Sunday, July 21, 2013

Best Fish Oil Sources

By now, you may have already heard of the benefits of omega-3 fats - they protect your heart health, fight off depression, ease arthritis pain, and prevent vision loss in the elderly. Studies show that a deficiency in the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are related to many modern psychological maladies and chronic illnesses. Furthermore, treating these conditions with omega-3 supplements was found to be as effective as conventional approaches. In the wake of these findings, many consumers are scrambling to find the best fish oil sources on the market. But did you know that not all fish deliver the same amounts of omega-3 fats?

Omega-3 fatty acids are derived from two sources - from plants like walnuts and flaxseed, and from deep sea fatty fish. However, each source yields a different type of omega-3 fat. Plant sources contain alpha linolenic acid (ALA), the "parent" of all omega-3 fatty acids. When consumed, the body converts ALA into EPA and DHA, the two types of omega-3 fat that are most useful to the body. It may seem like a more efficient idea to use ALA sources, but the problem here is that the conversion is actually a lengthy, difficult process that requires a lot of nutrients. The average person is usually deficient in the necessary nutrients required for the conversion. Additionally, the amount of ALA consumed won't necessarily translate to the same amounts DHA and EPA; 11 grams of flaxseed oil only yields about 1 gram of EPA.

On the other hand, deep sea fatty fish like salmon, tuna, halibut, and mackerel provide DHA and EPA from the seaweed smaller fish they eat, which in turn obtain the omega-3 fats from seaweed. Each type of omega-3 fat brings different benefits. DHA makes up 60% of the brain's structure, the neuron membranes, and the structure of the eyes; for these reasons, DHA is the most important fat for pregnant women, the elderly, and those suffering from depression. EPA is also found from deep sea fish, but its effects benefit the immune, cardiac, and circulatory system. Research shows that those deficient in EPA are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, skin disease, and intestinal inflammations. That's because EPA produces prostaglandins, a family of substances that reduces inflammation, prevents blood clotting, and lowers triglyceride levels.

Obtaining your omega-3 fats from fish oil supplements is the best way to get the benefits you need. However, not all supplements are created equal, either. The deep sea fish species mentioned above are likely to contain mercury because they live longer and feed on smaller fish, who are also contaminated with ocean pollutants. A better source of fish oil is those made from anchovies and other small fish, because their shorter life spans make them accumulate fewer toxins than fish that live longer.

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