Saturday, March 2, 2013

Facts About a Chronic Disease - Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis which literally means inflammation of the joints refers to at least 100 different rheumatic diseases. It is one of the most chronic diseases of the nation. Rheumatoid arthritis is a major form of this medical condition which has an unknown etiology. It is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the synovial joints which often results in severe joint destruction. The peripheral joints are most often affected especially those in the hands.

Most patients initially experience morning stiffness which is a mobility problem just like what is felt when hit with zap stun guns. fatigue, weight loss, fever, and muscle wasting. On physical assessment, joints are warm, tender and swollen. Movement is guarded and range of motion is decreased. Characteristically, joint involvement is bilateral and polyarticular, with the hand most often affected. The thoracic spine and lumbar spine are rarely involved.

Extra-articular manifestations include anemia and rheumatoid nodules. The nodules are painless, movable, and skin-colored. They are located over the elbows, extensor arm surfaces, knees, knuckles and heels. Synovial cysts and carpal tunnel syndrome are other manifestations. In later stages of rheumatoid arthritis, characteristic deformity, such as lateral deviation of the joints in the hands become obvious. Ulnar deviation is also present in which the hands turn outward toward the ulna and the fingers are flexed and turned laterally at the metacarpophlangeal joints.

The diagnostic studies for this kind of condition are shown in X-rays wherein during the early stages periarticular soft tissue swelling and osteoporosis are revealed. As the disease progresses, X-rays reveal narrowing of joint spaces and ankylosis. Various laboratory tests that are helpful include ESR and rheumatoid factor.

There is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis however it can be managed. The management objectives are reduction of inflammation and pain to preserve joint motion, maintain muscle strength, and prevent secondary stiffness and deformity. The basic medical management includes rest, exercise, heat or cold therapy, splinting, positioning, drug therapy, a well-balanced diet, correction of anemia, and removal of sources of infection. When conservative therapy is ineffective, surgical intervention to restore function may include arthroplasty or joint replacement.

Each patient must be assessed to determine the extent of the disease and the implications for the needs of the person affected to plan the care. Psychological support is provided to the patient since many of them undergo a period of denial or grieving over loss of full mobility. Encouraging care of the self and concentrating on what the patient can do help to prevent a negative self image.

If you or someone in your household is experiencing this kind of health problem, it is better to seek for prompt management so that the pain of arthritis will not be felt at a full blast. The pain is more like stun gun effects on the body and you would not want to experience this kind of feeling. With proper management and knowledge of the clinical condition, you can prevent any painful attacks with the help of medications and you can take care of yourself at home.

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