Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Feline Arthritis Symptoms - Help For Cat Hip and Joint Pain

Feline arthritis symptoms like limping up stairs or refusing to jump up on the couch without your help are painful to accept. Knowing that you cat hurts is something you want to fix. Here's some tips on how to help him.

Arthritis is not a friendly disease and it's one of the more common ones that hit middle to older aged cats. Feline arthritis symptoms develop in many of the same places humans deal with the disease, which is wherever there are joints - elbows, knees and hips.

There isn't a cure for arthritis in cats. You can, however do a lot to help your buddy live comfortably, even pain-free for the rest of its life. But the faster the symptoms are noticed, the sooner the arthritis can be treated.

This is why it's important to be aware of your cat and know its regular routine. The speed with which you're able to pick up on feline arthritis symptoms will only help you in the long run. While some of the signs are more gradual and can be the cause of something else, it's good to get them checked out or at least mentioned when your cat has its regular veterinarian visit.

One symptom that may be noticed before others is limited motion. When a cat has developed painful joints, he might suddenly start doing things a little differently. For one, he might totally avoid the stairs or start taking short hops so there's less stress on its joints. He will most likely move slower than normal, or it won't be as quick to jump up to its scratching post or favorite place to watch the activity of the day.

Limping might become more noticeable on a gradual level, unless you know your pet well enough to notice every detail. It will be worse in the morning or right after the cat has been napping. The limp will decrease as the day goes on, as activity helps stiff joints. It is sometimes more noticeable during cold and damp weather.

The other feline arthritis symptoms tend to relate to moods. It's probably because of the cat's inability to do the many things it was accustomed to. A cat's mood will normally change if it isn't feeling well or it's in pain. This means if a cat is struggling with arthritis, it's not uncommon for it to become depressed or irritable. It may also not want to be touched, because the brushing or petting hurts it.

If nothing is done about your cat's arthritis, then your cat is only going to become more and more lethargic and moody. He's going to sleep more than normal. There may even be an appetite decrease because depression has set in or because it isn't moving around as much. The reason is everything is painful and every movement hurts.

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