Thursday, October 24, 2013

Can Gin Soaked Raisins Help Treat Arthritis?

When it comes to home remedies for arthritis, the most unusual but the most talked about natural treatment must be the gin soaked raisins. A lot of people swear to the healing properties of this remedy for arthritis. To prepare it, you need a bottle of gin and a handful of golden raisins. Put the raisins in a bowl. Pour enough gin to cover the raisins. Let the mixture stand, up until the gin had evaporated. This could take a week or so. Keep the moist raisins in a clean jar and cover it with a tight lid. Arthritis patients are required to eat nine raisins everyday for best effects. Holistic medicine experts say that these raisins are the perfect addition to your daily cereal.

This remedy does sound simple and strange. Does it really work? Well, there is only one way to find out. And that is to try it. As of yet, there is no scientific evidence that this remedy can work for you. But if you're a little desperate about your condition and have tried every single remedy for chronic arthritis found in the books but are still crippled with the problem, it is best that you go ahead and try this treatment therapy. After all, raisins are good for the body. It has lots of antioxidants that can help restore the cell's working ability.

The gin soaked raisin remedy for arthritis started when Paul Harvey spoke of it in his radio show. And since his show is very popular, the word spread rampantly and a lot of people started to try it. Basing on the groups of people who attested to the beneficial results of the combination, gin soaked raisin had slowly crept its way to folklore and natural remedy books, magazine, and feature articles. Right now, there are many gin soaked raisin recipes and preparation variations coupled with persuasive testimonials of the people who say that the remedy does work.

Well, it is best that the nutritional and beneficial values of raisin and gin combined are taken into consideration before fully attesting to their effectiveness. The impressive testimonials of the people who had tried the remedy are simply not enough to convince science.

It's a good thing that raisins does have good natural elements in it that proves to be helpful. Golden raisins and white raisins both contain sulphides or sulfur that can help relieve arthritis pain. The sulfur in raisins is obtained when fresh grapes start to slowly dry out. The drying process is assisted by the sulfur dioxide gas.

Raisins are rich in natural chemicals as well, which has both anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects. The pain relieving properties of raisins should be enough to treat the most common illnesses associated with pain and swelling.

Gin, on the other hand, is generally made up of juniper berries. Juniper is the main ingredient of gins that give it its flavor. It comes from evergreens and conifer plants found in North America and Europe. Juniper berries are rich in terpenes and Vitamin C. History indicates that these berries have been used since the Middle Ages. The folks of long ago use juniper berries as a medicine to treat swelling because of its effective anti-inflammatory properties.

However, the gin soaked raisin remedy for arthritis could be effective due to the placebo effect. Placebos are medicines that don't possess any medicinal value but are given to patients anyway to condition themselves of treatment. There are times that the mind has to be programmed to believe that a medicine is really effective for it to work. The same is true with the gin soaked raisin formula. Some people must be bent on the idea that the remedy really works that's why for them, it does. When the mind believes strongly on a medicine, the body's natural pain and disease mediators come into play. Their number gets heightened. Hence, the disease gets cured.

If you're really decided on the gin soaked raisin remedy for arthritis, there is no harm in trying it. But then again, you have to tell your doctor about it first. It pays to be guided by a medical expert when it comes to matters of the health. Your doctor should be able to warn you about any effects of this remedy on you, if any. And that's because doctors have your full medical record and they would know of your allergies and possible unnatural reactions to certain foods and food items.

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