Thursday, June 20, 2013

Osteoarthritis in Horses

Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is a progressive loss of joint cartilage. It represents the last stage of many arthritic conditions in horses. Examples of other arthritic conditions where osteoarthritis is the last phase are traumatic arthritis (which involves the synovial membrane and joint capsule), fractures of the joint, damage to the cartilage caused by trauma, osteochondritis dissecans, cysts beneath the cartilage, and infective arthritis. Lameness is one of the heartbreaking consequences of osteoarthritis in horses.  

There may be varying degrees of excess fluid in the joint, an abnormal thickening and scarring of the membranes, as well as limited/restricted motion in the affected joints. When viewing the involved joints through an x-ray or bone scan a decreased joint space is seen as well as bony outgrowth, inflammation of the muscles or tendons, and a hardening and thickening of the tissue below the cartilage.When osteoarthritis in horses is less severe, a viewing device (endoscope) is used to determine the severity of joint damage.  

The prognosis for osteoarthritis in horses is not particularly rosy with treatment often being limited to reducing joint pain and stiffness. Drug therapy is often used for pain relief. The most widely used pain relief drugs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ketoprofen, firocoxib, and phenylbutazone. A physical therapist specializing in horses may be helpful in specific cases to improve joint mobility. When osteoarthritis has advanced to a certain point surgery may be performed on the affected joints. Some horses return to athletic soundness after surgical fusion of the pastern or tarsal joints. For very valuable animals, the fetlocks may be surgically fused, making he horse comfortable and capable of breeding.  

In summary, the joints of horses are amazingly durable but over time they simply wear out. While there are a few good options for treating osteoarthritis in horses some horse owners are opting for natural alternatives containing vitamins and minerals. These supplemental treatments work with your horse's body to help rebuild joint cartilage and restore joint health naturally and may be a treatment option worth considering.

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