Saturday, May 25, 2013

Some Tips for Living With Arthritis

If you have arthritis, it can be a disheartening experience living with the discomfort and pain that the condition can cause. However, countless people across the UK are living with the effects of arthritis on a daily basis and are able to lead full and active lifestyles, simply by finding new ways to keep their minds and bodies active and stimulated.

If you have just been diagnosed with the condition, there is no need to feel like you are on your own and that there is nothing you can do. On the contrary, there are whole groups dedicated to learning how to live comfortably with arthritis. Below are just a couple of things which you might like to try that could give you some ideas of how to enjoy yourself whilst improving your health.

Interestingly, the simple act of listening to music has been said to reduce arthritis pain. It may seem like a minor step to take, but research has found that classical music in particular can have tangible results, with the natural relaxing nature of the melodies helping to increase relaxation and lift depression, which are both causes of chronic pain related to arthritis.

Even changing what you eat and drink as a snack can help to improve your condition. Vitamin C has been shown to be an excellent way of reducing both the cause and the progress of osteoarthritis, with oranges and orange juice being the easiest and most effective way of attaining this source. An additional bonus of eating oranges is that they are also a good source of folic acid. This beneficial acid can ensure that the side effects of the arthritis drug methotrexate are kept to a minimum.

There are some tactics for dealing with arthritis which might really take you by surprise. One of these is changing your footwear; unfortunately, it can be the case that tight-fitting, fashionable shoes can be detrimental to your comfort, reduce circulation and generally be an unwelcome complication to the condition you are already living with.

Finally, when it comes to alternative therapies, you may be taken aback to learn that prayer has been revealed to be the most popular choice with arthritis sufferers. Although worship and faith shouldn't be used as like-for-like substitutes for medication, research has indicated that belief in a higher spiritual power can make people feel better, both emotionally and physically, and that is a useful part of any healing process.

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