Saturday, November 9, 2013

How To Manage Osteoarthritis Effectively And Naturally

Pain from osteoarthritis is something that even the toughest person could not bear. People suffering from this disease would agree that there are a lot of things they have to give up because of this condition. In fact, even ordinary things, such as walking, washing the dishes, running and even standing up, are quite difficult to perform when you have this bone and joint problem.

The key to getting on with your life even when you are suffering from arthritic pain is to know how to manage the disease. If you are not keen into having injections, surgeries and other invasive treatments, then you need to find practical ways to beat this condition.
Here are some tips you need to know:

Have Yourself Checked

The first thing you need to do is to determine what you are suffering from. Not all joint pains are caused by osteoarthritis. Furthermore, there are many other types of arthritis and the approach to managing each type can be different. Thus, it is imperative to have your condition examined and tested by specialists.

Be sure to seek a second opinion if the first doctor that checked you does not take clinical tests and just simply tells you that you have arthritis because you are getting old. Although a lot of elderly people are suffering from joint problems, this does not necessarily mean that osteoarthritis can not affect younger people. One of the best ways to definitively know that you indeed have osteoarthritis is getting a CT-scan of the affected area. This will also help determine the severity of your problem.

Watch Your Weight

Common sense will tell you that adding more pounds to your weight will not help alleviate the pain that you are feeling. In fact, gaining weight can exacerbate your condition. Just like a cracked glass, your joints are already fragile and additional weight could put on too much pressure on them.

Therefore, watching over your weight is crucial in the management of osteoarthritis. If you are already obese or overweight, you have to find safe ways to shed some pounds to help ease the pressure a bit. After losing several pounds, there is a big chance that you will experience a huge improvement in your condition.

Mind What You Eat

If you surf the Net or browse health books, you will realize that the list of foods to avoid can go up to a hundred. Many people give up on paying attention on what they are putting inside their mouths because of the sheer number of foods to avoid.

Actually, you can categorize the items on your to-avoid list to help you remember them better. The number one in your list should be sugar because it can make you gain weight unnecessarily. If the food has a high sugar content, it would be better to just turn your back from it. Too much caffeine and salt in your body could also trigger an arthritic attack, so beware.

Other food items that need to be eliminated or minimized in your diet are soft drinks, red meat, and foods that are loaded with flour and additives.

Don't Just Manage The Pain

What makes osteoarthritis unbearable is the pain, but focusing on the alleviation of such pain is not the only thing you need to pay attention to. Indeed, it is perfectly all right to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs whenever you need them, but being dependent on them can potentially make your situation worse. Some experts believe that these medications inhibit the growth and development of new cartilage and joint tissues.

One effective way to manage this condition is by taking supplements that contain both glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate, substances that have been clinically proven to enhance bone and joint health. A product that contains these two substances on top of other natural-based ingredients is Flexcerin.

Symptoms of Arthritis - Do You Have These Primary Arthritis Symptoms?

What are the primary symptoms of arthritis?

Arthritis is mainly known as acute joint inflammatory disorder. It can also be chronic in nature. As per the reports of Arthritis Foundation, it has been found out that more than 3 million young people suffer from a unique arthritis condition, known as rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis condition is mainly referred to a painful inflammation in the joints, connective tissues and muscles. Adult as well as young arthritis sufferers face very similar arthritis symptoms. Read further to discover some of the commonly found symptoms of arthritis in the arthritis sufferers all over the world.

Major symptoms of arthritis:

1) Extreme joint pain: Numerous arthritis sufferers experience severe joint pain due to their joint inflammation. This pain can last longer in some people while it comes and goes randomly for some sufferers. According to Kids health website, some people may experience their joint pain becomes severe in the early morning or in the late night period. Some adults and young arthritis sufferers can also experience an intermittent joint pain during the arthritis flare-ups which can happen few times in a month or in the years' time period. In order to control this joint pain symptom, one must meet the arthritis medical specialist and get the right anti-inflammatory joint pain medication at the right time.

2) Joint swelling: Most arthritis sufferers also face internal and external joint swelling problems after the joint pain symptoms. This joint swelling is often characterized by the unusual puffiness and enlargement of the joints, tissues and muscles. When you touch these swollen joints, you often feel them to be warm. Skin inflammation and skin redness is also experienced by these arthritis sufferers. Such swelling symptom causes the affected person difficult to move. Your doctor may suggest you to use anti-inflammatory medication in such case. You can also apply ice on such swollen body parts in order to relieve from pain and swelling symptoms.

3) Joint stiffness: After the joint pain and swelling, people suffering from arthritis also experience joint stiffness. According to the reports of Arthritis Foundation, it has been identified that severe arthritis patients often lack in performing adequate physical movements which limits their daily physical activities. They can not participate in sports activities and anything else which demands higher physical activities. In order to keep the joints mobile and flexible, one must practice joint relief exercises such as yoga, meditation, stretching exercises on a daily basis.

4) High fever and headache: People with severe arthritis may experience flu like symptoms. These symptoms include high fever, sore throat, vomiting and headache. Whenever you face such health problems, it is important to consult with an experienced doctor in order to treat your condition.

The above primary symptoms of arthritis are seen in almost every arthritis sufferer. In order to treat your arthritis symptoms, it is essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Such healthy lifestyle includes balanced diet as well as balanced exercise routine on a regular basis. It is also necessary to pay a visit to your doctor on a regular basis and diagnose your condition properly to administer the right arthritis treatment.

Osteoarthritis - What Changes Will I Have to Make to My Lifestyle?

If you or someone you love suffers from arthritis, you (or they) are not alone. Chances are if you have arthritis, you may have osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, or OA, is a progressive degenerative disease which may eventually destroys the joints it affects. It affects over 20 million people in the United States, and becomes more common with age.

With osteoarthritis, the cartilage, or padding between the bones in the joint becomes worn and thin. This causes increased friction between the bones, which in turn leads to a loss of mobility in the joint. It may also cause new bone growths, or bone spurs, to form around the joints. The end result is you have a joint which is painful and does not move as well as it should.

The older you get, the greater your risk of osteoarthritis becomes. If you are overweight, you are greatly increasing your risk of being affected by this form of arthritis. Once OA begins, being overweight will accelerate the ravaging effects of this disease on your joints. Osteoarthritis can also be caused by joint injury, joint overuse, as well as chronic inflammation. Most commonly you will find symptoms of osteoarthritis in your hands, feet, spine, hips, knees and ankles.

Preventing Osteoarthritis

Prevention consists first of incorporating moderate, low intensity physical activity in your daily routine. Activities such as walking, biking, and use of home exercise equipment such as elliptical trainers or stair climbers performed throughout your lifetime has been proven to make a significant impact on preventing OA. Secondly, reducing your body weight decreases the risk of developing OA. Lastly, preventing injuries to the joints commonly affected by OA will improve the chances of avoiding it.

Managing Osteoarthritis

If it is too late for prevention, your greatest hope is managing your osteoarthritis, as there are no known cures for this condition. Management is available several different ways, depending on the contributing factors to your situation. If obesity is a contributing factor, reducing your weight will greatly reduce your pain and help slow the progression of damage within your joints.

There is no magic pill or bullet to help you lose weight. The best way for you to reduce your weight is through eating smaller portion sizes and increasing your physical activity level. A simple way to eat less is to eat 2/3 of your normal portion size. When done so regularly, you will decrease your food intake enough to help you decrease weight. The beauty of it is that you won't struggle with still feeling hungry after every meal.

Selecting more fruits and vegetables will also help you eat less, as they are dense foods - foods which contain a large volume of water. Dense foods fill you up faster and cause you to eat less at each sitting. Dark-colored fruits and vegetables, especially those that are blue or purple, have been found to be very rich in agents called phytochemicals, which are greatly beneficial to your health and well-being.

Physical activity doesn't have to mean exercise. Being physically active means movement more so then hitting the gym and "working out". Perhaps one of the best methods you can use to increase your physical activity is to begin using a pedometer. Keep track of the number of steps you make in a regular day over the course of two weeks. Then work to increase your steps by 3000 per day for the next 60-90 days. Once this new level of activity becomes habit, re-evaluate your level of activity and work to increase your steps again by another 3000 per day. If you really want to make this program work for you, get a friend to walk with you. Having someone hold you accountable is a great way to improve your compliance to any physical activity program.

Doing resistive exercises which target the joints affected by osteoarthritis has also been found to slow the progression of this condition. The key is to do one set of many repetitions at a very low amount of weight. Elastic bands or weights can be used, and you can very slowly increase the resistance over time.

Supplements which help protect the cartilage in the joints can also be very beneficial to arthritis sufferers. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate have been found to benefit the joints. Another supplement, known as SAMe, or S-Adenosyl-methionine, has been found to be a very effective, although more expensive, approach for osteoarthritis.

Relief from the pain of osteoarthritis without the side effects common to prescription medication can be found in topical analgesics that contain menthol, camphor and/or methyl salicylate. There does not appear to be any harm from using these products on a repeated basis, which lends to their strong popularity.

There are over 40 different medications are currently on the market which are commonly prescribed to deal with the effects of arthritis. Finding the one that is right for you can be expensive, frustrating and potentially dangerous. Getting relief from the aching in your joints as well as the muscle soreness that often accompanies stiff, swollen joints can be a daunting challenge.


Osteoarthritis is a challenging condition to treat. Exercise and topical pain relievers are the best non-prescription approaches to managing this disease.

Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Knee Pain - Remedies That Work

This article emphasizes on the natural ways to relieve arthritis knee pain effectively. Knee pain can restrict your movement and can greatly influence your daily life activities.

1. Limiting activities is one way of relieving knee joint pain. Avoid long walks, running or jumping. For instance, instead of stairs, the patient should use an escalator. Excessive exertion can accelerate the damage in already worn out joints.

2. Light aerobic exercises like hamstring set exercises, heel slide, straight leg raise and static hold exercises, knee extension with leg lift, flexion and extension, assisted knee flexion are some exercises that may be practiced at home for relieving knee joint pain.

3. Walking with the support of a cane serves as an effective pain reliever in case of knee arthritis. However while using cane, one should keep in mind to hold the cane in the hand opposite to the leg with the affected knee, and the cane under the guidance of an orthopedic doctor, should be of the appropriate height.

4. Knee braces or ace bandages may be used to give external support to the ailing joint. This helps in checking pain after an activity, and also controls swelling.

5. Reduction in body weight reduces the load on the knee joint. Thus weight reduction is one way of pain reduction.

6. Omega3 fatty acids are essential for mending damaged joints. Sweet water fishes like tuna, salmon, herring, sardines etc are rich in omega3 fatty acids. Also fresh vegetables like broccoli, fruits like banana, grapes and pineapple, flavonoid rich food items can prove beneficial for treating an aching knee.

7. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that have bone boosting properties. Therefore it may be used as a pain relieving means.

8. Cortisone injection for mild arthritis, and Gold injection and methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis are used these days for suppressing knee joint pain.

9. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are helpful in reducing knee pain and swelling. Aspirin is one example of such drug.

10. Glucosamine supplements are capable of restoring and rebuilding cartilages, and are therefore used by countless people all over the world as a remedial measure against knee pain.

11. Ice therapy is a proven means to reduce pain. Ice cube wrapped in fabric may be rubbed on the aching joint to get comfort and relief from pain.

12. Breathable, self-adhesive compression bandages may be used for results. They will prevent fluid accumulation within the knee joint.

13. Elevating knee with the help of pillows can reduce pain and swelling, as it drains away the fluid that could have collected within the knee joint.

14. A warm cozy ambience can ease painful situations.

15. Boswelia and bromelain herbs are clinically proven pain reducing agents.

16. If pain becomes intolerable, and makes the patient gradually move towards disability, knee replacement surgery could be a way out.

Belly Dancing As Arthritis Treatment

Exercise is usually one of the common prescriptions of doctors for patients who are suffering from arthritis. Although joint pain could be persistent during times of movements, it is still highly recommended so as to increase one's threshold of pain while flexing the bones and muscles to reduce stiffness. It is dangerous to stay stationary when you have arthritis. This will only increase swelling and firmness.

There are various forms of physical exercises that helps ease arthritis symptoms. Tai chi, yoga, and water exercises are the usual alternative physical therapies. But to date, another addition is well liked and advised-belly dancing.

Belly dancing is a traditional Middle Eastern dance that emphasizes the belly through hip movements. Although the focus of the dance is on the hips and pelvic area, this dance involves every part of the body, thus a very good way of exercise for the joints. The head, neck, arms, hands, chest, waist, thighs, legs and feet are all moving while dancing.

Important movements that are involved in belly dancing are the following:

Shimmy - is the shimmering vibration of the hips. This is created by moving the knees past each other at haste. Some dancers also use contractions of the thighs. Shoulders can also be shimmered along.

Hip punches - is the basic move in belly dancing. This is done by alternating the weight on the legs and swinging the pelvis to the right and left like creating punches on the hips.

Undulation - is the rotating movements of the chest forward, up, back and down. This creates an impression of riding a camel.

Aside from these basic movements, there are other actions such as swaying of the arms from the shoulders to the fingers like a snake, bending of the back, rotating movements of the head and turning and pointing of the toes.

Since these movements are non-impact and weight-bearing for many joint parts, belly dancing as an arthritis treatment offers numerous significant benefits such as:

Improves joint flexibility
Increases bone strength
Develops muscle strength
Relieves back pain
Improves cardiovascular conditioning
Improves balance and posture
Prevents osteoporosis
Increase elasticity of knees and ankles

Belly dancing is such a brilliant way of finding alternative treatment against joint pain caused by arthritis. Not only it is a form of exercise that brings a lot of health benefits, but it is also very artistic and enjoyable to do.

Arthritis Rheumatism Treatment - What Treatments Are Available?

There seems to be a new arthritis rheumatism treatment introduced to the market every month. While not all of these are effective, some are really helping people to live with a little less pain and discomfort. Rheumatism is now a broad term that is used to describe several different disorders. The more common include osteoarthritis, rheumatic heart disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Oral Medications

The most common characteristic is that these common disorders share is chronic pain. If you remember that, you will soon see why arthritis rheumatism treatment may seem rather complicated. There are several medications available that are used to treat this condition. However, there are also many herbal remedies as well. None steroidal anti inflammatory drugs and paracetamol are the primary arthritis rheumatism treatment. However, the amounts of these drugs that are initially prescribed are usually inadequate and will need to be increased in order to get results.

Herbal Remedies

There are other treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Many of these are herbal remedies that have been used for years to help relieve the pain of several different conditions. Dong quai, ginger, and turmeric all can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis rheumatoid. Treatment is usually done with an oral dose or brewing the herbal remedy in tea. Many people feel these remedies are a terrific alternative to steroids and other medications. However you should never start and herbal remedy treatment program without consulting with your physician. Some of these remedies will interact negatively with other medications.

Physical Therapy

Other treatments include physical therapy. Exercises that help improve range of motion and flexibility will go a long ways towards reducing the chronic pain. You will also want to include cardiovascular exercises. This will help to improve your circulation and give you energy. While not everyone will be able to complete all of the exercises a physical therapist might have, you do need to try them. You may find that after a while, you will be able to complete them.

Don't overdo it when it comes to exercise however. You need to make sure you only go as far as you are comfortable. This is not to say that you won't feel some discomfort, but you should stop when it hurts.

If you are overweight, an exercise program can help you tremendously. The extra weight will put a strain on your joints and muscles. Most people will feel the pain in their feet, hips, and back. If you can lose as little as ten percent of your total body weight, you will be amazed at how much better you will feel.

Final Thoughts

Another important thing to remember about arthritis rheumatism treatment is that not every treatment will work for each and every person. You must be honest with your doctor about which treatments do not work and why. If you are experiencing any side effects with your medication, make sure you tell your doctor about that too. You needed suffer from treatment programs. There are programs to help you, but you may have to go through a few before you find the one that is right for you.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Debilitating Disease Arthritis and the Treatments of Arthritis Symptoms and Anxiety

Inflammation in the bone joints and its associated part is commonly referred as the Arthritis. The term "arthritis" looks in singular number though, it comprises of more than chronic 150 disorders of the rheumatoid disease. All these disorders take the full toll of the human life. Some time it confined the human body from his daily activities. At these points of time people search for the treatment for the arthritis symptoms and the anxiety.

The main symptoms of arthritis are the inflammation of various joints, stiffness, and swelling associated with redness and warmth. Due to all these symptoms people have the restrictive movements for long time. Tenderness of the joints can be present along with the temperature. The many forms of arthritis can involve symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. Symptoms in some patients can also include non-specific fever, weight loss, fatigue and feeling unwell and the patients are bound to have the arthritis best treatment in order to suppressing the pain and inflammation in the joints.

The disease arthritis is commonly of three kinds. These are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and the Gout. There is some more type of arthritis along all these. These are Fibromyalgia, infectious arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lupus.

Osteoarthritis is the most common among all the arthritis that are found among the people. More than 21 million people suffer from the disease Osteoarthritis. The most common reason behind Osteoarthritis is the repetitive movement of a particular organ. Osteoarthritis mainly affects the cartilages. Cartilages provide with the cushion for the bone-joint to avoid friction during the time of the movement. Cartilages are being decayed off by the invasion of the osteoarthritis.

In many cases what happen that a number of childhood injuries may turn into the Osteoarthritis. Low back relief is the major concern for the people who are affected with this. Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects joints in the body. It can involve any joint, but usually concerns hands and weight-bearing joints such as hips, knees, feet and spine.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most deadly among all the arthritis. Generally it is know as the autoimmune disease. With rheumatoid arthritis, the antibodies attack the membranes around the joints that cause swelling, pain and stiffness. In some cases, rheumatoid arthritis can cause deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes inflammation of the sheaths around the tendons, the one that join muscles to bones.

Coping with arthritis and its associated symptoms can be minimized with the proper arthritis vitamin supplements and the dietary changes and the some physical work out.

Arthritis in Cats - A Conquerable Infirmity

The most common way to detect the symptoms of arthritis in cats is when he has difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time. Limping and strolling with a stilted gait are usually the telltale signs that something is definitely wrong. The detection of social apathy, aggression, and withdrawal oftentimes follow suit, although those clues are a bit harder to notice at first glance.

One thing to remember though: For those with arthritis, cat's treatment is not the same as human pain remedies, especially when it comes to arthritis in cats. What may work for humans may actually be harmful to felines, so medication (unless approved and administered by the vet) should be used sparingly.

For arthritis, cat's treatment and prevention may be very simple, such as:

If your cat turns into a fat cat, then he probably does not exercise as much as he should. Regular exercise keeps your feline busy and at the same time, maintains a proper weight.

Speaking of weight (yes, you should keep your cat's weight in check); remember that a plump cat does not necessarily translate to his being healthy. In fact, the heavier the cat, the more strain it puts on the joints, cartilages, and other organs of the body. As with humans, obesity in cats brings a pet owner a long list of medical problems - arthritis, heart failure, and diabetes are the first three to top the list. A well-balanced nutrition can help prevent obesity and the medical conditions that come with it.

Cats may also be given nutritional supplements such as fish oil, chondroitin and glucosamine. For pet owners who deem that natural is the way to go, homeopathic and herbal remedies earn plus points.

Talk with your vet about options. Your vet knows your cat - internally and externally. Also, have a chat with him about your cat's normal weight so you can monitor and do your own cat's weight checks from time to time. For the cat lover, arthritis in cats sounds like a finality, binding the kitty to the world of pain and the unknown. Chronic arthritis is usually lasting, but with proper cat care and nurturing, the pain can be maintained at a tolerable level, enabling your cat to be free from cat joint pain so he can jump onto your lap or onto his favorite shelf to watch the world go by.

Alternative pain management therapies can also be used on pained cats. Massage, feline acupuncture, and chiropractic maneuvers may be used to help alleviate the pain. Cold temperature almost immediately brings excruciating pain, even to the best of cats, so moist heat therapy is a great way to counter cold weather. Often, supplementing your cat's diet with Omega-3 rich supplements will give your cat relief from arthritis in cats. Unfortunately, some supplements containing fish oil, an Omega-3 rich source, are actually offensive to cats. Go figure that one out, but some cats refuse to eat food with just a few drops on it. What you need is something to minimize your cat's pain caused by arthritis in cats that he will take without struggle.

Tips for Horse Arthritis Treatment and Prevention

Arthritis is a common issue when it comes to horses. This might sound surprising to some, but the fact that a horse has joints means it is susceptible to the illness. This is why a lot of enthusiasts have flocked online wanting to know the symptoms as well as the best horse arthritis treatment available.

Before you proceed into fixing the problem, however, it is imperative that you first make sure that there is a problem in the first place. One way you can tell if your horse is suffering from arthritis is observing its movement. Since arthritis is a disease that comes from the cartilage between joints wearing away, the most common part of the body it affects is the knee joints. This means you need to check if your horse is favouring its knees as well as watch out for signs of swelling or stiffness in the mentioned joints.

If you've established that your horse has arthritis, you then need to decide what course of treatment you want to take. One common horse arthritis treatment is exercise. This will help your horse improve its muscle strength as well as its cartilage and joints. Another treatment you can consider is medication. A combination of hyaluronic acid and a corticosteroid can help lessen the swelling of the horse's joints as well as delay additional deterioration. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are also good options. When you decide to go with medication, there will be a need for your horse to take a rest for as short as a week to as long as a few months. The length of time needed for the animal's rest, the diagnosis of its illness, as well as the appropriate treatment should be decided by an equine veterinarian.

As usual, however, the best cure is prevention, and if you're wondering what the best preventive measures are when it comes to horse arthritis, the answer is pretty much the same as with a lot of other illnesses: good diet and exercise. Make sure your horse gets enough workout as this will ensure his bones and joints stay strong. Also invest on health supplements, especially ones that focus on strengthening the joints. You can find different options on different websites, but the best option is still consulting with your veterinarian as you don't want to pick out a supplement online that will turn out to be harmful for your horse.

Arthritis in horses is a serious problem, but not one without a solution. Having your horse checked out and treated by an equine veterinarian is a step in the right direction. Make sure you help out as well by making sure your horse gets the exercise it needs as well as the right food and the supplements necessary. It might not seem like much but taking some preventive measures to help delay the disease can make a huge difference in the health of your beloved horse. It will also be more cost effective in the long run compared to supporting an expensive horse arthritis treatment.

All You Need to Know About Gout

Gout is a type of acute arthritis that can cause severe swelling and pain in the joints.

This condition usually has an effect on the big toe but there are cases wherein the ankle, heel, elbow or wrist may also be affected. Back pain can also be experienced because gout arthritis affects the spine as well. It comes suddenly and eventually goes away after five to seven days. Gout is different from other types of arthritis because the condition happens when levels of uric acid in the blood is high, which results to uric acid crystals that can settle in the joint tissues.

Urate crystals slowly form in the joints as a result of high uric acid levels. Though urate crystals in the joints cause no symptoms for a long time, there are factors that can bring on the signs of symptoms of gout arthritis. These factors include injury of the joints, infection, eating the wrong foods, drinking too much alcohol and surgery.

Common symptoms are tenderness, pain, warmth, swelling and redness of the joints. Usually, gout attack starts in the middle of the night, which involves severe pain. The skin covering the joints may be shiny, dry and red and the condition may come along with mild fever. Though the symptoms may disappear for about a week and may not be experienced for months and even years, gout arthritis attacks can recur more frequently.

Gout arthritis affects an estimate of one million individuals in America and men are more affected by the condition than women. Puberty in men usually causes the levels of uric acid to increase and the symptoms may be seen in their late thirties or early forties of their lives because it usually takes twenty years of hyperuricemia to cause the symptoms of gouts to appear. On the other hand, gout commonly develops on women later in life, which begins in their sixties.

According to experts, as the levels of estrogen fall during the menopause stage, urate crystals can develop in the joints because estrogen is known to be a protection against hyperuricemia. In addition, consuming too much alcohol, excess body weight, taking medications for blood pressure and high levels of serum triglycerides or certain fatty substances can cause high risk of developing gout arthritis and even heart disease.

Most of the time, doctors can determine gout after performing physical examination and knowing the medical history of the patient. Doctors can execute certain tests in order to measure the uric acid levels in the blood. Though normal and even high levels of uric acid do not eliminate the occurrence of gout, the existence of hyperuricemia can increase the risk of developing gout.

Treatments for gout arthritis tends to relieve the pain, avoid future severe attacks and prevent permanent damage to the joints. Aside from taking prescribed pain medications, patients are recommended to rest and increase fluid intake.

Gout can be treated with different medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and nonaspirin. If a person has a kidney disease, it is necessary to avoid taking these drugs for they may aggravate peptic ulcer. In cases wherein nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be taken, most doctors usually prescribe colchicine. However, this medication can cause diarrhea.

Arthritis Treatment: Treating Obesity As a Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis affecting at least 30 million Americans.

It is a disease that affects hyaline cartilage, the tough tissue that covers the ends of long bones. Hyaline cartilage consists of a complicated mixture of proteins, glycogen, and collagen.

OA develops when the cartilage matrix breaks down and begins to fragment. Small fissures called "fibrillations" develop. Over time the fissures become more pronounced as generalized OA progresses.

Unlike localized areas of cartilage damage that can occur as a a result of trauma, e.g., an athletic injury, OA appears to be a more generalized process that involves metabolic dysfunction of cartilage matrix and chondrocytes leading to a condition referred to as joint failure.

Risk factors for OA include injury to the joint, genetics, lifestyle, and age. OA is primarily a condition that affects weight-bearing areas of the skeleton.

As a consequence, excessive weight exerts a negative effect on symptoms of OA. Every extra pound a person carries creates approximately five extra pounds of load that the weight-bearing joint sees. So excessive weight can not only lead to joint damage over time- picture the number of excessive load impacts with every step an obese person takes- but also aggravates any underlying already existing arthritis.

However, that's not all. Recent studies have indicated that adipose tissue- fat cells- manufacture and release inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Since these cytokines are produced by fat cells (adipose cells), they are called adipokines. This would probably explain why people who have OA in the hands, a non-weight-bearing area- tend to have inflammatory changes in the finger joints.

Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in the United States. Airlines are starting to charge double for people who can't sit in one seat. Disney has had to modify their rides to accommodate the wider bottoms of their visitors. The impact on other organ systems and co-morbid conditions has been mentioned previously. These include diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, gout, etc. These also have a deleterious effect on OA.

So, the major point of this article is to stress that obesity is a double whammy for OA. There is the mechanical load that aggravates the disease. Plus, there is the secondary, and possibly more severe, problem of an obese person carrying around a load full of toxic inflammatory proteins in their fat that makes the disease worse.

As a result, weight loss should be considered an integral component of a good treatment program for patients with OA.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Cures-Ask Your Mama If They Work

If you are looking for natural cures for rheumatoid arthritis there are several treatment options for you.

Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a lifelong autoimmune disease distinguished by the inflammation throughout the lining of the joints. This form of arthritis can leave you with long term joint damage. It is this joint damage that deals you days wrought with chronic pain, a battle to regain lost bodily function, and can even leave you facing disability.

Early and aggressive rheumatoid arthritis treatments will leave you with the best chance for more days of remission than flares. Complimentary treatments or natural treatments seem to work best when used in combination with more traditional approaches. This is especially true when you decide to use natural treatments for rheumatoid arthritis in combination with prescription medications created to reduce inflammation and prevent additional joint destruction.

Two of the most common natural cures for RA include the use of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. These medications are thought to be beneficial in the reduction of morning stiffness. Chondroitin sulfate is part of a protein molecule that gives cartilage elasticity and Glucosamine is a type of an amino sugar thought to help with the formulation and repair of cartilage.

Another natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis is Methylsulfonylmethane or MSM. This natural cure works to reduce pain by interrupting the pain impulses that travel along the nerve fibers acting. It can also reduce the pain of arthritis by reducing the inflammation associated with it. Another side benefit is that MSM is thought to pitch in and help with the maintenance and repair of your body's cartilage, which can of course also help to reduce your pain.

If you are fighting with Rheumatoid Arthritis, then you might talk with your physician and see if Physical therapy and Occupational therapy would be a good consideration for you. This easy natural cure can teach you better ways to move in order to work with your diagnosis instead of against it.

Physical therapy is designed to keep you moving. Through movement, physical therapy helps to stimulate the muscles, bones and joints through gentle joint-protecting exercises. It can also help you to increase the amount of flexibility and strength that you have.

Occupational therapy can maximize your independence. The occupational therapist can see where you are stressing your joints unnecessarily and provide you with suggestions or tools with which to accomplish these tasks more easily.

Massage therapy can also be a great way to ease rheumatoid arthritis pain and stiffness. Massages can help ease muscle pain and spasms and increase the body's production of natural painkilling endorphins. But it is important to seek out a qualified massage therapist who is trained to work with rheumatoid arthritis in order to avoid injury or trauma to the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis can leave you with decreased joint mobility and stiffness. It can definitely negatively impact your life. So you need to find the best combination of rheumatoid arthritis treatments that work best for you. It might be that you too find that a combination of traditional therapies as well as natural cures work best for the management of rheumatoid arthritis.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Arthritis Treatment: Seven Myths About Knee Pain Treatment

Knee pain is a common fact one of the most common maladies seen by both rheumatologists as well as orthopedic surgeons.

Like most common medical problems there are several myths circulating about what to do with knee pain.

Myth #1: "Knee pain is something you just walk off..." Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, trying to "walk it off" can cause irreparable damage. Realistically, most people with a significant knee problem will have a great deal of difficulty walking at all.

Myth#2: Unless it's swollen, it's not serious..." Many serious knee problems can cause symptoms other than swelling. For example a ligament problem will cause significant pain yet, the swelling will be minimal.

Myth#3: "Just use a rub or put heat on it..." This is not completely wrong but is not a good idea with acute knee injuries. Ice and rest is what is usually recommended to help reduce swelling and pain.

Myth#4: "You'll need surgery..." Unless the knee problem involves significant internal damage to vital structures inside the knee such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament, torn meniscus, and such, surgery may not be the best approach. For example many types of knee problems such as bursitis, tendonitis, and ligament strains can be managed medically using physical therapy, ice, non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory medicines, and injections of platelet-rich plasma.

Myth#5: "All you need is a cortisone injection..." Corticosteroid injections have their place. For example, with degenerative arthritis, knee pain can be a serious problem. A recent Dutch study showed the prevalence of painful disabling knee osteoarthritis in people over 55 years is 10%, of whom one quarter are severely disabled. (Peat G, McCarney R, Croft P. Ann Rheum Dis 2001;60:91-97). In a situation like that, corticosteroid injections can afford great relief. But no more than three injections per year should be given for arthritis because steroids can lead to further cartilage deterioration. Alternatively, if osteoarthritis is the culprit, lubricant injections, viscosupplements, can be used to relieve pain and improve function.

Myth#6: "You need to see an orthopedic surgeon..." What do surgeons do? Surgeons "surgerize"... they cut. Knee pain should be managed by a rheumatologist unless there is clear cut evidence that damage to internal structures require surgery. This is particularly true when it comes to osteoarthritis of the knee where autologous stem cells, a patient's own stem cells, may forestall the need for knee replacement surgery.

Myth #7: "There are only a couple of causes of knee pain..." There are more than seventeen significant causes of knee pain and they are all managed differently. Examples include bursitis, tendonitis, ligament injuries, Baker's cysts, nerve related pain, referred pain from the hip, medial plica syndrome, and so on and so forth.

Why Do Legs and Ankles Swell Up?

If you notice swelling in your ankles, it's a good idea to find out what the problem is. Injuries, gout and arthritis are fairly common causes, but obesity, pregnancy and circulation problems are also possible. Treatments differ depending on the root cause of the inflammation.

1) Arthritis: Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can attack joints. RA tends to hit small bones, such as those in the hands, wrists, feet and ankles. Osteoarthritis is usually caused by wear and tear. Joints in the hips, knees and ankles are usually affected by it over the course of a lifetime.

RA is best treated by the doctors, as it is an auto-immune disorder. Osteoarthritis can be treated by both a doctor and some home remedies. Topical pain relievers such as capsaicin, willow bark and tea tree oil may be useful, though avoid willow if you are allergic to aspirin. Internally, willow and gotu kola could help.

2) Clots: If the inflammation is only in one joint, it could be the result of a blood clot, also called deep vein thrombosis. This is potentially both life altering and life threatening, and should be treated immediately. If your doctor isn't available, go to urgent care or the emergency room if you suspect a clot.

3) Gout: The buildup of uric acid in your blood stream can lead to crystals that get deposited in your joints. Those of the feet and ankles are usually the first to show signs of it The initial diagnosis should be made by your doctor, and you will probably receive some prescriptions to help control the problem.

Cherry juice may also be suggested, and it is a very good idea. It can help reduce uric acid in the blood and it can help reduce inflammation. Don't use willow bark if you have gout, as it can cause flare ups. It has the same active ingredient as aspirin, which should also be avoided.

4) Infection: Most causes of this condition are of fluid, but that from an infection could be full of pus. Again, it may be only on one ankle, if it is a localized infection. You may need antibiotics to deal with it, and it is important to check with the doctor. Untreated infections can cause a lot of problems, spreading to other parts of the body. Garlic may be helpful internally. Externally, a drawing agent such as baking soda could help.

5) Injury: This is probably the most common cause of inflammation, especially in young people. Sprains, strains and breaks will cause the condition. Treatment depends in part on which type of injury it is, but all of them will respond to RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. Hot wraps may be applied after the first forty-eight hours. You can use a decoction of willow bark and gotu kola for this application.

6) Obesity: Being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the joints, especially from the knees down. This overwork can lead to swelling. Besides losing weight, elevation and ice may be helpful.

7) Pregnancy: If you notice your ankles have gotten larger, call the doctor; two lives are at stake...yours and the babies. This isn't always a sign of pre-eclampsia, but it could be. Only your doctor can diagnose it, and the doctor is the best one to treat it. There are several things that can be done, but all require expert medical attention.

8) Varicose veins: This is also a circulation issue, and it's one most people don't appreciate a lot. Besides swelling and pain, they are unsightly. They can be controlled to a certain extent by wearing compression stockings and keeping your legs and feet propped up. You'll want to avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time, and if you're overweight, dropping the extra pounds will help.

Before you start any new herbal remedy or home treatment, check with your doctor and/or pharmacist. Let them know all the supplements and herbal remedies you are using so they can help you prevent harmful interactions between the herbs and any medications you are taking.

Juicing For Vitamins Can Help With Osteoarthritis

There are actually more than 100 types of arthritis! The most common form is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is caused by the wearing down of cartilage in our joints over time, causing the joints to become stiff and painful. Certain joints are more susceptible to developing this health condition, such as the knees, hips, hands, neck and the lower back. However, every joint can develop osteoarthritis symptoms. The cause of this degenerative joint disease is unclear, though definite risk factors include aging, joint damage/injury, obesity and heredity.

At present there is no known cure for osteoarthritis. However, there are treatments for osteoarthritis joint pain reduction, maintaining joint movement and slowing down the degeneration. These osteoarthritis treatments includes drugs (such as NSAID's and cortisone shots), alternative methods such as acupuncture and the arthritis diet. Here we will focus on some key vitamins which can obtain through juicing.

Vitamin D

A study has found that vitamin D is beneficial for those who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees. The Framingham Osteoarthritis Cohort Study of 1996 suggests that elderly people with a low intake of vitamin D and low blood levels of vitamin D were 3 times as likely to see their osteoarthritis symptoms worsen. Vitamin D is not found in fruits and vegetables, so it is not something we can obtain from juicing. Great food sources includes, fish, eggs and vitamin D fortified orange juice.

Vitamin C

1) Pain Reduction - Several studies have suggested that vitamin C is beneficial as an osteoarthritis treatment for pain. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial was performed on 133 patients. Those that were given 1g of calcium ascorbate per day (containing 898mg vitamins C) had significantly more pain reduction than those given a placebo. Another study also showed that taking 200mg of vitamin C a day reduced the chance of developing osteoarthritis knee pain.

2) Degeneration reduction - Taking 120-200mg of vitamin C per day has been shown to decrease the progression of this disease threefold.

3) Connective tissue and cartilage - Vitamin C is necessary for the production of connective tissue and cartilage and is suggested that it may help with some joint repair.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant for mopping up free radicals that attack all the bodies cells, including the cells in joints. Vitamin E is also a good anti-inflammatory agent for Joint Pain. Many sufferers claim that vitamin E helps reduce their pain.

Juicer Recipes for Osteoarthritis Treatment

The following list of juices will all provide good amounts of vitamins C and E to help provide relief from pain and help slow down degeneration of the joints. Vitamin E is not really found in vegetables. On the other hand vitamins C and E are found in a number of fruit. The recipes below will all be fruit based.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #1 - Berry Bonanza
1 cup of blackberries
1 cup of blueberries

3 kiwis Wash blueberries and blackberries thoroughly. Peel the kiwis. Juice them and then give them a good stir and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #2 - Apple Zing!
3 Apples
1/4 of a lemon

Pick 3 of your favorite tasting apples, peel and core them and remove the stem. Scoop out the flesh from a 1/4 of a lemon, but don't juice the rind as it will taste too sour. Juice and enjoy.

Osteoarthritis Treatment Juicer Recipe #3 - The Subtle Strawberry
1/3 cup of strawberries
1 cup of blueberries
1 apple

Wash and top the strawberries. Wash the blueberries. Peel, core and remove stem from the apple. Juice and enjoy! This one is real tasty.

Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment Of Nail Psoriasis

Nail psoriasis may affect the nail plate, bed (the tissue under the nail), the matrix (the tissue from which the nail grows), the folds, cuticle, and the bones at the end of the fingers. Signs of nail psoriasis vary according to the part of the fingernail affected and the nature of the deformity.

It is rare that a person develops psoriasis only on the finger or toenails and nowhere else on the body. There are 4 general types of nail psoriasis; these changes may occur alone or simultaneously.

They include:

  1. Pitting: A deeply pitted nail caused by the deficiencies in growth due to psoriasis in the nail matrix, characterized by loss of parakeratotic cells from surface of nail plate.

  2. Discoloration of the bed (yellow or yellowish pink) resembling drops of oil under the plate, referred to as an "oil drop" or "salmon patch" caused by psoriasis in the nail bed.

  3. The appearance of a white area separating and lifting from the nail plate, caused by pockets of air where the bed is lifting from the nail bed. This is referred onycholysis, and may be accompanied by inflamed skin around the cuticle.

  4. Crumbling and total loss of the nail due to psoriasis causing weakening of the nail matrix.

Psoriasis of the finger and toenails can resemble other conditions such as chronic fungal infection or inflammation of the nail bed.

Nail Psoriasis Treatments and Preventative measures:

The best treatment for nail psoriasis is proper care of you nails. At this time there is no cure for this disease.

Your goal will be to improve the appearance and the function of your nail. You can do this by keeping your nails trimmed, clean, and filed. If you have fungal infection your doctor will prescribe an OTC (over the counter) anti-fungal medication such as: miconazole (MONISTAT) and clotrimazole (LOTRIMIN, MYCELEX).

Soaking your nails in sea salt bath will moisturize and help thickening nails is also a best practice. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes to not encourage rubbing or irritation.

There are natural ways to treat and cure your psoriasis from the comfort of your home. Preventative maintenance, changing your life style and treating naturally is the real way to take care of and prevent all of the terrible symptoms and debilitating aspects of the psoriasis disease.

Remember this not a skin disease it is an autoimmune disease and you have to cure it from the inside out. Do you really want just a treatment for nail psoriasis or would you rather have you whole body 'Psoriasis Free for Life'?

Practical Prevention of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease caused by gradual wear and tear of joints. Though the exact cause of osteoarthritis is not determined but many factors may contribute to the development of this disease. They include age, sex, hereditary, nerve injury, muscle weakness, obesity or occupation. But there is something which you can do to diminish your risk of getting osteoarthritis.

Practical Prevention of Osteoarthritis:

Keep your weight down: Research suggests that obese people are at risk of osteoarthritis and that weight loss prevents or delays osteoarthritis from occurring. Obese people posses a significant risk of developing osteoarthritis by putting unnecessary strain on the joints. Study shows that people who loose 11 pounds cut their risk of osteoarthritis to half.

Get enough calcium and vitamins C and D: One of the best ways to avoid bone osteoarthritis is the proper intake of vitamins especially calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is the major component of bone, and is therefore crucial to maintain bone density whereas vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium.

Intake of sufficient amount of calcium in diet: Adult should have a daily intake of 1,000-1,500 mg per day through diet and this will reduce the chances of getting osteoarthritis.

Take precautions at work: Researchers have linked osteoarthritis with repetitive tasks and with jobs that involve kneeling or squatting, especially when lifting heavy objects.

Strengthen muscle and joints through exercise: Exercise can help reduce joint pain and stiffness. Light to moderate-intensity physical activity may prevent or delay the process of bone degeneration.

Avoids sports injury: Avoid sport injury by taking proper precaution while playing or doing exercise. Precautions that you should take while exercising include using proper equipment and protective gear; cross training or varying your activities; taking a break if something hurts or you feel tired; and getting prompt care for injuries.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Gelatin is a Natural Remedy For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Is gelatin a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis? Gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis which is safe, has few side effects and it is relatively inexpensive. This article explains how gelatin is used as a simple and safe natural remedy.

Gelatin is a protein containing amino acids that are part of the components of connective tissue including cartilage. The theory if its use is that gelatin can help reduce the swelling that occurs in joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This can thus relieve the pain caused by the swollen joints and therefore gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.

In a Harvard study of patients with long-term rheumatoid arthritis, a heaping tablespoon of gelatin was given to 29 patients daily resulting in arthritis remission within 90 days for 28 out of the 29 patients.

Gelatin can usually be taken safely, rarely causing only a few people upset stomachs. Gelatin is a natural remedy used daily in a dose of one heaping tablespoon mixed into water or juice along with Vitamin C if preferred.

Restaurant food suppliers sell unsweetened gelatin in pound or kilogram (2.2 pounds) quantities which is the most cost effective way to purchase it. One popular brand is Nutra-Joint from the makers of Knox Gelatin. However, unsweetened gelatin, available from your grocery store, may be used just as well.

The daily dose is a heaping tablespoon of gelatin in water or juice. Vitamin C may be added to the gelatin and water mixture.

Gelatin Preparation instructions:

- Fill a glass 1/4 full with cool tap water
- Sprinkle a heaping tbsp. of gelatin on top and let stand 2-3 minutes
- Add 1/4 glass of hot tap water and stir well
- Add another 1/4 glass or more of cool tap water and stir again
- A daily drink of gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis

As gelatin is a substance created from animal bones, skins and connective tissue, it is important to take note of this fact particularly for those patients who do not consume large quantities of red meat, are vegetarians or avoid animal consumption for religious reasons. In these cases, fruit pectin (used to make jams and jellies and commonly sold under the Certo brand name) may be successfully substituted in this daily treatment because gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis-Pain and Food - Choices That Can Help or Hurt!

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the western world, and modern medicine is powerless against it.

What are the options? Are there any other ways than taking painkiller drugs, having lifetime disability or taking risks of joint replacement surgery?

The healing power of foods!

Osteoarthritis is the most common disease. In contrast, rheumatoid arthritis is a disease which can affect your entire body not just the joints. It comes on suddenly attacking the nerve system, skin, lungs, eyes, blood vessels; the joints become swollen, red and feel worm, many times accompanied by fatigue, fever and weight loss.

The keyword here is inflammation! Arthritis is primarily a disease of inflammation and what you eat is critical to your health and healing. You can limit your joint pain increase, your comfort and mobility by eating more foods that have a higher anti-inflammatory effect on your body. There is living proof: Arthritis healing foods, nutritional supplements, exercise routines that will postpone surgical intervention indefinitely. When it comes to food we eat there are certain foods we must include in our diet and there are some we must avoid at all cost.

While there is still no cure for arthritis a holistic plan is the next best thing. Having a positive mind, the right attitude and determination to put some effort in to it will bring happy pain - free days again.

Food and supplements for positive results!

Most people with arthritis are deficient in naturally occurring sulphur compounds that can have many implications. It also means your body isn't regenerating cartilage effectively. A primary contributor to both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are free radicals. Free radicals are known to destroy healthy tissue. We can't escape from them; we can only protect ourselves from further tissue damage.

Those extra arthritis-fighting nutrients can prevent or slow its progression even to the extent to rebuild joints and replace worn-out cartilage. Such foods as grains, some meats, fruits, milk and vegetables etc. are high in sulphur compounds. Glucosamine is a most important substance for all the tissues in our body for replacement and for repairing worn-out cartilage.

Boswellia and curcumin, a compound found in the curry spice turmeric, can reduce inflammation and stiffness, and increase mobility of the joints. These herbs being used for hundreds of years in India. White willow has a painkiller effect which is available ready-made in capsule or tablet form. Also chilli pepper cream will give temporally relief for flare-up on joints. Stinging nettle is mostly found by rivers and streams. It is best to apply the leaves directly to the inflamed areas, also available as cream. Nettles being used over many centuries as in culinary aspect, steamed greens, salads and soups. Nettle is also high in vitamin C and works well as an immune-system booster.

It is fact and be taken into consideration that everyone's body reacts different. No single diet will be right for everyone. You must listen to your own body; foods affect different people differently. Exercises are most important and helpful. No matter how small or how difficult to do, just do them!

Foods to avoid at all cost!

Omega-6 and omega-3 are essential fatty acids, and both are important for good health. Your body can't produce them, so they must come from the diet. They are both essential fatty acids but if you have arthritis too many omega-6 in your diet tend to cause inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids will trigger the inflammation responds in your body, even worse they will diminish the good beneficial omega-3. Because of changes in our food production the ratio in the omega-6 and 3 is no longer correctly balanced as it was years ago. Over processed food and oils have a high omega-6 content causing inflammation and joint pain.

Foods to avoid: Corn and soybean oil, cottonseed, safflower, canola and sunflower oils. Other arthritis and pain activator are: Processed snacks, chips, crackers, granola and energy bars, any deep fried and fast foods, baked goods and cookies, mayonnaise, margarines. Also plants that may aggravate arthritis pain are: Potatoes, tomatoes, chilli peppers, green and red bell peppers as well as products made from hot sauce, ketchup, dried red pepper flakes etc.

By cutting out most of these foods you will find your inflammation and joint pain improving or disappearing. As every day becomes less painful and more enjoyable you will gain pleasure and peace of mind.

There is more information about arthritis, food choices, choosing the best supplement with omega-3 fatty acids and Glucosamine all in one to add to your daily diet, just follow the link below, info is free.

Natural Cure For Arthritis - Prevention Is Still The Best Option

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. Annually, millions of Americans are affected by this malady especially those in their fifties. But recent surveys revealed that some persons in their twenties already have arthritis. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which is a result of erosion and destruction of the cartilage. The cartilage is a tissue that absorbs shocks to the joints caused by injuries, wear and tear, stress, improper nutrition, genetics, metabolic and endocrine factors. Usual symptoms are pain aggravated by movement, stiffness and in worsening cases, sufferers start to have limitations of movement that may lead to disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease: it means that the person's immune system attacks certain tissues in the body particularly the joints and the synovium. Symptoms are red, stiff painful joints and in some cases fever, weight loss and anemia. The triggers are usually infections or injuries.

Arthritis is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the more recent Celecoxibs. Use of these drugs should be minimized because of some controversies involving these drugs and their many side effects, hence more and more patients seek alternative and natural cure.

Proper Diet and Exercise

Most helpful are low impact exercises like walking, swimming and stretching - you can also ask your physical therapist or physician to make a program of exercise designed for your type of arthritis. Healthy diet is important, so try to eat a balanced diet, take lots of vegetables, fruits, fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamins C, E and folic acid. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and tea.

Ultrasound Heat Therapy

This uses an ultrasound machine that produces high energy sound waves directed to the affected joints and muscles. It relieves pain and its effect is medium to short term.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

This is a portable battery operated device that works by sending electrical currents to affected parts of the body. Electrodes are attached to the affected surface and are set in desired duration and intensity of stimulation. Many claim a significant reduction of symptoms and improvement of general well being.

PST (Pulsed Signal Therapy)

When joint tissues are stressed, this creates an electrical signal that causes the body to repair itself. PST works this way - it produces electromagnetic electrical signals at repeated and specific intervals that will in turn activate the body to repair or regenerate. This is usually done at a frequency of nine one-hour sessions.


Diathermy uses electromagnetic heat which is applied to the injured tissues and muscles. Temperature is raised by a high frequency current. It is believed that heat speeds up healing process by increasing blood flow to the injury. Precautions are necessary - for example, it should not be used on wet areas or those with metal objects to avoid risk of burn injury.

Intake of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

These substances are called amino sugars which give elasticity to the cartilage. The recommended amount is 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200 mg of chondroitin sulfate per day for at least 6 to 8 weeks to achieve benefits. Precautions are given to children, pregnant women, diabetics, those taking blood thinners and those with allergies.

An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure

Of course, nothing beats preventive measures to avoid developing crippling Arthritis. One of the most important is to lose weight if you are overweight because extra weight will put more stress to your joints. Intake of antioxidants like Vitamins C and E is recommended because they attack free radicals. There are also studies on the importance of oily fish like salmon, tuna and swordfish.

Regular exercise helps strengthen and make the muscles and joints more flexible to protect them from wear and tear. Simple practical measures include good posture, usage of big joints when lifting and carrying, use of supportive and comfortable shoes, use of protective gears for those in injury prone sports. Minimize job-related induced arthritis like improperly positioned tables and computers.

To de-stress is also a key factor if you are looking for a natural cure for arthritis, as evidence suggests that stress plays an important role in its development, so go on vacation, do some Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi - and lastly, always have a regular check up with your physician.

Horse Joint Supplements: A Solution for Osteoarthritis?

As horses grow older and exercise less, weight gain and natural joint deterioration can lead to osteoarthritis. Eventually horses suffering from osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, can become lame. This doesn't have to be the norm. Keeping a horse flexible and active by using horse joint supplements can do wonders to improve a horse's overall health and quality of life.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms

Recognizing osteoarthritis is an important part of the treatment process. Failing to treat a horse quickly can result in additional damage that can often only be cured by surgery. Horse owners should begin looking for osteoarthritis symptoms when a horse is near 15 years old, or has led an unusually active life that required a lot of conditioning and joint usage. Horses that have experienced injuries can also be at risk.

The first sign of osteoarthritis is a gradually deteriorating performance. A horse will start having trouble doing the most simple activities, or exercises they usually performed with ease. As the condition worsens a horse will start displaying stiffness after they wake up or attempt to walk after standing still for a long period of time. Swelling that does not go away will be the most pronounced sign of osteoarthritis, and if the swelling is hot to the touch a condition more serious than osteoarthritis may be present requiring immediate veterinary attention.

What Joints Are Affected

Often people who are not familiar with, or have limited experience with, horses and their medical conditions believe that a horses knee joints (stifle) are the only joints affected by osteoarthritis. In reality, a horses knees are very rarely affected by osteoarthritis. In reality, the ankles (hacks) are the joints most commonly affected by osteoarthritis along with pastern and coffin joins. This is because of the stress that is caused by athletic training and daily use. Proper shoeing, weight management, and a healthy diet can slow joint deterioration; but even these preventative measures alone are not always enough. Medication will eventually become a necessity as your horse begins experiencing pain and unrelieved swelling.

Why Use Horse Joint Supplements

Anti-inflammatory medications are usually prescribed by veterinarians treating osteoarthritis. The problem with this is the fact that these medications are not usually safe for long-term use. Although prescriptions may provide short-term relief, they do nothing to heal the actual problem. On the other hand, our horse joint supplements are completely safe and deal with the root of the issue.

When combined with a nutritional diet, our horse joint supplements can help prevent osteoarthritis or slow joint deterioration that has already occurred. Horse joint supplements also improve a horse's circulation, which speeds tissue recovery. Most importantly, our horse joint supplements relieve pain, which will allow your horse to remain active during the healing process.

Bottom line? Horse joint supplements can help increase your horse's years of overall health and quality of life. Isn't that what we all want for those who trust us for their care?

Arthritis Pain and Stiffness Eased by Cleansing, Nutrition and Self Acceptance!

Conventional medicine treats arthritis symptoms, not underlying causes, but you can do better than that.

Most doctors consider arthritis to be an autoimmune disease that triggers inflammation, stiffness and pain. There are many variations including tendinitis, rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, lupus, osteoarthritis, and gout. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs focus on treating symptoms, but all drugs have negative side-effects. At the bare minimum, since drugs must be processed by your liver, they'll put a strain on this already overworked organ.

What causes arthritis and can it be helped by natural remedies?

Since the resources of our modern health system have focused on treating symptoms with drugs for so long, no one knows for certain what causes arthritis pain and other symptoms for every person.

However, over the years a body of knowledge has built up that can help ease symptoms naturally and address what appear to be underlying causes.

The best natural remedies start with internal cleansing to remove built-up toxins, with the next step being improved nutrition - eating foods known for their healing effects. The third significant factor, and it could very well be the most important, is to take an honest look at the body-mind connection to your stiffness and pain.

What does 'body-mind connection' mean? There is an important connection between your emotional state and the state of your body's health. Some practitioners believe that a lack of acceptance and love for ourselves is the main factor behind all disease and discomforts.

If you have arthritis, or any condition, ask yourself what was going on in your life in the one to two years before you developed symptoms? Are you open and flexible to considering new ideas, or are you closed and judgmental?

Arthritis has a significant body-mind connection - between how rigidly you view yourself, your life and others and how your body manifests these rigid attitudes in pain and stiffness. Notice what happens as you develop a softer, more accepting opinion of yourself and others and cultivate a more positive outlook on life. If you suffer from osteoarthritis you probably have a tendency to feel victimized and blame others for your unhappiness. Osteoarthritis can indicate that you are feeling unloved and criticized. Instead of looking outside yourself for happiness, love and validation, practice being more loving and accepting of yourself.

If you've had arthritis for years, the contributing factor of a build-up of waste (toxins) in your body's tissues can be removed through nutritional cleansing which, over time, may provide a significant easing of stiffness and pain as your body systems normalize.

Once you've removed toxins through cleansing, you can find noticeable improvement if you practice these 10 healthy eating habits:

*Eat more whole, raw, unprocessed foods.

*Switch to fresh, local, organically grown foods to clear impurities.

*Juice fresh celery and carrots with a few sprigs of fresh parsley and drink daily to neutralize wastes circulating in your system.

*Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties, but take the extract with food to avoid potential heartburn. Dose: 1 tsp fresh root or 1 g. powdered root added to food. Or steep two tbsp. freshly shredded ginger for 15 minutes to make a potent tea.

*Curcumin reduces inflammation and enhances the effects of anti-inflammatory medications. It is the active ingredient in Turmeric, which is used to make curry. Use 1 tsp in your food every day.

*Take a balanced blend of Omega 3-6-9 oils every day to help manage arthritis symptoms. Omega-3 fats from fish and fish oil supplements lower inflammation to reduce joint stiffness. Take 1 g. EPA/DHA oil supplement daily. Increase your consumption of fatty fish and omega-3 eggs. Stop taking the oil two weeks before having surgery.

*Supplement with Vitamin D! A recent study found that women whose diets were highest in vitamin D had the lowest incidence of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D helps balance the immune system. In northern climates between mid-October and the end of March, supplement with 1000 IU daily.

*Colorful berries - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and two other foods - acai berries and cherries act like aspirin in their anti-inflammatory abilities. Eat as many as you want, unless you have a history of kidney stones, in which case, avoid them.

*Eat more fresh pineapple which contains bromelain, a compound with anti-inflammatory properties.

*Take a good quality probiotic supplement to improve your digestive health.

Note: Consult with your doctor if you take blood thinners like warfarin or Coumadin before using ginger, curcumin and Omega 3-6-9 oils daily.

An arthritis-friendly diet avoids these foods:

*Canned salmon and tuna - acids in these foods react with acids in metal

*White rice, milk, dairy products, red meat, caffeine, citrus fruits, paprika, salt, tobacco and everything that contains sugar.

*Nightshade vegetables (peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, white potatoes). These foods contain a substance called solanine, to which some people, particularly those suffering from arthritis, are highly sensitive. Solanine interferes with enzymes in the muscles and may cause pain and discomfort.

*Iron supplements, or a multivitamin containing iron. Iron is suspected of being involved in pain, swelling and joint destruction. Consume iron in foods instead. Good sources include blackstrap molasses, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fish, lima beans and peas.

*Acid-forming foods which damage nerve tissues such as:

* Manmade and processed foods

* White wine

* Coffee

* Orange juice

* White flour

* Animal proteins

Other important strategies for easing or eliminating arthritis:

*Get regular moderate exercise, which is essential for reducing pain and retarding joint deterioration. Regular activity that does not put stress on affected joints, but strengthens surrounding bones, muscles and ligaments is valuable for many types of arthritis. Bicycle riding, walking, Tai Chi and water exercises are good choices. Avoid running, weight-bearing or impact exercises.

*Do an activity you love such as swimming, a hobby or interacting with people who are joyful.

*Learn how to do Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to neutralize energy blocks in your body. Work with an experienced practitioner for maximum benefit.

*Choose and use positive affirmations several times a day. E.g. "I am loved. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love." (From Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life").

*Honor and value yourself by making your well being a priority every day.

*Simplify your life - get your priorities straight.

*Resolve whatever conflict is stealing your energy and enthusiasm for life.

*Look for and accept the lesson from everything that happens to you - 'good' or 'bad'.

*Forgive others for what they did or should have done.

*Most of all forgive yourself.

Lower Back Pain Can Be A Symptom Of Arthritis

Many forms of arthritis can contribute to back pain including rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and osteoarthritis. Arthritis pain is a hard ailment to treat and some types of arthritis, including those that cause back pain, continue to get worse as we age.

Other Symptoms

Back pain is one of the most common and difficult to treat ailments. And many times back pain is directly related to arthritis. The pain can slowly become more and more noticeable with time and be worse in the evening or when trying to relax. Morning stiffness and pain in other parts of the body are other symptoms. Of course back pain can be related to diseases other than arthritis, so a trip to your doctor is definitely warranted.


The treatments for arthritis pain whether in your back, shoulders, neck, knees or hands is basically the same. Heat therapies have always been exceedingly popular, now more than ever. New continuous low level heat therapy has been found to be very effective in reducing pain and increasing flexibility. These heat sources consist of the over-the-counter large bandage type patches containing chemicals that offer up to eight hours of 104 degrees of continuous heat.

Other common treatments include physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid injections and even dietary therapies. Chiropractics and acupuncture are some other very helpful treatments. Pain management techniques for arthritis can be used alone, but most likely will be used in multiples. Some treatments will stop working in time and new methods will have to be found to control pain effectively.


Arthritic back pain can be debilitating and can lead to emotional stress and psychological support may become necessary. A professional therapist should be consulted if serious problems arise.

It may even become necessary to change your profession depending on the type of work that you do and the seriousness of your disease. Back pain, whether arthritis related or not, is the number one cause of disability today. Depend on friends and family members for support and reassurance. Having loving people around you can make all the difference when facing these life-changing decisions.

If you experience any recurring pain in your back or other joints or muscles make an appointment to see your doctor. Back pain is a symptom not a disease and the root of the pain must be discovered before any effective treatment method can be prescribed.

How To Get Relief From Arthritis Using Gelatin?

Arthritis is a degenerative disease which causes pain and inflammation in the joints of the body. There are two main kinds of arthritis, namely rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Till today, researchers have not been able to find the precise cause or cure for arthritis. So, when it comes to arthritis pain and inflammation, people have to resort to different treatment methods. The pain that arthritis sufferers experience can disrupt daily living activities. However, there could be hope in the horizon for arthritic patients. In 2000, a company called Cole compiled a research on food therapies that used gelatin for treating arthritis. The research stated that gelatin could be helpful in reducing the symptoms of arthritis.

Arthritis causes unwanted side effects and most of them are caused due to the medications that doctors prescribe. Several of them are anti-inflammatory medications. These medications lead to ulcers and certain bowel problems. Gelatin has a record of curing such side effects and does not cause any of its own. The National Institutes of Health says that gelatin has been approved by the US FDA as a safe dietary supplement that healthy adults can consume, but it is not approved as a treatment for any health problem, including arthritis.

Gelatin is found in various forms like pills powder and other gelatin forms. When gelatin is ingested, it increases the joint cartilage and this was found in a laboratory test on mice.

It is made from animal collagen using different scientific processes. However, people who are vegetarians may not be able to take gelatin therapy. The gelatin that is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is basically dependent on the availability. Many people find that taking a pill of gelatin has to be carefully administered before they take their food. Most of the gelatin products are animal derivatives.

Gelatin is actually a protein that is used by the entire human body. When a person consumes gelatin, it is converted into collagen. Collagen is the main component that aids in the easing of joints. The amount of collagen in the joints reduces the friction between the bones, and can ease the pain that an arthritic patient experiences. When a person consumes gelatin as a natural dietary supplement, it goes back as a part of collagen to the joints. It is an excellent lubricating agent.

Gelatin pills are available over-the-counter and a bottle may cost anywhere from $5 to $15. However, gelatin can be ingested just once or twice a day. Hence, it is recommended that before a person begins taking gelatin as a way to get relief from arthritis, he/she should first consult their doctor. Also, the person should ensure that the gelatin is sugar-free, as a person suffering from arthritis should not gain weight. Excess weight causes undue strain on the joints.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Herbal Remedies Used For Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease, arising from autoimmune reaction against the joints of the body. It is characterized by symmetric inflammation, swelling, severe pain and ultimately deterioration of the joint's interior. It is most commonly observed in women and the elderly.

To date, no remedy has yet been able to cure the condition. All treatments are directed to relieve pain and restlessness, improve joint function, control the inflammatory reaction and retard the ligament, cartilage and joint deformities. Herbal medication has played quite an aggressive role in achieving all these treatment goals.

Natural treatment of rheumatoid arthritis starts with proper diet management. Avoid certain things like red meat, smoking and coffee that increase inflammatory responses. A certain diet plan may be normal for one, but hyper sensitizing for the others. So, it's all matter of awareness of potential effects of diet on your condition.

Certain foods and herbs have the potential to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Fish oils are the most readily available option for arthritis. Cod liver oil is popularly associated with reducing the pain causing inflammation. Alternative eicosanoids produced from omega-fatty acid reduces cytokines, thus inhibiting the activation of autoimmune response shown by T lymphocytes.

Salicylate, found in Birch, White Willow, Balsam Poplar, Meadowsweet and Black Haw, control severe arthritis symptoms like inflammation, pain and fever. They actually retard the prostaglandins associated with these symptoms. Gugguls is a combination of natural gum resins with anti-inflammatory properties. The natural remedial formula includes Francincense and Myrrh.

Ginger is a commonly available rhizome. Its' regular and continuous use reports relief in pain and swelling. It is effective either as a powder, or in form of ginger tea. Turmeric also bears anti-inflammatory potential. Curcumin, the yellow part of turmeric, is highly effective in combination with pineapple plant extract. Both produce their effect and relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Devils claw root, controls arthritis by means of uric acid expulsion. Dandelion has the same function, with additional feature of strengthening connective tissue. Blueberries and cherries are beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis. These berries are actually rich in flavonoids, with excellent anti oxidizing, anti-inflammatory and collagen stabilizing properties; relieving and strengthening the weakening joint. Other herbs like Bupleuri, Feverfew, and Thunder God Vine and Celery seeds have a positive role in disease control.

The above-mentioned herbs, in a variety of dosages, are used individually as well as in combination with other therapies, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment to Manage the Condition

Although a cure for rheumatoid arthritis has not yet been discovered, rheumatoid arthritis treatment plays an integral part in managing this medical condition. Characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues, this autoimmune disease is a progressive illness that causes a variety of symptoms. These include severe aches and pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, stiffness, and a lack of energy.

Unfortunately the disease develops gradually, so it is not always possible to determine exactly when it began. Some people find that the disease is active constantly, while others show signs of symptoms intermittently. The specific symptoms, and the severity of pain and discomfort, depend entirely on the individual and can be worse if a person is inactive for a long period of time.

The main goal of treating rheumatoid arthritis is to manage the pain, maximize the functioning of joints, and reduce inflammation. The prevention of joint damage and deformity also forms part of treatment. Since the severity of the symptoms varies according to the case, treatment needs to be tailored to the needs of each patient. Generally factors, such as age, occupation, overall health, the types of joints that are inflamed, and whether the disease is active or not, are all taken into consideration when deciding on a course of treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis treatment usually consists of a combination of medications and non-drug therapies. The types of drugs used include anti-inflammatory medications and drugs that promote remission, as well as slow down the progression of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as cortisone and aspirin are used for pain management and to reduce inflammation. Hydroxychloroquine, gold salts, sulfasalazine and methotrexate are commonly used to slow down the progression of joint destruction and promote remission. In cases where joint deformity is severe, surgery may be necessary.

Non-drug therapies include physical therapy and specific exercises to relieve pain and stiffness. Besides reducing inflammation, physical therapy can be used to address particular effects of the disease and preserve the structure of joints. A combination of relaxation techniques, finger splinting, ultrasound, and hot and cold therapies are used to achieve optimal results. A dietary plan is often recommended to ensure patients receive plenty of essential nutrients, especially during periods when there is a loss of appetite. To help with fatigue and restore energy, individuals are encouraged to rest.

In order for rheumatoid arthritis treatment to be successful, a patient needs to work closely with a medical health care provider. Anyone who continuously follows an effective treatment plan designed for their particular case will have a better chance of improvement.

Arthritis Treatment: Nerve-Related Knee Pain and How to Treat It

One of the most perplexing problems a rheumatologist faces is making the diagnosis in a patient who presents with knee pain. There are multiple causes of knee pain including arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, as well as a host of other conditions.

One very common problem that is often overlooked is knee pain occurring as a result of nerve-related pain.

There are three nerves that can be associated with knee pain. The first is the femoral nerve. This is a nerve that runs down the front of the thigh. While rarely a cause of knee pain per se, it can cause pain in the front of the thigh.

The second nerve that sometimes causes pain in the back of the knee is the sciatic nerve. Patients with degenerative arthritis or degenerative disc problems can develop pain that runs from the low back down the back of the leg. What is interesting is that sometimes a patient will have leg pain but no back pain.

The final nerve that can be associated with knee pain is the peroneal nerve. This is a branch of the sciatic nerve and runs along the outside of the leg. Where this nerve becomes an issue is in a patient with a knee replacement. While this situation doesn't occur now very often, in the earlier days of knee replacement surgery, women would sometimes receive knee replacement hardware meant for men.

These replacements would be a bit too large for the joint and what would occur is that the peroneal nerve that runs along the outside of the knee joint would get irritated.

When that happened the patient would have severe pain. The typical scenario is of a woman patient who continues to have knee pain after the joint replacement surgery. She goes to see the orthopedic surgeon who takes x-rays, puts the films up on the view box, and pronounces, "The knee replacement looks perfect!" And the patient would say, "But my knee still hurts..." And the orthopedic surgeon would shrug his shoulders and say, "I don't know why."

The treatment of nerve-related knee pain is dependent on making a correct diagnosis. Usually femoral and sciatic nerve root pain are spine related. So the treatment is aimed at relieving whatever is causing nerve root irritation in the low back.

Peroneal nerve related knee pain, if it's due to irritation from a knee replacement appliance, can be treated with ultrasound guided hydrodissection of the peroneal nerve. What this involves is using a small needle to inject a large amount of fluid in the nerve sheath and moving the peroneal nerve away from the appliance. This often affords long term relief.

In patients where peroneal nerve compression continues and gets worse, there is progressive numbness, tingling, and weakness in the leg. The diagnosis can be confirmed by electrical studies such as electromyography. Patients who don't respond to hydrodissection may require neurosurgical consultation.

Gouty Arthritis Symptoms - A Simple Home Remedy to Eliminate Gouty Symptoms

Gout is often called gouty arthritis because of its tie-up with arthritis. The condition we call gout is actually just one of a hundred or so types of arthritis. It is often looked upon as the most painful of all arthritis conditions and accounts for some 5% of all cases of arthritis.

Gouty arthritis symptoms are typically the following; stiffness, heat, swelling, redness, inflammation and, of course, absolutely agonizing pain. These symptoms can appear in any joint but the vast majority of all gouty arthritis appears in the big toe.

Gouty arthritis symptoms are caused by the build-up of uric acid crystals in the joints and associated tissue. These are needle-like in nature and so trigger the inflammatory symptoms of a gout attack. Crystals usually form as a result of relatively high uric acid levels in the sufferer's blood.

Uric acid is produced in your body as a byproduct of your body's normal metabolizing process. High uric acid can occur when your kidneys aren't able to process excess uric acid in the blood efficiently enough. It can also occur when your body produces too much uric acid for your kidneys to deal with.

Although doctors nearly always prescribe drug-based medication for gouty arthritis, these can have some horrible side effects. Luckily, there are many natural gout remedies that can help you beat gout. In fact, because drugs don't necessarily address the underlying causes of gout, it could be argued that natural remedies are more effective.

One of the most popular and effective home remedies for gouty arthritis is the use of cherries. These have natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make them ideal for reducing inflammation and pain. But they can also reduce uric acid levels, which makes them even more effective in eliminating gout symptoms.

Eat 30 to 40 cherries, every 4 hours, during an attack. Repeat until your symptoms have abated. To try to maintain lower uric acid, continue eating 30 or 40 cherries each day. Alternatively, you can drink natural cherry juice (normal or concentrated) you get from the health food store.

Now, although this home remedy for gouty arthritis symptoms can be very effective, there's a whole lot more you need to do to prevent these attacks in the first place. Did you know that frequent attacks of gout can produce permanent joint damage and kidney problems? And, if you've had just one attack, your risk of more is now much higher.

Types Of Arthritis And Solution

Joint inflammation is known as arthritis and more than 200 various types of arthritis exist that affect young people and old people alike. There can be different reasons for different situations or causes of arthritis and it can affect any part of the body. In this condition, the joints are damaged and it might also affect the tissues of the body as well like heart valves, ligaments and lungs. Usually, the common type of arthritis are psoriatic arthritis, gout and systematic lupus erthematosus or SLE, osteoarthritis or OA, ankylosing spondylitis or AS and rheumatoid arthritis or RA. People who are over 55 years of age are more susceptible to have arthritis.

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is the most common form of arthritis. It is usually seen in old people and is caused due to continuous trauma of the joint. Factors like deformity of a joint like hip dysplasia and abnormal anatomy are some of the reasons of early development of this condition. Other factors can be poor nerve and blood supply, poor nutrition and immobility. Psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are some of the other forms of arthritis that are autoimmune diseases and in this case, the body attacks itself. These are observed more in young people.

Septic arthritis is another type of arthritis which is caused due to infection in joint and it can be bacterial or viral. Gout is another form of arthritis and is a metabolic condition. It is caused due to deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint. This results in inflammation. There is another form of gout which is known as aspseudogout.

Chiropractic treatment works wonders for arthritis patients and their condition. It works hand in hand with other type of medical care as well. Osteoarthritis can be easily treated with the help of chiropractic.

Usually, people take anti-inflammatory medicines for treating osteoarthritis. This is a wrong approach. Using these kinds of medicines might result in impairment of the healing rate of cartilage and can also cause harm to the stomach. This can result in bleeding in the stomach. This specifically happens with people with old age. Chiropractic is a natural method of handling and treating osteoarthritis.

If you get chiropractic treatment along with improvement in diet, laser treatment and regular and gentle exercise, arthritis can be treated. Many people report a great change after receiving chiropractic treatment. So, go consult your chiropractor in case you think you have arthritis.

Best Arthritis Cure

We all know that millions of people suffer from arthritis every year. We see countless ads for the latest super-pill, super-food or super-drink guaranteed to make our arthritis go away. Researchers at prestigious Universities and pharmaceutical giants are spending millions of dollars looking for a silver bullet to cure arthritis. All of us that have suffered with arthritis pain have most likely tried more than one pill touted as an "arthritis cure". Unfortunately the results, if any, are temporary, and we are quickly off to find the next best thing in our battle with arthritis.

As someone who is winning the battle with arthritis and someone who has tried numerous products to keep it in check, I would like to offer you what I believe to be the BEST ARTHRITIS CURE. It is this: the BEST ARTHRITIS CURE is to realize that there is no cure. That's right. Once you learn to understand what arthritis is, you will come to the conclusion that there can never be a cure. You see, arthritis is simply inflammation. Inflammation is a normal part of the biological process of all the cells in our body. It is something we all live with everyday, even those of us who have not been diagnosed with arthritis. The key is to keep the ongoing process of arthritis/inflammation down to a minimum so that it does not cause pain and destruction of our bodies.

Therefore, the BEST ARTHRITIS CURE is to first realize that arthritis/inflammation is an ongoing war within each of our bodies that we must wage battle against on a daily basis. There are numerous weapons you can use to battle arthritis/inflammation on a daily basis. There is an old saying that goes, "It is better to have and not need, then to need and not have." I have personally found that it is better to prepare for each day's battle in this ongoing war with as many weapons as possible.

When I was in my mid 20's I was in such crippling arthritis pain that the last Rheumatologist I saw wanted to put me on a powerful chemotherapy drug called methotrexate. That was one weapon I had the good fortune of never having to use. Today I am pain-free and healthier than I have ever been. I take no prescriptions of any kind and do not use anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or painkillers. Instead I utilize the various weapons in the list below to beat arthritis on a daily basis. What most doctors currently have to offer only masks the symptoms of the inflammatory process, while the destruction of the body continues. Below is my own personal list of weapons that I have used together in a joint and multi-faceted, successful campaign to control the destructive inflammatory process. These have helped allow my body to heal, and regain my vision, which I had almost completely lost.

1. A HEALTHY DIET-- A wise man from Ghana Africa I once had the pleasure of working with told me the following; "In my country we are a slave to hunger. In your country you are a slave to food." It was definitely the case with me.

Unfortunately, most of the diseases we suffer with are either a direct result of what we voluntarily put in our bodies or are made much worse by it. This is especially true when it comes to inflammatory arthritis. This is borne out by numerous successful epidemiological studies. The solution is to view food as either fuel to feed the fire of inflammation in our bodies, or as a way to fight that fire, and nourish and heal our bodies.

My first weapon is a healthy diet loaded with anti-inflammatory foods that are loaded with antioxidants, like fruits, vegetables, seeds and wild caught coldwater ocean fish. Some of my personal favorites include: red and yellow peppers, onions, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, blueberries, grapes, raisins, pumpkin seeds and wild Alaskan salmon. In addition, I avoid foods that are known to cause inflammation in most people. Notice I said avoid, not necessarily eliminate. I must admit I do not have the discipline of Jack LaLanne or Dr. John McDougall, both of whom you can read about in other articles on Best Supplement Guide. I simply will not seek out or choose to eat and drink the following on a regular basis:

1. Dairy products, including cheese, milk and ice cream.

2. Anything with hydrogenated fat. Anything loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol like most of the more flavorful cuts of beef and pork, including burgers, hot dogs and sausage.

In order to rid myself of pain and inflammation I initially tried to stay as close to a vegetarian diet as possible. I first followed Dr. John McDougall's McDougall Plan. Now that I have my inflammation under control I will eat things like lean chicken breast, shrimp on occasion, and once in a great while a cut of beef like filet mignon. I still will not go near pork. Every time I eat pork my inflammation increases tremendously.

Other products I avoid are carbonated beverages like soft drinks, both regular and diet. Carbonated beverages lower the ph of your blood, making it more acidic. This causes a response in your body to try to bring your blood ph closer to neutral. It does this by leaching calcium and phosphorous from your bones. So think about this visual: you drink a soda for lunch, along with eating a big fat juicy burger, making your blood even more acidic. At three in the afternoon you go to the restroom and literally watch yourself pee part of your skeleton down the toilet. That's right: your kidneys will actually pull that calcium and phosphorous from your skeleton out into your urine. But not all of it-you have heard of kidney stones?

No, you are not going to win your daily battle with arthritis/inflammation by simply taking your doctor-prescribed pharmaceutical drug while washing it down with soda and a double cheeseburger. You must be willing to embark on a complete lifestyle change focused on eating and drinking healthy foods.

2. EXERCISE-- Exercise does several important things, including releasing beneficial hormones needed to keep lean muscle mass and burn unwanted fat. If done correctly, it will help you increase mobility and flexibility, which is important in overcoming the stiffness associated with arthritis. I personally do a five-minute slow stretching routine everyday.

I also do a vigorous cardio routine at least three times a week on a no-impact elliptical trainer or bike at a fitness gym. When I say vigorous, I mean I always work up a sweat. (Editors note: Those who experience hip pain should avoid the bicycle and elliptical because of the pressure placed on the hip flexor.)

I feel one of the most important parts of the exercise program to lessen the grip of arthritis is to do light resistance training at least three times a week. Whether you use your own body weight doing push-ups, or knee bends with stretch bands or light weights, it is important to stimulate muscle growth to support your skeleton and help you maintain bone density.

3. REDUCE STRESS-- No matter whether it is your job, a co-worker, a friend, an acquaintance, not knowing how to say no to another volunteer project, or even a family member, if something is causing a considerable amount of stress, figure out a way to reduce it. If that means changing jobs, changing where we live, or severely limiting the time we spend with a stressful person, we must do whatever it takes to reduce the amount of stress in our lives. We can't avoid all stress and we just can't run from the many challenges we all face. But there are times when we allow unnecessary or excessive stress to further bombard our brain and our body. This leads to the release of harmful hormones and the suppression of beneficial biological processes in our bodies that will in turn lead to higher levels of inflammation.

4. SUPPLEMENTATION--The fourth weapon in my arsenal is like a bow with many different types of arrows. They all work together to help weaken the FIRE BREATHING DRAGON inside of me diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. That bow is proper knowledge of supplementation. Armed with that, I continually launch various arrows at the INFLAMMATORY DRAGON on a daily basis, knowing full well that I can never kill it-I can only weaken it until it breathes fire no more.

The following is a list of supplements of which I have found enough supporting research to show that they are beneficial, and have found them especially beneficial for me personally. They all have one thing in common-the ability to reduce inflammation. Many of them contain powerful antioxidant properties to reduce free radical damage at the cellular level.

1. OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS-- Omega-3 fatty acids either from fish oil, flaxseed, algae or krill. There are other sources as well. Just make sure you get the highest amount of DHA and EPA you can for the money, from a quality manufacturer that provides filtered oil, free from contaminants like mercury. Omega-3 fatty acids should be taken daily. They have so many proven health benefits in the human body, especially for your brain, heart and the reducing of inflammation, that they should be regarded as a must in your supplementation program. I prefer to get mine from a quality multi supplement that I have taken for years saving me a considerable amount of money.

2. GLUCOSAMINE-- Numerous studies have proven Glucosamine works better in the long-term treatment of arthritis than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like ibuprofen) and without the bad side effects. It has also been shown to work better when combined with Chondroitin, which is why I prefer to take it in a good joint formula that also includes two other substances shown to improve joint health: Hyaluronic Acid and MSM. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory that is helpful in maintaining proper liver function. Hyaluronic Acid is especially important for maintaining joint health and is what doctors will inject into your knees to provide relief from osteoarthritis. I prefer to take mine together daily, in a joint formula which you can find on Best Supplement Guide titled Best Joint Formula.

3. TRITERPENES-- Triterpenes work to inhibit part of the inflammatory process as it starts. There are various natural substances that contain triterpenes. One of the highest concentrations is found in the Shea nut. Its extracted oil can be found in various products, but the one I prefer is called FlexNow. FlexNow has been proven to reduce inflammation in clinical trials in humans and the manufacturer is so confident in the product they will give you your money back if you are not satisfied.

4. TURMERIC-- Turmeric's active ingredient curcumin is a natural inhibitor of the COX-2 enzyme that triggers inflammation. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years an anti-inflammatory, and has numerous other health related benefits.

5. MILK THISTLE EXTRACT-- Milk thistle extract, with its active ingredients silibin and silymarin, is one of the earliest supplements I started taking on a daily basis. I consider it a high priority for helping to protect the liver and maintain proper liver function. There are numerous studies showing milk thistle's ability to protect the liver and even return diseased liver function back to normal. I prefer to get mine in the form of a good quality multi-formula that I have taken for years in order to save money.

Remember, if your liver fails to function normally, not only will the Fire Breathing Dragon within you go on a rampage, but also the rest of your body will be faced with an immune system that has run amok.

5. GRAPE SKIN AND GRAPE SEED EXTRACT-- Both of these contain polyphenols, which are powerful, free radical neutralizers with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to protect the DNA within our cells. Both are well researched and have led to further research supporting the benefits of the extract known as Resveratrol, which is now being studied as an anti-aging formula. If purchased separately the price can vary greatly and be quite expensive, which is why I prefer to get it in the multi formula I take.


All natural D-alpha tocopherol vitamin E-a fat-soluble antioxidant

Vitamin C-a water-soluble antioxidant

Alpha Lipoic Acid-a powerful antioxidant capable of recycling vitamin E and vitamin C

Green tea extract


Co enzyme Q 10

Acetyl L Carnitine

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

I hope you are able to use some of the information in this article to weaken the Fire Breathing Dragon within you and experience all the benefits of living a life free of pain.