily maximum of these cases are absolutely mild. But still the approximate shows that one in every 10000 children would have a very severe case of arthritis which does not just go away. Lots of children have what is known as acute inflammatory arthritis which would follow a bacterial or a viral infection.

This arthritis is generally quite a severe one for a short while and then would disappear within weeks to months. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or JRA is one the most common types of arthritis which would persist for months together to a year for some cases. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is now better known as juvenile arthritis or juvenile arthritis of unknown cause.

In order to manage and minimize the effects of arthritis effectively an early as well as accurate diagnosis is extremely essential. Understand the symptoms of arthritis as well as the characteristics of each of this Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis a person can help the child maintain active as well as productive lifestyles.

As for signs of arthritis the first ones can be quite subtle as well as obvious. These signs may include limping or a sore wrist, finger, or knee. Joints can suddenly swell at times and stay enlarged. The stiffness in the neck, hips and other joints can also possibly take place. The rashes that are there may suddenly appear or even disappear. This may develop in one area and then perhaps in another.

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