Wednesday, May 1, 2013

More Natural Herbal Remedies For Arthritis - Understanding How to Get Rid of Arthritis

Here are some more natural herbal remedies for Arthritis to help you understand how to get rid of Arthritis.

A few drops of rosemary oil added to a massage oil (sunflower will do) in the palm of the hand and rubbed onto the painful area may give temporary relief. Other essential oils to try are benzoin, camomile, cypress, sage, juniper, lemon or thyme. Wintergreen or arnica ointments may also help. Avoid rosemary if you have high blood pressure.

In spring and summer, gather daisies into bunches and bind the stems together with string. Hang them upside down in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. When they are quite dry, break off the heads into a dry clean container and discard the stems. To make a daisy tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one teaspoonful of dried daisy heads or three teaspoonfuls of fresh daisy heads and steep for ten minutes. Drink the daisy tea four times daily for relief from arthritis, rheumatism, summer coughs, to soothe diarrhoea and as a tonic for the liver.

Sulfur is found in all living organisms and has had some remarkable results with a number of diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Recently, it has come to light that we need more sulfur than calcium in our diet, and that a deficiency leads to stiff and painful joints. It is used to make collagen, the primary component of cartilage and connective tissue in bones, joints and skin. It is also in keratin, the tough substance in nails and hair. A lack of sulfur will lead to prematurely sagging and wrinkled skin. Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) is available in health food stores.

Garlic milk is known to benefit rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Pour 500 ml milk into a saucepan with a quarter teaspoon of salt. Cut a whole unpeeled bulb of garlic in half, horizontally. Add the entire bulb and peel to the pan and simmer for approximately 15 minutes. Allow to stand for one minute before straining through a sieve. Squeeze the softened garlic through into the milk and stir. Discard the garlic skins. Sip through the day, or take a cupful morning and evening. Do not store overnight.

Boswellin (Boswellia Serrata) is an Ayurvedic remedy for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and joint inflammation. Figures quoted by a study of 175 sufferers say that 14 per cent rated it as excellent. 53 per cent found it was good, while 30 per cent said it was fair. Improvement is felt in two to four weeks.

Alkalising tea 37,5 ml celery seed; 37,5 ml chopped nettle; 37,5 ml elderflowers; 37,5 ml yarrow; 37,5 ml dandelion root; 5 ml cayenne pepper. Using fresh herbs in a pot, add 3l of cold water, heat and boil for 5 minutes. Cool slowly, add pepper and refrigerate. Drink three cups of the heated (not boiled) tea per day for two weeks.

That's all this time on more natural herbal remedies for arthritis.

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