Thursday, September 26, 2013

Control Arthritis through Diet

It is a universally accepted fact that arthritis does not have a medical cure. However, it can be controlled with alternative medicine methods such as yoga, herbal treatment and a close watch on the diet. Yes, your diet can make a great impact on the way arthritis is manifested in your body.

The diet control is aimed at checking the build-up of toxins and acid waste that usually accumulates in the body when a person has a high-calorie diet. Ideally, the diet of an arthritis patient should not exceed 2000 calories. The best would be to consume a fair amount of fruits, vegetables and proteins minimizing the intake of carbohydrates to the maximum extent possible.

Foods You Should Include In The Diet

Reports show that people suffering from arthritis benefit greatly from drinking the juice extracted from green leafy vegetables. For an extra edge, a little beetroot and/or carrot juice might also be added here. Several studies show that an alkaline reaction is triggered in the body owing to the intake of such raw juices, which eliminates the negative deposits around the joints.

Fruit juice is yet another highly recommended food input for arthritis patients, with special emphasis on pineapple. This is because pineapple consists of a unique ingredient by the name of bromelain, which directly impacts the inflammation caused by arthritis. Other fruits that control arthritis are melons, bananas, citrus fruits, apples and apricots.

Garlic, which is also a very effective anti-inflammatory agent, may be incorporated into the day-to-day diet either in raw form or as capsules of the arthritis patients to control both infection and inflammation. A little known fact is that garlic has some great analgesic properties as well and hence, it is as an added benefit against this crippling disease.

Finding Alternatives

Indigenous medicine advises arthritis patients to consume regular doses of juice extracted from potatoes diluted with water in a fifty-fifty ratio. In order for this remedy to be effective, it is important that the potatoes be organically grown and unpeeled when used for this purpose. The juice should be drunk in small measures (say one cup) every morning on an empty stomach.

Since alkaline foods are highly beneficial in the effort to combat the worst symptoms and manifestations of this disease, the arthritis patient would also profit from consuming alfalfa seeds tea. The recommended dosage would be approximately six to seven cups spread over 24 hours, for best results. In a very short while, this diet would show visible results, much to the delight of the afflicted person and their dear ones.

It is important to lean here that Vitamins A & D are vital for the body to cleanse it from infection. In this context, the arthritis patients would do well if they concentrate on the fact that their body might be starved of these two vitamins. Vitamin D can be obtained through exposure to the sun, since a chemical reaction would release Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to direct sun.

Several studies have pointed to the fact that certain foods aggravate the condition of the arthritis patient. Hence, it is important to avoid consuming all preserved meats, all kinds of cheese, meat stock, coffee, salad dressing, chocolate and candy among many others.

With a little care and the right diet, the arthritis patient would be able to keep a tight check on this disease and in the process live a normal life like any other non-afflicted person.

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