Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Understanding Arthritis in German Shepherds

There is no question about it; one of the most popular breeds of dogs is that of a German Shepherd. German Shepherds are known for their intelligence, their loyalty to their families as well as their protective nature. Many people would agree that German Shepherds are a top choice for family pets on many levels. With their high level of intelligence, German Shepherds have become a top pick for highly active jobs such as being police dogs.

As with many other large breeds, German Shepherds are prone to a variety of medical and health conditions as they age. Routine vet exams are vital at all stages of your dog's life and they do become increasing more important as your dog ages. Some of the most common health conditions that German Shepherds are prone to include cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, eye problems, heart disorders and varying forms of arthritis. Arthritis can become extremely painful, and in some cases debilitating for your dog. Knowing the signs and symptoms of this painful medical condition can help you to catch this early and get your dog the proper treatment that they need.

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis in German Shepherds

While German Shepherds may be prone to arthritis, maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with being active helps to decrease the chance of developing this painful condition. Obesity in German Shepherds seems to be one of the leading causes for the development of arthritis as well as many other medical conditions. Keep your dog active and make sure to walk your dog on a daily basis. Ensure that your pet has an area to run around in and help to keep the weight off. Just like people, dogs need regular exercise to stay in good health.

Aside from obesity, the following is a list of signs and symptoms that your German Shepherd may be developing arthritis:

- Increased difficulty getting up

- Dragging or weakness in the rear legs

- Back end of the dog begins to sway

- Decreased energy level

- Criss-Crossing of rear legs

- Attempting to walk on their knuckles instead of feet

- Whimpers when getting up after lying down for an extended period of time

- Overall lack of mobility

As the arthritis gets worse, so do the symptoms. German Shepherds who have been suffering with arthritis for a long period of time may also begin to lose control of their bowels and develop bed from lack of movement. No German Shepherd, or any dog for that matter, should have to suffer with this debilitating medical condition and there are treatments available.

Treatment for Arthritis in German Shepherds

While it can be heartbreaking to watch your dog suffer in pain there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Today, there are various forms of treatment that are available. The scope of treatment will vary from case to case but more often than not, the treatment will begin with pain management for your dog. Generally speaking inflammation of the joints, pain and discomfort can be managed with anti inflammatory medication. It is critical to have your vet do a through exam as soon as you suspect that your best friend may be suffering from arthritis.

There are various forms of medications that are on the market today, some by prescription only, but a safe, effective alternative is glucosamine supplements. Make sure to read the labels of the products and only choose brands that use the highest quality of ingredients. Spend a little time doing some research or speak with your vet about the top choices of medications for your dog.

One of the leaders in the glucosamine supplements industry is Synflex Liquid Glucosamine. This liquid glucosamine supplement has shown to alleviate pain in large breed dogs and has tons of customer product reviews to back up their claims. By reducing the inflammation and swelling in painful joints, Synflex will help restore your dog's quality of life. Only the highest quality ingredients are used in Synflex and you'll feel safe giving your pet this treatment daily.

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