Sunday, December 15, 2013

Arthritis in Dogs - Natural Dog Pain Relief

It's really bizarre, the number of animals suffering from 'people' type disease like arthritis in dogs. To see some poor dog limping around, (and it's happening in younger ones) is something most of us cannot bear to watch.

It's true that it's more common in the larger breeds and in particular the purebreds, but I have to say even smaller dogs have arthritis pain. As for the purebreds, I believe that the genetic manipulation which is prevalent in their lines may cause expression of various desired traits like coat color, structure, behavior etc., but at the expense of heartier, sturdy genetics resulting in chronic ailments coming out which in nature, they would not.

Arthr (joint) itis (inflammation) is as it's root words indicate, an inflammation in the joints, particularly the weight bearing ones. Commonly, dog arthritis pain occurs in the hips and ankle joints.

The normal joint is the meeting of two bones which are lined with a pad of cartilage and bathed in a nutrient rich liquid called synovial fluid. In arthritis, the fluid starts to dry up, the cartilage thins and as this gets worse and worse the two bones end up rubbing together creating bone destruction and crippling pain.

Obviously, your dog can't tell you about their joint look for symptoms or indications such as:

1) Favoring one leg
2) Difficulty getting up and/or laying down.
3) Sleeping more
4) Avoiding or hesitating when you want to go for a walk, especially when they loved it before
5) Weight gain
6) Disposition changes, especially more cranky or aggressive
7) Being less alert or bright

Don't forget that inflammation in one area of the body, will predispose to inflammatory problems throughout, such as Diabetes, Heart problems, Skin disorders, etc.

Glucosamine For Dogs and Other Natural Solutions For Dogs With Arthritis

First and foremost, do NOT give your dog any Ibruprofen or Tylenol-type medications! They are extremely toxic to animals and just far too risky. Besides, they solve nothing. Your dog is not suffering from joint pain and arthritis because they lack acetominophen or ibruprophen!

The best anti-inflammatory for dogs is in their food. And they key to avoiding arthritis in dogs is to feed them naturally, chemical free food from day one.

Commercial pet food is filled with dye, chemical flavor enhancers, preservatives and that doesn't even mention the quality of the 'protein'. That can be from dead, diseased animals, chicken feathers, beaks and feet. It's really very disgusting.

I was fortunate enough to find a book by a Vet who had lost his dear pet to these types of foods and according to him the typical medications he was trained to use in college. Dr. Jones admitted that approach is wrong.

Combine that information with the use natural arthritis cures such as glucosamine for dogs, homeopathics like Rhus Tox for stiffness, Ruta Grav for acutual joint pain and Belladonna for that really hot, sore joint.

Arthritis in dogs can be treated successfully and changes in your dog's diet will save them from other chronic diseases, leaving them to live happy healthy lives.

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