Friday, March 22, 2013

Juvenile Arthritis: A Simple Solution Hiding In Plain Sight

The high incidence of juvenile arthritis - also referred to as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis - in technologically advanced countries should not come as a surprise. When you take into account the abnormally high percentage of acid foods and beverages our children consume daily, as they mimic the unhealthy dietary habits of adults and their peers, it is little wonder that they are frequently smitten with what used to be considered a disease of the elderly.

You are probably aware of the symptoms of this disorder and it's a good bet you know a child or two stricken with it. Swelling and tenderness of joints, pain and stiffness, sour stomach and excess flatulence. These are the telltale signs that arthritis may have set up camp in a child's young body. Are we dealing with a rogue bacterial or viral strain that causes juvenile arthritis? Could it instead be the inheritance of a poor genetic structure? Perhaps if we drill a bit deeper we may discover the real cause and what I know to be on point - poor dietary habits since childbirth. This may not be the case for every child under the age of sixteen stricken with juvenile arthritis, but it certainly holds true for the great majority of children who are handicapped with this terrible rheumatic ailment.

The unhealthy physiological condition that allows for the development of juvenile arthritis usually begins to take root back when the mother started feeding carbohydrates and solid food to the child before the first set of teeth came in. This can be anywhere from twelve to twenty-four months. Those cute and sensitive little teeth are nature's seal of approval that the baby is ready to begin eating solid food - carbohydrates in particular.

The current fad of foregoing breast-feeding during this critical period of a child's development and substituting it with incompatible baby formulas, solid food and acidic juices wreaks havoc with a child's intestinal flora - a.k.a. friendly bacteria. Combine this with the child's inability to digest carbohydrates efficiently due to a conspicuous lack of enzymes for that important function, and you have the makings of a fertile and highly acidic breeding ground for arthritis to develop and flourish. When a child starts down a path that will inevitably lead to rheumatic disease states, such as arthritis, the one certain measure that I have seen stop and reverse a child's forward motion is a healthy diet.

Quite a number of health professionals feel strongly that inherited genetic tendencies play a major role in the development of rheumatic disorders. My research and experience reveal that although these inherited genetic tendencies cannot be lightly dismissed, they are nothing more than tendencies that need not see the light of day.

A sensible diet should form the basis of any intelligent protocol engineered to arrest, control and begin the process of reversing and recovering from juvenile arthritis. Such a diet should frequently consist of liquid or powdered whole food-derived vitamin, mineral and protein supplements; chlorella; raw sub-acid fruit; raw salad-type vegetables; steamed vegetables; raw seed and nut milks; raw vegetable juice; fresh raw milk and clabbered or soured milk products, like kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese. Add one whole grain food item and one major serving of protein daily and you will soon notice a marked difference, for the better, in the child's physical health, behavior, emotional life and general wellbeing.

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